• Published 30th Jul 2018
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Off The Mark - Goldfur

Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?

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Chapter 89 - Royal Command Performance #2

Anyone who has ever organized an event knows how much time and effort goes into planning and executing one. Therefore, expecting somebody to put together an impromptu festival to be held the next day would be a ridiculous concept. That is unless you had met Twilight Sparkle. I don’t know how much sleep she got that night, but by the next morning, she had Canterlot buzzing with activity. Of course, most of the populace had heard about the return of the Royal Sisters by then. With everypony fired up to celebrate their return, it wasn’t hard to persuade them to throw in a lot of effort into making it happen.

And so, right at noon after Trixie and I had closed Court for the day, we joined the Princess of Friendship on the stage erected in the City Square. Stalls decorated with bunting and streamers were selling food and souvenirs, the latter most likely dug out of storage… hopefully not the former.

There was even a marching band and the Ponytones entertaining the growing crowd. Fluttershy’s deep, melodic voice carried out over the throng. I was so glad to see her case of stage jitters completely under control. That made me wonder if Zecora put something extra in the Poison Joke extract potion to help the shy mare relax. I caught Rarity’s eye after her performance and she trotted over.

After kissing me, she said, “Isn’t this exciting?!”

“It sure is. I wasn’t expecting to see you and your group though.”

“Oh, darling! How could we stay away? Even Big Macintosh had no trouble taking the time to be with us due to helping Applejack bring their wares to Canterlot and setting up a stall.”

“Kill two birds with one stone – makes sense. How’s the foal? Giving you any problem?” I asked as I caressed her growing belly.

“None whatsoever. I admit that my fears about her interfering with my work have so far been unfounded.”

“Just don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it in the future. I want only the best for both of you.”

“I know you do, dear. Don’t fret so much. Fluttershy has also offered a helping hoof when I get more gravid.”

“She has? That’s odd. I don’t think she was so forward when Twilight was pregnant.”

“To be honest, I think she still harbors some guilt over what she did to you and this is her way of making amends.”

I considered that thought and realized that it was something that Element of Kindness would likely do despite me forgiving her ages ago. “Well, I guess her knowledge of sewing would make her a particularly apt assistant. Still, royal resources will be available when required.”

“That is months away yet. Of more immediate concern is whether you are prepared for our next fashion show tonight.”

I blinked. “Wait. Isn’t that supposed to be next weekend?”

“Darling, the outfits are ready and we have the perfect excuse to move up the schedule. A Royal Command Performance, shall we say?” She gave me a sly grin.

I stared at her, my eyes growing wider. “You want me to show off those outfits in front of Celestia herself?”

“You know that has always been my dream. We both know you look absolutely wonderful in them, so why wouldn’t you want to show them off for the Princess?”

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how right she was. However, that didn’t help the case of nerves that had descended upon me. I hadn’t felt this flustered since the first time I strutted the catwalk.

The rest of the afternoon was a bit of a blur because I was so distracted. I was aware that Trixie had gotten up on the stage and made a stirring speech, although I don’t think I could recall a single word of it. The Royal Sisters flew in from the castle, landing with a flourish. Together, they yelled their greeting in the Royal Canterlot Voice – 'We love you all!' The applause, hoofstomps, and cheers lasted for many minutes. Then the band started playing and… well… somehow I ended up back at the castle with a plush toy of Trixie on my back and carrying half a dozen apple turnovers in my magic. I think it must have been Twilight who jerked me back to reality.

“What did you say?” I asked.

Twilight turned to me with that manic smile of hers that she gets when she has one of her brilliant ideas. “I said, ‘Let's invite Chrysalis to the fashion show’.”

I blinked and stared. “Why would we do that?”

“As part of socializing and friendship lessons, of course. Oh, I forgot to tell you, but now that their existence is out in the open, every changeling queen and several princesses want to meet the Royal Sisters. They’ll all be here before the show starts. Carpacia said she’s been looking forward to this day for over a century. Just think of the bonds of friendship that will be forged tonight!” As always, Twilight positively beamed when talking about her favorite subject matter.

My co-ruler sighed. “Back on topic. How can we expect Chrysalis to feel accepted if we don’t allow her to participate in the activities of her peers?”

“And what do you think Celestia is going to think about that? Not to mention how I feel about having the bug queen mocking me!”

“How do you know that she will do that?” Twilight challenged.

I didn’t, but that didn’t stop it from feeling weird. I turned to Rarity as my last hope. “What do you think, Rares?”

My herdmate looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well… I admit that I am not enthused at the thought, but it would be remiss of me to overlook getting the viewpoint of another changeling queen. Come to think of it, perhaps her opinions might inspire a new line of fashions to suit changeling royalty.”

I stared, betrayed. She was supposed to rescue her stallion! Now I was truly stuck. I sighed. “I give up. Chrysalis can come – if you can persuade her.” The way my luck was running, the changeling queen was probably a closet fashionista too.

As much as I enjoy strutting my stuff on the catwalk, the truth of the matter is that being a fashion model is hard work. The many periods of intense emotional focus and physical activity always left me worn out by the end of the fashion show. That made the after-party my favorite time of the entire day.

The Element Bearers and more changeling and pony royalty than I had ever seen in one place milled around the Canterlot Castle banquet room. Wide swaths of fabric draped across the ceiling, alternating between the purple of Rarity’s mane and the sapphire blue of her cutie mark. The lady of the hour was holding forth on the far side of the chamber. She waxed lyrical about the fine points of her Spring Collection to Queen Carpacia and the Red Hive princesses. Secretly, I suspected the changeling royals were there to soak up the freely given love my herdmate gave off when discussing her passion.

As always, Pinkie Pie bounced around the party, double-checking that everybeing was staying at the appropriate level of Pinkie-scale happiness. The Element of Laughter had suggested that Rarity’s Spring Fashion Royal Rollout Blowout (her words, not Rarity’s) be a crownless affair. All the various queens, princesses plus the odd prince or king were instructed to arrive without their royal finery and just mingle like equals for the show and after-party. Rarity had added the proviso that a fashion show was still a business affair and foals were not allowed to attend.

As for me, I had remained in my long-maned Marklestia form since the fashion show and hadn’t bothered to remove the cutie-mark patches applied to my flanks. They weren’t getting in the way while I lounged against my wife who insisted on pampering me with champagne and the occasional hors d’oeuvres. I luxuriated in her embrace and wasn’t about to argue, given how infrequently this happened.

Trixie said, “You’ve worked hard today, Dowser. Let Twilight worry about entertaining the guests. After all, that is why Trixie invited her to become a co-ruler of Equestria.”

I snorted and looked up into Trixie’s eyes from where my head lay against her chest. “Is that the only reason?”

My wife shrugged. “As good a reason as any other.” She leaned her head down and we shared a kiss.

When our lips parted, I gave my wife her just due. “I don’t think the show would have been as good without you providing those marvelous backdrops for me to work in. Your illusion magic has certainly kicked up a couple of notches since you gained your wings.”

“Trixie has been working hard on her Great and Powerful skills. She is destined to be an alicorn too, one day,” she replied with her usual utter confidence.

“I have no doubts at all about that,” I replied with a proud smile.

A cheer went up, drawing our attention to the doorway. Luna pranced toward us, smiling and nodding to those who had acknowledged her. She settled down next to the real Celestia, who was nursing a tall mug of something Pinkie called “butterbeer”. According to the party pony, Discord had brought the recipe back from one of the more nonsensical dimensions he had visited during his quest to find the Royal Sisters.

Just like the original Solar Alicorn model, I found the sugary rum-infused drink to be delightful. My current state of relaxation might have had something to do with the drinking contest Celestia and I were goaded into. We had stood up, crossed forelegs, then downed mug after mug of butterbeer. After four rounds ended in a dead heat, the fifth resulted in a stumble and a crash of flailing limbs. Worst of all, beer was spilled, even if it was just butterbeer. I will swear to my dying day that Celestia was the one who lost her balance first.

I pricked my ears. “So I understand you had an eventful evening, Luna?”

“Bwa, ha, ha! The most entertaining in ages! And I have thee and Lady Rarity to thank for that. Permit me to retell how it began...”

I walked down the hallway in the lowest level of the dungeon, head held high. Mine escort of four guardsponies and two mages scanning their eyes and horns in all directions. Soon, I came to my destination and turned to face the cell’s occupant. Chrysalis was lying down, knitting the longest scarf I had beheld in my considerable lifetime. The queen’s head jerked upwards in apparent surprise, her eyes wide and ears perked forward. As I had hoped, she had not been informed of the return of myself or my sister.

At my nod, the unicorn guard on my right dropped the magic fields in the doorway. I said, “I believe 'tis traditional for thou to walk to our destination.”

Chrysalis shuddered and took a deep breath. She opened her mouth as if to say something, then appeared to change her mind. Slowly, she stood, carefully laying her knitting needles onto the floor as to not disturb her work. The prisoner strode by my side until we reached the Castle Theater, neither of us saying a word. The jailers waited outside as Chrysalis and I entered through a doorway below and to the left of the stage. Numerous voices and the sounds of carpentry emanated behind the deep red curtain.

I turned to face Chrysalis. “I believe thou already knowest the changeling queens and princesses, the Element Bearers, as well as Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor.” Indeed, all turned to face us. Many showed differing levels of hostility. I smiled at the blinking queen. “Well, no more dilly-dallying, as they say. Come hither.” I trotted up the aisle toward the upper rows of orchestra seating. The mezzanine and balcony were empty.

My companion didn’t move. “Wait… what? … Why is everybeing here?”

I stopped and turned around. “Lady Rarity is presenting her Spring Line and she hath arranged for a Royal Opening Show! Twilight pointed out most sensibly that we cannot have it without every royal, now can we? We get to see these latest fashions before all others. Verily, is that not exciting?” At her continued open-mouthed stare, I said, “Why? What didst thou thinkest the event would be?”

“I…” she shook her head. “Never mind.”

“Come along then! Tia loves to sit further to the rear of the theater and thou shalt sit between us.” Chrysalis stumbled a bit as she started forward. Because she seemed to be distracted just putting one hoof in front of the other, it fell to me to wave to the various attendees. I whispered in the queen’s ear. “Thy responsibility is to inform me of my sister’s emotions at all times.”

Celestia stared levelly at my plus one as I practically shoved the queen into the seat between us. Slowly, my sister turned to face forward again, though one eye stayed fixed on Chrysalis.

I jolted the queen out of her stupor. The fake smile and ears splayed on her head were unbecoming of her station. I arched an eyebrow. “Well?”

Chrysalis put on a most unconvincing smile. “Suspicious and unfriendly.”

“Hmm, I suppose that doth stands to reason.” Then I smirked and motioned toward the stage. “That will change once the show begins.”

After a brief silence, Chrysalis found her voice again. “Just so I understand, why is it that I don't feel hate radiating off of you?”

I could only presume she meant in comparison to many of the other attendees. Still, I scoffed. “Pshaw. Hate the only other mare to survive two attempts to take over Equestria? Unlikely. I choose to believe we have both paid for our missteps and became the wiser for it.” Then I frowned. “Why are there not boiled peanuts being handed out? I require sustenance. Or better yet, roses and rotten fruit. How can the audience convey their admiration or scorn without the proper projectiles?

The lights dimmed and everybeing migrated to their seats. Princess Diadem strode up to the center of the stage, entering the glare of a single spotlight. She looked most impressive in her black suit, black tie, and starched white shirt.

“Changelings, ponies, honored guests all. Today is a special day. For this day, you shall be transported away from your cares and into the world of fashion. All things are possible in this realm of the imagination. Consider, if you will, how the life of every alicorn is like a jewel. Each day, each lifetime a facet forever turning – forever showing you a new aspect previously unseen. Come! Delight in these lives of the alicorn by day! Experience the Spring Gale Line by Rarity!”

The changeling princess spread her wings and zoomed upwards into the stage rigging. In a moment, she was lost among the spotlights and girders. A peppy orchestral number started up, the sound carrying from wooden boxes lining the walls of the theater. The curtain pulled back, revealing a screen of frosted glass spread across half the stage. Lighting from behind showed the silhouette of my sister but dressed in apparel unfamiliar to me. When the music reached the second refrain, Mark Wells in his Celestial form trotted out from behind the screen and posed.

As more lights illuminated the stage, the screen faded away. Instead, I beheld a stone walkway surrounded by flowering bushes. A breeze blew Marklestia’s mane and tail to the side, revealing a sharp but exquisitely feminine suit of faint stripes. Jeweled slippers and a pendant completed the look. She bounced down the catwalk that split the first twenty rows of theater seating. Spotlights illuminated her as she strode the length, flashing her winning smile first one direction then the next. Light applause and an appreciative buzzing rolled through the audience.


I turned to look at Chrysalis. She continued. “That Celestia is supremely confident and pleased with the adulation directed her way.” Chrysalis then inclined her head toward my sister. “This one is more than a bit scandalized but can't hide her pleasure all the same.”

Luna grinned as she looked around. By this point, the remaining conversations had died out and the Night Alicorn had everyone’s undivided attention. “The changeling queen and I leaned closer and closer to each other as we enjoyed the show. Trixie’s flawless scenery illusions exquisitely highlighted each fashion bringing out another aspect of my sister. Aspects that no pony beside myself had beheld since our youth: coquettish, imperial, rebellious. Chrysalis praised the emotional content of the production as well. Mark inhabited each role with vigor and conviction. I was assured all emotivores found the event doubly entertaining as a result.”

Murmuring from all around me along with head nods and smiles emphasized the point. I felt a warm spot in my chest… or perhaps that was the result of Trixie idly rubbing my coat there.

Luna cocked an eyebrow at her sister, who tried to shrink down and hide behind her mug of butterbeer – without any degree of success. “Each fashion trotted out made my dear sister slightly abashed at the intrusion into her life but much more gratified by the adoration she received from the audience, even by proxy. Who wouldn't be pleased with having their beauty revealed to others? Why, by the time the curtain fell on the first line of fashions, my dear sister was positively smug.”

The dark alicorn’s smile turned nasty. I was almost certain I saw a hint of fangs. “After the intermission, the real show started.”

Again, the bedlam past the red curtain had died down. Princess Diadem strode up to the center of the stage.

“Most revered audience, it is because of you that these creations exist. Thank you for the patronage of your attention. We can only hope that this day will live on in your memories, for it is there that true immortality lies.” With a large flourish, the changeling princess bowed.

Just before the silence became uncomfortable, the whispers of a steady beat filled the air. Slowly, it rose in volume. Diadem stood tall again and raised her voice to be heard above the pulsing rhythm. I recognized the music of the Ponyville musician Pony DJ Pon 3. This was one of her more energetic songs.

Diadem began swaying her hips to the beat. “Alicorns are beings of great passion. For every foray into the responsibilities of the day, there is another into the pleasures of the night.” She raised her wings and her voice. “Gentlebeings! I present to you, the Sharp Lance Line from Rarity!”

That got mine attention. Next to me, Chrysalis exclaimed, “Both of you have the same mix of pleasure, scandal, and excitement? Who is this ‘Sharp Lance’?”

Before I could answer, Diadem had again escaped to the rafters and the curtain pulled back… to reveal a side of my sister that I, without question, had never beheld.

The black straps certainly looked like leather from this distance, making the ensemble even more shocking. Add that to the salacious look Marklestia shot our way and I couldn’t hold back a gasp, hearing the same mere inches away. Somehow, Chrysalis and I ended up with our forelegs wrapped around each other. A glance showed the changeling queen wore the same wide-eyed, open-mouthed grin that was doubtless plastered on my face. As for my sister, her eyes were even bigger and pink was spreading rapidly across her cheeks.

Marklestia showed off every aspect of my sister’s body much to the delight of the whooping and hollering crowd. To be honest, I know Celestia hath not that level of coordination or the ability to take over a stage with such a display of raw sexiness.

Soon, Chrysalis and I were jumping up and down like best friends at a stallion’s club. The queen yelled out, “I have a bit! I have a bit!” but there is no way her voice carried over the deep bass beat of the music.

The fun continued throughout the show with Marklestia flaunting imaginatively daring designs that I had never perceived even in the wildest imaginations of ponies’ dreams. My sister’s increasing mortification and envy, as confirmed by my plus one, lasted until the final fashion of the night.

The lighting fell until there was but a single spotlight on the stage and the outfit was strutted out by a changeling who was definitely not in Celestia’s form.

Black velvet leggings and corsets hugged the body of my doppelganger on stage. Deep purple highlights defined the edges of the fabric and thus my form. Hoof slippers and a choker constructed of silver filigree accented with amethysts completed the ensemble. I was quite certain I never wiggled my backside in the manner of this copy of myself that strode confidently out onto the catwalk. I stammered a bit, quite at a loss for words. This time, 'twas Chrysalis and my sister’s turn to hold each other upright as they laughed themselves silly at my stupor.

Luna sighed. “Turnabout is fair play, I admit. Still, all things come to an end. After the curtain call, I traveled with our resident changeling queen back down to her dungeon cell. We compared notes about our favorite pieces. I inquired about the existence of changeling fashions. Chrysalis objected that such an endeavor would be pointless since changelings could assume any shape. I countered that unless Chrysalis had the fashion sense of Lady Rarity, a disguised changeling’s effect on stallions and mares would never be as strong as it could be. She conceded the point. Ultimately, both of us hummed the opening song to the second part of the fashion show.”

“I held out a hoof to stop Chrysalis from entering her cell. I said, ‘Forsooth, thou cannot pretend to me that thou didst not enjoy the festivities of today. There is a path thou canst choose to follow that doth not end in this dungeon. All of Equestria and Equus awaits thee. Methinks thou canst make that transition.’ At the queen’s unyielding expression, I decided to make one more appeal. ‘Is pride so important that thou must continue into this cell forevermore?’ ”

“Chrysalis’ expression hardened for a moment, then she looked at me with a glint in her eye. Her smile showed off her fangs. ‘Ah, Your Highness – do not assume I am only motivated by pride’. ”

“She walked regally back into her cell, settled down, and again picked up her knitting.”

Luna forcefully levitated the nearly full mug away from her sister. When it arrived in the night alicorn’s hoof, she downed the contents faster than either Celestia or I had managed.

She belched loudly then smiled. “Now then. Enough about my day. 'Tis now evening and I insist that we party!”

Cheers erupted from all around me and several mugs and glasses lifted in the air. I rolled back onto my hooves and stood up. The Mistress of the Night had given an order and I was not one to disobey!

Trixie had been particularly amorous that evening, more than the stimulation of the fashion show could be responsible for. The reason why was quite obvious now that I knew better than to ignore the signs – one of the minor heats had come around. With all the hints about foals that she had been making lately, I would not be surprised if she declared that tonight was the night to do something about it. While I wasn’t sure if having another child already was a good idea, Trixie was the one who got to make the final decision. I was just along for the ride, so to speak.

During intermissions of our lovemaking, my wife insisted I give her pole dancing shows. Thanks to the two weeks of lessons taught by professional dance-ponies, Carousel and Petina, my Celestial form never failed to restore my wife’s libido. My stallion form, however, did not have anything close to that level of dexterity and muscle control. That allowed me to play up the pratfalls and over-the-top sultry looks, both of which reduced Trixie to howls of laughter.

The next night, Penny walked with us to our suite, as usual, prior to going off-duty. I was about to bid her goodnight before entering the bedroom but she spoke up.

“Beg pardon, Your Highnesses, but may I have a word with both of you in private?”

I raised an eyebrow but Trixie merely nodded and said, “Come inside, Lieutenant Penumbra.” She dismissed her own bodyguard, Sergeant Thunderbolt, with Royal Guards taking over the protective duties.

After I shut the door behind us, I asked, “Okay, what’s bugging you, Penny?”

“The same thing that’s bothering Princess Trixie at the moment. I’m in heat too and it’s time you fulfilled your promise to sire a foal in me.”

“Oh. Right.” I was momentarily nonplussed but Trixie giggled at my reaction. My dear wife was determined to milk this moment to the end. However, I had a slight twist to add.

“Y’know, you still haven’t brought Lightning Strike to meet me. You’d think that your special somepony would be interested in having a little bit of interaction with the sire of her future foal.”

Penny’s expression was uncertain and she looked down at her shuffling hooves. “Yeah, well, while Strike was more than pleased with my choice of stud, she didn’t want to presume on any familiarity with one of the Triarchs.”

“She certainly doesn’t,” I agreed affably, “And she was quite surprised to find out that she was in a relationship with you.”

Penny’s head jerked up and her eyes went wide for a moment. “Oh. You’ve met her,” the bat pony said with a nervous smile.

“Yep. Your drinking buddy is quite the nice mare,” I said with a grin. “Very fun-loving lesbian and dedicated single. Definitely not ready for a foal either.”

Penny wilted a little but said nothing.

I turned my expression serious. “Time to fess up. Why the charade?”

The bat pony sighed. “I knew you would say no if I didn’t have a mate.”

“You might be right, but whatever happened to Maximum Lift? You never explained why you two broke up.”

“We had irreconcilable differences over ideas about our future. I wanted the security of a herd while Maxie wanted nothing to do with a stallion beyond a casual acquaintance.”

“But she’s had a foal now – did she just settle for stud service?”

“Yeah. I don’t even know who with.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted me to do?”

Penny shook her head. “Maxie is a pure lesbian. To her, a male was an obligatory compromise to conceive a foal. Me? I have a sexual preference for mares, but it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t like the occasional roll in the hay with a stallion. Even you,” she added with a hint of her usual snarkiness.

“Trixie is not surprised,” my wife said with a smirk. “She thought so from the day you applied to be Park Yells’ bodyguard.”

“Thanks a lot, Lulu.” I turned back to Penny. “So, why did you ask me to just be your stud if you wanted to mate into a herd?”

Penny sighed. “If you must know, it’s because I have no prospects for a herd at the moment but I want a foal now. I know that you, with your bizarre otherworldly ideas, would want to take an interest in any foal you sired. And, because I work with you almost every day, I would be able to share her with you as she grew up. Plus, as your bodyguard, I would still play the role of protecting my stallion as any good herd-mare should.”

The reversal of gender roles was never so blatant as this. I had learned that both Trixie and Rarity were expected to protect me rather than the other way around. Any additional mares joining the herd would be obligated to do the same by this society’s values. It felt weird but I could understand why considering the relative shortage of stallions. “So, what you’re saying is that you were aiming to get the benefits of a herd without officially being in a herd.”

She hung her head. “Yeah, I suppose that’s what I was doing. I’m sorry.”

I sighed. “I wish you had been honest with me. I can’t accept that, Penny.”

“I understand. I’ll take my leave now, sir.” Penny turned towards the door.

“Trixie thinks you don’t understand at all.”

Penny paused and looked back with a small frown. “What do you mean, Your Highness?”

“You asked us, specifically me, the wrong question.”

I regarded my wife with a lifted eyebrow. She merely smiled and nodded.

“What question?” Penny asked, obviously confused.

“You know the answer to that. Now be off with you two – the Great and Wise Trixie needs her beauty sleep.” The smug blue pegacorn then kissed me and headed off to the bathroom to prepare for the night.

“Goodnight, love,” I said before I started for the door to our chambers. As I opened it, Penny spoke up.

“What did Princess Trixie mean? She was as confusing as you, and that takes effort.”

“She meant that you don’t know me as well as you think you do. Come on – you can figure it out as we go to my room.” I gave a nod to Trixie’s Guards as we passed. Thestral Night Guards would be along soon to relieve them. I then headed up the hall towards my suite.

Once we were out of earshot, Penny asked, “Is this another one of those ‘think like a hee-you-man’ mysteries? Okay, I give up.”

“I’ll give you a clue. I’ll keep my promise to sire a foal for you, but only if you raise her or him in the security of a herd.”

She frowned. “But I told you that I don’t have any prospects for joining a herd.”

I chuckled. “So, I finally found your blind spot. Yes, you do.” A minute later, we reached my room and one of the Royal Guards stationed there opened the door for me. “After you,” I said to Penny with a sweep of my hoof.


I just raised an eyebrow and waited.

She rolled her eyes and went inside. I gave the Guard a wink and followed Penumbra, closing the door firmly behind me.

“What now?” Penny queried. “Twenty questions? OK, I’ll start. Have you hit your head against a hard surface recently?”

“No. Now, you need to ask the right question,” I replied as I took off my vest and crown.

“Argh! Why must you be so obtuse? I swear you’re worse than Zecora! And you can’t even rhyme!”

“It took me a while to learn most of the social rules for ponies. Even if they’ve sent me into a spin occasionally, I’ve come to understand them. I’m sure about this one – you’re the one who has to ask.”

“I’ve already asked for your foal!”

“And I’ve told you that I’ll give you one if you’ll join a herd,” I replied with a smile.

“But I haven’t got… a…” Her words dried up as her eyes widened. “Wait. You don’t mean—? But I couldn’t…”

Awesome – she was completely flustered. I could tell because her voice didn’t even have a hint of snark.

“This is just a formality because the lead-mare has already given her consent. Nevertheless, ask,” I said simply.

Penny gulped. “Mark Wells, would you do me the honor of being my stallion and allowing me to join your herd?”

“Penumbra, I could not ask for a more loyal and trustworthy friend. It would be my honor to have you as my mare. Welcome to our herd,” I replied formally, then I grinned. “There! That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

Penny pulled a face. “You didn’t have to be such a pain in the plot about it.”

I laughed. “Oh, yes I did. If ever I was going to be one up on you, it had to be now. So, are you ready to consummate the union?”

“I’m not sure if I’m in the mood now,” she said with a growl.

I switched to Marklestia form and posed sexily. “Does this help, lover-mare?”

She grinned, showing off her fangs. I shuddered a bit. Admittedly, I may not have thought through all the implications. “Now you're talking!” she declared.

Foreplay with the mare of her dreams certainly did the trick. When she was good and ready, I switched back to being a stallion and, suffice to say, I gave her that foal she wanted. Despite the extra height I'd gained after becoming an alicorn, she was still significantly bigger than me which made the act… interesting. I admit that while I had never planned to take on another herdmate, this was a decision that I reckoned I would never regret.

Even if I never won a battle of wits with her again!

I woke the next morning to find Penny already awake and gazing at me with an inscrutable expression on her face.

“A bit for your thoughts,” I said.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’d better not have given me an alicorn foal.”

“You know I have no control over that.”

Penny stuck her very long tongue out at me. “No excuses!”

“It's like having a second wife,” I grumbled.

She giggled, which was a first. “Let me show you the benefits of being a good stallion.”

Sometimes I’m very glad it's a mare’s world.

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Please read Author's Note!

Author's Note:

So much art for one chapter! Did you like the one of Mark mating with Penny?
What? There isn't one? Well, the picture that I commissioned from Backlash91 exists but, while it is tasteful, it still exceeds Fimfiction's rules for NSFW art. However, if you're curious and feeling generous, give me a tip on Ko-Fi and send me a note. I will then send you a link to the pic. Or just send me a note without the tip – I'm not greedy.

Other art credits:
Marklestia Fashion Model – Fantazyme - commissioned for this chapter.
Pole Dancer – Baron Engel - used with permission.
Mixed Reactions – Foxenawolf - commissioned for this chapter.
Lingerie Luna – Longinius - used with permission.

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