• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,373 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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A Morphenomenal Reunion!

After Pinkie, Starlight, and their new friends escaped from the Warrior Dome, they crash landed on a remote island. Luckily, they’re safe and no injuries for them.

“Power down.” Zhane said, transforming him back into his normal form.

“Wow. So this is what you look like without the suit.” Pinkie said.

Zhane replied, “Yes, every Ranger does that whenever they need to.”

“Cool.” Pinkie commented.

Zhane looked around the damages of the spaceship, “Welp, there’s no way to contact my people with all the damages it took.” Zhane said, feeling frustrated.

Pinkie came by and said, “Aww, cheer up Zhane. You know what they say, “When there’s a will, there’s a way.” Am I right?”

“Of course you’re right, Pinkie. However, this will take weeks to repair the communications and I sure do need a lot of hands to fix this.” Zhane said.

“I’ll help.” Starlight said as she stepped forward.

“I’ll help too.” Pinkie added.

“And I’ll help,” Skyfire said as their friends smiled, “Right after I find something for us to eat.” He said and walked away to find food for them.

Meanwhile in Summer Cove, Tommy and his fellow Legendary Rangers were running in the streets to get to Mick’s workshop.

Mick contacted Tommy via phone and said, “Tommy, we’re finished with the portal generator. We’re ready to go now.”

“Okay, we’ll be right there.” Tommy replied.

While they kept running, their road was blocked by three more monsters standing in their way.

“End of the line, Rangers.” One of the monsters said.

Then, three more Rangers appeared in the form of the Red Samurai Ranger, Black Overdrive Ranger, and the Solaris Knight.

“Jayden, Will, and Daggeron. Good timing.” Tommy complimented.

Jayden thanked him, “Thanks. Now go, we’ll meet you guys later.”

“You got it.” Tommy replied as he and his team ran off to find Mick’s workshop while the three Rangers clashed the three monsters.

In the Turtle Lair, the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, Rangers, and allies were all quiet while bandaging and healing themselves up after being defeated and beaten by the Psycho Rangers.

“Ow, my head is ringing.” Mikey said after he placed an ice pack on his head.

Raph asked, “What does silence sound like?”

“These Psycho Rangers are tough.” Brody said.

Sarah chimed in and said, “And they’re fast too.”

“Tell me about it.” Rainbow commented, feeling frustrated.

“You gotta admit, they outsmarted us and beat us. We have never encountered your enemies like ours before.” Sci-Twi said.

Donnie said, “I haven’t been this sad since Slash beat the snout out of me.”

Everyone looked at Donnie with confused and shocked faces.

“Long story.” Donnie said.

Levi asked, “I want to know exactly who are those Psycho Rangers are?”

Brody put his hand on his shoulder, “I wish we know too bro, but I wish Mick was here and can give us the answer.”

“So what are we supposed to do now?” April asked.

Everyone started thinking about their next move until Sci-Twi came up with a solution. Sci-Twi said, “If they’re going to find us, we need to create a diversion.”

“Here’s an idea. We tricked them into being separated. Then we deal with them one at a time.” Casey said as he spit out his tooth.

Brody rejected his idea and told Casey, “No. That’s not going to work. They’re way too strong and we are no match against any one of them. It’s like they know every move that we make. If we go out there again, it’s game over for all of us.”

“He’s right. We gotta act now and fast before the Psycho Rangers make their next move.” Leo informed everyone in the lair.

Casey said, “Okay, but we still need to separate them.”

“True, but how are we going to do that?” Preston asked.

Then, Donnie witnessed something on TV after he kept flipping the channels, “Uh, guys. You may want to take a look at this.”

Everyone watched TV and saw the Psycho Rangers wreaking havoc and fighting against the Mutanimals and their other allies on the news.

“Rangers, come out and play!” Psycho Red yelled.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy commented.

Donnie said, “Aside from that, I also found a signal coming from an island.”

“And the bad news?” Hayley asked.

Donnie answered to Hayley, “It’s far away from here.”

“There’s no way we’ll get there in time. Even in our vehicles.” Raph complained, feeling worried.

Then, an idea came in to Sarah’s mind and figured out their situation. “Wait, I have an idea. Why don’t we travel by flight.”

“Yeah! That’s a great idea,” Calvin cheered. “Let’s use one of our Zords to get to our destination.”

Brody nodded and liked the idea, “Smart thinking, you two. However, we can’t let the Psycho Rangers see our Zord. We gotta distract them with something.”

“Perhaps I can help you with that. Let me make a phone call and we’ll get your problem sorted out.” Sci-Twi informed Brody as she used her phone to call in one of their allies.

Levi agreed, “Good idea. We’re going to need all the help we can get.”

Meanwhile in Dimension X, Bishop grabbed his phone and answered it.

“Hello? Bishop? It’s me, Twilight. My friends and I are in trouble. Think you can help us?” Sci-Twi asked.

Bishop replied, “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Okay, but get here as fast as you could.” Sci-Twi informed Bishop.

Bishop replied, “Will do.” He went through the portal from his home and entered the Turtle Lair to help out his friends.

Meanwhile, the Psycho Rangers kept causing more trouble in the streets of New York. Blasting and destroying everything in sight.

“This is getting boring.” Psycho Blue said, feeling bored.

Psycho Yellow added, “Yeah, you sure they’ll come?”

Psycho Red answered, “Oh, I’m definitely sure they’ll come.”

The Buzzcams captured everything on what the Psycho Rangers caused in New York. Back in the Warrior Dome, Cosmo was feeling very ecstatic after witnessing the incoming destruction of New York.

“Wow! These guys do really know the meaning of destruction. Am I right?” Cosmo asked through the mic.

Then, the Psycho Rangers heard the sounds of motorcycles coming towards them. Psycho Silver started scanning the disturbance and Psycho Green asked, “What do you see, Psycho Silver?”

“They’re here,” Psycho Silver said as he pointed his finger at the incoming disturbance. “Straight towards us.”

The Ninja Steel Rangers arrived with their Mega Morph Cycles.

“What’s this? The Rangers have returned!” Cosmo exclaimed as he, his boss, and the audience were watching in the Warrior Dome through the Buzzcams in New York.

“We’re here! Just like you promised.” Brody promised the Psycho Rangers.

Psycho Red observed the Rangers and noticed something missing from them. He said, “I can see that, but what about your other friends? You grew a spine and told them to stay out of it?”

Brody replied with confidence, “This has nothing to do with them. If you really want our Power Stars, come and get it!”

The Ninja Steel Rangers turned around and split up as they resumed riding on their Mega Morph Cycles. Each Psycho Ranger chased each one Ninja Steel Ranger in the streets, not knowing they’re falling into a trap. Brody used his arsenal to take down Psycho Red, but he was too fast and dodged Brody’s attacks. Psycho Red fled and disappeared.

Brody glanced behind him and asked, “Where did he go?”

Then out of nowhere, Psycho Red appeared in front of Brody. “Gotcha!” He said.

Brody looked ahead and Psycho Red took him down with his Psycho Sword, sending Brody flying from his Mega Morph Cycle.

“You were good, but not good enough.” Psycho Red complimented.

Psycho Red walked towards Brody’s body and searched his Power Star, but he didn’t have it. And if that wasn’t enough, Brody started glitching, revealing itself to be a disguise from an Utrom Bot. The evil red ranger duplicate was fooled and exclaimed, “What?!”

Back in the Warrior Dome, Cosmo and Odius was stunned and yelled, “WHAT?!”

Psycho Red contacted the other Psycho Rangers and asked them, “Team, what happened?”

“I’ve been tricked.” Psycho Black replied.

“Same here.” Psycho Yellow, Blue, and Pink said.

“Got nothing.” Psycho Green and Silver added.

Back in the Warrior Dome, Cosmo spoke through the mic, “What a surprising turn of events, ladies and gents. But the question is, where are the Rangers now?”

Madame Odius was furious, fuming with anger and feeling her opportunity was slipped right out of her hands. She asked, “If the Rangers aren’t there, then where are they now?!”

Meanwhile, the Rangers, Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies were traveling to the island by riding on the Astral Zord.

“Well what do you know, it really works. Guess I owe you five bucks Calvin.” Raph said.

Calvin replied, “I wouldn’t be interested about that right now, Raph.”

“Wow, so this is what it feels like to ride on a Zord. So cool.” Sci-Twi commented, feeling fascinated about being inside the Zord.

“Signal’s getting close, guys. We’re almost there.” Donnie informed everyone as he kept looking at his tracker.

Back on the island, Pinkie, Starlight, Zhane, and Sheriff Skyfire were eating some fruits that they found on the island.

Zhane thanked them, “Thanks for your help repairing the ship guys, I couldn’t done this without ya. Your friends should find us anytime now.”

“Oh you’re very welcome Zhane. It’s the least that we can do.” Pinkie replied.

Minutes later, they heard the Astral Zord landing on the island.

Pinkie saw the Astral Zord and said, “That must be the cavalry. I think.”

“Alright, let’s go check it out if anyone inside is friend or foe.” Starlight informed everyone.

“Okay, but be careful.” Skyfire warned her.

Pinkie and Starlight approached slowly towards the Astral Zord. The door opened and Pinkie’s friends entered from the Zord.

Pinkie gasped and waved at everyone, “Hey! Over here!”

Their friends turned their attention to Pinkie and Starlight and shouted, “Pinkie! Starlight!” They ran up to the two girls and hugged them.

“You guys made it! You got our message.” Starlight said.

Donnie replied, “We sure did.”

“We were all worried about you,” Brody said. “But we’re glad that you made it out of the Warrior Dome.”

Starlight told them, “Oh it was nothing. We had some help.”

Their friends became curious and Leo asked, “Help? From who?”

Sheriff Skyfire approached them and greeted, “Hello Rangers. Nice to see you again.”

The Rangers were stunned and saw Sheriff Skyfire as they heard his voice again.

“No way, you’re here too Sheriff?!” Brody questioned, feeling excited.

The Rangers’ new friends asked, “Sheriff?”

“That’s right.” Skyfire answered.

The Rangers greeted and hugged Sheriff Skyfire.

Mikey interrupted the reunion and exclaimed, “Hold up! Who’s this guy?”

As Skyfire was about to draw his sword, Brody stopped him and said, “Hey! Hey! It’s okay. This turtle is a new friend of ours.”

“Ninja Turtle to be exact.” Raph added.

Skyfire stood down and said, “Well, in that case. My name is Sheriff Skyfire. Loyal friend to the Power Rangers.”

“He helped us a while back in our dimension.” Preston informed their friends.

Levi chimed, “Even after a... slight misunderstanding. But we’re good.”

“It is true. We were all tricked by one of Warrior Dome’s contestants. I’m just grateful that I gained new friends out of it.” Skyfire informed everyone.

Sunset commented, “I like him.”

Zhane came by and asked, “What’s going on?”

Mikey got his nunchucks ready and asked, “Whoa! Who are you dude?”

“Woah Mikey! Stand down. He’s a Power Ranger.” Starlight told Mikey.

Brody chimed, “Wait a minute, you’re a Power Ranger?”

“Indeed I am. My name is Zhane. I’m the Silver Space Ranger.”

Preston felt excited and cheered, “Wow! That’s awesome!”

Raph questioned Zhane, “I hate to ruin the moment, but I don’t suppose you fought those Psycho Rangers before, do ya?”

Zhane replied, “Indeed I have. Why do you ask?”

“They’re back.” Sunset answered.

Zhane was confused and shocked after hearing the news of the Psycho Rangers returning from the grave. He said, “What? That’s impossible. My teammates and I fought them before and destroyed them years ago. How is that possible?”

April asked, “Destroyed?”

“Of course, they’re nothing more than just circuits and wires.” Zhane answered.

Sci-Twi added, “Circuits and wires? Are you saying that the Psycho Rangers are robots?”

Zhane answered, “Yes. They were created and designed to combat and destroy my team. They live up to the Psycho part.”

“No wonder their voices sound like robots. I thought they were humans voicing as robots.” Brody thought.

Casey replied, “I guess that means that we don’t have to hold back anymore.”

“We gotta get out here before they find us.” Zhane informed everyone.

All of a sudden, a blaster was fired and it blasted on the ground in front of them. Everyone fell down from the blast and saw the Psycho Rangers.

“Too late for that.” Psycho Pink said.

Psycho Red asked the heroes, “Did you really think you can get away from us by simply creating a diversion?”

“Would you believe us if we said ‘No’?” Mikey replied.

Zhane acted like he seen a ghost and said, “So it’s true. You’re all here.”

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Silver Space Ranger. It’s been years since we last saw you.” Psycho Red replied.

Zhane got up and confronted them, “Yeah, the Space Rangers and I defeated you. However, I don’t remember seeing a Green Psycho Ranger and a-” Zhane felt stunned, “Silver Psycho Ranger?”

Psycho Silver replied, “That’s right. Psycho Red told me that you disguised yourself as me to throw off our game.”

Zhane understood him and said, “That may be true, but it won’t matter anymore because we’re going to take you and your team down again.”

Psycho Yellow twiddled her fingers and pretended to be scared, “Ooh, we’re scared. What will we ever do?”

“Might as well give up.” Donnie answered.

Rainbow exclaimed as she felt proud of herself, “Yeah! It’s all of us and only seven of you. We have the advantage now!”

Psycho Red snapped his fingers and an army of Kudabots and Basherbots surrounded them.

“When are you guys going to keep your mouths shut?!” Applejack angrily asked.

Back in the Warrior Dome, Odius watched from the control room and said, “Yes, yes, everything’s according to my plan. The Power Rangers and their allies will have no choice but to hand over their Power Stars and surrender.”

Odius laughed before Niox entered the room. He said, “On the contrary Madame Odius, I’ll be the one taking those Power Stars. Not you.”

Madame Odius was confused and replied, “What?”

Niox took down her robotic guards and blasted the control panel of her ship with his laser rifle. Odius was shocked of his betrayal and warned him, “NO! You will pay with your life for double-crossing me!”

Then, a black, alien spaceship arrived and started blasting lasers on the Warrior Dome.

“What was that?” Odius asked.

Niox replied, “I believe that’s my ride. I’ll be on my way out now.”

Odius shouted at the Fearcat, “You won’t get away this!”

“Oh, but I have. And you’re the one who’s going away.” Niox said and walked away from the control room.

Niox’s spaceship continued to fire lasers at the Warrior Dome with the alien werewolf with an electric guitar named Necrorocker as its pilot.

“Oh no! It seems like we’re having technical difficulties right now!” Cosmo panicked.

Niox escaped the Warrior Dome after dealing with some Basherbots and entered his spaceship. After that, the power went out in the Warrior Dome.

Niox ordered his pilot, “It’s time to send them back to their dimension, Necrorocker. Now, hit it.”

“You got it, boss.” Necrorocker replied.

Necrorocker fired the portal transporter with the push of a button and Niox said, “This is for you, big bro.”

Niox’s spaceship fired the laser at the Warrior Dome, sending them back to their dimension.

“Ha! Good riddance!” Niox exclaimed, feeling better than ever. “Now let’s head down to Earth and get those Power Stars!”

“You said it boss!” Necrorocker replied as he drove the spaceship heading towards Earth.

Meanwhile, the heroes were still surrounded by Basherbots and Kudabots with the Psycho Rangers by their side.

“Okay, any ideas anyone?” Starlight asked.

Zhane answered, “I say we fight until the very end.”

“Wanting to end this battle so quick? We can arrange that for ya.” Psycho Red laughed.

Then, Niox’s spaceship arrived right above the island. Niox and Necrorocker descended from the ship and landed safely.

Niox said, “Well, well, the gang’s all here. Any last words before we finish all of you?”

“Yeah. I got one thing to say. Backup!” Sunset replied as she pressed a device to open up portals right behind them. The Mighty Mutanimals arrived from one of the portals along with Princess Twilight, Bishop, Zeno, Traximus, The Dazzlings, The Shadowbolt Five, Blade Swipe, Bebop, Keno, and Rocksteady.

Niox was confused and shouted, “Huh? What is this?!”

Leo was happy to see Princess Twilight and hugged her, “Twilight! You came!”

Twilight said, “I got the message from Sunset and I’m here to help along with our allies.”

Leo replied, “That’s great, Twilight!”

Then, a Buzzcam flew over to the battlefield to capture everything.

Back in the Warrior Dome, Cosmo was relieved and said, “Good thing we got inter-dimensional signal cause this is getting good.”

Badonna entered the control room and reported to Odius, “Madame Odius, the crew is working on getting the power back on as we speak.”

Odius was not in a good mood and replied, “I’m not in the mood to talk right now. Leave!”

“As you wish, Madame Odius.” Badonna replied and bowed to her before she left the control room to give Odius some space.

Back on Earth, Psycho Red confronted the heroes and told them, “You heroes are no match against us!”

Brody replied, “Not if we have to say anything about that.”

Before the opposing sides battle, another portal opened up. One that was not like the other portals earlier.

“Another portal?” Sunset asked, feeling confused.

The visitors entered from the portal revealed to be Mick and Redbot along with Alpha Six and the Legendary Power Rangers: Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Ziggy, Tori, Maya, RJ, Daggeron, Jayden, and Will. Brody and his team were so excited to see them.

“I hope you rookies don't mind us crashing the party.” Kimberly said.

Twilight asked, “Who are they?”

Donnie also asked, “Friend or foe?”

“Relax guys. It’s okay. They’re Power Rangers.” Brody happily answered.

The Rangers’ friends were shocked and reacted, “WHAT?!”

Psycho Rangers shouted, “WHAT?! More Power Rangers?!”

Tommy answered, “That’s right. We’re glad that we made it just in time.”

Redbot greeted Brody and his Ranger friends, “Hey guys!”

Mick happily added, “Brody! Team! You’re okay.”

The Ninja Steel Rangers hugged Mick and Redbot.

“We were worried about you guys.” Mick said,

Brody replied, “Yeah. And we worried about you two as well.”

Redbot told them, “I’m glad you guys are safe.”

“I haven’t fought monsters in years and now I’m seeing four talking turtles.” Kimberly said as she saw the Ninja Turtles.

Ziggy replied, “Ninja Turtles? Are we in a convention or something?”

“You’re not dreaming, kid.” Raph answered.

Pinkie stopped everything and pleaded, “Wait, stop! Before we get this battle started, do you mind if our friends and I say the phrase together with you? Please?”

“Okay, Pinkie. We accept.” Brody answered.

Pinkie cheered, “YIPEE! Alright, go on ahead. Stick to the script.”

Brody told everyone, “Anyway, now that all of our friends are here, there’s only one thing that we have left to do.”

Tommy knew what Brody meant and he replied, “And you know what time it is?”

Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and Power Rangers shouted...


Brody and his team assembled and shouted in unison, ”Ninja Spin!”

Brody and his team morphed into the Ninja Steel Rangers while the rest of the legends morphed into Legendary Power Rangers. The Ninja Turtles transformed into their Mystic Forms and the Rainbooms ponied up into their Crystal Guardian forms.

The Power Rangers positioned themselves into a stance and shouted in unison, “Rangers Ready!”

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and allies also positioned themselves into a stance and shouted in unison, “Ninjas Ready!”

Niox growled and drew his sword, “Power up all you like, but I'm still getting vengeance for my brother! All of you will suffer my wrath!”

Mick, Redbot, and Alpha Six get to safety as the Power Rangers and their new allies prepared themselves in the ultimate showdown that they will never forget.

Author's Note:


  • The Legendary Rangers, Mutanimals, Dazzlings and all the other allies arriving from the portals is inspired by the iconic moment from Avengers: Endgame.

FTR (My OC Band Group) is all geared up and ready to go.

Beryl Fury:

Diamond Glow:

Ice Score:

Silver Note: