• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,373 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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Trouble at Summer Cove - Part 2

Tommy and Ziggy continued chasing Arachno throughout the city.

“I gotta hurry.” Arachno said as he continued running.

“You’re not getting away that easy, you slimy bug!” Ziggy yelled.

The two Green Rangers continued to chase Arachno all the way until they get to the woods. Then there were two more shadows following the two green rangers.

Arachno stopped and shot some more webs to block the Rangers’ path. “There. That’ll slow them down.” After that, he continued running.

The two Green Rangers stopped and saw a bunch of webs blocking their path.

“Oh, wow. He took a lot of time redecorating around here.” Ziggy commented.

Tommy informed, “Well, we got no time to waste. Let’s cut through these webs and find that spider. We cannot let him off the leash and continue spreading terror around this city.”

“Right. Or else we’ll be too late.” Ziggy replied.

They both grabbed their weapons and started slicing and chopping through the sticky webs.

A few miles later, Arachno stopped and took a breather after running away from the two Green Power Rangers.

Arachno sighed, “Phew. I think I lost them,” Then he heard a disturbance within the forest, “Who’s there?! Show yourself!”

The monster looked around to find who’s making all of the rustling. He said, “I ain’t playing around! I got a nasty bite waiting for you.”

Arachno continued looking around until a couple of arrows shot right on the back. He yelled, “Ow! Who did that?!”

“I did.”

Arachno turned around to see another Power Ranger in the shadows of the forest. The Ranger stepped out of the shadows with the Power Bow in her hands, revealing to be Kimberly, the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

“Another Ranger?”

“Yep. And I got an arrow with your name on it.” Kimberly said, getting ready to pull the arrow from her Power Bow.

“Well, how nice of you. But that’s not enough to stop me and my new friends!” Arachno yelled.

“What?” Kimberly asked.

Just as Arachno expected, two more monsters showed up right beside Arachno. One that looks like a blue ninja with a white fur coat and the other looks like an Aztec deity.

“Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Guerrero and the ninja right there is Cobalt.” The Aztec monster said.

“We came here just in the nick of time and you will be finished.” Cobalt said as he drew his sword, targeting Kimberly.

(I apologize for those names. I have a hard time coming up with some good monster names.)

“Seriously? Those names are so decades ago.” Kimberly insulted the monsters.

“I’ll cut off that pretty tongue of yours, missy.” Cobalt growled.

The three monsters approached Kimberly slowly, getting ready to corner and surround her like a pack of wolves.

As Kimberly got her Power Bow ready to fire, the Blue Ninja Storm Ranger, Tori, swooped in with quick ninja speed and yelled, “Hey!”

The three monsters got caught by her quick, lightning strikes by the use of her Ninja Sword. She jumped back on to the opposing side right beside Kimberly.

“Good timing.” Kimberly complimented.

Tori replied, “Thanks. It’s been awhile since I morphed.”

“Tell me about it.” Kimberly added.

Arachno growled as he and the other two monsters stood up, “Ugh, cheap trick! But that’s not enough to stop us!”

Then an incoming energy blast shot the three monsters down.

Kimberly and Tori turned around to see who made that blast and out came the Yellow Lost Galaxy Ranger, Maya, with her Quasar Launcher.

“Looks like you two could use a hand.” Maya said.

Kimberly thanked her “Thank you so much. We could use more hands around here.”

“I like the sound of that idea. We can take care of these three chumps.” Maya said.

The three monsters got up again, feeling like they want revenge. So, they huddled and planned their strategy without the three female Legendary Rangers hearing them.

“Another one? How many more do we have to take on?!” Arachno shouted.

Guerrero replied, “Just shut it. It doesn’t matter anyway.”

“Right now, we have to take out the Rangers and create more chaos for Madame Odius.” Cobalt said.

“Fine. Let’s just get this over with.” Arachno said as they stopped huddling and stood their ground.

“Okay, ladies. Time to show them some real girl power!” Kimberly yelled.

Tori complimented, “I like the sound of that.”

“Let’s get them!” Maya yelled.

The two opposing sides charged at each other and clashed with one another. Tommy and Ziggy finally caught up to where the battle is after they cut up all of the webs in their path and saw three more Legendary Rangers fighting against more monsters.

Ziggy cheered, “Alright! More rangers!”

“You got that right. Now c’mon, let’s help them out!” Tommy ordered, and joined the battle with his fellow Legendary allies.

“Oh, yeah! Now we’re talking!” Ziggy followed with his Turbo Axe and joined the battle.


Back in the Galaxy Warriors spaceship, Pinkie and Starlight were locked inside a jail cell as Starlight tries to come up with a plan to escape while Pinkie plays the harmonica.

“You know that’s not gonna help, Pinkie.” Starlight said.

Pinkie replied, “Oh, c’mon. At least we can enjoy some music while we’re stuck in this...” She looked around, “Empty, boring, comfort zone.” Pinkie felt upset.

Starlight said, “Yeah. It is pretty boring in here, but if there’s one thing that Twilight taught me is that when there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Pinkie smiled, feeling better.

After Starlight’s wise speech, they heard someone mopping the floor.

“Wow. Nice speech.”

Pinkie and Starlight looked from the jail cells and saw a masked man mopping the floor.

“Umm... Thanks. Who are you?” Starlight asked.

The masked man answered to her, “My name is Space Sheriff Skyfire. And what about you two?”

“I’m glad you asked, sheriff. Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie and this is my friend, Starlight Glimmer.” Pinkie greeted.

Starlight said, “Hi there.”

“I see. So you’ve been captured too.” Skyfire informed them.

Starlight asked, “Yes. Are you a prisoner in here too?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” Skyfire answered.

Then, the entrance doors opened up as Skyfire went back to being janitor. Pinkie and Starlight acted natural as Badonna and two Basherbots entered.

Badonna stood in front of their cell and said, “Well well well, I see that you two are being comfortable in here.”

“Pfft. Easy for you to say, freak show.” Starlight commented.

Badonna gasped and said, “How rude of you. I wish I can destroy you first. Right here and right now! But... Madame Odius has bigger plans for you two.”

“What’s the catch?” Pinkie asked.

Badonna answered, “I’m glad you asked,” She snapped her fingers and one of the Basherbots gave him their clothes, “You two will be wearing these.” She presented them their clown costumes.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me?” Starlight reacted, feeling displeased as if she was getting ready to vomit.

“It’s Madame Odius’s orders. So you don’t have a choice. Here you go!” Badonna tossed their costumes to the girls, “Oh, and here’s some makeup.” She said as he tossed the makeup kit to them as well.

“I’ll see you two later. Ta-ta.” Badonna and the Basherbots left the holding cell room as Pinkie and Starlight were getting ready to dress up.

“Isn’t this great, Starlight. We get to star in their game show.” Pinkie cheered.

Starlight frowned and laid her head down, feeling disappointed and said, “I hope our friends know what they’re doing and figure out a way to set us free.”

Back in Summer Cove, the Legendary Rangers were fighting against three monsters. Tommy and Kimberly were fighting against Arachno, Tori and Ziggy fought off against Cobalt, and Maya continued fighting against Guerrero on her own.

Guerrero used multiple palm strikes from his armor against Maya deflected his attacks with her Quasar Saber, but it was too strong and she took damage from it.

“Oh, man he’s good.” Maya said.

Guerrero taunted her, “Is that the best you got?!”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to stop you!” Maya yelled.

Guerrero replied to her, “Good luck and try.”

He laughed and approached Maya. She took some steps back while still using her Quasar Saber to defend herself. As they were both ready to make the next move, the wolf spirit arrived and attacked Guerrero. The monster fell down to the ground after an unprecedented attack from the wolf spirit.

Maya turned around to see another Legendary Ranger in the form of the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, RJ.

She ran up to him and thanked RJ, “Thanks for the assist. I can definitely use some help.”

“Say no more. Let’s show him how this fight’s done. Wolf Style!” RJ said, standing in his battle stance.

“Right...” Maya replied, having no idea what he meant on that last part.

Maya and RJ worked together and fought off against the four-armed monster. They both dodged his palm strikes and used their punches and kicks to take down the monster. It stumbled and felt dizzy after getting hit by their attacks.

As for Cobalt, his swords clashed with Ziggy’s Nitro Sword and Tori’s Ninja Sword.

“I’ve fought bad guys like you, except they’re robots. No offense.” Ziggy commented.

Cobalt replied, “I don’t care.” He continued to clash his sword with his Turbo Axe.

Tori attacked him from behind, but Cobalt used his other sword with his right hand and blocked her attack.

“Cheap trick. Did you really think that’s going to work?” Cobalt asked.

“No. But this will. Now!” Ziggy yelled and moved out of the way as Tori used her Sonic Fin as a counterattack.

Tori used her weapon and shouted, “Ready for a workout! And 1! And 2!...” As she kept speaking, Cobalt levitated in the air by the use of the sound waves. She continued, “And spin! And work those abs! Work it! And down!”

Cobalt fell down on the ground after Tori commanded from the use of her Sonic Fin.

“Take this! Turbo Axe!” Ziggy used the suit’s super speed and he struck him with his Turbo Axe. Cobalt took the hit and fell down on the ground.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Kimberly continued fighting against the spider monster.

“It feels good to be fighting alongside you again, Tommy.” Kimberly said, feeling happy.

Tommy replied, “Yeah. I too feel the same way,” Tommy kicked Arachno in the gut. “Time to kick it up a notch!”

He grabbed his master morpher and yelled for another ranger form.


Tommy morphed again into the White Tiger Ranger.

Kimberly reacted, “Awesome! How did you manage to do that?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Tommy said.

Kimberly said, “Well, it wouldn’t matter anyway. Right now, let’s exterminate this bug.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth,” Tommy said.

Tommy and Kimberly started running in opposite directions as Arachno started shooting some webs from left to right. Kimberly used her Blade Blaster to shoot down its webs whereas Tommy used his sword, Saba, to slice down its webs as well.

“Power Bow!” Kimberly summoned her Power Bow and shot an arrow right at Arachno’s pack on his back, causing it to be destroyed.

“No! My webs!” Arachno yelled.

Kimberly yelled, “No more sticky webs for you, mister.”

“Doesn’t matter, I’m getting myself outta here. Buh-bye!” Arachno yelled and he shrunk himself down like a tiny spider.

Kimberly asked, “Where did it go?”

“Just keep your heads up, he’ll come back.” Tommy said.

As both Rangers looked around, Kimberly stepped her boot down on Arachno, but he caught her foot by using its super strength.

Kimberly felt puzzled, feeling like something’s stuck on her, “What? How come I can’t move?”

Arachno increased his size, turning him back to normal, human size and launched Kimberly right off her boot.

“Kimberly!” Tommy yelled as she heard Kimberly screaming. He jumped right up in the air and caught Kimberly just in the nick of time, bridal style. He landed on the ground and asked her, “Are you okay?”

Tommy carried her down to let Kimberly speak. She thanked him, “Yes, Tommy. I’m okay now. Thank you.”

“No worries.” Tommy replied.

“Ha! Are you through?” Arachno asked, taunting Tommy.

Tommy turned around, feeling pumped up and said, “Oh, you’ve got another thing coming, you little bug. It’s time to kick things up a notch!”

He then used his Master Morpher again to get ready to morph into another ranger form again.


Tommy morphed into his Black Dino Thunder Ranger form and said, “Super Dino Mode!” His suit is now filled with armor plates. After that, he used his signature weapon, “Brachio Staff!”

“Bring it!” Arachno ran right at the Black Dino Thunder Ranger and got ready to attack him. However, Tommy struck him first with his Brachio Staff along with his armored plates and attacked the monster multiple times. After that, Arachno fell down on the ground, groaning in pain.

Kimberly ran to Tommy and said, “Wow! Excellent work, Tommy!”

“Thanks, Kimberly. I appreciate that.” Tommy replied.

All the three monsters gathered together, feeling a lot of pain after their battles with the Legendary Rangers.

“How in the world did they beat us?” Guerrero asked.

“I thought they have ring rust in them.” Cobalt added.

“It doesn’t matter, they’re too strong for us to handle. Let’s get outta here!” Arachno suggested.

“Agreed.” Cobalt replied.

As the three villains were ready to leave, the Legendary Rangers stopped and surrounded them.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Ziggy said.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Kimberly yelled.

The Legendary Rangers then used their arsenal to target all three villains. Tori with the Sonic Fin, Ziggy with the Turbo Axe, Maya with her Quasar Cannon, RJ with his Wolf Spirit, Kimberly with her Power Bow, and Tommy with his Brachio Staff.

All three villains said their last words at the same time, “Uh-oh.”

All of the Legendary Rangers yelled, “FIRE!” They used their final attacks and destroyed all three villains, resulting an explosion. After that, the Legendary Rangers powered themselves down into their normal, human identities.

“Boom! That’s how it’s done, folks!” Ziggy cheered and celebrated like a jumpy kid in the ball pit.

“Yeah. But right now, we got a bigger problem.” Tommy said.

Then, Redbot came by with his rocket boots and landed right in front of them.

“Tommy. Thank goodness you’re okay and whoa...” Redbot said as he saw more people with him.

Ziggy reacted, “Cool. A robot,” He then whispered to him, “Tell me something. Are you working with Venjix?”

Redbot replied to him, feeling confused, “What? No. And what is a Venjix?”

“Okay, good. Just want to make sure.” Ziggy informed him.

“Anyway, I came here to tell you that Mick and Billy found a way to rescue Brody and his friends.” Redbot informed Tommy.

Tommy felt relieved and said, “They did? Great work, your Rangers could use more hands if they are in great danger.”

“Wait, Billy’s in town?” Kimberly asked.

Tommy said, “I’ll explain everything when we get there. Right now, let’s go to Mick’s Workshop.”

“Great. Show us the way, Wise One.” RJ said, with a smile on his face.

Tommy nodded and said, “Follow me.”

Redbot, Tommy, and the rest of the Legendary Rangers followed to find Mick’s Workshop.

Back in the Galaxy Warriors spaceship, Starlight and Pinkie were dressed as clowns and being escorted by six Basherbots.

“This has got to be one of the most ridiculous stunts I have ever done.” Starlight said, feeling frustrated as ever.

Pinkie wrapped her arm around her shoulder and said, “Aw, cheer up, Starlight. We’ll get through this.”

As they were escorting the clowns, one of them pushed Starlight and said, “Hey! Watch the hair!”

“Ah, look at you two. Your costumes are exquisite.” Badonna complimented.

Pinkie replied, “Why thank you.”

“Are you kidding me right now?! We look like a couple of idiots.” Starlight replied, feeling humiliated as well.

“Precisely. Now go out there and be the best clowns of all time.” Badonna ordered.

Starlight confronted her and said, “If you think I will lower myself to be a performing clown. You’re wrong!”

“Oh, am I?” Badonna questioned them.

Cosmo entered as he carried two inflatable hammers and said, “Oh, you’re doing it girls or I will unleash these Basherbots on you.”

Six Basherbots surrounded the girls with sharp blades in their hands.

Starlight pretended to smile and backed up her words, “Okay then.”

“We’re officially clowns.” Pinkie said.

“We’ll make it work.” Starlight added.

“This is going to be so much fun!” Pinkie cheered, feeling excited.

The Basherbots lowered their weapons after the girls agreed to do their performance. Badonna and Cosmo were confused by Pinkie’s reaction as if they thought Pinkie was upset just like Starlight. Nonetheless, they just went with it and moved on.

“I like your spirit,” Cosmo complimented. He then gave them their hammers and instructed them, “Now here are your hammers. You two hit each other while we watch you laugh.”

Starlight and Pinkie continued walking towards the stage as the Basherbots followed them.

“Break a leg!” Badonna said.

“Break both if you can. Haha!” Cosmo laughed.

Pinkie and Starlight entered onstage as the crowd cheered, getting ready to see this hysterical, corny performance.

Starlight looked at the crowd and said, “Okay then. Here we go.” She looked at her and started whacked Pinkie with the soft, inflatable hammer. After that, Pinkie hit her back with a smile on her face.

“Wow, they stink. Let’s spice things up.” Cosmo said as he pressed the device on his hand.

Then, a spiked ball with a chain fell from above as Pinkie and Starlight dodged the first.

“What? This wasn’t the part of the deal.” Starlight said.

Pinkie said, “Wow. This looks like fun.”

“You think?” Starlight questioned Pinkie’s motives.

Then, another spiked ball fell from above and the girls dodged it again. The Basherbots guarded them and pushed them backed onstage to make sure they do their acts and not flee onstage. Starlight and Pinkie continued dodging the contraptions as the crowd laughed at them.

As the show continued to going on, a hooded figure left with a tracker on its hand to find what it’s looking for. Then, the hooded figure hid its tracker as it passed by two Basherbots. However, it started to become suspicious for them as the Basherbot stopped the unknown figure and took off the disguise, revealing itself to be Zhane.

“Well, looks like the cat’s out of the bag. So, how did you want to play this?” Zhane said.

The two Basherbots ran right after him, getting ready to attack.

“Okay. The hard way it is. Let’s rocket!” Zhane said as he used his morpher.

Zhane morphed into the Silver Space Ranger and took out two Basherbots like it was nothing.

“Okay. Time to find Niox and end his evil schemes.” Zhane said as he ran away, only to find Niox in the Galaxy Warriors spaceship.

Author's Note:

The clown scene is based on the episode, Doom Signal from Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

Guerrero is based on Pacha Chamak that was previously used from Power Rangers Super Megaforce

Cobalt is based on Kamdor that was previously used from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive