• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 5,365 Views, 141 Comments

Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms team up with the Power Rangers for the first time ever.

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A Morphenomenal Debut!

The people in the streets were screaming and running away from Niox and a bunch of Basherbots as they were searching around the area to find the Power Rangers.

“Scout and search the entire area! I want you all to search high and low for those pesky Rangers and if you see them, let me know so that I can bring them down the same way that I did earlier. You got that?!” Niox ordered.

The Basherbots nodded to his orders and scouted the area.

Niox went to search on his own, but then heard a noise in the dark alleyways. He went to check it out as he took out his sword and approached slowly. As he got closer, he armed himself and prepared to strike. Luckily, he didn’t because a cute, little, orange cat pounced out of the trash can.


“What are you looking at? Scram!” Niox ordered. His sword changed into a laser blaster and fired a laser on the wall. The scaredy cat dropped its food and ran away.

Niox said, “Lousy cat.”

Then, a strange essence of dark, orange Equestrian magic appeared, roaming into the skies and saw Niox. So, the essence quickly descend and hit Niox on the back.

“Agh! What is this?!” He asked.

Niox slowly got up and dusted himself off. Luckily, the Buzzcams didn’t catch that footage.

“Huh? That was strange. I don’t know what happened, but I gotta find those Rangers and fast!” Niox said.

The villain ran away from the area and pounced high up and jumped from roof to roof to find the Ninja Steel Rangers.

The Ninja Turtles and their allies arrived and spied on the rooftops right next to the designated area where the energy beam was located. They were all spying on dozens of Basherbots who were searching and patrolling the area.

“More robots?! I thought we already deal with those no-brainers.” Raph assumed.

“I don’t think those robots belong to the Kraang, Raph.” Donnie answered.

“And why is that?” Raph asked.

“Because these robots looked totally different based on their designs and weapons.” Donnie answered.

“Huh? That’s very interesting. Do they have any reason why they’re here in the first place?” Leo asked.

Mikey raised his hand, “Ooh, I know why they arrived here!”

Raph shuts his mouth and said, “Shut it, Mikey. We don’t want to listen to anymore of your ridiculous answers.”

Moments later, the Rainbooms and Starlight arrived just in time to help the Ninja Turtles and their friends.

“What’s up everybody.” Rainbow greeted.

“Hi, girls,” Leo greeted before he sees Starlight, “Hi Starlight, what are you doing here?”

“I’m just taking a week off from the School of Friendship to spend more time in the human world.” Starlight answered.

“That’s great! We can use an extra hand for this situation.” April explained.

“So, who are we dealing with this time?” Twilight asked.

“We’re dealing with...” Donnie gets cut off by the Rainbooms.

“The Kraang?” Twilight answered.

“Fishface?” Fluttershy answered as well.

“Tiger Claw?” Rainbow answered.

“Alopex?” Applejack answered.

“Snakeweed and Spider Bytez?” Rarity answered.

“The other Shredder and Kraang from the other universe?” Pinkie answered.

“Nope. You’re all wrong.” Donnie answered.

“So, what is it then?” Starlight answered.

“Robots. However, the Kraang is not behind this.” Donnie answered.

“What do you mean by that, Donnie?” Sunset asked.

“See for yourself, ladies.” Donnie offered.

The Rainbooms and Starlight looked down below from the rooftops and saw a bunch of Basherbots searching and patrolling the area.

“Whoa! New robots! I gotta see this for myself.” Twilight said before Leo put a hand on her shoulder.

“Hold on, Twi, don’t jump to conclusions just yet. We need to figure out what they’re planning first. Then we’ll stopped them from executing their plans.”

“Oh, right.” Twilight answered, feeling embarrassed and blushed at the same time.

“So, Leo, what’s the plan?” Starlight asked.

“We take them down. Like always.” Leo answered.

“I was hoping you might say that.” Raph said.

“Yeah, I agree.” Keno answered.

“Then what are we waiting for, let’s do this!” Rainbow demanded.

“Okay, now that we’re on the same page, let’s send these robots packing.” Sunset said.

“You’ve exactly read my mind Sunset. Okay, ninjas, let’s take them down!” Leo ordered.

“Right.” Everyone said.

The Basher Bots were searching around the streets until one of them got taken out by a shuriken. Then, they all heard a battle cry coming towards them.

“Booyakasha!” The Rainbooms and Ninja Turtles shouted, heading towards them.

The Basherbots armed themselves and charged towards them. The Buzzcams filmed the ongoing clash that’s happening between the opposing sides.

Back in the Galaxy Warriors ship, Cosmo and the audience were shocked to watch the fight, “What’s this? New competitors on the show?”

In the command room, Madame Odius and Badonna watched everything that’s happening in the fight.

“What?! Who in the world are they?!” Badonna angrily asked.

“These pesky creatures have no business to interfere with us.” Madame Odius demanded.

“Madame Odius, what do we do with these invaders?” Badonna pleaded.

“Hmm, these new, uninvited guests have very unique abilities and tactics. Keep rolling. I want to see everything that’s going on down there.” Madame Odius ordered.

Back on Earth, Pinkie pops up from behind the Basher Bot and puts on a fake moustache. She then pulls out her party cannon before she taps a shoulder on the Basherbot.

“Excuse me sir. I’m so sorry to bug you, but have you seen this party cannon?” Pinkie pulls out her party cannon.

“Oh brother.” Applejack said as she facepalmed.

The Basherbot looked at the hole of the cannon and then...


Pinkie shot the robot and send him flying to the ground, leaving him short-circuited.

“Always works.” Pinkie said as she gave herself a thumbs up to her plan.

Applejack replied, “If you say so.”

“How many of these junkheads are there. They’re starting to annoy me right now.” Raph said before he took out some of the Basher Bots.

Mikey took out one of them and said, “Wow. These robots are tough, except that they don’t have alien brains on their stomachs.”

Rarity felt disgusted after hearing what Mikey just said, “Ew. I don’t want to hear that from you again, Mikey.” She then takes out a couple of Basherbots with her sharp diamonds after that.

“Okay girl, just chill. I won’t say a word about it.” Mikey apologized.

Leo and Twilight were fighting off against a couple of Basherbots along the way.

“Mikey’s right, they are tough. They even know how to fight hand-to-hand instead of using laser guns.” Twilight said.

Leo panted, “Don’t give up just yet, we can be tougher than them.”

“Hey! That’s my job! I can be tougher than them. Just watch!” Raph shouted as he smashed more Basherbots. “See.”

Twilight groaned, “Ugh, showoff.” She then used her magic to levitate a Basherbot and send him flying. Just when that was over, a Basherbot slowly approached her before it can strike Twilight. However, Starlight made the save by shooting an arrow with her bow and it hit the robot on the back and send it down for the count. Twilight turned around to see the damaged Basherbot on the ground with an arrow that struck the robot.

Twilight looked up to see Starlight from behind, “Thanks for the save, Starlight. That was some quick thinking right there.”

Starlight walked up to her, “You’re welcome. You know, it’s been a while since I used a bow and arrow for missions like this. But hey, that’s what friends are for.” They both hugged it out after that.

“Hey you two, can you save that until we’re finished here.” Applejack ordered while smashing two more Basherbots with her super strength.

“Oh, right. C’mon, Starlight, let’s go.” Twilight ordered.

“Right behind you, Twi.” Starlight said as she followed Twilight to help their friends out.

The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms and their allies saw the last bunch of remaining Basherbots left standing.

“Okay. Time to turn these robots into scrap metal.” Raph suggested.

“I agree. Let’s finish this battle, once and for all. You ready, girls?” Sunset asked her friends.

Starlight watched as she saw The Rainbooms morphed into their Friendship Power outfits while the Ninja Turtles transformed into their mystic outfits.

“Wow! That is so cool. I wish I can do that.” Starlight complimented.

“Thanks, but maybe someday you’ll learn how to use them.” Sunset said.

“Okay, I can wait. Now go get them!” Starlight ordered.

“You heard the lady, let’s do this!” Mikey cheered.

“Yeah! I’m with you all the way!” Pinkie added.

“Let’s go, ninjas! Take them down!” Leo ordered.

The Rainbooms and Ninja Turtles used their final attacks to destroy the last remaining Basherbots. After that, it was all over and everyone celebrated their victory.

“WOOHOO! WE DID IT!” Pinkie cheered loudly, as she gave a high five to Mikey.

Mikey returned the favor to Pinkie, “Aww yeah! I knew that we can do it!”

“Yeah, don’t forget about us, bro.” Raph said as Mikey looked at him and the rest of his friends.

“Oh, sorry.” Mikey apologized.

“Alright, let’s go back to our place and celebrate.” Leo ordered.

“Yeah!” Everyone cheered except April. She sensed something in her head and knelt down as she put a hand on her head.

Donnie looked at April and asked her, “April! Are you all right?!”

“Nggh, something’s not right here.” April groaned.

“What? What is it, April?” Karai asked.

“I’m sensing something very powerful and it’s coming this way.” April warned everyone.

Raph complained, “Oh great, just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse.”

“Tell me about it.” Rainbow added, feeling unhappy as well.

Mikey tried to cheer everyone up, “C’mon, guys. This guy is not that bad. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?”

Then, Niox landed on the ground from that high pounce and saw the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies.

“Well well well, what do we have here?!” Niox said.

Everyone turned around to see Niox, who crossed his arms and glared right at them.

Raph gave Mikey an angry look, “You were saying.”

“Umm... my bad.” Mikey smiled, but Raph smacked him on the backside of his head. “Ow!”

“Who are you and why are you here?” Leo demanded.

“The name’s Niox. I’m the most dangerous mercenary around the entire galaxy and I’m here to destroy the Power Rangers.”

“Power... Rangers? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Leo answered.

Niox growled and looked around to see all of the Basherbots, completely destroyed. “Hmm, it seems that you freaks destroyed a squad of Basherbots. I’m impressed.”

“Freaks?! Who’re you calling us freaks, you little pussycat?! Do you even see yourself in a mirror lately?!” Raph angrily talked back.

“Is that what they’re called, Basherbots?” Twilight asked.

“I think it’s a good name.” Donnie complimented.

Niox growled and aims his sword at them, “Enough with the chit chat. You don’t tell me where they are, I will destroy you all!”

“Not a chance! We’re not gonna let you take over this world without a fight.” Leo demanded.

“Yeah!” Everyone said as they all stood up against Niox.

Niox sinisterly laughed at them, “You may be lucky to go up against a squad of Basherbots, but you won’t be so lucky to challenge against me. Hyah!” Niox said as he prepared himself for combat.

“Very well then, prepare to be defeated. Ninjas, take him down!” Leo ordered.

“Booyakasha!” Everyone yelled as they ran straight towards him.

Niox charged at them as well. Thus, the battle between them is on! Niox fought off against the Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles and their allies.

Back on the Galaxy Warriors ship, Cosmo watched as Niox faced off against the opposing team.

“Oh my, this is going to be a battle that you won’t miss folks. And what in the galaxies is a Booyakasha?!”

Minutes later...

The Rangers arrived at the scene from the rooftops as they watched Niox fights off against the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies.

“What the? Who are these guys?” Sarah asked.

“And what’s with the uhh... costumes that they’re wearing?” Preston asked.

“I don’t know, but it looks they’re in serious trouble. We gotta stop him before he hurts any one of them. They aren’t ready to face them.” Brody suggested.

“I agree. Let’s do it.” Levi ordered.

“Ninja Spin!” Everyone morphed into the Ninja Steel Rangers.

<div align="center">***</div>

Minutes later, Niox battled against Leo.

“Ha! You’ll never beat me!” Niox said as his sword clashed with Leo’s, going face to face with the leader of the Ninja Turtles.

The Rainbooms and Ninja Turtles fought real hard, but they weren’t strong and fast enough to defeat Niox. Then, his big sword changes into a large, laser blaster. They were all intimidated by his weapon.

“Say good night losers. Laser Barrage Attack!” He fired them with his large, orange laser blaster, sending them down to the ground. The Turtles, Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends struggled to get up after taking damage from the blast.

“So, let me ask you one more time? Where are... the Power Rangers?”

Leo grunted and said, “I have no idea, who or what you’re talking about. We have no idea who these guys are?”

“I agree with Leo, we never even met them in person before.” Twilight said.

Everyone agreed with their statement.

“Very well then. Enjoy your last moment as heroes.” Niox said as he was ready to fire the last shot on them and it was a big one. As they all got up, the heroes closed their eyes, hoping that there’s a miracle to save them.

Until... six colors of smoke appeared right behind Niox.

“Ninja Reveal!”

The Ninja Steel Rangers appeared, right behind Niox.

“Huh?” Niox said as he turned around.

“Huh?” The Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their pals said.

The Ninja Steel Rangers stood strong against Niox.

Ninja Steel Red said, “Are you surprised to see us?”

“Heh, I’m not surprised. I was wondering when you losers showed up.” Niox said.

“Whoa, who are they?” Raph said.

“I don’t know, but I like the suits.” Rainbow complimented.

“I agree, I have never seen anything like it before.” Donnie added.

“Me too.” Twilight added as well.

“I get it now. They must be the Power Rangers that Niox was talking about.” Leo said.

“Yeah.” Everyone said.

Niox growled, “One way or another, you’re all going down and I’m taking those power stars with me!”

“Not today you won’t. Let’s do it, guys!” Ninja Steel Red said.

“Ninja Rangers. Fear no danger. Hyah!” They all got into their battle stance as an explosion appears, right behind them.

“Bring it!” Niox shouted as they charged right at them.

The Ninja Steel Rangers charged at him as well. However, before they were ready to clash, Niox got teleported again by that energy beam from the Galaxy Warriors ship. After that, it was gone.

“Huh?” Everyone asked as they looked up.

“Well that was weird. Why would they do that?” Ninja Steel Yellow asked.

“I don’t know. But right now, we gotta help these guys out.” Ninja Steel Red ordered.

“Right.” The rest of the Ninja Steel Ranger team nodded.

The Ninja Steel Rangers helped the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies get back up on their feet.

“Are you guys okay?” Ninja Steel Red asked.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” Leo answered.

“Thanks for saving us Ninja Rangers.” Sunset said.

“You’re welcome. Say umm... I gotta ask.” Ninja Steel Red said.

“What is it? You can tell us.” Twilight asked.

Do you mind telling us what dimension we’re living in. We need some help.” Ninja Steel Red.

“Wait a minute, are you saying that you Rangers are from another dimension?” Donnie asked.

“Yes.” The Ninja Steel Rangers answered.

“That is very interesting.” Donnie said.

“Well, since y’all saved us, you can tell us more about in the lair.” Applejack suggested.

“The lair? You guys have a lair?” Ninja Steel Red asked.

“Actually, it’s the turtles’ lair. It’s kind of a long story.” Sunset said.

“Want to come with us? You can really tell us exactly what’s going on around here.” Leo suggested.

Ninja Steel Red looked at his fellow teammates and nodded. They all agreed with Leo.

Ninja Steel Red looked at Leo and said, “Alright, we’ll come with you guys.”

“Excellent. Let’s go ninjas!” Leo ordered.

“YAY! More new friends!” Pinkie cheered.

Leo lead the way while the Rainbooms, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno and the Ninja Steel Rangers followed him as they make their way to the sewers, where the lair of the Ninja Turtles are located.