• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,554 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Turtles vs Bats

"Really? A giant Bat?" Raph frowned at Mikey "We can clearly see it's just some guy in a costume!" Then he pulled out his sais "But whoever he is, I don't trust him!"

"That makes two of us." Applejack stood by his side, raising her claws.

"Three of us!" Rainbow Dash said, her spear at the ready.

"Hold up, guys," Donnie interjected, "We don't know that for sure. So let's not jump to any--" before he could finish, another figure dropped down next to the man, it was a girl. She wore a dull purple zip-up suit, with a yellow bat symbol, and a small cape attached at the sholders. A yellow belt, gloves, and boots. And she long red hair peeking out from a bat-shaped mask. One look at her and Donnie fell, instantly in love "I... impa... bah... dah..." Donnie was so entranced that he couldn't speak clearly.

"AAAHHHH! ANOTHER GIANT BAT!" Mikey screamed again. Four more figures landed by them: a young man, a young teenage boy, and two women. "AAAHHHH! FOUR OTHER STRANGE PEOPLE!"

"Calm down, Mikey," Twilight Sparkle eased, "Maybe we can communicate," She cleared her throat and smiled at the man, "Um.... hi, we’re sorry if this vehicle belongs to you and I’m sure we can-" she was cut off when the man suddenly threw a batarang that barely missed her ear and stuck to Casey's hockey stick "or not!" she said, nervously.

"You touched my car," Batman scowled, "You won’t get off that easily."

"What are they?" Nightwing asked.

"Walking turtles? Girls with different colored skin?" Robin said, in disbelief, "I think I’ve been working too hard."

"They’re only children." Huntress scoffed.

Rainbow Dash glared, "I’ll show you children!" She tried to rush at her, but Applejack held her back.

"Whoa there, Sally!" she said.

"Um, well, excuse me, sirs and madame's," said Rarity, "But I must say, I absolutely adore your outfits and--Aahhh-ha-ha!" She yelped as an arrow barely missed her foot.

"Don't sass us!" Huntress snapped, holding up her crossbow.

"Can't you take a complement?" Black Canary frowned at Huntress.

"Listen, we don't want any trouble here." Sunset Shimmer stated, attempted to reason.

"I have a hard time believing that," Batman retorted.

Fluttershy spoke up "We’re really sorry for touching your car. If we could just discuss this like," a batarang almost hit her "Eep!" She jumped into Mikey's arms in fright.

"It’s not that easy," Batman stated, "Explain yourselves, now!

"Explain this!" Raph shouted, and leaped at Batman, with his sais ready. But, at the last minute, Batman socked Raph in the chest, grabbed his left arm, and threw him to ground with thud, near the others.

"Big mistake, buster!" Rainbow Dash said, taking a stance.

"Yeah, nobody messes with Raph!" Mikey called, and unintentionally dropped Fluttershy.

"You mess with one of us, you mess with us all!" Sunset Shimmer declared, as the Turtles and Rainbooms got ready.

"I'm quite done with this conversation!" Huntress said, getting her crossbow ready.

"That makes two of us." Robin said, drawing his staff, as everyone else got into a defensive stance.

Leo drew his swords and shouted "Ninjas, take'm down!" Both sides rushed at each other and the fight began.

Leo and Raph fought Batman, with the Dark Knight dodging and deflecting their weapon swings and ninja kicks. Then he knocked them back with a split kick and flipped away, with the two turtles in pursuit. Sunset threw her kunai at Batgirl, who countered with her batarangs. Then Sunset attacked her, throwing in some kicks and punches, while Batgirl blocked most of them and threw in her own, with Sunset blocking them as well, until Batgirl manged to grab her and flip her into a wall. But then she barely dodged a barrage of darts being shot by Fluttershy. Batgirl back flipped and nailed the shy girl as she came back down.

"Um, hi," Batgirl whipped around and saw Donnie standing behind her. A big goofy smile on his face, "I'm Donatello. And I think we got off on the wrong foot, here."

"Then allow me to get you on my right foot!" Batgirl grinned, and swung a kick, striking Donnie right in the face, knocking him out.

"Hey!" April called, and drew her tessen and tanto, "Leave him alone!" Then the two red-heads duked it out, while Pinkie Pie stood and watched.

"Ooo! Cat-fight!" she cheered. When suddenly, she was nearly hit with an arrow. She tuned to see Huntress with her crossbow. She was loading three more arrows. "Uh, hi there! Say listen, before you fire those arrows, can we talk this over?"

"No," Huntress said, and fired her arrows.

Pinkie jumped, flipped, and dodged to avoid the arrows. All the while, trying to convince Huntress to stop fighting and talk it out, but the heroine wasn't having it. Still, Pinkie kept trying non the less "Please? Pretty Please? Pretty Please With Sugar Lumps On Top?" Huntress ignored her and kept on firing. Having enough of dodging the arrows, Pinkie Pie swung the weight of her weapon, knocking the crossbow out of the surprised Huntress' hand. Then she popped up in front of her and leaned in close "Now can we talk this out?" Huntress responded by punching her in the face, knocking her to the ground. But before she could bring her foot down to nail her, Pinkie flipped out of the way and back on her feet, "Oh, come on!" she wined, "I don't wanna fight you!"

"But I wanna fight you!" Huntress said, and she kicked Pinkie into a wall. Then she socked her in the gut two times and flipped her over her shoulder. Then Huntress rushed at Pinkie, punched her twice in face, grabbed her by the hair and punched her in the stomach, before giving her a sharp upper-cut.

Pinkie Pie stumbled back before shaking off the pain and wiping her mouth "Okay then," she sing songed "Don't say I didn't warn you." Huntress moved to attack again, but Pinkie was ready. Before Huntress could land another blow, Pinkie threw her exploding sprinkles, distorting her. Then Pinkie whirled behind Huntress and knocked her back with a double strike. Huntress staggered and glared at Pinkie, "Learned that from Master Splinter!" she informed.

"I don't care!" Huntress scowled, and tried to attack but Pinkie threw more sprinkles, distorting her again. Then she punched her in the face. Huntress gritted her teeth "That's it! No more Ms. Nice Lady!"

"Me neither! Wait, you were being nice before?" Pinkie Pie asked. Huntress threw a punch, but Pinkie blocked it. Huntress threw another, but Pinkie blocked and held on to her fist. Huntress tried to back-fist her, but she held it back with one hand and punched her with the other. Then she kneed and kicked Huntress back before delivering a powerful palm-strike.

Then she kicked Huntress in the stomach, making her double over, grabbed her by the head, and kneed her in the face. And finally, Pinkie grabbed her face, stepped on her ankle, and dropped Huntress on her knee "Sweep the leg! Ki-yah!" She swept out Huntress' leg and kicked her into a trash can, "Learned that from Mikey!"

"Will you just shut up!" Huntress yelled, and tried to attack Pinkie again. But the pink girl was proving to be too quick for ruthless heroine. Dodging her strikes, while throwing more exploding sprinkles at her.

"So, now can we talk it out?" Pinkie Pie asked, one last time. And once again, Huntress answered by punching her in the face. Pinkie rubbed her nose, "Alright, you asked for it." Before Huntress could attack again, Pinkie threw more sprinkles, distorting her even more.

After she shook the ringing out of her ear, Huntress looked around to see that Pinkie had vanished, "Where'd you go?!" she growled.

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie stuck a present in her hand, before racing off, then suddenly popped out of it, cupcake in hand "Double Surprise!" She splattered Huntress with the cupcake and then bombarded her with more. Huntress staggered back from the pelting. Then she turned and smacked face first into fire escape latter, knocking herself out. Pinkie ceased her cupcake throwing and smiled, "I learned that from me!" she said, proudly, and took a bite out of her remaining cupcake in her hand.

"Goongala!" Casey shouted, as he swung his hockey stick at Robin, while the Boy Wonder countered with his staff "What are you suppose to be, anyway?" He asked as they fought "A pixie fairy?"

"The names Robin!" The Boy Wonder answered.

"Robin?! Like the bird?" Casey burst out laughing. Unfortunately for him, that distraction allowed Robin to wack him three times in the face before delivering a pole bolting kick, knocking the vigilante off his feet and onto the ground.

"Better than a Sports Master wannabe!" Robin snarked, pointing at the downed Casey.

Mikey, meanwhile, was fighting Nightwing, flipping around, trying to hit him with his nunchucks, while Nightwing blocked and deflected with his sparring sticks.

"So, who are you suppose to be?" Mikey asked, curious "Black Bird?"

"It’s Nightwing," the former Boy Wonder said, as he grabbed one end of Mikey's chucks, before the turtle sweep-kicked him to the ground.

"I think Black Bird is better." Mikey disagreed, but then Nightwing got up and struck Mikey with an uppercut, making the turtle crash land on Casey. The two got up and stood back to back as Robin and Nightwing closed in.

"What's say we switch dance partners?" Casey turned to Mikey.

"Sounds good to me!" Mikey replied, and they spun around, changing directions, Mikey kicking Robin and Casey slamming Nightwing with his fist.

Mikey swung his nunchucks at Robin, while Robin fought back with his staff, the both of them flipped, dodged, and struck at each other. While Mikey and Robin were evenly matched, Casey, on the other had, was struggling against Nightwing. The vigilante tried hitting him with his hockey stick, but he kept dodging and striking him.

"Taste some of these, sucker!" Casey lunched some exploding hockey pucks, but Nightwing dodged each one and struck him with his sticks and knocked him with a kick. Casey glared, then shot his regular pucks at Nightwing, but he dodged all those too, without moving from where he was standing, and even knocked away the last one with one of his sticks, "Let's see you dodge this!" He whipped out his taser and tried to hit Nightwing. But of course, the young man could and did dodge it. While he was doing this, he activated his own taser, in one of his sticks, then he deflected Casey's taser with one stick and jabbed the other into Casey's chest, shocking him until he fell to the ground, unconscious, "You ripped off my trick, yo..." Casey groaned, raising a shaking finger.

Nightwing reattached the sticks to his back, "Pretty sure you ripped off mine." he grinned.

April and Batgirl were still trading blows, until the kunoichi spoke up as she dodged Batgirl's kicks, "You're human, so why are you helping the Kraang?!"

"Are you taking about those brain things?" Batgirl asked as she dodged April's tessen and tanto, "What gives you the impression that I'm with them?"

"Oh, I don't know," April scoffed, "Maybe because I can sense that you and your friends just happened to be in the same building the Kraang were in a few minutes ago!"

"Seriously?" Batgirl deadpanned, as she threw here batarangs, disarming April, "I'm not the one hanging out with giant turtles!" Then she kicked April into a wall. April growled and blasted Batgirl off her feet with a psychic wave. Batgirl was shocked. When April sent more psychic waves, Batgirl ran and flipped to avoid the blasts. Then she leaped off a wall and landed in front of April and kicked her, sending her rolling across the ground. Batgirl ran toward April, ready to finish her, when she was suddenly lifted off the ground and thrown back. She looked up to see a grinning Twilight Sparkle, her hands glowing magenta.

"Nice trick." Batgirl grumbled, getting up.

"Thanks. Allow me to show you more!" Twilight said, using her magic to hurl random objects at her. But Batgirl used her acrobatic skills to avoid then and threw a batarang. Twilight halted it, but left herself open to a sharp kick from Batgirl. Twilight took out her kamayari and swung it at Batgirl, as the heroine dodged and blocked. Then she grabbed hold of the weapon, but Twilight threw her off. Batgirl grabbed hold again, as two reached a grapple.

"You're pretty smart, but not smart enough." Twilight said, as they struggled against each other.

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" Batgirl asked.

"I was actually distracting you."

"From what?" The answer came in the form of a smoke bomb. It hit Batgirl in the face, distorting her. When it cleared, the last thing she saw was April spin leaping toward her and then finally nailing her in the gut with the Dragon Tail kick. Batgirl tumbled backward before landing on her stomach. Then April and Twilight fist-bumped.

Leo was blocking Batman's strikes and avoided his kicks before throwing a kick at him, but Batman caught it and rolled Leo to the ground. Leo kicked his foot free and started throwing his own strikes with the Dark Knight blocking them as well. Leo threw another kick, but Batman caught it again and threw the turtle back. Then Raph jumped in and swung his sais at Batman, who dodged and blocked them, forcing him back.

Then Raph managed to land a blow with the handle of his sai, "Is your costume supposed to shock us?" he asked. Until Batman grabbed the sai from his hand.

"No. That's what the car's for," Batman said, and threw the surprised Raph into the Batmobile, "Taze Level 7!" Before Raph knew it, two tasers shot out and shocked him, until he fell to the ground fried.

"Raph!" Mikey shouted, then he ditched Robin and threw one end of his nunchucks at Batman, "Yo, think fast!" Batman caught it and yanked Mikey forward and he struck him with a kick, sending the turtle flying backwards, "Ah, you thought fast!" Mikey groaned, as he hit the ground.

"I'll get'em!" called Pinkie Pie, and ran at Batman, swinging and twirling her weapon around "Ayeeeee-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yaahhh!" However, Batman stopped her by simply grabbing her face and pushing her back, making her fall, head-first, into a trashcan, "I didn't say ready!" she echoed from inside.

"Anyone else?" Batman asked, before he was suddenly rammed by Applejack.

"Let's see you try and take this cowgirl on." she challenged. Batman threw a fist, but Applejack caught it and body slammed him three time before throwing him into a wall. Batman got up and barely dodged Applejack's fist when she punched through the wall, leaving a hole. He rolled to the side and looked at the hole.

"You're strong." he admitted.

"You ain't seen the half of it!" Applejack swung her foot down and Batman flipped out of the way before she could nail him.

"But, I'll bet your not all that smart." Batman said.

Applejack's eyes widened, "And just what, in tarnation, is that supposed to mean? Are you sayin' I'm dumb?!" she asked, offended.

"No," Batman argued, "Although, I'm willing to suspect that you don't use your head very much."

"Why you, low down, dirty!" Applejack growled "I'll show you dumb!" The angered cowgirl slammed her fists down, but Batman flipped out of the way. And he kept flipping, avoiding Applejack's swinging fists and kicks. When Applejack tried to slam her foot down on him, Batman jumped to the side and pulled out a pair of defibrillators, slamming them together to create a charge. Applejack looked at them and scoffed, "So now your gonna try and shock me too? Do y'all really think I'm dumb enough to leave myself open to that?!" She threw another punch, only for Batman to flip over and land behind her.

"I don't think. You are!" he said, before he slammed the defibrillators into her back, zapping her. Applejack yelled in pain, before dropping to the ground.

Suddenly, Batman was struck by a rainbow blur. Now Rainbow Dash was going at him "Let's see you try that on me?" she said, smugly "Oh, but wait, I'm too fast for yah!" She zipped around and struck Batman three times as she went by. Then she rushed straight at him, but Batman threw down some balls in her path "Heh, really?" she scoffed, and she leaped up, jumped of a wall and over the balls "Was that supposed to be a--Agrhh!" Batman rammed his elbow into her gut, flipping her onto her stomach. Then Batman cuffed her hands and legs.

"A distraction? Yes," Batman answered "Cockiness get's you no where." Then he swiftly turned around and saw Fluttershy about to sneak attack him, "Boo!" Batman said, simply. Fluttershy screamed and ran away, in fright.

Leo leaped at him, his katana raised. But as he brought them down, Batman quickly pulled out the sai, he took from Raph, and blocked Leo's swords. The two grappled for a moment, until Batman forced the weapon's out of the turtle's hands. Leo growled, "Look, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave my friends and brothers alone!" And with that, the turtle and the Dark Knight fought hand-to-hand.

Rarity was swinging her sickles at Black Canary, until the heroine kicked them out of her hands. Rarity dodged another kick from the blonde, before she knocked her back with a diamond shield. Black Canary looked up, surprised.

Rarity touched her geode, "Oh, this is more than just a mere fashion accessory, darling!" She fired more diamonds at her, but Black Canary outmaneuvered them.

"And you're not the only one with powers," the heroine said, and then she took a deep breath and unleashed the "Canary Cry." Rarity quickly shielded herself, but the force of the scream was too much and her shields cracked, sending her flying back and tumbling to the ground. She got up to see Black Canary coming toward her, "Only what's coming for you next, is much worse!" She raised her leg and tried to drop kick Rarity, but the fashionista leaped out of the way.

"I'm not as delicate as I look!" she stated.

"Neither am I," Black Canary informed, and hit Rarity across the face with a palm-strike. But when she threw another, Rarity grabbed her arm in one hand and punched her with the other. Then Rarity swung a kick, but Canary ducked, and when Rarity swung another, she grabbed her leg and tossed her. Rarity got back up and threw punches at Black Canary, but she deflected each one before kicking her in the side and then in the gut. But that didn't stop Rarity, she knocked the heroine back, then kicked and pinned her against a wall. Black Canary was about to use the cry again, but Rarity, acting on impulse, jabbed her in the throat with her elbow. Canary clenched her throat in pain, as Rarity let go of her.

"I'm very sorry for that, darling," Rarity apologized, "But I couldn't take that scream again!" A look of concern came to her face, "Are you alright? I didn't elbow you that hard, did I?" She reached out her hand, but then, Black Canary swatted it away and punched her left and right across the face, knocking her down.

"Never lower you're guard in a fight." Black Canary coughed.

"Speak for yourself!" Before the blonde heroine knew it, Sunset Shimmer jumped her from behind and wrapped her in a body-lock, forcing her to the ground. Black Canary tried to back strike her, but Sunset grabbed her hand.

A wave of memories flooded her mind. She saw Black Canary, as well as some of the people they were fighting, helping the Justice League take down the Dark Heart's robots, her and Green Arrow shielding Edgar Mandragora from flying debris, caused by Huntress dropping a crane of steel girders on his father Steve Mandragora, and finally, she saw Black Canary and other heroes fighting off Darkseid's parademons.

Sunset Shimmer gasped in surprise, and let go of Canary's hand "You're all... the good guys?!" she exclaimed.

Black Canary looked confused, before answering with a frown "What did you think?!"

"But, that would mean we... Oh no!" Sunset's eyes widened, realizing their mistake. She got off Black Canary and rushed off.

Canary got up and tried to attack her, only to get sucker-punched to the ground by Rarity, "Like I said before, darling. Not as delicate as I look!" Rarity said, proudly.

Sunset Shimmer stood in the middle of the fight and called out, "Girls, everyone, stop! They're the good guys!" One by one, everyone stopped fighting.

"What?!" Rarity cried.

"What?!" April and Twilight shouted in shock.

"The good guys?!" Donnie said, getting up.

"What?!" Raph, Casey, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash exclaimed, waking up from their knock outs.

"What?!" Fluttershy said, peeking out from behind a trash can.

"What?!" Pinkie Pie said, popping out of the trash can.

"They can't be the good guys!" Mikey said, getting up, "We're the good guys!"

"Uh, then someone should probably tell Leo." Pinkie Pie pointed over to where Leo and Batman were still going at it. Striking and kicking at each other, while blocking and deflecting the other's attacks.

"Oh, no!" Sunset Shimmer said, and rushed toward them. Leo struck Batman in the gut. Sunset ran faster. Batman nailed Leo in the neck. Sunset kept on running, determined to break them up.

The two reached a clash, locking arms, and pushing against each other. During the struggle, Batman spoke, "You're holding back."

"Yeah, well so are you!" Leo shot back, as they pushed each other back.

"The break in at Powers, you were there, you were a part of it!" Batman accused.

"We were trying to stop it!" Leo yelled.

Then the two charged at one another, their fists drawn, until...

"Enough!" Sunset Shimmer shouted, standing in between them, her arms stretched out. Batman and Leo quickly stopped, but Sunset ended up grabbing Batman's arm. Her eyes widened as she saw a memory.

A little boy and his parents were walking through an alleyway. The kid was pretending to wield a sword. While his parents watched him, happily.

"Beware my terrible sword!" the boy exclaimed, in excitement.

But then, the boy's expression changed to a look of worry. As did his parents. A man approached them from the shadows, carrying a gun.

"We'll start with the pretty pearls around the lady's neck!" he said, holding out his hand.

Then everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The man began to pull the trigger.


The lock on the gun clicked back.


The boy's expression changed from worry to fear, as the gun fired with a loud BANG!

"Nooooooooooooo!" Sunset Shimmer screamed, and let go of Batman's arm.

"SUNSET!" All her friends shouted, and rushed to her. She was on the ground, panting from horror and covering her eyes, as tears streamed down her face.

"Sunset, are you alright?" Twilight Sparkle asked, in concern.

"You look as though you've seen something horrible!" Rarity noted.

Leo thought for a moment, before he asked "Did you?"

"What is going on?" Batman demanded.

Sunset Shimmer looked at Batman, while she continued cry, "Your parents... When you were just a kid... How could anyone do that!"

Batman's eyes widened in surprised, knowing immediately what she meant, before he frowned, "How do you know that? Answer me!"

Sunset Shimmer got up, wiped away her tears, and frowned back, "I know one thing. You'll see us again sooner than you think!"

Before Batman or any of his teammates could react...

"AB See yah!" Mikey called.

"Catch yah later!" Pinkie Pie said, as she and Mikey threw down smoke bombs and disappeared.

After they had gone, Nightwing and Robin helped up the Birds of Prey.

"You okay?" Nightwing asked Batgirl.

"I've been better," she responded, before she noticed Black Canary still clenching her throat, "Dinah, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said, her voice sore.

"Unbelievable, you left yourself open to a throat jab, again," Huntress remarked, humorously, recalling the time she had done it to her, when Canary was mind-controlled by Rulet, "And by a teenager! And you let another one pin you. I can't believe you're that careless!"

"You're one to talk," Black Canary retorted, "At least I didn't let some pink girl assault me with cupcakes. Don't think I didn't notice that."

Huntress looked away "Touche."

"That red haired girl was pretty tough," Batgirl said, "And she sure didn't like the way that turtle was looking at me."

"But who were those guys?" Asked Robin, "And how do they fight so well?"

"More than that," Nightwing said, before turning to Batman, "How did that girl, know about your parents?"

Batman looked down at the sai, still in his hand, "Let's return to the Batcave and contact Lucius Fox," he said, "I have a feeling he can answer our questions."

"And it looks like we've got some other business to take care of." Nightwing pointed to the tied up goons and Killer Croc.

Rhino and Mugsy were already trying to squirm away, only to be stopped when Black Canary and Huntress each put a foot on their backs.

"Going somewhere, boys," Huntress said, as the two thugs frowned.

"Another dimension, Mr. Wayne." answered Lucius Fox.

Down in the Batcave, Batman and Lucius Fox were analyzing the sai in a scanner.

"You're certain, Lucius?" Batman asked.

"I wouldn't say it's completely unlikely, after all, we're in theoretical territory, but these reading match the qualities of a trans-dimensional object, as defined by Dr. Naveen Khan." Lucius explained.

"The scientist who was abducted from the university, just yesterday?" Batman said, in thought.

"Yes," Lucius confirmed, as the two men turned their backs for a moment, "He actually used to work for you. We had him on board to work on new clean energy sources, but he was obsessed with his own project. He was a long time believer of the Multiverse Theory and had plans for a Trans-Dimensional portal. I'll admit it was a little off, but the science was actually quite sensible, really. But the project would have costed billions, not to mention I wanted his genius for other projects."

As the men talked, neither of them noticed Sunset Shimmer silently dropping down from the ceiling, behind them.

Batman spoke next, "About this portal. if someone had the resources and the mind of Dr. Khan-"

"They could actually build a potentially working portal device," Lucius said, finishing his sentence, "Albeit theoretically of course. Why do you ask?"

"I have my hunches that these Kraang creatures are from another dimension," Batman answered, "They said they were trying to get home."

"Forgive me for disagreeing, Mr. Wayne, but are you sure they're from another dimension?" Lucius asked, "After all, you and the Justice League have seen aliens before, heck, you even have two of them on your team. How do you know they're not just trying to get back to their Planet?"

"The tech they've stolen isn't the right kind for building or repairing spaceships. I've gone over that with J'onn and Superman." Batman explained.

"Of course, Mr. Wayne," Lucius said, "I'll hold you to it," Then he turned around, "What the?!" he exclaimed, "The sai, it's gone! It was just here a minute ago!"

Batman looked. Lucius was right, the sai was gone. In it's place was a sticky note with a picture of a sun, with red and yellow flames. Lucius read the note, "This sai belongs to my friend and I'll thank you to give it back. P.s, you'll see us again soon. Sunset Shimmer?"

Batman squinted his eyes, whoever these Turtles and multicolored girls were, they definitely had his attention.

"He's called the Batman," Donnie read from a laptop "Ooo, the police don't seem too crazy about him. But yeah. He's definitely one of the good guys."

"And I think we're agreed on one thing," Mikey said, "Batman... was... AWESOME!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie cheered, "Wouldn't you agree, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash scoffed, "Not after the way he pulled a fast one. On me!"

"And not after he called me dumb," Applejack said, grumpily.

"At least you didn't get your butt handed to you twice!" Casey said, recalling his fight with Robin and Nightwing "That Nightwing. Stole his trick? I don't think so!"

"And I tried to reason with that Huntress lady, but she was too much of a hard case!" Pinkie remembered, "No offense, Raph."

"None take- hey!" Raph said.

Rainbow Dash frowned, "We’re here a couple hours and already we had to face a puppet master-"

"Ventriloquist." Twilight corrected.

"Right that," Rainbow went on, "Two thugs and a crocodile guy, only to lose to a jerk dressed like a bat, some pretty boy blunder, a bird brain, some archery psycho, a loudmouth-"

"A Bat wannabe," April put in.

"And no Kraang! Oi!" Rainbow Dash groaned.

After escaping from Batman and his team, the Turtles and Rainbooms had taken refuge inside an internet cafe. And Donnie had pulled up some information about the Caped Crusader and the other heroes.

"So what if he is with the good guys?" Raph said, "I still don't trust him!"

"And not exactly a fan of Batgirl," April grumbled, "I mean who does she think she is anyway?!"

Rarity and Fluttershy looked at each other and grinned slyly, before turning to the red haired kunoichi.

"Uh, April, darling," Rarity said, coyly, "If we didn't know better, we'd say you were jealous."

"What? Jealous?!" April said, "Why would I be jealous?"

"Because Donnie's got a crush on Batgirl!" Fluttershy teased.

"Um... I wouldn't say I have a crush," Donnie denied, "I just think that she's nice to look at. In a non crushing way..." he shrunk down in his seat.

April glared at him, then back at the two Rainbooms, "I'm not jealous! I just don't like her. That hussy!"

Fluttershy and Rarity were not convinced, "I'm sorry, dear," Rarity shook her head "But I'm afraid it's all too obvious."

"Mmm, hmm!" Fluttershy nodded, and she and Rarity shared a laugh.

"Well, Batman was certainly very smart," Twilight Sparkle said, "Especially since he was able to subdue both Applejack and Rainbow Dash so quickly," She quickly changed her tune when she noticed the said girls glaring at her "Uh, no offense!" She said nervously.

"Whoa!" Donnie gasped, "Get this. He's part of a group of superheroes called the Justice League!"

"I don't care if he's part of some super club," Raph snapped, "I don't like him!"

"Is it because he stole your sai or because he electrocuted you?" Mikey asked, teasingly.

"You gotta admit, Raph," Pinkie Pie chimed in, "He is pretty cool. And his friends too!"

"Even though they have such dumb names!" Casey said, frowning, "Nightwing? Robin? Black Canary? Huntress?"

"I would have given them those names." Mikey said.

Raph grumble "What do you think, Leo?"

Everyone turned to Leo, who was leaning against a wall, in deep thought, "I've never fought anyone like him before," he said, "Shredder maybe. Tatsu definitely. But this guy was different. He wasn't landing any lethal blows, he was studying us, trying to figure us out. He fought like... a detective! I've never seen anything like it!"

"Huh?" Donnie said, still reading the laptop, "You know, it's funny you mentioned that, Leo, because according to this, Batman is considered "The World's Greatest Detective"."

"Okay, it's official," Mikey stated, "Batman is the best!"

"Oh, no!" Rainbow Dash shut her eyes and clenched her head, "Not you too, Leo."

"Have you forgotten what he did to us?" Applejack reminded him, "He threw those bat-dohickies at us for touchin' his car, and he shocked me and Raph for cryin' out loud!"

"Not to mention, he stole my sai!" Raph put in, "We were hoping at least you and Sunset would back us up."

"Hey, speaking of which," Casey stated, "Anybody see Sunset?"

Fluttershy gasped, "You don’t think she went after Batman do you?!"

"I think I saw her hiding underneath his car." Pinkie Pie informed.

Everyone gasped, "What?!"

"Oh, no!" Twilight Sparkle cried, "If Batman finds her, he'll... he'll..."

"Won't notice I was even there?" Came a familiar voice.

Everyone looked to see Sunset Shimmer standing in the doorway.

"Sunset!" The girls cried, and crowded around her.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're okay!" Twilight Sparkle said, as she hugged her.

"We were so worried about you!" Fluttershy said.

Pinkie popped up, "Yeah, you could've got lost or something?"

"We were leaving in a group Pinkie. How could she get lost?" Rainbow Dash asked, rhetorical, and Pinkie just shrugged

"Yeah, we probably need to stay together." Applejack said.

"Sorry to worry you all." Sunset Shimmer apologized

"Sunset, where were you?" Leo asked.

"I was getting a lead on our caped crusader, oh, and getting something back." she took out Raph's sai and handed back to him.

"Thanks." Raph said.

"You're welcome," Sunset Shimmer smiled, before she turned serious, "And guys, I've thought about our situation here. We're not gonna beat the Kraang on our own this time. Especially with that new weapon of theirs. We need help if we're going to get home."

"But who would help us, darling?" Rarity asked.

"I think I know who, but... some of you are not gonna like it..."

"AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THIS IS A BAD IDEA!" Raph snapped, as they all climbed through the cave.

"You're joking, right?" asked Rainbow Dash, "Please tell me you're joking."

"In case you're forgetin'," Applejack chided, "But that guy ain't the nicest fella and he thinks we're enemies!"

"Knock it off, you three!" Leo ordered, looking over his shoulder, "Sunset's got a point, Batman may be our key to stopping the Kraang and going home."

"Plus, I heard him talk about the Kraang," Sunset Shimmer chimed in, "And if he is a detective, then he can help us. I hope."

She was leading everyone through an underground cave tunnel, climbing up it's rock walls. Raph, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were not happy to go to Batman for help. Mostly because he had humiliated them. And April didn't want to see Batgirl again. And most of all, she didn't want Donnie to see her again. But they were out voted. Batman was the only hope they had at getting back to their dimension. Provided, he would help them, that is.

"But what if he attacks us again?!" Fluttershy asked, in worry, "You saw how angry he was when we touched his car. Who knows what he'll do if he finds us in his lair!"

"Maybe I can give him some cupcakes as a peace offering!" Pinkie Pie suggested.

"You sure he’ll actually listen to us this time?" Mikey wondered.

"We got to at least try." Sunset Shimmer stated.

Leo agreed, "If he is going after the Kraang, this is our only shot going home."

"Sooner the better." April said, glaring at Donnie. Who was, at this point, daydreaming about Batgirl.

"What? I wasn't thinking about Batgirl." Donnie grinned, nervously, and April rolled her eyes.

"I think we’re close," Fluttershy said, holding on to her geode, and putting a hand to her ear, "I can hear bats up ahead."

"How much longer do we have to keep going?" Casey complained.

"Not much further now," Sunset Shimmer informed "We're here!"

Everyone came out of the cave and entered into a large cavern. But there weren't just bats and stalagmites in it. Their were stairs and walkways leading to different platforms and areas. One platform had exercising equipment. Another area had a lab table. Parked on another platform, among other cars, was the car, that they learned was called the Batmobile. On a lower lever was dock with a bat-shaped boat. And up above was a bat-shaped jet. There were display cases full of gadgets and different kinds of suits and costumes. In the very center was a large computer. And the most noticeable things were a giant penny and robot Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Everyone gasped and stared in awe. They entered the Batcave!

"Dibs on playing with that dinosaur!" Mikey shouted, in excitement.

"Second!" called Pinkie Pie.

Author's Note:


.Batman takes out Rainbow Dash the same way Nightwing took out Impulse in Young Justice.

.Pinkie Pie defeats Huntress the same way Mikey defeats Chris Bradford in "New Friend, Old Enemy" and how pony Pinkie Pie defeats one of the Storm Goons in the movie.

.Batman fighting Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Raph, and Leo were based off Batman vs Task Force X from "Batman: Assault on Arkham" and Batman vs Nightwing & Batman vs Talon from "Batman: Bad Blood" & "Batman vs Robin".

.Sunset Shimmer's reaction to Bruce Wayne's parents murder was based off Barbra Gordon's cry before waking up from her fear illusion from "Over the Edge".

.Rarity beats Black Canary the same way Huntress did in "Grudge Match."

.Both Tara Strong and Mae Witman have been the voices of Batgirl.