• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,582 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Team Ups

On the far edge of Gotham, was a mental institution known as Arkham Asylum. It was a hospital for Gotham's criminality insane, but it was also a prison. That was because most of it's inmates were composed of the city's super villains. One of these villains, Jervis Tetch also know as the Mad Hatter, was currently pushing a cart of food, delivering lunch to the inmates, when he heard someone speak to him from one of the cells, "Hello, Hattie!" Hatter turned to the cell and saw the Clown Prince of Crime himself, the Joker.

"Ever hear about the one with the bucket of water?" Joker asked, humorously.

"Indeed I have, Mr. Joker," Hatter replied, "Indeed I have..." Hatter then took out a bucket of water and dumped it all over the floor. Then he tossed the bucket aside and continued on his way as if nothing had happened.

Joker grinned to himself "There's something FUN going on out there. And I want in. As soon as Harley does her part."

Two security guards were escorting Harleen Quinzel a.k.a Harley Quinn, back to her cell. A third guard walked behind them for added measure.

"Just out for a casual stroll," Harley said to the guards, "Not up to nothin', no sir. Just mindin' my own business, with no trap to spring. That's a fact."

"Keep moving, Quinn!" the third guard said, annoyed.

But just as they passed Joker's cell, Harley stepped on the spilled water and slipped, "Zoinks! Ruh, roh!" She said, and swung her foot back, kicking the two guards in the heads, knocking them out, "Pardon me," then she flipped up and landed on the third guard, knocking him out too, "I'm such a klutz!" Later, dressed in her costume, she opened the Joker's cell, "Up and attem, Mr. J!" She said, handing him his suit.

"Not my style of a getaway," Joker said, disapproved, "But I am pleased with the results!"

"So, puddin', you up for a little fun?" Harley Quinn asked, batting her eyes.

Joker smiled, maniacally, "Oh, my dear, Harley. The fun is only just beginning!" And with that, Joker let out a wicked laugh that echoed through out Arkham.

"Another dimension?" Huntress said, unconvinced, "What makes you think these Kraang and turtle creatures are from another world?"

Nightwing, Robin, and the Birds of Prey were waiting upstairs in the manor, when Batman and Lucius Fox returned and explained what they had learned. Needless to say, some of them were a little skeptical.

"I wouldn't have believed it myself, had it not been for the experiences I had with dimension hopping," Batman said, recalling the time he and the Justice League visited the world of the Justice Lords, "And the more I think about it, the more it all makes sense. In a way."

"More like nonsense," Batgirl said, in disbelief, "Other worlds? This seems a bit out there for you, Batman."

"Um, have you all forgotten about him telling us about the world of the Justice Lords?" Nightwing asked, as if it were obvious, "Or the world of the Crime Syndicate?"

"He also said that he and Justice League were transported to a world of talking ponies." Robin pointed out.

"Has Batman ever made anything up?" Nightwing asked, rhetorically.

Robin looked away, "Point taken."

"I admit it's a bit unbelievable, Bats," Black Canary said, "But are you really sure?"

"Whether you believe me or not, Multiverse theory has been a common possibility," Batman went on "Think about it. Those seven girls each had different colored skin and two of them had different colored eyes. Not to mention, they and those Turtles confessed that they were good guys."

"Okay, but, are you sure they're not aliens?" Nightwing asked, "If you remember my friend Starfire...."

"No offense, Dick," Robin interrupted, "But that sounds stupid."

"I don't recall asking you."

"Whatever." Robin walked off.

"That doesn't explain that pink one's absurdity." Huntress said, growing impatient.

"If I may be so bold," Alfred interjected, "The way you explained how they fought, maybe they could be of some help against these Kraang."

"A partnership?" Batgirl exclaimed, "You're joking right?"

"Yes, miss Gordon, I love to bother you all with my droll sense of humor." Alfred said, sarcastically.

"I am not going an inch near that pink haired one!" Huntress yelled, "Not after the way she humiliated me!"

"We also have that steel samurai out there," Black Canary noted, "And we all found out how tough he is, especially you. Maybe Alfred's got the right idea. We definitely could use back up.

"All the more reason we need to double our efforts to find them," Batman stated, "We'll search the city for any traces on-"

"Sir, I apologize for the interruption, but we seem to have a problem," Alfred said, and pointed to a blinking red light on his watch "The silent alarms just went off in the Batcave. There's someone down there!"

Robin came up holding a tablet, "And I just found out who. I was looking at the footage from the hidden cameras, and guess what? We don't need to find them, they found us!" He turned the tablet around and showed them the footage.

"Oh, no!" Huntress frowned.

"Weeeee!" Pinkie Pie cheered, her voice echoing throughout the Batcave.

"This is the coolest thing I've ever done!" Mikey exclaimed, as he and Pinkie were sitting on top of the T-rex.

"Get down from there, you two!" Applejack called up to them, while tapping her foot impatiently.

"Applejack's right, guys," April agreed, "You know Batman won't be happy to see you messing around with his stuff!"

"Well, then you should probably tell that to everybody else." Mikey said, and pointed to the side.

Donnie was at the Batcomputer, "Is this what love feels like?" He asked out loud, as he marveled at its technological beauty, "I'm pretty sure this is what love feels like!"

April groaned, 'First a girl in a bat costume, now a computer!' She thought, in annoyance.

Twilight Sparkle was in the lab area, looking through a microscope, "This scientific equipment is amazing!" She said, excited.

Casey was hefting a pair of barbells, "Totally ripped, yo!"

Rainbow Dash was looking at all the other Batvehicles, "These rides are Awesome!"

Fluttershy was cuddling with some cave bats that were hanging on her arms, "You're just the cutest things!" She gushed.

Rarity, being a fashionista, was looking at all the costumes in display cases, "Hmm? Quite a dark ensemble," she said, eyeing them, "But otherwise, absolutely fabulous!"

Leo and Raph were looking at all the gadgets. Leo was amazed at all the tools Batman kept. Raph, on the other hand, couldn't care less.

"This place is crazy." he remarked.

"Think about how much more efficient we would be if we had these resources, Raph!" Leo said.

"Oh, yeah, I always wanted to display every weapon and outfit throughout the lair," Raph said, sarcastically, "And while we're at it, let's exchange the Shellraiser for a dumber looking car and give Mikey his own play pen!"

"Do you have to be the wet blanket?" Leo asked, annoyed with his brother's resentment.

"No!" Raph denied, "I just don't like this place. Unlike some people." He glanced over to where Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash were looking at the giant penny.

"Whoa!" Sunset said, in amazement, "Look at the size of this penny!"

"No way that's worth one cent!" Rainbow Dash said.

As Rarity was looking at the suits, she came across what appeared to be a Robin suit from the 70's, "Did that Robin fellow wear this without pants?" She said out loud, before she admitted, "Love the coloring though."

Raph turned back to Leo, "Did we come to talk? Or just bring everyone for a field trip?"

"Calm down, Raph," Leo eased, "Sooner or later, that Batman guy should be coming here soon."

"Sooner the better," Raph complained, before he remarked, "Just going out, wearing a cape and mask while battling criminals, is not my style!"

"Uh, we wear masks," Leo noted, "And battling criminals is literally what we do."

"It's different!" Raph insisted, "We're living up to a tradition, this Batman guy is just-"

"Just what exactly?"

Before Leo and Raph knew it, they were knocked into the side of the Batmobile. The Dark Knight had found them. Fluttershy screamed, making the bats fly away.

"Darlings, I believe our dark and brooding host has arrived!" Rarity said, in a panic.

"Wow?" Pinkie Pie said, leaning on Mikey's shell, "Didn't take him long to find us- argh!" She and Mikey were kicked off the T-rex by a swinging Huntress. Then the heroine grabbed Pinkie Pie by her top, glaring into her face. Pinkie grinned sheepishly, "Uh, you're Huntress, correct? You're not mad about the cupcake thing, right?" Huntress answered by rapidly punching her in the face and the gut, before kicking her onto Mikey, "Yep, you're totally mad!" Pinkie groaned, in pain.

Casey pulled out his hockey stick, ready to fight, when he was dropped from behind by Robin and Nightwing.

"Man, you're so easy," Robin quipped, only for Casey to sweep him and Nightwing out from under their feet, knocking them to the ground.

"Not that easy, punk!" Casey smirked.

Batgirl landed behind April, who sensed her, and turned around.

"Batgirl?" She asked, frowning.

"Red?" Batgirl asked. April swung at her, only for the heroine to block it.

Rarity was about to help her, when she was blasted by Black Canary’s cry from behind. When she got up, she saw Canary approaching, looking very angry, "I suppose you’re still upset with that hit to your throat," she guessed. Black Canary responded by cracking her knuckles "Guess that answers that," Rarity said, to herself, in worry "So much for an apology!"

Just before Black Canary could rush at her, Applejack hit her in the side, knocking her into one of the cases. Then she helped Rarity up.

Pinkie Pie got up just in time to see a still livid Huntress aiming her crossbow. But just as she shot an arrow at Pinkie, a dart whizzed by, snapping the arrow in two. Huntress looked to where it was shot and saw Fluttershy, looking very mad.

"You will not hurt my friend," she said, glaring "You..... big.......... MEANIE!"

Huntress was taken back. But she still lunged at Pinkie Pie, only for Fluttershy to tackle her, in mid air, with a flying kick. Huntress got up and threw both her fists at Fluttershy, but the shy girl grabbed them both, twisted them behind her back, and forced her to the ground, pining her down.

"I said: You're not hurting my friend!" Fluttershy repeated, sternly. Huntress tried to throw her off, but Fluttershy had her pinned good.

"ENOUGH!" Batman shouted, and everyone ceased their fighting.

"Hey! Who blew the whistle?" Raph asked.

"Will you get off me!" Huntress said to Fluttershy.

"If you stop trying to attack my friends, I will." Fluttershy responded.

"And if I don't?" Huntress asked, and Fluttershy gave her "the stare." Huntress eyes widened in fright, before she scowled, "Fine," she sighed, and Fluttershy got off her. As Huntress was getting up, she noticed Black Canary looking at her with a smug grin, "Not... a word!" Huntress sneered.

Batman stormed up to the group "How did you get into this cave?!" He demanded.

Donnie nervously explained "Oh, well, the defense systems weren't all that hard to deactivate on the northeast entrance and-" Donnie fell silent when Batman glared down at him, "Aaaand, I'll just stop talking!"

"I need answers, now!" Batman ordered.

"We need you're help," came Sunset Shimmer's voice. Everyone turned to see her standing with her arms crossed and a frown on her face "Bruce Wayne."

Nightwing, Robin, and the Birds of Prey looked shocked.

"What?!" Robin exclaimed "How did she?"

Batman raised his hand, silencing him. Before he walked right up to Sunset Shimmer, "How do you know about my parents?" He asked, simply.

"Your memories say a lot," Sunset answered, "And since you're the World's Greatest Detective, you know everything that's going on, right?"

"I know enough," Batman replied "You're all from another dimension. You study the ways of the ninja. But that doesn't explain how you learned my identity?"

"Advanced stealth training I learned from our late sensei," Sunset Shimmer explained, "While the others made their escape, I hid underneath your car and followed you all the way here. Then while you and that Lucius guy had your backs turned, I slipped in and took my friend's sai back. And yes, we are from another world. One very similar to this one actually."

Mikey popped up, "And since we're getting acquainted, Mr. Batman, allow me to introduce ourselves!" He said, and went around, naming off everyone, "Dude in the purple is Donatello, he's a technical genius, who is technically a genius. Guy in the red is Raphael, he's like a big cuddly teddy bear, if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent. Leonardo in blue, fearless leader, silent, but deadly. The red-head is April O'Neill, our first human friend and powerful psychic. Casey Jones, New York's number one vigilante. And these ladies are the Rainbooms: You've already met Sunset Shimmer, leader of their group, co-leader of ours. Twilight Sparkle, genius like Donnie, only twice as nerdy. Fluttershy, shy, kind, animal-lover. Applejack, honest to a fault, and stubborn as a mule. Rarity, generous fashionista, also dramatic. Rainbow Dash, loyal to the end and 20% cooler. Pinkie Pie, party planner, who just wants to make you smile. And last, but not least, there's me, Michelangelo, sporting my signature orange! I'm a triple threat, brains, brawn, and an obvious charming personality. Everyone calls me Mikey."

"Are you done?" Leo asked, annoyed.

"Yeah I’m done." Mikey answered.

Nightwing spoke up, "So, you’re both from the same universe?"

"Well actually........." Twilight Sparkle was about to correct him, until Sunset made a motion with her hands not to say anything about Equestria, which Batman took notice of, "Yes. Yes we are." Twilight smiled, nervously.

"I don’t see it." Huntress deadpanned.

"No of course not." Rainbow Dash frowned at her.

"And these Kraang creatures.... they’re from your universe as well?" Robin asked.

"Unfortunately." April said.

"And, um? If you all don't mind," Fluttershy said, drawing a line on the ground with her foot, "Since you know who we are, could you tell us who the rest of you are?"

"I do mind, thank you." Huntress said, dryly.

"Sorry," Nightwing said, raising his finger, "But I'm afraid that information is strictly-"

Batman cut him off and pointed to his partners and the Birds of Prey, "Dick Grayson. Tim Drake. Barbra Gordon. Dinah Lance. Helena Bertinelli."

"...Classified." Nightwing finished with a frown, and lowered his finger.

"Wait? You're name is Dick?!" Casey asked, and burst out laughing, only for Nightwing to zap him again, with his taser baton.

"And you're a grade A lunkhead." Nightwing retorted.

"That's messed up, yo!" Casey groaned.

"If we can have a few minutes without fighting, we will explain who we are." Leo stated.

Suddenly, an alarm went off, taking everyone by surprise. They all turned to see Alfred with a shotgun.

"Sir, I took the liberty of activating the perimeter alarm," he stated, aiming the rifle, "They’re not going to be leaving anytime soon."

"You have a dinosaur and a robot butler?" Mikey said, in amazement.

"Ooooo!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "You really spared no expense!

"Stand down, Alfred," Batman ordered, "They're on our side."

Alfred turned off the alarm and lowered the gun.

Batman turned the ninjas "Let’s talk."

Later, they were all sitting upstairs, in the living room, as the Turtles and Rainbooms told everyone their story. How the Turtles were mutated by the mutagen and trained in the art ninjitsu by their late sensei and father figure, Master Splinter. How they met the Rainbooms, while leaving out the part about Princess Twilight Sparkle and Equestria. When either Mikey or Pinkie Pie were about to say something, Sunset would shoot them a look telling them not to say anything. Then they told them about the Kraang invasion, their space adventures with the Fugitoid, and all the magical adventures the Rainbooms dealt with.

"This is all very fascinating!" Lucius said, while taking notes, "So this Mutagen, the Kraang created, is what made you what are?"

"That's right, Mr. Fox," Donnie confirmed, "And the creation behind all our mutant enemies and allies."

"It even turned a car into a mutant!" Casey said, remembering Speed Demon.

Lucius Fox was surprised, before he scribbled down more notes "Most intriguing."

"So how many mutants are there in your world?" Batgirl asked.

"Weeeeell..." Pinkie Pie started off, "There's Slash, Leatherhead, Dr. Rockwell, Pigeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Bandit Raccoon, Muckman, and as for our mutant enemies: there's Tigerclaw, Fishface, Bebop & Rocksteady, Spider Byetz, Scumbug, Antrax, Panther, Pizzaface, Speed Demon, and just recently, an enemy of ours named Hun got mutated into a huge bulking turtle and boy did he give us all a really pounding!"

Nightwing whispered to Robin, "Sounds like he could give Bane a challenge."

"Or Mammoth." Robin noted.

Batgirl pointed to Twilight's necklace, "So those geodes on your necklaces are the source of your powers?"

"Yep," Twilight Sparkle answered, "It took a while, but we were able to get them under control with help from each other and our ninja training."

"Even though you were too afraid to use your powers, because of 'Midnight Sparkle." Rainbow Dash put in, making Twilight frown.

While they continued to talk, Mikey and Pinkie Pie kept poking Alfred, "So lifelike!" Mikey said.

"I know right?" Pinkie Pie agreed.

"I assure you both I am not a robot." Alfred said, irritated.

"So quit being rude!" Applejack said, as she and Casey pulled them away from the butler.

Fluttershy came up "I’m sorry about that, Mr. Pennyworth," she apologized, "Those two have interesting imaginations."

"It's quite all right, Ms. Fluttershy," Alfred replied, "I have been called worse."

"You know, Alfred. I can tell you and Batman have a strong friendship," Fluttershy commented, "After all, you help him solve all these crimes. I think you're a really kind man."

"I appreciate that, Ms. Shy, thank you."

"So how did you all end up in our world?" Black Canary asked.

"It's a long story," Leo said "But, to put it simply, it was an accident."

Rarity began, "It all started when my friends and I traveled to New York city to pay the guys here a friendly visit."

"Unfortunately, that friendly visit was interrupted by visit from the Utrom council," Donnie said, "They told us that some Kraang droids had found their way back to earth. And you could imagine our surprise, since we haven't seen the Kraang since we set them back to Dimension X after our space adventures."

"They said the Kraang were repairing a trans-mat portal so they could bring back more Kraang, and asked us to shut it down and bring the droids back to free them from Kraang Prime's control." Twilight Sparkle explained further.

Sunset Shimmer spoke up next, "They told us they were hiding in an abandoned warehouse, so we went there to investigate. But nothing prepared us for what we we're about to face..."

The Turtles, April, Casey, the Rainbooms, and even Spike jumped out the Utrom portal and quickly hid behind some crates. They peeked out and could see there were at least thirty droids. They were all standing by a large machine the Turtles recognized as their Dimensional Portal. It had a large platform with four large gun-like lasers stationed all around it. Three droids were typing some coordinates into a control panel, while the rest of the droids were guarding it.

"There they are." Leo whispered.

"Those stinkin' blobs." Casey said.

"Looks like Bishop and the council were right," Sunset Shimmer noted, "Some Kraang did find a way back to earth."

"Bummer." Spike said.

"So what in tarnation are they doin' here?" Applejack wondered.

"No doubt, they're trying to get it working again so the rest of the Kraang can come back." Donnie theorized.

"And we just got rid of them!" Mikey whined.

"Or... maybe they're reformed Kraang?" Fluttershy hoped.

"I highly doubt that, Fluttershy." April said, in disbelief.

"I don't see Subprime," Rainbow Dash said, keeping eye out for the loud mouthed alien, "Would've loved to take another crack at him."

"Honestly, Rainbow Dash," Rarity rolled her eyes, "I don't want to face him again. You don't hear me wanting to face Dregg again." She shuddered at the thought.

"At least we got a way to beat them like we did with Armaggon." Pinkie Pie pointed to her geode.

"Still, we need to be careful," Twilight cautioned, "They're still very dangerous."

"Wish Fugitoid could join us," Sunset signed, "If he wasn't assisting the Council right now," Then she turned to Leo "So what's the plan?"

"Donnie and Twilight, you sabotage the portal," Leo, pointed to the control panel, "The rest of us will take down the Kraang!"

"You stay out of sight, Spike." Twilight told her dog.

"Fine." Spike frowned.

Soon, the group drew their weapons and leaped out from behind the crates.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey and Pinkie Pie shouted.

The Kraang droids whipped around, "It is the ones known as the Turtles and the Rainbooms!" a droid said.

"When are you Kraang gonna learn?" Leo asked, "As long as we exist, you will never win!"

"When will those which are known as the Turtles and Rainbooms that which is know as learn that Kraang is superior?!" Another droid retorted.

The ninjas gave them a confused look, "Did you understand any of that?" Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie.

"Not a word." Pinkie Pie replied.

"Good," Applejack said, "Then it's ain't just me."

"Kraang, obliterate!" A droid called, and all the droids aimed their blasters and opened fire, only to have their shots deflect off a diamond shield, "What is, that which is known as, going on?" Another droid asked.

Rarity lowered her shield, "Oh? Did we forget to mention, we've brought a little surprise for you, darlings?" She said, as the Rainbooms all held onto their geodes, tapping into their magic.

"Let's show these Kraang what we're made off!" Sunset Shimmer said, and the group charged at the Kraang.

Rainbow Dash knocked down a few droids as she ran past them with her super speed. Applejack slammed her fists on the ground, creating a shock-wave that sent some droids flying. Pinkie Pie was flipped and cartwheeling around the Kraang, throwing her exploding sprinkles at them. Rarity disarmed some with her diamond disks and Twilight Sparkle would then use her magic to lift them up throw them into each other.

During the fight, a Kraang droid spoke through a comlink, "Kraang is under attack by the ones know as the Turtles and Rainbooms, just as Kraang Intended. But the ones know as the Rainbooms have obtainted, that which is known as super powers!"

"Yes. I can see everything," a voice on the comm replied, "But it matters not. I will finish what they started!"

After knocking away the droids by the control panel, Donnie and Twilight began working the controls, "Alright, let's see if we can, hang on?" Donnie said, after noticing something off.

Twilight Sparkle looked at him, "What is it?"

"This can't be right?" Donnie said in disbelief "According to these coordinates, the portal is set to open in deep-" before he could finish his sentence, both he and Twilight were struck from behind and thrown onto the portal platform.

Rainbow Dash speed tackled five more droids, before she spoke in her cocky way, "Man. You Kraang are too eas- argh!" She attack and knocked on to the platform with Twilight and Donnie.

Rarity and April were fending off more droids, April using her psychic blasts and Rarity with her shields, "Back, you repulsive- argh!" Was all Rarity said before she and April were struck from behind and thrown onto the others.



Applejack, Casey, and Raph looked backed and something kicked them on to the platform. Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were still fighting droids when they too were attacked, until only Leo and Sunset Shimmer were left

"Guys?" Leo said, in confusion, "What's going..." he stopped mid sentence when he and Sunset saw a shadow loom over them.

"...On." Sunset said, as she and Leo turned around and were met with a double punch, sending them crashing onto the others. After recovering, everyone looked to see what had hit them and froze at who they saw.

"It can't be..." Leo said, in horror.

"No, way..." Sunset couldn't believe her eyes.

Staring down at them, was a tall man in bladed armor, who the Turtles were all too familiar with.

"Shredder?!" Everyone exclaimed, in shock.

"Not quite..." the evil ninja master said, then steam escaped from his chest plate and it opened up to reveal a small cockpit, and out of it popped...

"Surprise, Turtle scum and Rainbooms!" Kraang Subprime shouted, "Miss me?!"

Rainbow Dash covered her face with her hand, "Oh no."

"Kraang Subprime?!" Everyone gasped.

"That's right. I'm back, baby!" Subprime said, with a smirk, "Bet you didn't expect to see me again, did yah?"

"Well, yeah." Raph said.

"Last time we saw you, we banished you to the Primary Turtle Reality." Donnie recalled the adventure they had with the other Turtles.

"And you will not believe what I've been through!" Subprime glared, "But luckily, I managed to find a way back to Dimension X and then I got right to work with finding a way TO DESTROY YOU MISERABLE TURTLES AND GIRLS FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME! So I set up this whole thing just bait you here. And you totally fell for it! What chumps!" He laughed maniacally, before quickly composing himself, "Oh, and say hello to my new toy, my Shredder suit!"

"Lame," Mikey said "I've got something better. Cyber Shredder!"

"I'd keep that mouth of yours shut if I were you!" Subprime threatened, and had the Shredder suit unsheathe its blades.

"Why dress up like Shredder?" Twilight asked.

"I figured if I was gonna take you down, I'd look the part. And what better way then to look like the guy who kicked your butts at every turn! Have I mentioned I also programmed this suit with all of his moves?" He chuckled, "With this bad boy, I'm twice as strong as I was before. Because you always got you're butts handed to you by the Shredder, every time you faced him."

"Except for that time Leo, Twilight, Sunset, and Princess Twilight defeated him," Pinkie Pie pointed out, "Oh, and when me and my friends blasted him half-way across the city!"

"Do I care? No!" Subprime yelled, "And how fortunate for me that you ladies just happened to be in the city when I decided to make my move. Although, I wasn't quite expecting you girls to have some kind of powers. And a new look, I might add. I rather like it. It's a big improvement from your original looks."

"Oh, why thank you, darling," Rarity beamed, "I designed them myself-"

"Rarity!" The girls said.

"Oh, right, don't accept a compliment from the villain!"

While all this was going on, Leo noticed Spike watching with concern. Then he motioned to the Utrom portal, silently telling the pup to go get help. Spike looked hesitant at first, but he nodded and disappeared into the portal.

"Well any who," Sunset Shimmer began, as they all started to get up, "We’re going to make you wish you stayed back in Dimension X!"

"Because we’re stronger than before!" Twilight declared.

Pinkie Pie stood firm, "Because even though we look different."

"Our friendship still goes strong!" Applejack finished.

"And we’ll always be there to back them up!" April said.

"So you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?" Casey asked while brandishing his hockey stick, "Your call."

"Well then?" Subprime said, "I guess I chose..., THIS!" In five seconds flat, Subprime struck them all down hard, leaving them groaning in pain. He stomped down Leo and shouted, I'm gonna make you wish that you never crossed Kraang Subprime! And since you banished me to another dimension, I thought I'd return the favor."

"So are you gonna send us to the Primary Turtle Reality?" Leo inquired.

"I could," the Kraang leader replied, "But I have somewhere else in store for you," The portal rays powered up and a gateway began to open up. All the group could see were stars, "I'm gonna send you all into space!" Subprime laughed maniacally.

"He's right," Donnie confirmed, and pointed to the control panel, "The coordinates are set to transport us into deep space!"

Fluttershy gulped.

"You know what," Twilight said, nervously, "I'm actually not that anxious to return to space again."

"Oh no!" Rainbow Dash stared at the opening portal in horror, "We’ll suffocate!"

"Better hold my breath!" Pinkie Pie said, and sucked in some air.

"Well, not just suffocate," Donnie noted, "We'll also instantly freeze to death, due to the zero temperature-"

Raph interrupted, "Not now, Donnie!"

"But I’m not-" Rarity said, before she was cut off.

"Don’t even finished that sentence, Rarity!" Applejack said, knowing she was gonna mention not being packed for the trip.

"Well, I’m not." Rarity protested.

"And if you're thinking about tryin' to escape, well think again!" Subprime motioned to all the Kraang droids surrounding them from all sides. What nobody knew, was that Mikey was looking around, making sure no one was watching him as he pulled out a ninja star. Subprime turned back to the heroes, "So? Any last words before you say hello to the inky blackness?"

"Just one," Mikey said, before he threw the ninja star up over the Kraang, "Booyakasha!" The ninja star arched in the air and landed smack dab right in the control panel. Sparks lit up as it began shorting out. Electrical surges sparked all over the machine and the portal started flickering in and out, the scene inside it changed with each blink.

"Alert! Controls are damaged!" A droid said, "Dimensional coordinates set to random! Device reaching critical level!"

"No, you idiot!" Subprime shouted at Mikey, "Look what you've done!"

"Mikey, what did you do?!" Leo said, in a panic. But before Mikey could say anything, the portal shook before it exploded with a loud BOOM and everyone, including the Kraang, vanished in a bright flash.

Later, the Turtles, April, Casey, and the Rainbooms woke up to find themselves laying on the roof of a building. Slowly, they all got up and looked around. They were in some kind of city. But there was something dark and gloomy about it.

Everyone looked out in shock and surprise, until Leo finally spoke up, "Uh? I know we're all thinking the same thing, but... where are we?"

"And where are the Kraang?" Twilight added, noticing the alien brains were no where in sight.

"Guys?" April said, "I don’t think we’re in New York anymore. At least not in our world."

"Nice going, Mikey!" Raph snapped "Not only did you break the machine, you broke the world!"

Mikey frowned, "You’re right, that was dumb. I’m sorry for saving our lives!"

"And that's how we ended up here," Leo said.

"Us and the Kraang." Twilight Sparkle put in.

Raph chimed in "And let's not forget, THAT IT WAS ALL MIKEY'S FAULT!" He shouted, getting in Mikey's face, only to be slapped up side the head by Fluttershy, "Ow!"

"And let's not forget he saved us!" She scolded.

"Hold on," Huntress said, "So this Shredder guy is actually just some alien brain piloting a robot suit?"

Pinkie Pie popped up next to her, "Duh! Weren't you listening?"

"We all got our butts handed to us by a scrawny brain?" Robin said, in disbelief, "Whoa! Now that I think about it, it's actually kind of embarrassing."

"I always feel that way when Twilight beats me at checkers." Rainbow Dash said.

"Or when Donnie beat me at a video game." Raph added.

"So these Kraang are from a place called Dimension X?" Lucius asked.

"Oh, yeah," Donnie said "And let me tell you from personal experience, it is one of- if not- the most nastiest dimensions we've ever been to. And amazingly, Mikey is the only one who can figure the place out."

"Seriously?" Nightwing asked, in surprise.

"I didn't believe it myself, but yes," Twilight confirmed.

"What can I say," Mikey boasted, "In crazy backwards land, crazy backwards dude is king."

Batgirl frowned, "I literally have no idea what that means."

"So you’ve been there?" Batman asked the ninjas.

"The guys have been there three times," Sunset Shimmer answered, "The girls and I have only been there once."

"When you were trying to find this black hole generator to save your world?" Nightwing inquired.

"As my brother would say, eeyup." Applejack said.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand," Leo spoke up, "As Sunset said before, we need your help to get us and the Kraang back to our dimension. So if we find a way home, we can find Subprime and take him back with us if you can help us. So? Will you?"

Everyone turned towards the Dark Knight, wondering what he might say. Would he help them or not. They couldn't tell. His expression didn't change. After a moment, he finally said, "Alright."

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, "Just like that."

"Seriously." Batman replied, simply.

The Turtles, April, Casey, and the Rainbooms were silent for a moment, before Pinkie Pie cheered "Whoo-hoo! We got help from Batman!" And with that, the New York ninjas all jumped and cheered for joy. They got the help they needed to stop the Kraang. The only ones who were not cheering were Raph and Applejack. They were still very skeptical about everything and they still didn't like Batman.

Mikey looked to the two "I told yah Batman was awesome!" Raph and Applejack could only grumble.

Meanwhile out in the city, a Kraang droid was approaching an alleyway, it's blaster ready, "Kraang has received your, what is know as, distress call. What has happened to-" before the droid could finish, it was knocked down by a large mallet. The droid looked up to see two figures staring down at it.

"Ooo! Look, pudin'!" One of them said, in a cheerful woman's voice, "Another one of those things!"

"Took quite the pounding did you?" The other figure said, in a raspy male voice, as it bent down.

The droid got up and aimed it's blaster, "Identify yourselves," it demanded, "Or Kraang will obliterate!"

"Oh, where are my manners? My card," the male figure said, before he threw a play card that sliced the blaster in two and decapitated the droids head.

The two figures came out into the light. The first was a woman in black and red clothing and a black mask around her eyes. The second was a man in a purple suit and a pure white face with red lips, yellow eyes, and a big wicked grin.

"I'm the Joker," the man said, placing his hand on his chest, "And I believe you're familiar with the old phrase, "Take me to your leader!"

Author's Note:

Harley Quinn knocking out the guards is from Batman TMNT adventures #2.

Batman knocking Leo and Raph into the Batmobile is what happens in Batman/TMNT #3.

Mikey introduces himself and everyone else to Batman, the same way as he does in "Out of the Shadows."

Joker and Harley Quinn meet the Kraang the same way they meet the Foot in Batman TMNT adventures #1