• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,583 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

The Cat and the Ice Bear

While Batman and the others had gone after the Riddler, Black Canary and Rarity went to the west side of Gotham to look for the cold-hearted villain, Mr Freeze.

They stood on a rooftop, looking out over the city.

"Ok, Freeze is here somewhere," Black Canary said to Rarity, "So we just need to keep our eyes peeled- Rarity?" she turned and noticed that Rarity wasn't there "Where did she go?"

It didn't take long for Canary to find her, exiting a boutique, with shopping bags in each hand. Before Rarity knew it, she yelped as she was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway by the heroine, "Dinah, darling, you gave me a fright!" she said.

"Okay, 1: Don't use my real name in public. And 2: What do you think you're doing?" Black Canary frowned, in annoyance.

"That store was having a sale, I couldn't resist!" Rarity protested, "I may be a ninja, but I'm also a lady of fashion!"

Black Canary rolled her eyes, "We're on a mission to stop Freeze! Not shopping!"

"I can multitask!" Rarity said, frowning, "After all, some of these will help me with making some fine fashion designs for my next line. It’s my passion. When I see clothes, I get ideas," She reached into one of her bags, "Like this exquisite diamond bracelet, for example, will look absolutely-" she froze, feeling around for said item, and finding nothing, "Oh, no! Where is it?" She emptied both bags and dropped to the ground, scattering the contents for it, "Where is it?!"

"You probably dropped it nearby." Black Canary suggested.

"That's impossible, darling!" Rarity retorted, "It was in my bag the entire time!" She stood up and grabbed Canary by the arms, in a panic, "We have to find it! It’s too beautiful to lose!"

"You’re not wrong. It is beautiful." came a sly female voice.

Rarity and Black Canary looked behind them to see a woman leaning against a wall, while admiring the very bracelet. She wore a black skin-tight suit, a belt with pouches and a holster that held a whip, and a cap with pointed ears and cat eye goggles. She had bright green eyes and short blonde hair, peeking out of her cap.

Black Canary narrowed her eyes, "Selena."

"Dinah," the woman said, nonchalantly, "And who’s your new friend? Got tired of babysitting Batgirl? Or is your boyfriend Green Arrow still nursing the broken bones he got from Wildcat?"

"Don't even bring that up!" Black Canary seethed.

"Ooo, did I hit a nerve?" the woman asked.

"Um, excuse me!" Rarity interjected, "But just who exactly might you be?"

"Call me Catwoman," the woman replied, "And I have to say, I am loving that dress of yours."

"Oh, why thank you, dear," Rarity said, flattered, "I designed it myself. But I must say that bracelet you're holding, is mine! As I have just purchased it."

"And I appreciate it," Catwoman responded, "Saved me the trouble of stealing it. The least I can do is take it off your hand!"

"Well, I'm afraid I must ask you, kindly, to return it at once!" Rarity said, holding out her hand and tapping her foot impatiently.

"Hmm, let me think," Catwoman playfully pondered, "No."

Angered, Rarity pulled out one of her sickles and pointed it to Catwoman, "Give. Back. My. Bracelet!" she said, "Or I shall be forced to do something very unpleasant!"

Catwoman hissed, "I’m warning you! I play rough!" She attracted her claw darts from her glove and shot them out at Rarity, with a swing of her arm.

But Rarity countered by twirling her sickle and swung her arm left and right, deflecting all the claws, "Was that your version of an attack?" she asked, smugly.

"No, that was a distraction." Catwoman smiled, deviously, and reached for her holster.

Black Canary's eyes widened, realizing what was about to happen, "Rarity! Look out!"

In the blink of an eye, Catwoman pulled out her whip and snared Rarity's sickle, yanking it out of her hand. But before she could whip her, Rarity quickly blocked the whip strike with her diamond shield. Catwoman had a look of surprise on her face, right before Rarity used the shield to knock her into a wall. She got up and smiled, "So you’re one of those meta humans aren’t you?" she stated, "Well, let’s see how good you are."

With that, Catwoman back-flipped up a fire escape and onto a roof top.

"Give me back my bracelet!" Rarity hollered up to her.

Catwoman waved the bracelet mockingly at her, "If you want it, you'll have to catch me first!" then she took off running.

Rarity, desperately wanting her bracelet back, flipped up the fire escape and onto the rooftop after her. Black Canary face-palmed, before she followed Rarity up and the two chased Catwoman across some rooftops.

As they ran, Rarity looked to the blonde heroine, "Just who does she think she is?" she asked.

"That’s Selena Kyle. Or as she said before, Catwoman," Black Canary explained, "She's a sly and very crafty jewel thief."

Rarity gasped, "The worst kind!"

"Well, she's not so bad. She used to help me and Huntress out as a Bird of Prey." Canary explained further.

"And now she’s back to stealing jewels. Oh, I will make her- Aaahhh!" By that time, they had followed the thief down off the rooftops and through a narrow alley way, when Rarity had slipped on some ice. And would have fallen if Black Canary hadn't caught her.

As she was helping Rarity, the blonde had noticed the ice, Rarity had slipped on, was moving down another direction in a trail, "Hey, Rarity," she said, "Look at this trail of ice?"

"That certainly is very strange." Rarity stated.

"Strange as in I think we've just found where Freeze was headed," Black Canary said, "Let's go!"

"What?!" Rarity gasped, "Are you daring to suggest that we just let Catwoman run off with my bracelet?!"

"Yeah, I guess a bracelet is more important than stopping a dangerous, ice-powered, villain! Now is it?" the heroine said, in sarcasm.

Rarity sighed, she couldn't argue with that, "Fine. Might as well get the mission over with. I wouldn’t want to upset Batman."

Later, as the two followed the ice trail on Black Canary's motorcycle, Rarity wouldn't stop bemoaning the loss of her bracelet.

"That beautiful, one of kind, diamond bracelet! Gone!" she whined.

Black Canary rolled her eyes, "Look, you just get another one!"

"That bracelet was a limited edition! It's irreplaceable!" Rarity retorted, before she continued in an angered tone, "If I ever see Catwoman again, she'll rue the day she crossed Rarity! By the way, who's Wildcat and Green Arrow? And what did Catwoman mean by he was nursing his broken bones?"

Black Canary's face softened, "It's... not something I like to talk about. But I was just trying help a old mentor of mine," she explained, dismally, "Wildcat is the one who taught me everything I know about being a crime fighter and a member of the Justice league. One day, he spent more time in this fighting arena than in missions, and I saw where it was leading him. So I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t listen. I then asked the help of my recent boyfriend and fellow member Green Arrow." She showed Rarity a picture of herself and Arrow.

"My my!" Rarity said, "He pulls the Robin Hood look quite well!"

Black Canary continued, "I was able to convince him to help, despite some setbacks. But even that wasn’t enough to change Wildcat's mind. As a former wrestler, the only way to get to his mind was in the ring. I was gonna face him myself, but Green Arrow had other plans. He got me with a sleeping gas arrow and took my place. By the time I woke up, he was already getting thrashed around by Wildcat! And even though he was taking some very bad hits, Arrow kept insulting Wildcat, making him angrier and angrier. And I was restrained by the security guards, so I couldn't do anything. I yelled at Wildcat to stop but he still wouldn't listen. Until finally, he struck Arrow with a powerful upper cut, and Arrow..." she shuttered from the memory, "Didn't get back up."

Rarity gasped "Oh, no! Are you saying that Green Arrow was..." she covered her mouth in horror.

"That's what I thought, but he wasn't," Black Canary said, "Right before Wildcat hit him with that killing blow, he used a stun arrow to stop his heart and make it look like he was dead. It was enough for Wildcat to see his errors and quit the ring. And I made sure that he wouldn’t go back."

"My goodness!" despite her shock, Rarity was impressed, "Quite the clever gentleman if I do say so myself!"

"Clever, and also incredibly stupid, pigheaded, macho, but... admittingly, very very sweet." Black Canary admitted.

"So, how is he now?" Rarity asked.

"Well, he earned a few injuries from Wildcat, but he recovered."

"I can't imagine what that must have been like." Rarity sympathized.

"I was shocked. Wildcat taught me one of the most important lessons. Never kill. And he crossed that line! That was the very thing I was trying to stop from happening," Black Canary said, "I was mad at Arrow for taking on Wildcat. But I was more mad at myself for getting him involved. I was relieved a bit that he faked his own death."

"I'm very sorry you had to go through that," Rarity said, putting her hand on her shoulder, "But one thing I learned from Raphael and Applejack, is that people who're too stubborn just have to learn the hard way."

"I guess you're right, Rarity," the heroine admitted, "And as much as it pains me to say this, but Arrow's plan was the only way to knock Wildcat back to his senses. Wildcat said so himself."

"Perhaps I should meet both of them someday." Rarity suggested.

Black Canary smiled, "Maybe you will."

The ice trail soon lead them to the Gotham docks. They dismounted the cycle and continued on foot. They could tell they were on the right track because the temperature had suddenly dropped.

"Brrr," Rarity shivered, "Is it just me or has it gotten terribly chilly all of a sudden?"

"That means we're getting close to Freeze," Black Canary said, "Stay alert!"

As they walked on, they found that the docks were completely deserted, save for a few workers that were frozen in ice. The sight made Rarity shiver again, this time from fear. They walked past crates and containers, all the while keeping a look out for Mr Freeze. Rarity didn't know why, but she had a feeling that someone was watching them. But Black Canary told her not to worry and to stay focused. What neither of them knew, was that they were being watch by a shadowy figure from inside a warehouse.

Finally, as the two rounded a corner, they spotted him! Mr Freeze! He was standing on top of a very tall crate, with his back turned to them. Without turning around, he spoke "I've been expecting you, Batman!"

"Wrong guess, Freeze!"

Mr Freeze still didn't turn around, "Black Canary? This is unexpected. I was counting on the Batman to show himself. But not you."

"He's busy with the Riddler," Canary explained, "But I'd be more than happy to take you back to Arkham."

"I'm afraid that will not be happening, my dear," the villain rebuffed, "For you have failed to notice that you have fallen into a trap!"

Black Canary raised a brow, "What trap?"

Rarity looked up at Freeze, as she took out a photo of him that Batman had given them. Instantly, she noticed something was off "Darling?" she asked Black Canary, nervously, "Does Freeze look different to you?"

"Very keen observation, my dear lady. I have just undergone a dramatic change..." at last he turned around, revealing to the their surprise, that he had been mutated into a polar bear!

"A polar bear?!" Rarity dropped the photo in surprise.

"Indeed," Mr Freeze nodded, "It was a fitting choice for I had two pet polar bears myself."

"I suppose a penguin would make people mistake you for Cobblepot," Black Canary remarked, "But I've yet to see this trap you mentioned."

"You will soon enough," Mr Freeze said, "For the Kraang also shared their technology with me." Then he pressed a button on a small device and jumped up, as a Kraang Walker burst out of the crate he had been standing on!

"A Kraang walker?!" Rarity gasped in shock,

"Built to my specifications," Freeze explained, and climbed into the cockpit, "When I am finished with you two as well as the Batman, the Kraang could let me use their mutagen to save Nora."

Rarity was confused, "Nora?"

"His wife," Canary said, before looking up at Freeze, "Do you really think the Kraang will let you do that? And what if Nora becomes something worse than you?"

"I can perfect it." Mr Freeze insisted.

"As much as I think you’re noble to think of your wife," Rarity said, "You are COMPLETELY INSANE to believe the Kraang would let you do that!"

"SILENCE!" Mr Freeze shot an ice beam at the both of them. The two scattered and Black Canary used her scream only for a shield to block it. Mr Freeze smirked, "A little contingency of mine. In the event that I would run into you, I had the Kraang fit this machine with a sonic shield. Your scream will have no effect!" Mr. Freeze fired a beam at her.

"Noooo!" Rarity stood in front of Canary and tried to block the ice beam, with a diamond shield. But her shield had no effect either, and it and Rarity herself were instantly frozen on the spot!

"RARITY!" Black Canary cried, before she dodged another ice beam.

"Your fate shall be the same, Canary!" Mr Freeze declared, and fired another beam at her. She dodged it and, seeing no other option, was forced to run with the walker stomping after her, "Flee if you wish," Freeze called, "But you cannot escape!"

After they had gone, a black figure jumped down from a container and strode right up to the frozen Rarity. The figure ran her clawed finger along the ice, determining which was the right spot, before she attached a small round device onto it and pressed a button in the center. The device released a small heatwave that instantly melted the ice, freeing Rarity.

"Nooo - Huh?" Rarity saw she wasn't frozen, "What happened I -" she noticed the figure standing in front of her and glared, "YOU!"

It was Catwoman, "Had a nice chill?" she asked, coyly.

Rarity pulled out her sickles, "You’re going to give back the bracelet you stole from me! And you are going to apologize!"

Catwoman got out her claws, "And they say I’m obsessed with jewelry." She rushed at Rarity, swinging her claws. Rarity dodged and tried to slash her with her sickles, but Catwoman ducked and deflected them. Catwoman then started throwing hits and kicks at her with the fashionista blocking them and throwing some hits of her own.

After flipping to avoid a slash from Rarity's sickle, Catwoman got out her whip and snared Rarity's weapons again. But Rarity was ready this time and swiftly pulled them back, yanking Catwoman forward, kneeing her in the gut and throwing her over her shoulder and onto the ground.

"Did you honestly think that would have worked twice?" Rarity asked, pointing her sickle at the thief.

"It was worth a shot," Catwoman replied, before she rolled around, kicking her leg out, and knocking the weapon out of Rarity's hand. Caught off guard, Rarity couldn't react in time when Catwoman struck her with an uppercut, hit her across the face with her elbow, then she jumped up and spin kicked her, face first, into a container.

Rarity pulled herself up and grinned to herself, "You like jewelry, Catwoman?" she asked, slyly, "Then have some diamonds!" Rarity whipped around, catching Catwoman by surprise, and hit her in the face with her diamond disk, distorting her. Then she struck the jewel thief with two palm strikes and a windmill kick.

The two continued to fight hand to hand, trading blows and blocking the other's attacks, until Rarity spin kicked Catwoman off her feet and then pinned her down.

"Now! The bracelet!" Rarity demanded.

Catwoman struggled, but Rarity was admittingly strong, "I'm afraid I can't do that." she said.

"And why not?"

Catwoman grinned a devious smile, "Because I already sold it to the black market."

Rarity shot up in horror, "YOU WHAT?!"

Catwoman slid under Rarity's legs, pulling them out from under her as she did, causing Rarity to fall flat on the ground. Catwoman stood up and waved the bracelet out "Gotcha!"

Growling, Rarity got up, retrieved her weapons, and tried to slash Catwoman again. But the thief dodged and ran, with Rarity right behind her. The two flipped onto and ran across some containers. Until Catwoman jumped down and disappeared around a corner. Rarity quickly followed and ran around the corner, only to suddenly crash right into Black Canary, knocking them both to the ground.

Rarity groaned, "Even Sweetie Belle wasn’t this annoying!"

"Rarity?!" Canary said, in surprise, "How did you-"

Catwoman stood before them, "Do you need to ask?"

"Selena..." Black Canary frowned, as she and Rarity got up.

"Catwoman freed me from the ice," Rarity confirmed, dusting herself off, "Only to mock me and lie to me!"

"I just wanted to see if little miss prissy here was still mad about the bracelet. And she still is," Catwoman explained, in amusement, "Also, Rarity was it? I'd advice you to keep your voice down."

Rarity huffed, "I'm not falling for anymore of your dastardly tricks, Catwoman!"

"I'm serious," Catwoman hushed, "Be quiet!"


No sooner had Rarity shouted that, the container they were standing behind was suddenly knocked over. The three looked up to see the Kraang Walker and Mr Freeze, "It is time to put you all on ice!" he growled.

"How 'bout so the mutated ice bear, with the deadly alien weapon, doesn't hear you!" Catwoman said, annoyed.

"Ooooh, right," Rarity said, sheepishly "Well, if I've learned anything from Michelangelo, it's always carry an emergency smoke bomb!"

She threw down a smoke bomb and the three vanished, just as Freeze fired his ice blast. But when all he saw was ice and no one in sight, he roared out, "As the old saying goes, you can run, but you can't hide!"

After their smokescreen escape, Catwoman opened the door to one of the warehouses and ushered the reluctant Black Canary and the scowling Rarity inside. The two didn't trust her, but knew they didn't have a choice. And Rarity definitely didn't want to get iced again.

Once they were in, Catwoman looked around to make sure Mr Freeze wasn't around and closed the door, "We won’t be able to hide for long," she said, "So we better think of something and fast."

"Agreed, but first you're gonna answer a simple question," Black Canary stated, "Why are you helping us, Selena? You don't normally help out unless you're getting something out of it."

"Would you believe I'm curious?" Catwoman asked, "I wanna know what’s going on around here? Robots robbing scientific equipment, many villains turning into animals? I was hoping I’d find the Bat for some answers."

"And steal from me while you’re at it?!" Rarity interjected, bitterly.

"Will you get over it already!" Catwoman said, in annoyance, "And I thought Huntress had issues."

"Those robots are piloted by these alien brains called the Kraang," Black Canary explained "And according to Rarity and her friends, they use mutagen to mutate people in to whatever animal they had recently been in contact with."

"Great," Catwoman rolled her eyes, "More Sci Fi annoyances."

"It's amazing you haven’t been mutated yourself." Rarity admitted.

"Been there. Done that," Catwoman waved it off, "Besides, I can't steal in peace with them running around all over Gotham."

"So, basically, you just wanna get them off your turf." Black Canary said.


"My friends and I are working on that with Batman, dear," Rarity said, "And on getting us back home as well."

"First we got a polar bear to deal with." Black Canary stated.

"That's not going to be easy, dear. That Kraang Walker is shielded from your scream," Rarity pointed out, "And my diamond shield didn't fare any better."

"There's only way we're gonna beat Freeze. It's to take out his little toy." Catwoman said.

"I'm sorry, we?" Black Canary inquired.

"You both need my help, like it or not," Catwoman stated, "And I've got a plan to take down that walking snowman."

Black Canary sighed "I'm almost afraid to ask, but what's your plan?"

"It's simple," Catwoman started, "I'll climb onto the walker, cut it's wires, it shuts down, we stop Freeze, problem solved."

"And just where exactly do we fit into this?" Rarity asked, suspiciously.

Catwoman smiled, "Well, someone, or two someones, have to keep Freeze distracted."

Rarity frowned, "Why does that not make me assured?"

"You two got a better plan?" Catwoman asked, rhetorically.

Rarity and Black Canary looked at each other and frowned.

"Admittingly, no." Rarity sighed.

"Fine," Black Canary said, "But if you try anything sneaky, I'll drop kick you clear across the docks!"

"Same goes for me, if you try taking anymore jewelry off of me!" Rarity added.

"Now don't you two get all sentimental on me."

Mr Freeze was still storming the docks looking for the three heroines. Having the Kraang Walker smash crates and turn over containers that were in his way.

"Hey, Freeze!" shouted Black Canary's voice.

Mr Freeze turned to see the blonde heroine and Rarity jump out from behind a container and he immediately fired an ice beam at them as the pair dodged it. While Freeze continued to blast at them, Catwoman sneaked on board the walker.

Rarity called out to the polar bear, "No offence, darling, but you like you should be making cola commercials! My word, I’m starting to sound like Rainbow Dash!"

"Your humor is very droll, young lady!" Mr Freeze said deadpan, when he suddenly sniffed a little bit and growled. Catwoman was about to cut the wires, when Freeze grabbed her by the wrist, "I should have known you were up to your old tricks again, Ms. Kyle!"

"Victor!" Catwoman said, attempting to light of her situation, "You’re a lot hairier since the last time I saw you!"

Mr Freeze growled then threw Catwoman onto Rarity and Black Canary.

"That worked well." Black Canary said, sarcastically.

"I suppose you have a plan B?" Catwoman asked, in annoyance.

Rarity noticed Freeze aiming at them and said, "Well in the meantime, we RUN!" And all three narrowly dodge a blast, as they took off running.

They quickly hid behind some crates as Black Canary looked at Catwoman in disappointment, "Should have know better than to trust anything coming from you!"

"How was I suppose to know he could smell me?!" Catwoman retorted.

Black Canary sighed, "Point made. Look, we need to come up with a new plan and fast!"

"Never fear, darlings!" Rarity chimed in, "I have already have one."

Mr Freeze looked around, "You cannot hide for much longer!" he shouted.

"Who says we're hiding!" Catwoman suddenly rose up on one of Rarity's diamond shields. Then she leaped towards Freeze, her claws out and ready, only to get grabbed again by his massive paw.

"Even I could have predicted that plan." Freeze said, baring his teeth.

Catwoman smiled, "Good thing that wasn't the plan."

"This is!" Rarity came flying in on another of her diamond shields, then she leaped off and spin-kicked Mr Freeze in the face, causing him to drop Catwoman and fall off the walker.

Once freed, Catwoman slashed the controls with her claws "Sonic shield, disabled," she called, as she leaped off "All yours, Canary!"

Black Canary used her Canary Cry on the Walker, blowing it to pieces.

"Kid's plan worked!" Catwoman said, impressed. But then she was suddenly flattened by Rarity, who had been thrown by Freeze.

"You will not stop me from obtaining what I need for Nora!" Freeze roared, and pulled out his Freeze gun and fired more ice blasts at the three.

They quickly dodged and Rarity used her sickles to make Mr Freeze drop the gun and kicked him down. Crawling, he reached out for his gun, but Catwoman snatched it with her whip. Then Black Canary gave him a full blast scream knocking him straight into some crates.

"Looks like Winter has ended." the heroine quipped.

"Splendid work, Canary, dear!" Rarity called.

"Your plan wasn't half bad either." Catwoman commented.

"Why, thank you," Rarity said, "I think?"

"You know, Rarity, you’re alright!" Catwoman said, offering her hand, "No hard feelings?"

Though hesitant at first, Rarity accepted, "Alright."

But then, Catwoman grabbed her arm and pulled her in close "You are too easy!" Then she flipped her. But Rarity landed on her feet and counter-flip the surprised thief instead, sending her crashing into a container.

Rarity smirked "Not that easy," she said, smugly, "Oh, and I'll also be taking this back!" and she held up her stolen bracelet!

Catwoman stared then glanced down at one of her pouches, finding it empty. Then it hit her: Rarity must have snatched back when she had knocked Freeze off the Kraang Walker.

"And fair warning next time," Rarity went on, "NEVER get between me and jewelry!"

Catwoman smiled, "Okay. I’ll admit it. I’m impressed. But next we meet, you better hold on to your jewelry!" Then she wrapped her whip around the cable of a crane, "Tell Batman I said hi," she said, before she swung away.

At that moment, police cars arrived and out from one of them stepped Detective Harvey Bullock.

"Alright, ladies, we’ll take it from here," he said, and approached Mr Freeze, holding out a pair of hand cuffs, "Alright, Frost face! You’re going back to Arkham!"

suddenly, Freeze woke up, grabbed Bullock by the face, and held him off the ground, "Allow me to break the ice!" He growled, using Bullock to smack the other cops away, "My name is Mr. Freeze! Remember it well!" And he struck Bullock across the face three times, knocking him out.

"NO!" Black Canary shouted, and she and Rarity charged at Freeze, only for the villain to throw Bullock into them, knocking them back.

Mr Freeze retrieved his Ice Gun and created an ice wall, blocking them off. Then he got into one of the police cars and sped away.

Black Canary and Rarity shoved Bullock off them and the blonde heroine used her scream to shatter the ice, only to find that Freeze was long gone.

Rarity sighed, "Well, that ruined my day."

"Mine too." agreed Canary.

"And that’s when we came back and found you all in your situation." Rarity finished their explanation.

"Yeah," Applejack said, "Some bad guy Nightwing created."

Nightwing glared at her remark.

"Sounds like something Catwoman would do." Batman said, remembering his past experiences with the master thief.

"She wouldn’t happen to know anything about the Kraang?" Huntress asked, as Batgirl cut her free of the binding.

Black Canary frown, "She was just as stumped as we are."

"Well, while you guys are discussing that," Pinkie Pie popped up, interrupting them, "Mikey and I gonna go let Raph out of the closest we stuck him in."

"You two put Raph in a closet?" April asked.

"Well, he wasn't gonna stay in bed, when that Red X dude showed up," Mikey said, as he and Pinkie headed out "Besides, now I get to razz him for missing every-thing!" Before he could finish, the pair tripped over something and face-planted into the red goo.

It was Raph who had tripped them, "Not everything!" he smirked.

"I see you're feeling better." Sunset Shimmer remarked, dryly.

"Yeah," Raph replied, before scowling at Batman, "No thanks to Mr. Dark Knight, here!"

"Not going to let that one go either, huh?" Batman said.

"This is bad!" Twilight Sparkle panicked, "These Gotham villains are mutating more and more by the minute!"

"And with the mutagen Red X stole from us, who knows how many more will add up!" Donnie added, in equal worry.

"As I told you before," Batman placed a hand on each of them, "One problem at a time."

"Red X is my problem," Nightwing stated, "A problem that I'm gonna fix," He turned to the ninjas, "But I'll need some help on this one."

"Count me in." Batgirl said.

"I’m going too," Robin stated, "I wanna give Red X some payback."

"So do I." Leo said.

"I'm in," Donnie said, "I'm hoping we can get the mutagen back."

"I'm so in," Raph stated, "Especially after these two made me miss the fight!" he motioned to the stuck Mikey and Pinkie Pie.

"We’ll help too." Twilight Sparkle said, and the rest of the Rainbooms nodded.

Mikey and Pinkie Pie couldn't speak because of the goo, but they each raised a thumbs up, signaling that they were on board with Nightwing's plan.

"How 'bout it, Batman?" Robin asked Batman.

"Actually, I've got my own mission to attend to." Batman said, and walked off toward the Batwing.

"And someone's gotta watch over Gotham, while you guys are away." Black Canary spoke for her and Huntress.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said, in concern, "I'm not sure we'll be able handle Red X alone."

"Don't sweat it, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash comforted, "We got him totally outnumbered!"

"Even with all of us, Red X is still tough to handle," Nightwing stated, "We’re gonna need backup. And I know just who to turn to."

"Who?" asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Remember that I mentioned how I lead a team of young heroes?" Nightwing said, "Well I think it's time you met them. The Teen Titans!"

Back at Arkham, after Red X had gone, Subprime was not happy to hear that Mr Freeze had been defeated.

"So, not only did you fail to destroy one of those Rainbooms, you also let that Black Canary destroy our only Kraang Walker!" he shouted at the mutant polar bear.

"I would have destroyed them, had it not been for Catwoman!" Freeze protested.

"Well, I hope you're satisfied," Subprime said, "NO MUTAGEN FOR YOU!"

Mr Freeze hung his head then turned and walked away. As he did so, he took out a snow globe and stared at in sorrow, "I've failed you again, Nora!" he said, sadly.

"Catwoman, he said?" Joker rubbed his chin, "Well, that explains a lot."

"And what do you mean by that?" Subprime asked, "Just who is this Catwoman anyway?"

"Selena Kyle: a very sly and cunning jewel thief, with an impressive record," Joker explained, "But don't let the whole thief thing fool you. She's every bit as much trouble as old Bat Breath!"

"Well, in that case, if I see her, I'M GONNA FRY HER ALIVE!" the alien raged, "Same goes for that Red X guy, if he can't complete the job!"

Joker grinned "We'll see about now won't we."

Author's Note:
  • Mr Freeze had been mutated into a Polar Bear in the comic as well as the animated movie
  • Black Canary mentions to Rarity that Catwoman used to be a bird of Prey. This has happened in the comics as well as in Batman the Brave and the Bold.
  • Rarity makes a reference to Coke soda, when she tells Mr Freeze he should be making cola commercials.