• Published 10th Aug 2012
  • 6,841 Views, 441 Comments

The Tears of Gaia - Redback Spino

Twilight and co. journey to find the legendary Tears of Gaia. Little do they know what awaits them

  • ...

18. The Feast

"Ooohh... By the Six, my legs are stiff. Why did I think I could dance?" Starswirl groaned as he slumped out of his bed. He held a hoof to his eyes, shielding from the sunlight wich poured in from his bedside window. After a night as long and frivolous as the last one, the glare of sunlight in his eyes was the last thing he needed.

After tiredly trying to calm down his mane and beard, he slipped on his cloak and headed to the main room of their small hotel, where the three mares were already waiting for him, though appearing in equal states of exhaustion. Except one, of course.

"Good morning, Mr the Bearded!" Pinkie Pie said with a grin. "You have a nice long rest?"

"Not long enough," he grumbled.

"Well, now that we're all here," Rarity said, "Can we get going? I'm rather famished after last night's festivities, and in need of a good breakfast."

"Oh, didn't we tell you Rarity?" Pinkie turned a quzzical eye on the unicorn. "You're not having any breakfast today."

"I beg your pardon?!" Rarity sputtered weakly. "And why should I be denied breakfast?"

Twilight caught on. "Oh, that's right! The Feasting Challenge is today, so it would make sense that by the time it comes around, you'd be as hungry as possible."

"B-but... but..."

"No buts, Rarity," Pinkie cut her off. "I know it's tough, heck I've been eyeing those pastries they have at the vendors too, and they look yummy scrummy! But we need you to be hungry if you're gonna win this thing. Don't worry though, once you win the contest, you can have all the delicious pastries you want!"

"Actually, if my memories of dining with griffons in the past serves me well, after this contest is over I doubt Rarity will want to even look at food, let alone eat more," Starswirl said dryly.

"Alright, alright, you make a fair point," Rarity said with a melodramatic sigh, though she was unable to hide her grin. "The things I do for you ponies, honestly."

"And we do appreciate it, really," Twilight replied. "Now, let's find somewhere to eat."

The four headed out of the hotel and into the town. All around them griffons were already strolling and flying about, off to work, off to breakfasts of their own. Twilight noticed with a small smile that several of these griffons looked almost as tired as they did. The previous night's festivities had taken their toll on them too, it appeared.

After a hearty breakfast was had by all, with Rarity watching enviously on, the four ponies headed back down to the third level, where the Flyt had taken place the previous day. By the time they arrived, an enormous crowd of griffons had already gathered all around the designated area of the contest. In the middle of the arena was a large table, where there lay on either end a plate, a set of silver cutlery, and a large pottery goblet. And in one of the two chairs set at the table, was Gellert. As he saw the ponies approach, he glared daggers at Rarity, before changing to a confident grin as he waved with a claw.

"Ah, there you are, hrossa. I was wondering when you'd all decide to show up," he called.

Rarity sat down at the table, sitting opposite the enormous griffon. "Good morning, Gellert," she said with stiff politeness. "I trust you are in good appetites, this morning?"

"Famished, Rarity." Gellert winked rogueishly at the unicorn. "Enough to eat everything they set before us, and still go home for supper afterwards!"

"Well, good to know," Rarity replied. "By the way, in all seriousness, I would like to commend you for yesterday. The competition may have turned sour by the end, but you put up a good fight, so bravo for that, sir."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, hross."


Rarity barely had time to cover her ears before the stocky old griffon referee had swooped down and landed in the ring, his booming voice echoing through the whole town. The griffons surrounding the arena cheered loudly in response. Twilight took this momentary distraction as a chance to give some last minute advice to Rarity.

"Now remember Rarity, the object isn't to eat the most, but to eat the longest. So go slowly, pace yourself, but most importantly, don't stop," she muttered to Rarity.

The white unicorn nodded. "I'll do my best, Twilight."

"Good luck!"

And with one last reassuring pat on the shoulder, Twilight slipped back into the crowd to sit by Starswirl and Pinkie on Rarity's side of the arena.

"Now then," the referee shouted, "The rules of the Feast Challenge are simple. Both contestants will be provided with as much food and drink of their choice as they desire. And both contestants must continue to eat without rest, until one contestant is unable to eat any more. NOW, ARE BOTH CONTESTANTS READY?"

"Ready!" Gellert barked, like a soldier ready to charge into battle.

"I'm ready, sir," Rarity replied in a much more subdued tone of voice.

The referee raised a claw, and the crowd parted as two enormous wagons entered the arena, creaking under the weight of what was probably the largest collection of food Rarity had ever seen in one place at one time.

First there came the salads. An unusual sight to be seen at a griffon banquet, but added in by special request of Galahad, since one of the contestants was a vegetarian. There were dozens of different salad dishes, with beets, lettuce, fennel, onions, rocket, tomatoes, sultanas, peppers, sunflower seeds, sweetcorn, apples and all manner of fruits and vegetables sliced, diced, chopped or served whole, drizzled with different types of vinegars and oils.

These delicate delecacies were backed up by a variety of breads and pastries, ranging from light and fluffy white buns and sliced loaves dotted with spices, to whole sourdough loaves sprinkled with flour ontop. Cakes, pies, turnovers, cookies and crumbles were everywhere, in all manner of flavours and colours. And among them were also several huge wheels of cheese; soft white cheeses, crumbly cheeses dotted with spices, gouda, yellow cheddar, tangy parmesan, even a wheel of squishy camembert, threatening to ooze right off its plate.

But the dishes that caught Rarity's eye the most were the meat dishes. Equestria was almost an entirely vegetarian nation, so she had no experience in cooked meats until now. And now, despite the knowledge that these dishes were made of chopped up dead animals, she had to admit: they did smell good.

Sliced legs and breasts of chicken, turkey and duck, game pies dripping with gravy, medium-rare steaks and legs of sliced ham, heaps of jerked beef, sprinkled with spices and pepper, even a few fried fish were dotted around the table, laid out on long dishes surrounded by chips and sliced lemon wedges.

And finally, to top this display of decadent deliciousness, were the drinks. Kegs of beer, jugs and bottles filled with many different wines, pitchers of cold fruit juices and water, and even a pot of fresh-brewed coffee.

And that was just the first wagon.


The referee stepped aside as several griffons, dressed in aprons, began setting dishes on the table

"Fill 'er up, boys! Best beer you got!" Gellert said, holding up his goblet. "Dig in, Rarity, I hope it's up to your high standards."

"It will suffice," she replied, raising her goblet. "A spot of orange juice, please, with ice if you have any."

Her server nodded and hurried off to fetch the drink. While she waited, Rarity began levitating food onto her plate, starting with a portion of salad and a few slices of bread. She eagerly dug into the salad, but did her best to hold herself back and pace herself, thoroughly chewing each mouthful before swallowing and washing it down with her drink.

Gellert, meanwhile, piled his plate high with a whole loaf of sourdough, a few wedges of gouda and the majority of the beef jerky, sticking them together into some bizarrely shaped sandwich. As he tore chunks of the sandwich apart with his vicious beak, he called across the table, "Hah! Nibble and nurse away, hross, and let a true general show how it's done!"

He scarfed the sandwich down in a matter of minutes, while Rarity still daintily worked her way through a bowlful of salad, before starting on a wedge of cheese with some sliced apple ontop.

An hour had passed, and both Rarity and Gellert were still eating their way through the enormous feast before them. She was still maintaining her dignified and restricted manner of eating, though by now she had finished two bowls of salad, five apples, three buns and was starting on a plate of plum and apple crumble. He, on the other hand, had eaten almost thrice that much, and did not look like he was full either.

"Mmm, this game pie is delicious. More gravy!" he chortled, beckoning a server over as he took another wig of beer, his third goblet since the start. His entourage still cheered him on as he ate, while Pinkie, Twilight and Starswirl sat behind Rarity, shouting their own words of encouragement.

"Keep it up Rarity!"

"Show him how us Ponyville ponies eat!"

"Try to stick to food that's not too stodgy or bulky, then you won't feel as full."

Rarity gulped down another swig of orange juice. Sure, no pressure

"I see your little game, hross... playing it all coy and aloof.."

Two hours into the competition, and both Gellert and Rarity had slowed down to a graze. The unicorn was already lamenting the loss of her trim figure but still she muscled through, tackling her fifth bowl of salad.

Gellert continued as well, though considerably slower and sloppier, as his seven goblets of beer were starting to kick in. "Well, two
can play at that... that game *hic*... I can eat just as slowly as you!"

He grinned triumphantly and began chewing slower than ever. Delicately cutting another slice of ham before chewing it slowly and washing it down with a leisurely sip of beer that poured down the sides of his beak.

Rarity watched him as she munched on a stick of celery. Stay calm, Rarity, she said to herself, just ignore him and focus on your own food...

She groaned. Why did I agree to this? How did I, Rarity, the most beautiful and graceful unicorn in all of Ponyville, lower myself to an eating contest?!

For your friends of course, a voice in her head replied. They're relying on you now. If you don't beat this griffon at his own games, there's a chance you might never see Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash ever again!

She sighed inwardly. You're right. I can't give up now!

With a new fire in her eyes, Rarity grabbed another small loaf of bread and got to buttering it. While she chewed, she looked over at Gellert as he devoured a whole turkey by himself, and retched.

But does he really need to eat so much meat?!

It was noon. Most of the crowd of onlookers were sitting idly about, chatting, reading a book or even taking a quick nap. Even the three ponies were beginning to get bored by the endless display of gluttony before them.

Rarity nibbled at a loaf of dry bread, struggling to keep her head up. Please, please make it stop... no more food, I beg of you... I need relief, anything, to make it stop!

Her head drooped. Her eyelids felt heavy. Not now, please! I was supposed to win... I need to win, to help my friends... it can't end like this.

Even as she thought these things, she caught a glimpse of Gellert across the table from her. His eating had slowed down almost to a complete stop, half-chewed food falling from his beak. Rarity watched with bated breath as the griffon slouched forward, his eyelids drooping lower... and lower... until they fell shut, and Gellerts head slumped forward to rest on the table, his beak stuck halfway into a half-eaten wheel of cheese as he started to snore.

"... Thank you," Rarity muttered heavily, as she too succumbed to the sweet allure of sleep, and slouched forwards onto the table, clearing a space to rest her head.

Sadly, her rest did not last long, as a cacophony of sound jolted her back to reality. Through bleary, sleepy eyes she saw the referee flying into the air above the table, shouting in his booming voice, "AND THE CONTEST IS OVEEEERRR!"

The crowd cheered and clapped, their attention returning to the challenge and its result. A louder cheer was raised as the referee proclaimed, "After deliberation with the servers, I declare, RARITY THE UNICOORN IS THE WIIIIIINNEEEEER!"

He then continued to prattle on about the details of the victory, how since Rarity was still chewing when Gellert fell asleep, she had won by the rules (As set down by Gellert himself), and calling on the servers as witnesses. But all that was lost as Rarity was descended upon by her three friends.

"Rarity, that was amazing!" Twilight shouted, "I never could have held out for that long!"

Pinkie picked her up in a ribcrunching hug. "Wowee, that was awesome!"

"Indeed it was, Rarity. You are a worthy victor," Starswirl added.

"You mean I'm a bloated wreck!" Rarity replied, trying to get up, but finding no balance with her considerably larger belly. "I think even my horn's gotten fatter... Ugh, you were right Starswirl, I think I've had quite enough of food for a couple of days. Somepony please get all that food out of my sight!"

"With pleasure!"

Needing no second bidding, Pinkie Pie leapt at the table, making a beeline straight for the desserts, hoovering up whatever remained. A good few griffons joined her in devouring the leftovers of the contest as Rarity was hoisted up and helped away from the table.

Gellert was a bit more difficult, however. No amount of pushing or nudging could awaken him, so his cronies simply picked him up and airlifted him back towards the keep, the wheel of cheese still impaled on his beak, defeated.

The first thing Fluttershy became aware of was a strange warmth, and something resting against her side. She opened her eyes, squinting in the bright morning sunlight as it glinted off the silvery tree trunks. The forest was silent and still, almost eerily so.

Rolling over on her side, she saw the source of the warmth she felt and quickly shuffled back, blushing profusely. For right by her side, practically huddled up against her was Yarrow.

"Oh! Oh m-my..." she stammered to herself. "How did we...? Oh, that's right..."

Still slightly dazed from her sleep, it was only after a moment of confusion that her memories of the previous night returned. So that wasn't a dream, she thought. We went for a walk in the woods, we came to this old ruin and he... he sang for me.

Her blushing only grew as she remembered the sound of his voice echoing through the trees as he sang. It was such a lovely sound. He just sounded so sweet... And then, when we went to sleep, I... I...

She squeaked in embarrassment as she remembered. I really came that close to him... I practically nuzzled him! Stupid Fluttershy, stupid, stupid! Who knows what he's going to think of you now! W-was I too forward?

But as she looked down at the deer, still fast asleep beside her, she could not help but smile. Who knows, maybe... maybe he feels this way too. I hope he does, she mused. I hope he feels the same way about me too...

As she got up, she nudged him slightly, and he grunted in his sleep. His eyes flickered open, and he looked up at Fluttershy. "Ah... good morning, Fluttershy."

"G-good morning, Yarrow..." Fluttershy whispered, still slightly nervous about the whole situation.

"I trust you slept well? I know the forest can get a little chilly at night," he said.

Fluttershy nodded, hiding her face. "Oh no, no I was fine. It was quite w-warm actually." Somewhere in her mind, she knew exactly why that was the case.

"Well, we should probably head back to Ostaure," Yarrow replied. "We don't want your friends worrying about us."

"Good idea," said Fluttershy.

Yarrow held out his hoof, ready to teleport them through the forest. Fluttershy wrapped a foreleg around his, grinning bashfully at him. Yarrow did his best to hide the blush that was springing up on his face, but to no avail as Fluttershy giggled at the sight.

"What? Wh-what's so funny?" the deer asked.

Fluttershy replied, "Sorry, it's just you look kind of funny, when you blush like that. I-I mean, I'm not saying you look funny or anything, b-because that would be mean, but I... I guess it's kinda funny to see. You blushing like this, I mean... Oh dear..."

Yarrow raised an eyebrow as he saw a distinct pink flush on the pony's cheeks. "Don't laugh too soon, Fluttershy. I can see you're blushing as well."

She squeaked and hid her face in her mane. "Oh gosh, you can? I'm sorry, I'm n-not usually like this, I just..."

"Just... what, Fluttershy?" Yarrow asked apprehensively.

Fluttershy looked back up at Yarrow's face, her gaze drawn to his gentle, emerald-green eyes. "I guess... I feel sort of... happy, around you. Sort of... safe."

She closed her eyes and lowered her head, her bashfulness getting the better of her once more. There, I said it, she said aloud in her mind. Please don't be scared, please don't hate me, please don't hate me...


She nodded, still unable to look back at him.

"Because... well, to be honest with you Fluttershy... I do kind of feel the same way. About you, I mean."

Wait, what? She looked back at him and saw that he was blushing more than before, staring nervously at the ground and pawing at the ground with a forehoof. Is he really...? Does he...?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Yarrow hastily cleared his throat. "Erm, we should probably get going then."

"Oh! Y-yes, yes we should," Fluttershy replied.

Yarrow held out his foreleg once again, and Fluttershy wrapped her own foreleg around his, standing ever so slightly closer to him than she had been yesterday, before giving him a little smile. He smiled back, and his horns began to glow as the teleportation spell charged up.

But then his horns faded. Yarrow's ears pricked up, swivelling and twitching as his smile was swiftly replaced by a worried frown.

"Yarrow?" Fluttershy asked. "Is there something wrong?"

He let go of her hoof and walked a few paces towards the edge of the forest. "... Something's there."

She moved beside him, staring through the trees for any sign of movement. But all seemed quiet throughout the forest.
Then they both saw it. A faint glow of light from beyond the edge of the forest, growing brighter and larger with every second. As if it were coming closer.


Yarrow turned on his back hooves, leading the way off of the ruin and sprinting into the undergrowth, as through the canopy above them, there came a roaring sound and what looked like a gargantuan black fireball crashed through the trees, before exploding on the stone ruin where the two had been standing mere seconds ago.

The black fire spread and licked at the trees and bushes around, engulfing the clearing in flames. Fluttershy and Yarrow turned tail and swiftly fled back down the path towards the centre of Cervidas.

"What was that?!" Fluttershy screamed as they ran.

Yarrow sprinted ahead slightly. "I'm not sure, but I have a hunch. We have to get back to Ostaure as soon as possible, they need to know about this!"

While they ran, yet another enormous black fireball careened out of the sky and smashed into the trees less than fifty feet away. Behind them, they could hear the sounds of bestial roaring and snarling, and the crunch of plants and branches breaking under the feet and hooves of hundreds of creatures.

"I think this is it," Yarrow said, panting from the run as they came to a quick stop. "The Fainum are finally making their move against us! Fluttershy, hold onto me!"

The pegasus ignored his outstretched foreleg and wrapped her forelegs around his waist, gripping him as tightly as she could. Hastily charging up his spell, he raised his shimmering antlers up and the two vanished.

Moments later, one of the massive trees fell town with a sickening groaning, smashing sound, right where they stood. Around the fallen tree there swarmed dozens of Blightling soldiers, some decked in armour, some dressed simply in cloaks and tunics, but all armed to the teeth and thirsty for blood.

Dushtala flapped down onto the fallen trunk and watched impassively as his soldiers stormed the forest. Maugoth clambered up to stand beside him.

"An impressive start, Dushtala," Maugoth said as he observed the carnage. "but how long can you keep this momentum up?"

"Long enough, Maugoth," he replied. "As soon as we have a strong foothold, it's just a matter of pushing. Your spellcasters did a good job, by the way, those fireballs have helped clear the way quite well."

Maugoth begrudgingly bowed. "Thank you, sir... But their mettle will truly be tested when we reach their first strongholds. The deer respond to threats fast, and it won't be long until they send out defences."

As if on cue, there echoed through the forest the booming sound of a horn. From all directions there came similar calls in response.

"Head straight for the source of that first horn!" Dushtala barked to his soldiers. "Maugoth, it's obvious they have an outpost nearby. It looks like you'll be the one testing their mettle, as you put it. Lead the way!"

Using me as a meatshield already, Dushtala? I anticipated as such, Maugoth thought. But he nodded, and leapt down from the trunk, leading the charge into Cervidas.

With the tiniest of popping sounds, Fluttershy and Yarrow found themselves back in Ostaure, and in the centre of sheer pandemonium. Deer were rushing everywhere in panic, as several more deer teleported in with reports from all over the forested kingdom.

"The Fainum are approaching!"

"Harlond is in flames!"

"There are reports from the southern outposts of swarms of Fainum rushing through the forest!"

"I need reinforcements to come with me to help Rhulond. Who's with me?"

Fluttershy peered over the crowd of deer and saw three familiar heads pushing through the crowd towards her.

"Fluttershy! There you are, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash said, finally reaching the pegasus.

Applejack followed right behind. "We heard somethin's happenin' out in the forest, what's goin' on?!"

"It's the Blight!" Fluttershy replied. "Yarrow and I were just out by the edge of the forest, and then suddenly out of nowhere, there was this huge fireball, like the one that... that killed Tharos."

"Holy smokes!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "You don't think it's the same guys, do you?!"

"That doesn't matter right now," Yarrow replied. "The Fainum are finally making a move, and from what I'm hearing, they're attacking us from all directions. The whole city is in panic, we need someone to help organise them all together..."

"Well then, it's a good thing I'm here."

Every creature, griffon, deer and pony alike, froze in place as the White Hart appeared in their midst, his usual mysterious smile replaced now by a tight emotionless frown.

"Y-your Majesty!" Yarrow hastily bowed low. "Thank the Ainur you're here! The Fainum are attacking us from all directions, in numbers far greater than we've seen before."

"Then they're finally making their move," The White Hart replied calmly. Holding his head high, his antlers glowed and shimmer in a bright golden light, and from the very floor below him there grew a small hill, that raised him several meters into the air, until he could be seen by everyone across the entire platform.

"CITIZENS OF OSTAURE, HEAR ME AND BE STILL!" he shouted in a suddenly booming voice that could rival that of Princess Luna. Even on the lowest platforms of the tree, the city became still and silent. "The Fainum have plagued our borders for months, but now it appears they are making a major offensive. In a calm and orderly manner, everyone please make their way to the gathering points and teleport to their designated Havens at once! These monsters must not be allowed to reach beyond the defences of the Havenring!"

From across the entire city there came a resounding reply of "HENION!", and the deerfolk sprang into action. Hundreds of deer gathered on enormous flat platforms midway up the trunk of the colossal tree, where they would vanish en masse, to reappear at one of the four Havens surrounding Ostaure.

"What about us, Your Majesty?" Rainbow Dash asked the White Hart. "We can't just stand by while there's an invasion going on!"

The enormous deer nodded. "Normally I would insist you stay here and keep safe and hidden... but if what I have heard of the size of this invasion army is true, we will need all the help we can get."

"I can take care of them, your majesty," Yarrow said, stepping forward. "They can join me and my force."
"Very well. Take good care of them, Yarrow."

He bowed low, looking back at Fluttershy, who looked nervously back at him. "I will, your majesty, I promise."

"Good. Now let's go," the White Hart said, hurrying towards one of the mustering platforms.

"Wait!" Applejack cried. "Your Majesty, where are you goin'?"

The white stag turned to look back at her, his face showing nothing but grim determination. "I am going to join my people in the battle. Never let it be said that the White Hart does not fight his own wars. Now come, quickly!"

Without another word he rushed to join the crowds. Gordon, Applejack and Rainbow Dash followed swiftly behind. Yarrow and Fluttershy looked to eachother anxiously before joining them. Truly, the battle to save Cervidas had begun.

Author's Note:

As a little bit of shameless self-promotion, it'd be awesome if you guys could go check out my other current fic project (Kingdom Come has been shelved for the moment), entitled 'Crisis on Infinite Equestrias'. With all hope, it's gonna be pretty darn epic!