• Published 10th Aug 2012
  • 6,841 Views, 441 Comments

The Tears of Gaia - Redback Spino

Twilight and co. journey to find the legendary Tears of Gaia. Little do they know what awaits them

  • ...

22. Of Herbalism and Meetings

Fluttershy yawned quietly. She snuck out of the cottage where she and her friends had spent the night, wincing as the door closed with a click slightly louder than she had expected. Granted, it was hardly early in the morning, but the others were sleeping so peacefully after the festivities of the previous night, she did not dare disturb them.

And if she had still been sleepy from last night, a deep breath of the crisp morning forest air cleared her head right up. The trees, usually glowing gently, were sparkling and glistening in the morning dew. If trees could make a sound, she thought, I bet this would sound like a thousand tiny bells...

But as she started out to meet up with Yarrow for breakfast (her stomach began to flutter just at the thought of it!), she remembered something...

She had no idea where he lived!

"Oh Fluttershy," she muttered to herself angrily, "You airhead, you should have asked where you can find him..."

She wandered around on the platform for a bit, until she found herself on the edge, where two walkways branched off from it, one leading upwards and the other downwards. Picking randomly, she opted for the upper walkway and headed to the higher platform. Aside from a few deer going about early-morning jobs, the tree city seemed virtually silent.

"A! Gi suilon, friend Fluttershy!"

She jumped slightly as a voice called broke through the silence. Was that...? She spun around on the spot, but saw with some disappointment that it was not Yarrow coming to greet her, but simply another deer out and about that morning, a stag of middle-age, his reddish-brown fur showing the first signs of grey. He bowed his head to her as he passed.

"Oh! Umm..." she bowed back. "G-good morning...?" she replied, hoping that she had said the right thing. The stag's smile relieved her somewhat, she apparently had not offended him.

"What brings you to our platform?" he asked, stopping beside her. "As lovely as it is, it's not much more than a handful of houses..."

"A-actually, I was looking for somepo.. uh, someone," she replied. "By any chance do you know a stag named Yarrow? I was s-supposed to meet him for breakfast."

He nodded. "Ah, Yarrow, yes I know him. Nice young fellow. He lives on the next platform up, third house on the left." The stag pointed his antlers at another platform, connected to the treetrunk just above and to the right of the one Fluttershy stood upon. While the platform she stood on was broad and round, with the buildings arranged in a ring with a wide space in the centre, the one above was more narrow, with the buildings laid out more like a twn street, with buildings on either side of a long path.

"Oh, thank you!" Fluttershy said, smiling as she hurried towards the walkway that connected the two.

"Oh, and Fluttershy?"

She stopped a moment and turned back to the stag. He grinned as he called, "The correct Deerish reply is 'Mae g'ovannen', or 'well met' in your language. Just so you know for future."

She nodded in thanks and headed for the walkway. Oh, I hope I'm not late, I hope I'm not late...

At last she found the small cottage that Yarrow apparently called home. It was a fairly simple affair, a thatched-roof bungalow of shimmering silver wood, similar to the house where she and her friends slept, but smaller. In front of it was a small garden filled with all manner of plants and flowers. Coming closer, Fluttershy could see that all of them were some sort of herb, many of which were known for medicinal properties. And most prominent was, big surprise, the feathered leaves and white, pink and red clusters of tiny flowers that made up the plant of Yarrow's namesake.

"Yarrow... A potent diaphoric, antiseptic and astringent, also known to be useful in treating cuts and bruises..." she recited under her breath. It was a passage from an old herbal-medicine book she got from Twilight as a birthday present one year.

"You know your herbalism, Fluttershy. Impressive."

Fluttershy jumped again as she heard her voice. How many times is this going to happen today?! Her racing heart was not helped by who she saw in the doorway. Leaning casually on the doorframe and smiling broadly was Yarrow.

"Le suilon, Fluttershy," he said with a bow.

Fluttershy steadied herself once more and bowed back, smiling. "Mae g'ovannen, Yarrow."

His eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. "Ah, you've been learning our language too, very impressive!"

Fluttershy blushed, saying modestly, "Th-thank you Yarrow. I just learnt it now actually, I passed some deer on my way here. They pointed out the way for me to go."

"Yeah, that was forgetful of me," Yarrow replied, knocking himself on the head with a hoof. "Inviting you to join me for a meal, then not even telling you where I live! But no matter, you're here now so please, do come in."

He stepped aside and Fluttershy followed him through the doorway. Inside was small and a little bit cramped, but generally cosy. Just like her cottage, there was a large central room with smaller rooms to the sides. But instead of a large table surrounded by couches, the middle room was split down the middle. One end was a simple setup of a pair of small couches around a table, with a small kitchen t the left of it, but the other end was dominated by large shelves that lined the walls, with a table in the centre covered in glass bottles, alembics, vials, tubes and a small metal tube with a glass bottle on either end, a simple distillation apparatus. The shelves were filled with jars and bottles, filled with all manner of plants of all shapes and sizes. Stems, seeds, leaves, flowers, bottles of essential oils, jars of thick pastes and every other form was stacked neatly and meticulously on the shelves.

"Yarrow, what is all this?"

"Herbal medicine, Fluttershy," he replied, gesturing to the simple laboratory he had set up in the room. "Sure, a lot of illnesses and ailments can be cured with our magic, but even the magic of the Deerfolk needs help sometimes. And those plants outside were my herb garden. Please, take a seat, I'll prepare some tea."

"Oh, would you like me to help?"

"No, it's alright, you just take a seat and I'll get it." Yarrow said, his horns shimmering as he levitated a jar down from his shelves, labelled 'DARJEELING', scooping a few spoonfuls of the aromatic herbs into a small kettle and setting it to boil. "Do you take milk with your tea, or sugar?"

"Both please," Fluttershy replied. She sniffed the air as the smell of the tea wafted over to her. "Mmm, that smells lovely, what is it?"

"It's a very special kind of tea, it's called 'Darjeeling'. On occasion we have travelling merchants visit us from other lands to trade goods. And one of them had this: a special kind of tea plant all the way from Camelu. He said it was grown in the foothills of the Himallama Mountains. According to him, it's the finest tea in the world, and after I tried a sip of it, I definitely agree."

Within seconds the teapot was ready, and Yarrow carried it to the table, pouring out a cup for him and Fluttershy, adding milk and a spoonful of sugar. She blew on it and deftly took a sip. Her eyes went wide and she gasped. "Oh my goodness, this is delicious! It's all musky and... and a little bit spicy, this is wonderful! Thank you!"

Yarrow smiled. "I'm glad you like it. You go ahead and drink as much as you want, and I'll prepare us some food. How does some fresh salad sound to you?"

"Mmm, sounds perfect," she replied.

A quick trip to the herb garden and the vegetable bowl, and some skilful knifework later, and Yarrow had prepared a simple salad of crisp lettuce, chives, fennel, tomatoes and raisins, which the two of them dug into with eagerness born of morning hunger. They ate in silence, but it was not an awkward silence, where neither knew what to say. Tell me, reader, have you ever had such a moment? Where you and another person could be together in silence, but a comfortable silence, since both of you knew nothing needed to be said?

It was that such silence. Both of them simply sat across the table from eachother, enjoying a fresh crispy salad, some tea and eachother's company. If nothing else, the tea seemed to calm the butterflies in her stomach for the time being. For what may have been the first time, Fluttershy felt completely calm around him, as opposed to a nervous wreck.

"So Fluttershy," Yarrow said, breaking the silence at last. "Tell me about yourself."

"Huh?" she looked up, wiping away a stray raisin that was stuck to her cheek.

"Well, it seems I know much about you and your friends, and your adventures together, but not much about you personally. I'd very much like to get to know you better," he replied, leaning slightly forward in his seat.

She blushed slightly. "Oh, okay... hmm, what would you like to know?"

"Anything really. What you do, where you live in Equestria, just anything interesting about you."

She took another sip of tea, if nothing else, to hide her flushed face as something dawned on her. Is this a... date?! "Well, I live in a town called Ponyville, along with all my other friends. They mostly live inside the town, but I have a cottage on the outskirts..."
And so they passed the morning. Fluttershy told him about Ponyville, about her cottage, her animals, her job as Ponyville's go-to animal expert and vet, the story of her cutie-mark. And no matter how many times she insisted it was nothing too special, Yarrow listened with rapt attention and curiosity. He had rarely ever ventured beyond the forest border, and he had never been to Equestria.

"What about you?" Fluttershy asked as she finished. "What do you do in Cervidas?"

Yarrow put down his tea. "Well as you can see I'm a herbalist, in case you haven't guessed yet. but herbal medicine isn't just a hobby, it's my trade. Ever since I learned what my name means I've been fascinated by the healing powers of plants, so I've learned quite a lot."

"Gosh. Zecora would probably like you," Fluttershy replied, giggling. Seeing the confused look on his face, she added, "Oh, she's a zebra who lives near Ponyville. She knows lots about herbs and plants as well, just like you. If you ever come to Ponyville, I must introduce you to her..."

But she trailed off as she was flooded with memories of Ponyville. Her cottage, her animals, all the friends who were still there...

"Fluttershy?" Yarrow asked, his keen ears picking up her near-silent sniffles. "Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine, Yarrow..." she replied. "It's just, I've only been away from Ponyville for a few weeks. But with everything that's happened, it feels so much longer..."

Her sniffles gave way to gentle whimpers. Yarrow understood right away, getting up from his couch and coming to stand beside her. "You're homesick?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I... I just... I've been in so much danger s-so many times on this journey. I c-can't even count how many times I've nearly been... What if something happens to me? What would my little animal friends do?!"

She bowed her head, her mane hiding her face as she sobbed. Yarrow felt his spirits fall as well as he watched. Still unsure of himself, he hesitantly knelt down beside her and wrapped his forelegs around her shoulders, holding her gently against his chest.

Fluttershy gasped as she felt him hugging her. The fur on his chest was slightly prickly, but soft and comforting as well, with a faint musky, earthy smell. He was warm as well. He's... hugging me. He's hugging me he's hugging me he's huggingmehe'shuggingme...

Yarrow smiled with relief as her sobbing seemed to die down. He held her for a bit longer before letting her go, his forehooves still resting on her shoulders, the two of them looking into eachother's eyes. "It's going to be okay, Fluttershy. And I swear to you now, by the trees of my home, I swear that you will be okay."

Her face was flushed bright red, and her heart was racing, but Fluttershy didn't care. She leaned in close to him. "P-promise?"

Their faces were nearly touching. Yarrow gulped as she came closer, her eyes closing. He leaned in as well, closing his eyes. "Promise..."

He could feel her breath against his face. She could feel the warmth radiating off his lips...

But the tender moment was broken as a call rang out across the city. They both leapt back as they heard it: a sharp, short song in Deerish that echoed throughout Ostaure from somewhere higher above.

"Ah, that'll be the commanders' meeting," Yarrow said, hastily regaining his breath and clearing his thoughts. It did little to clear the blushing though.

Fluttershy nodded. "Ah, y-yes, I heard Rarity talking about that yesterday! We'd better go meet the others, s-so we can find out how it goes..."

"Yes, yes we sh-should," Yarrow coughed, clearing the dishes and cups away and slipping into his tunic. "Um... Shall we, then?"

He gestured to the door, and Fluttershy headed back out into the herb garden. Once Yarrow had locked the door the two of them headed down the walkway towards the platform where the rest of the ponies were situated. Both now blushing furiously, neither dared to speak up after what had... almost transpired. The tension was so thick it was almost palpable. So much for a not-awkward silence.

On one of the highest platforms in Ostaure, just below the sanctuary where the White Hart lived, stood a small enclosure, surrounded by twisting branches and vines that formed a low wall. Inside the enclosure stood a round table surrounded by five chairs, where the commanders' meeting was taking place. The White Hart himself sat in one chair, he alone representing his people. His golden crown rested on the table before him, as a sign that he did not hold superiority over any who sat with him. King Gideon, his son Gordon and Commander Gellert sat in the chairs beside him, their helmets removed and placed respectfully on the table in a similar gesture. Rarity found herself squeezed in between Gellert and Gordon, and placed her helmet on the table as well.

"Fellow commanders, friends," The White Hart said, "First of all, I would like to extend my gratitude to you all. Even though we may not always see eye-to-eye, your assistance has proven indispensable in fending off the Fainum's threat. And for that, I am eternally grateful."

He bowed his head, and Rarity bowed back. The three griffons nodded as well, albeit slightly stiffer.

He continued. "But now that brings us to a most important question: What do we do next?"

"I think we may be getting ahead of ourselves a tad," Gideon responded. "Before we make any decisions, we should know what is going on. Gellert, you sent trackers to follow the fleeing Blight. Have they had any success in monitoring them?"

Gellert nodded. "I have, your majesty." He stooped below the table a moment and pulled a large sheet of parchment with a simple map drawn on it out of a small bag he had brought with him, detailing the area surrounding Cervidas. With a stick of charcoal he marked a line on the map, starting at Cervidas, trailing south down the map, past forests and mountains, until it reached a large black dot. "Our scouts followed them since they left the forest and have been tracking them quite a while now. They're pretty scattered, what with the rout and all, but they all seem to be heading south, towards this point."

The White Hart looked over the map. As he recognised the position of the black dot, his expression darkened. "Burzkala."

"Beg pardon?" Rarity asked.

"It is what they call it, the Fainum. It is their stronghold, their grand fortress. The Nightmare City of Burzkala."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I have seen it before," he replied, his voice deepening ever-so-slightly as the barest hint of anger penetrated his expressionless face. He sat in silence, all eyes watching him.

"Ahem... your majesty?" Rarity leaned forward, speaking gently. "Are you alright?"

"I... I am fine, Rarity, thank you," he replied, his dour mood lifting slightly. "Forgive me, I was... reminiscing. I have somewhat of a history with these creatures."

"We all do," Gellert replied. "We all have our own personal reasons to want to take down the Blight, but we must concentrate on the bigger picture. They're demoralised and scattered for now, but these monsters are like a column of army ants. You can scare them and send them running all over the place, but before too long they'll be back in line again, ready to devour anything in their path."

"So it's vital we do something about them before they have a chance to regroup," Gordon added.

Rarity raised her hoof. "But what even is this Burzkala place?"

"It's a massive fortress," The White Hart replied, his voice ominously level. "A castle of iron and stone built out of a hollowed-out mountain. It was built thousands of years ago by the servants of the Blight, to house and protect the Source of that foul disease."

"Which is why we need to act," Gellert added. "Destroy them at their source. Cut off the head and the body will die, you know what I mean?"

"A rather grim analogy, but I understand," Rarity replied. "And I'm assuming live-and-let-live is out of the question?"

The White Hart nodded. "Absolutely. The Fainum is not something that can be reasoned or bargained with. They are not some revolutionaries or simple invaders. The Fainum is like a plague, a disease."

"You might as well try combating the flu by trying to reason with it," said Gideon. "So what say you, White Hart? Do we attack the Blight and their Source once and for all?"

He pondered for a moment. "It will be a dangerous attack... my entire kingdom will be at risk. But then again, if we do not, and we simply let the Fainum amass again and return, it may spell certain doom for us all."

"Agreed," Rarity replied. "I know I'm not exactly an expert on armies or military things -well, aside from some of those stylish uniforms anyway- but it would make sense to attack them now, when they are at their weakest. And speaking personally, even if my friends and I returned home I wouldn't feel safe, knowing that those beasts are still out there."

"Oh absolutely," added Gideon. "Well said, Commander Rarity. So then, we have a plan: muster our soldiers, march on this Burzkala place, and destroy the Blight once and for all, removing the threat of them regaining strength or invading forever. All in favour?"

"I'm with you, father!" Gordon said without a trace of hesitation. Gideon smiled at his son.

Gellert threw a sharp salute. "My hawks are yours to command, your majesty! What say you, Rarity?"

Rarity stood up and threw a salute as well. "I'd hardly be living up to my rank if I said no. I can't speak for my friends of course, but you can count me in."

The White Hart stood up as well. "And I as well. It is time to cleanse the world of these monsters. My Deerfolk will fight alongside you, King Gideon."

He extended a pure white forehoof, Gideon took it in his claw, and they shook. "Then we have an alliance, it seems. Hah, I never thought I'd see the day. Just don't disappoint me, branch-head," he added with a grin

"Just as long as you can keep up, feather-face," The White Hart quipped back. "So then we are agreed. When can you have your soldiers ready to go?"

"Give us until tomorrow morning to rest and repair our armour and weapons, and we'll be good to go."

"That sounds good," he replied. Turning to the entire group, the White Hart proclaimed. "So then it is agreed. Come daybreak tomorrow, we march upon Burzkala."

"Seriously Fluttershy, are you okay? You've done nothin' but blush since ya got back from... Hey, here she comes!"

The six ponies, who had been waiting outside the enclosure, stood up as they saw the branches that formed the enclosure writhe and bend, forming a doorway out of the enclosed area. Gellert, Gideon and Gordon left and headed for the lower branches where their fellow griffons were perched, to spread the news for tomorrow. And behind them came Rarity.

Twilight tried to decipher the look on her face. "I wonder what they were talking about."

"Ooh, I hope it went well!" Pinkie Pie squeaked, hopping on the spot in anticipation.

"So Rarity," Starswirl asked, tipping his wide-brimmed hat to the approaching unicorn. "How was the meeting? Did you come to a conclusion?"

"We did," Rarity replied. But she scuffed the dirt nervously as she continued. "Now, I have some possibly good news and some... possibly bad news."

"Let's hear the 'possibly good' news first," said Applejack. "What's this big plan of theirs?"

"Well, Gellert said that his scouts had discovered where these beastly Blight creatures were all heading. Apparently it's some massive fortress that the Blight built out of a mountain. And apparently, it's the home of the Source of the Blight as well."

"The Source?" Twilight echoed. "You mean where the Blight first came from? Like in the story?"

"I suppose so," Rarity continued, as the assembled ponies headed down the walkways towards their cottage. "So their plan is to amass their forces and attack the fortress. Take them down while they are at their weakest and all."

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Rainbow Dash replied. "So what's the bad news?"

"Well..." Rarity came to a stop. "You see, with me being a commander in the Griffon army and all..."

"Which I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around," Rainbow muttered.

Rarity shot her a glare, then continued. "With me being a commander, it's my duty to lead them in battle. So... I'm going to have to go with them."

She could see her friends' faces fall as the news hit them. "Now, I made it clear to them that I didn't speak for all of you. If you don't feel that you want to be part of this, you don't have to come with me. You're free to make the journey home without me if you want."

"Oh don't be silly Rarity."

She looked to Twilight, who was frowning back at her. "We can't go abandoning you at a time like this!"

"Yeah, don't think you're gonna get to hog all the glory there, Commander!" Rainbow added, landing down beside her. "You can count me in."

"And me too. I'm just as eager to see them Blight creatures get the what-for once and for all!" Applejack stood on Rarity's other side.

"And how are you gonna have a victory party if I'm not there?!" Pinkie cried. "I'm coming too!"

Starswirl bowed low before Rarity. "I swore to the Princesses when I was resurrected, that I would guide and protect you ponies. You have my word that I will."

"And my axe!"

All eyes turned to Pinkie, who shrugged bashfully. "I dunno, it sounded right. What about you Fluttershy, you in?"

Fluttershy's ears pricked up as the sound f her name brought her back to reality. "Oh! Well... I'd rather not get caught up in any more fighting, but... well, I guess I want to see this ended as much as you girls. Count me in," she said with a firm stamp of her hoof.

"Well there you have it Rarity," Twilight said, turning back to the unicorn. "We're coming with you, to see this through to the end."

"But what about the Tears? I thought we wanted to keep it away from the Blight?" Rarity asked.

Applejack nodded. "She's got a good point. What're you gonna do with it?"

Twilight took the lacquered box out of her bag. The other ponies had been leaving their bags in the cottage, but whenever she went out Twilight had taken hers. Something about the idea of leaving the jewel alone made her feel... uneasy. "Well... it may be kind of dangerous to bring it that close to them, but... well, I don't really feel comfortable leaving it alone. I'd prefer to hold onto it."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to not get captured this time."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Easier said than done."

"Well then, we leave for the fortress tomorrow morning. Whatever happens, at least we'll all be together," Rarity said, to a murmur of agreement from the others. "So there's a bright side to this whole matter if I ever saw one. Not to mention, Fluttershy, I have some good news for you too."

"Oh yes?"

"Apparently almost all the Deerfolk are part of this attack, so at least you'll have your dear dashing stagfriend to keep you company!"

Rarity galloped ahead, giggling as Fluttershy chased after her, the pegasus' face flushing redder than a tomato. The others joined the merry chase down the walkway as Starswirl rolled his eyes.

"I fear I shall never understand mares."

Author's Note:


A! Gi Suilon!- Deerish, "Ah, good morning" (formal)
Le Suilon- Deerish "Good morning" (Informal)

By the way, just thought you might be interested to know, that wasn't just something I made up concerning the yarrow herb: That was copied directly from a book on herbalism I have. Pretty useful stuff to have if you can find it.