• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,093 Views, 853 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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18 - Applebuck Season

"I hope you feel better." Twilight set a hoof on Big Mac gently. "That looks like it hurt, and probably still hurts."

"Ain't so bad," he assured with a soft nod. "Just don't go touchin' it. Thanks fer lendin' a hoof."

"It's a yearly tradition." She danced in place and turned to where Applejack was already kicking a tree, apples raining as a result. "And she's already on the task. I better hurry if I want to keep up."

Applejack would not have to suffer to learn that lesson that day, for it was a lesson she had already learned. She had friends and family that would help her through the hard patches.

Even if Twilight had to be reminded at times. "Now, remember, no pluckin' it all with that horn ah yers." Applejack pointed accusingly. "It's a subtle thin', but apples taste different 'tween buckin' and magic."

"I can do it properly." She'd been helping on that field for years. Twilight could buck a few apples down and proved the fact with the next tree. Sure, sometimes she'd have to thump it twice to get it right, but she was doing it. "We'll get this orchard cleared."

Spike clutched his midsection with an odd noise. A scroll soon resulted, forming from magic. "Letter." He grabbed it and unfurled it, eyes looking at it curiously. "Let's see."

Moon inclined her head faintly. "From Princess Celestia?"

"Yeah... Huh... There's a dragon. Wow! Can I see them?" He hiked a thumb at himself. "I'm one of those!" Which clearly made him an expert on the matter.

Moon rubbed at her cheek with uncertainty. "I am unsure. Let's gather the others first." She knew Twilight and Applejack were busy with apples. That left her with Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy did not look eager, at all. "Do you really need my help? I'm not so good with... dragons."

Spike raised a scaled brow. "We get along just fine."

"You're different!" She set a hoof on either of Spike's cheeks. "You're a baby dragon, and adorable. That's an adult dragon, and not... adorable."

"I'm not a baby," pouted out Spike. He was a tween, thank one kindly! "Besides, I'll be going too!" He nodded with certainty. "I'll keep you safe."

Fluttershy let out a nervous giggle. "I'm certain you'd... try your best... but that dragon is a lot larger than you." She pointed to where the smoke billowed up from the mountain. "I don't want you to be hurt, Spike."

Rarity gestured at the gathered ponies. "We'll all be here, dear. It's a team effort."

"Yeah!" burst Rainbow with a hoof pump. "Let's get up there and teach that dragon a lesson or three!"

An excuse came up quickly. "But if I go with you, who will watch over my animals?"

The mares and dragon shared glances about. Moon adjusted her glasses. "What do your animals do when you take a trip normally?"

Fluttershy began to pace awkwardly. "They get sad..."

Moon rolled a hoof in the air. "That will happen whether they are watched or not, if you are not there." She looked sure of that line of reasoning. "This isn't logical."

"Well, yes..." Fluttershy stepped left and right, hemming and hawwing audibly. "Are you sure you need me?"

"You are an expert on non-pony creatures." Moon nodded with rising certainty. "We require your presence. Will you come?"

Fluttershy let out a slow breath, deflating. "Alright... If I have to..." And their trip was formally began. But that didn't mean the trip would be fast or smooth. Each great snore of the dragon sent Fluttershy into a fit of paralysis.

Spike crossed his arms. "Dragon snores aren't that bad."

Rarity patted him on the head. "I imagine yours are nowhere quite on the same, shall we say, magnitude?" She giggled softly. "Do you even snore?"

"I can confirm this." Moon circled around the frozen Fluttershy, nudging her in a futile effort to get the pegasus moving. "It's not loud enough to disturb others."

Pinkie suddenly emerged from under Fluttershy, lifting her up into the air. "I got her! Let's go!" And so she pronked along with a statue of a pegasus on her back, seemingly untroubled by it in a feat of earth pony strength.

Rainbow chuckled at the sight of it. "Pinkie, you are nuts. The good kinda nuts."

"The only kind," Pinkie sang with a giggle. "Oops." They eventually came to a crevice, a wide hole. "Pretty sure I can make that, but not with Fluttershy." She leaned to the side, letting the pegasus slide off.

But she was able to move again. The snoring wasn't audible at that time. "Oh, my..." She leaned over the side to peer into the depths. "That is quite the fall."

The other mares were already hopping over it easily. "It's just a hop, skip, and a jump," encouraged Pinkie, bursting into a song as she was known to do whenever provoked.

Moon looked back from the other side. "We cannot proceed without you."

Fluttershy swallowed thickly, but she gathered herself and made the jump despite the fear of falling down that deep canyon. On the other side, Rainbow thumped into her. "There ya go. Now, why aren't you using your wings?"

Flutter began to blush at that. "I can't move them." Even if her legs had begun moving, walking with the others, her wings were practically glued to her back. "I'm really sorry... I'm just slowing you all down."

"We're making it. Look, we're almost there." Rainbow pointed firmly at the smokey cave still somewhat further up the mountain. "Stick to it."

"Of c--Eek!" A leaf had landed on her. She flopped over stiffly as the ground began to shake and rumble. Inspired by her sudden cry, it all began to come down. Their quick finish would be delayed for some time.

Twilight lashed out her hooves, filling baskets with ripe red apples. "Phew."

"Hard at work." Pear Butter trotted towards her, a tray on her back. "Ah can't say thanks 'nough times." She turned, presenting a tall glass. "Here's a drink to keep ya goin'."

The glass began to glow as Twilight took it to take a big drink. "Mmm... You certainly know how to spice apple juice just right. Oh. It came up the other day." She wobbled a hoof in the air. "Are you my aunt?"

Pear Butter blinked softly. "Now there's a question to spring on a mare all of a sudden!" She threw a leg over Twilight, squeezing her about the neck gently. "You silly little thin'! Yer practically my daughter, but ah suppose a niece is a way better term for it. Honorary, 'course." She nodded with growing confidence. "Jus' sayin', if ya had yer eyes on an Apple, ain't off the menu official-like or nothin'."

Twilight began to blush from the neck up in a sudden wave that left her a little dizzy with the speed of it. "Miss Butter!"

"That's Aunt Butter," corrected Pear with a grin.

"Aunt... Butter, yes, of course. I should write a letter... to mom, about this." She turned as if to do that, only to find a leg in her way.

"Not so fast." Pear turned that leg and its hoof to the rest of the orchard. "Ya ain't done here. 'Sides, we meet all the time. Ah'll be pleased as punch to inform her." She snorted in almost a laugh. "She'll be tickled pink to hear she has a sister. Doubt she'll mind much."

"Of course, of... course." Twilight cleared her throat and began towards the next tree, Pear trailing along after her. "Me and Big Mac are friendly, but not that kind of friendly."

"And Applejack?"

The sheer flat nature of the question took Twilight by surprise. Like Fluttershy far above them, she went perfectly still. "Pardon?" she got out shakily as mobility began to edge back into her. "Applejack? She's a mare!"

"Good of you to notice that." Pear looked far too amused at the situation. "I 'magine she was wonderin' herself. Now, see..." She rolled a hoof in the air. "Big Mac's a normal stallion. I see where his eyes drift. He's lookin' for a mare. Ah wish him luck, but that's where he is. Applejack, on the other hoof--" She switched which hoof was up. "She don't look at stallions much at all. Not like mean or nothin', just not 'interested' if ya catch mah meanin'."

Twilight laughed nervously as she turned to point her back end at the tree, preparing to knock its apples free. "And you thought she was... interested in me?"

"Maybe she is. Maybe she ain't." Pear Butter was grabbing baskets and setting them under the tree that Twilight was preparing for. Something had to actually catch those apples. "But what ah'm asking is yer opinion. Now, yer a grown pony. Even if ah was yer mom, ya could send me packin'."

A tempting offer! But she couldn't bring herself to do that to Pear Butter. "But?"

"But ah'd like to know." She leaned in, touching her nose to Twilight's cheek. "It's a mom thing. Ah'm curious, and ah care, about the both of ya. Now, um, I'd rather Applejack get a stallion and give me some grandfoals... but ah'd much rather she be happy without 'em. Mah foals are my world, and if they're happy, well, ah can get over the other details."

Of all the things Twilight had expected to encounter that day, having The Chat with Pear Butter hadn't come up! "I can't imagine Granny would be happy with that idea."

"Oh, heavens no." Pear shook her head rapidly. "'Magine she'd throw quite the fit. She's a traditionalist, through and through. But ah'm the mother of that mare. Ah get the last say in that." She nodded with finality. "So she don't get to make that decision. Won't be mean to her or nothin', but well... too bad."

"We are great friends," deflected Twilight. "But the height of our romance... is what you just gave me." She grunted as she lashed out her hind hooves, bashing the tree and causing a rain of apples around them. "A nose to the cheek here. A hug there. We're true friends, time tested! It is an honor and delight to be that."

"Yer sayin' a lot without answerin' the question ah done asked." Pear Butter looked around at the baskets. "Good kick. Ah think ya got all of it in one."

Twilight took a moment to look both at the baskets and the tree. She'd been so distracted she had just kicked and... done it right. A little laugh escaped her. "Wow, yeah..."

"Don't know an Apple that'd be sad to have ya." Pear started away at a walk. "So think 'bout it. No pressure, but that barn door's open. So if a mare happens through it, won't complain none."

Twilight was left with confusion, and a question she hadn't even thought of before. Shaking her head, she got to floating the baskets along towards the barn where they needed to be. She couldn't will the apples off the trees, but carrying the baskets was alright. 'Not touching the apples,' insisted Applejack. Her magic on the baskets, alright. Magic on the apples, nope! "You are silly sometimes," laughed out Twilight, frowning even as she did so, her emotions in a tangled knot.

"We're doin' a right good job." Applejack was there, getting apples stashed in larger barrels. "We keep this up, shouldn't be more than a few days. Tomorrow ah'm needed for some town thing. Ya gonna be alright if ah skip over to that?"

"Of course." Twilight waved the issue away. "Though I'd rather see you be honored. Not often I get to see it, and you deserve it."

Applejack laughed as she colored a little. "Aw shucks." She banged the lid of the barrel into place and turned, still leaning on it. "We're makin' good time. How 'bout we start nice an' early tomorrow, quit 'round ten, plenty of time to catch the show, together-like."

"That sounds delightful." Twilight nodded firmly as she set down her collection of baskets. "But, for now?"

"Fer now, we keep on goin'! Ah owe you a hoof the next time ya need to reorganize the library." She offered one of those hooves but only a moment, getting right to work on preparing the next barrel. "Friendship makes it all go faster, huh?"

"It sure does." Twilight watched Applejack work, getting apples into the barrel by the basket. "Say... mind if I ask a question?"

"That's one right there," pointed out Applejack with a smarmy smirk. "But let's go fer two."

"How generous." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You ever think about a special somepony?"

Apples scattered, the spilling from basket to barrel ruined in a moment of surprise at the question.

"We have arrived." Not this was at all a mystery to the other mares as Moon gestured at the cave that was billowing smoke thickly. "Fluttershy, it is time to employ your expertise." She gestured at herself and Spike. "We will accompany you. With Spike's dragon perspective and your expertise, this should be handled without further issues."

Spike counted on three fingers, pointing at Fluttershy, himself, and lastly on Moon. "You only said why two of us are going in. Why are you? I mean, not that I mind you being around or anything, promise."

Moon inclined her head at Spike. "You are my ward. I will not assume your safety with a potentially hostile dragon."

Fluttershy squeaked and broke into flight, hiding behind a rock. "I... don't want to assume my safety with a... potentially hostile dragon."

Moon applied a hoof to her face, realizing perhaps a bit late her mistake. Fortunately for her, other ponies were ready to give it a try. One after the other, the other mares marched forward, to be sent packing in short order.

Incensed, the dragon emerged, ready to get rid of its bother in a more permanent fashion. Spike squeaked and shied back a step. He was a dragon too... but that was a very large dragon. "Hey there?"

The grown dragon squinted at the little whelp. With a rough sweep of a hand, they knocked Spike aside and started towards the stunned mares that had been bashed against a rock.

"Wait right there." Fluttershy hopped to the top of the rock, unwilling to see her friends bullied around further.

It was the first time for many of them to see Fluttershy get serious with a creature, but she sent that dragon away with a stern talking to. Spike rubbed behind his head, witnessing it. "Wow."

The dragon glared at Spike. "You didn't see anything."

"No, sir! Um..." Spike glanced away and back. "She can be real tough when she means it."

"Tell me about it." The dragon took but a moment to make sure he had what he needed. "Good luck with that." And with a final sniff from the tears Fluttershy had gotten from him, he took off to find a better place to nap that didn't have bothersome ponies around.

The other mares were busy congratulating Fluttershy on a job well done. Except Moon Dancer, who was by Spike. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Spike dusted himself off more than strictly required. "Sorry. I didn't really help much in the end there."

Moon shook her head. "Nonsense. You spoke to the dragon without being ignored or attacked. A feat only Fluttershy could equal. By my measure, you were of considerable assistance." She leaned in closer to her little brother. "Did you enjoy the conversation? Are the two of you friends now? Due to age and size differences, you will need to use extreme caution to avoid injury."

Spike chuckled at the idea. "I don't think... that'll be a problem. I didn't even get his name." He looked off in the direction of the dwindling form of the dragon. "Huh... Will I get that big some day?"

Moon slid in beside Spike and lowered, presenting her back. "If you do, we can exchange riding responsibilities."

"Deal." He hopped up atop his sister and hugged her around the neck. "But we'll still be siblings, even if I'm a few stories tall, right?"

"With certainty." Moon rose to her full height, stepping towards Fluttershy. "Thank you for your assistance. Earlier would have been nice, but it came before lasting harm."

Fluttershy colored softly, shrinking a little. "Sorry... When I saw him being so mean to you all... I just couldn't hold back anymore. I had to! I... Sorry."

"You did well." Moon touched nose to nose with Fluttershy, smiling at her. "I understand social anxieties completely. I am the wrong pony to be angry at you for having them. You recovered at just the right time and avoided what could have been far worse. I said thank you, and I meant it. Do you think I am lying?"

"No! No, of course not." Fluttershy scrambled to her hooves. "We should get back to town." She pointed at the little thing that was Ponyville down below them. "Hopefully before it gets dark."

As they descended back towards home, Moon glanced back over her shoulder at the riding Spike. "May I dictate a letter for Celestia?"

"Sure thing." He got out a paper and a quill quickly. "Ready!"

Greetings Princess Celestia,

Today was a very informative day. Allow me to explain. Fear is a powerful emotion. I have felt it myself. Today I watched another pony struggle against its grip. In the end, however, the call to be loyal and true to one's friend's won out over it.

When I saw Spike in danger, I felt a similar urge. The idea of inaction on my part allowing harm to fall on any creature I valued was more frightening than any harm that could have visited me. This is not to say that all caution should be discarded. That's foolish. But, sometimes, perhaps...

Sometimes Friendship is Foolish, and I don't begrudge it.

Working Diligently,
Moon Dancer

Applejack kicked a barrel to the side. "Really, Twi. What would even bring up somethin' like that?" She laughed in a strained voice. "We're plenty close, sure, but more as, ya know, sisters. Asides, that ain't how it works."

Twilight inclined her head. "Not technically true. I've seen other mares pair with mares before." She raised a hoof to her chin. "But I never considered it."

"See!" Applejack pointed accusingly at Twilight, as if she were the source of the entire notion. "If you ain't thinkin' about it, then why are we talkin' 'bout it?"

"Well, because I am now?" Twilight looped around Applejack without closing in. "I admit, I haven't the foggiest how... any of that works, aside of what I've seen ponies do, like my parents, and yours, um... Sorry."

Applejack raised a brow, but no fresh angry words came. "Twilight, you are a librarian."

Twilight glanced back at her stack of books she had for a cutiemark. "Yes."

"Read a book." Applejack closed so suddenly, bonking Twilight on the noggin aside her horn. "Either that or go ask yer mom. Ah'm pretty sure either has all the details. Ah'm not gonna discuss the birds and the bees with my adult mare friend when we're supposed to be harvestin'!"

Twilight rubbed the sore spot. "The way you're talking tells me you have the answer. Why won't you share it with me? I trust you, Applejack. We've never held secrets from each other before, why now?"

Applejack tensed, called out. "Y'see... Shoot. Sugar cube... This is awkward." She began to dance in place. "Do ya know where foals come from?"

"Not two mares." Twilight nodded with certainty at that fact. "But two mares can become special someponies, meaning the act of being a special somepony does not require the difference between a mare and a stallion." Her face began to darken as she worked through the logic of it. "Which means... It doesn't involve that." She coughed, dancing with her own anxiety increasing.

"Not a thin' to do with it," agreed Applejack as she got to filling the new barrel, but ran out of apples. "Twi."

"Hm?" Twilight snapped out of her strange thoughts. "What?"

"Apples." Applejack pointed at the only partially filled barrel. "What we're here ta do. Come on." She pointed. "You head that way. We'll meet back up here with a full set of baskets each, then we finish the day."

"Excellent idea!" And off Twilight trotted briskly, abandoning her awkward questions... for the time being.

Applejack sagged with relief at Twilight's shrinking form. "That girl... Who done put that idea in yer head?" Spike? Moon Dancer? Applejack started to a new tree, considering the idea. "Maybe Moon..." Moon was not nearly as subtle as she would have thought herself. Except... "Why would she do that without callin' dibs?" She snorted softly, having difficult imagining Moon Dancer broaching the topic without also making a likely awkward advance.

But there were apples to be harvested. By golly, she was gonna get it done!

"Drink!" As if from nowhere, Pear Butter had appeared, offering Applejack a tall glass on her back. "You've been working mighty hard, you an' Twilight. Mighty proud of the two of ya. Not a single complaint."

Applejack reared up, forehooves on Pear's back as she sipped from the provided straw. "We both know how important apple harvest is to the farm, Mom. We're gonna get it done!"

"Well on the way." She nosed Applejack's availably belly, making her daughter squirm in ticklishness. "I jus' saw Twi settin' off with fire in her eyes."

"She's just as riled to get this done." Applejack fell back to all fours. "Thanks fer the refresher. Feelin' ready to go!"

"Good good." But Pear was following her as she went towards the next tree to be attacked. "So... Twi's an awful nice mare, isn't she?"

Applejack raised an ear at her mother. "Yeah? Right nice. Wouldn't be friends none with a mean pony."

"Certainly not." Already Pear was gathering baskets into position for Applejack to do her magic. "Already an honorary member of the family, that one. Not a bad bone in her body."

"Not a one." Applejack bucked the tree with practice, filling the baskets without a problem. "Since yer here, wanna help move the baskets?"

"Of course." Pear moved to do just that, but her attention was far more on Applejack than otherwise. "You know... I wouldn't be upset."

"At?" Applejack sat, brow raised. "Mom, yer bein' strange. What would you not be upset about? Oh! Ya tryin' to get me to take a break? Will, soon as we fill up the last few barrels, promise."

"That's good." But it was also not what she cared about as she nudged the basket into position for later barrel filling. "AJ, dear filly. Yer not interested in stallions none, right?"

Applejack froze, as surely as a leaf on a pegasus' back. "Uh..."

"It's alright," repeated Pear Butter. "It really is. A pony likes what they like. Ain't not a thin' ah'll be upset about. But yer not, right?"

Color crept up over her, becoming as ripe a red as the apples she collected. "Mom!"

"Ain't here to yell atcha." Pear went in to touch side to side. "Wherever your eyes are, my little Jack, ah'm here for ya. Ah just wanna know what ya want."

"Why is everypony suddenly interested in that?!" Applejack thumped the ground with a loud equine snort. "Ah'm a grown mare. Ah can handle that mahself, thank ya very much. Now, love you to death an' all, but ah'll handle the last tree on mah own, alright?"

She stormed off without providing the answer Pear had wanted. "Ah shoot... Done messed that right up." Pear rubbed at one of her cheeks with the flat of a hoof. "Stepped right in it... Thought ah was one of those 'cool' moms." But she was not a cool mom, just one that loved her foals. Good enough? At that moment, it didn't feel like it. "Consarnit."

Author's Note:

Poor Pear Butter. Clearly this reaction was the typo all along! Moon is learning things with a uniquely her slant to it. She continues to charm me.

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