• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,158 Views, 856 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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34 - Owl's Well

"Huh." Spike peered at the newest member of the library family.

"Hm." Moon Dancer was with him, studying the curious bird. "To assist you?"

Twilight nodded with a big smile, not at all unsure as the others were. "While you two are asleep and I'm busy studying the stars, Owlicious here can stay up and give me a hoof, or a talon." She extended an arm for Owlowiscious to perch on. "And he does it so well. Such a good owl!"

Moon lifted her shoulders slowly. "I have stayed up with a good book, but you do prefer to study the night sky more than I do."

Spike rubbed behind his head, considering the feathered addition. "Can he... do anything else?"


"You." Spike pointed at him.


"Owlowiscious." Spike put his hands at his hips. "Who else?"


Twilight put a hoof between them. "That's how owl's talk, Spike. He can't say anything else."

Moon bobbed her head. "The pitch and duration of his hoots can communicate many things, if you were also an owl, or Fluttershy. Being ponies, and dragons, we will just have to guess." She waved at Owlowiscious lightly. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Who." One could but guess that he seemed pleased, comfortable there. He hopped up along Twilight's arm to ride her back instead.

"For being an owl, he is surprisingly good at fetching books." Twilight seemed nothing but pleased at her new pet. "As a side benefit, I'm no longer one of the few members of my friends without a pet."

Moon hiked a brow. "Is this a common feature?"

"Not of all friends, but many of mine." Twilight began to count with taps of her hooves. "Rarity has a cat. Applejack has a dog. Fluttershy has an entire forest, but at least one rabbit she is very close to. Pinkie has a little alligator, remember him? Gave me quite the scare, but is otherwise harmless. Only Rainbow Dash and I were without a pet, and now I have one."

Moon curled a hoof to her chin. "Which means I am out of place... I should find a pet. What animal do you think would suit me?"

Spike clapped in one firm stroke. "A lizard!"

Moon inclined her head at him. "Why that?"

"Well, you're already used to being around one of us scaled sorts," he reasoned, working his fingers together. "And they can hang out while you do your study stuff." He exploded his hands wide. "Win win!"

"Hm... I'm uncertain. But, I have a friend who specializes in this. I will visit Fluttershy. Spike, do you wish to accompany me, or do you have other plans?"

Spike considered that. "I should visit, um, do you mind if I go?"

"You are old enough to make that decision." But not old enough to avoid the arm coming around and drawing him in for a hug. "I am very proud of your development."

"Aw!" He pinkened with the praise, giggling a little. "I'll keep making you proud, promise. I'll be back for dinner!" And off he ran off to his own business.

This left Moon free to walk through Ponyville and out of it a short way to reach the idyllic cottage of one Fluttershy. The pegasus was out front, trimming the claws of a big bear that sat patiently as it happened. Moon hummed at the sight, fairly sure she would not want to be so close to a bear's claws. "Fluttershy, I do not mean to interrupt."

"Oh!" She jumped at the voice, looking around a moment before she spotted Moon Dancer. "Hello..." She resumed her nail work. "I'm trimming them down. Without some help, bear claws can get too long and furled. Now... isn't that better?" She held up a mirror for the bear to see his claws from different angles.

The bear grunted with a smile, clearly pleased. He delivered a warm bear hug to Fluttershy in thanks and rose up, starting to wander off towards the forest.

This left Fluttershy to consider her visitor. "Now, sorry to make you wait. How can I help?"

Moon waved that away. "I'm the one who came without forewarning. You are an animal expert, are you not?"

"I wouldn't go that far..." she murmured in humility. "How can I help?"

Moon nodded at the small rabbit that was lurking nearby. "You understand pets, I hope?"

"Oh, yes." She grabbed that bunny to hug close. "Special connections between ponies and animals. It's such a lovely thing from both sides! Why do you ask?"

"Twilight just got one, a--"

"The owl!" gushed Fluttershy, wings flipping open. "A marvelous creature, and they get along so well. I'm happy for both of them."

Moon nodded at that. "They seem like a good fit. I would like an animal of my own. Can you assist with that?"

Fluttershy clapped with joy. "I would be delighted! I know a few cute kitties that would love a good home." She reached over and pulled over a cute fluffy cat with big eyes.

"Hm." Moon considered the feline critically. "Aesthetically pleasing, but no."

"Oh, hm." Fluttershy set the cat down to dash away. "Are you looking for an animal that will stay at your side? How about a dog?" She grabbed a golden retreiver that she apparently kept for such emergencies. "He's waiting to love you forever!"

The dog gave an excited arf, wagging his tail and looking at Moon with the love only a dog could have.

"Charming... but too clingy." Moon patted the dog gently, as if to assure that no hard feelings were had.

"Hm." Fluttershy rubbed at her chin thoughtfully. "What sort of animal are you hoping for?"

"Hm, a fair question." Moon tried to imagine the mystery animal. "I'd want something that doesn't mind that I am often studying, doesn't get startled at magic, or, possibly better, looks forward to it. Do they have that, animals that actively enjoy magic?" Her eyes shone with the idea of a magically active critter. "I'd like that."

"Hm. Hmm..." That was a challenge. "A magical animal... Hm... Well, there are dragons, but you have one of those."

Moon hiked a brow. "And he is not a pet, being fully sapient. A little lower on the intelligence scale." She lowered a hoof in demonstration.

"Well! There are the breezies. They are magical, but also perhaps too intelligent, and rare..." Fluttershy frowned in ever-growing thought. "Most of what comes to mind is also very dangerous. I imagine you don't want a dangerous pet."

"I would prefer not." Moon lifted an ear at Fluttershy. "My practice is dangerous enough."

An idea came to Fluttershy. "You could take after your mentor."


"Princess Celestia." Flutter pointed a wing at the city in the mountain. "She has a phoenix. Perhaps, with her help, you could get a baby phoenix. They are smart, but not that smart. They are magical. They can enjoy magic."

Moon pricked up. "That is a fascinating idea... Celestia's phoenix is female. Perhaps it has created a viable egg." This ignoring the other steps involved in that working. "I will ask Princess Celestia. You have been quite helpful." She looked ready to depart, but aborted the motion. "Are there things I will require to properly care for a phoenix?"

"To start, everything you need to care for a bird." Fluttershy perked with a smile. "Which you already have at hoof, due to Twilight adopting an owl. Get one of everything she has. They will want places to roost, seeds, and can even share toys. Be careful, they can, like any other animal, become jealous and territorial."

She burst into giggles. "Even the 'smart' ones. As if we ponies never become jealous."

"True." Moon rubbed at her chin. "If I get a chick, hopefully the feelings will be reduced. It's hard to be jealous of a child. Thank you very much." They nodded at one another and Moon returned to the library to get to scribbling a note.

Greetings Princess Celestia,

Twilight and I are getting along quite well! Gaining a significant other, a special somepony as it's termed, has been a boon to my research, and quite pleasant besides that. Speaking of her, she has adopted an owl to assist her during her late-night studies of the stars.

Relatedly, I was wondering if your phoenix has made any eggs, and if I could have one? I would like to adopt a baby phoenix. I will take care of it carefully and hope that my previous performance with Spike properly demonstrates that I am capable of this task. I will also have the assistance of Fluttershy, a local expert on animals, both magical and mundane, to ensure this is properly done.

Learning Every Day,
Moon Dancer

The response was not long in coming. Spike was wielding a letter when he returned, scroll in his hand. "Here you go." He handed it to Moon on his way to his bed.

"Thank you." She willed it to unfurl and busily read over it.

Dear Moon Dancer,

A baby Phoenix? They are ever so precious at that age. I'm afraid Philomena has not had the correct company to make any eggs that would produce a phoenix chick. She would like me to remind you that you have been rude in not asking her permission to adopt one of her children. Phoenixes are not as verbose as ponies, but they are capable of complex emotions, and being offended at that is well within their means. I feel certain you meant no harm, and will attempt to convince her of that.

This aside, you would be better served keeping your eyes open for wild phoenixes and making your case to them. That is how I ended up with Philomena, precious creature that she is. She was wild, long ago, now tamed. I should remind, phoenixes are not domesticated, and to do so would be curious, given how intelligent they are. To 'own' one is to enter a partnership with another creature, much like you and Twilight. There will be give and take, but the rewards can be beyond measure.

If you're sure you want and are ready for that, look for them, and don't be pushy. They don't like that.

As an aside, I am delighted to hear you and Twilight are getting along. You have two halves of a crown, I remind. Even if you never became romantically involved, your destinies are bound together tightly. You are both bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and it falls on your shoulders to rise to action as Equestria needs it. Of course, I feel certain you'd do that without my reminding you, but it is nice to hear you and the other bearers are getting along so well.

My sister has grown curious about your progress. Expect her to stop by sometime soon. Please be gentle with her. She is not used to dealing with modern ponies, and has been away for so long... A helping hoof to ensure she has a good time would be delightful. I will be sure she's sent with quality guards, but guards are not known for this sort of thing, so I ask you instead to be mindful of that. You've learned how to have a good time, pass that on, kindly.

Always Happy to Hear From You,
Princess Celestia

Moon rolled the scroll closed. "Twilight?" Oh, she was right there. "Princess Luna will visit soon. My plan for a pet is delayed."

Twilight pouted slightly. "Sorry to hear that. Did it involve Celestia too?"

"It did." Moon set the scroll down. "But only briefly. The rest is up to me, but likely for a future date. Hm... Do you know..." She aborted the question. If anypony around there knew the answer to that, it was likely Fluttershy. Her quest for a phoenix would have to wait a little while at least, if ever it was to come to a satisfying conclusion.

Author's Note:

No pet today, but is a pet phoenix in Moon's future? What do you think?

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