• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,162 Views, 856 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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33 - BBBFF

"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake." Cadance moved her hooves off her eyes as Twilight did the same. They were performing the traditional dance of greetings. "Stamp your hooves and give a little shake." They both waggled their bottoms and giggled at the whole thing. "It's been so long, Twilight. Good to see you." She gazed at Twilight a bit oddly a moment. "And what's this?" She trailed along something only she could see. "You have a relationship."

Twilight lit up, cheeks going a pinkish red in her purple fur. "Cadance, this is Moon Dancer." She drew her +1 forward to be inspected. "A darling pony that was my school mate back in Celestia's school."

"And now something more?" Cadance offered a hoof towards Moon. "A delight to meet you, Moon Dancer."

Moon met the hoof with one of her own, gently clopping. "Hello, Cadance. I am told you used to foalsit for Twilight?"

"That was a while ago, but yes." Cadance smiled awkwardly. "Thinking about that makes me feel a little old, so let's not. Now, Twilight seems to be paralyzed in fear, so you might answer me instead. Are you two...?" She wagged a hoof between Moon and Twilight. "Good friends, or good friends?"

Shining let out a merry, if brief, laugh. "What kind of question is that? Cadie, they're both mares. Being friends is about all they could be."

Moon frowned at the brother of her paramor. "Any two adults can form a romantic relationship."

Cadance leaned in with an impish smile. "You could prove it, and it won't even be hard. Go ahead and show us a kiss."

Shining threw a leg over Cadance. "You just want to see a kiss."

"Guilty." She was looking at the two mares expectently. "Go on."

Velvet coughed loudly enough to be known. "Let's not demand kisses out of family members, hm? The excitement is ahead of us!" She thrust a hoof. "If you're all ready to go, let's get marching."

The group mobilized, unable to resist the call of the matron. Pear Butter slid in next to Cadance. "Nice to meet you. I'm friends with Twilight Velvet there, and brought along my family." She inclined her head at Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Apple accompanying them. "I have one other little darlin', but somepony had to watch the farm, and she drew the short straw."

"Poor mare," sighed out Cadance in empathy. "Velvet is making it sound like it'll be a lot of fun."

"Filly," corrected Pear. "But she's old enough to mind herself a little while. I'm right proud of her, and this should be terrifyin', but time with Velvet usually is. She loves it. Ah'm more puttin' up with it. The company's worth it."

Cadance giggled softly. "You two must be good friends." She glanced away and back. "The same kind of friends as Twilight and Moon?"

It took a moment, but Pear began to glow with a blush. "Not that kind of friends! We're sisters, not anythin' else." She hurried past Cadance to speak with Velvet and Night Light, leaving that awkward conversation well behind her.

Shining was chuckling at the whole thing. "Just because two ponies are doing whatever doesn't mean they all are. Come on, let's not be left behind." He guided her forward to catch up with the rest. They had a day of fun ahead!

Twilight popped up beside Shining. "So!"

Shining jumped at her sudden presence. "Woah, Twilie. What's up?"

"You never mentioned you got a girlfriend." Twilight leaned in closer. "Or that things were getting serious."

"You never mentioned you got a girlfriend," Shining fired back, looking quite smug. "When was that going to come out?"

Twilight sputtered. "H-hey! Stay on topic! Cadance?! She's nice and all... but she was my foal sitter!"

"And?" Shining waggled his brows. "Does foalsitting for you suddenly make a pony ineligible? You two are friends, so you should be happy."

Twilight sagged at the logic. "She's fine," she miserably admitted. "But you didn't tell me!"

"You didn't tell me," he calmly shot back. "So... you two serious, or is this a hookup? Can girls do that?"

Twilight scowled at him. "Mares can do anything stallions can."

"Not everything," he said with way too much meaning in his voice.

"Ugh." Twilight shoved at Shining with a wry smile. "Not everything, I suppose. It's good to see you, even if I am a little mad."

"Right,so... spill the beans?" He nudged against Twilight. "You want to know all about me and Cadie, that's fine, but I want the deets on you and Moon in return. That's only fair."

Twilight let out an equine snort. "There's not much to say... we're... a thing... But not in any way you're imagining."

"I have a healthy imagination," he taunted with a wry smirk. "Try me."

She shook her head. "Alright, fine... Our last date was an intensive reading and analysis of a book. We both enjoyed it quite a bit."

Shining cocked a brow. "That's... nice... but you could do that with a friend. What makes that something you do with your girlfriend?"

"Because we went home afterwards, together, and slept in the same house that we both take care of." Twilight nodded softly. "You don't usually do that with a 'friend'. That would be odd."

"So she's... a friend you share a house with?" He wasn't sounding accusing, tasting and probing the strange case before him. "And you don't do any other, hm, delicate things?"

Twilight suddenly veered off, but not far. She reached Moon's side. "Moon Dancer, I am going to kiss you." Moon got time to perk an ear before Twilight smooched Moon on the cheek. Moon smiled silently, approving of the gesture. "Kisses and hugs are a token we exchange," completed Twilight, siding back towards Shining Armor. "Is that enough?"

"You... ask before you do that?" Shining ducked away to Cadance to repeat the experiment. He went in for a kiss without asking, and got whipped in the face with her tail. Sure she might have been turning at the wrong time, but the whip was still gotten.

"Oh, Shining. I didn't realize you were there." Cadance gently brushed his face with her hooves. "Warn a mare."

Twilight laughed with a bright smile. "Warnings and permission are great tools, even among willing ponies."

"Point taken." Shining snorted softly, defeated in his case. "But, seriously, you don't do... anything?"

Twilight squinted at her brother. "There's being curious, and a step too far, Shinie. What do you do with Cadance? And that is not an invitation to tell me." She stuck out her tongue with obvious apall. "I really don't want to hear it. I will assume you two are getting along like two adults."

"What are you talking about?" Oops, there was Cadance, smiling at the two of them. "May I join?"

Twilight grinned at her. "Shining here was very curious about what two ponies in a relationship do in private."

Cadance thwacked him over the head without delay. "Shining!"

"What! I..." He had he wisdom to shut his mouth before he said something dumb. "Um... So... Do you understand how it works?"

"How what works?" Cadance squinted at Shining with obvious suspicion. "I wanted them to kiss for fun. I know what they do." She rolled her eyes dramatically. "And it's not really your business at all. As a stallion, it never will be."

"Harsh." He inclined his head towards Twilight. "She is my sister."

"Even less reason for you to be poking your nose into that."

"Sure, but I care about her. I just want to be sure she's alright."

"Which she is." They rapid fired back and forth, Cadance looming over him. "And very happy, from the look of it. They are an adorable pair that is getting along well. If you want to talk about it, spend more time complimenting them."

"Yes ma'am." Shining sagged with defeat. "Um, as long as you two are happy."

"I am happy." Twilight nodded. "And you are too, I hope?"

"Very." Cadance squeezed Shining close. "Even if I have to raise my voice once in a while."

Moon shook her head. "We are both logical ponies. Having our error presented clearly is more effective for us."

Twilight perked an ear at Moon. "Hm, you're not wrong. Another reason we get along so well." She smiled with a gentle happiness. "And we have no reason to shout at each other, just debate things."

"Which we enjoy," added Moon Dancer. "Now, what is the nature of this event?"

Velvet grabbed Cadance and Moon under her arms, pulling them forward. "Glad you asked! The fun has only just begun!" They were helpless victims and the great monster that was Twilight Velvet had her teeth in them.

"This treehouse is mine." Spike double thumb-hooked himself with a cocky grin.

"Ah got a treehouse too," agreed Apple Bloom. "It's pretty great. Nice we're both in the treehouse ownin' game." They met, hoof to hand. "Now, gotta ask, why am ah the only one here?" She looked around the empty and closed library that just had a Spike and a lot of books in it.

"Oh, well... Rules! Moon said I couldn't hang out in private with Diamond right now, but you're not Diamond, so..."

"So you invited me?" Apple Bloom swerved around Spike to look around. "Say, since we're in here alone, you could show me the good stuff."

"Good stuff?" He turned, following after her. "What do you mean?"

"The books Twilight doesn't lend out. The good stuff." Apple Bloom waggled her brows meaningfully. "I know you know what I mean."

"Uh..." He grabbed the filly's shoulders. "Do you mean forbidden magic?"

"Huh? No." Apple Bloom waved over her face. "I was more thinking comics that Twilight doesn't want to share."

"Comics! Those I have." He pointed to a chair. "Be right back." He scampered off and returned shortly with a box he struggled under the weight of. "Comics!" He let the box half-fall with a dull thud, a few comics jumping out from the impact. "Be careful with them and you're free to read."

"OOoo." Apple Bloom reached over and snatched a comic. "I knew you had the good stuff." She sank to her haunches and began to read without further delay. "Twilight only has a few comics in here. 'not educational enough,' she complains. Ha!" Apple Bloom flipped to the next page. "Ah'm already learnin' thin's! Are these from the secret stash?"

"Um, they're not Twilight's." He sank down and plopped onto his bottom much as Applejack did, but he sat in a far more bipedal fashion. "They're mine. Not that I mind you looking at them... It's actually kind of nice."

"Nice?" She peeked up past the top of her borrowed comic.

"Yeah! There aren't a lot of ponies that read comics with me." He leaned forward to peer at the cover of the book she was holding. "Ooo, that's a good one, and great for somepony just starting. Enjoy it."

"Ah just picked it at random, but ah have good taste." She accepted the praise as she flipped to a new page. "Won't your lady friend get mad that you're spendin' time with another filly instead of her?"

Spike flinched at that idea. "It was Moon's order! She wouldn't refuse an order from her mom, trust me. I've met her..."

Apple Bloom inclined her head. "Ya have? Never saw her before. Wasn't even sure she had one... Now, her father ah met. Nice pony, and a good customer of ours. She doesn't get her mean streak from him, that's fer certain!"

"Ha... no, he does seem pretty nice... but I'm not here to discuss that." Arguing where his girlfriend got any mean streak felt extremely counter-productive. He grabbed another comic, but hopped to his feet. "I'll get us a snack. I know the perfect treat for a lazy comic day."

"Yay!" Apple Bloom clapped with approval. The day had shaped up to suddenly improve quite a bit from where she had planned it.

Author's Note:

Things are happening both at and away from home it seems. Shining has questions! They deserve answers! Right?

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