• Published 26th Aug 2012
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Beauty and her Spike - FlimFlamBros.

True beauty lies within, can Spike and Rarity realize that before it's too late?

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A Rose for my Love?

Beauty and Her Spike
The Greatest Sparity Ever Told

Chapter 1: A Rose for my Love?

Celestia’s sun rose high over Ponyville, as it seemed to do on most days. The pegasi had done a great job clearing the skies; not a cloud or blemish marred it. The birds chirped and sang their cheery tunes, a squirrel scurried up a tree with a mouth full of nuts to store for winter, as the snow storms were to soon come, and most of the animals were getting ready for hibernation. But there was one creature that was just waking up, and as the light of the sun peeked through the window of the Ponyville Library, a little purple dragon rubbed his eyes.

The drake gave a big yawn as he turned in his sleep. He slowly sat up, still groggy with morning fatigue. He gave another big yawn as he stretched his arms out, arching his back as he did so. Giving his head a few shakes, he looked over to Twilight’s bed. The bed was empty, the purple unicorn had already gotten up, probably downstairs studying or something. As Spike slowly walked out of his bed, he caught a glance out the window.

“It sure is a beautiful day,” he said quietly to himself as he walked towards the window, sticking his head out to soak in all the sun. He observed the animals and the quiet town come to life, the ponies going on with their daily business. Little fillies and colts skipped and pranced towards school, where their teacher happily greeted her students. In the center of town, the many stands were setting up, getting ready for the daily market. It seemed like an average day in Ponyville, but today was very special for a certain dragon…

“Today is the day!” sighed Spike as he gazed out the window as he slumped his head into his claws. In the distance, he could see the Carousal Boutique off in the distance. It was by far the most beautiful building in town, and it was also home to the prettiest mare in Ponyville, probably even Canterlot. “Today is the day,” he hummed to himself, slowly slipping into something a little more…

“It’s a wonderful day, say’s I,

There’s not a single cloud in the sky

And today will be great, cause today is the day,

It’s a wonderful day say’s I!"

The dragon turned around, and quickly but carefully scurried down the wooden steps of the library and into the main living area. From there he could smell the delicious scent of hay bacon and fried rubies, his favorite breakfast! He willingly followed the enticing aromas of the sizzling bacon, almost floating to the smell of the scent. He opened the door to be greeted by Twilight Sparkle, his official/unofficial boss, caretaker, and big sister. The unicorn was nose deep in a book while she tended to breakfast with a simple levitation spell.

“Good morning Twilight!” piped Spike happily, taking a seat next to the mare.

“Oh, good morning Spike, did you have a good sleep?” asked Twilight sincerely, breaking away from her book for a second to greet the little dragon.

“The best!” he said happily. “But who wouldn’t be happy today? Today is going to be the greatest day ever!” His stomach grumbled. “Hey, umm Twi, when’s breakfast going to be done?”

The mare rolled her eyes as she levitated the pan of food towards Spike, dumping the contents of the pan onto the dragon’s plate. “Eat up,” she giggled.

“Thanks!” said the little drake, staring starry eyed at the food. Without wasting another moment, the dragon dug into his breakfast, not taking manners into mind. “This is great, Twilight!”

“Spike, don’t talk with your mouth open,” grumbled the unicorn, a piece of stray food flinging onto her cheek. “You’re going to get dragon drool on my book.”

“Sorry Twilight,” sighed Spike, licking his mouth clean of all leftover food. “What are you reading anyways?”

“This new romance novel I ordered from Canterlot!” the purple mare smiled, “It’s called ‘The Blindness of Her Aching Heart.’ It’s really interesting! It has dragons and swordfights, and a prince in disguise.” She clutched the book to her chest as she let out a dreamy sigh. “I wish I could meet somepony as great as the prince in this book.

Spike scrunched his face up as he made gagging sounds. “Sounds girly, I’m out of here. Later Twilight!” called the dragon as he threw his dirty plate into the sink and rushed out the door. “Girly and sappy, blah that’s not for me,” he grumbled, quickly forming a smile. “Romance on the other hoof… well...”

“It’s a beautiful day, indeed,

Birds are singing in all the trees!

There’s a cat and a mouse, making love in a house!

It’s a wonderful day says I!”


Spike turned around to see a magenta mare with a deep red mane. Berry Punch’s face was frozen in a state of shock, disbelief, and confusion.

Spike nervously giggled. “Sorry, I needed a rhyme.” The mare just turned around and continued walking where she was going before she had been shocked. “Now then where was I?”

“It’s a glorious day, you see

Cause I’ll finally tell Rarity…

When I gaze at her face, it makes my heart ache,

My palms get all sweaty,

My heartbeat’s not steady,

But I really don’t care, because I love that mare,

A date there will be, I’m sure she’ll agree!

And it’s a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day say’s I!

He fell to his knees, spreading his arms and panting heavily. He turned around, witnessing a few ponies that had gotten caught up in the chorus, as there were four mares still holding that last ‘I’ note. He walked away from the crazy ponies and skipped into town.

“Now, if I’m going to ask Rarity out on a date, I’m going to need a flower!” said Spike, looking at the stalls of the market, searching until he found the one he was looking for: The Flower Sisters Flower Stand. At the moment, it was Rose tending the stall. “Hey Rose!”

The amber-mane pony turned from her flowers to see the adorable purple dragon. “Oh, hello there Spike, is there anything that I can help with you with?”

“There is!” explained the dragon excitedly, “I need a flower, a beautiful one, if fact, the most beautiful flower you have please!”

“Ooooooo,” cooed the earth pony, “Is it for your special somepony?”

Spike shook his head. “You bet! It’s for the most beautiful pony in all of Ponyville!”

“Spike, I’m flattered, but you don’t have to do that,” smiled Rose, batting her eyelashes.

“What? No it’s not for you—Not that you’re not pretty! It’s just that—Well, what I mean is--” Spike wiped some sweat off his brow. “Oh no. I’m screwed, aren’t I?”

The mare laughed. “Relax, I’m just teasing you, I know who this is for!” she smiled, reaching into the bushel of roses, and picking out the reddest and healthiest rose in the batch. “Here, on the house, all things considering.”

“Really? Thanks Rose!” the dragon happily cheered, taking the rose in hand. “I’m sure she’ll love it!” He quickly took off, running towards his final destination: The Carousal Boutique.This is it! I can’t believe that I’m actually going to do this! he thought. He stepped up to the door. Puffing up his chest and flexing all his muscle, he knocked. All right Spike, time to make your dreams come true! The door slowly creaked opened. She’s opening the door, oh goddess, she opening the door! The door finally revealed her, the most beautiful mare that he had ever seen, ever since he saw her all that time ago.

Rarity was the picture of beauty. Her perfect violet mane with its bouncing curls that bobbed seductively every time she swayed her head. Her flawlessly-kept coat gleamed like fresh, fallen snow adorned with enticing diamonds. And her face, that caring, beautiful face, and those gorgeous, gorgeous blue eyes shined like blue stars in the night sky. Everything about her made Spike’s legs feel like jelly.

“Well, if it isn’t my little Spiky-wiky!” charmed Rarity. “Now to what do I owe the pleasure of having Ponyville’s cutest dragon come and visit me?”

“H-h-h-hi Rarity!” stammered the baby dragon; all prior confidence had completely vanished. “I was wondering….” His voice trailed off into an inaudible whisper.

“Darling, you’ll have to speak up a little,” said Rarity, turning her head. “You were wondering what, dear?”

“I-I was wondering if you…” His heart was racing; maybe this wasn’t a good idea at all. “I was wondering if you….”

“If I would do what, dear?” asked Rarity innocently. “You don’t have to be so tongue tied around me. You can tell me anything. You know that.”


The mare put a hoof on the dragon’s shoulder. “Anything, dear.”

Spike took a deep breath. This was it, he was going to tell her everything. The dragon held out the rose that he had gotten from earlier, “Rarity…I really like you.”

“Well, I like you too,” Rarity said, completely oblivious to what Spike had actually meant. “How could I not like such a little cutie pie?” she asked, pinching the dragon’s cheek.

“N-no, I mean, I like, umm…. like-like you.”

Rarity’s smile dropped, “Oh,” she said nervously, turning around so Spike couldn’t see her frustration. “Umm, I think I have some orders to attend to, big winter line up!”

“I’ve liked you since I first saw you,” Spike said, letting it all out. “Sometimes, you’re all that I can think of.”

“That’s really sweet, dear,” the now-sweating mare said, trying to hide her distress behind some red fabric. “But I really have some work I need to catch up with.”

“Well, if you have any time after, do you think…” He held up the rose. “Would you maybe like to go out on a date sometime?” He gritted his teeth in a smile as he waited for her response.

But the unicorn said nothing, and every passing moment that she said nothing quickly ate away at Spike’s hopes. “Spike,” the mare finally sighed, dropping the fabric. “I really am flattered that you have, umm... such strong feelings for me and you are definitely one of the kindest and sweetest dragons I know…”

“And?” asked Spike, building up his hopes.

The unicorn looked down to the ground. “And, I’m afraid that I’ll have to decline.” She bit her lips nervously as she awaited the dragon’s response.

But he didn’t. He just stood there, completely stunned, the sadness and rejection was clear on his face, as a single tear formed at the bottom of his eye. “D-d-decline?” he stuttered. “But why?”

“It’s complicated, dear,” she said, strain in her voice. “You are cute in your, umm, dragonish charms, and you are most helpful.” She sighed; this wasn’t easy for her to say. “And if you were a pony, I would have said yes in a heartbeat.”

“B-but you didn’t!” the small dragon cried. “You didn’t cause I’m a dragon! A stupid, ugly dragon!”

“Spike, I’m appalled!” she gasped. “I never said that! You are not ugly, and I’m sure that there are plenty of dragonesses that would love to go out with you.”

“But I’m not in love with a dragoness,” bawled the dragon. “I’m in love with you!”

“I’m sorry dear,” sighed the pony, bowing her head down. “But the answer is no.”

Spike couldn’t believe it, the mare of his dreams had rejected him, all because he was a dragon. An ugly, stupid dragon that thought he could actually be together with a pony. He couldn’t take it. With a heavy heart and the rose still clenched in his claw, he turned around and ran out of the Boutique, leaving nothing in his wake but a trail of watery tears and misery.

[Edited by Bunsen and Not Worthy]