• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 12,231 Views, 741 Comments

Beauty and her Spike - FlimFlamBros.

True beauty lies within, can Spike and Rarity realize that before it's too late?

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Quiet Village

The sun rose slowly over the town of Ponyville, birds chirping and all that classic morning stuff. A sleepy white mare stirred in the master bedroom of the Carousel Boutique. Slowly, Rarity got up from the bed, letting out a loud yawn as she stretched away the morning kinks. The mare crawled out of her bed, applied a little makeup (her looks aren’t all cosmetic, you know) and walked down the stairs of her home/boutique.

Stepping outside of her shop, Rarity started along her merry way into town. She felt particularly happy that late autumn’s morning…

“Ponyville, such a quiet village…
Every day… like the one before…
Ponyville… filled with little ponies
And there here to say:”
“Hello! Hello!”
“HIIIII!!” (Called Derpy)
“There goes Mr. Cake with his treats as always
The same old spread of goods he sells…
Every day it’s just the same (Hello!)
And it’s getting quite mundane
Oh there must be more to life!”

“Good morning Rarity!”

“Good morning Mr. Cake!” smiled Rarity. “Lovely weather we’re having!”

“It is.”

“Why, it’s so uncanny for it to be so warm this close to winter—“

“That’s nice, dear,” said Mr. Cakes, not really paying attention. “Cup Cake! The baguettes!”

The white mare rolled her eyes as she continued along her way down the streets, and as she trotted two mares that had witnessed the scene…

“Look at that mare, she is so prim and proper
I wonder if she’s feeling well…”
“Lyra why is she so odd?”
“I have no idea, Bonbon”
“Do you want to get a broom?”
“Yes I do!”

“Hello, Colgate! How is your family?”
“Good day, Berry! And how are you?”
“Hey there, Dinky, where is your mother?”
“There must be more than this small town and life!”

The small door of the Ponyville library swung open as Rarity walked in. “Good morning, Bookworm!”

“Rarity!” smiled the tannish unicorn, who had been Ponyville’s residential librarian since as long and any pony could remember. “What can I help you with?”

“I just came back to return this,” she said, levitating a large purple book out of her saddlebag.

“Done your research on foreign fabrics already?” he asked.

“Oh, it wasn’t much that I didn’t already know,” smiled Rarity. “But with having to get the new winter line up soon, I felt it couldn’t hurt to brush up a little.”

“Well, I’m glad it could help,” said Bookworm. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Actually yes!” she replied. “I was wondering if you had something new in the recreational reading department?”

Bookworm laughed. “Not since yesterday,” he said.

“Oh that’s all right,” smiled the white unicorn. “I’ll just take… This one!” She levitated an old book from the top of the shelf.

“The Blindness of Her Aching Heart?” asked Bookworm. “But you’ve read it twice.”

“I know, but it’s just so good!” smiled Rarity. “It makes me remember a better time…”

“When was that?”

“I… oh goodness me, I don’t know, but I feel less alone when I read it.”

“Well, if you like it so much, then it’s yours,” grinned the tan librarian.

“Bookworm, I couldn’t!”

“I insist!” said Bookworm, dropping the book into her saddle bag.

“Thank you, darling!” thanked Rarity, as she walked out the door of the library. She quickly dashed off, not noticing that Caramel, Thunderlane, and Time Turner had all been spying at her through the library window. They quickly acted casual as the refined white mare walked past them…

“Look, there she goes! That mare is picture perfect!
Her very sight fills us with joy!”
“She is the thought of all my dreams!”
“Befitting of royalty!”
“It’s a pity that’s she’s rather odd, that mare…”

Rarity pulled the book out of her saddlebag, examining the worn cover…

“IIIIIIIIIII find this book, enchanting! Every time I look at it I feel…
That there is something missing…
That’s there is something great waiting for me!”

“Now, it’s no wonder that her name means ‘unique’
Her beauty knows no parallel!”
“But like her name impose
She spends her life alone”
“She’s different from the rest of us
She nothing like the rest of us!
She really is a funny one, that mare!”

“Hey look!” shouted Raindrop, as she pointed at the train station. Sure enough, The Friendship Express was pulling up to Ponyville station. “Is that the royal car attached to it?”

At the end of the train station a large ravishing white cart had been hooked from onto the back of the caboose. The golden doors slowly opened and a red carpet shot out, nearly bulldozing a couple of idle ponies. When the carpet had settled down, Consort walked out of the royal cart.

The red-coated pony cleared his throat as he held up a scroll. “Ahem. Presenting his royal greatness, who is also the sole wielder of the Elements of Harmony the one and only Prince Blueblood.”

“Thank you! Thank you!” smiled Blueblood, regally walking out of the train. “Please, don’t feel the need to hold your applause.”

The sudden appearance of a Prince of Canterlot was enough to stir the town up. Almost everypony started to head to the train station, staring and gasping in awe of the prince’s imperial presence.

“Look at them all,” Blueblood whispered to his advisor. “They’re all hideous! I’m starting to think that this was a terrible idea you had.”

“Well sire, you’ve been looking for all of four seconds,” Consort said. “Perhaps we give it another four before we resort to blaming me. sire?”

“Whatever, just help me find one…” the prince grunted.

“Very well,” sighed the red-coated unicorn as he gazed though the town. “Perhaps that grey pegasus?”

“The blonde one?” Blueblood wondered. “What’s wrong with her eyes? She looks like a moron. No, she is far too hideous.”

“Of course, my lord,” mumbled Consort. I thought she looked rather adorable.

“What about that red one?” the white stallion said. “The one with the sandy yellow mane, she’s pretty hot.”

“The bigger one in the back sir?”

“Yes that’s the one!” he smiled. “That’s the girl I’m going to marry!”

“But sir—“

“Look at her, isn’t she the most beautiful peon that you’ve ever seen?”

“Prince Blue—“

“And that makes her the best!” smiled Blueblood.

"Your highness--"

"And don't I deserve the best?" asked the prince.

"Yes but--"

“It’s like I’ve eaten a flurry of butterflies. Consort, what is this feeling? Am I about to vomit?”

“Sir that’s probably love," he said, "but you should really listen—“

“I’m going to go over there and begin the wooing process!”

Consort sighed. “Very well my lord. I will not stand in the way of your ‘mare.’”

“Good,” said the prince, as he started to push pass the crowd of ponies to get to his newly found love. The pony in question had his back turned to Blueblood, so the pony was unprepared to have his flank groped by the hot-blooded prince. “By my auntie’s name, you have a nice firm buttock! I like that in a mare. What is your name, my darling?” cooed the oblivious unicorn.

The large red stallion turned around, frowning at the prince that had his hooves so firmly pressed against his rump. “Big Macintosh,” he growled.

“Holy Aunt Luna, you’re a guy!” gasped Blueblood.


“I see…” droned the prince, both hooves still pressed against Big Mac’s rear. “You know you have the backside of mare, the legs of one too—“


The large red stallion drove both of his back hooves into the face of Blueblood, sending him flying across the town. Blueblood screamed as he landed rather far away into town and into a nearby pile of hay.

“Master Blueblood, are you alright?” asked Consort as he started to trot over to where the prince had landed. “Are you still alive, sir?”

“Ooooh…” moaned Blueblood as he rolled out of hay, strands of straw were stuck in his mane and coat. “Consort, take a list,” he mumbled.

“Of course,” his advisor said, pulling out a small notepad.

“First, schedule a royal bath with lavender and those wonderful little balls that make all the bubbles.”

“Soap bombs?”

“I love those things!” said Blueblood. “And second, remind me to execute that big man-lady.”

“I’ll squeeze it in before your self-idolizing and after your colouring time next Wednesday.”

“Perfect!” smiled the prince. “There’s nothing I love more than executing after a good colouring!”

“I agree,” droned Consort, as he scribbled the word ‘peanut butter’ down for the eighth time. He never actually kept track of all the ponies that the young prince had demanded executed as he would usually forgot about it in less than an hour, finding something shiny to distract him. “But now I suggest we return to the original task at hand.”

“Very well, though I don’t see how we could find a mare… Hello…” Blueblood smiled, as his eyes caught a glimpse of a fine, refined, and rather pretty white mare. “Consort, please tell me that that is not another stallion.”

“That is a mare, my lord,” said his advisor. “Does this one meet your standards?”

“I suppose…” guessed Blueblood. “She’s better than the rest of the riff-raff in this town. Very well. I suppose she meet my needs. Consort, to that mare!”

“Right from the moment when I found her, saw her
I sighed and said she’ll have to do…
For in this town it’s only she,
Who is actually pretty
But still nowhere as beautiful as me!” (Of course, sire)

“Look there, he goes, isn’t he dreamy?
That Prince, Blueblood, he’s super cute!
My heart, it’s stopped, I’m hardly breathing!
He’s such a tall, strong, white and handsome prince!”

Hello! Good Day! Carrot Top, what’s up? Three bits, too much! Amethyst! (She’s leaving!)
Hi Allie Way, how’s Snails, with Snips? That’s good, do tell! Sparkler! (Get the hell out of my way!)
Did you hear? Lyra, Bonbon? The Mayor, she’s bald! Oh my…

“There must be more than this provincial life!”
“That’s why I will make that mare my wife!”
“Look there she goes that mare is strange but special
A most peculiar rarity!
It’s a pity and a sin, she doesn’t quite fit in
Yes, she really is a special mare
A beautiful and stunning girl
She really is a funny girl…
That mare!! (Hello, Hello, Hello!)
Hello, hello, hello!

Rarity turned around to see that everypony had snuck up behind her, staring at her curiously. It only took a firm look from her to send them all back on their daily business. Without further distraction, the white mare returned to her book, flipping back to her page.

“You know, some ponies would say that it would be an honour to bask in my presence…”

“Excuse me?” asked Rarity as she turned around, seeing Blueblood closing in in her. “Oh good god no…”

“But you are an exception!” exclaimed the prince. “For it is an honour to bask in our shared beauty. That is, if we were to make beauties with my beauty,” he raised one on his eyebrows suggestively.

“Umm…” the mare laughed nervously. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Did you mean…”

“Oh yes.”

“Oh… I’m, umm… Honoured?” asked the mare.

“As you should feel,” Blueblood said. “For it is not every day that a prince of Canterlot, not to mention a prince that is also the sole wielder of the Elements of Harmony, would offer such a thing.”

“Prince Blueblood, it is indeed an honour,” said Rarity. “But I fear that I must be off… Things to do and such.” She had nothing to do that day, but she needed an excuse to get away from that pony.

“Off to where?” he asked. “Did I forget to mention that I’m the sole wielder of the Elements of Harmony?”

“No, you made that abundantly clear—“

“Then why are being so distant, my little eye candy?”

“Like I said,” Rarity quickly said before running off. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment.” She left the young stallion there, standing confused in the middle of town as she quickly rushed back to her Boutique. “Oh the nerve of him!” she grumbled. “Does he not even remember The Grand Galloping Gala? Doesn’t matter, he’s still a pig-headed buffoon!”

When she got back to her store, she noticed that there was a brown carriage parked outside, which could only mean one thing. Rarity gulped as she slowly opened the main door. “Hello?”


“Mother, Father…” she droned. “It’s so nice of you to drop by.”

Her parents smiled at her as they sat at the kitchen table. Her father Magnum was munching on some burnt toast, while her mother Pearl was humming politely, tapping her hooves to a non-existent beat.

“Well, why wouldn’t we want to drop in on our little Rare-Rare?” her father asked. “Especially considering this the last time you’ll see us in a couple months.”

“Oh no. However will I survive?” Rarity said sarcastically.

“Now keep that fancy attitude you yourself, young lady,” frowned her mother. “You father and I will miss you, you can at least pretend that you’re not ashamed of us.”

“I never said that!”

“Mmm hmm, but you were sure thinking it missy,” teased her mother.

“Where are you going again?” Rarity quickly muttered, doing her best to get the subject off of her.

“FABULOUS LAS PEGASUS!” shouted Magnum, throwing both hooves in the air.

“Your father is going to try his luck at the casinos while I explore the famous strip!” added Pearl.

“Wonderful,” smiled Rarity. “Well it’s been fun, what with the talking and the you being here and the you now leaving.” She levitated all of her parent’s luggage to the door. “It would simply be unladylike to keep you from your holiday, so goodbye! Now. Please.”

“Whoa there nelly, hold your horses,” said her father. “We’re still waiting on your sister. She needs to hustle her bustle if she doesn’t want to get left behind!” shouted Magnum up the stairs.

“I’m coming!” shouted Sweetie Belle. Rarity’s little sister trotted down the stairs carrying a large suitcase in her mouth. She grunted as she struggled to drag the bag down the steps. “I hope I packed enough.”

“Plenty, I’m sure,” mumbled Rarity, helping her sister as she levitated the suitcase and the filly up and down the steps. “Now shoo—I mean, have a wonderful vacation, be sure to write and I’ll be sure to read!”

“You’re not coming with us?” asked Sweetie Belle as she was dangled upside down in an aura of her sister’s magic.
“That’s a great idea!” smiled Magnum. “Rarity, you should come too!”

“A nice family vacation.”

“NOOOOOO!!” screamed Rarity in a very unladylike manner. “I mean, I would love to but I’m just so busy. You know dressmaking and all.”

“But you’re always busy…” whimpered Sweetie Belle. “You never have time for anypony.”

“She’s right you know,” said her mother. “You know there’s more to life than dressmaking. When are you going to find yourself a stallion?”

“Mother, please!”

“Whatever happened to that Prince you were always talking about?” asked her father. “What was his name again? Prince Blueballs?”

“Blueblood dear.”

“Same difference,” shrugged Magnum. “So how about it? Has my little princess met her prince?”

“I would rather not talk about it,” mumbled Rarity. “He is a combination of words that would be most uncouth to say in front of my parents.”

“Oh I’m sure that you’re just exaggerating,” said Pearl. “Nopony can be that bad.”

“Whatever you say mother,” said the white mare, rolling her eyes.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us, Rare-Rare?” her father asked. “It would be good to get you out of that bouquet sometimes.”

“Boutique,” corrected Rarity. “And I’m sure. There is simply too much to do and then I would have to pack and that would take forever as I would have to—“

“Can we go already!?” shouted Sweetie Belle, who was already waiting in the carriage for her parents. “She doesn’t want to come, so let’s go!”

Both of her parents sighed. “We’re coming, Sweetie!” they both said, as walked over to the carriage and hooked themselves in. “Are you sure that we can’t convince you to come?”


“Okay,” nodded her mother, strapping herself into the carriage so she could pull. “We’ll write as soon as we get to our hotel!”

“Goodbye Mother, goodbye Father!” waved Rarity as she hurried back into her shop, slamming the door closed. “Ugh, I despise it when they do that… And I so have friends! There’s…umm… Hmm, this is harder than I thought,” she pondered. “I must have some friends… Somewhere…”

“Well,” said Magnum as he and his wife finally got settled in to their reins. “Are we all ready to go?”

“YEAH!” cheered Sweetie Belle from the carriage compartment. “To Las Pegasus!”

“Well, all right then!” chuckled her father, as he pulled a map out of his blue shirt’s pocket. “Now let’s see… If we take the main road, we should get to Las Pegasus within three days.”

“Magnum dear, isn’t there a faster route?” asked his wife.

“There is,” he smiled, pointing to a large, dark green blob on the map. “Who wants to cut through the Everfree Forest?”