• Published 26th Aug 2012
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Beauty and her Spike - FlimFlamBros.

True beauty lies within, can Spike and Rarity realize that before it's too late?

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Dungeons and Dragons

“Is he gone?” Rarity whispered to herself, peeking through the window. “Is that ignorant, pig-headed imbecile gone?”

She scanned the area around her boutique. There seemed to have been a wedding prepared right outside her doorstep, but it had been hastily torn apart and abandoned, leaving nothing but a few scattered flowers and an unfinished wedding cake.

“He had the nerve to set up a wedding before I even accepted his proposal? What kind of self-indulged pony would do something so…uncouth?!” she huffed. “Ha! Imagine that. Me, the wife of that egotistical jerk!”

“Princess, Blueblood. Can you just see it?

Princess, Blueblood. His little mare

“No way, not me! I won’t believe it!

There must be more than this provincial life!”

Rarity ran out of her house and into the nearby valley, looking at the horizon beyond the mountains. Equestria was so big, filled with wonders and adventures. Would she ever be able to have more than this life? Or was she doomed to be alone in her routine?

“I want adventure in the great wide somewhere!

I want it more than I can tell!

And for once it might be grand, to have a pony understand

I want so much more than they have planned…”


“What am I to do?” sighed the while mare, lazily blowing at a plume of dandelions.


“Sweetie Belle, could you be quiet?” droned Rarity. “I’m trying to think—wait a minute, Sweetie Belle?!”

“Rarity!” screamed the little filly, running as fast as she could from across the field, her mother slowly following after her. Pearl seemed to have a bit of a limp in her run, and was being ginger with one of her hooves.

“Mother? Sweetie Belle? What in Equestria is going on?” she called out as she ran to the ponies. “Where’s Father, and what happened to your hoof?”

“We…we were attacked, Rarity!” panted Sweetie, falling to the ground from exhaustion. “Dad… mom and I… we got away… but mom… she hurt her hoof while running…”

“Mother, are you okay?” asked Rarity, looking at her mother’s hoof. It seemed to be badly bruised and was already starting to turn a deep shade of purple. “It looks like you may have broken the bone,” she said. “You need to get to a hospital!”

“Don’t worry about me Rarity! It’s your father that’s in danger!” Pearl said. “He wanted to cut through the Everfree forest to save on travel time.”

“What?!” screamed Rarity. “Is he mad?! Why would anypony trek through the Everfree Forest?”

“You father wanted to save ten minutes on travel time.”

“And you just listened to him?” asked Rarity. “The Everfree is dangerous!”

“That’s…what I said…” muttered Sweetie Belle.

“Where is he now?” Rarity asked.

“He’s still in the Everfree,” Pearl said. “I just pray to Celestia that he’s all right.”

“Mother, take Sweetie Belle home and get some rest,” said Rarity. “I’m going to go find father.”

“But Rarity!” gasped Sweetie Belle. “It’s DANGEROUS. I know you want to save Dad but shouldn’t we just call the Royal Guards or something?”

“There’s no time for that,” exclaimed Rarity. “Besides, if the guards do find him, he’ll think it’s another government conspiracy trying to take his money or time or something else equally as ridiculous. He’ll probably get thrown in jail or an insane asylum.”

“Still, I’m not letting you go!” cried her mother, grabbing a hold of her hoof. “I might have lost my husband today; I will not lose my daughter as well!”

“I’ll be fine Mother, I’ve been in the Everfree before,” Rarity said. “And I know how to take care of myself.”

“You’ve been in the Everfree before?”

“Ye- I think so… Have I?” she wondered, scratching her head. “The memory is a little vauge, but I’m sure I’ve been in the Everfree and came out all right.”

“Are you sure?” asked her mother. “I don’t want you getting hurt or killed.”

“I’ll be fine, really,” said Rarity. “But right now, Father needs my help. Get Sweetie Belle some rest and then go to the hospital and get your hoof looked over. I’ll be back before you know it.”

Her mother sighed, slowly letting her daughter’s hoof go. “Be safe, please.”

“I will be,” nodded Rarity as she rushed away from her mother and sister and towards the edge of the Everfree Forest. She stopped at the edge of the woods, staring into the dark and scary treeline. Rarity gulped as she took a step onto the shadowy path and descended into the trees.

Every step seemed to lead to more darkness. She had no little idea as to where to go, she should have asked her mother where to go. She thought of turning around but by then she was already deep within the thicket of the forest.

“Oh dear…” she muttered to herself. “Am I sure I’ve done this before? Maybe it was just a dream? Ugh, why is my head being so difficult?!”

She continued into the forest, still following the thin dirt road that twisted through the woods. Looking into the trees she saw the thick branches gradually close above her, blocking out the late autumn sun. It would start snowing soon, maybe even today. The mare definitely didn’t want to be stuck in the Everfree when the pegesi rolled in the first winter snowfall.

“Father!” Rarity called out. “Father! Where are you!? Can you hear me!? Oh where could he be?”

Rarity eventually came across a crossroads, one path leading down a sunny and cheerful road, while the other was riddled with dead trees and fog. It didn’t take a genius to figure out her father took the scary one so that’s where she headed, rushing down the cold, dark path.

“Daddy! Father, please say something!” she continued to call as she came across a yellow straw hat lying in the dirt a bit off the main road. “Father’s favorite hat. He’d never just abandon this tacky old thing,” she said, picking it up as she saw pony tracks on the road, most likely belonging to her dad. “Don’t worry, I’m coming!”

The white mare ran as fast as her legs would allow, forsaking her hooves to the dirt and bugs of the Everfree; she needed to find her dad at any cost.

Then she found it.

“A castle?” she said, looking at the large, stony structure of the old castle. “What’s a castle doing in the—never mind. I just pray that father took shelter there. And that he is all right.”

Rarity carefully pushed the creaky gates open, slipping past them and shutting the gate behind her. She walked through the overgrown thicket of the courtyard, being careful not to step in anything too squishy or gross. When she reached the gates, Rarity used her magic to gently pull the doors open and quietly slip inside the dark palace. “Hello?” she called. “Daddy, are you here?”

Her voice echoed through the empty halls, falling on deaf ears. But teacups don’t have ears.

Rainbow Cup had been hopping along her way to the kitchen when she heard Rarity coming through the main entrance. Quickly hiding behind a wall, she spied on the white mare but wasn’t able to get a good look at her.

“Holy cr—I got to tell Applejack!” she said, hopping as fast as she could to the kitchen where Tankardjack was pushing a soapy bucket of hot water across the floor. “Applejack! Applejack! I saw a mare in the castle!”

“Now Rainbow Cup,” sighed Tankardjack. “I’ll not have y’all making up such wild stories.”

“I’m not making this up!” the tea cup yelled. “I really did see a mare by the main entrance!”

“Not another word little lady, now into the tub.”

“Little lady?” asked Rainbow. “What am I, your daughter now?”

“Well I feed you, clean you, and put you to sleep every night…”

“You’re not my mother, Applejack,” muttered Rainbow.

“Not another word, missy,” Tankardjack said, scooping the little cup and plopping her into the bucket. “It’s time for your bath.”

“Aww, but I don’t want a bath!” complained Rainbow as she floated in the soapy water. “I hate baths!”

“I don’t want to hear it, Rainbow,” said the metal tankard. “Now hold still so I can get behind your handle.”

“Up yours!” grumbled the tea cup.

“Hush it, you,” said Tankardjack. “After you’re clean, it’s straight to bed.”

“I hate that stupid cupboard…”

“Oh…hey there you two,” a voice squeaked from the kitchen door, a little hoof rest walking into the kitchen. “I’m not interrupting anything…am I?”

“You sure ain’t Flutterbench,” said Tankardjack. “I was just getting Rainbow here ready for bed.”

“I don’t need help getting to bed!”

“Anywhooves, what’s y’all up to?” asked the beer tankard.

“Oh…umm, I saw a mare in the castle,” Flutterbench whispered.

“Y’all saw what now?!” baffled the tankard.

“Hey! I already told you all of this!”

“Not now Rainbow Cup. Go to sleep,” said Tankardjack. “Now which way did you see her go?”

“Oh… She was heading towards the tower, the one where Spike is holding Rarity’s father captive.”

“Ah horse apples!” she grunted. “If the big guy finds out there’s a mare in the castle… Where’s Pinkie and Twiclock?”

“I think they’re in the hallways next to the library.”

“Well hurry up girl!” said Tankardjack, jumping onto the back of the stool. “We got to go tell them this!”

“Okay,” said Flutterbench, taking off to the library.


“Let him stay the night,” muttered Twiclock said to Pinkie Stick as she shuffled across the table. “Let’s warm him by the fire, sit in Spike’s chair, serve him cider!”

“I was just trying to be hospitable,” shrugged Pinkie. “Had it been a year ago, you would have let me throw him a party.”

“Yes, but now I’m just trying to keep us from getting killed!” said Twiclock.

“But what about the spell?” asked Pinkie Stick. “If we keep kicking ponies out that wander here, how are we ever going to be pony again?”

The wooden clock sighed. “Pinkie… I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

“But Twi-“

“He’s made his decision, Pinkie,” said the enchanted clock. “We’ve tried everything to make him forget, but he’s obsessed with her! He’s convinced that he will never love another mare as much as Rarity.”

“Is that such a bad thing?” asked the candlestick. “We just need to get Rarity here and she’ll break the spell!”

“Pinkie, we are in no condition to walk through the Everfree Forest,” said the clock. “We would probably get eaten by timberwolves.”

“Government Timberwolves?”

“NO,” Twiclock barked. “Timberwolves do not work for the government. Besides, even if we did get past the dangers of the forest, we still have no way to contact Rarity, she doesn’t remember that we exist.”

“Oh yeah…”

“So you see?” she said. “We might as well get used to being knick knacks…”

“Aww…” moped Pinkie Stick. “But I don’t want to be a candlestick!” she cried, wrapping her brass handle arms around the clock. “I want to be a pony again!”

“Me too Pinkie,” said Twiclock, comforting the candlestick. “Me too…”

“Hello? Father?” a strange, familiar voice echoed through the halls. “Where are you?”

“What?” wondered Twiclock. “Was that one of our friends?

“Yeah…” smiled Pinkie as she lifted her head off of Twiclock’s shoulder. “A very old friend! That was Rarity voice!”

“I highly doubt that,” droned the clock.

“No really!” explained the candlestick. “That’s her voice! I remember every voice of every friend I’ve ever met ever! And that’s Rarity’s, I just know it!”

“If that was Rarity, what would she be doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Looking for her father silly!” laughed Pinkie, hopping off the table. “C’mon Twiclock! We need to go say hi!”

“Wha- Pinkie!” yelled Twiclock, following the candlestick off the and following her down the hall, hot on the trail of Rarity.


“Father?” called Rarity as she roamed the halls. “Where could he be?”

Wandering the halls, a door slowly started to creak open. She wondered how it had opened and decided to check it out, slowly opening the creaking door. Within the room was a small spiraling staircase leading up the narrow tower. “Hello?” she called up again as she started her decent upward.

The climb was tiring for the mare, the staircase seemingly going on forever. Eventually though, it did end and at the top of the tower were several piles of hay as well as several cages.

And sitting in one of the cages was an older, moustached pony.

“Father!” Rarity gasped, rushing to Magnum’s cramp cell. “Oh Father, what happened to you?”

“Rarity… Is that really you?” her father croaked, coughing a bit as he spoke. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to find you!”

“What about your mother? And Sweetie Belle?” he asked. “Are they safe? Please tell me they’re safe.”

“They’re fine, Daddy,” she said. “Mother was injured but it wasn’t anything serious.”

“Good, good…” the stallion smiled weakly, coughing a little bit more.

“Father, you’re sick,” Rarity said. “We need to get you out of here.”

“There’s no time for me, Rarity,” Magnum said. “The government’s already got me.”

“Oh goddess not now…”

“This castle is like some sort of prison set up by the government!” her father said. “The government timberwolves scare you deeper into the forest, where you find this castle. That’s when you get lured in by the service and the magical talking furniture robots, but it’s all part of this government plot to STEAL MY TEN MINUTES!”

“Oh my- Daddy, I love you, but you have to stop with the conspiracies. If you don’t tone it down, you’ll get thrown into a loony bin!”

“That’s not the worse part though…” whispered Magnum. “They have a monster as well.”

“A monster? Here?”


“Where is he?” asked Rarity.

“Right behind you[”

The mare froze as the rough voice chilled down her spine. She wanted to turn around but she couldn’t, her bones had frozen in place, stiff and solid as stone.

“W-w-who’s that?”

“Turn around.”


“I SAID TURN AROUND!” the voice roared.

Rarity cowered at the creature’s bellow but she slowly obeyed. With shaking legs and a quivering heart, she slowly turned around. “P-p-please… Let my father go,” she begged, looking in the shadows for the voice. She saw a strange silhouette in the shadows, constantly moving and shirting in the dark, never letting her get a good look as the hulking figure examined her.

“It’s…it’s you…” he said.

“Huh?” Rarity wondered.

“Nothing… What are you doing here?” he growled.

“I-I came here to find my father,” she said.

“This stallion is your father?”

“Yes,” Rarity said. “Please sir, he’s sick. He needs to get to a hospital.”

“Too bad!” he yelled. “He shouldn’t have trespassed!”

“I…” she started to say, catching a sparkle of one of his eyes and seeing the green emerald glow of it. “Who are you?”

The figure groaned. “Me?” he asked. “I’m a monster…”

“Step into the light…” she asked.

The large creature slowly stepped into the moonlight of the barred window. His large, scaly foot slid in the dirt. Taking another step to reveal a the leathery torso of purple muscles and scars, followed by a few soft flaps of his wings. He flexed his claws, his razor like talons scratching his broad shoulders. Finally, he revealed his face, long and cruel, overgrown teeth that were stained and yellow, forked like tongue sliding between his lips. And his eyes… The strangely memorizing green tint of his reptilian iris glimmered in the moonlight, a strange mix of hatred and sadness in them as if his soul was tearing itself apart.

“You’re... you're a-.”

“A dragon. Why would you care?” he growled.

“Please…just let my father go, Mr. Dragon,” Rarity pleaded. “I just want him to be safe.”

“He can’t leave… He’s my prisoner.”

“No please! You have to let him-“


“Please! I beg of you! I’ll do anything!” cried the mare.

“There’s nothing you can do…” muttered the drake.

“I…” Rarity said, taking a deep breath as she wiped an oncoming tear away. “Take me instead.”

“You!?...” growled Spike. “You… you’d do that for him?”

“Yes,” she nodded, doing her best to fight off the tears.

“That’s…very generous of you,” he said, looking at the mare. Even after all these years, she was still selfless, still caring for others, willing to give her very freedom away to for her dad. It warmed his heart as much as it infuriated it. “You would have to stay forever…”

“And my father?” she asked. “He would make it back home safe?”

“Yes,” nodded the dragon. “So do we have a deal?”

“Rarity! Don’t do this!” her father begged. “I’m old, I lived my life. I don’t want to see you throw yours away for an old stallion!”

Rarity ignored the pleas of her father, stepping up to the imposing dragon, looking up into his feral jade eyes and muttered four life changing words.

“You have my word.”

“Done!” bellowed the dragon, walking past the now crying mare and opening her father’s cage. Her father scurried by the legs of the dragon, hugging his daughter.

“Rarity, no!” wept her father, “You don’t have to do this! I’m old! I’ve lived my life! This is what the government wants you to do!”

“SHUT UP!” roared the beast of a drake, grabbing the stallion by the neck and dragging him out of the tower. “She’s made her decision.”

“Father!” yelled the white mare, watching helplessly as her father was taken away by the purple dragon. “Wait! I didn’t get to say goodbye!”

But Spike couldn’t hear her. He quickly descended down the tower, leaving the walls of his castle and into the courtyard. The ground was beginning to be blanketed with the first few snowflakes of winter as the dragon threw the pony in an old, decaying carriage.

“Take him to Ponyville,” muttered Spike, slapping the back of the carriage.

“Please no!” begged Magnum. “Take me! Leave my daughter out of your governmental schemes.”

“Your daughter is no longer your concern,” growled Spike. “I had my clock enchant this carriage. It’ll take you to town and then disappear.”

“It pulls without a pony?”


“I knew it!” shouted Magnum. “I knew the princesses were holding back on us! Think of the money you could save on hay prices!”

“Shut it,” mumbled the dragon. “Now go!”

The carriage started to roll away, passing through the gates of the castle and disappearing into the Everfree Forest. All the while, Rarity watched from the tower’s window, witnessing her father disappearing within the trees and bushes. She fell to the ground, a puddle of her own tears forming in the stony floor of the tower beneath her.

“I didn’t even get to say goodbye…”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the lack of an actual song. I've been sick with a nasty flu at the time of publsihing and could not get it to work. But next chapter is Blueblood's Song. And there WILL be a song. So sorry for being dead. But I am now back alive.