• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 6,514 Views, 679 Comments

Strange Letters from a Queen Bug Horse - Roadie

It seems that Queen Chrysalis really isn't quite herself today. What's with these sassy letters?

  • ...

27: Sent via the daily post.

Author's Note:

"Hearth's Warming Eve" is out of order here, in order to add a little more substance to the winter season.


I'll thank you for the invite, but I have to turn you down.

First: the flattery of my costume design skills. I cheated. I'm not going to tell you when, where, or how, yet. You'll find out eventually. For now, you may take it as a given that any contribution I could make with needle and thread would be at best useless and at worst at least somewhat hazardous to anypony in the general vicinity.

(But thank you.)

Second: It is true I have a great love for the theater. It is also entirely true that, by all rights, I should be an extraordinary actress—though I will note that, while you are correct, you have made an extraordinary jump to conclusions merely from my extremely talented imitation of your friends and townsponies. Anecdotes are not data, Twilight, as this contradiction will immediately prove:

I get stage fright, Twilight.

I've tried. In every context but the theater stage, I prevaricate and imitate and reticulate very neatly, but on the stage with an audience I freeze. I will not offer further context but to mention that some time before the last Summer Sun Celebration I attempted to take part in a Canterlot theater troupe and enjoyed a glorious career that ended in unexpected retirement thirty seconds into the first performance with an audience.

Thus, no, I will not take part in your Hearth's Warming Eve pageant, though I will wish it success. I will make an appearance if I can, but I am more than likely to be extraordinarily busy for some fifteen-tenths of that day and twelve-tenths of the next. You already know my complaints about my excessively large family, and I am a lynchpin of more than one business and charitable venture that will be very busy for Hearth's Warming.


P.S. Have you considered inviting Kevin? I understand he quite enjoys that kind of thing.

Comments ( 61 )

I have already begun to fear that this story is abandoned.
I don't know why, but I find it nice that "Chrysalis is stage frightened"

The Changeling that was present in the old donkeys wedding. A Canon character.

I thought that was Thorax...

The smartest and friendliest changeling in Ponyville

I suppose that appearing as an actor in a play has people judging your performance in a way that they don't when you're pretending to be someone else and they don't know you're acting.

Kevin: pst... Mention me, my queen, I want to go.
Chrysalis: very well... Stop licking your eyeball, its creepy.
Kevin: I'm for it makes me look intelligent.

By Lunas treasured nightsky... I love the story with best Bugwaifu.:rainbowkiss:

Kevin is a great character from 2-3 other storys i read in the past. Is there a Changeling named Fluffelpuff?:pinkiehappy: Pretty sure it would be nr2 best fan character :trollestia:

Somehow, the idea that Chrysalis gets stage fright works very well indeed. I suppose changelings don't like being the center of attention.

Great story, hope to see more soon1

I am so happy to see this fic update! I find the idea of Queen-has-to-monologue-Chrysalis suffering from stage fright very amusing.

One little fix:

For now, you may take it as a given that any contribution I could make with needle and thread would be at best useless and at worst at least somewhat hazardous to anypony in the general vicinity.

That "at least" interferes with the parallelism you are setting up here and should be removed. I would also get rid of "somewhat," as it is a meek word that comes across as noncommittal, which is at odds with the way you have Queen Chrysalis set up; and it also interferes with the parallelism. Or, you could give the word "useless" a modifier of its own: "Completely useless." That part's up to you.

I look forward to seeing more updates! Twilight learning the truth is going to be the part I'm most interested in seeing.

I enjoy these brief glimpses into Queen Bug Horses' life.

Did you mean reticulate or articulate?

...I prevaricate and imitate and reticulate very neatly...

The former means to arrange like a net or network, while the latter means to speak fluently and coherently?

As this is Chrysalis speaking I could imagine it being either or due to her multiple personas and social networking skills.

Nope, official-ish channels say he's "Kevin" and "a friend of Matilda's" with no further clarification. In this continuity, I feel like he has to be key to reuniting the two donkeys.

That wuss? Nah. Thorax sucks.
Kevin is so cool he doesnt even use a disguise and he still gets invited to huge weddings.

it was great nice work.:twilightsmile:

So, rarity’s accent is fake?

From what I understand: yes.

Huh, did not know that.

She's quite good at reticulating splines.

It doesn't match her parents' accents at all. This makes it likely to be either an imitation of either a Canterlot or Manehattan accent, given Rarity's tastes.

On a meta level, it's similar to the Mid-Atlantic accent, an artificial accent that's no longer popular but was common in classic films.

I just thought it was because one of the parents had a British family member or something.

Nope, Thorax was the 2nd changeling drone to get an actual name in canon. Kevin came first and was named in everything that mentioned him as Kevin with info that he was friends with Matilda. I think it's unconfirmed given we don't know too much about changeling aging process besides the grubs and how old Kevin actually is, but there's a possibility he could've gotten them together in the first place before whatever happened that caused Pinkie to be the one to reunite them in canon. Which in turn could mean he was also a friend of Cranky's. It's definitely something to consider given we have a huge gap there for the background characters.

Have to wonder if Chrysalis fled the stage or if the performance came to an awkward end due to a pony shaped statue being on stage.

If you prove yourself to be an amazing actor on stage, people might question if you might be acting off stage as well.

If you've seen someone burst into tears from how much they appreciate a gift on stage, how will you ever really be certain they truly appreciate the gift you gave them on Hearthswarming if you know they could fake it perfectly?

How much of this person is truly themselves, and how much is a perfect act? Can I really trust this person?

Wait, did chrysalis lie about having stage fright?

Soooo is new Chrysalis going to do something about the alicorn amulet? What about Starlight’s village? Is there a plan in place to nip that in the bud, possibly a kidnapping to prevent a new splinter of alternate futures since messing with the past could possibly mess with the Mc’s isekai, either sending him/her into a different body in the past like Tirek or Luna, or just preventing them from ever being isekai’d to Equestria. Also, are they going to petition for a name change for the Badlands at any point?

That's a good question. What do you think?

On one hand I can see her as being that villain with a funny fear. On the other hand I can see her lying about it so she wouldn’t have to go to the play.

Putting on a fake, overly dramatic aristocratic persona is a big part of Rarity and having a fake accent lines up with that. Like wearing false eyelashes (revealed in Mystery on the Friendship Express) or having a 'fainting couch' or trying to hide her Ponyville roots in the episode where she visits Canterlot and meets Fancy Pants.

Also, if you didn't know Rarity's accent was fake, you might want to reread Chapter 20.

Oh, I don’t think I saw that. But, even if I did I would have just thought of it as a joke.


I have NEVER laughed so hard while binging a book this is gold this is above me levels of dealing with dumb and boredom AND I LOVE IT GIVE MOAR PLEASE

Reticulating splines, that takes me back to the days of SimCity and SimCity 2000.


Who? Kevin? Oh, he just has a very strange skin condition, had it since he was a foal and we try to keep mean ponies from bullying him, it's all quite tragic... or at least that's what Roseluck's sister's cousin's second roommate at college said.

Damn fine point. If Equestria falls everyone else do...
So protecting em to keep them protecting everyone else by staying nr1 target for all evil forces makes sence.

SimCity Classic for windows?


I hope that this story is still alive and that it will still reach its final. please let us know that the story is not abandoned.

Not abandoned; I've just been busy with other things, including moving into a new place recently.

I'm glad you are doing well. thanks for the answer.

10678602 No, no it does not. If you're just changing shapes, you are not changing your DNA. Otherwise you would die if you turned into a rock since it has no biological macromolecules at all.

The only other option is that you possess no biochemicals in the first place, which makes identifying changelings even easier since they would have a bizarre structure that's easily uncovered.

But shapeshifting would have to change their internal parts. How could you operate a pony's body if you don't have a pony's muscular system? How could you operate their muscular system without their nerves? How could you keep their nerves and muscles alive without their heart? So basically, a Changeling must be capable of rewriting even its internal biology completely into the form of its host. So it would probably change DNA too since if you're recreating your biology from the ground-up chances are you need DNA.

As for the rocks... let's just call it magic. Hell, maybe Thorax just shifted himself into a rock with internal parts? So if you cracked that rock open, you would've found that it was actually fleshy or something.

Woo! This is fun to read through, and for once the abrupt stop didn't really made me itch too much for more, in a good way.

Tagging this story, hope new chapters will arrive soon!

10681868 If we assume that to be true, then there must also be a magical template that's stored with the original form.

Remember that Twilight was able to strip a changeling of its disguise in Canterlot Wedding, despite knowing nothing about them. Therefore, the transformation must be 'surface level', a mask over the real body. Losing consciousness or concentration, or being hit by powerful magic is clearly able to crack open the 'casing' and expose the true form. I'd put it more as a magical 'costume', or 'magicomechanical suit' to paraphrase "Independence Day", with the real body pocketed away inside, but connected to the 'suit'.

I'd also expect that yanking off a piece of the suit would destroy it's stability and the piece would simply evaporate.

It could even be multiple methods, with the changelings altering the actual physical appearance for pony-sized creatures, while using masking for large or small things and 'folding' themselves into a hammerspace…. maybe on the back of the neck (See: "Attack on Bughorse" on YouTube to see how to deal with such issues) :trollestia:

But we shall sadly never have any confirmation. Since I doubt the writers ever even attempted to invent a mechanism for it, given how changeling abilities... changed... as each new episode required. The anti-magic stone couldn't stop their magic, but Tirek could still drain it, for instance. No rhyme or reason to it at all.

Well I didn't do tight jeans or a piano, but this might work.

But that can't work. If it was just a suit, the Changeling would be incapable of controlling it. They are clearly capable of changing into any species, which implies their disguises must be deeper than surface-level or else they would be incapable of controlling their disguises. Remember when Ocellus turned into this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/d/d3/Insect-Ocellus_and_students_returning_to_school_S8E1.png/revision/latest?cb=20180326054109 ?

There is no way she could've existed in that state without the changes being internal. It could require 'Changeling magic' to keep this form and they might occasionally be forced to revert, but if the disguise was only surface-level it would be impossible.

10682954 But then how do we explain Twilight stripping the guise off that changeling?

She COULDN'T have known at the time how their magic worked. She didn't even understand it LATER, after all. She just sprayed him with a spell and erased the pony image.

Of course... we COULD just chalk it up to the writers not giving a crap. Which is the most likely solution to every problem in Pony continuity. :trollestia:

Thanks for the fic so far!

I'm sad again

Enjoyed the story!

I hope Kevin likes the play!

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