• Published 18th Oct 2021
  • 4,139 Views, 130 Comments

Legends Never Die - bookhorse125

Sunny Starscout and her friends research Ancient Equestria and how it fell after everything the Mane 6 did.

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Many Moons Ago...

The green glowing time-reversing memory-erasing stone was resting peacefully right where Sunny had last seen it. She should have taken that as a hint. They weren’t guarding their most precious artifact? But she was so focused on getting her friends back that she didn’t care.

Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp were all gone, so Sunny was alone in the room. She cautiously approached the magic stone, fearing that it would suddenly activate and erase her memories, too. But no such feat occurred. The earth pony gently prodded the stone and felt a shock of magic. Whatever this stone was, it was powerful.

Do I destroy it? Sunny wondered. Will that release the memories, or just destroy them forever? And how would I destroy a magic artifact anyway?

She carefully slid her hooves under the stone and gently picked it up. She could feel the power thrumming through the stone and into her hooves. Taking a deep breath, Sunny lifted the stone high in the air and let it drop.

Nothing happened. The stone didn’t shatter; its green glow didn’t even flicker. Growling, Sunny picked it up again and tried throwing it across the room.

The stone remained perfectly intact, skidding across the floor and into the waiting hooves of a blue earth pony with a cotton candy pink mane.

“You!” Sunny gasped.

The earth pony smiled. “Yes, Sunny Starscout. I must say, good work getting in here, though Sour Lavender was never the best at guard duty.”

“What do you want?” Sunny snapped, taking a step forward. The earth pony tutted.

“Come now, Sunny, we shouldn’t start off on the wrong hoof like that! I’m one of you, after all. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. My name is Candy Floss, and-”

“I don’t care what your name is,” Sunny retorted. “And you are nothing like me.”

“The world is a different place now,” Candy Floss said, seeming to enjoy Sunny’s anger. “We earth ponies have to stick together, yes?”

All ponies have to stick together.”

“If that’s what you think.” Candy Floss sighed. “And I had such high hopes. I do hate it when ponies disappoint me, but I suppose it’s what happens when you’re a secret spy for an underground agency hoping to preserve everything that we should have had…”

Sunny was becoming rather wary of this pony. “What do you mean?”

Candy Floss gave her a sideways look. “I’m not sure you would understand…”

“Humor me.”

He laughed. Sunny glared at him. “All right, I suppose,” he said. “Once upon a time, many many moons ago in ancient Equestria, there lived a very special-”

“Unicorn,” Sunny whispered, cold dread creeping down her spine, making her shiver. Candy Floss nodded.

“You do know it… or at least, part of it. The unicorn was as bright as the sun. One day, the princess summoned her to the castle and told her to learn about friendship. The unicorn made lots of friends from all different tribes, and they showed every creature the magic of friendship. But the unicorn’s friends all left, and she was left alone in a world that was increasingly falling apart.

“See, some ponies were realizing that they might be better off separated. We should surround ourselves with others who are like us, rather than those who are different. The ideas began to spread, and ponies began to segregate. Cities were redone, and despite the unicorn’s valiant attempts to keep ponies and creatures together, it seemed that everypony wanted to be apart.

“Then the Windigos returned, and the world threatened to be plunged into a wintery apocalypse. The unicorn, fearing the worst, attempted to show that ponies should reunite and defeat the Windigos, but she was unsuccessful in her attempt. Eventually, she was forced to use her own magic to ban the Windigos into oblivion, creating three crystals in the process. The crystals were spread across the continent, but the unicorn kept one. In her last days, now a magicless earth pony, she built a lighthouse on the shore, where she hid the secrets to reuniting the crystals - and, inevitably, reuniting all of ponykind. She hoped that the light could guide ponies into harmony.” Candy Floss snorted. “So much for that.

“She recorded all her accomplishments in her last entry in the friendship journal that she and her friends wrote before she faded away, leaving her legacy to her only descendant, a pony named Nightfall Starshine. Nightfall spent her whole life searching for the crystals, and when she finally uncovered the earth pony crystal, her ancestor’s legacy crumbled completely.”

Candy Floss gave Sunny a sneaky smile. “We may have had something to do with that. You see, we knew that all ponies were meant to be separated in the first place, but we didn’t want anypony to remember what had happened, and so we discovered this.”

He gently scooped up the memory stone and set it back on its pedestal. “It can erase memories of a specific pony or ponies, and it was exactly what we were looking for. We found it hidden in the ancient archives in Zephyr Heights, probably from the reign of friendship. We used it on the world, on all of Equestria, so that they would forget everything.

“A few decades passed, and magic slowly began to fade. Some ponies, like those good-for- nothing unicorns, were so woebegotten that they never really moved on. Others, like those rough-and-tumble pegasi, developed advanced technology and tried to ignore the fact that they could not fly. It seemed as if everypony would just move on, and that losing magic may actually help keep ponies apart. Everypony was somewhat happy, at least.”

Candy Floss’ expression turned sour, and he spat, “Except for Nightfall. No, she just had to keep her mother’s journal, so that she could read about everything, and she still had the earth pony crystal, but didn’t know what to do with it, other than the fact that it would be an important instrument in bringing the tribes back together. She set down roots in the earth pony town of Maretime Bay and passed the story along to her son, Nightshade, who passed it on to his son, Argyle.

“We’ve had to keep track of your family, Sunny Starscout, because we knew that you would be able to undo all our hard work… And we couldn’t have that. But you… you defied the odds, and you actually did it. Now we have to work extra hard to undo everything. It helps, of course, when you can infiltrate modern society and inspire new feelings of paranoia… But you and your friends are a constant struggle for us.

“I met Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm, and Pipp Petals when they were on their little quest to reach you in Maretime Bay. I tried to convince them that things were better this way, but they wouldn’t listen. The only thing left was to make you less of a threat… but we had to wait for the right time…”

Sunny’s heart raced, and her eyes were wide. “You killed my father. You… you killed him for something he couldn’t help. You… you’re a monster.”

To her surprise and annoyance, Candy Floss threw back his head and laughed. “A monster? No, I don’t think so, my little pony. We’ve had to do some harsh things, but are we monsters? No. We are the saviors of all ponies. But then, it’s already too late. Everypony is on the verge of war… and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

“You say that all pony kinds need to be seperated,” Sunny said desperately. “So why do you work with ponies from other tribes?”

“I do what must be done to keep Equestria safe,” Candy Floss snarled, his voice now deadly. “And you should do the same.”

“Oh, I will,” Sunny assured him. “I’m going to restore everypony’s memories, and then I’m going to get my friends back, and we’ll stop everypony from going to war. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.” She lifted her head defiantly, though her mind was still racing.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Candy Floss said lightly. “There’s no way to break the stone.”

“I’ll find a way,” Sunny said, turning to leave. “You said you found it in the archives in Zephyr Heights, right? So I’ll just head there and look for some instructions or whatever.” She had no confidence in this plan whatsoever, but she decided not to let Candy Floss know that. She could sense him opening his mouth to say something, but she shut the door before he could do so.

The hallway was empty now, which struck Sunny as a bit odd, but she didn’t want to press her luck. She snuck around until she found a door that led outside. As much as she wanted to go after her friends, a part of her said that wouldn’t be such a great idea.

With a start, Sunny realized how low the sun was in the sky compared to what it had been in the morning when she and her friends had been shown the Tree of Harmony.

How long have we been here?

Shaking herself, Sunny spun around in a circle until she located the large tree just a few meters behind her and set off towards it.

Candy Floss watched her leave. His pale eyes narrowed as he tracked the earth pony’s progress. Stupid mare… She had no idea what was out there! She didn’t see that things were better this way. Of course she wouldn’t. Her ancestor wouldn’t have, either. Candy Floss growled. The whole family was just trouble. They needed to be disposed of. Sour Lavender and Permafrost wouldn’t see it that way. But he had taken care of Argyle on his own; without memories, the old stallion had made an easy target. His… associates (and he refused to think of them as anything more) had just assumed that the monumental loss of memory had been too much on the old geezer. He could take care of this overly optimistic and very clearly stupid mare, too.

The blue earth pony ducked back inside the building, concealed in rock, but before he did so, he turned his eyes north, where he could see a wing of struggling pegasi making their way back to their city, hoping to regain control. He turned south and saw the small party of unicorns leaving as well, bound for the forest, and to the west, a group of earth ponies hoping to reach Maretime Bay before sundown.

Candy Floss smirked with satisfaction. All according to plan… his plan. The one the others didn’t know about. It may look like everything was going great for them as well, but it wouldn’t always be that way.

The hidden fortress that Candy Floss called home was built around the remains of some ancient building that had been buried underground, and had collapsed long before that. Not much remained, other than most of the masonry and a few ripped tapestries so faded that you couldn’t see what image they depicted anymore. But it was enough for their purposes.

Only a little while longer, Candy Floss told himself. Only a little while longer before the world is mine.

Author's Note:

This one is a little shorter than the others, so, sorry about that, but I'm trying to get everything to line up perfectly...

Only a few more months before the series comes out and destroys all my fan theories, so, enjoy this while you can.

The fortress is built in the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters, which is hopelessly poetic.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!