• Published 18th Oct 2021
  • 4,139 Views, 130 Comments

Legends Never Die - bookhorse125

Sunny Starscout and her friends research Ancient Equestria and how it fell after everything the Mane 6 did.

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The Last Sparkle

Sunny dragged herself out of the secret passage, absolutely exhausted. Walking to and from Zephyr Heights twice in a single day by herself was not her idea of a good time. Shaking her head and brushing dust from her mane, Sunny looked around… and froze.

The meadow around her was filled with ponies: earth ponies to the east, unicorns to the west, pegasi to the north, standing in perfect rows glaring daggers at the other tribes.

“Oh, no,” Sunny whispered, looking around wildly for her friends. Her heart stopped as she spotted Zipp and Pipp with their mother at the head of the pegasus army, Izzy next to Alphabittle and the other unicorns, Hitch standing in the earth pony ranks, looking unsure of what he was doing. The looks of hate and anger on her friends’ faces made them almost unrecognizable.

Sunny was standing between the pegasi and earth pony armies, and nopony seemed to have noticed her yet. Heart thumping, Sunny surveyed the crowd, and her blood boiled with anger as she spotted Candy Floss standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Phyllis, but looking like he was in charge. The other ponies who had helped erase her friends’ memories were with their respective tribes, looking thrilled that it had come to this, but it was the calculating look in Candy Floss’ eyes that made Sunny really nervous.

It was the pegasi who snapped first. With a wordless cry of rage, they charged at the unicorns, who, in response, lit up their horns and prepared to defend themselves, though any thoughts of defense were quickly lost as they switched to offense. Candy Floss climbed into a huge red vehicle that looked unsettlingly close to the Sprouticus Maximus that Sprout had built, shouted an order to the assembled earth ponies, and drove the machine forward.

“NO!” Sunny yelled, running forward, but there wasn’t anything she could do. Cold fear gripped her heart and sent shivers down her spine, making her hooves freeze as she looked on in horror. “No, please, no!”

She heard a cry of pain that sounded like Izzy, and new anger and determination surged through her veins. She had worked so hard to make everything her father had dreamed a reality, and she was not about to lose it. Rushing into the fray, she ducked horn blasts and splat-a-pults and found Izzy shaking a pegasus off her back with ruthless brutality. Sunny’s heart broke into splinters to see her friend in such an angry state.

“Izzy!” Sunny yelled, running up to her friend, who lit her horn. Sunny skidded to a halt, eyeing the horn warily, trying to convince herself that Izzy would never, not in a thousand years, zap her with her horn. But then, this wasn’t quite Izzy.

“Izzy, listen to me. This is not who you are! These ponies are not your enemies - they’re your friends! I know you don’t remember anything, but we brought magic back by coming together, not dividing!” Tears welled in Sunny’s eyes. “Please, you have to believe me,” she whispered, her voice almost lost in the chaos. “I can’t - I won’t lose you, too.”

The anger in Izzy’s eyes died down some, and her horn stopped glowing. Something flickered in her eyes, and she paused. “Sunny?”

Hope flared up inside Sunny so much that she might just float to the moon. “Y-you remember me?” she asked through teary eyes, not daring to believe it was real, but hoping it was just the same.

“Just bits and pieces…” Izzy murmured, shaking her head. “Didn’t… didn’t we go on a quest?”

“To bring back magic,” Sunny whispered. “You came to Maretime Bay - where I live - and we went to Zephyr Heights to see how the pegasus magic worked, and then-”

“We figured out that they couldn’t fly,” Izzy finished, excitement creeping into her voice. “Wasn’t - wasn’t there somepony named Zipp? And Pipp? And Hitch?”

“They’re… somewhere out there,” Sunny said, looking around at the chaos that surrounded them with a slightly deflated demeanor. “T-they don’t remember anything, either.”

“Neither do I,” Izzy admitted ruefully. “Just this… feeling that we’re friends, and I have other friends, and they’re different tribes, and that this…” She waved her hoof around them. “All this is wrong.” She straightened. “I may not fully remember you, but I do know that I will help you. Let’s go find our friends.”

Zipp was fighting to protect Pipp from a half dozen splat-a-pults, and was losing. Green goo was splattered all over the formerly white pegasus, sticking her wings to her body and trapping one of her hooves on the ground. The earth ponies closed in, their eyes gleaming with pleasure, until Izzy dropped out of nowhere and put up a protective shield. Sunny helped Zipp get all the goop off of her, and she was so defeated that she didn’t notice that Sunny was an earth pony and Izzy a unicorn.

“Thanks…” she muttered, blinking to clear the fatigue from her eyes. She frowned when she saw Sunny. “Do I… do I know you?”

“Unicorn,” Pipp squeaked, huddling as far away from Izzy as possible. “A-and an earth pony…”

“But…” Zipp stood up and shook out her wings, splattering Sunny with goop. “You helped us? Why?”

Sunny took a deep breath. “Okay, look, I know this is going to sound crazy, but you’re gonna have to trust me. We used to be… we are friends, only you don’t remember, because some evil ponies wiped your memories. And Izzy here. We went on a quest to bring back magic, but now that might not matter, because if we can’t stop fighting, then there’s no hope.”

The two sisters looked at each other, then back at Sunny, then back at each other. Zipp noticed Sunny’s saddlebag and froze, her eyes tracing out the image of the six-pointed star drawn on it. “Okay,” she sighed. “I believe you.”

“Really?” Sunny gasped. “Y-you mean it?”

“None of this is right,” Pipp agreed, though her voice was still an octave higher than it normally was, and she stayed well away from Izzy. “So, if you’re going to help stop it… I believe you, too.”

Relief washed over Sunny like a waterfall. “Izzy, if you wouldn’t mind… deactivating the splat-a-pults, please? Just don’t hurt anypony.”

The unicorn grinned and levitated some small rocks and sticks that were lying on the ground, jamming them into the splat-a-pults, which came to a screeching halt. The earth ponies operating them freaked out, frantically pushing buttons and trying to get them working again.

“Come on!” Sunny cried as Izzy let down her shield, and the four ponies raced off into the fray again, the two pegasi soaring overhead. Sunny scanned the fray for Hitch, and spotted the sheriff of Maretime Bay backed up against the canyon by some unicorns, all of whom had their horns lit. Zipp and Pipp landed in front of him, snarling at the unicorns until they backed away. Hitch looked very confused as to why two pegasi were helping him, but he vaguely recognized them and the unicorn who now raced up to him with Sunny.

“Sunny!” Hitch cried. “You’re okay! I - I mean, not that you wouldn’t be, because, um…” He trailed off, clearing his throat. “What’s going on?”

“We’re going to fix the world,” Sunny announced. “Care to join us?”

Hitch grinned as Zipp said, “So… what do we do now?”

“We start telling ponies to stop fighting,” Sunny said with fierce certainty in her voice. “Once the others see some pulling away, they will, too, and then we can talk to them.”

“Oh, what a nice idea,” came a voice behind them. Sunny whirled around to find Candy Floss, holding the memory stone. “I had hoped,” he said conversationally, “that you would give up once you saw all your friends in such a state… Maybe think that they were past the point of no return… but alas, you did not. So I guess I have to resort to other measures.”

He lifted the memory stone as it began to glow, the eerie green light attracting the attention of all the ponies. They turned to stare as a single blast of green headed straight for Sunny.

“SUNNY!” came a shout.

She braced herself for the impact… but it never came. Heart hammering, she opened her eyes to see a red earth pony lying on the ground in front of her, glowing ribbons being pulled out of his forehead and sucked into the stone.

“Sprout?” Sunny stuttered. The stallion staggered to his feet and turned to look at her, his green eyes suddenly full of confusion. “Sunny, I-”

The memory stone glowed brighter as the last of Sprout’s memories were absorbed, and he collapsed to the ground.

Phyllis Cloverleaf let out a cry of fear and anger as she ran forward to wrap her arms around her son. Tears welled up in the owner of Canterlogic’s eyes, and she turned to glare at Candy Floss, who in turn was glaring at Sprout. He growled and shook the memory stone, whose green light was dimming. He tried aiming it at Sunny again, but it refused to work. With an angry cry he ran off into the crowd.

Sprout groaned, and Phyllis let out a sigh of relief. He climbed to his feet, looking around in bewilderment. “Where… where am I?” He shook his head, clearing away the confusion enough to realize that two-thirds of the crowd were not earth ponies, and he looked as if he might faint again. Phyllis wrapped her arms protectively around him and drew him into a hug.

“Don’t you ever nobly risk your life again, sugarcube, do you hear me?” she said, squeezing him tight. “Never ever ever do that again, or I’ll-”

“What… are… you… talking… about?” Sprout wheezed, trying to breathe around his mother’s hooves.

Genuine fear entered Phyllis’ eyes, along with a sudden realization, like the puzzle pieces had suddenly clicked for her. “You don’t…. What’s the last thing you remember, sweetheart?”

“Something about… an angry mob?” Sprout rubbed his head and winced. “The details are fuzzy… and maybe that we’re all in danger? Because the unicorns and pegasi are going to attack and fry our brains and eat us all…”

Several of the unicorns and pegasi in the crowd made retching noises. Zipp, Pipp, and Izzy all looked a little green.

“Zipp? Pipp?” came a frantic voice as Haven pushed through the crowd. She spotted the two siblings and sighed with relief, then started screaming as she saw who they were standing next to. “What on earth are you doing with a unicorn and two earth ponies? I thought you had better sense than that! Now, come on, let’s go-”

“Izzy Moonbow, get your flank over here,” Alphabittle scolded, standing next to Haven and interrupting her, “or we’ll all end up jinxed!”

“Excuse me, but I was talking first, you cheating unicorn-” Haven began, but was once again interrupted, this time by a loud roar and the frightened shouts of ponies as they scrambled to get out of the way of a massive machine rolling towards them. At the wheel was Candy Floss, his mad and crazy eyes set straight on Sunny.

“Everypony out of the way!” Hitch commanded, leaping off to the side with Izzy right behind him. Zipp and Pipp flapped their wings and dodged the large red vehicle, landing next to their mother and helping keep ponies out of the way. Sunny turned to follow, but she was too slow, and the machine’s massive extended arm slammed into the ground in front of Sunny, which began to crack and crumble.

“Sunny!” Izzy cried, rushing forward. Candy Floss roared in anger, and he pushed the machine forward, trapping Sunny against the canyon. As soon as the heavy machine reached the cracked and broken ground, it began to sink, unable to hold it up anymore. Candy Floss grinned and gave the vehicle one last push, taking itself - and Sunny - off the edge.

“No!” Hitch screamed at the same time Izzy yelled, “Sunny!” Pipp screamed, and Zipp’s brow furrowed in anger. She tucked her wings in and dove over the side of the cliff… just as dark lightning flashed across the sky. Unicorn horns and pegasus wings lit up and then died… and magic vanished. Zipp just managed to grab the edge of the cliff before she fell over, and her mother and sister rushed over to help her back up.

“Sunny…” Izzy whispered, her voice heartbroken and sorrowful.

Sunny fell through the air, narrowly avoiding being crushed by huge chunks of earth and a giant red machine. She was too frightened to scream, so she just fell, her mind gone blank, just falling-

She stopped suddenly, hanging in midair, suspended by nothing at all. Looking down, Candy Floss’ machine crashed into the river, exploding into a huge ball of fire. Looking up, she saw dark lightning flickering across the sky… and then time seemed to freeze.

“What’s going on?” Sunny asked nervously. It now felt like she was standing on a platform of empty air, impossibly solid. The fireball beneath her exploded in slow motion, moving a mile a day. She spun around and saw a figure approaching her, thankfully in regular time. “Who are you?”

The figure came into view, and she was… not. The pony was a purple mare with an indigo mane streaked with purple and pink, and her cutie mark was a familiar pink star, but she wasn’t… real. She appeared to be made of sparkles and was slightly transparent, as if she were a projection or an illusion.

“Who are you?” Sunny asked nervously. On one hoof, if this was who she thought it was, she might just explode with happiness. On the other hoof, this wasn’t at all how she had imagined her.

The pony smiled. “I feel like you should be asking what I was. I’m afraid there is not much of me left… but I have managed to gather enough strength since magic has returned to deliver this brief message to you.”

Sunny looked up at the lightning crisscrossing across the sky. “Magic likely won’t be around for much longer,” she said ruefully, though her heart was breaking inside.

The figure nodded sadly. “I assume as much myself. But that does not mean it cannot be returned, as it once was.” She eyed Sunny. “I know that you had something to do with that…”

The earth pony mare rubbed her head. “Okay, I mean no disrespect by this, but… who are you? What do you want with me? Why do you look like my ancestor? She is my ancestor, right? Candy Floss wasn’t just lying to trick me?”

She laughed. “I am the Spirit of Harmony, Sunny Starscout, and I can take on many forms. I chose this one because I feel that it may have the most impact on you. And what I want with you… well, the world is breaking again, and the burden of fixing it unfortunately falls to you. I wish it were different, but if you don’t undo what these ponies have done… there may not be any hope for the future. I do not mean for you to do this alone, of course; you will have your friends by your side, just as your ancestor did.”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Sunny said. It wasn’t a question, but the Spirit of Harmony nodded anyway. “You knew Twilight Sparkle.” She took a deep breath. “Okay…. Calm down, Sunny, it’s no big deal, calm down…” She looked at the Spirit of Harmony, who was suppressing a smile. “I have so many questions…”

“And I wish I could answer all of them,” the Spirit said, casting a worried glance at the sky. “But I feel my strength fading. I will not be able to retain a physical form for much longer. Sunny Starscout, you are the last Sparkle. It is your duty to protect the legacy of friendship that this broken world has forgotten. Do not lose hope, for it has gotten you this far. Rely on others’ strengths to counter your weaknesses, and never give up.” The Spirit of Harmony’s image, which was becoming more transparent by the second, shifted to that of a blue-gray stallion with a purple mane tied back in a tiny ponytail. “Take care, my little pony.”

The Spirit of Harmony disappeared, and Sunny felt the surface beneath her weakening, time speeding up again. She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew what she needed to do.

Author's Note:

Makes you wonder what the Spirit of Harmony's been doing all this time, what with magic being gone and friendship disappearing.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!