• Published 18th Oct 2021
  • 4,138 Views, 130 Comments

Legends Never Die - bookhorse125

Sunny Starscout and her friends research Ancient Equestria and how it fell after everything the Mane 6 did.

  • ...

A Library and a Sheriff

Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp spent the rest of the day in the library, looking for the oldest textbooks and studying them for maps that might match the one Sunny’s father had left for her. Well, the first three ponies stayed for the rest of the day. Pipp left after half an hour for dress rehearsals, to which she apologized profusely before Zipp rolled her eyes and said that if Pipp didn’t go now, she would be late, and to just get out of there.

“There’s nothing in Newest Discoveries of Ancient Equestrian Civilization,” Zipp said, tossing a book aside. “But I think that book was written several decades ago, so it’s probably not the most reliable source of information. Exactly how far back are we going?”

“I don’t know,” Sunny answered, scanning through Greatest Magical Discoveries of the Age. She had a feeling that the book was only there because no one bothered to check the books for anything about magic when it had disappeared, or maybe they kept it because they wanted to have them in case their magic came back. Whatever the case, the book was useless. “My dad always started with ‘Once upon a time, many many moons ago in Ancient Equestria.’ So it could be just a couple hundred moons, or it could be in the thousands.”

“Huh. Well, maybe there’s something over here that might help. Izzy, did you find anything?”

“Hm?” Izzy looked up from the book she was pouring over with a dazed look on her face. “Oh, no thanks, I’m not hungry.”

“Izzy!” Zipp said, trotting over through stacks and piles of books littering the floor. The library hadn’t been the cleanest place when they’d found it, and their search for information had left the place practically trashed.

“What are you reading, Izzy?” Sunny asked, looking up from Evolution of Maps from Past until Present, so far not finding anything. The oldest the book dated back to was a time that must have been years after Equestria had fallen to paranoia and mistrust.

“Oh, just a spellbook I found,” Izzy said casually, like it wasn’t a big deal. “It must be from Ancient Equestrian times, because it has some spells that I’ve never heard of. Granted, I haven’t heard of many spells, just the ones in that one book Alphabittle had. But I haven’t found anything about a map, yet, Sunny.”

Her words might as well have ignited a fire in the room. Sunny and Zipp snapped to attention, flying (or, in Sunny’s case, just running really fast) to Izzy’s side and demanding to see the book.

“It’s nothing special,” Izzy protested, but that did little to stop Sunny. She grabbed the book and started flipping through the pages, scanning them as she went. Reaching the end of the book, she dropped it back in front of Izzy, feeling defeated.

“Nothing,” she said gloomily. “Not even a single mention of a map, or what Equestria looked like back then.” She slouched back to Evolution of Maps from Past until Present, but Zipp didn’t look deterred.

“Izzy, where did you find this book?” she inquired.

“Somewhere over there,” Izzy said, waving a hoof vaguely in the direction of a doorway in the wall, leading down a stone tunnel. “I was grabbing two books off the shelf that I thought both looked interesting, and the whole shelf moved away and revealed that tunnel.”

Zipp entered the tunnel, cautiously testing the floor with her hoof in case there were any hidden traps down there. The tunnel finally opened up into a room where nearly every book had been pulled from the shelves and was being packed into boxes. Zipp warily walked in, half expecting some sword-wielding pony to jump out and protect the books from the likes of her, or something like that. She reached into a box and pulled out a book.

She gasped. “Izzy, get over here.”

The unicorn looked up, then at Sunny, who was still defeatedly staring at Evolution of Maps, then back at Zipp, who jerked her head from side to side. Izzy understood and quietly tiptoed over to where the pegasus princess was standing and looked at the book title. She, too, gasped, and locked eyes with Zipp.

“Do you know what this means?” Zipp asked. “We found more proof! Boxes of it!”

“Shouldn’t we tell Sunny?” Izzy asked, shooting a concerned look at her friend, who had put down Evolution of Maps and was searching through a pile for a new book. “I mean, do you know how much this would mean to her? Almost like finding a journal from the Guardians of Harmony themselves.”

“Well, I was thinking this could be perfect for you-know-what,” Zipp said with a sly glance at the unicorn. “Do you think you can smuggle all these out without Sunny noticing?”

“Psh, it’ll be a piece of cake! I can teleport things now! And the spellbook I found is really useful, too!” Izzy’s horn lit up, and her book appeared in front of her with a bright flash.

“Alright, just try to do it as surreptitiously as possible,” Zipp warned. “I’ll bring Pipp with me so we can start organizing, but maybe one of us should stay here to distract Sunny.”

“You stay here,” Izzy decided. “I’ll tell Pipp what we’ve found, but she might not be able to get away from her rehearsal. I’ll try, though.”

Zipp laughed and trotted over to Sunny, saying, “Hey, Sunny, I think there might be something interesting over here,” leading the earth pony over to the opposite end of the library from Izzy and busying her with a book about how Zephyr Heights was founded, thinking that it would actually sound credible enough that Sunny wouldn’t be suspicious, but written during a time period and by a pony that wouldn’t give much away. Just another useless book.

Meanwhile, Izzy lit up her horn and teleported away all the boxes. She quietly left the library while Zipp distracted Sunny and left in search of Pipp.

Instead, she ran into Hitch. The sheriff of Maretime Bay was trotting around a corner, followed not all to secretly by a pegasus guard who evidently didn’t trust other types of ponies in his queen’s palace, when he crashed into Izzy, sending both ponies sprawling to the floor.

“Ack! I am so sorry, Hitch!” Izzy said hurriedly, wondering if her spellbook had a magic spell to fix awkward moments.

“No, no, I’m okay,” Hitch grumbled as he regained his footing. “Have you seen the security on this place? Believe it or not, but it’s a lot harder to enter a pegasi palace when you don’t look like a pegasus.”

“Really? I can’t imagine why,” Izzy giggled at the exasperated look on the stallion’s face. “We didn’t have as much trouble, probably because the guards on duty were Thunder and Zoom, and they were there when Sunny did her whole transformation thing and the pony tribes began to unite, so they let us in without a hitch. Um… no pun intended.”

“Don’t sweat it. So, what’re you in a rush about?”

“We found something huge!” Izzy exclaimed. “You know, for Sunny?”

Hitch’s face lit up. “Really?” he asked, excited. “What was it? An ancient map or text forgotten by pony kind? An old relic from their time?”

“Books,” Izzy said proudly.

The excited look on Hitch’s face faded away and was replaced with skepticism. “Books?” he asked. “Really? Books?”

“Tons of books! Like, a whole hidden section of the library books!” Izzy sat on her hind legs and spread her front ones to indicate how huge it was. “And we - me and Zipp, that is - think that they were all from their time! How cool is that?”

“...Does Sunny know about them?” Hitch asked after a moment. He wasn’t a big reader, but anything that could add onto their surprise for Sunny was a bonus for him.

“Actually, we decided to keep them secret,” Izzy said. “But I teleported them all to the surprise - oh, yeah, did I mention I can teleport things now? I teleported me and Sunny all the way from Bridlewood to Zephyr Heights! Anyway - and I was going to get Pipp so she could help me set them up on those shelves we found in there, and then I ran into you. Speaking of which, where were you headed in such a hurry?”

“Oh, I was just looking for Sunny,” Hitch replied like it wasn’t a big deal. “I’ve got the blueprints finalized for her new lighthouse and I wanted to show them to her.”

“Yeah, I think you should,” Izzy decided. “She’s feeling kind of down since she’s gotten nowhere in her search to find out about that map her dad left her in his journal. I think the books we found would probably help with that, but I think it would be so much cooler to give all the surprises to her at once, you know? So you should go distract her until it’s time for Pipp’s performance, and then afterward we’ll show her the surprise, and she can finally figure out about that note her dad also left her in his journal. I’ll let Sunny explain it to you,” she said at Hitch’s confused expression. “Maybe talking will get her mind off of other things.”

“Great. And she’s in the…?” He trailed off, looking at Izzy for an answer.

“Library. And could you tell Zipp to come down and help me with all those books?”

“Sure can do, Ms. Izzy Moonbow,” Hitch said, giving her a little mock bow as he trotted around the corner and out of sight. The pegasus guard who had been following him now looked back and forth between the direction that Izzy went and the direction that Hitch went, trying to decide which way he should go. He eventually decided to go after Izzy, but another guard saw him and ordered him back to his post.

Author's Note:

My personal ship is Hitch and Zipp, since they're always teasing each other, but I'll try to put in shipping fuel for everypony.

It is implied that, after the three pony tribes separated, all the books about that time period were rounded up and stashed into the restricted section of the library, since I am among those who believe that Zephyr Heights was once Canterlot, given that the Tree of Harmony is right outside it.

There is a piece of foreshadowing in here. Whoever can find it first gets a sneak peak at the next chapter!

Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for reading!