• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,139 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Enchanted Gear

After spending some time in the new village, and getting to know the Villagers that were in it, Pinkie found that they had a fair number of enchanted tomes and gear to work with, thanks to those who called this place home, as they were peaceful and didn't require the items in question. She also made sure to track down the Waystone so she could activate it, so she and the others could return here at some point in the future, while at the same time adding to their network as she made a note of where this placed was located in the atlas. Steve and Alex got additional information on where more structures might be found, for more items to add to what they had collected so far so they could find more baubles and whatnot to empower themselves for the future, as Pinkie had made one before trading it for the eye she had crafted. Octavia understood what the pair were thinking, either they could find the components to make more baubles or be lucky and find one while taking on either a Battle Tower, a Battle Fortress, or even one of the colleges.

Once they were done with the village, for now anyway, the group dismissed their mounts for the time being and used the Waystone to return to their base within a matter of seconds, where Pinkie headed to her workshop and they found that she already had an entire enchanting section set up, complete with the ordinary table surrounded by three walls of bookshelves, three blocks high.

"To be honest, I'm not even surprised by this." Alex commented, as while they had been surprised by Pinkie's powers when they first met her and witnessed her abilities for the first time, which was only a week ago even though it felt like it had been far longer than that, her power and deeds no longer surprised her and Steve, "So, what's first?"

"A pickaxe with advanced efficiency, for increased speed, and fortune, for greater drops," Pinkie replied, though in addition to that she added mending and unbreaking to the item in question, just in case enchanting a Tinkers' item caused a chain reaction and took away the fact that it was next to impossible to break the tools made from the smithy, "For armor, since all of us engage our enemies in close range, I've got both basic protection and projectile protection, plus magic protection since we have some of that. Note that this is just the beginning of what I'll be adding to our gear... oh, Alex, hand over your bow as well, as I have some power enchantments to add to it, making it stronger than before, and I might be able to give it infinity, to really boost our power."

Octavia found that Pinkie worked on her pickaxe first before turning to the gear that she, Alex, and Steve wore, though she did ask each one what they wanted, just in case their wishes were different than her base designs, showing that she had all sorts of enchantments and told them what she had. Octavia went with the basic protection, as she wasn't sure what laid at the end of her tome, so it was possible it might hold some power for her or it might not, meaning that while this action cost Pinkie nothing in terms of Experience, which was also used in enchanting, she just wanted to be sure before adding some enchantments she might not need onto her armor. Steve got several enchantments to boost his power as well, since he was one of their melee fighters and usually faced off against their enemies, making his armor far tougher and his weapon even stronger, which made him a force to be reckoned with. Alex, on the other hand, wanted her armor to have the same level of protection while granting her ranged advantages over her enemies, to the point where she might be able to lurk under the trees or behind a corner and loose an arrow to do drastic damage to her enemies, which pleased her when Pinkie placed all the enchantments on her gear.

Once they had their gear, fully enchanted for the time being, Octavia and the others left Pinkie to her work, who mentioned the mortalitas enchantment as she worked on her deadly scythe, where she knew that her friend would make it stronger and far scarier than before, causing her to focus on something else as they waited for Pinkie to complete her work.

When Pinkie emerged from her workshop Octavia found that her gear looked more radiant than before, likely the power she had placed on her armor, making her wonder what sort of enchantments went into making it, while her scythe looked ready to do some damage to her enemies, even if it didn't look any different from before. With that done the group summoned their mounts and departed from the village once more, this time heading back to the area they discovered those five strange Battle Towers in, as while they had cleared two of them so far there were still three to go. Pinkie wanted to break down the structures that were cleared out and see if she could use the material elsewhere, though she was more interested in seeing what her armor could do now that it had been enchanted, plus she wanted to see what her weapon was capable of with the power she had placed on it. Such a thing would tell her if she was ready to construct the portal to the Lost Cities, that other dimension they learned about back when they first discovered their base of operations, or if she needed more work before she could conquer it, plus it would allow her to gauge her strength for the massive beast heading for the dragon shrine they had encountered earlier.

Thanks to their Ventoraptors it took them no time at all to reach the area that the Battle Towers were resting in, where they found that nothing had changed in their time away, not that anyone was expecting something to happen to the area in question, to which they climbed off and got to work. Steve, once more, had them split up, as Pinkie seemed more than able to tackle the towers on her own, allowing him, Alex, and Octavia to focus on one of the others that they built a bridge of stone to, all while their friend propelled herself through the air once more, as if she was dashing. It was something they still needed to learn, or even figure out how in the world she had done such a thing, before turning their attention to all of the enemies, more Skeletons and Zombies, that were in the depths of the tower they had chosen, where it was easy to see that the easy enemies were inside the Battle Towers. Such a thing told Octavia that if she and the others wanted more of a challenge they would have to head to one of the massive Battle Fortresses they had seen so far and see what was inside them, as she figured that those structures had to be far tougher than what everyone was facing inside the towers, though she had a feeling Pinkie was far too strong for these buildings.

The Golem was definitely weaker than she remembered it being, where Octavia guessed it was due to all of the Experience that she and the others had poured into their skills so Pinkie could make them even better armor, since they wore special diamond gear that was enchanted, as none of them had reached the dragon level yet. Still, they had to be careful since the creature could ruin the top of the tower and scatter all of the treasure in the chest it was guarding, but that was the only thing they had to worry about as the three of them forced the creature to divide it's attention between them and ruined it with their weapons. Once that was done they took a few moments to gather all of the treasure that rested inside each of the chests they had passed to reach this point, before they heard an explosion and watched as the side of Pinkie's tower burst open and the Golem was knocked onto the ground, who picked itself up as Pinkie emerged. In that moment Octavia found that some sort of deathly gray energy was dancing around her friend's body, which had to be the mortalitas power she heard her mumbling about last night, before they discovered that the other Golem was moving slower than before, as if Pinkie was stealing it's strength and adding it to her own.

Given how broken Pinkie's powers were, and how she was able to impose her own rules on reality, Octavia knew that even if the enchantment was designed to give a temporary power boost, to be reacquired as a battle progressed, Pinkie would have a modified version of it that was overpowered, though she refocused as their friend slashed the Golem apart with a swing of her scythe and then returned to the tower to claim her prizes.

"Okay, she might be able to tackle the Wither, maybe even the Ender Dragon... she's either gearing up for that monster in the desert, or the Lost Cities." Steve commented, though he was fine with that, as he and Alex already understood that taking down the first two beasts would be hard, even with good gear, and there was no telling if they had been boosted in this world, so having someone like Pinkie was a good thing.

"Knowing Pinkie, it's likely something we don't know about." Octavia remarked, as she knew Pinkie more than the others, due to all the stories and tales she heard about the mare in question, and suspected that there was something only Pinkie knew about that she happened to be getting ready for, or she was just having fun with her enchantments, "Though if she can take down whatever that monster in the desert was, well, I'm not about to complain, as I really don't want to imagine what might happen when one of us decides to fight it."

"I can make something new!" Pinkie said, appearing nearby, surprising Steve and Alex in the process as Octavia stood still, where she had another piece of paper in her hands that detailed the recipe in question, which was when she found that it was a recipe for some warp scrolls, items linked to the Waystones they found in all of the various villages, "With this item I should be able to make scrolls for us to warp out of danger, in case we're overwhelmed by enemies, and the recipe is far more simple than I realized: two ender pearls, two purple dye, two golden nuggets, and three pieces of paper. With these in hand we should be able to breach the other dimension and see what's inside it, though if we're in danger we can use them to flee before we're overwhelmed by whatever might be waiting for us."

As Alex opened her mouth, to ask if that meant what she think it meant, Pinkie pulled out a Skeleton skull, which was the final piece of the puzzle for the portal to the Lost Dimension, as one needed to use two of those lanterns from the Nether, with a bed on top and surrounded by six Skeleton skulls, to make the portal. With the warp scrolls it gave them a way out, just as Pinkie said it would when they thought about her words, meaning one or more of them could spend some time in the other dimension and see what was there, since Pinkie seemed sure it had something of interest. With that in mind the four of them climbed onto their mounts once more and headed back to the village, making record time once more, while Pinkie made sure that the walls were up and found that the beast was still slowly trying to figure out what to do, allowing her to focus on the new portal. She decided to set it up close to the Nether portal, where she dug out the two blocks that were necessary for the lanterns and placed them in the ground, before carefully pulling a blue bed on top of them and set six white skulls around it, two on the left side, two on the right side, and one above and below it.

With the deed done Pinkie touched the bed and found that a surge of magic surrounded it, connecting it to the second dimension that they would be investigating, even for a time, causing her to smile as she rapidly crafted some warp scrolls for later, as it was time for them to try something new and see what sort of treasures they might find in a brand new dimension.