• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,139 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Gem Hunting

Octavia found that on the morning of the day following their journey to the Lost Dimension, an area she wasn't keen on returning to, Pinkie was getting ready to leave the village once more and, thanks to the acquisition of her new wings, she wasn't readying her ground mount, who was resting nearby.

"So, where are we going today?" Steve asked, because the four of them usually went out together to track down items or tackle the various structures that were scattered around the land, and given that Pinkie was getting ready to leave he had a feeling that she was looking for something specific.

"The Defiled Lands... I'm looking for Scarlite, which should be found at the level that diamonds can be found in," Pinkie said, where she checked her scythe for a few seconds, finding that it was pristine and ready to go, before checking her pack and found that everything else was prepared for the journey ahead of them, "after that I'm heading to the north, as I need to find a sapphire and, according to what I've learned, they're only found in an icy area... the Elders told me that there's an ice cave some distance to the north, further than when we went to the other village. I'm also looking for some Mana Crystals, but I'm not entirely sure where to find those right now, so I'll focus on them later... oh, and we need to head back to the Nether so we can start making Ender Eyes for the Stronghold, to get some Dragon's Breath."

"What in the world are you making that requires all of that?" Octavia asked, as while she knew that Pinkie loved to make all sorts of things, if her workshop was any indication, this seemed excessive to her, especially when she was planning on a fight with the Ender Dragon.

"This ring gives me a temporary transformation effect, so when I take it off I'll love the wings and power that comes with it," Pinkie replied, raising her hand so they could see the ring she had claimed from the Lost Dimension, causing the others to raise their eyebrows for a moment as she considered what needed to be done next, "however, if I combine it with all those items I should be able to create a gem of power that will grant me a permanent transformation and, if the recipe is right, a great deal of power... I might be able to fight and defeat that golem once that's done."

Octavia raised her eyebrow once more, as while she knew that Pinkie had found the recipe in one of the chests, causing her to think about heading to the Lost Dimension in the first place, this was the first time she heard about it giving her power, something that made her wonder if something had happened to her friend in the parasite dimension.

"Well, shall we get underway?" Alex asked, taking a moment to climb onto her Ventroraptor, who was eager for adventure, while Steve and Octavia did the same thing not a few seconds later, showing Pinkie that, if she was planning on doing this on her own, she was going to have company no matter what.

Pinkie nodded before spreading her wings, allowing her to take off and head in the direction of the Defiled Lands, which caused Octavia and the others to follow after her on the ground, their mounts allowing her to keep up with her, to a degree anyway since Pinkie was clearly faster. Octavia considered this for a moment, as she was curious as to when she and the others might find some flying mounts that they could tame, which might allow them to keep up with Pinkie and not fall far behind, even though their friend paused every now and then to ensure they were following her. One thing she found to be interesting was that Pinkie was flying like this was natural, instead of something she had to pick up after gaining her wings, causing her to wonder if she had some dormant pegasus genes inside her that had been awakened by her acquiring the ring she was now wearing. She also had to wonder how Pinkie had figured out where most of the items were located, as while it was easy to believe the Elders telling her about one of them she knew that something must have told her where to find the rest of the components, especially since she was still figuring one out, but decided that it didn't matter, because if this gave Pinkie what she wanted they might be able to burn the parasites down as well.

While the others were following after her Pinkie gained new information from the voice, that Mana Candy could be made by placing four glowing dust around a piece of lapis lazuli, and with eight of those surrounding a glowing gem she could make the Mana Crystals, which was good to know for later.

When they reached the Defiled Lands, which was rather quick since they knew where it was now, Steve, Alex, and Octavia, all geared with their enchanted gear once more, stood at the ready as Pinkie landed and swung her pickaxe at the foul ground in front of them. Octavia found that it wasn't just the weapons and armor that had been enchanted, as Pinkie had done the same to her tools, making them better with the various stations to ensure they never broke and also took the time to pick out the enchantments she wanted on each item, allowing her to mine faster than before. Of course she wasn't just making a hole in the ground, which wouldn't be a problem for her since she could fly out if necessary, rather Pinkie happened to be making it look like a natural cave that had been dug into the Defiled Lands, and she even pinpointed where the metal was, just like before, even though she was focused on finding some Scarlite. Such a thing caused Octavia to remember that Pinkie was wearing the Dragon's Eye bauble, an item that allowed her to see where the treasure of the ground were located, meaning that, in due time, she should be able to pinpoint the gem she was looking for, or multiple since diamonds could be found in veins and Scarlite might behave the same way.

As Pinkie struck the ground, and made it safe for her friends so they didn't fall into the depths or anything, she kept her eyes open for the gem she was after and her ears open for the dangers of the Defiled Lands, even though it sure felt like this land was far more peaceful than any of them were expecting. She felt that way since she didn't hear the sounds of the others fighting, rather they stayed a decent distance behind her while she tore into the earth, keeping their eyes on both the entrance any other holes that they happened to dig into, keeping their weapons at the ready while finding that they must have been lucky to pick the outer edge of the land. Octavia was of the opinion that, due to Pinkie picking the edge of the corrupted land, the monsters that lived on this foul land were further away than they thought and were taking a while to get to them, so if Pinkie found what she was looking for soon they should be able to get out of here without having to fight anything. It all depended on whether or not Pinkie was able to find the item she was looking for, who continued her work on the ground as she followed what her eyes were showing her, causing Octavia to focus on the defense while both Steve and Alex kept their eyes open for any monsters that might find them.

Pinkie ended up finding more Umbrium and Hephaestite, the common metals of the Defiled Lands that were likely made by converting iron, coal, gold, and maybe redstone, before she smiled as she found a vein of gleaming red gems in front of her, where she dug around it before finding that it was a vein of five and produced a number of red gems that the voice confirmed was Scarlite.

"It took me some time to get down here, but now we have some Scarlite," Pinkie stated, allowing the others to see what she had been looking for, even though she collected all of the gemstones and stashed them inside her Inventory, just like all of the other items she had found so far, meaning now she had an unlimited about of that as well, just in case she or the others found another need for it.

"Good, then let's get out of here." Alex commented, as while they might have gotten off easy, with no monsters coming to end them, she wasn't about to press their luck and the others agreed, as they started to head up the cave that Pinkie had set up, finding that she had used powerful torches so they could see the way out.

As it turned out they were able to get out of the cave and get back to the pure mainland, where they left their mounts, in no time at all, as no monsters came out to bother them, meaning the land was either a bust, for the Admins, or they had been lucky in picking out an area to mine in. With that done the group headed to the north once more, first heading back to the village they had discovered, since it was a good starting point for them, and once they did that Pinkie continued to the north again, causing her friends to follow after her. She found a number of flying monsters in her way and discovered that most of them steered clear of her when they noticed the wings she possessed, while the speed of the Ventoraptors allowed Octavia, Steve, and Alex to bypass those who would have stood in their way if they were walking, though she also made a note of several additional structures for later. One thing she steered clear of were the dragons that were either flying from place to place or just resting near their hoards, those that were above ground anyway, as she sought out the ice cave that held the second gem she was after, as with it in hand they could return to the Nether for the next piece of the puzzle.

Octavia found that Pinkie was able to find an icy area to the far north, in fact she was sure that it was about two hours or so away from the last village they had found, where there were glaciers and ice sheets everywhere, meaning it might take them some time to locate the gem Pinkie was currently seeking, before she landed nearby.

"Quiet... there's a dragon nearby." Pinkie said, keeping her voice low as the others glanced around the glacier they came to a stop at, where she beckoned to a cave that had been built in the edge of part of the ice field, in a frozen section that did look like the side of a hill.

They were able to confirm that it was a dragon's den as an icy blue dragon emerged from it and took off, heading out to find some food or just get some exercise after some time asleep, but no one made a move as it flew to the west, making sure not to announce their presence to the beast, before sighing as it vanished entirely, only for Octavia to see that Pinkie was heading for the cave entrance.

"Are you insane? That's a dragon's den!" Octavia asked, as while she had no idea where they might find the gem that she needed for the recipe, since this world was still new to them, part of her knew that invading a dragon's home to search for it was a bad idea, specially since said dragon had only just left and might return in due time.

"I know that, and it's the only place we can find a Sapphire," Pinkie replied, where she continued towards the cave, as if she didn't care about her well-being after what happened to Octavia in the Lost Dimension, before pausing for a moment as she glanced back at Octavia and their friends, "Look, I'm not planning on spending too much time in there, just in the off chance the dragon returns for some reason, so it'll be a quick in and out, provided I find the gem quickly."

Octavia sighed as she followed Pinkie into the cave, while Steve and Alex remained behind to keep an eye out for the ice dragon that had flown off, though it didn't take them long to reach a golden floor that confirmed that the dragon had a lot of treasure, before Pinkie found a gleaming blue block that she quickly mined.

"Like I said, I'm not sticking around once I got it." Pinkie said, where she double checked that it was a Sapphire block, as it gave her nine gemstones once she decided to break it, but to be sure the dragon didn't notice anything strange she put a new block down in place of the one she had stolen, making everything look pristine.

With the gemstones in hand Pinkie and Octavia regrouped with the others before heading to their base of operations, as it was time for them to prepare for a trip to the Nether, a longer one where they'd actually fight the monsters to claim all the parts needed to find the Stronghold, and Pinkie was looking forward to whatever was thrown their way.