• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,134 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

  • ...

Hunting the Entity

Upon returning to the Nexus, and watching the portal close behind them as they left the crumbling ruin of Null's world, the group gathered around the central point once more as Octavia started to put in Pandora's second code, so she could open the path to the realm of Entity, the second brother.

"Something's been bothering me... why did your brothers seal you away?" Alex asked, as while she and the others were more than willing to follow the path that Pandora had set for them, in fact she was grateful for it since it allowed her, Steve, and their new friends to deal with all of the dangers of their new world, part of her was curious as to what might have lead to Pandora's brothers turning on her.

My brothers and I were tasked with observing the worlds that the Builders created... purely watching over them without interfering at all. Pandora replied, where she sighed for a moment as she remembered the days before she was sealed in the prison that her own brothers had locked her in all those years ago, all while Octavia continued her work with the disc as Pinkie and the others listened to her explanation, When Herobrine decided to turn against the wishes of our makers, and started to see things more like a game for him to play with and utterly tarnish by forcing Crafters into new worlds, I was the only one to stand against him and our brothers. I thought I might be able to take them, with Raijin backing me, but we were overwhelmed by our former allies in no time at all, and for choosing to preserve the will of the Builders, to watch over the worlds they made, my brothers sealed me away in a prison that has been my home for a long time.

"They... sealed you away because you wanted to do your job?" Steve inquired, though after everything they had learned on this subject, and about the other Admins that they were now destroying, he realized that he wasn't phased by the new bits of information that Pandora was sharing with him and the others.

"I'm not surprised, they seem like villains that are waiting to be punished." Pinkie remarked, because she had seen some with her friends over her years as the Element of Laughter, like Tirek or King Sombra, and right now the other Admins, in her eyes, were similar to the beings she helped her friends take care of, before she glanced at the portal that Octavia was working on at the moment, "And soon the second will follow the first."

"The way to Entity's realm is open." Octavia stated, where she finished putting in the code that Pandora had told her and a new portal opened on the right path, just like what had happened when she messed with it to find Null's plane, though as they gathered near it she readied her staff, "Let's be careful... we have no idea what is waiting on the other side, nor do we know what sort of tricks our foe will throw at us this time."

The others nodded their heads for a moment before passing through the portal, finding that it brought them to what had to be some sort of mansion in the middle of the woods, one that was floating in a void of sorts that looked like it might be in part of the End, where they fought and killed Asmodeus. While it was weird to discover something like this, in the realm of an Admin, the group wasted no time in invading the mansion and found that it was filled with the monsters they fought while facing Entity's powerful being, likely the guards to keep their target safe. Octavia confirmed that he had to be hiding from her and her friends, in fact he no doubt knew of Null's demise and wanted to gather as much strength as he could, before they tracked him down, though at the same time it was clear that he was hoping his minions would wreck them so he didn't have to fight in his condition. Such a thing didn't stop her from tearing apart the mansion with fireballs, because she found that the monsters, for some reason, didn't like the flames and it was a great way to force them to come from a single path, allowing the others to hack through them as Pinkie glanced around in rapid succession.

Octavia understood that she was hunting Entity right now, with Pandora no doubt tracking her brother to the best of her ability, especially since their Admin ally had been sealed away and most of her power was locked away right now, though she suspected that he was either at the peak or in the basement.

Of course the monsters continued to try and blast them from afar, like they did during the battle with Asmodeus, but this time around none of them were even worried about such a thing and dealt with their foes without too much trouble, due to the fact that their armor and weapons were far more superior than when they last fought them. In addition to that they knew that they had experienced explosive growth over the last couple of days, as Pandora's training in her hidden realm boosted most of their abilities to an entirely new level, especially in Alex's case. In addition to that they knew that using the vast amounts of Experience that the powerful beings had dropped after their defeats had allowed Steve and Alex to catch up with Octavia, even though Pinkie was far stronger than all of them, especially with her new dragon form. In that instant Alex knew that Pinkie was the strongest of everyone, in fact, had she taken on this challenge on her own, she was positive that their friend would have reduced everything to cinders with her new form, before forcing Entity into the air to fight him for some time.

Part of her had to wonder if they were holding Pinkie back, given how strong she had to be right now, before she turned her attention to the task at hand, as she knew that their friend would have said something if that was the case, hence why Alex focused on cutting down their enemies as they moved through the mansion.

What was interesting was that most of the chambers, for the most part, were empty of anything and everything that might be placed to show that someone lived here, as if Entity didn't sleep and preferred to keep it this way to make sure anyone who dared to step foot in this place, though that was foolish on his part. If he had filled the mansion with items Alex was sure that they would have started to search them for anything of use, and when she glanced at Octavia she found that her friend silently agreed with her, their target had made a terrible decision in keeping this place empty. There was one room that looked like someone had been living inside it, as it had a double bed, some drawers and furniture to hold clothes, but, for the most part, it seemed like an ordinary place for an Admin to decide to live in. Since it was worthless Octavia burned all of it as well as she and the others pressed on, moving down the hallways as Pinkie sought out their target, before she came to a stop in what looked like the center of the massive building, causing her to glance up and down for a bit, as if the Admin they were looking for was in two different locations.

"Keep the area covered and make sure you aren't standing on this line." Pinkie stated, where she pulled out her scythe for a moment and spun it, the edge cutting into the floor and leaving a gash behind for the others to take note of, causing her friends to stand on either side of it and focus on all of the monsters that were rushing at them.

In the next moment Octavia realized why Pinkie had asked them to do such a thing, as she started to spin her scythe, like she was performing a technique of some kind, and gathered her energy around the curved tip, before swinging down at the floor and the ceiling, releasing two crescent waves that cleaved the mansion in half, revealing that Entity was hanging up in the air above the structure. Octavia, upon discovering what Pinkie had done, summoned magical steps for the others as she burst into the air, using her magic to smash into the black orbs that were sent down at them, though while Null had tried to erase them it sure seemed like Entity wanted to knock them back down into the burning mansion. Alex burst out of the flaming structure with a smile on her face, using Octavia's platforms to make sure she reached her target, and when she reached her destination she spun around and kicked Entity's back, sending him flying down into the mansion as a pair of large fireballs followed him, a gift from Octavia. Alex found that the speed and power of her new body allowed her to do much more than she originally assumed, which she was constantly confirming every time she discovered something new, and kicking an Admin like this was just another aspect of her change that she wasn't expecting to find, and it allowed them to turn the tide against their various enemies.

Entity, on the other hand, sent out more of the monsters that inhabited the End, confirming that it was his domain, but it mattered little in the end as Steve, Alex, and Pinkie tore through them with their new weapons, before Octavia used a bit of her magic to send her blade flying right into his heart, stunning him before yanking it out to remove his head.

Something's wrong... even with their powerful toys destroyed, my brothers aren't this weak. Pandora remarked, as she knew there was something seriously wrong about this entire situation, causing her to wonder what they'd discover in the third and final realm that they would be invading.

"We'll figure it out later. For now, let's get out of here." Octavia replied, because the mansion realm was collapsing, just like what happened when Null died and his realm fell apart before their eyes, and her friends nodded their heads once more as they made their way back to the portal that had brought them here in the first place.

Thanks to the destruction they had wrought on the mansion they were able to find the portal in no time, allowing the four of them to return to the Nexus without delay, granting them some peace as Pandora recalled the code for the last realm, even though they were all curious as to what they might find in Herobrine's realm and what he might throw at them.