• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,556 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Preview: Know your place

Author's Note:

This is a simple preview for future scenes and/or chapters. These previews are to fill gaps between lengthy updates. Plus I can get feedback from you guys as I can review these chapters with a different viewpoint.

UGH! Final exams…one of the most insidious creations made by mortals. Honestly, high school exams are worse than college exams. At least college professors are more likely to give a fuck about their students. Unless you got one of those asshat teachers who brags about how challenging their course is and how barely anyone passes. Congratulations, you suck. Especially cumulative exams! The teachers who do exams based on specific chapters, allow people to skip if they made a particular grade or make the final exam a report or research paper. You are smart, kind, and loyal.

However, CHS students aren’t as fortunate. The school library is packed with students, bursting their brains with knowledge. “This is worse than the friendship games,” Rainbow Dash groaned, resting her head on the desk. They only had to study general stuff but now? Essays, cumulative exams, and reports with several due on the same day.

“We have a few weeks left,” Sunshine reassured, creating flashcards for biology. “We’ll be fine,”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “Easy for you to say, Ms. Top Student,” She mocked, quoting with her fingers. “Tell that to the rest of us,” The star athlete replied, gesturing to their struggling schoolmates surrounded by mountains of books and a rat’s nest of papers. Some were nose-deep in their textbooks, crimson webs marked their strained eyes. Others grumbled, furiously erasing their answers before attempting to solve the math equation again.

“I see your point,” Sunset Shimmer acknowledged, aware of her anxious schoolmates. Her eyes widened and brightened at an idea. “I think I know someone who can help us out,” She smirked, retrieving her phone and dialing a number.


A certain Top student,” Sunshine implied as the phone rang.

Her friend's eyes exploded at the suggestion. DUSK SHINE?! “Sugarcube, do you think that’s a good idea? The last time he was here …,” Applejack countered, pausing, recalling his Aether-fueled rampage throughout the school. She knew that it wasn’t entirely Dusk Shine’s fault. The farm girl can’t fathom how his mind and spirit are enduring utter hell from the games. “Like, is he okay up here?” The blonde tapped the side of her head.

“We’ll know in a minute,” Sunset responded softly as the ringtone ended. She stood up, stepping away to get some privacy.

“Hello,” Dusk Shine’s exhausted voice answered.

“Hey, Dusk Shine,” Sunset started. Finally, he sounds like himself again. “Do you have some free time this week? My friends need help studying for finals if you’re not too busy,” She gently prodded. He’s still recovering mentally from the Friendship games. The last thing Dusk Shine needed was more stress.

“My family and my therapists wanted me to get out of my room,” Dusk Shine stated, gazing around his room. He took an early day from Crystal Prep after his session. “Fine, I’ll come back tomorrow,” He confirmed.

“Thanks, Shine, you’re the best,” Sunset smiled.

“Tell that to my classmates,” Dusk Shine jokily countered before ending the call.

Sunset’s grin remains as her best friend is gradually getting better. She returned to her table. “Get supplies ready because Crystal Prep’s top student is giving us a tutoring session,” Sunset announced.

Yay,” Fluttershy cheered softly. Others gulped with a demure sweat. This will either be excellent as they’re being tutored by Crystal Prep’s top student or horrifying as the top student evaluates them.

Dusk Shine rode the bus to CHS. He exhaled, tugging the plastic rope, signaling the transit to stop. It pulled to a stop enabling Dusk Shine to exit. The Schola Perfecta gazed at the educational institution as Spike popped up from his knapsack.

“Are you okay, Dusk?” The canine asked, nuzzling his face against Dusk Shine’s cheek. He’s tense, even scared, recalling what a monster he was when Night Blaze took over.

“Don’t know,” Dusk Shine attempted before inhaling deeply. “We can’t keep Sunset waiting,” He remarked. Spike dove back into the bag as they stepped towards the building.

“Dusk Shine,” Luna and Sunset Shimmer greeted him at the steps. He lightly smiled at their appearance. The elder of the two embraced him. “I’m glad you’re looking better,” Luna comforted. His amethyst eyes were exhausted, with noticeable bags under them. At least that ruthless fire in his eyes has been extinguished. Dusk Shine returned his original smart casual style with soft pants and a buttoned-up shirt under a deep purple vest.

“Thanks,” Dusk Shine acknowledged.

Sunset wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Come on, nerd. We better get studying,” The trio entered. All the students froze with cold sweat; their eyes were pinpricks as their hearts rumbled in their ears before pummeling to their guts. Crap, why is he here?!

“If anyone of you has a problem with Dusk Shine being here. Please follow me outside so I can respectfully break your legs,” Sunset Shimmer threatened with a smile, holding him tighter. No argued. “Thank you,” She replied, continuing their stroll to the Library. Luna went to her office while Sunset went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Can’t study on an empty stomach.

Dusk Shine stepped down the corridor alone. CHS students created a wide berth for him, still cautious around the Schola Perfecta. Some leered at him, finding his monstrous form and dominant temperament deliciously attractive. Dusk Shine's scars rhythmically pulsed, burning his nerves at the memory. No! NO! No…. It stopped. He sighed, glancing at Snips and Snails huddling near their lockers and muttering under their breath.

“Ahem,” His stoic voice frightened the duo, hiding their stationery supplies behind their backs.

“Hey, Dusk Shine,” Snips stammered with an anxious sweat.

“I hope you’re studying well and not causing trouble again,” Dusk Shine commented, his eyes examining faint writing on their arms.

“No sir,” They saluted. Dusk Shine accepted their reply, walking off as they furiously scrubbed their arms. He passed Flash Sentry and Derpy Hooves, who were smiling and chattering with each other. Dusk Shine’s blank expression spoke a simple phrase as their eyes met. Don’t fuck up. He entered the library shortly after.

“Dusk Shine, we’re over here,” Cheerilee instructed, guiding him to her section of the room.

“Is this everyone?” Dusk Shine asked, resting his bags on a chair. The study group comprised Sunset Shimmer's leading friend group and other students. She entered, taking a front-row seat along with Trixie. The teacher nodded. “What’s the main subject you’re having trouble with?” Dusk Shine started them off, grabbing a marker from a study kit.




“Simple stuff,” Dusk Shine retorted as Cheerilee handed him several textbooks. They rolled their eyes as he wrote on the whiteboard. Several hours passed as Dusk Shine summarized entire chapters into digestible chunks and comprehensible explanations. He offered study tips, recommendations for improving their notes, and methods to understand the chapter’s concepts. Sunset, Trixie, Fluttershy, and Rarity assist him during the session. They learn more in his session than this entire semester. Dusk Shine’s methods demonstrated how he achieved the rank of Top Student. People started to pack up.

“Dusk Shine, is it possible for you to have another session?” Cheerilee requested, acknowledging how well the students took in his lessons.

PLEASE?!” Several students pleaded when Cheerilee shushed them. They were still in the library.

The next day, Dusk Shine arrived at Crystal Prep. His ears picked up arguing from one of the halls. He internally groaned. The complaints came from a self-entitled Karen, demanding something out of an employee's control. Cheerilee attempted to explain, but the woman didn’t listen.

“I better stop this,” Dusk Shine whispered. He raised a brow at the identities of the family. Filthy Rich, the leading businessman in Ponyville and with some sway in Canterlot. By his side, Diamond Tiara, his daughter holding textbooks with Silver Spoon. Dusk Shine recalled that the two were bullies of the CMC. Now they’ve become… friends? Acquaintances? Whatever. The father and daughter stared blankly at the woman’s rants, likely dealing with this numerous times. Diamond Tiara covered her face, embarrassed by her mother’s attitude.

“I don’t know what strings you’ve pulled or what Celestia did,” Spoiled Rich argued. She’s a snobby full figured woman of Terran origin. Her attire comprised lavish clothes and jewelry, primarily a gold necklace and an extravagant diamond ring. “I demanded that you or Celestia arrange for my dear daughter and Silver Spoon to have a one-on-one with Dusk Shine,” She ordered, crossing her arms, leaving no room for discussion. A flicker of rage entered Dusk Shine’s mind. This woman reminded him of Cinch. “They’re more deserving than the rest of the students. Especially with acceptance to Crystal Prep on the line. Right Diamond Tiara?”

The young girl fixed her posture, wearing a superficial proud mask to appease her mother. “Of course,” She rephrased, causing her mother to smile. Filthy Rich knew it was fake, resting his hand to comfort her.

“Thanks, right,” Spoiled Milk nodded.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Dusk Shine interjected

“Ugh! Can’t you see we’re busy?!” Spoiled Milk sneered, turning her attention to the voice. The color temporarily drained from her face, losing all of her arrogance at the Top student. “Dusk Shine,” She immediately smiled, fixing her blouse to keep appearances. The mother gave Diamond Tiara a stern glance as well. Diamond Tiara set her posture, not wanting to embarrass her mother.

“Hello, Mr. Rich,” Dusk Shine greeted the man offering a handshake. The top student knows not to call him by his first name. Who wants to be called Filthy?

“Dusk Shine, glad you're doing better,” The older man accepted the handshake. Everyone was grateful that he broke the tension.

“I heard my name. So what’s the problem here?” Dusk Shine asked, already aware of what was happening. He simply wanted to gauge how Spoiled Rich would respond to save face. People like her are prevalent when trying to achieve status. She’ll likely attempt to downplay her misdeeds to appear more cooperative.

“I was simply asking. If you were available for private tutoring sessions for my daughter and her dear friend Silver Spoon,” Spoiled Rich provided an altered version of the events. They frowned, but it was reasonably accurate. “She needs that extra edge when applying for Crystal Prep in the future,” The older woman maintained that practiced smile, gesturing to her daughter, attempting to persuade Dusk Shine. It didn’t work. After releasing the magic, he had his fair share upon returning to school. Nothing more than petty self-preservation.

“No,” Dusk Shine refused. Cheerilee snickered at Spoiled Rich’s gobsmacked expression. That’s probably the first time in ages someone said no to her. “Both girls are welcomed to join the others,” He negotiated. However, that wasn’t good enough for her.

“Now, wait just a minute. You listen here!” Spoiled Rich discarded her facade as she stomped towards him.

Please excuse us for a moment,” Filthy Rich interrupted, dragging his wife by the arm to a nearby hallway.

“What are you doing?” Spoiled Rich criticized

Shut. The. Fuck. Up!” Filthy Rich fumed through gritted teeth.

“Dar-Darling?” Spoiled Rich muttered. Her heart rumbled like a drum, shuttering with fear at his aggression. She’s never seen him like this before.

“I’m going to say this once. So you better listen right here and right now,” Filthy Rich grumbled slowly but clearly so she could comprehend every syllable. “You don’t make demands with people like Dusk Shine. He’s not some servant you can boss around like on the Teacher's board,” Filthy Rich clarified, blood boiling and coiling throughout his veins. “If we’re the one percent. Then he’s the 0.01%,” He emphasized the social power that Dusk Shine’s family holds.

“You can’t be serious,” Spoiled Rich huffed, crossing her arms. Dusk Shine can’t be that wealthy compared to them.

Look in my face. You tell me if I’m joking right here,” Filthy Rich directed. She stared at his blank expression. Her jaw was slightly ajar from shock as her eyes widened to dinner plates. He’s that powerful? “All it takes is one…word or passing comment. Everything I’ve worked for, thanks to my great-grandfather, will be gone. We’ll rub elbows with the middle or upper-middle class if I'm lucky. I’m NOT risking that just because you won’t get off your high horse,” Filthy Rich warned about the social ramifications of her arrogance. Several generations of wealth can vanish in an instant.“Do you understand me?” Filthy Rich concluded with narrow eyes. She gave a submissive nod with a dreadful expression, remembering her place. “Good,” He calmed down before turning to the group. “Sorry about that,” The older man frowned, hoping she didn’t ruin any future opportunities.

“It’s fine. Marriage is a tough thing,” Dusk Shine rationalized, easing the stress off his mind. “Ms. Cheerilee, can you take these two to the library?” He asked. The teacher guided the students to follow her. “I’ll stay with them for an extra hour or so with payment, of course,” Dusk Shine told the parents.

“Payment?” The Rich’s questioned.

“This session was a simple favor for a friend,” Dusk Shine explained himself. This isn’t a common occurrence for him anymore. His therapist and family members wanted him to have more time to heal.

“How much?” Mr. Rich pulled out his wallet. It’s the least he can do to patch up his wife’s antics.

“A simple $250 since it’s for finals and at a rather short notice,” Dusk Shine explained. Filthy Rich shrugged at the bargain price. Can’t complain. “Thank you. Can I talk with your wife for a few moments, please?” He asked, placing the money into his pocket. His voice was authoritative, cold, and vacant. Spoiled Rich’s skin tightened at his request. Did she do something that offended him? Fuck she probably did. Spoiled Rich heard rumors about what Dusk Shine did as Aether warped his mind. Were there long-term effects? She followed him to an adjacent classroom.

“Please take a seat,” He instructed as Spoiled Rich grabbed an empty seat. He did the same. Both sat, the ticking clock echoing throughout the room. His silence unnerved Spoiled Rich to no end. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Just remain calm, listen to Dusk Shine's words, and reclaim favor. “Let’s start with something simple, shall we?” He started as if this was an interview. “Who are you?” It’s a simple question but has countless answers.

“My name is Spoiled Rich,” Spoiled Rich introduced herself.

“That’s the second lie I’ve heard from you,” Dusk Shine remarked with a hint of annoyance. “I’ll ask again…who are you?” He repeated.

She paused, easing her shoulders and her arrogance. “My name is Spoiled…Milk,” Spoiled Rich revealed her original name with a slight embarrassment. People teased her for years.

Spoiled Milk,” Dusk Shine repeated, lifting his brow in confusion. She nodded. Names shouldn’t be surprising as there are countless possibilities. But Spoiled Milk? “I understand the name change,” He briefly sympathized before continuing. “What else?

“I’m the wife of Filthy Rich,” Spoiled Rich continued, puffing her bosom with pride at her declaration. “Head of the teacher’s board,”

That’s it?” Dusk Shine questioned, tilting his head, hoping there was more to her,

“Yes,” Spoiled Rich concluded.

“What’s your occupation before your marriage or becoming the head?” Dusk Shine pressed on

“I didn’t have one besides working at my mother’s office and a few summer jobs in my youth,” Spoiled Milk scoffed, crossing her legs. “Is there a problem?

“A few,” Dusk Shine declared. “You pride yourself on being Mr. Rich’s wife,”

“Of course,” She smiled.

“You see, that’s the problem,” Dusk Shine articulated, interlocking his fingers. “You pride yourself on simply being someone’s wife,” His amethyst eyes hardened upon this social interloper. “Everything you have…wealth, prestige, power, and authority. All of it is because of your husband. You have nothing,” Dusk Shine summarized her life. He dealt with this crap in Crystal Prep. Pretentious idiots believe themselves to be superior just because of who their family is. All they know is sucking up to whoever has the most power, swapping allegiances and values for mere convenience. Cowards.

“My husband will hear about this!” Spoiled Milk seethed, arising with her anger flickering. “I will not tolerate this,” He remained seated, indifferent to her temper as she glared at him. Is this supposed to intimate him?

SOLIPI!” Dusk Shine barked, rumbling the area under the aristocratic power in his voice. The words were stuck in Spoiled Milk’s throat, squashing any semblance of resistance or bravado in her entitled spine. She humbled herself by sitting small in the chair. Did his eyes change color?

“Tell him. He’ll probably share the same opinion as me. I bet that’s your go-to tactic for everything, right?” Dusk Shine predicted in a sophisticated tone, using their small interaction and information from his schoolmates at Crystal Prep as the basis for his hypothesis.

“...” Spoiled Milk remained silent, gazing into her lap, unable to make eye contact.

Of course. You’re the person that’ll abandon him if some tragedy impacts him, taking Diamond Tiara to her next mark. You probably already have someone in mind,” Dusk Shine calculated as she flinched at his words. “I’ll take that as a yes or maybe. So let’s start with another question. What does it mean to be one of society’s elite,” He questioned the older woman.

“Have a lot of money,” Spoiled Rich mumbled like a child caught in the act.

“It’s superficial like you and most Nouveau riche,” Dusk Shine frowned, rolling his eyes at the weak answer. “Yes, wealth is a part of it, but it is not the most critical part,” He confirmed, yet dismantling whatever preconceived notions she had.

“You called me Nouveau riche?” Spoiled Milk asked. She had never heard that term before.

“It means new money,” Dusk Shine explained. “You took a sip and claimed that you’re drowning. Mr. Rich and I are old money. It’s a part of our life, not our whole life. Anyone of perpetual wealth can see your new money,” He contributed, gesturing to the matron.

“They can? How?” Spoiled Rich questioned, examining her appearance and actions.

“It’s your snobby personality,” Dusk Shine pointed out the main example. “You claim authority that someone like you will never have. You let wealth control every decision you make and plot how to get more,” He stood, placing his hands into his pockets, citing various current events and stories from his schoolmates and multiple sources. “Also, your clothing,”

“Oh!” Spoiled Milk blushed, covering her chest and pulling down her shirt. Was she immodest or too conservative?

“No, your attire is appropriate. Stand up,” Dusk Shine clarified as she followed his command. Spoiled Milk’s heart raced as the purple male circled around her evaluating her attire. Several questions roamed in her thoughts. Were her clothes of sufficient quality? Is she presentable? Would his family and others like him mock her for low-grade attire? “Brand names. A low-class method of assimilating into the upper class,” Dusk Shine groaned at the various names from this walking advertisement.

LOW-CLASS?!” Spoiled Milk boomed. Damn, she was right!

“Yes. When the aristocratic class dissolved, leading to the widening of the middle class and increased upward social mobility. Companies devoured this new social structure by mass producing these so-called luxury brands by slapping a hefty price tag. Now people are spending thousands of dollars for an online persona,” Dusk Shine elaborated, recalling countless influencers on social media.

“You mean like hypebeast brands,” Spoiled Milk recalled.

“Exactly. Those are great if you have money to burn, but you’ll never pass those clothes as heirlooms,” Dusk Shine continued, glancing at her diamond ring and gold necklace. “Your jewelry might suffice as it looks custom-made,” He adjusted his glasses, acknowledging the quality. You can’t get this at a local store.

“It was. Rich designed it for me,” Spoiled Milk beamed at the items. It wasn’t superficial but of genuine fondness for it.

“Good. Ask him to find you a custom tailor. It shouldn’t be hard,” Dusk Shine replied. There are several tailors that they could find today.

“Well, I do have more of a… fleshed-out figure,” Spoiled Milk mentioned with a meek blush. She’s not as young as she used to be. Now having a more plump figure displaying her status.

“Ma’am, you’re in your late forties and approaching 50 soon. Who cares?” Dusk Shine shrugged but acknowledged her concern. Canterlot is a Star-born dominant area, so finding a catering to Terrans presents a challenge. “I recognize every single brand you’re wearing. You want to distinguish yourself as an elite among your peers. Update your wardrobe correctly. The clothes will be of a similar price but better quality,” He added. More expensive doesn’t always mean better quality. “Now, to be elite, you must be better than average. You can’t rely solely on your family name and connections. Nepotism does create shortcuts and gives you priority. I benefited a few times, but I must work for it to not embarrass my family,” Dusk Shine continued. He was accepted into Crystal Prep by passing the entrance like anyone else. Every day he pushed himself as the Schola Prefecta, proving to himself and others that he was more than a simple rich kid. “Rich understands this concept, but you don’t. Not in the slightest,”

“How-oh right,” Spoiled Milk wanted to argue but stopped herself. All of his words crashed into her mind.

“You’re starting to understand. You’re a newborn babe still suckling on your mother’s breasts,” Dusk Shine praised, albeit still mocking her. “You have no ground to stand on. If Rich divorces you for whatever reason, he’ll be fine. Same with Diamond Tiara because he loves her,” He announced, analyzing Spoiled Rich’s interactions with her daughter. “And doesn’t try to live vicariously through her,” Cinch’s actions echoed in Spoiled Rich’s mind. She wondered if they were the same. “Take a look at Celestia and Luna. They’re direct descendants of Queen Galaxia, the last Monarch of Equestria. Galaxia had the wisdom and pragmatism to ensure her legacy endures as long as the sun and moon rise,” Dusk Shine divulged the origins of the lineage of the CHS principals. Spoiled Milk’s jaw dropped at the information. BOTH WERE TRUE NOBILITY?! “Now then, I have a tutoring session to get to. And what will you do,” He checked his watch, now that everything gradually sank into the social brownnoser mind.

“I’ll find a seamstress and get some applications,” Spoiled Milk answered, ready to leave.

“Good, but before I forget,” Dusk Shine smiled before grabbing her blouse and dragging her face to face. His eyes burned with ruthless animosity as he did during Night Blaze’s control. Her body went cold with dread, paralyzing her being. “If I even hear a whisper that you’re using Diamond Tiara to further gains or do something again like with Pipsqueak. I’ll guarantee that the only job you’ll have is men renting you by the hour just to put you on your back with a few hundred bits,” He warned. Dusk Shine could not help Sunny Flare from Cinch until after her removal. He’ll be damned if he allows it to happen to someone so young. “Do you understand me?” Dusk Shine narrowed his eyes as he raised her up, her legs dangling from the floor.

Ye-yes, sir,” Spoiled Rich obeyed with a trembling voice and pinprick eyes. Why was he so strong?!

Good. This stays between us. Now take your snobby ass back to your husband,” Dusk Shine calmed down and released her as he straightened her blouse. Spoiled Rich whimpered away as they exited the room.