• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,558 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

  • ...

Aether burns in the Prince

Author's Note:

We're finally here. One more chapter until the climax of the Friendship game arc. It took a while but it's almost here.

Since people aren't too welcoming to the Omake chapters, I think putting them as a separate story might keep the story streamlined and polished. Also I'll do blog posts for any lore or world-building material unless you guys enjoy that and general questions

Dusk Shine trudged throughout the hallways of CPA. His heart bellowed in his chest and ears. He needed to get away from them. ALL OF THEM! Somewhere. Dusk Shine’s eyes bounced around for any potential spots. A classroom? No, that’s too obvious; they’ll find him immediately. The gymnasium? Library? Cafeteria? No. Those aren’t good, either. His teammates would tear his head off, demanding how he knew their location.

Come on!” Dusk Shine fumed, scratching his head and neck. “I need something,” He muttered when Spike's whimpering caught his attention, briefly calming him. “What is it?” Dusk Shine asked, following Spike’s gaze to the window. “Of course, some time in the great outdoors,” He praised Spike by scratching his head. It should buy him a few minutes of peace. His sharp amethyst eyes scoped the area before sneaking off to the exit.

Tranquility washed over Dusk Shine as the sun warmed his skin. A gentle breeze fluffed his sapphire hair. Cadance said he should go outside more to clear his head and stabilize his emotions. One of the many few times she’s correct. Dusk Shine eased his body before closing the door behind him as he searched for a spot. There’s one. He and Spike found a space near the golden horseshoe statue. It is covered by bushes and a few trees, providing them privacy from the nearby class windows. Dusk Shine sat down with a groan as all the day’s stress weighed on him.

“Shit. . .” He grumbled, lying on the supple grass. Only a few more hours and everything will be done. Win and leave. That’s all he has to do. The amulet cackled with bereavement at the comment.

You know Cinch will never allow you to leave until you’ve gotten with honors,” A disembodied voice mocked his optimism. Dusk Shine couldn’t deny it as well, fully aware of what Cinch planned for him. He’s Crystal Prep’s iconic student with many awards and scholarships and his pick of colleges and programs. There’s no doubt Cinch would keep him for the long run as a living advertisement.

Oh, hello,” Fluttershy greeted softly as she entered through one of the bushes. She didn’t know if anyone was there.

“Hi,” Dusk Shine replied as a gray cat popped from Fluttershy’s bag.

Fluttershy nuzzled the feline. “Do you want to give her a treat?” She offered with a smile.

“I guess I’m not the only one who sneaks their pet at school,” Dusk Shine remarked as Spike laid his head on his lap. Both trust this Skyborne. She offered the first kind hand to Sunset Shimmer after her bullying phase.

“Not just one,” Fluttershy giggled as several animals emerged from her backpack. Dusk Shine’s eyes widened, and jaw dropped at the reveal. How many animals did she have there? A bird, hamster, and rabbit. Including the cat, that’s four. What is she? The next Cinderella or Snow White?

“I’ll stick with Spike,” Dusk Shine admitted as he petted Spike’s head.

“Congratulations on winning,” Fluttershy mentioned as the bird landed on her finger. “Although your team didn’t seem too excited about it,” She frowned, recalling the lukewarm response that he received from CPA.

“They . . .,” Dusk Shine muttered with a pause. Her face softened at his dour expression. Sunset told them how awful they treated him. This was the first time she saw it with her own eyes. “They don’t like anything they didn’t win themselves but will love to be involved or take credit for it,” He seethed, recalling several moments from his past. Parasites, all of them! His rage emitted from his body like a radiator. She got an idea.

“Do you want to hold him?” Fluttershy offered Angel her rabbit. This is her main pet out of all the animals she owns.

“Why?” Dusk Shine questioned as Angel crawled into his lap and nuzzled his stomach.

“Holding a bunny makes anyone feel better,” Fluttershy smiled kindly. That’s something he won’t get at CPA. CPA would’ve devoured her without hesitation.

He took her advice and gently held Angel. Rabbits are small and delicate, requiring the utmost care. Dusk Shine smiled, proving that it worked.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” He gave her a heartfelt grin as she did the same. “But why are you being so nice to me?” Dusk Shine questioned.

“Do I need a reason to be?” Fluttershy shrugged with a gentle smile. A genuinely kind person. The amulet roared with gluttonous hunger. His eyes widened. DID SHE JUST GLOW?! Recognition flooded his senses as the amulet burned against his chest. The same happened to Pinkie Pie. What will she have? A stream of yellow flowed into him and the amulet. That’s four colors. Scarlet infused him with passionate loyalty for his school and his team. Lavender remembered him of elegant generosity. Pink had him laughing and enjoying himself at the party before Cinch pulled the plug. Yellow engulfed him in lost kindness.

Aether forcefully ripped holes in reality, creating mini-portals all around them. Both were paralyzed in fear at this phenomenon as she hung on to him. Dusk Shine’s eyes bounced around at this. He should be excited about this discovery but he knew the imminent potential dangers lurking behind them. They’re ignorant of the mirror world. Was this place a hot spot?!

Spike’s barking caught their attention when a jackalope hopped from one of the portals. A jackalope?! Weren’t those supposed to be an urban misconception when rabbits are infected with a skin virus, giving them growths that resembled horns? Or weren’t they mythological creatures from the Native Bison tribes from Southern regions? Both? Spike pounced after the jackalope, following it into one of the portals! The portals were connected in some way. Both animals leaped through numerous openings and appeared through others. Spike fell from one of them into the yellow aether. Fluttershy grabbed Spike and handed him to Dusk Shine.

“Spike, are you okay?” Dusk Shine fretted, holding his best friend in his arms.

“Yeah, I think so,” Spike replied, shaking himself to remove the buzz. It made Dusk Shine relax. Both smiled as they shared a look. Their shocked eyes exploded at Spike’s sudden speaking capabilities. Both screamed as Dusk Shine ran away. “Dusk Shine, wait,” Spike followed behind, leaving Fluttershy and her pets.

“Um, bye,” She waved before glancing to her side. He left his bag. Fluttershy picked it up, hoping to find him, Sunset, or the principals.

Dusk Shine sprinted inside the building. Spike kept calling out to him asking him to stop. This isn’t happening! His breathing grew heavy as his feet slammed against the tiles vibrating his bones. He needed to think but didn’t know what to think! Magic. Portals. Alternate dimensions. The appearance of mythological creatures! It’s too much. He placed his back to a wall, his anxious eyes stared at his pet.

“Dusk Shine . . . wait,” Spike panted. His eyes followed Dusk Shine as he slid across the wall to the lockers. “Why did you run away?” He pleaded.

“Geez, I don’t know. The tear in space?! Mythological creatures? The glowing girl?!” Dusk Shine fretted in a deadpan tone while moving his hands. “Or better yet my talking dog?” He concluded, pointing to the caine.

“Weird right?” Spike replied, scratching his ear. Dusk Shine paused, analyzing the situation. It’s still Spike. He can simply talk now.

“Where did you go? Are you okay? How do you feel?” Dusk Shine knelt, scratching his pet’s chin and grabbing his face. Scientific intrigue developed in his mind. Aether based research is heavily regulated and only conducted by the most experienced and competent researchers due to the Gateway event. As a result, unauthorized Aether based research is essentially banned in Equestria and in neighboring nations due to the imminent danger it holds and those willing to abuse. The Storm King was one of them.

Most of the details were deeply classified and won’t be revealed to the public until decades after. He glanced at the necklace as it buzzed with power. Aether is safely contained within it. No leaks or anything. Scientific breakthroughs are within the palm of his hands. All Dusk Shine has to do is release it. But is it worth the danger? A wet tongue broke his thoughts bringing his attention back to his pet.

“One at a time. This is new for me too,” Spike responded, easing his master’s worries. “All I knew is that after I chased the rabbit thing, I was somewhere else. Then I was back in the nice girl’s arms and now I can talk,” He explained to the best of his abilities. Dusk Shine recalled the mirror dimension from Professor Starwhirl’s video. The locations aren’t one-to-one. They were deep in the Southern regions, surrounded by kilometers of barren desert. Appaloosa was the nearest settlement via 12 hours by train if they were lucky. However they saw Ponyville instead or the equivalent of it. “I didn’t know why I couldn’t before,” Spike weighed his newfound words. “It’s so easy,” He smiled, brightening the atmosphere

Dusk,” Cinch’s stoic voice called out to him, alarming the two. Dusk Shine opened one of the lockers, allowing Spike to jump in. She’s allergic to dogs but the lovely principal has a habit of lying. His blank eyes flashed cyan. Time to test that theory out. “Who were you talking to?” She questioned, her disciplined eyes scanned for anyone remaining in the walls. Was it one of those girls again?

“Just myself. I was clearing my head, getting my thoughts in order for the next event. Were you looking for me?” Dusk Shine fabricated a likely story. She raised a brow at his answer as his neutral expression stared at her. Dusk Shine has no reason to lie to her.

“Yes, I was,” Cinch confirmed. Fluttershy appeared from the entrance, holding his bag hoping to find him. Cinch’s appearance halted her efforts and decided to wait until she left. “It’s quite the coincidence that those nice girls you’ve encountered are also advancing to the next round don’t you think,” She acknowledged, clasping her hands behind her back, keeping watch for anyone.

“Not really,” Dusk Shine deadpanned with a shrug. They’re in a competition so why was it so surprising?

“Perhaps, you should know them after all,” Cinch approached him, wrapping a deceitful arm around his shoulder, making his skin crawl. “You’re a charming and desirable young man. They can tell you the secrets to CHS recent success,” She cooed while gently touching his face. He truly took on his father’s looks and aura. If Dusk Shine is anything like Night Light then that’s perfect. Both sons were wonderful catches. Conventionally attractive, came from a respectable family, having among the best education an Equestrian dream for, determined in their respective field and pleasant to be around with. Cadance is smart to snatch Shining Armor early. Cinch cursed herself for allowing Night Light to slip through her fingers when she had him in her palms. He’s a good man who treated her and ultimately Twilight Velvet incredibly well. She hoped that her daughter wouldn't make the same mistake she did. Although a part of Cinch wished she was several decades younger being one of Dusk Shine’s peers. Perhaps in the grade above him, she can’t relinquish the authority she has over him. Then with Cinch’s eye for quality . . . maybe some aspects of her life would’ve been better.

(For those wondering. Yes. It’s supposed to be creepy and disturbing)

“Maybe there’s no real secret. They went under a restructuring as you said. Celestia and Luna fixed the problems and the results showed for it,” Dusk Shine countered with a logical explanation, wanting to escape from this situation.

“I’m simply covering my bases. It’s not like your application is at stake,” Cinch threatened in a silvery tone as she released him. Her eyes sparked with cruel enjoyment. “Oh wait, it does,

“There’s something more at stake than my application to Everton,” Dusk Shine spoke up, his eyes blazing with a cold fury.

“Which is?” Cinch asked, raising her brow.

Your integrity,” Dusk Shine declared. “Just like you, I have a reputation and standards to keep as the top student of CPA. I will not tolerate any unwanted mark-ups,” He implied about Cinch potentially cheating or cutting corners to slide the trophy in their favor. “So I’ll ask you a simple question,” Dusk Shine negotiated, choosing his next words subtly. “Did I actually get the answer right?

“Dusk Shine you do-,” Cinch questioned, almost insulted that she would lie to him like that.

“Please don’t think of me as someone that can be easily swayed with half-truths,” Dusk Shine interjected, cutting off whatever excuses or guilt tripping tactic she had. “So will you kindly tell me the truth?” He requested for the slightest degree of honesty.

“Yes,” Cinch obliged. “You even used the more complex method,” She elaborated as Dusk Shine prolonged his hostile glare. Cinch didn’t want to admit it but she was getting nervous.

“Thank you, Principal Cinch,” Dusk Shine bowed his head stoically with a slight mocking edge to his tone. She pouted before leaving Dusk Shine alone. Her heel steps gradually faded into silence.

Man she’s awful,” Spike commented, peering his head from the locker once Cinch had left. “What are you going to do, Dusk Shine?” He questioned, scratching his ears. Dusk Shine padded his chest, containing his hail mary. Spike nodded with a sly smirk. People like Cinch can’t be fully trusted. They’ll always find some way to turn anything in favor with sweet words, bold-faced lies and brazen double crosses. That’s why insurance and having a way out is essential. Dusk Shine’s elders taught him that.

Sunset Shimmer searched for Dusk Shine within CHS. Fluttershy handed her his bag. It’s not like him to leave his stuff behind. Her ears caught the hiss of an aluminum can in an adjacent hallway. She popped her head into one of them. There he is! Sunset frowned, seeing the melancholic state he was in. Dusk Shine sat on the floor with Spike on his lap, around by discarded chip bags, candy wrappers, and soda cans.

Gosh, you’re a mess,” Sunset Shimmer muttered, cringing at the trash. This isn’t like him.

“Yeah, I know,” Dusk Shine replied lifelessly, sliding over to make space for her.

“So what happened?” Sunset asked, accepting a chocolate bar from him.

“It’s Cinch,” Spike answered, causing Sunset to choke and cough from his voice.

“What the-,” Sunset said hoarsely between her coughs.

“Aether,” Dusk Shine and Spike clarified as she wiped her mouth. Sunset’s forehead was wrinkled with dumbfounded confusion. She wanted to ask so many questions, but she pushed them aside. Both had a lengthy conversation as Dusk Shine released his worries and concerns as tears leaked from his face. He periodically wiped his tears, not wanting his classmates to see him like this. They never cared about his tears before, so why give them something to mock him about.

Sunset Shimmer listened. That's the only thing she can do right now. She knows how possessive Cinch is towards Dusk Shine and how hostile the Shadow 5 are to her. There’s no point making his life harder already. Sunset offered that they should watch something on her phone for now. It shouldn’t hurt, as they have a few minutes to kill. Dusk Shine smiled weakly as he would like that.

The top students strolled to the exit to the play fields. Dusk Shine’s mask returned. Of course, Sunny Flare was waiting for him. Her arms were crossed, and she impatiently tapped her foot. He groaned as Sunset Shimmer nudged him.

“Where were you?” Sunny Flare demanded with a stern glare. “Oh,” She whispered, looking at the Sunset Shimmer with him.

“None of your damn business where I went,” Dusk Shine fumed with a sharp gaze. “I’m here, aren’t I?” He shrugged.

“Of course, it’s my business, Cinch-” Sunny Flare sneered when his hand grabbed her face and pushed her out of the way.

“Get out of my way and hurry up,” Dusk Shine commanded. Sunset had mixed emotions about this. On the one hand, seeing that dumbfounded expression on Sunny Flare’s face is picture-worthy. On the other hand, this is completely unlike Dusk Shine. Sunset wanted to say more, but the next round was about to start.

The top students went their separate ways. Sunny Flare trailed behind Dusk Shine as they rejoined their team. Dusk Shine didn’t hear or recall anything that Cinch said besides their roles. She placed him in archery with Sour Sweet. He asked why? Her answer was that she didn’t want him distracted by Sunset Shimmer. Everything else was a buzzing blur. Anger boiled over as CPA and his team criticized his lackluster performance. Others defended him, recalling his earlier shoulder injury.

WILL YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP?!” Dusk Shine exploded, bringing everything to a stop. They shriveled under his seething tirade, calling them out on their weaknesses. He mocked them as he’s one of CPA’s best and brightest while they’re just on the bench as bystanders. Dusk Shine offered them to prove themselves better by taking the shot for him.

No one stepped up. All that bravado instantly evaporated as they remained silent and looked away. Dusk Shine unleashed a booming and scathing cackle. They never heard him laugh before. It’s horrifying. He belittles them, calling them weaklings, cowards, a total waste of space, and utterly useless despite being the so-called ‘elites.’ Dusk Shine yelled over to Cinch and Cadance, asking them to restructure the requirements for CPA. He even vouched for some of the CHS members. His smirk cruelly widened, relishing their fearful looks and panicked sentences despite rageful tears forming in his eyes.

Applejack frowned. Sunset told her how terribly they treated Dusk Shine for being the top student. Her jaw tightened from witnessing it herself. This isn’t right! He’s a good man from a wonderful family; the results speak for it. Granny Smith and her elders warned about this or people like these preps. They have all of the money in the world and can be whatever they want. Yet they chose to be lower than a snake’s belly button.

Dusk Shine returned to the archery stage, discreetly wiping his face. Applejack gently approached and instructed him on which targets to hit. He narrowed his eyes to focus on them. She’s right. One of the targets had a slight delay on it. Sour Sweet raged at Applejack’s assistance, causing the pair to argue. Dusk Shine took the shot, and it landed right between Sour Sweet’s arrow. Sugarcoat or Indigo Zap, or was it Sunny Flare or Lemon Zest that raced. It didn’t matter to him. Dusk Shine continued, landing every single bullseye. CHS’s cheers were louder than his school’s. Applejack padded his back in congratulations. Confusion buzzed in his mind so he asked why she helped him. Their schools have been rivals for decades. The farmgirl wrapped his shoulder, stating there’s nothing wrong with telling the truth. She was shocked by his embrace but didn’t refuse it and hugged back.

Orange. It wasn’t as robust as red or the soothing of yellow but had an honest combination of both. A relaxing sunset while in a peaceful meadow.

The projector had a kiss-cam font for the two. Dusk Shine glanced at Applejack’s lips as she did the same to him. Sour Sweet yelled, breaking a few arrows in rage. She climbed on the stage, forcefully separating the two. Sour Sweet barked at the two when Applejack pointed to the Dusk Shine’s glowing chest. His eyes expanded in his horror before jumping away from them.

“Release the magic! Now!”

“No!” Dusk Shine refused, holding it down as much as he could. IT BURNS! He ripped the necklace off his neck and tossed it away. The amulet cracked open, releasing floods of Aether, mutating the various flowers and weeds into monstrous beasts of various sizes.

Dusk Shine’s mind was in survival problem-solving mode as terrified screaming echoed and evacuation orders were given. He reacted quickly and closed the amulet to prevent any more leakage before returning to his neck. Next issue. The plants slithering to him. Fight or Flight?! There’s only one option for someone like him.

Fight!” Dusk Shine snarled, grabbing two arrows and rotating in his hands before getting to a stance.

“Dusk Shine, let’s get out of here,” Sour Sweet ordered anxiously, pulling on his arm, but he shook her off. She froze, seeing his eerie cyan eyes. Dusk Shine charged, becoming a tornado of surgical injection with his bolts. He cleared a path for them to escape.

Go!” Dusk Shine commanded, pointing with his stained arrows.

“Come on,” Spike responded, guiding them to safety. They were alarmed, except for Fluttershy, but they weren’t complaining. Applejack took Fluttershy’s hand and dragged her along. She looked back, seeing Sour Sweet running towards Dusk Shine! Sour Sweet found a spot, eased her breathing, and pulled the string. She left Dusk Shine in the past, but not this time. Sour Sweet releases a quick barrage, taking out the farthest ones. Dusk Shine raised a brow at the support. He rolled his eyes and continued.

Sour Sweet found herself empty. “Shit,” She grumbled, glancing at the broken ones. There’s some left embedded inside the plants. She joined Dusk Shine, using her bow as a bludgeon while periodically resupplying her quiver as Dusk Shine covered her back.

“Woah!” Applejack yelped as she was being tossed. Dusk Shine ran, climbing onto one of them and piercing its eyes to bring it to the ground. He opened his arms to catch her. His analytic brain calculated her mass, the distance toss, and her incoming speed to him. The result: This is going to hurt.

“Oh boy,” Dusk Shine muttered before bracing himself for impact. He grunted as Applejack landed on his body. It took everything he had to be upright! Fuck his back!

“Good catch,” Applejack praised as he held her bridal style after gaining his balance. Those muscles weren’t for show after all. It felt nice being carried like this.

“Little help here?” Sour Sweet crabbed as she began to be surrounded. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Dusk Shine joined in. The rest used their bows and arrows, while Dusk Shine used his fists. He skillfully evaded the smaller plants' attacks before ruthlessly countering with their arrow support. They wondered how and why Dusk Shine had these skills. His heartbeat echoed in his ears, warming his body but not sweat. He looked behind him and paled at the sight.

“SUNSET!” Dusk Shine thundered, ignoring all of the plants in his path to get to his bow. Those plants were gaining on her and he needed to distract them. Dusk Shine fires several shots at what appears to be the leader plant. It shrieked from the puncture before roaring at Dusk Shine. He retreated, bashing numerous flora out of the way. Although vine-like tendrils snatched him and began pulling him to the leader. Dusk Shine held on, pushing his body forward to overpower the plants. It’s not enough. He grabbed one of the arrows stuck into the lesser flower monsters but gradually lost his grip.

“Dusk Shine, take my hand,” Sour Sweet galloped onto the flower, offering her hand as he was just out of her reach. “Please,” She pleaded as their eyes locked. Time slowed as their gazes softened. He stretched his hand out momentarily as Sour was eager to help him. However, Dusk Shine’s face hardened, staring emotionlessly at her. Sour Sweet’s heart shattered as he smacked her hand out of the way before being roughly pulled in.

DUSK SHINE!” Numerous horrified screams echoed as he was flung into its maw.

Sour Sweet tried to confront it, only for Fluttershy and Applejack to drag her back “Let me go, Applejack!” She lamented while pulling away from the two. Tears escaped her eyes, ruining her mascara. She didn’t care if the entire school saw her in a pathetic state.

“Are you crazy? He probably just saved you,” Applejack reasoned as tears swelled into her eyes as well.

“I don’t care!” Sour Sweet wailed as she struggled to get away. “Why didn’t he let me help him?” She broke down, falling to her knees. A familiar aroma filled the air. Smoke? Where is it coming from?

The leader plant began wailing painfully. Pillars of soot escaped from various openings as it attempted to free itself from the burning pain. Someone pointed to the glowing purple spot in the middle. That’s Dusk Shine! Several people prayed for his safety. Hope filled Sour Sweet’s body.

Faust, please let him live; I was going to let him hit,” Lemon Zest pleaded with skyward eyes as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Sunny Flare gawked at her. “What?” She defended as something pushed against the plant’s internal walls, stretching it to the brink. He burst through the monster’s chest with a titanic roar and an earth-shattering amethyst fiery blast. A death wail escaped from the plant’s bleeding lips as it limped to the ground.

“Guess he was too spicy for it?” Applejack and Granny Smith whistled. Sour Sweet broke out of Applejack’s grasp. Her gait was unsteady from grief before getting traction. He’s alive! Thank Faust, he’s alive!

“What just happened?” A CPA student muttered as fear chained them to the bleachers. One moment, Dusk Shine was devoured and blasted through the monster like a newborn Xenomorph. He panted like a cornered beast, staring at his flaming hands with a broken tooth and sharpened bolt. What’s going on?! This isn’t his body! Something. . . changed. Someone from the back of his mind smirked encouragingly.

“What is this?” Dusk Shine murmured. Why does this feel so familiar?

“Yes . . . this is magic,” The voice purred seductively into his ears. (I tried to make the color for the voice text black but since Dark Mode is the most common setting, I decided to keep it blank) “How does it feel?” It asked. He didn’t reply, still attempting to process everything. “Good?” Dusk Shine nodded. Everything about himself improved to the absolute zenith of human potential and beyond. Dusk Shine’s senses were overwhelmed, yet he comprehended every aroma, image, and sensation around him. He hears Sour Sweet’s heart racing as she rushes towards him. She’s worried for him. The amulet scoffed at her. Now she cares.

Dusk Shine scanned the field and found his target. Sour Sweet’s mind panicked after seeing him get eaten like popcorn. Everything horrible action flooded into her eyes. Was she that awful? To where Dusk Shine rejected her hand, favoring his own chances?

The archer sniffed as she got closer. Sour Sweet was determined to apologize to him. Her pride be damned! If she becomes a sloppy mess of tears and snot, it’s worth showing him how much she regrets abandoning him. Her hand reached for Dusk Shine when he vanished in a blur.

“Shit, I gotta do it now,” Lemon Zest purred with a tiny grin.

“Seriously?” Sunny Flare admonished her amorous mindset. They have more pressing matters like survival. The group continued their escape when someone grabbed them.

Dusk Shine?!” They exclaimed as he carried them in his arms and shoulders. How is he doing this?! That’s around 200 kilograms, yet Dusk Shine managed to rocket himself across the playfield, outrunning the motorcycles like they were empty plastic bags. Their relief melted into dread upon witnessing the unholy flames trailing behind him. Dusk Shine’s face didn’t bring them comfort either. His face was a scarred and mutated void of predatory malice covered by green blood and digestive juices. His sapphire hair was a stubborn flame dancing in the wind. They didn’t want to know what his eyes looked like. Dusk Shine dropped into the safe zones before jetting off once again.

The motorcyclists desperately evade the storm of teeth and thorny veins. One of them swiped at Indigo Zap’s tires, causing it to pop. She frantically attempted to maintain control, but it wasn’t enough as she tumbled and rolled off the bike.

“Fuck,” Indigo Zap grunted when a looming shadow drained the color from her face. She screamed, covering her face for impacting doom. Yet nothing happened. Her eyes opened to a figure. “DUSK SHINE?!” She exclaimed. His arm was caught between its jaws while pushing it back. Blood trickled from the puncture wounds as it continued to munch on his arm. One of the motorcycles stopped.

“Get on!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

Indigo, you don’t get on that fucking bike right now! These plants will be the last things you have to worry about,” Dusk Shine threatened, his slitted eyes glowed hauntedly. Indigo didn’t need to be told twice and rode off with Rainbow Dash. Dusk Shine ripped one of the danger-length teeth from its jaw. The monster shrieked in pain, enabling Dusk Shine to stab it under its jaw and crave a line down its stem. Dusk Shine rotated his wrist with a cruel smirk and charged into the group. It didn’t take him long to turn this small group into chopped salad.

Cinch observed his mannerisms. Dusk Shine is remarkably stable and coherent, focusing on clear objectives. His movements are brutally efficient and beyond his usual capabilities. Wait. Her eyes widened at the discovery. This must be how CHS made such rapid improvements within a year. She can use this.

“Dusk Shine!” Trixie yelled, holding a javelin. She got into position, walked back, and skipped forward to launch. Crap, she’s too far away! His hand glowed, drawing in, and landed firmly into his palm.

“Thanks, Trixie!” Dusk Shine smirked savagely, twisting the spear in his grasp. He roared with the might of dragons as he charged into the fray.

Celestia and Harshwinny were directing the students into safety when a purple flaming blur rushed past them. Various seniors attempted to hold the tide, getting students behind them. Vinyl Scratch tripped within the dash. One of the plants was mere feet from her. She panicked, tossing rocks or whatever was nearby to keep it at bay. It rushed as it leaped before falling short. Dusk Shine pierced its body and stabbed it in the head. He gestured for her to run, allowing him to handle it. Vinyl Scratch smiled, getting up to run before heading back, pecking him on the cheek to show her gratitude.

Dusk Shine blinked owlishly. His eyes flashed logical amethyst before turning demonic cyan. Maybe he should call her later. Dusk Shine advanced, rapidly blinking in and out of existence while slaying all plants in his wake.

Trixie observed his blinding repositioning sequence before glancing at the ground. Her eyes widened in recognition. That’s it! She dug it into her jacket pockets, finding loose change and launching it as far as possible. Dusk Shine’s senses detected the debris grinning as it expanded his range. Other students picked up on Trixie’s plan and tossed whatever they could while escaping.

“Please keep the littering to a minimum,” Harshwinny scolded, but allowing it to serve a greater purpose. A constellation of plant corpses was scattered across the field, with Dusk Shine at the center. He eliminated the larger ones while CHS seniors handled the small ones. They nodded to him. Dusk Shine relayed a battle plan before looking up at the frisbee hovering towards CPA. Lyra smiled and waved at him. Dusk Shine grinned before sharpening his face as he vanished in a flash.

Cadance and several members of CPA softball continued their defense of their students. Luna and Celestia did the same for their students. Her baby blue eyes narrowed at Cinch remaining safe in the announcer's booth. What was she doing over there?!

“Dean Cadance,” One of the students pointed. She nodded. Numerous softballs flew her way and swung with monstrous strength, launching them with pinpoint accuracy into the mutated flora.

“Garden Grove, no!” Her friends yelled in horror as one of the larger ones had her dead to rites. Garden crawled away with terror-fueled eyes, smelling its foul herbal breath. She loved to garden but not LIKE THIS! Cadance made her move but halted, viewing a familiar mulberry student jetting like a doomsday meteor.

“Dusk Shine?” Cadance smiled in relief. Garden Grove continued to whimper like a sniveling newborn right when Dusk Shine wrapped his forearms around the lower stem and SUPPLEX the beast, making it roar in anguish.

WHAT THE FUCK?!” Several bellowed at the sight. That thing was estimated to be several meters and almost a ton.

Dusk Shine used his chance to pummel the plant into compost while stabbing as viciously as possible. “What are you still doing here? RUN!” He ordered, looking over his shoulder at the paralyzed Garden Grove.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Fleur De Lis and Orange Sherbet dragged their friend while Grove’s eyes glimmered with a newly ignited emotion. Dusk Shine continued his rampage, using the javelin, dagger tooth, and one of the smaller plants as a bludgeon or a whip against the others.

Luna leaped in with a battle roar, twirling a stained rake in her grasp, carving a path for herself. Dusk Shine didn’t reject her help as they worked in tandem. The Moon ruled the stars as was their oath. Onlookers were astonished and rightfully terrified at the coordination of these roaring hunting beasts.

Dusk Shine lost his civility, becoming more primal in his ferocity while hacking away like a butcher, requiring severe anger management. Luna was the disciplinarian of the sisters. The students' safety was her chief priority on both sides. As Cinch is horribly lacking in their area.

Luna wrapped her sapphire hair in a tight bun, keeping her serenity while Dusk Shine morphed into a beastful supernova. It didn’t matter to them. Kinship united them. They continued their defense, forming a circle and unintentionally swapping weapons during the battle. Both paused, staring at their new tools. What the?

“No, give me that. You get the little one,” Luna commanded, pointing to the rake in his hand. Dusk Shine obeyed. Trixie and her team provided support with the ever-trusty pyrotechnics and their own party cannons.

“Hello again, Nightmare Moon,” A stygian voice hummed in her ears. Her blood chilled, thinking that she would never hear that voice again.

My name is Luna!” Luna broadcasted to the mocking laughter. “I am not the person anymore, and you know it!” She declared while piercing another plant. Her eyes peeked at Dusk Shine, finally taking in his appearance. Where are his glasses!? By the stars, his eyes?! A thunderous groan caught their attention. The largest one that Dusk Shine burst out from is still moving! Bloody fluids leaked from its maw and glared at Dusk Shine. He touched his chest and discovered that his amulet was missing. It must have gotten lost when the plant consumed him. His brow raised at the gradually intensity glowing orb in its maw. Interesting.

Get back,” Dusk Shine ordered as he marched forward. Luna gawked at his utter bravado. IS HE INSANE!? He didn’t wait for her answer, only to find herself with her sister in a flash. Luna stared at herself. How did he!?

Dusk Shine stood defiantly against the beast as it charged its attack. Students ran in panic to create and hopefully escape. Dusk Shine raised a finger, marking a simple glowing line behind him, creating a barrier. He slammed his feet, widening his stance and brandishing his arms.

COME ON THEN!” Dusk Shine challenged. Hellfire burned in his soul awaiting for the overgrown weed to fire.

It did.

The beast bombarded Dusk Shine with an unrelenting solar beam that would make power washers envious. They shielded their eyes from the blinding light. Dusk Shine gritted his teeth from the surmounting heat and pressure. Come on! Don’t let up or falter! The beam subsided, leaving Dusk Shine as a monolith against the storm. Cinch raised her brow at this discovery.

“Was that . . .,” Dusk Shine panted with a pause, glaring fiercely at the accursed plant. “THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!” He raged, ripping sections of his tattered uniform, wanting a challenge from the creature. Flame roared and soared around, scorching the air and earth. Dusk Shine grabbed one of the flames and aimed at the gaping wound. His breathing was steady as his flaming hair began to sizzle out.

“One shot, Dusk Shine. Make it count,” The amulet advised. He nodded. One shot was all that he needed. The leader plant’s eyes widened at the incoming fire bolt. It experienced an emotion that should be excessively advanced for its primal cortex. Fear. Escape was on its mind, but there wasn’t enough time. They terrifyingly observed amethyst flames consume the beast as it fell. CHS students and faculty members rushed with hoses and fire extinguishers to stop the spread. Dusk Shine sharply inhaled, directing streams of fire into his mouth.

“Woah,” Trixie marveled with glimmering eyes. This would be an amazing performance. He consumed it all with a deep gulp as the magic gradually dwindled. Dusk Shine breathed heavily before erupting in a sky-scarring roar, buzzing their ears as they attempted to block it.

Woah,” He whispered, holding his head, finally returning to normal. His eyes were amethyst, and his hair straightened. Exhaustion was minimal. Dusk Shine should be tired or on the ground but still standing. The amulet dimmed, content with the results.

“Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer yelled, sprinting towards him. She tossed her helmet to the side. His eyes brightened.

“Sunset,” Dusk Shine shouted, running towards her. She’s safe. That’s the important thing.

Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer called to him with a razor tone.

“Uh . . . Sunset,” Dusk Shine murmured, sensing the hostile tone. This wasn’t good.

DUSK SHINE!” Sunset Shimmer roared with bared teeth and murder in her cyan eyes. He was right!

“Oh shit,” Dusk Shine muttered fearfully as he turned around for his escape attempt. They observed the pair run around. Sunset Shimmer was hot on his heels, yelling aggressively something in Spanish. This was the first time they’d seen Dusk Shine utterly terrified. He stood up to Cinch, various established CPA students, and held his own against these horrific mutated plants. Yet Sunset Shimmer managed to get him quaking in his boots with his tail between his legs.

“Are you sure they’re not dating?” One of them whispered to Luna, Celestia, and Cadance. Only a significant other can make someone like Dusk Shine lose his composure.

Nope,” They replied dully as Dusk Shine attempted to evade Sunset’s wrath. “Besides, I would’ve known years ago,” Cadance added. Although it’s a humorous sight to see him razzled after having a quiet arrogance. She caught him and tackled him, bringing them both to the ground. Their teams followed and overheard the argument between them.

“You freaking idiot!” Sunset growled with worry, tightly gripping his damaged uniform with sharpened eyes. She paused, trying to catch her breath and pick her words. “Why would you do something so reckless?!” Sunset demanded.

Because I love you, and I care about you! Do I need a better fucking reason to help you?!” Dusk Shine confessed. His voice echoed for everyone to hear. Sunset’s face softened with gobsmacked eyes.

“Oh. . .” Several commented blankly with wide, flabbergasted eyes. That’s. . . That’s a first coming from Dusk Shine. Cadance, Luna, and Celestia knew Dusk Shine longer than anyone besides his immediate family. His calm demeanor was consistent throughout his youth and current adolescence. There have been instances of excitability, but nothing like this. Shame filled the hearts of CPA students hearing his motivation. Some glared judgmentally at their significant other. If Dusk Shine can quickly voice his love for another and eagerly rush in to help them so, why can’t they?

“Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer whispered, allowing him to sit up.

“Look. I couldn’t help you during the Anon event,” Dusk Shine confessed straightforwardly. Sunset wanted to say that it wasn’t his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself, but he grabbed her shoulders. “But I’ll be damned if I don’t help you now,” He vowed, flames of determination flickered in his pupils.

“You’re still a fucking idiot for doing that,” Sunset countered, punching him in the shoulder.

“OH, not my shoulder,” Dusk Shine groaned painfully as he held the damaged part.

“What happened?” Sunset worried, cursing at herself for doing that. He’s injured, for fuck sake.

“I think one of them knocked my shoulder out of place,” Dusk Shine calculated, given how dynamic his actions were within the past several minutes.

Sunset Shimmer checked his injuries, pausing at an old wound. “Dusk Shine . . . where do you get this?” She asked dully, chilling his body. This was an arrow wound, but she had known him for years, and he was never that clumsy.

“There was a training accident during archery practice leading up to the games,” Dusk Shine confessed as the wounds pulsed. Sunset glanced over his shoulder at the incoming group. There’s only one person who could’ve done this. She pressed her forehead against his and got up. His eyes widened at her clenched fist. Oh no

“You . . .” Sunset Shimmer seethed, glaring at Sour Sweet. Her cyan eyes blazed with rage and long-awaited payback. “FUCKING BITCH!” She slammed her fist into Sour Sweet’s face, knocking spit out her mouth and causing a small blood trickle to escape. Sunset didn’t ease her assault, bringing both of them to the ground.

“Woah!” They exclaimed, jumping back from their scuffle. Both were strong, but Sunset had more experience fighting due to her bullying days. Some started to play bet as the two tumbled on the grass.

“What’s your fucking problem?!” Sour Sweet grunted as she struggled against Sunset’s force. Yeah, she got a few hits in, but that’s nothing compared to the rage boosted by protectiveness.

You are!” Sunset Shimmer exploded before getting punched in the nose, but it didn’t stop her. “He loved you! You did as well. Yet you tossed him away like he was nothing!” Sunset Shimmer emphasized with each strike, hoping that Sour Sweet would feel a literal fraction of the pain she caused Dusk Shine. Both girls were dragged away by their respective teams but were still trying to shred the other. “How much do you have to hurt him before you’re happy?” She lamented, recalling his tears and painful wails after the incident. Their teams exchanged confused glances about their argument. CHS is entirely out of the loop, while CPA had an inkling of the damaged relationship between Sour Sweet and Dusk Shine. Was the archer at fault?

“I know that I hurt-” Sour Sweet choked, mainly due to her thumping jaw and bruised nose. Hell, one of her buns got loose.

Do you really?!” Sunset Shimmer howled. Her face was scratched and bruised from her short fight with Sour Sweet.

“Sunset Shimmer, that’s enough,” Dusk Shine interjected, halting their explosive scrap.

“Dusk Shine, she-” Sunset started, glaring venomously at Sour Sweet.

“It wasn’t her,” Dusk Shine interrupted, blunting her wrath. “Moondancer’s arrow ricocheted and hit me in the shoulder,” He explained, his eyes motioning to her. Moondancer’s eyes widened, backstepping from Sunset’s harsh glare. She’s not taking that risk.

“I’m not apologizing to this bitch,” Sunset Shimmer spat.

“Awww. Like I fucking wanted your damn apology,” Sour Sweet hissed

“There’s no need to yell and cuss,” Luna scolded, sternly glaring at the archer. Where’s Cinch in all of this mess?

“Can we just finish the round already?” Dusk Shine pleaded.

“Get to Nurse Redheart first,” Celestia ordered, pointing to the medical tent.

“I’m fine,” Dusk Shine declared before the grass swayed under his feet. “Woah,” His body stumbled as the adrenaline finally wore off. NO! DON’T LET THEM SEE YOU FALL! He forced himself to remain standing, but his legs didn’t allow him to stand, forcing him to crouch.

“Dusk Shine!” They rushed in. “Easy,” He swatted them away. His overloaded senses remained on high alert.

“My glasses, I can’t see,” Dusk Shine mentioned with heavy breathing, touching his bare face. Aether temporarily corrected his vision, but its effects wore off, returning his blurry vision. No! He missed having normal eyesight. The simple experience of seeing anything in your face without assistance is a luxury countless people take for granted. They scanned the area for his spectacles. Come on, where are they?

“Right here,” Spike announced, tenderly holding them between his teeth. They were taken aback by this. When did Spike learn how to talk?! Oh, right, Aether. Dusk Shine’s ears caught the jiggling of Spike’s collar. They gave the top student a wide space, not wanting to spook him.

“Spike?” Dusk Shine questioned, narrowing his eyes at the fuzzy purple and green image.

“Mhm,” Spike nodded calmly despite his rumbling heartbeat. Dusk Shine instinctively offered his hand. Spike dropped the glasses into his palm.

“My glasses?” Dusk Shine remarked, his fingers grazing the object. They were wet from Spike’s mouth and whatever that plant had. Specks of dirt and grass were all over it. Another image appeared from his peripheral. Pink? It’s Cadance.

“Here’s a cloth, Dusk Shine,” The Dean handed him a gentle one. He took it and gently cleaned his glasses as he had done many times before. CPA and CHS watched him. He looked different and didn’t know how to feel about it.

Dusk Shine was a pillar of Crystal Prep’s scholarly excellence. Sharp, intelligent, rational, cunning, and determined. Then Aether turned him into a resilient inferno, placing himself in harm's way to save everyone from the carnivorous plants. However, Dusk Shine’s protectiveness was fueled by his desire to protect this Sunset Shimmer. Now, the pillar stands resolute but dented and filthy, barely standing. His sharp, noble features grew heavy and almost childish. He looks his age without glasses. The Dusk Shine before Cinch took him under her wing and corrupted him. Before Crystal Prep forced him to mature and become jaded,

His glasses returned to his face, bringing the Dusk Shine they knew or what they thought they knew. No scratches on the glasses. Good. He examined his body for any oddities.

“Huh,” Dusk Shine stated at his dislocated fingers as they gasped. “When did that happen?” He muttered before grabbing his fingers and correcting the problem with sickening crunches.

DUDE?! WHAT THE FUCK?!” Indigo Zap exclaimed, her eyes widened in shock. “Do you even feel pain?” She muttered, holding her wheezy stomach.

“Mentally and emotionally,” Dusk Shine answered, flexing his fingers before popping his shoulder back into place. “I always receive that at CPA,” He sneered at his suddenly shameful teammates.

Sunset freed herself, ready to catch him if he fell. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t need anything?”

I could seriously go for a beer right now,” Dusk Shine replied gruffly. Was that even his voice?

“WHAT?!” They cried out. Dusk Shine drinks?!

“How do you think I tolerate you guys?” Dusk Shine sneered at his teammates as his loved ones gazed in worrying alarm, and CHS glared at them. This is how they treated their best?

“I do hope your consumption is moderate,” Cinch interposed, finally walking down from her throne. Cadance and Luna rolled their eyes at her appearance. “It would be unbecoming for you as the Top student,” She warned. Perhaps she should inform one of her associates and do a seminar at the school. Cinch doesn’t know the personal lives of her students. It’s better to be safe and sorry.

“Well, I think it’s unbecoming to sit back, do nothing, and let your subordinate and colleagues do all the work,” Dusk Shine countered, narrowing his amethyst eyes at his principal. Their mouths dropped at his words. He wasn’t wrong, as everyone agreed with him. Celestia and Cadance desired to be the ones who criticized her behavior as it was highly unsuitable for a principal. Although they would’ve used more tact even though seeing Cinch’s utterly startled face made it absolutely worth it.

“Excuse me?” Cinch questioned in a tight tone. One of her eyes began to twitch. This isn’t her Dusk Shine!

“I’m not going to say it twice. If it wasn’t important to listen to it the first time, then it’s not worth repeating,” Dusk Shine groaned, rotating his shoulder to release the stress. “That’s what you told me, remember?” He elucidated as his eyes narrowed, raising one of his brows. His baritone voice goaded to reveal her hypocrisy.

“Yes, but. . .,” Cinch hesitated, attempting to craft a plausible explanation. It worked.

“But what, Principal Abacus Cinch?” Dusk Shine scoffed, marching straight up to her. He didn’t allow her to respond or lie to his face again. Cinch paled slightly with a chilling sweat, taking several cautious back steps. She glanced over to her peers, hoping to support her defense. The stoic and arrogant CPA principal found nothing. She’s searching for a droplet of water in a drought-stricken desert.

“You’re going to revoke my application to Everton just to keep me here? If you even sent it all, that is? Terminate Dean Cadance’s position to send her away so you can keep your current yet dwindling power and influence?” Dusk Shine brazenly countered and glared harshly at his principal. Cadance also harshly grimaced, and the Shadow 5 shot theirs, too. They adored Dean Cadance. Far more than Cinch can ever dream of. “Are you really going to ruin someone’s life just because they rightfully stood up to you? Like so many others?” Dusk Shine accused with a scoldingly dangerous glare. He’s sick of all of her crap! Cinch’s eyes widened, and her heart grew dense. Does he know, and how much does he know?

“. . .,” Cinch hesitated to answer as all eyes were on her. Judgment coiled around her like a noose. What’s wrong, Cinch? No smart remarks or convenient restructuring of previously said words?

“Of course,” Dusk Shine mocked, rolled his eyes, taking her silence as an answer, and walked off. Cinch snarled uncharacteristically at his audacious display of insubordination. Who gave him the right to disobey her?! Her heart blazed, her fist tightened, and veins webbed under her clutch jaw. She stomped forward, raising her hand at Dusk Shine, when something stopped her.

PUT YOUR FOUL HAND DOWN BEFORE I REMOVE IT FOR YOU!” Night Blaze’s fiery eyes roared from Dusk Shine’s back. Cinch froze, witnessing this otherworldly creature. She was too late. A shadowy arm bathed with scornful flames snatched and ripped her arm from its socket.

Cinch gasped and hastily glanced at her still attached arm, finding herself on the ground. She exhaled in relief as she turned to the disappointed expressions of her students, Cadance and CHS, as they whispered to each other.


“What’s her problem?”

“I didn’t think she could get any worse,”

“Was she going to hit him?”

“I can give you some numbers. They’ll happily take you after her,”

Dread bubbled in her stomach from their words and disappointed stares. She had the wrong choice in an RPG. Dusk Shine stared at her. Their eyes met. Nothing is shining in his pupils. Stepping an ant would evoke more emotions. If Dusk Shine had emotions in his eyes, she detected apathy and disappointment. He turned.

Cinch cleared her throat and dusted herself off. “How about a brief recession to clean everything up and proceed with the rest of the games?” She requested, attempting to regain control of the situation.

“Cleaning up, yes. But continuing the games will be up to the students,” Luna asserted with crossed arms. She disapproved of Cinch’s insistence on the continuation of the games. The students were in grave danger, but she only cared about the scoreboard.

“Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, would you kindly tell them your decision?” Cinch asked the motorcyclists.

“I’m okay with it,” Sugarcoat answered robotically.

“Same,” Indigo Zap agreed.

“Good,” Cinch nodded in smug satisfaction. The rest looked indifferent to her imagined victory. Wow. Forcing kids to continue after risking their lives just to keep your reputation. A herbal roar startled them as another plant monster sprouted. This one was smaller than the rest.

OH COME ON!” Rainbow Dash yelled. How many are left? One launched at Applejack, whose leg was wrapped with vines when an arrow pierced its eye. They followed the trajectory, revealing Dusk Shine retaking aim once. Several bolts were released. He charged. Trixie tossed him a garden trowel. Dusk Shine caught it as he began his assault. They watched in awe and terror as he dissected the creature and evaded the attacks.

“Should we help?”His classmates wondered where he learned this. Was it his grandmother? But why would Dusk Shine, of all people, need to know that? They refuted that insane theory, settling on Aether implanting these new skills into him.

Nope,” Luna, Celestia, and Cadance shared a glance. The beast was felled as green blood leaked, broken teeth, and shredded foliage littered around it. Dusk Shine’s hands were stained green again. He turned to them, making them flinch in anticipation.

“Are you alright, Applejack?” Dusk Shine asked, reaching out his hand to the farmgirl.

“I am. Thank you kindly Dusk Shine,” Applejack praised as she took it.

“I’m just returning the favor,” Dusk Shine smiled, making the farm girl blush. “I don’t want Celestia in my case if someone happened to one of her family's oldest allies,” He motioned to the former royal.

“Mhm. . .,” Cadance and Celestia muttered teasingly as his former babysitter took notes.

“What?” Dusk Shine deadpanned with narrowed eyes. Great, Celestia is in on it too!

“She does meet some of your preferences,” Cadance beamed, writing more notes down.

“Like?” Dusk Shine questioned.

“You like them mature, responsible, and shapely,” Luna countered with a teasing smile. Amethyst met Jade before separating with ruby spreading across their features.

“Do you have the facts to back it up?” Dusk Shine debated with crossed arms. They smirked as they leaned in. His face heated while averting their gaze. “Never mind, don’t answer that,” He backtracked before walking off.

We approve of this!” Celestia and Cadance shouted, making Applejack blush deeper. Her friends gave her teasing remarks.

“We’re not doing this today!” Dusk Shine yelled back before stopping at his teammates. “You’re welcome,” He said, annoyed.

“Oh sorr-”

“Save it. How is this different from all the other times when I swoop in to save the day?” Dusk Shine raised his hand, cutting it short. “Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat,” He called out to the remaining participants.

“Yes,” They stuttered, forcing their bodies to stand at attention as he approached them.

Don’t fuck up,” Dusk Shine smiled coldly at them. It was unnaturally and drastically unnerving, like a cat playing with its food before devouring it. “You’re the only ones who can give us another three-peat, so don’t mess it up,” His eyes sharpened to an executioner’s blade, and it’s on their necks.

“You got it, Dusk Shine,” Indigo Zap smiled sheepishly as Sugarcoat nodded. He walked away.

“Dusk Shine, wait,” Sunny Flare cried out to him, but he didn’t listen. “Hey, I’m speaking to you!” She snarled, running in front of him and crossing her arms with a glare.

Does it look like I’m listening?” Dusk Shine responded, lowering his eyelids. He leaned in. “Besides, I don’t listen to bastards,” He whispered with less warmth than liquid nitrogen. Crueler than a show ending a cliffhanger before canceling or going on an indefinite hiatus.

“Do you think you’re better than me?!” Sunny Flare exclaimed, her eyes becoming glassy at his comment. Why would he say that?

“Oh, but I am. Everyone knows it, especially her,” Dusk Shine declared. Her anguished eyes went to her mother, recalling everything she had done for Dusk Shine.

“That’s not,” Sunny Flare stammered before pausing, not wanting to believe it. He’s only a better student. That’s all! Right? She’s her daughter, making it worth something. Right. . .?

“Sunny Flare, when did I ever lie to you?” Dusk Shine informed straightforwardly, raising his brow at her defiance. Her face loosened. He’s right. Dusk Shine has no reason to lie to her. “Maybe Cinch would respect you a little more if you weren’t so damn desperate for her fickle affection,” Dusk Shine scolded harshly, his draconic eyes sliding over to Cinch. He knew the type. Cozy Glow and one of her children. Always eager to please, but they’ll never get anything in return. “There’s nothing you can do to make her love you unconditionally. Everything comes with a price for her,” His voice softened, chiseling away at her arrogant pride, coaxing the daughter to WAKE UP. “If you want my advice, learn to live without her,” Dusk Shine concluded, leaving her with her thoughts.

Live without her.

Those words echoed. Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet dragged the wide-eyed and dazed Sunny Flare away from this mess. Cadance joined in, leaving the CHS principals and Cinch to deal with the rest. CHS students and faculty from the agriculture department led the clean-up.

CPA students muttered to themselves, slowly comprehending the dramatic event. One of them pointed with a shaky finger at Dusk Shine. Several paused as their breath was trapped in their lungs like an iron maiden. Can they breathe? Or are they even allowed to breathe or think? Dusk Shine did some push-ups, did a little breakdance number, and flexed before flipping them off as both CHS principals and Cadance dragged him by the collar with stern expressions.

Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Dusk Shine minced together. They showed their exhaustion and how the battle left them. Messy hair filled with debris and plant parts. Their sophisticated faces were stained with dirt, grass, chlorophyll-lained blood, and dense bags on their eyes. They winced their filthy clothes, but it was a good thing they had replacements. Dusk Shine gestured to the concession table to get something to eat. The adults countered, pointing him to go to the medical tent. He rolled his eyes and obeyed.

Although the students didn’t see wretched battle-scarred messes. They witnessed the valor of Eqeustria’s last symbols of nobility. Luna and Celestia are the only confirmed remnants of the last Queen of Equestria. CHS was built to create harmony for all 3 tribes. They weren’t going to let overgrown weeds destroy it. Cadance was from one of the branch families, but that didn’t sully the values installed in her. Their respect for her skyrocketed beyond what was already there. She’s in her mid-twenties, yet the Princess of Love battled as hard as her elders with her trusty bat and baseballs.

Then there’s Cinch. The ever-pristine white glove. A dusty, sheathed sword is what the older generations would call her. No sword should be dusty. It’s a tool, a weapon, something meant to be used. To be dusty means to be useless or untested. CPA students frowned, sneered, and gossiped as Cinch gave orders as if she did something. Their principal sat on the throne, safe from danger. At the same time, Cadance, Luna, and Celestia protected their students, including themselves, despite the schools’ tense rivalry.

Whatever respect they had for Cinch dropped to the Hadal Zone. Truthfully, they never had genuine affection for the principal. All they did was be polite and tolerant of her. They focused on Dusk Shine, pacing to the Nurse Redheart. Even he was sick of Cinch’s antics. Paradoxical emotions stormed within them, gazing at the line Dusk Shine marked as he defended them with infernal determination. Fear, intimidation, admiration, gratitude, shame, and guilt. Here are more reasons why he was the Schola Perfecta.

“Hey, where’s Garden Grove,” Fleur De Lis remarked, wondering where the green-haired girl went.

“She’s checking on Dusk Shine,” Cold Forecast mentioned, her eyes following her friend jogging to the medical tent. Garden ignored the bewildered gazes from her classmates as she went to Dusk Shine. He saved her! She could've been plant food had he not wrestled that thing away from her. That should count for something. She paused, waiting at the tent’s entrance. Nurse Redheart and several students were examining Dusk Shine’s vital signs. This was their first time seeing how Aether impacts the human body. Dusk Shine was among the few stable cases.

“Heart rate,” Nurse Redheart ordered.

“72,” One of them replied.

“Blood pressure,” The older woman continued before glancing at the Top student. Dusk Shine is surprisingly cooperative during the assessment. The vast majority of cases were ruthlessly aggressive, but not with him. Maybe Aether impacts certain people differently?

“Normal,” Another answered.

“Temperature,” Redheart asked.

Above average,” One of them reported with expanded eyes. He’s running a fever, or his body is reacting similarly to one. They didn’t detect any sweat or reddened skin.

Garden Garden ogled Dusk Shine, bewildered at his current form. Bandages wrapped around his limbs and torso to coat his shallow wounds.

Can we help you?” Nurse Redheart questioned, acknowledging Garden Groove’s presence. The CHS students stood and glared defensively at her. They heard all the jeers and insults they spewed at Dusk Shine.

“I’m . . . just checking up on Dusk Shine,” Garden Grove answered. Dusk Shine raised a brow as he chuckled darkly. That’s a first. The amulet buzzed in agreement. Her steps rattled with anxiety while approaching him. She swiftly and briefly kissed him on the cheek. Dusk Shine’s indifferent to many things at CPA, but this was a shock. “Thanks for saving me,” She announced with a red face before running out of the tent before her friends saw her. Too late! Garden stopped on a dime as beads of cold sweat leaked from her forehead. Fleur De Lis, Cold Forecast, Orange Sherbet, Melon Mint, Frosty Orange, and Diwata Aino had varying expressions. Amusement and indifference were the primary ones. They walked off together.

“O. . .kay,” Dusk Shine muttered with confusion wrapped around his face. His stomach bellowed. “Don’t even start, Dean Cadance,” He declared while standing up.

“Buzzkill,” Cadance pouted. Redheart resumed her documentation before widening her eyes. It was a brief moment, but she knew what she saw. Dusk Shine’s wounds glowed, trailing the length before completely sealing it as if it never happened. Better make a note of that. Dusk Shine, Luna, Celestia, and Cadance were discussing the events at one of the nearby tables. At the same time, he devoured mountains of food and oceans of drinks. They widened their eyes. The women knew his massive appetite, but this was ridiculous! And, of course, Cinch is nowhere to be found. Instead, she’s focusing on coldly intimidating or blackmailing Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap to ensure they comprehend the gravity of their situation.

Dusk Shine didn’t reply to them, at least not verbally. His finger made rhythmic tapping on the aged wood, conveying his dire message. Their stomachs and faces twisted into wrathful disgust as Cinch has been doing to him and Sunny Flare. Cinch isn’t just awful; she’s utterly abysmal. The adults exchanged a determined and knowing glance as Luna placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

She must be stopped!

The remaining Shadow 5 used the brief remission to change into their uniforms. Sour Sweet flexed to ease her aching jaw. Man, Sunset hits hard. At least all of her other injuries were swiftly patched up.

“Hey, Sour Sweet,” Lemon Zest asked, probing lightly for what she was about to ask. “What’s the deal with you and Sunset?” She questioned while putting on her shoes. Sour Sweet frowned deeply, understanding where this was going. “She was fucking pissed at you,” Lemon Zest commented on their earlier brawl. That came out of nothing!

Gee, you don’t say,” Sour Sweet deadpanned while rolling her eyes. “Tell that to my fucking jaw,” She gestured to her bruised lip.

“She meant with you and Dusk Shine,” Sunny Flare corrected, putting on her coat.

“Yeah, what’s that all about?” Lemon Zest pondered. “Were you two dating or something?” Her question made the archer shudder.

“You can . . . say that,” Sour Sweet hesitated, briefly looking away before putting on her mascara.

I knew it!” Lemon Zest cheered with dollar signs in her eyes. Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat owe her so much money. “But that was puppy love. Casual. So why did she get so heated?” She continued as that’s the stubborn question. Why was Sunset Shimmer infuriated with her? Sour Sweet didn’t reply, only giving her a glassy-eyed expression with a lovelorn smile. It clicked. “Oh . . .! Oh shit,” Lemon Zest muttered, covering her mouth. They were going steady and probably more. “Did you two . . .” She made a lewd hand gesture.

“No,” Sour Sweet refutes the accusation, wiping her upcoming tears as her face heated. “If things continued, I wouldn’t mind it,” She replied softly with a gentle smile. Truthfully, Sour Sweet missed it all. The stars in his gorgeous eyes when he looked at her. How they used to watch movies together. Her fingers lightly grazed her lips, remembering how they effortlessly glided on each other.

“Oh, I knew people would be pissed if Dusk Shine lost his virginity before them,” Lemon Zest chuckled along with the rest of them. Maybe he already did but never said anything. “Why did you two break up?” She wondered. If they were that serious, then why did they end it?

I didn’t do it by choice,” Sour Sweet murmured. She wanted to say no, but they didn’t allow her to refuse.

“Who's then?” Lemon Zest questioned.

My bitch of a mother, that’s who,” Sunny Flare snarled, narrowing her eyes at the needless manipulation of her personal life.

“Why?” Lemon Zest raised a confused brow. Why was Cinch heavily invested in Dusk Shine’s love life?

“She has a weird rivalry with his mother, Twilight Velvet. Both had feelings for his dad, Night Light when they were students, but he chose Twilight,” Sunny Flare elaborated as they made disgusted faces from the reveal. Cinch is doing this as some type of payback. Wait, she's older than them, including Luna and Celestia. She was already the principal, too! Or at least employed at CPA, but Cinch would’ve been incredibly young.

No, that doesn’t make any sense. His parents would’ve been students, yet she had romantic feelings for Night Light. Hopefully, Cinch was an intern during her rivalry with Twilight. Otherwise, this adds an extra disturbing layer.

“Understandable, his dad is hot,” Lemon Zest contributed before focusing on the timeline and potential motivation. “She made them break up so you two can date to make some hyper-genius kids,” She calculated, attempting to piece together the end game. Granted, a child born from Dusk Shine and Sunny Flare would be an academic monster.

“How the fuck should I know?” Sunny Flare crabbed at the insanity of her mother. There’s no point in trying to rationalize the irrational. “I mean,” She paused, collecting her thoughts for the response. “I’m okay with it, but it should be my choice,” Sunny Flare declared. Her mind went to post-CPA as Dusk Shine suggested. She’s free from her mother and Crystal Prep, enjoying life the way she wants. No titanic expectations under pressure that can turn clay into diamond. Sunny Flare is Sunny Flare. Dusk Shine is Dusk Shine. She could see him waving to her, looking handsome as always. Sunny Flare returned the smile as they sat inside a local coffee shop to finally know each other as people.

“So we all think Dusk Shine is hot,” Lemon Zest addressed. She’s putting it out there as they’re all thinking it.

“Basically,” Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet acknowledged.

“Although, I prefer the straight-edged nerd and not this current one,” Lemon Zest winced at how callously aggressive has become. They knew he wasn’t a wimp, but this was too much. She needed the nerd that turns several flavors of red upon being flirted with. “That Aether really fucked him up,” She worried, lowering her headphones to recollect her thoughts.

Maybe that, along with the high-stress situation, made him belligerent.

“And we didn’t make it easier for him,” Sour Sweet worried, gazing at her hand. The image of Dusk Shine refusing it became a core memory for her.

“He should be fine, though,” Lemon Zest claimed, clutching vain hope. “Dusk Shine is stronger what we give him credit for,”

The topic of their conversation walked across the field back to the school. His wounds were dressed, his stomach filled, and he was stripped of his sports clothes. They needed to analyze for further research. Better to be safe than sorry. Dusk Shine fiddled with the amulet; his fingers grew warm against the cold metal. Luna chatted with him albeit briefly as Cinch interrupted again. Spike had to go with Trixie to avoid any more complications regarding Cinch. Funny that her allergic
reaction didn’t kick in?

Dusk Shine~” He paused, hearing his name. There’s that voice again! A tiny portal opened with a forsaken tolling bell, offering its umbral hand, tendril, or whatever. “You’ve seen and experienced a sample of what Aether can do,” The slithering voice conveyed. “And you’ve wielded it well,” It praised. Dusk Shine blankly gazed into the esoteric abyss. “But that’s only a fraction of your true potential,” It purred, offering way more, pushing the appendage forever. Luna glanced at him from the slightest corner of her eye. Her blood chilled, and her face faulted before running towards Dusk Shine. She didn’t care that she looked like a madwoman. His safety was paramount! Luna protectively wrapped her arms around his shoulder, pulling him back from the portal.

“Back off, hellspawn! You! Will! NOT CLAIM HIM TODAY! OR ANY OTHER DAY!” Several voices boomed in his defense. Night Blaze, Luna, and someone else. Confusion buzzed in Dusk Shine’s brain, attempting to decode this unfamiliar yet familiar voice. He peered around, finding another portal. But this had a brighter hue. Warm, welcoming, and regal. It vanished.

Dusk Shine didn’t recall or care about what Luna said or did after all of that. Maybe she asked him if he was okay. Did she say a prayer of protection over him? Probably. All Dusk Shine knew that he was back inside. Waiting for the final round.

This will determine his fate.

Freedom or trapped for the next several years in that prison.