• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,558 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

  • ...

The stars align for the dark prince

Sour Sweet snarled as she stomped towards the food court as Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat trailed behind. The archer’s shoe crashed into the tile floor, sending mild vibrations through her thighs. Patrons cleared a path for Sour Sweet with murder or thoughts of ruthless violence parading in her mind. “Who does that blue bitch think she is?” She fumed to herself. A better friend than you?

“You two don’t like each other,” Sugarcoat stated the obvious

“Gee, what gave that away?” Sour Sweet grumbled with a dirty look. Sunny Flare glanced at a video game store. They found an empty table in the food court.

“So, what did Cinch want to talk you about?” Sugarcoat prodded. Sunny Flare flinched at the question. Should she tell them? Not like they can help her. “Did it have something to do with that envelope?”

“Yes,” Sunny Flare admitted emotionlessly. “It wasn’t his recommendation to Everton,” She whispered. Their brows bridged together at the answer. If it wasn’t for Everton, then what was it? “She promised compensation if he was rejected,” Sunny Flare implied to the only people she can call friends. The two scoured their minds. What could she promise? Wealth, fame, power? No, it can’t be something as frivolous as that. Dusk Shine had all of them already. Something tangible and accessible? Sunny Flare’s hopeless eyes caught their attention. Their eyes widened, catching their breaths in their throats.

“You got to be fucking shitting me,” Sour Sweet muttered. Sunny Flare shook her head, grabbing her wrist. “Is there something you can do?”

“What can I do?” Sunny Flare countered, exhaling as she covered her face. “For all I know, she has my signature to sign some contract,” She muttered at her dire circumstances. The big question is will Dusk Shine accept it? “The only good thing about this shit fest is that it’s Dusk Shine and not some creep old enough to be my grandfather,” Sunny Flare rationalized, attempting to see the positives. “Unless you guys want to relieve some stress instead of me,” She glanced at the two, gesturing a stroking motion. “Your hair is already in a ponytail,” Sour Sweet's face raged pink at the suggestion. Sunny Flare checked her phone. Her chauffeur is waiting outside. “I’ll see you guys later,” She mumbled before walking off.

Principal Cinch sipped a glass of exquisite wine as she did some light reading when the doorbell chimed, echoing throughout the halls. She grinned at the notification from her cell phone. Cinch placed a bookmark as she sauntered to the front door. A delivery girl with grayish skin held a parcel.

“Delivery for Abacus Cinch,” Derpy read off the name. If you’re curious, yes, that’s her name.

“That’s me,” Cinch answered. She signed the form, taking it from the girl's hand. “Thank you,” The postal worker saluted before heading to the van. From Sire’s Hollow. She smiled at the location, closing the door. Cinch ambled to her private studies and locked the entrance. No distractions. She carefully opens the package, removing the bubble wrap and other cushioning. “There it is,” Cinch smirked at the tiny purple chest. She grabbed the note from Firelight. Here’s the item as promised. The note read. This is an ancient relic discovered in the Badlands. His tribe was the masters of Aether. Please take care of it. Cinch opened the chest. Her fuschia eyes glimmered at the purple amulet. One on the surface, it’s unremarkable yet the runes resonated with unmatched power. She reached for it when it rumbled with an arcane force, wincing as it scorched her hand. Cinch nursed her palm. No burn. “Better to keep it locked,” She muttered, closing it with a snap. Cinch activated her desktop as the light reflected off her glasses. Acceptance letter sent. The message was read and received.

A rhythmic knocking caught her attention. “Ms. Cinch. Sunny Flare and I have arrived,” Her housekeeper announced

“Thank you, please get dinner started,” Cinch ordered, shutting off her computer.

“Of course, ma’am,” She obeyed. Cinch gave the chest a final look before leaving the room.

Dusk Shine stared at the accused envelope provided by Principal Abacus Cinch. It reeked foul deception as Night Blaze glared over Dusk Shine’s shoulder. Whatever this letter contains, he won’t like it. His purple fingers grazed the seal, pinching it for a moment. He exhaled before removing it. “You ready, nerd?”Night Blaze asked his host. Cinch promised compensation if or in her case when his application to Everton was rejected after they won the Friendship Games.

“Are we ever?” Dusk Shine retorted while opening the letter as Night Blaze shrugged. Now what does Cinch has to offer? There’s not much she can give him. However, her influence and reputation run deep. It better be good or piqued his interest.

Dear Dusk Shine. As requested from our earlier engagement, I have provided a matter of compensation if your application to the Everton independent program is regrettably rejected for whatever reason,’

That’s because your flat ass did something,” Night Blaze accused as they read the typed letter. He rubbed his brow. “What else does it say?”

Your monthly stipend as the top student of Crystal Prep Academy will increase to $750 and further increases until your momentous graduation,” The pair glanced at the other with interest. That’s almost double then what they usually paid him. Okay, more money. He’s already one of the wealthier members of society. You need to give him something … more. “Your private lab will be expanded into a lounge room or free space for your leisure. A tiny home away from home, if you say. Everyone needs a break from time to time. However, the school rules are still enforced as expected from a professional like yourself. No parties or prohibited substances. Also, keep noises at a respectable volume. Although your lab has soundproof material, it was an old music room then a custodial closet,”

“My lab is soundproof?” Dusk Shine questioned the information. He rubbed his chin, reexamining the characteristics. It is reasonably isolated, spacious for its size, and easy to expand into the other vacant rooms. There’s more to the letter.

Accommodations will be provided and multifunctional due to the limited space such as a sofa or couch, table, chairs, or beanbags. You can use the projector to watch movies or presentations for yourself and your guests,” She continued stoically. Guests? He doesn’t have friends at Crystal Prep.

You may never know. It can happen in a few years,” Cadance’s heavenly voice echoed in his mind. So annoying. Night Blaze fanned the thought bubble away.

You have to admit that it does sound pretty nice,” He informed the scientist. Dusk Shine groaned at the suggestion. Cinch is buttering him up for the inevitable aftermath of her betrayal. Let’s check the facts. She gave better pay and improved research facilities for his enjoyment. He can play a few games during his downtime. Huh. Maybe inviting some people won’t hurt. Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, and maybe Lemon Zest as long as she behaves. An image of Sour Sweet’s smiling face flashed in his mind. NO! No… that’s in the past.

I do hope these are to your liking. Now would you kindly scan the QR provided for an added bonus?” Cinch’s corrupting voice boomed, forcing his eyes to dull. Night Blaze frowned at his host, obeying Cinch’s commands like an automaton following its programming. Dusk Shine pressed the link. Vile and wrath fueled his eyes at what was shown. Dusk blinked absentmindedly as he regained his composure, fixing his glasses.

“What the Tartarus?” They muttered at the contents. A photo album of Sunny Flare ranging from safe in her uniform and casual attire to more risque as in being a two-piece bikini. He paused at a picture. It’s a selfie. Sunny Flare held a digital camera, smiling in front of a mirror. Her white bra sat proudly on her chest with her CPA skirt securely fastened to her waist. The photo had to be taken before or after school.

A message popped up. “I’m aware that this is a shock to you given your reserved nature and reservations about relationships,” Yeah, no shit Sherlock. “However, my daughter, Sunny Flare, has been tasked to be your ‘assistant’ ( I use that term loosely since you view her as an equal) for some time now, but her aid isn’t required per se but greatly appreciated. There are some ways she can be of ‘service to you,” Dusk Shine gulped, pausing at the sentence. The abyss in his gut expanded, growing vaster each passing second. Is she saying?

No. No way.

For instance, she can ‘aid’ in your stress management,” She’s vague about her wording to cover her tracks. “Along with being a companion, perhaps even more if you so desire. You have to admit that Sunny Flare is a lovely young lady. I do hope that these photos will make you see her in a different light. They’re yours to keep,” Yep, there it was. That’s why she sent those photos. “Perhaps, it can make you more open to what she can do. Both of you are healthy adolescents in the prime time of youth; thus, certain feelings and desires will emerge. Please do enjoy yourself, Dusk Shine, and take your time to consider this final request,” Cinch’s scheming voice lingered into his ear.

Holy shit,” Night Blaze muttered at the situation's absurdity in disbelief. “This bitch is offering her own daughter as a way to keep you at Crystal Prep,” Sunny Flare’s too independent to submit to it willfully. Unless. His fiery azure eyes expanded upon analyzing the horrifying facts. “Sunny Flare doesn’t know about this,”

“No, she has to know something about this,” Dusk Shine recalled. Cinch asked her to stay for a moment. “She doesn’t have a say about it,” He said bitterly, acknowledging the similarities of their situation. Both are forced by Principal Cinch to be in unfavorable positions. All for her benefit and reputation. He can’t imagine how Sunny Flare feels right now. His finger traced a healed year old scar. Never mind, he does. The lingering burn of someone you thought you could trust. Never fades. “Cinch is in the here too,” Dusk Shine scrolled through the tasteful photos of his dear principal.

The fuck are you going with these?” Night Blaze questioned his host. Dusk Shine’s lips straightened with a side glance at the photos with a hand on his purple shorts. His azure eyes ricocheted. “Dude, you wouldn’t! Like seriously,” Night Blaze groaned what at the mulberry male.

“I mean…” Dusk Shine softly defended himself before Spike barked at him. “Damn, Spike, you too,” His canine nodded, glaring at his master. “Okay, fine. I won’t use them… for now,” Dusk Shine concluded.

Night Blazed crossed his arms. “That’s better,” He grumbled before vanishing. Dusk Shine exhaled, placing Spike into his place. This is going to be a long few weeks.

A regal figure lay in her bed, twisting and muttering before yelling in a cold sweat. She wiped her brow, attempting to recover from her haunting dream. The sky tore, followed by gales topping their mighty structures like straw. Something or someone descended from one of the tears. Her citizen screamed as magical blasts burst through his clawed hands, trying to flee from this black-winged devil. He cackled maniacally at his newfound power. Was it revenge after years of being treated like an outcast? Did something corrupt this poor child forced to be something he never wanted to be? He arched his head, maintaining his crooked grin before jetting off to her castle.

“Your highness, is everything alright?” Her guard questioned after knocking on her door.

“Everything is fine, Stone Chaser,” She consoled her sentry. Her violet eyes narrowed as she placed on her robe. She searched her halls for that once more. The monarch stood before an ordinary standing mirror with a horseshoe-shaped rim lined with pink gems. “Will I have to travel back that world again after so long?” She muttered as the reflective surface shimmered and rippled her touch.

Cinch checked her exquisite silver wristwatch as the late morning sun’s gentle rays shone upon her and a group of students. They gathered in their cliques, conversing in the parking lot and some of the sitting areas. No uniform insight. Today’s casual Friday, after all. An optional day for students to relax and use the free day to catch up on assignments. However, someone is missing.

Where is he?” Sour Sweet grumbled, observing another bus drive past. “He’s always the first one here,” She complained to the other Shadow Bolts. Dusk Shine, their star member, is late. Lemon Zest’s music blocked any data from entering. She’s too busy rocking out.

“Maybe he had too much fun with that Trixie girl,” Trenderhoof joked with Neon Lights before Royal Pin kicked him in the shin with a snarl and crossed arms. Sour Sweet shot a dark glare, silencing him as he raised brown hands in defense. Moondancer dripped her skirt. He was with BELLATRIX LULAMOON?!

“Dean Cadance isn’t here either,” Sugarcoat brought up, checking the buttons on her black overalls. If she isn’t here, then Dusk Shin isn’t here. Cinch’s coat pocket vibrated. She accepted the call before placing it at her ear.

“Sorry, Principal Cinch. I’m on my way,” Cadance answered from the other side of the phone.

“Dean Cadance, may I ask about your whereabouts?” Cinch requested. It’s not like them to be late.

“I’m at the intersections of Thundercloud Pathway and Diamond road,” Cadance revealed. Cinch picked up muffed sounds of car horns and sharp winds. “I should be in there in seven minutes” She paused for a moment. “Wait three minutes? How?” Cinch raised a brow. Cadance is speaking to someone. “You wouldn’t,” The Dean whispered in a stern voice with a tinge of fear and worry. An engine roared with enthusiasm, accelerating to its destination. “OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK!” Cadance screamed before the dial tone beeped steadily. Blank stares and owlishly blinked were exchanged amongst them. What the Tartarus is going on? Indigo Zap cupped her ear at an incoming sound. Screaming and a…motorcycle engine?

Guys, get down!” The athlete exclaimed, bringing Lemon Zest under the table with her. They scrambled for cover except for Cinch and Discord, who paced to the side. The principal glanced at the soccer field for the approaching yells of Dean Cadance as the machine soared over both wired fences before landing on the pavement. The driver arched their body and motorcycle at an angle, dragging their feet to a screeching halt. Cadance desperately clung to their body with shut eyes, opening them when the rumbling stopped.

Oh, thank Faust,” She exhaled in relief with a mutter as she removed her pink helmet. “Next time, we’re talking the bus,” Cadance ordered while straightening her hair. Few strands of pink hair were still out of place. The driver shrugged, smirking behind the visor before parking the bike.

Cinch examined her watch. “Two minutes and 24 seconds,” Cadance glared at the beaming cyclist. Don’t you say a single word. “Thank you for arriving, Dean Cadance, but where is Dusk Shine?” She requested as his presence is required for today. Cadance gestured her thumb to the driver with a blanky annoyed expression. They focused their attention on the covered motorcyclist. Their black-gloved hands removed the obsidian and violet striped modular helmet revealing the stoic face of CPA’s top student.

DUSK SHINE?!” The students exclaimed at the shocking revelation as their flabbergasted eyes followed him. Cinch as well with widened eyes. She didn’t know about this. Although, that shouldn’t surprise her, given his linage. He shook his head before escorting his bike to a parking space. Some of the girls whispered how nice the leather motorcycle suit fit him. Dark glares from Moondancer and Sour Sweet silenced the gossip. Although, they have to admit. He does look incredible.

“Dude, how long have you been riding motorcycles?” Indigo Zap questioned with starry eyes. More students began to crowd the academic.

“A few months now,” Dusk Shine revealed as he removed pieces of his protective suit displaying the purple star mark on the chest piece. “Got my license over the summer,” He shrugged again. More of them muttered, impressed at him. He can technically drive. Fleur de Lis rolled her eyes. Whatever, big deal.

Sugarcoat pushed up her glasses as she analyzed the design of the motorcycle. “You had this custom made.” She stated. They raised a bow at her. Custom-made? She paced closer to the cobalt and violet bike with some angular black stripes. “It’s a touring bike with some sports,” Sugarcoat predicted.

“That’s correct,” Dusk Shine replied with a dull tone. “It’s a PXW127 Ironclad Guardian with some Skyrunner,” The pair exchanged details about the machines, with Sugarcoat leading the conversation.

“Huh, I didn’t think I’ll see him talk about something besides science or books,” Jet Set acknowledged as they nodded in agreement. “Guess we don’t know him that well after all,” Trixie’s word echoed and stabbed their hearts and mind. Three years without knowing a damn thing about him.

“I wanted to get the Amethyst Dragon with a hydrogen engine,” Dusk Shine smiled before pouting. A smile and a cute pout?! “But dad said no. So I’m stuck with parts of my brother’s old bike,”

“That sounds like Night Light,” Cinch and Disord responded with a smile. “So, what’s the name of it?” Discord asked. Dusk Shine rubbed the smooth seat.

“Its command is Awaken and Roar, Starlance,” He commanded. Royal Pin snickered at the phrase when Lemon and Sour Sweet kicked his ankle and punched his upper arm. He glared at the girls rubbing his arm.

“I know that comes from her mother and Shining Armor,” Cinch remarked.

“Hey, Dusk Shine, you mind giving a girl a ride?” Lemon Zest teased with a smirk.

“I don’t mind, given our mothers' relationship with each other. I can make some time,” Dusk Shine answered, focusing on the bike. She continued to grin as some snickered. Cadance counted down with her fingers. Three, two, one. He snapped his head with flustered eyes and a meek blush spreading across his face. “You mean a ride to school, right?” Dusk Shine wanted to clarify the question. Lemon Zest clasped her hands behind her red skirt, humming to herself.

“I believe it’s time to head inside,” Cinch ordered, stopping the juvenile conversation.

“Okay, let me take this off,” Dusk Shine requested. Cinch granted his request. He removed the upper layer of the suit, leaving him in a sleeveless coal turtleneck, displaying several armbands on his deliciously toned limbs. Some fanned themselves at the show with a modest blush. How are they so firm. Fuck, they can see the veins. “What?” He asked with a crooked brow, getting annoyed at the lingering stares.

“Those, bro!” Indigo Zap gestured at the muscles. “Like how?” She exclaimed to her confusion. Damn, Indigo Zap thought he had weak nerd arms. There goes that bet.

“He always wears long sleeves,” Sugarcoat informed, taking a few glances of her own. Wow, that’s some good stuff right there.

Fleur de Lis scoffed at his form, marching towards him. “Oh please, he’s just flexing him,” She manicured fingers flicked his biceps, only for it to bounce back with a ting. Her eyes widened at the density. No, no, no. Dusk Shine is a wimpy scrawny nerd. Nothing more. Fleur De Lis grabbed his biceps again. It remained solid. “Oh, my,” She shuddered with pink cheeks.

“Um, can you not?” Dusk Shine demanded at her roaming hands. His words broke her stupor, revealing her situation. He prolonged his glare, causing her to back off as Sour Sweet would do it herself. “Besides, I’m not flexing,” He stated, raising his arm. “This is flexing,” The biceps bulged to their bewilderment. Several eyes expanded to dinner plates at the muscle. Some even blushed and drooled at the sight of him. Upper Crust held Suri back from pouncing on him like it was the last pair of shoes that were 95% off on Black Friday. Moondancer bit her lower lip, holding herself as she shuddered deeply. Dusk Shine rotated, flexing his shoulders, highlighting his detailed back muscles as they pushed against the fabric.

BY FAUST’S MANE!” Fleur De Lis shouted with rosy cheeks as she took several wobbly steps back. Cinch arched her brow. He’s more sculpted than expected. Impressive. She glanced at Sunny Flare with a tiny grin, averting her staring at her classmate.

Now, I’m flexing,” Dusk Shine boasted before smirking at Indigo Zap. “Most of my muscles are in my back due to carrying CPA,” He broadcasted to the crowd. They don’t know how they feel about this revelation. A number of the guys were pushing their biceps. Another shot at their pitiful ego. Dusk Shine wasn’t only smarter than them and had a better physique. He never showed it until now. Book worm one moment, sports team member the next. What is life? “Now, let’s head inside,” Dusk Shine returned to his normal tone.

“Are you sure?” Cadance whispered, glancing at his attire. He paused at the stare. What’s wrong with how he dressed. Discord tapped his shoulder, gesturing to several girls staring and smiling flirtatiously. His amethyst eyes widened as a chill flashed across his body. Their prolonged piercing gazes forced him to cover himself. Maybe he should get changed. He snatched a smoke bomb capsule from his jeans. Discord and Cadance stepped back before he slammed it on the ground, covering himself a thick cloud of vibrant purple smoke.

Dusk Shine reappeared. A purple and black cosmic theme pullover hoodie replaced the turtleneck. “Better now?” He asked with his hands resting in the front pockets as crowd members frowned. Cadance nodded as her pink hands into her dress pockets. Her eyes expanded, feeling only lint and not the cold metal of the door keys. Uh oh. “You forgot the keys,” Dusk Shine deadpanned, watching her scramble in a panic.

“I did,” Cadence submitted in defeat after checking her purse. Cinch facepalmed.

Dusk Shine sighed as he approached the door. He crouched, sticking his hand out while analyzing the door lock structure. “Does anyone of you ladies have a bobby pin that I can use, please?” He formally requested. Several crowded him and offered the proposed item. “Thank you,” Dusk Shine took them before working on the lock. He bent one of them and inserted it into the keyhole.

“Um, what is he doing?” Cinch questioned Cadance with a sideglance. The former babysitter shrugged with a dumbfounded expression. Hey, don’t look at her as she has no idea about this either. The metallic doors opened with a whiny screech. Dusk brushed the dirt off his jeans, gesturing for them to enter.

“Finally,” Fleur De Lis groaned, pacing inside as others followed.

“Dusk Shine, I am concerned that you know how to pick locks,” Cadance emphasized the moral ambiguity of his actions. “I’m worried about it,” She said.

“Then stop worrying about it,” Dusk Shine replied, placing the helmets back into a container.

“Dusk Shine, you telling me not to worry about it is causing me to worry about it,” Cadance narrowed her eyes at him.

“Then stop worrying about it,” Dusk Shine assessed with his bag on his back. She took a calming breath. Don’t let him get to you. This is how he has fun. That smirk spells it all for the Dean. It should be a regular day for him.

Or so he thought. Dusk attempted to ignore the prying eyes and grins of the tiny group of girls in front of him. Sweet Faust, why can’t they ignore like they always do? They assembled in the study hall in the east wing of the school. Teachers used this for non-class activities such as movies or game rooms for school parties. Most of them did their homework or got an early lead on their following assignments. Some … not so much. “So tell me, Dusk Shine?” Suri Polomare purred as he typed away on his work laptop. “Why’d you cut your hair?” She questioned with her beaming group when Sour Sweet glared her eyes at them. Moondancer joined her. Can’t you see he’s trying to work?

“I needed one,” Dusk Shine replied, glancing at his notebook. “I was overdue for one since it might become a safety hazard, so I cut it myself,” He absentmindedly stroked a space where a strand of hair used to be. His pen scribbled data onto the page.

Technically, that was all me,” Night Blaze corrected. “You’re welcome, by the way,

“He cut it himself,” A girl with deep tangerine hair wrapped into a bun repeated as they whispered in a glee. Okay, I’ll be honest with you guys. There are too many fucking colors that the creators of MLP use for their characters. I need to create a character spreadsheet to keep track of these colors. They have colors I didn’t know existed. Oh, god, the background characters too.

“When do you get your piercings?” Another girl with spikey pale cerulean hair. She’s on the track team, if he recalled. “They’re so cool,” She leaned forward with a flirtatious grin, displaying a clear view of her cleavage in her Persian blue tanktop. Moondancer snapped her pencil in her concealed wrath. Fucking slut. She brushed the wood chips and graphite off her palms.

“Mid-Middle school,” Dusk Shine muttered, averting his eyes, not used to his form of attention. Sour Sweet marched behind him with a hollow glare. Who the fuck do these bitches think they are? He was a social outcast. A nobody, only acknowledging his existence when you need to get an A for an assignment, barely a week ago. But now you want him like he’s the newest iPhone. Unbelievable.

“Your dad is in data or computer science, right?”Suri Polomare asked with half-lidded eyes, resting her chin on her pale orchid hand, twirling a lock of her violet hair. He nodded, hoping that they’ll leave him alone. “And your mom is …” An abrupt sharp chill cut their skins, halting her sentence. “Damn, why is it so cold?” She whispered, covering herself despite having a light sweater now. The tiny crowd shattered to regain their warmth. Plus, dealing with a silently furiously Sour Sweet isn’t how they planned to die.

“You need to calm down,” Sugarcoat interjected. More of the Shadow 5 approached.

I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Sour Sweet replied through gritted teeth with her dexterous hands resting on her bare forearms. She double-takes on Sugarcoat’s missing presence. “What the?” The archer muttered, finding the pigtailed girl leaning over Dusk Shine’s shoulder.

“What are you working on?” Sugarcoat asked with a hand on his shoulder. Some Crystal Prep students rubbed their eyes to better clarify this scene. He’s okay with it?

“Nothing much,” Dusk Shine answered, nonchalantly about the contact. It didn’t bother him. “I’m doing my citizen science project and organizing my telescope photos,” He answered when a glimpse of triple-toned green hair entered his peripheral.

You’re locating galaxies?” Lemon questioned the scattered dots of bright lights in the immense void regions of space. More the Shadowbolts joined in observing the pictures. He inhaled and exhaled at the suffocating aura, relaxing his racing heart. “So this is what you do in your spare time,” Her smooth hair tickled his ear as she leaned forward.

“One of the things I do,” Dusk Shine answered, clicking on a folder labeled ‘Celestial Bodies.’ They marveled at the pristine photography of several nebulae formed into abstract shapes such as helmets, animals, and body parts, typically eyes and planets in their solar system. “Stargazing is one of my preferred hobbies,” He continued. Sunny Flare wondered what camera did he use or did he used his phone?

“Astrology?” Upper Crust asked. His eye twitched at the comment before inhaling.

“No, that’s a pseudo-science fueled by confirmation bias,” Dusk Shine informed. “Astrology has been used to catalog when people were born in the past as they didn’t have reliable databases,” He continued placing his palm against his chest. “I studied Astronomy. It deals with celestial bodies, space, and the physical universe,” Dusk Shine gestured to his photo album.

“Where did you take these photos?” Sunny Flare probed. These were clear and well documented. He couldn’t have just taken these at any random place.

“I took some of these in one of the parks the other day,” Dusk Shine gave her a rare smile. “It was a good night,”
“Probably even better with that Trixie girl, huh?” Neon Lights brought up. They stared at Dusk Shine’s blank face. Who’s Trixie?

“Nothing happened,” He declared, ignoring Royal Pin’s attempt to drill two holes in his skull. “I dropped her home, stayed for an hour or two. Her mom was there then went back home to help with dinner,” Dusk Shine explained. “That’s it,” He concluded. Royal Pin’s blood continued to boil with pulsating veins on his forehead.

“That’s it?” Dean Cadance repeated. Even she didn’t know about their get-together. She approached him through the group and examined his neck. No hickeys.

“Yes, besides, you’ll be among the first to know if something hypothetically did happen,” Dusk Shine accused his love-obsessed babysitter. She had a knack for sniffing romance. Her baby blue eyes lit up with a question. “We had some free time and did some errands together,” He revealed with a quiet glow on his cheeks.

Cadance's grin reached her ears as Dusk Shine shot her dirty look. He does not like that on her face. “Please excuse,” She skipped away while dealing a number. “I told you it was quality time,” Cadance bragged to the other person on the line. They glanced between her and Dusk Shine, who dragged his hand on his face.

“It’s one of the five love languages,” He explained to his vexation. “The rest are physical affection, for instance, holding hands and hugging. This is the most common love language. Acts of service. Doing tasks around the houses or helping with something. Words of Affirmation. Compliments and how you enjoy being with them. Finally, giving gifts. Self-explanatory,” He concluded as some took notes for these languages. “Are you done now?” Dusk Shine grumbled at his beaming babysitter. Did she make a bet or something?

“Yes,” Cadance’s smile remained. He rolled his eyes as she ruffled his hair. Her little brother-in-law is growing up.

“Like I said, nothing happened,” Dusk Shine said again. “You can call her to ask,” He pointed to Royal Pin as he fixed his hair.

“I will,” Royal Pin fumed, rapidly dialing her number as flickers of irritation flared in his soul.

What can I help you, Royal Pin?” Trixie’s displeased voice answered, wanting to talk to anyone besides him. He calmed himself before speaking into his phone.

“Good day to you, Bellatrix,” Royal Pin responded, calling her by her full first name. “What did you do with Dusk Shine the other day at the mall?” He demanded of his cousin, staring daggers at Dusk.

“I sucked him off. You happy now?” Trixie blurted out without a care in the world. Discord spit out his chocolate milk, covering his mouth while he coughed. Royal Pin dropped his phone with bloodshot eyes at the answer as the rest just stared at Dusk Shine,

“TRIXIE!” Dusk Shine shouted as he blushed loudly along with several classmates. Trixie chortled, hearing the dismay and fear in his voice. Oh, she loved getting a rise out of him. Not so prim and proper are you, Mr. Smarty Pants.

“Relax, I only did to piss him off,” She smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. Man, she needed that laugh. Several relief sighs exited their mouths. “Besides, I’ve seen your body. You have nothing to be ashamed about,” Trixie purred in a husky tone. His classmates recalled what occurred earlier in the parking lot. Few nodded to agree.

One of them stared for a little longer than what’s required for social interaction. “Hey, eyes up here,” Dusk Shine confronted, pointing to his smooth face.

“I’ll talk to you later, Dusk Shine,” Trixie remarked. That broke Royal Pin’s stupor, roughly grabbing his phone from the circular table.

“NO, YOU WILL NOT!” Royal Pin roared as more stress veins pulsed on his neck.

“Who the fuck is doing to stop me?” Trixie countered. She doesn’t have time for this. “You? Mr. Daddy’s little bootlicker. Later, Dusk Shine, chu~,” She mocked before blowing a kiss to her favorite nerd.

“Royal Pin. Would you kindly calm yourself?” Cinch ordered in a controlled tone to view the blue-skinned male critically. “This behavior is unacceptable of a member of Crystal Prep. I know that your father raised you better than that,” Her cold, callous eyes judged him behind her professional glasses. He faltered under the gaze, relaxing his jaw and inspecting the desk. “Am I correct?” She demanded an answer, arching her brow as her heels echoed off the walls.

“Yes, Principal Cinch,” Royal Pin conceded in a weak voice. She clasped her hands behind her womanly waist. That’s better. Dusk Shine’s pocket vibrated. He checked his phone. Huh? Trixie sent him a photo. What could it be-oh my. His face heated up as he ogled the picture. It’s Trixie in a form-fitting one-piece magician outfit with a light purple coattail. Shit, he forgot how curvy Trixie was. Oh, shit, are those thigh highs?!

Hey, nerd, they’re staring at you,” Night Blaze revealed to his host. His purple eyes widened as he was caught red-handed.

“Whatcha got there?” Discord teased.

“Nothing,” Dusk Shine shot off, holding his phone closer to his chest. His team blankly stared at each other before looking back at him. Those red cheeks aren’t fooling anyone.

“Is it from Trixie?” Sour Sweet accused, placing her hands on his hips. He glanced at his phone.

“Yes, keep your pink and blue stripes on,” Dusk Shine argued. Her indigo eyes enlarged in a panic as she swiftly glanced at her orange shorts.

“How the Tartarus did you know that?” Sour Sweet shrieked, covering herself with her hands. Embarrassment flashed across her cheeks.

“X-ray vision,” Dusk Shine announced blankly as he pushed up his glasses. More startling screams erupted as they attempted to preserve their modesty. “That was a joke,” He clarified, easing their thundering blood pressure and heart rate.

“Well, damn, Dusk Shine made a joke,” Discord noted the situation.

“Well, Einstein, can you predict what they’re wearing?” Royal Pin mocked. Sweat formed on the elite’s student neck as he gave them a sideglance.

“I don’t think that’s appropriate,” Dusk Shine muttered, pushing up his glasses. He guessed Sour Sweet’s color by pure luck.

“You’re either right or wrong,” Principal Cinch coaxed her prized student.

“I’m putting money on this” Royal Pin smirked smugly at Cinch’s supposed support and Dusk Shine’s hesitation.

“Show me the money and some extra credit,” Dusk Shine narrowed his eyes at Royal pin and gestured to Cinch.

“Dude, you have too much extra credit,” Lemon Zest shared. They nodded in agreement. He accumulated hundreds of bonus points in this part of the semester alone.

“I give my remaining extra credit to who got the lowest grade,” Dusk Shine notified his classmates. He gave them his extra credit points. Some muttered as that’s how they got a C on some of the agonizing assignments. “You’re welcome,” He commented dully with a sliver of hubris before cracking his neck while a few cringed at the popping. “Now, if you can excuse me,” Dusk Shine dictated as he approached Cinch when suddenly placing his skillful hands on her slender waist.
Her calculating eyes expanded as he smoothly raised her like a figure skater.

Oh, good heavens,” Cinch whooped at his action. His gobsmacked classmates' jaws dropped at his bold move. Casually grabbing their principal by the waist and lifting her like a long-lost lover. “Well, this is unexpected,” She replied. Dusk Shine widened his legs, fastening his hold on Cinch’s waist before launching her. He was styled on by them twirling, crouched as he securely caught her bridal style in his arms. “Oh, it’s been years since I’ve been in this situation,” Cinch bubbled with a joyous chuckle. One of the students slapped themselves. Did Principal Cinch just laugh? “I hope this isn’t too difficult for you, Dusk Shine,” She consoled with an arm around his neck.

“Nah, I’m good,” Dusk Shine commented when he stood up. His body remained steady with the added weight in his arms. “I’m stronger than I look,” He added. “You and my mother are in similar weight classes. This isn’t an issue for me,” The mulberry academic explained. Several students chatted. He can carry his mother without a problem? Although, carrying a mature woman is an alluring thought for the male students.

“How much can you squat or bench press?” Indigo Zap asked. He’s full of surprises today. It started with that haircut.

“100 kilograms for the squat and 70 kilograms for press,” Dusk Shine answered as she whistled, impressed at his skills. Some of the girls wondered if he could carry them.

“That’s like twice your bodyweight,” Sour Sweet pointed out after doing the mental calculation.

“Eh…” Dusk Shine deadpanned with a gesture before putting Cinch down. He formed his answer, factoring in her personality, socioeconomic class, and availability. Dusk Shine cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. “My best estimate is simple yet classic black set,” He whispered with a modest blush.

“Pay up, Royal Pin,” Cinch ordered. He grumbled but held his tongue, placing the money into Dusk Shine’s hand. Cinch snapped her fingers. Sunny Flare handed her purse instantly. The principal dug into her purse, handing Dusk Shine a tiny money clip. “A little extra for your troubles,” She offered her student. He opened his mouth to protest, but her hand silenced him. An idea popped into her mind. “We haven’t had a match in some time. Are you up for one?” Cinch appealed, smiling as he nodded. “Dean Cadance, would you kindly get the chess set, please?”

“Of course, Principal Cinch,” Cadance obeyed, issuing a foul glare into her back before exiting the room.

Cinch approached Dusk Shine, leading him to a table. “You were absolutely correct,” She purred softly into his right ear. He held back a squeak as her breath tickled his ear. “With garter straps,” Cinch smiled coyly at his intensifying blush as he examined her thighs before looking forward. His classmates were none the wiser at their private conversation.

Cinch and Dusk Shine battled in the game of wits and strategy. She had a dozen games winning streak on him. The rest ended in a draw, or they ran out of time. Dusk Shine is a logical man, prone to habits, and she knows it. However, so does he. It threw off her initial game plan when he chose the Black chess pieces. She grinned, knowing this would be an interesting match. They countered and predicted each other’s moves, capturing pieces as Sunny Flare tallied the points. He improved. Much sharper than Twilight Velvet. Cinch acknowledged moving one of her remaining pawns when he pushed his bishop. She paused, calculating her next move. His face was blank and his mundane eyes observing the chessboard. Dusk Shine’s strategy shifted from methodical and practical to explosively aggressive, sacrificing his pawns for massive gains. He’s not afraid. Did his hidden fury begin to crack his stoic surface? Perhaps, Dusk Shine can regain his passion again. He removed his hoodie, revealing a solid light arctic blue t-shirt. Sunny Flare caught a blemish on his neck and the side of his head, near the temporal bone. It wasn’t a birthmark. A claw mark?

“Dusk Shine, where did you get those scars?” She pointed out with her pencil. He slammed his hand, covering the mark, focusing on the board. The smack caught the attention of the room. Cadance advanced towards him with her eyes reflecting concern, placing her comforting hand on top of his.


Oh, that,” Dusk Shine dully acknowledged, robotically moving his rook. “My cousin tried to kill me a few years ago,” His dead voice casually mentioned. Not a spark of life in his hollow purple orbs. (Oh god, I can’t believe that I used orbs to describe someone’s eyes.) Everyone stopped. They turned their heads with opened mouths, gazing at him in abject horror and worry.

What?” Discord grumbled. All the joy and playful mischief vanished in place of fury.

“It was sometime after I became the top student here,” Dusk Shine started his tale. “You know, when you started treating me like an outcast,” He mentioned before glaring at his wonderful classmates. They frowned, averting his stares as shame filled their veins. Was that when Dusk Shine changed? “Then again, why do you care but enough of that,” Dusk Shine and Night Blaze scoffed at the remorseful expressions. Now they feel guilty. Shit, even Fleur De Lis, one of the primary aggressors, viewed him as a human for once. Too little too late. “My cousin despised me for getting into Crystal Prep and taking the title of Top student from them,”

“Who was your cousin again?” Cinch asked. She has to be in the database.

“Ocean gleam,” Dusk Shine answered in an emotionlessly tone.

“She wasn’t accepted into Crystal Prep,” Cinch revealed to him. “Ocean failed the entrance exam several times,” She moved a knight claiming on his pawns.

Night Blaze chuckled. “She couldn’t even get into the school,” He scanned the board for their next move. “And Ocean Gleam called you pathetic,” Night Blaze mocked at the irony.

Exactly,” Dusk Shine remarked. “When I was accepted and took the title. She changed. All the good times we had meant nothing to her. Hatred and jealousy consumed her,” He said as Cadance squeezed his shoulder in comfort. “How it happened was mostly a blur. My therapist said it was common due to what happened,” His fingers traced one of the scars. It completely healed, but smoother outlines remained. Shit, he got a therapist.

“What do you recall?” Trenderhoof asked before Lemon Zest punched in the shoulder. Really dude? He backed off from her stinging glare.

“We’re at a family gathering,” Cadance answered in his stead. “I only heard the screams with her on top of him. Spike bit her hands before he smacked her with a textbook,” She admitted, but that dazed expression was priceless. “It didn’t help that her mother stood and watched it happen,” She fumed at how casually his aunt observed the altercation, smoking a cigarette without caring.

That’s a lawsuit,” Sugarcoat narrowing her eyes behind her spectacles

“We did,” Cadance declared. “His aunt Cozy Glow was a total bitch,” Her angelic face morphed into a feral snarl. Some covered their mouths at the Dean’s vulgarity

“That’s an understatement,” Dusk Shine shrugged, moving his king. “She hated me, my dad, and my brother,”

“For what?” Sunny Flare asked.

“Me and Shining Armor for being my father’s sons,” Dusk Shine explained. “During the court case, we discovered that Cozy encouraged Gleam’s actions towards us,” They grumbled at the reveal. Using your daughter to do your dirty work? “She did it as payback for him ‘killing’ their mother despite that she died giving birth to him,” He quoted mockingly.

“She was pathetic, throwing her daughter under the bus when charges were filed against her,” Cadance complained as an unpleasant heat flowed. Cozy Glow did so casually as if she was ordering her usual to-go meal. “Honestly, she should’ve been an actor at how she swapped personalities at the drop of a hat,” She ridiculed the former family member. Whatever that pitiful excuse of a parent is out of their lives now.

“We saw the real her once the sob story failed,” Dusk Shine grabbed his babysitter’s hand in support. “She called us retards,” He informed in a soft tone rife with old wounds. They scrunched up their faces at the word.

“With the hard R?!” Lemon Zest exclaimed, squinting her eyes in disgust.

“A woman in her late fifties blaming her younger brother for something he had no control,” Cadance fumed at the audacity of Cozy. “She even insults grandpa’s new wife, claiming she had a hand in their mother’s death,” She clenched her jaw, recalling the foul treatment.

“Dude, what the crap is wrong with her?” Indigo Zap asked, irate at the older woman,

“Don’t know, and I don’t care. It’ll give another excuse to latch on too. That was the worst thing about it. My step-grandmother was their godmother. They had a wonderful relationship before the death,” Dusk Shine elaborated.

“What was her relationship with your biological grandmother?” Cinch questioned.

“They were squadmates during the conflict in Yakyakistan,” Dusk Shine disclosed to his classmates. That was around fifty years ago, ending in a stalemate, resulting in Yakyakistan closing its borders in the far north. “She had permission to take care of our family if something happened,” He cited the information given to him by his other family members.

“There’s more, isn’t there?” Coco Pommel predicted.

“It was the final part of the trial. She said that she should’ve smothered me and my brother in our cribs when she had the chance, so my dad will know what it’s like to lose someone you love,” Dusk Shine scratched one of the marks, with a face of carved stony melancholic amidst the suffocating silence. It broke Cinch’s aloof demeanor as her jaw dropped with dumbstruck eyes. She’s never heard anything as repulsive as that. Lemon Zest paused her music, removing her headphones.

I’m going to be sick,” Indigo Zap clutched her white shirt before rushing out of the room. Few found somewhere to sit as the crushing gravity of the words settled in. Killing her nephews? KILLING HER OWN NEPHEWS?! What was wrong with that woman? He endured all of that, social isolation from his ‘peers,’ and remained relatively stable. Without any of them. Dusk Shine doesn’t need them, but they needed him. Ha. That summarizes the relationships. His only value is making them look good. All their rhetoric of being elite and superior. Pointless. They were coat tail pests, riding on his success.

“Please tell us, she got charged with something?”

“The bitch threw her daughter under the bus. She got away scot-free,” Sour Sweet retorted cholerically, clenching her jaw and hands in rancor. Her snarl masked an overflowing pool of sorrow and regret. He was hurting, and what did she do? Nothing.

“In court, yes, since Ocean gleam assaulted me plus good lawyers on both sides and a plea deal due to being a juvenile,” Dusk Shine continued. “They sent Gleam to a behavioral program with prohibition,” He divulged in the aftermath of the case.

“What happened to Cozy Glow?”Discord whined, wanting to know the rest of the story. “Come on, don’t leave us hanging,”

“Her reputation evaporated overnight,” Dusk Shine mentioned. “Over a month or so. Her divorce was finalized, with my uncle holding full custody of their children. She got fired from her job since they’ll look bad if someone like that works for them. Later, she was excommunicated from her social groups. Cozy Glow moved to Ponyville a little over a year ago,” Dusk Shine, Cadance, and others relished in Schadenfreude. “Oddly enough, Ocean Gleam tried to apologize by giving me the latest Star Swirled book,” A vile chuckle came from his lips before scowling. “I burned it,” He confessed. They gasped at his action. Dusk Shine burned a book?!

“Why?” Moondancer quizzed. He loves the Star Swirled book series. That’s a fact.

“It was … contaminated,” Dusk Shine bellowed in a low voice with his hair covering his eyes. “In a way, I’m thankful. You guys can’t hurt me in a way that matters. Not anymore,” He gave them a wide toothy grin, pushing Cadance’s hand off. Yet, it offered no joy or amusement. An artificial form of pleasantry disguised to lure hapless prey in. They shivered at his haunting azure eyes, draining the color from their faces while the room froze with terror. His mask cracked, revealing his festering contempt. Time stood still. Jet Set and Upper Crust held each other in faux comfort. Blazing eyes roared with a mystic hue of a hellish monstrosity banished from the heavens for unspeakable violence. A demon. Dusk Shine prolonged his unflinching stares, telling a story to his classmates. You have him nothing to revere. He will slaughter you all when the moment arises. If they were on fire, their bodies would roast excellent marshmallows. Once these idiotic Friendship Games are over, his classmates will be a foggy memory. Well, if he bothers to remember them at all.

The stoic mask returned, giving them the Dusk Shine they perceived to know, focusing his attention on Cinch. Their chess match resumed with a few pieces remaining. Her grayish opal reached for her queen when it twitched in hesitation. Sunny Flare gawked at the action. What? What? WHAT?! Never in her life has she seen her mother flinch. Cinch’s arrogance won’t allow it. An oppressive sensation of foreboding wrapped by enveloping dread wiggled beneath the skin. Like a boa constrictor, tightly coiling and crushing its meal, draining every single fragment of life as the spine-chilling understanding of helplessness settled. Was she being intimidated? That sweatdrop on her neck spoke for itself. Her fuschia eyes scanned for the chessboard and weighed her options. One of his pawns shifted into a knight. Both bishops remain as his single rook stood defiant. Dusk Shine slumped in his chair, casually gesturing for Cinch to make a move already. She did. Her king was toppled by her hands. He raised a brow at her action. That’s unexpected. Both arose, giving each other a complimentary firm handshake.

“Congratulations, Dusk Shine. You’ve won,” Cinch praised her prized student. “You’re becoming quite the player,” She clasped her hands behind her. Bolder and more decisive in his actions. Yes, he’s becoming ripe, each day, ready to devour. Sunny Flare will give him his deserved fill. “Excellent on your Rooks and Knights.

“Thank you, Principal Cinch,” Dusk Shine replied out of habit. “I practiced whenever I can,” He admitted.

Her face softened. “I’m sorry that you had to endure that,” Cinch said in a sympathetic tone. He couldn’t decide if she was genuine in her statement or was another ploy to use.

“Don’t worry about it, Principal Cinch,” Dusk Shine mentioned, waving off the memories. “I stopped caring a long time ago,” He said emotionless with a somber smile. Cadance hoped that he meant Cozy Glow.

“Now that your meeting with this Bellatrix Lulamoon has competed. Shall we schedule meet-up times to prepare for the upcoming Friendship Games?” Cinch suggested, calling for the rest of the Shadowbolts. Dusk Shine’s contact list phone expanded, even getting Moondancer’s and Coco Pommel’s numbers while he already had like his classmates. It was the same as any other day at Crystal Prep.

He felt nothing.

“Was the package delivered?” Firelight questioned his daughter. He was a grayish purple-skinned middle-aged man with early wrinkled formed on the corners of his moderate brown eyes. They chatted one of the sections in the Sire Hollow’s archives

“Yes, father,” Starlight replied before an enthusiastic curl of her lips. “I saw him at the Canterlot mall by chance,” She declared. He glanced from his book.

“Dusk Shine?” Firelight asked as she nodded with a wide grin. He grabbed his wheeled ladder, muttering to himself about a location of a book. “Aha, found it,” Firelight blew the dust off an amethyst and golden style history. “His lineage goes back to Pre-Unification and beyond the Three tribes,” He flipped through the pages. “Apparently, they were among the first to harness magic but not for conquest. Instead, to learn and study the stars. They spread and safeguard that knowledge to creating maps.”

“We still have them,” Starlight acknowledged glancing at the vast map on the ceiling. Scientists marveled at its precision and accuracy of it. They pinpoint each one.

“Exactly,” Firelight praised before reaching for another one called ‘Ancient Houses of Equestria’. “House Luminant produced scholars, allowing for some of the greatest minds to flourish,” He explained, such as Clover the Clever., Blazeburst the Radiant, Thunder Glare the breaker of chains, and Stormflare the Unyielding wrath. “These houses are outdated but we can still trace them. Our duty was to preserve our history,” Firelight slid down to the floor. “We were a vassal house, yet they shared their knowledge, treating us as honored guests. Family even,” He explained, searching through a file cabinet. Luminant lacks other houses' hubris, welcoming all in their halls. During numerous wars and conflicts, it saved them by fostering key alliances through mentorships and marriages. Unlike some noble bloodlines, their bloodline avoided the blood scourge caused by frequent inbreeding.

“We honored their generosity and kindness with unquestionable loyalty,” Starlight emphasized with determination. They saved them during the winter storms.

“That’s correct,” Firelight confirmed with a faded document wrapped by a protective seal. “We couldn’t fulfill one of our final tasks,” He tenderly placed the paper in her hands. “Producing an heir due to our status and the aftermath of the Equality wars leading to dissolutions of noble houses,” He sighed, wanting to go back to those days. “Many scattered, establishing a number of our towns and cities including our Sire’s Hollow,”

“Now, we don’t have to worry about that. The lowliest peasant can marry the highest of nobles,” Starlight Glimmer breathed as he nodded. “The union of stars. A glimmer of hope shining in the darkest tomorrow,” She read the document. It took decades to find this lost page. A prophecy of a savior perhaps or the renaissance of the Great Houses?
Firelight beamed, embracing his dear daughter. “Starlight Glimmer, you’re one of the best and brightest in Sire Hollow. Your acceptance to Crystal Prep proves that. He doesn’t know about you, but you know about him,” He praised, holding her tight. “However, Dusk Shine’s a man of rationality and doesn’t set his beliefs on ancient pacts. You must go to him that you’re worthy,”

“Don’t worry, I can do it,” Starlight vowed with glimmering eyes of primordial determination and desire. “I can give birth to the savior,” He smiled before glancing at the clock. It’s time for dinner.

Duskfall arrived at Sire Hollow. The lights from various houses dimmed to welcome the stars while the other half of the town dazzled with their accursed lights. Starlight glared through her window. Have they forgotten their heritage? No matter, no matter. They’ll see the light and bare witness to a golden era where magic reigns. She stripped her nightclothes and folded them neatly before approaching a modest altar with a baroque star banner looming over it. Starlight Glimmer closed her eyes, bowing in her head in reverence, muttering verses in ancient Equestria. Her bare pale heliotrope body warmed as she continued with a delightful smile. “Dusk Shine,” She whispered in a husky tone. A methodical array of news clippings of his accomplishments. An intellectual elite, as expected. “Please look at me and accept, my body your own!” Starlight Glimmer pleaded as his roaming hands examined her body. She knelt before her master, spreading her arms, enabling him to take all of her.

Dusk Shine caressed her cheek as she shuddered under his gentle touch. “Are you worthy enough to bear my children, Starlight Glimmer?” He ordered as he fumbled with her nimble tongue.

“Yes, I am my liege,” She replied with a muffled, ditzy voice. Her drool stained his fingers as she panted like a mutt in heat, ready to be mounted. “Please allow me to bear your seed to start a new progeny together,” Starlight begged as her flustered face, and blue eyes were hazy with lust.

“Then come and find me,” Dusk Shine demanded when a flash of azure dominated his purple ones. “Then the stars will shout our names,” He vanished and her pictures remained.

“Yes,” Starlight whimpered with a trickle of spit escaping her maw. An encompassing aura of turquoise enveloped her body as several objects floated. The aura focused on her forehead. She breathed slowly, calming her nerves. “My apologizes, I got excited,” Starlight Glimmer gazed upon a photo of his victory over Cloudsdale. “Soon, you’ll know the power of Aether in its true way,” She arose, pushing her fingers against the window, ignoring a facedown framed picture on the desk. Her tongue lapped her juices, curious if he would enjoy the taste. “Sleep well, my dear Dusk Shine. I’ll be with you shortly; please be patient,”

Author's Note:

So yeah that's the chapter. Things got intense with Aether, Cozy Glow and Starlight. Speaking of which, what you think about the changes with Cozy Glow and Starlight? Starlight's character is an experience to say the least. I wonder how she'll interact with the Shadowbolts

Thanks for reading the story. Have a good day.