• Published 29th May 2022
  • 5,034 Views, 390 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode IV "Friendship Games" - Maximus_Reborn

The Friendship Games are set to begin, and figments from Peter's past resurface in the form of Crystal Prep's Twilight Sparkle and Abacus Cinch. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her meaning and place in the world. Let the games begin!

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Ch. 2: "The Truth Hurts"

Chapter Two “The Truth Hurts”

Sunset stood at the sidewalk, furrowing her brow as she watched the bus fade into the distance. She pursed her lips before rubbing her chin. However, her eyes widened at a realization, and she turned, inhaling sharply at the sight of someone sitting by her abandoned purse. Once the street had cleared of traffic, the girl rushed across and passed the main statue. Yet, she slowed upon recognizing the hint of lavender and pigtails sitting in her place.

Aria sat with her legs crossed, lifting her bemused gaze from the diary in her hand. “So is this what you like to do with your free time? Write to your friends in Equestria? That’s pretty convenient. I sure wish we were able to do the same when we were banished here.”

“Why are you reading my diary?” Sunset lowly questioned, her voice apprehensive. She held out her hand, glaring at the siren, “That’s supposed to be private.”

Scoffing, Aria shrugged before snorting. “Then, don’t leave it open next time.” She tossed the item to the girl, earning an exasperated glare in return, but the siren paid it no mind, glancing to the side, “Besides, I only read a little of what you had left open. I honestly could care less about what you do in your spare time.”

Frowning, Sunset stared at the girl for what seemed like minutes before her demeanor eventually softened. “This is actually the first time we’ve talked alone since the Battle of the Bands, isn’t it?”

Feigning ignorance, Aria placed her hands over her cheeks and dramatically gasped. “Wow. You finally noticed.” Her face scrunched as a scoff escaped from her mouth. “You really are dense.”

Sunset’s expression fell, evident by her lowered gaze. “So why now then?”

Aria used a pinkie finger to trace the inside of her earlobe, shrugging dismissively. “I was just hanging around until I heard you and your friends talking about me,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “While I appreciate you trying to stick up for me, don’t bother. If it wasn’t obvious enough, I don’t want anything to do with that group. I can barely tolerate you as is.”

Sunset arched a brow. “Is there a reason why?”

Agitated, Aria gritted her teeth and snarled. “You’re seriously asking that? Well, thanks to you and your friends, we were blasted by a rainbow horse and utterly humiliated at the Battle of the Bands. Sure, it was for a good reason, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” She pointed a finger at the girl while scowling. “Plus, I can’t sing anymore. Do you know what it’s like for a siren to lose that? It’s in our blood to sing, and you all took that from us.” Pausing, Aria inhaled deeply and sighed while allowing her anger to subside. “I knew you were dense, but I’m actually surprised how insensitive you are.”

“Insensitive? I’m not…!” Sunset declared, trailing off as Aria’s words steadily sank into her mind. Slow to respond, the girl clenched her free hand into a fist before narrowing her gaze. “That wasn’t the intention. We were just trying to stop you from taking over the school,” Sunset reaffirmed, edging forward while standing her ground, “Look, I’m sorry that you lost your ability to sing, but you brought this on yourself.”

Aria eased back, shrugging her shoulders dismissively. “Hey. You were lucky. We heard about your little incident. After you bullied everyone, turned into a demon, and blew up the front of the school, your friends checked on you. We didn’t get that luxury from you at all. It’s weird that even the costumed weirdo was nice enough to check in on us.”

Sunset opened her mouth, ready to protest, but her words sank into her stomach, evident by her defeated expression. “Oh, no. I didn’t.”

Huffing, Aria simply shrugged. “Relax. I don’t hate you or your friends for it. Like I said, you did what you had to for good reason. My problem is that you carried on like it never happened, and yet you’re puzzled as to why I wouldn’t like you. Give me a break.” She turned to the side, pausing to gaze at the clear skies overhead, “Just because I don’t hate you doesn’t mean I have to like you. Seeing that the lot of you didn’t even care what happened to us reinforces it. So yeah. I just don’t care about you. If anything, you remind me of someone who’s just as entitled, and it’s annoying.”

Folding her arms, Sunset narrowed her gaze. “Okay. I get it, and I’m sorry. I know when someone has a grudge. Trust me. I used to be good at that.”

Huffing, Aria managed a dry chuckle. “Guess I wasn’t as subtle as I thought,” Pausing, the girl exhaled before returning her gaze to Sunset, “We’ve never been able to get along with Equestrians, and I just can’t shake off how I feel. Can you blame me, pony girl?”

Sunset’s eyes widened briefly. “Wait. How do you–?”

“We were able to tell the second we met you. I can smell your Equestrian stench a mile away. You ponies smell so… frilly. I don’t like it,” Aria snorted, frowning while scowling. She trailed off, tapping a foot against the floor impatiently upon catching sight of Sunset’s pale complexion, “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

The pair stood in silence for an awkward amount of time until Sunset eventually relaxed, evident by her lowered shoulders. “Well, don’t call me that. I left that life behind a long time ago. Besides, I never interacted with a siren outside of you and your sisters.”

“I know, but you Equestrians are all alike. You spout friendship and acceptance, but you never gave sirens a chance. It’s why you were so quick to banish us,” Aria whispered, glancing to the side.

Blinking, Sunset raised a finger objectively. “I thought you were banished because you were trying to take over the world… like you three tried again here.”

Slow to respond, Aria cleared her throat as her face flushed to a shade of pink. “That was Adagio’s idea. Don’t change the subject. Besides, it’s not like anyone ever asked why we tried such a thing.” Waving her hand dismissively, Aria sobered before crossing her arms, “I’m here because I heard you talking about Peter. You’re wondering why he doesn’t trust you? Look in a mirror, you hypocrite.”

Taken aback, Sunset furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”

Aria paused, staring back at the other girl with a look of bewilderment. “And I thought Peter was dense. You really are stupid. What is it about geniuses being so damn dumb?” Exasperated, Aria rolled her eyes while scoffing hashly. “Whatever. I don’t care anymore. If you have to ask, then you don’t deserve an answer.”

Reaching out, Sunset snatched hold of Aria’s collar before glaring intently. “I’m fine with you not liking me, but don’t push it! I may be reformed, but I’m not above decking you if I have to!”

The corner of Aria’s lips curled into a dark smirk. “Wow. This is a first. An Equestrian resorting to physical violence, and it’s a unicorn? Here I thought all of you ponies were too fluffy for your own good.” She took hold of Sunset’s hand before pulling it away, freeing her collar. Exhaling, Aria stepped back and grumbled. “Look. Peter’s keeping his distance from you, and it bothers you. How the hell do you think Peter feels about what you’re doing to him? You’re the pot calling the kettle black. Stop looking so close, take a step back, and you’ll see the bigger picture.”

Sunset opened her mouth, ready to protest, but she paused, glancing to the side. “I…Argh!” Throwing her hands over her face, the girl fell to a step and shook her head sadly. “God. I’m so stupid. I’ve been insensitive to everyone lately. Peter. You. It feels like I haven’t learned a thing!”

“It’s a two-way street, pony girl. You can’t expect others to open up when you won’t,” Aria stated, pausing once sniffles escaped from Sunset. Clear energies emitted from the girl before they rushed into the siren, causing her to inhale sharply involuntarily. Aria’s eyes softened while she glanced to the side shamefully. “Okay. Look. You’re different from Peter and everyone else. I get that you have to figure things out, but if you want things to change, maybe you have to start opening up. Peter’s not complicated at all. Give him the same energy you want, and he’ll return it tenfold. It really is that simple.”

Lifting her head, Sunset wiped her face clean with a forearm. “You’re… right. I’m still trying to learn from my mistakes, but maybe it’s time I start trying to move on,” Nodding, she managed a smile, “Thank you, Aria.”

Grumbling under her breath, Aria shook her head. “You’re a weird Equestrian. Why am I, a siren, having to give friendship advice to a pony? Friendship is your schtick, not mine.” Retching inwardly, Aria turned before steadily walking away. “Well, whatever. I just wanted to point out the obvious. Whatever happens next is on you. Just don’t blame others for your mistakes.” Aria soon gestured an empty wave with her back still facing Sunset, eventually raising a middle finger. “You still suck, by the way.”

Arching a brow, Sunset held a bemused glare. “Glad to see I’m number one in her book, too.” She soon placed her diary back into her purse before sliding its strap around her shoulder. “She’s right though. I have to talk to Peter soon.” Biting down on her lip, the girl chuckled sheepishly. “Hey, Pete. I’m actually a talking pony from a parallel dimension. So, anyway, want to grab some lunch?” Inhaling deeply before sighing, Sunset could only venture into the school with a defeated expression. “I hope he likes ponies and older women.”

Amidst lunch at Crystal Prep, all of the students conversated and ate casually. Near the back of the room and out of viewpoint, Peter sat alongside Twilight with a pair of empty bowls under him. He poured the remaining contents of his container within the third, slurping the coup down instantly, and Twilight simply watched with a widened gaze, dumbly holding an orange in her hand. Once finished, Peter wiped his mouth clean with a cloth before chuckling sheepishly.

Blinking, Twilight stammered about. “Um, you’re not quite what I expected.” She furrowed her brow as she slowly peeled the skin from the orange. “You were recommended to Crystal Prep, but you certainly don’t act like it.”

“That a bad thing?” Peter questioned, arching a brow, “Nah, I was actually worried about that. I was only transferred here because my old school got blown up, and my aunt thought it was a good idea to give this place a try”

Twilight managed a smile as Peter unbuttoned his vest. “It’s not. I don’t really fit in either. I guess I’m just happy to see that I’m not the only one,” She trailed off, glancing to the side shamefully, “I’m sorry if that sounds selfish.”

Peter’s eyes widened before he shook his head. “No way! Don’t think like that. Empire State was pretty standard in terms of hierarchy, and I was at the bottom of the totem pole there. By default, I don’t stand a chance at such an elite school.” Stealing a glance at some of the students glaring at them from a distance, Peter shifted his gaze back to Twilight. “What do you say we stick together? I can be your umbrella while you show me around. I’m not good for much, but I can be a good meat shield.”

Slow to respond, Twilight’s eyes softened as she gazed upon the young man. “I’d like that. Maybe we could share theories on quantum physics and mechanics in my closet?” She straightened her glasses while straightening her posture, retrieving a diary from her purse before writing on its pages. “I’ve read that you excel at mathematics and physics, so I’d love to see your thesis on quantum chemistry and technology.” Pausing, the girl chuckled sheepishly. “That sounded better in my head. I’m sorry if it came off weird.”

“Don’t worry about it. Sure. That sounds fun. It’s not often I get to talk geek with someone and they actually understand,” Peter grinned as Twilight mirrored his action. However, he paused momentarily, blinking as a realization crept into the back of his mind. “Wait. Did you say closet?”

Twilight continued to write, shrugging nonchalantly. “Yes. I live there.”

“Oh, okay,” the young man lightly responded, nodding. Blinking, Peter’s jaw dropped while his complexion paled, reality striking his mind like a storm, “You live in a closet?!”

Doctor Octavius hummed happily as he stared intently into a microscope. “Fascinating. Your blood and genetics are incredible. I see high traces of radiation and regenerative qualities. From what I can summarize, you can heal from just about any injury or trauma, and most toxins would be ineffective against you.” He stood upright, retrieving a syringe from the nearest shelf before walking up to Peter. “I believe another sample is in order. I’d like to run more tests. With your consent, of course.”

Peter inhaled deeply and sighed, shrugging before rolling one of his sleeves up. “Sure thing, Doc.”

“Good. Now, try to relax, my boy,” Octavious murmured, furrowing his brow. Pausing to wipe the young man’s arm with a sanitized cloth, he pressed the syringe against his skin, but the needle bent, unable to penetrate the surface. Octavious stared at the broken needle with a widened gaze, lifting his goggles momentarily. “Amazing. The density of your skin is almost like that of steel. How have you kept this a secret from your doctor visits?”

Pausing, Peter glanced at his arm with a furrowed brow. “Sorry about that, Doc. I have to force myself to relax.”

Octavious grinned, warmly placing a hand over Peter’s shoulder. “It’s not relaxing if you have to force yourself. That’s counterproductive.” Once the older man retrieved a second syringe from the shelf, he held it over Peter’s arm and waited. “Let’s try again.”

Slow to respond, Peter closed his eyes and exhaled. His thoughts raced uncontrollably, making the simple act of relaxing impossible. His surroundings buzzed and echoed, as if the tiniest sounds could be heard. Gritting his teeth, Peter winced while a train roared from far outside, as if it was only inches away. Suddenly, a high-pitched squeal followed, causing bolts of pain to throb across his cranium.

Beads of sweat began to drip from his face as overstimulation became apparent, evident by the vein pulsating over his forehead. Fortunately, the sounds ceased before everything silenced, and Peter let a relieved sigh escape from his mouth while his muscles eased. Octavious managed to slide the needle into his arm, drawing blood before placing the syringe in a safe case. Just as he prepared a bandage, the doctor watched as the wound had already closed and healed entirely.

“Excellent, my boy. I’ll inform you of what I find next with this sample,” Octavious happily declared, pausing to peck away at the keyboard nearby. Once he turned, Peter could only exhale while rubbing a hand over his throbbing cranium. Sobering, Octavious quickly retrieved a bottle of water from across the room before offering it to his pupil. “Are you okay? I’ve noticed you have been rather taxed as of late. Are your extracurricular activities taking a toll?”

Shaking his head, Peter downed the contents of the bottle in a pair of gulps. “I’m not sure, Doc. Everything’s been fuzzy. All of my senses have been going into overdrive lately. It’s like when I first got my powers but tripled. I can literally feel everything.” Peter’s body twitched involuntarily as he alternated his gaze wildly, snapping to a halt. Once Octavious handed him another bottle of water, the young man consumed the liquid instantly and exhaled. “Did I say tripled? I think I meant quintupled.”

“It certainly might explain some of your agitation as of late. I noticed you bent a pair of tongs yesterday,” Octavious huffed, lowering the goggles back over his face before returning his attention to the microscope nearby. He glanced out of the corner of his eye, managing a smile. “I noticed you fixed them, but I have a keen eye for detail.”

Placing a hand over his face, Peter could only shake his head. “Some of it is this. Most of it’s just dealing with everything else. My social life sucks. Everyone else hates Spider-Man.” He pointed a thumb behind his position, aiming it at the locked door at the other end of the room. “Plus, there’s her. She’s been glaring at me nonstop since coming here.”

“Don’t mind Twilight, my boy. She reminds me of an old colleague. I chose her for a reason. The potential you both share is unmatched… should you give each other the benefit of the doubt,” Otto calmly declared, reaching out with a pair of scissors in hand. He snipped a piece of Peter’s hair from his head, placing it in a clear bag after struggling to free it from the surface. The older man nodded and grinned mischievously behind a dark gleam in his goggles. “Another sample to document. Science thanks you, Mister Parker.”

Bemused, Peter stared at his mentor with a twitching brow. “Glad at least one of us is optimistic, Doc. I wish you could share some of that hope with me.”

Octavious sobered, placing a hand over the young man’s shoulder. “Have faith, Peter. I know you are trying your best. What you are doing is using your gift to help mankind, whether it’s what you do as your alter-ego or Peter Parker. You will see the fruits of your labor soon enough.” Pausing, the older man straightened his goggles with a finger before nodding. “I believe it is nearly time that I talked with both of you, but it can wait until you are both fit to listen.”

“If you insist, Doc, but I won’t hold my breath,” Peter murmured, scratching the back of his head.

Octavious returned his attention to the microscope before straightening his posture. “Go home, Peter. I’ll continue studying your blood sample. Rest your nerves and stay hydrated. We will talk tomorrow. ”

Nodding, Peter stood from his seat. “Thanks, Doc. I’ll see you later.”

Disrobing his lab coat, the young man walked out of the room and placed it onto the nearest rack before exiting the building. As Octavious locked the door to his office, he returned his attention to the microscope containing Peter’s blood sample. Meanwhile, within the confines of her room, Twilight narrowed her gaze as she tightened a pair of knobs with a screwdriver on a small round device. A small purple dog with traces of green fur rested by her foot while she finished working on the device. Placing her screwdriver down, the girl closed the item, and it glowed in response, emitting a neon blue light from its violet, metallic surface as a star emblem materialized into existence at the center.

“The spectrometer is ready. I’ll be able to track electromagnetic signals with this,” she whispered, cupping the item in the palm of her hands gently. “It will lead me straight to the anomalies in the area.”

A pair of knocks were heard at the door, freeing the girl from her trance. “Come in!” she stated, smiling upon sharing a glance with Doctor Octavious. Her dog stirred to life before stretching, walking to the older man as its tail wagged. Twilight nodded, placing the item down momentarily. “I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity, Doctor Octavious.”

Otto folded his arms. “It’s my pleasure, Twilight. Your intellect is a welcomed addition.” He glanced to the side, furrowing his brow at the sight of a blanket and air mattress near the corner of the room. “Are you okay staying here? We can make accommodations and rent you a room.”

Twilight waved a hand dismissively and grinned. “That won’t be necessary. This is already an upgrade compared to my old closet. I appreciate the thought.” The dog panted happily, returning to the girl’s side, and Twilight smiled, nodding. “Spike’s grateful, too.”

Otto glanced to the side, growling under his breath. “I can’t believe that she put you in such a terrible living condition. Just what are you doing, Abacus?” he whispered, clearing his throat once Twilight glanced in his direction. “Is there a way I can convince you to stay and possibly transfer to Canterlot High? I’d love to make you my apprentice,” Octavious declared, leaning forward with a hopeful smile.

“With Parker?” she darkly whispered, prompting Otto to nod in response. The girl inhaled deeply before scoffing, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, Doctor Octavious, but I can’t bring myself to work with someone who has such little regard for those around him. My stay here is only temporary.”

Octavious let out a low sigh before managing a nod. “I urge you not to be so hasty, but I want you to know that I accept your decision. Parker may surprise you. I wouldn’t have chosen him to become my apprentice had I not seen his potential. Same with you. At least think it over for a day or two.” As the girl glanced to the side with a softened gaze, as if considering his words, Otto brought a hand to his chin. “What’s your intention, and where will you go?”

A gleam sparkled from the girl’s eyes as she took hold of the device on her table. “With my spectrometer, I’m going to find and contain the source of the electromagnetic anomalies spreading throughout the area. I have a few theories, one being that the Spider-Man is partially responsible.”

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of Otto’s face as he chuckled nervously, pausing to clear his throat. “I see.”

Oblivious, Twilight centered her gaze on the spectrometer and smiled widely. “I’m hoping the results will help secure my application for Everton and/or Oscorp.” Suddenly, Twilight’s eyes widened as a realization struck her mind like lightning to a rod. “I almost forgot that I have to finish my transfer and give Principal Cinch my documents.”

Otto’s smile faded as his expression softened. “Between the two, I’d recommend Everton. They’re quite the coveted independent program. Try to stay away from Oscorp if you can.” Just as the girl tilted her head to the side, holding a bewildered expression, Octavious cleared his throat. “Best of luck to you, Twilight. Just be careful when examining the unknown. Scientific curiosity is not worth the safety of others.” Lowering his head, Otto peeked over his goggles and allowed his brown eyes to surface briefly. “Give Abby my regards.”

The pair shared a nod before Octavious exited the room, retreating back into his office. Twilight returned her gaze to the spectrometer before sliding a thread through a small opening near the top. Once the task was complete, she placed the item around her neck, as if it were a pendant. Determined, Twilight eased Spike into her backpack, before leaving the building. Once she stepped outside, the spectrometer hummed to life and glowed intensely. Nodding, Twilight took hold of a few documents, sliding them into a folder before venturing forth.

The next day, school progressed as normal, and students consulted within the library, including Sunset and the others. Applejack sat back with her feet placed at the table, while everyone else sorted through an array of books. Fluttershy quietly watched while holding a small rabbit in her grasp. Meanwhile, Sunset paced in place, alternating her gaze between the ceiling and the ground.

“I’m telling you that some girl was snooping around the portal. I don’t know why, but as soon as I called out to her, she ran for the bus before I could get to her,” Sunset declared, furrowing her brow.

Fluttershy lifted her gaze, tilting her head to the side. “Do you think she came from Equestria?”

Sunset shook her head. “No. I would have noticed if the portal was actually opened. I’m pretty sure she was from here.”

Rarity huffed, brushing a hand through her hair. “Good! The last thing I need is another tussle with the forces of evil. The wear and tear on my wardrobe can’t bear another beating.”

“Still, there was a mysterious figure poking around the portal. Don’t you all want to know who is behind it?” Sunset questioned, holding out her hands to the side.

Pinkie nodded feverishly, raising a finger. “I bet it was a nighttime statue cleaner! Or a gardener.”

Rainbow Dash walked from around the corner with a book in hand, smirking. “No way. I totally know who it was. Think about it! Seeing as to how they got on a bus from the city and hop back on a bus heading to the city, I’ll bet they go to…”

“Crystal Prep,” everyone in the group blankly stated with the exception of Sunset Shimmer.

Rainbow Dash nodded, scoffing. “Yep. With the Friendship Games happening tomorrow, they’d totally prank us by defacing the Wonderbolt statue.”

Bewildered, Sunset held a widened gaze. “That seems like a bit much. Why would they take a bus just to do that?”

Applejack folded her arms. “Because Crystal Prep is our biggest rival?”

Rarity arched a brow. “Because that’s just what the students of Crystal Prep would do?”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash exhaled harshly. “And despite the fact that they beat us in everything… from soccer, tennis, golf, and whatever else,” she paused and held out the book in her hand to Sunset, revealing a page of the Canterlot High equine statue with a wig over its head, socks over its hooves, and a mismatch of clothing over its being. “They always have to gloat!”

Sunset stepped back before shrugging dismissively. “Seems silly to me.”

Silly?!” the girls blurted out in unison, causing Sunset to stagger in place as they all stared intently in her direction.

Rainbow Dash placed a hand over her hip. “I bet you think the Friendship Games are silly, too?”

“I mean, it’s not like we’ll be dealing with the forces of magic this time,” Sunset stated, furrowing her brow.

Fluttershy placed a hand over Sunset’s shoulder. “No. We’ll be dealing with a school full of meanies,” she paused, sharing a glance with the girl, “Not everything has to be magical to be important.”

Sunset’s demeanor lightened as she chuckled sheepishly. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I know it’s a big deal.”

Rarity waved a hand while shaking her head. “That’s quite the understatement, darling. It’s taking the school a bit longer to revamp the field, after Spider-Man nearly destroyed it fighting that oversized brute.”

Sobering, she glanced off to the side. “I’m just surprised about this rivalry. Isn’t the whole idea of the Friendship Games for our schools to come together and get along?”

“Pretty hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything and rubs it in your face,” Applejack mumbled, holding a bemused glare.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Not anymore! Things are going to be different! Flash Thompson’s going to be leading the boy’s team to victory! Dude was a decorated champ back at his old school!” The girl smugly grinned, flexing her arm. “Plus, I have a plan myself! We’re going to recruit the best and–!”

“That’s stupid!” a voice boasted from behind their positions. Everyone glanced in its direction, spotting Peter sitting at a table with Trixie, Aria, and Ditzy. The young man shook his head furiously while crossing his arms. “You can forget it!”

Slack-jawed, Trixie pointed a finger at him. “What do you mean?! The Friendship Games are important to us! Do you really want Crystal Prep to beat us again?!”

“You didn’t say anything about those guys!” Peter barked, glancing to the side.

Aria smirked, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as she watched the pair. “I’m surprised. I didn’t think you had this in you. I kinda like it.”

Sunset walked over the table with a brow raised. “What’s going on?”

“Oh! Excellent timing, Sunset!” Trixie huffed, pointing her finger at Peter. “This cretin says he refuses to participate in the Friendship Games!” She nodded, raising a hand dramatically. “You should show your school spirit and participate!”

Peter folded his arms, tapping a finger impatiently. “Oh, sure! Let me go out and try my best for a school that activately hates me to beat another school that hates me even more than they do.” Inhaling deeply before sighing, the young man scowled. “I used to go to Crystal Prep, and they suck just as much.”

Ditzy tilted her head to the side. “You went to Crystal Prep?”

“Just for a semester before I transferred here,” Peter stated, pausing once the entire library grew silent. He peeked up, noticing every student glaring in his direction. Most began to whisper while others scowled. Exhaling, Peter threw up his hands in a defeated manner before grabbing his backpack. “On that note, I’m out of here. I’ll watch your stupid games, but I’m not participating.”

Rainbow Dash watched as Peter hurried out of the library before sharing a glance with her friends. “That guy went to Crystal Prep? Huh. That explains a lot.”

Fluttershy walked up to Rainbow Dash with a firm gaze. “Try to be nice. It sounds like he was picked on a lot there, and you haven’t been nice to him either.”

Sunset bit down on her lip. “Peter, wait!” She sped after the young man, ignoring the glares the other students gave. Soon enough, Sunset reached the outside and spotted Peter down the hallway. He paused, glancing at the girl from the corner of his eye, and Sunset eventually slowed to a halt once they were a few feet apart. “Are you okay?”

Peter simply shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I haven’t been here long enough to care.”

Pausing, Sunset glanced to the side while rubbing her forearm. “We should talk. I have questions, and I know you have some as well.” She pointed a thumb behind her position. “After school over lunch? My treat.”

Slow to respond, Peter managed to nod. “Sure. Just text me.”

Sunset waved as the young man coldly walked off, wincing inwardly once he was out of hearing range. “Please don’t screw this up.”

To Be Continued…