• Published 29th May 2022
  • 5,035 Views, 390 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode IV "Friendship Games" - Maximus_Reborn

The Friendship Games are set to begin, and figments from Peter's past resurface in the form of Crystal Prep's Twilight Sparkle and Abacus Cinch. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her meaning and place in the world. Let the games begin!

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Ch. 7 "Night and Day"

Chapter Seven “Night and Day”

Stars glowed in the night sky as students from both Crystal Prep and Canterlot High filled the stands in front of the school. The air in the vicinity grew thin, making the simple act of breathing difficult. There was a sense of uncertainty among the competitors of Canterlot, evident by their saddened and concerned expressions. Those from Crystal Prep simply stood with firm glares, the only exception being that of Twilight. She meekly sat in place, holding a saddened gaze upon the spectrometer in her grasp.

Cadence took hold of her microphone before clearing her throat. “Since the score is tied, the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games.”

Vice-Principal Luna walked forth with a pair of flags in hand, each bearing a logo of both schools respectively. “Somewhere on campus, a pendant from each school is hidden. The first team to find their school flag and bring it back wins.”

“As soon as both teams are ready, we’ll begin,” Cadence interjected, sharing a nod with the other principals.

Peter watched from the roof of the school, pacing back and forth with his arms crossed behind his back. “This is so stupid. I still can’t believe they’re all still willing to go through with this stupid event in spite of what happened. Usually, giant killer plants from another dimension crashing the party would be enough incentive to stop anything.” He stopped in place, tapping his foot impatiently against the ground. Like lightning to a rod, an idea struck Peter’s mind, and he raised a finger suddenly before retrieving his phone from his pocket. “Duh! The cops may not be able to stop this, but I know SHIELD would be a great help right now!”

Unfortunately, the signal on his phone dropped while an image of a young girl with poofy blue and pink hair filled the screen. “Hold it, Peter Parker,” she calmly stated, alternating her gaze briefly. “This entire matter is confidential.”

“Were you seriously tracking my phone? Guess I’ll have to bug my phone, too,” Peter mumbled, furrowing his brow. “Hang on. You’re, uh, Special Agent Butterscotch, right? Or was it Gumball? Peanut Brittle?” Snapping his fingers, the young man nodded and hummed. “Oh! I got it! Bonne Bouche!”

The girl’s brow twitched as she bit down on her lower lip. “It’s Sweetie Drops, you idiot!” Growling through gritted teeth, she inhaled deeply before letting out a low sigh. “Now, you have to do what you can to keep this contained on your own. We’ll make sure nothing extracurricular gets broadcasted outside the city limits.”

Slow to respond, Peter stared intently at his phone with a narrowed gaze. “Are you serious? The one time I call for help, and you guys decide to step back? What was the point of Fury sending me here? There are freaky things happening, and what’s worse is that no one’s really reacting to it!”

“Use your head for a second. Collateral goes beyond just property damage. Could you imagine what would happen if people outside this region found out about the anomalies happening here?” Sweetie Drops stated, waving a finger suggestively. “What would stop some of the bigger bads from investigating and wanting that power for themselves? Heck, most people can’t handle the idea of colorful skin pigmentation, let alone magic or whatever it is.” Pausing, the girl sobered and plainly stared at the young man. “So, tell me. Would you rather keep this under wraps or potentially start a worldwide panic?”

Exasperated, Peter could only smack his phone against his forehead multiple times before returning his bemused gaze to the screen. “So, you’re saying it’s all on me? No pressure. I still don’t even know what’s going on half the time here.”

Sweetie Drops huffed, glancing to the side momentarily while waving her hand dismissively. “I know it’s about to start, Lyra! Let me finish this call!” she lightly stated with a smile, her demeanor shifting completely. Just as Peter arched a brow, ready to respond, Sweetie’s face retook its firm expression. “Look, I don’t get it either, but Colonel Fury sent you here because he trusts you to handle it. The fact that he didn’t have you booked for going AWOL for your little stunt with the reality-warping mutant speaks volumes. I’ve seen him punish agents for doing far less. Even now, I’m advised to standby and let you handle the situation at your own discretion. Personally, I would have thrown the book at you.”

Peter watched as his screen flashed back to its settings, rolling his eyes afterward. “I should’ve known it’d be too easy if I got SHIELD involved. Then again, I’m more surprised about Fury. It almost sounds like he likes me?” He shifted his gaze skyward, furrowing his brow. Snorting involuntarily, Peter laughed inwardly. “Nah. That’d be ridiculous. Anyway, is there anyone else I can call? Magic isn’t really my expertise, and Eris is out of town with…” His eyes widened at a realization before his mouth morphed into a hopeful smile. “Of course! Doctor Strange! He can fix all of this!” Peter pecked away at the screen, groaning once a dial tone hummed out. “Oh, come on! What could he possibly be doing that’s more important than this?!”

Elsewhere, Stephen floated before a massive creature with a weary gleam in his eye. “Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain!” he exclaimed, only for the creature to smash his massive fist over the sorcerer. His body sank under the impact as massive clouds of dust spread from the impact. Suddenly, Strange emerged from his previous position with his arms crossed. “Dormammu! I’ve come to–!” he repeated, only for a boulder to crush his frame. Materializing into existence in a flash, Stephen could only gaze up at the monster with an exasperated gaze as it glared menacingly in his direction with embers simmering from the corners of its mouth. Exhaling, Stephen rolled his eyes while a fireball sped towards him. “Dormammu! I–”

Peter soon tossed his phone back into the confines of his backpack. “Okay! Guess I really am on my own this time. If I’m lucky, the plant monsters were just a one-time thing. Things can’t possibly get any weirder, right?” Folding his arms, the young man shook his head and grumbled under his breath. “Ah, who am I kidding? It’s not a matter of if but when. I just wish I knew what was possibly causing all of this.”

Beside the stands at ground-level, the Rainbooms all stood with a shared look of concern. Fluttershy’s gaze fell to the ground as she brushed her forearm bashfully. “I don’t want to play this game anymore.”

Rainbow held her hand to the side and edged forward. “But we have to play! This is the last event!”

“It’s a little difficult to focus with all of the magic-stealing and portal-opening,” Rarity declared as she made gestures with her hands.

Sunset shifted her gaze to the side, stealing a glance at the violet-skinned girl standing amongst the Crystal Prep competitors. “I still feel awful about what I said to Twilight,” she whispered, placing a hand over her chest.

“Especially since she obviously didn’t mean to do all the stuff she did. She’s actually really nice,” Fluttershy softly yet firmly stated. Sunset threw her hands over her face shamefully, prompting everyone in the group to shift their gazes back towards the pink-haired girl. Fluttershy sheepishly stepped back until she was concealed by Pinkie Pie. “Um… sorry.”

Applejack raised her hands defensively while clearing her throat. “Let’s just finish this last event and prove to Principal Cinch that we aren’t a bunch of cheaters.” The blonde gently placed a hand over Sunset’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Then, you can apologize to Twilight.”

Elsewhere, Cinch stood with her arms placed over her hips. “I know that I’m asking you to beat a team that isn’t playing fair, but Canterlot High must be made to understand that beating Crystal Prep is simply not an option.”

Sugarcoat arched a brow. “What if they grow wings again or free more of those giant plants?”

Brushing a hand through her violet hair, Principal Cinch walked by her students and steadily approached the one hiding near the back. “Good questions, but I do believe we can fight fire with fire.” The older woman fixated on the spectrometer hanging from the girl’s neck with a narrowed gaze, smirking. “I’ve seen what your device can do, Twilight. Capturing and containing magical energy is fine, but have you considered releasing it? Imagine the possibilities if we could wield such power.”

Twilight shook her head, clutching at the device. “I don’t even know what it does!”

“Oh, come now. You’re starting to sound like Otto. I know how much you want to understand it,” Cinch darkly declared, closing her eyes briefly while the rest of the students gathered around them, “He was never willing to make the hard decisions, because of his morals and pride. Why should we handicap ourselves, when Canterlot has already used magic to their advantage?”

Peter blinked as his cranium lowly buzzed. “Uh, oh…”

The older woman straightened her glasses with a finger and arched a brow. “Unless you have no interest in Everton? To be frank, I believe you have more knowledge packed into that little device than everything Everton could ever offer, and it’s finally given you an edge over young Peter Parker.” The corner of her lips curled into a wicked smile. “Use this opportunity to reclaim your title as the very best.”

Luna stepped forth, holding her mouth inches from the microphone. “If both teams are ready!”

Both groups from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep respectively began to step towards each other. The crowd’s hushed murmurs steadily grew in volume, morphing into that of anticipating cheers. Cinch pushed Twilight ahead of the group until she was at the frontline, and Sunset responded from her side, mirroring her action until they both stood adjacent. Twilight took her spectrometer in hand, inhaling deeply before opening its lid. Peter’s body stiffened as his cranium screamed, buzzing wildly while he glanced from his position.

The orb at its center glowed before energies erupted, generating a shockwave. The impact knocked everyone within a few yards to the ground. Suddenly, a black and violet orb levitated into the air, while the spectrometer dropped harmlessly to the side. Gravity yielded as Twilight couldn’t free her hands from the energy, causing the young girl to float alongside it. She glanced back at her classmates and principal, only for Cinch to step back with a terrified expression. The energies steadily spread and enveloped Twilight, illuminating the entire courtyard.

She reached out, screaming as her body faded into the light. “Help… Me–!”

Throwing his mask over his face, Spider-Man leapt from the rooftop of the school and soared through the air towards the spreading energy. He reached out, nearly capturing Twilight’s hand with his own, but a stream of electricity spun out, wrapping around his body. Spider-Man twisted in place, fidgeting uncontrollably while sparks ignited. A second shockwave generated from the energy afterward, slamming into the costumed man with enough force to knock everyone in the vicinity back to the ground. Spider-Man’s body pinwheeled violently before crashing into the nearest wall, imbedding his frame into the shattered stone and brick.

Within the stands, Jameson stood to his feet and glanced to the side. “Diamond!”

Nodding fiercely, Diamond took out a phone from her pocket and held it firmly onto the scene. “I’m on it, Uncle Jameson!”

Several of the spectators mirrored her actions, each taking out their phones before taking pictures and videos of the incident. Meanwhile, Sweetie Drops surveyed her surroundings with an arched brow. She soon turned her back, retrieving a small device with a red button at its tip. Upon pressing it, every phone in the vicinity hummed loudly before their screens dimmed to black.

Diamond blinked, staring at her deceased phone for seconds before the realization struck her mind like lightning to a rod. “Hey!” she exclaimed, smacking her hand against the phone in a vain attempt to revitalize it somehow. As everyone shared her reaction, Sweetie Drops eased her device back into her sleeve while smirking inwardly. Elsewhere, Diamond grinded her teeth to the core before tossing her phone to the side. “I don’t believe this!”

The energy soon burst from Twilight’s body, materializing into a new form as dark demonic wings sprouted from her back. Her long hair floated, resembling a rising flame. Her teeth sharpened into fangs while a jagged, bright horn formed from her forehead, and a long tail sprouted from her form. Finally, after a pair of dark stockings and gloves morphed over her arms and legs, light energy ignited over her eyes. Spider-Man stirred back to life, his masked eyes widening, and he pried himself free from the stone, shaking the cobwebs out of his cranium while the girl cackled maniacally.

“You were right! I didn’t understand magic before, but I do now!” Twilight exclaimed, her horn igniting a fiery blue trail of energy before unleashing a beam from her extended hand.

The magic smashed into the equine statue, reducing it to shards of stone, and a portal materialized into existence, revealing a castle deep within. A fissure cracked along the outskirts of the portal, spreading throughout the ground until a line of breakage formed in the air. Twilight unleashed a beam onto it, causing it to rip and spread, revealing more of the land behind it. A pair of ponies blinked at the phenomenon before retreating in a panic. Suddenly, more tears began to appear, and Twilight blasted each with a beam of magic, causing each to reveal more of the land within.

Sunset pulled herself to her feet, pausing upon gazing at what was transpiring. “Equestria?”

Spider-Man leapt onto a flagpole, perching himself near the top on its side. “I don’t know what’s going on, but it looks like you’re literally ripping your way into another dimension. It doesn’t take a genius to realize how much of a bad thing that is!” He raised his hands defensively, shrugged, and nodded. “So, how about we just put the magical beams down and go home?”

Releasing himself from his position, Spider-Man grabbed hold of the pole before swinging himself in place until his form sped into a crimson blur. Soon, he relinquished his grip and dove out towards the girl with his feet fully extended. However, a massive bipedal creature fell from a portal just between Twilight and Spider-Man. The ground crumbled under its weight as it landed, sending tremors coursing through the earth. Its green fur was thick, and its hands, feet, and face were fair. A low growl escaped from its mouth, a large pair of fangs growing from the underside of its jaw. It stood upright, towering over everyone until its shadow engulfed half the courtyard.

The surrounding winds intensified before Spider-Man could connect, practically ensnaring his body before sending him careening to the side. He managed to land, planting his feet as firm gusts of wind circulated throughout the area. Many of the students staggered in place, hanging on to each other in attempts to keep the building winds from hoisting them away. The creature raised its claws, causing a burst of wind to lift Spider-Man’s feet from the ground. As he flailed about, attempting to recollect his footing, the monster lunged forth and tackled the masked man to the ground with its fangs drawn. Spider-Man instinctively stopped the creature’s massive head with his hands and one foot, straining as he barely managed to avoid its collective chomps.

Twilight smirked at the sight. “I fully understand how magic works now! So, I don’t have a need for you anymore!”

Sunny Flare watched her classmate, glancing to the side as Cinch steadily backed away. “Hey!” she called out, causing the older woman to stop in her tracks momentarily. Narrowing her gaze, the girl glared at her principal. “Where do you think you’re going?!”

“Anywhere to avoid that… monster!” Cinch exclaimed, pointing at the transformed girl before she turned sharply and resumed running. “And I suggest you do the same!”

The main competitors of Crystal Prep watched as their principal retreated into the building, all before sharing concerned gazes with each other. In the distance, as Vice-Principal Luna helped a student to their feet, a tear materialized mere inches away from her being. Twilight smirked and unleashed a beam in her direction. Luna lost her footing and could only watch helplessly as the energy neared, throwing up her hands defensively. However, an older man sped across the vicinity in a flash and skidded to a halt, deflecting the energy with his shield in hand.

The beam ricocheted off the weapon’s surface, redirecting towards Twilight instantly, and the girl’s eyes widened as she was unable to react, the beam slamming into her torso. The impact launched her across the yard until she landed on the street, leaving a small crater. Luna blinked at the sight, stammering as the grizzled man straightened his posture. Both shared a glance, with a widened ocean-blue gaze meeting a pair of warm hazel irises.

“Are you okay?” he calmly questioned, the wind ruffling his short brown and gray hair slightly as he extended his hand.

Slow to respond, Luna accepted the gesture and allowed the man to pull her back to a vertical base. “Y-Yes, I’m fine. Thank you,” she stated, finding herself lost in the man’s unyielding gaze. Blinking, a baffled expression surfaced on her face. “Captain America? No. You’re not him. You look vaguely familiar. Have we met?”

“Easy enough mistake. Don’t overthink it. I’m just passing through the neighborhood,” he firmly stated, nodding.

Feeling the temperature in her face rise, the woman alternated her gaze between the man’s dark-blue uniform, spider insignia over his chest, and the bright shield slid over his free forearm. Eventually, she managed to peer down onto her hand, finding it still firmly in the grasp of the stranger. As if realizing his error, the man cleared his throat and relinquished his hold before turning to face the yeti as it continued to try (and fail) to bite Spider-Man. Huffing, the stranger slid the shield from his forearm and gripped the metal tightly.

“Get the students inside. Spider-Man and I will handle this,” he declared, edging towards the monster before breaking into a sprint. With his shield raised, the man bashed the steel against the side of the monster’s head with a thunderous crack. A shockwave generated at the point of impact, all while the metallic twang echoed throughout the vicinity. The creature lost his grip on Spider-Man, allowing the older individual to follow up with a stiff knee to the center of the face. The blow sent the beast back into the nearest wall, causing piles of stone and debris to cover his frame upon falling. Slow to respond, the man faced the masked vigilante while straightening his posture. “Are you okay, kid?”

Spider-Man’s eyes narrowed. “That you, Captain America? I–” he trailed off, his cranium humming. The world slowed to a halt as both individuals stared at each other, their minds buzzing together. They reached out, holding their hands mere inches away from each others’ faces. “Whoa. You’re just like me. Are you… me?”

“Yeah. I’m you from another dimension. It’s a lot to take in, I’m sure,” the older man reaffirmed, nodding while managing a small smile.

Reaching out, Peter traced a finger along the hair over the older man’s face. “Full beard? I didn’t think I had the genes for it.” Pausing, he eyed the dark-blue costume and muscular features of his taller doppelganger before whistling. “I hope I hit your growth spurt. I know you’re way older than me, but good gravy! You are jacked! You can even give the good captain a run for his money! Speaking of…” he trailed off, tapping a finger against the surface of the shield. “You clearly took some inspiration. What’s the shield made out of? Are you still Spider-Man or Captain Spider? And why aren’t you wearing a mask?”

Huffing, Older Peter rolled his eyes while allowing a faint smirk to grace his rough features. “I forgot how much I used to talk when I got excited. Anyway, don’t worry about it. I had the same build as you when I first started. You’ll put muscle on over time. Just keep doing what you're doing, and my identity isn’t really a secret where I live. Plus, while we are the same guy, we look different enough for people to not be able to put the pieces together.” Flexing his arm, the older man glanced at his younger counterpart from the corner of his eye. “I’ve seen how everyone treats you. Would they honestly believe you’d grow into this?”

Spider-Man snorted, lifting both of his slim arms before groaning inwardly. “Point taken. I’m you, and I don’t believe it.”

Lifting his shield, the older man eyed the symbol of the sun at its center. “To answer your other questions, the shield’s infused with metal and diamond from my world. It’s ten times stronger than steel and can repel magic.” Older Peter crossed his arms briefly after sliding his shield over the strap on his back. “I started as Spider-Man, but my role now is Spider-Knight.”

A glint sparkled from his masked eyes as he leaned forward, squealing while fidgeting in place. “Dude! That’s so metal!”

His eyes narrowed upon the white sections of his counterpart’s uniform before settling on the spider logo covering the entirety of his chest. “Thanks. Nice suit, by the way. It looks like an updated version of my old red and blue suit. I see you have armor placed over the chest, hands, and ankles. Is that for shock absorption? It took me years to add something similar to my design.”

Taken aback, Spider-Man nodded before raising a finger. “Yeah. I’ve had help with it. Colonel Fury and Doctor Octavious helped improve my original design.”

Older Peter arched a brow at the names given, staring at his younger self for what seemed like an eternity. “I have a lot of questions about that,” he calmly interjected, inhaling sharply once a sharp surge coursed through his cranium. A hand shot from underneath the rubble, sending shards of stone flying about. Spider-Knight took a defensive stance, raising his shield. “We’ll talk later. We have a little business to handle first.”

Spider-Man’s masked eyes furrowed as he lowered his body into an unusual squat, raising his hands. “What’s with the sasquatch? Please tell me he’s friendly and likes beef jerky.”

“It’s a yeti from my world. It’s lived for centuries, but it usually stays in solitude,” Older Peter stated, tightening the strap of his shield while the creature steadily pulled its body free from the rubble. “Its name is Aeolus. Think of it as a magic-wielding Bigfoot.”

Spider-Man tilted his head to the side. “Aeolus? Like the Greek god of wind? Why–?” he questioned before the yeti fully emerged from the rock with a snarl, raising its claws slowly. In response, the surrounding winds intensified and lifted many of the stones in its current. Exhaling, Spider-Man could only nod inwardly. “Okay. I got the name now.” Aeolus roared, lowering before rushing forward in a primal stance. Spider-Knight leapt into the air with his shield drawn, and Peter grumbled, shaking his head. “Oh, this is exactly how I pictured my day going: fighting an airbending yeti alongside an alternate future version of me. Just once, I would like to have a normal week in this stupid town!”

Suddenly, Twilight’s wings spread before she levitated from the ground. Yet, her wicked smile resurfaced upon glancing at the surrounding rifts and Aeolus’ charge towards the Spider-Men.

However, Sunset stood her ground and peered up at her winged form with a firm yet softened gaze. ‘Twilight! You can’t do this!”

Twilight huffed, her eyes widening maniacally. “Why not?! There’s a whole other world out there, and it’s filled with magic!”

Just as Sunset readied to respond, Twilight fired another beam past her, as yet an additional rift materialized into existence. A different portal soon appeared, causing traces of electrical currents to surge across the vicinity. Aeolus roared in the distance as a gust of wind slid underneath a trio of students, hurling them into the air, but Spider-Man fired three strands out, latching each onto their chests. Planting his feet, he managed to pull all three students to the ground and lead them into the school. Spider-Knight, meanwhile, flipped high over the yeti’s head and landed in front of it, unleashing a trio of punches across the jaw in rapid succession.

Just as the man readied to throw more strikes, Aeolus lashed out wildly, and Older Peter managed to block its massive claw with his shield, standing firm as a massive clang echoed throughout the area. However, a tremendous squall of wind followed behind the blow, causing Spider-Knight to stagger, in spite of his feet not leaving the ground. Yet, the earth cracked and loosened, as if being pried free, and the man couldn’t avoid the yeti’s second strike as it delivered a rising swipe to his shoulder. A shockwave erupted from the impact, launching the older man into the flagpole, and the metal bent around his frame, snapping in two.

Spider-Man leapt back into the fray, swinging through the air on a strand of webbing. Aeolus motioned its claw upon catching a glance of the masked man from the corner of its eye. Suddenly, a whirlwind engulfed Peter’s body, causing him to spin rapidly in place until his form vanished into a crimson and blue blur. Tightening its claw into a fist, Aeolus lashed to the side, and Spider-Man was jettisoned into the wooden stands where the spectators previously sat, causing the foundation to rupture. A dust cloud erupted from the ground and spread, all while shards and metal and wood scattered about.

Sunset’s eyes widened at the spectacle, before she returned her attention to Twilight. “But, you’re destroying this world to get to it!”

“So what?! There’s more magic there, and I want to understand it all!” Twilight yelled, unleashing a beam at Sunset.

The girl narrowly dove out of its range, landing mere inches away from Twilight’s spectrometer, while the energy crashed amidst a gathered crowd. She eyed the device with an arched brow, before taking it into her possession. Meanwhile, the energy sank into the earth, emitting a glow until it shattered, and a fissure quickly spread, causing some of the students to nearly fall into its opening. Applejack managed to grab hold of one of the students before they could plummet into the abyss, straining as she held them in place.

Rarity did the same for another, stumbling forth, but she gripped the edge, whimpering as her fingers loosened. The stone gave away, causing the girl to fall into the pit. However, a hand reached out and captured her forearm. Rarity peeked up, blinking upon sharing a glance with Flash Thompson. The young man pulled the girl and the other student back to solid ground, glancing to the side as Blueblood joined in to help as well, yanking Applejack in a similar fashion. Meanwhile, the Crystal Prep students joined in the rescue efforts, holding onto a student long enough until Flash and Blueblood could assist them.

Aeolus stared intently at the crowd, slurping its tongue across its mouth. Yet, it was stopped in its tracks the second it took a step in their direction. Spider-Man shot a pair of strands of webbing onto the back of its shoulders, pulling against the yeti. Faster than it could react, Spider-Knight emerged with the broken flagpole in hand, swinging the item like a club into the creature with enough force to launch it several yards. The gossamer stretched to its limit before snapping back, causing the yeti to spring back to the ground.

Both Spider-Men lunged forth in unison with their fists extended, delivering a fierce punch to the center of its face. A thunderous crack rang throughout the area, sending a wave out potent enough to shatter all glass in the immediate vicinity. Aeolus crashed to the earth, groaning as he attempted to stand. However, the Spider-Men jumped over the prone yeti, each unleashing an array of webbing over its being, and within a couple of seconds, Aeolus was cocooned in a ball, leaving only his eyes and muzzle exposed.

Spider-Man exhaled before his masked eyes furrowed, narrowing on Twilight. “Yeti’s down! Let’s take care of her next!” Just as he lowered his body, Spider-Knight stepped in his path with his arm extended. Peter stared at his older counterpart. “What are you doing?”

“Let them handle this. If we stop them now, they won’t learn a thing, and I have dealt with Midnight Sparkle in my world,” Spider-Knight firmly stated, sharing a glance with his younger self. His rough demeanor softened, evident by his warm gaze. “Trust Sunset Shimmer to right this wrong.”

“Uh, seriously?” Spider-Man questioned, alternating his gaze between the man and girl. “If I don’t do anything, something bad could happen. Again.” His voice darkened as he trembled, resisting every urge to venture forth. “I can’t live with myself if I just stand by.”

“If anyone knows what you mean, it’s me. I get it, but you can’t always shoulder the world’s problems alone. You have to let your friends help you once in a while,” Spider-Knight calmly retorted as he lowered his shield before yielding it onto his back. “Do you know anything about magic or how it works?” An awkward silence filled the air as Spider-Man raised his finger to respond, but he simply shook his head, grumbling under his breath. Older Peter walked up to his younger counterpart before placing a hand over his shoulder. “Then, trust your friend. Don’t make the mistake I did. Give them a chance to see the error of their ways.”

Peter watched as the older man’s entire disposition shifted, losing its edge. His eyes softened, showing hints of sadness, and it was matched only by his wavering voice, cracking. Inhaling deeply before sighing, Spider-Man lowered into a squat while crossing his arms. Meanwhile, electrical currents continued to spark wildy from the surrounding rifts, generating firm gusts of winds from each.

The wind blew through Sunset’s crimson and blonde hair as she gazed upon the spreading portal with a narrowed glare, before facing Twilight with a firm grip on the spectrometer. However, the device began to glow, emitting a bright light at its center. Soon afterward, Fluttershy’s eyes widened as a golden aura enveloped her form. Rays of violet rays shone in different directions, prompting Sunset to shift the spectrometer towards her friends. Suddenly, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie emitted bright auras around their bodies.

Sunset’s eyes widened at the phenomenon while her mouth fell agape, but she shook her head at a realization, turning to face Twilight. “This isn’t the way! I know you feel powerful right now! I’ve been where you are!” Her voice softened, yet it remained firm. “I made the same mistake you’re making. I’ve put on the crown, and just like you, I was overwhelmed by the magic. I thought I could have anything I wanted.”

“You’re wrong! Unlike you, I can have everything I want!” Twilight exclaimed, cackling.

Shaking her head, Sunset tightened her grip on the spectrometer. “No, you can’t! Even with all of that magic, you’ll still be alone! True magic comes from honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, and kindness!” she stated, all while Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy glowed in response. Their aura’s shot towards the spectrometer, causing Sunset Shimmer’s body to steadily levitate from the ground in response. “I understand you, Twilight, and I want to show you the most important magic of all!”

Sunset slammed the spectrometer shut before slamming it into the ground. The device detonated in a burst of light before the energies spread out, enveloping the girl. Soon, golden, energetic wings sprouted from her back while a white and pink dress and gloves materialized into existence over her form. Lastly, a bright horn of light gleamed onto her forehead as her fiery hair floated, resembling a flame.

“The magic of friendship!” Sunset cheered, her voice echoing throughout the vicinity.

Everyone clamored at the spectacle, cheering as Sunset unleashed beams of energy onto a pair of portals. The fissures sewed themselves shut, before dissipating from existence in bursts of light. She rapidly did the same for the remaining tears, undoing the damage. Spider-Knight glanced to the side before hoisting the cocooned Aelous high over his head, tossing the yeti into the last portal as it sealed shut.

Twilight watched her work come undone with a widened gaze, roaring while charging towards Sunset with a glowing fist. The redhead responded in kind, flying forward, and once a few feet apart, the pair slammed their hands together. The collective energies ignited on contact, generating a shockwave of light and dark waves. The force of the blow pushed both girls back, before Twilight unleashed a beam of dark energy.

Sunset retaliated, firing back with a stream of her own, and both beams struggled, producing sparks of electricity at the center. Twilight pushed her arms forward, causing her beams to do the same, and Sunset strained, wincing as she was barely able to hold back the opposing energies. Just as it seemed the redhead was ready to be overwhelmed, a large bullet of webbing sped through the air and collided into Twilight’s back. It expanded upon impact, ensnaring one of her arms and wings to her body. She snapped back, catching sight of Spider-Man on a flagpole several yards away.

Blinking at a realization, Sunset peered up at the sudden shrinking of Twilight’s beam and bit down on her lips upon noticing the force pushing her back had diminished considerably. The redhead narrowed her gaze, pushing her arms forth with all of her might. The bright energy expanded, swallowing the opposing stream, and Twilight could only scream as she was engulfed, her form fading behind a blinding light. Slowly but surely, Twilight opened her eyes and blinked, eyeing her undamaged form. She gazed at her surroundings with a skeptical gaze, wincing once she laid eyes on Sunset Shimmer.

The outside world had grown mute, while the distance between them lessened. Sunset offered her hand, placing the other over her chest. “Take my hand, Twilight,” she whispered, easing forth until they were inches apart. “I can show you a better way.”

Twilight recoiled, stepping back while even her wings bent inwardly as a makeshift shield, but she sniffled, tears streaming from the corner of her eyes. Yielding, she could only accept the gesture and gently placed her hand onto Sunset’s. Soon, a warmth spread over Twilight as a trail of golden energy coursed over her body. All dark energy dissipated, shattering into nothingness, and the horn over her forehead broke away, evaporating from sight. In the outside world, everyone watched as two silhouettes gracefully lowered back to the ground. Once the surrounding energies dissolved, Sunset and Twilight were revealed to be back in their normal forms.

Her eyes still swollen with tears, Twilight could only shake her head shamefully. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

Sunset simply nodded. “I know.” She managed a smile, cupping Twilight’s hands into her own. “Judging from my own experiences, they’ll forgive you.”

Spike barked happily, leaping into Twilight’s unexpecting grasp, but the girl laughed sweetly, embracing the pup firmly yet gently. Spider-Man watched the sight briefly before firing a strand of webbing onto the side of the school, falling into a swing. Spider-Knight immediately followed, pausing as he caught sight of Luna in the distance. However, just as she turned in his direction, as if feeling his gaze, the older man leapt into the air with his web-strand in hand. Some onlookers pointed at both Spider-Men but quickly lost track of their forms. Meanwhile, Principal Cinch emerged from behind the bleachers with a weary expression, but a glare soon manifested upon catching sight of Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

“Principal Celestia!” she exclaimed, her usually infallible disposition faltering. “On behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!”

Unbeknownst to everyone, Spider-Knight watched the conversation unfold with his arms crossed from the rooftop of the school. “Even after everything that’s happened, they’re still going on about the competition.” He glanced to the side, huffing as his younger counterpart finished putting his casual clothing back over his frame. “It’s almost like reality didn’t nearly just break apart.”

Younger Peter rolled his eyes, placing his mask into his backpack before sliding its straps over his shoulders. “Dude, right? I’ve only been here for a few weeks, but I already know this town is nuts. Oh, and magic sucks. It just spits in the face of scientific logic.”

Scoffing, Older Peter shook his head. “Don’t feel bad about it. I’ve been dealing with it for decades now, and I still feel the same way as you about it. I’ve just come to accept it at this point.” A realization soon came into mind, evident by the man’s widened gaze. He soon walked up to his younger counterpart with a stern glare. “What was that, by the way? I told you to let them handle it, but you still got involved. Why?”

Chuckling sheepishly, Younger Peter scratched the back of his head. “Well, last time I checked, you said that I have to let my friends help me, right? So, of course I’m going to help them right back. It’s only fair.”

Slow to respond, the corner of Older Peter’s mouth curled into a smirk before he turned his back to his smaller counterpart. “You’re a stubborn kid. I’d scold you for being stupid, but since you’re me, I’ll let it slide.” He paused, settling his somber gaze on Twilight and Sunset. Inhaling deeply, Older Peter let out a low sigh and allowed his smile to widen. “Thanks. You’ve given this old soul a little bit of hope.”

Although his words were uttered barely above the hint of a whisper, Younger Peter arched a brow while tracing a finger over his ear. Yet, he quickly nodded and smiled in response. “So, did I hear all of that right? Did the power of friendship literally just win the day?” he groaned, earning a hesitant nod from his aged self. Peter threw up his hands afterward. “That is so cheesy. I really am stuck in an episode of Captain Planet.”

“It… grows on you after a while,” Older Peter muttered, tracing a finger over his cheek sheepishly.

Meanwhile, Principal Cinch crossed her arms. “Clearly, Canterlot High has held an unfair advantage for quite some time, and it’s obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefits!”

Peter listened alongside his older counterpart, stammering. “Um, I mean, she’s not entirely wrong.” He shrugged dumbly. “The games really should have ended earlier, when the killer plants got involved. Crystal Prep should have won by default.”

Celestia smiled widely as her gaze narrowed. “I believe saving the world benefits us all.”

Raising a finger, Peter nodded in affirment. “That’s also true, but my point still stands. Crystal Prep is technically the right winner.”

Sugarcoat stepped forth and frowned, glaring intently at Principal Cinch. “At least they didn’t manipulate Twilight into releasing all of the stolen magic and turning her into a power-crazed magical creature that nearly destroyed the world all just to win a game.”

The entire vicinity simply stared at the girl after her dry and blunt response for what seemed like minutes. Brushing a hand over his beard, Older Peter nodded inwardly and smirked. “I like that one. Reminds me of my wife.”

“She’s weird,” Younger Peter mumbled, arching a brow before blinking at a thought. “Hold on. I met a different Twilight recently, and Sunset told me that she was married to another version of me. Is that you?”

Slow to respond, Older Peter stared at his younger self with a furrowed brow. “What’s with this world’s dimensional barrier? I thought it was weird enough that I slipped through, but you’re telling me that this isn’t new to you?” Clearing his throat, the man waved his hand dismissively. “No way. My Twilight became Midnight and never reverted back.”

Younger Peter let out a relieved sigh, placing his hands over his hips before chuckling. “Man. That’s a relief. I nearly lost my lunch when I found out Twilight and I have like three kids in an alternate reality. That me is insane, but I can tell you have a lot more sense.” He walked up, poking the man in the side. “So, who is she?”

“She’s the princess of the moon, and I’m her knight,” Older Peter grinned, pointing a finger at the blue woman standing between Cadence and Celestia. “There’s my Luna.”

As if an anvil fell onto his skull, Younger Peter staggered in place before collapsing onto his side. “What?!” he exclaimed, his voice echoing throughout the vicinity. Everyone paused, alternating their gazes in hopes of locating the source, but both Peters snapped out of view, sweating profusely as they ducked under the siding of the roof. Once everyone continued their conversation, Younger Peter stood back up eventually, his complexion as pale as the moon in the sky. “Okay. I take it back. You’re even weirder than the other me.”

Taken aback, Older Peter raised his hands defensively. “Hold on. How is that weird?”

“She’s my Vice Principal here!” Younger Peter exclaimed, pointing a finger. He glanced to the side. “I know we have a thing for older girls, but still!”

Crossing his arms, Older Peter grumbled. “That’s not entirely true!”

Younger Peter blankly stared at his older counterpart. “How much older is she than you in your world?”

“She’s two thousand, four hundred and…” Older Peter stated, trailing off once he registered his own words. His face flushed to a shade of pink momentarily before he cleared his throat. “Okay. You have a point,” he relented, exhaling upon catching sight of Younger Peter’s exasperated expression. Older Peter’s face fell flat. “Shut up.”

Meanwhile, Cinch reverted her attention back to Sugarcoat and huffed. “That’s ridiculous!” She snapped back and faced Celestia with vigor, her expression growing wilder by the second. “Obviously, my students have been infested with your magic, and I plan to take this up with the School Board!”

“Actually, you won’t,” a voice declared from behind, prompting everyone to glance in its direction. A dark man with a long black jacket and eyepatch walked up to the woman with a badge in hand. “Colonel Sanders of the FBI. We’d like for you to come with us, Abacus Cinch.”

Peter arched his brow. “Fury?”

“That’s Fury? Why does he look like Samuel L. Jackson here?” Older Peter questioned lightly, holding a hand over the side of his mouth. Once a bewildered expression formed on his younger self’s face, the older man cleared his throat. “Never mind.”

Taken aback, Cinch blinked. “On what grounds?”

Sliding his badge into one of his many pockets, Fury cleared his throat before arching a brow. “Extortion. Child Endangerment. That’s just the start of it.” Turning his back, he glanced in the direction of the school roof where both Peters quietly stood before huffing under his breath. “An old student of yours informed me of your shady activities, so I’d advise you to come along quietly. Save what’s left of your reputation before it’s shot to sh…um, kingdom come.”

Cinch opened her mouth, ready to respond, but she simply shared a glance with those around her. However, all three Principals simply shrugged, managing a smile. Blinking, the older woman glanced at all of the students with something resembling that of a look of plea. Yet, it fell on deaf ears as the combination of students stood together and withheld their silence. Defeated, Cinch straightened her posture and brushed the wrinkles from her dress before walking past Fury.

Turning sharply, Fury steadily departed before pausing momentarily. “You good people think you can keep this little incident quiet? We don’t want word getting out and causing a panic.”

Celestia nodded. “That won’t be a problem.”

“Good,” Fury huffed, nodding as if accepting her word. He resumed his walk, all while clearing his throat before exclaiming, “We’ll keep in touch!”

Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the side, watching as Fury and Cinch faded into the distance. “Man! That guy’s loud.”

Meanwhile, a bemused expression morphed on Peter’s face as his brow twitched. “I really hate that guy.” Inhaling deeply, the young man shrugged and shook his head. “Ah, well. At least the day’s saved, and it didn’t get any stupider.”

Older Peter exhaled, swiping his hand against the back of his younger counterpart’s head. “You dumb rookie. Word of advice: never tempt fate.”

Just before Peter could ask anything, Celestia walked up to the rest of the students with a softened gaze. “Well, I know these Friendship Games have not been what any of us expected, but given what all of us have been through, I think it’s fair to declare us all winners!”

All of the students cheered and clamored, raising their hands victoriously. However, a blonde spectator garbed in a leather jacket crushed his cup of soda before hurling his bag of popcorn behind his shoulder. “Oh, this sucks!”

Blueblood folded his arms, eyeing his fellow students with an arched brow. “Seriously? How is anyone happy with this?”

Slack-jawed, Flash Thompson held out his hands in disbelief. “No! I’d rather lose than be given a participation trophy! They bring people together for all the wrong reasons!”

Older Peter scoffed, merely shaking his head at that aspect, but he glanced to the side, catching his younger self with a wild gaze. Treading the thin line of sanity, it was merely a matter of time before it eventually snapped under the weight of the illogical and nonsensical. Evident by his twitching brow, Younger Peter had long plummeted into the depths, and he screamed at the moon, practically howling. Yet, his screams were drowned out by the cheers of the students beneath his position, which only prompted him to yell even louder.

“I must admit,” Older Peter blankly stated, staring simply at his counterpart with a bemused gaze, “I did not see that one coming.”

To be concluded…