• Published 29th May 2022
  • 5,034 Views, 390 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode IV "Friendship Games" - Maximus_Reborn

The Friendship Games are set to begin, and figments from Peter's past resurface in the form of Crystal Prep's Twilight Sparkle and Abacus Cinch. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer struggles to find her meaning and place in the world. Let the games begin!

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Ch. 3 "Two Sides of a Coin"

Chapter Three “Two Sides of a Coin”

Twilight paced in place as she stood outside of a door, pausing to gaze upon the words ‘Principal’s Office’ embedded on its glass. She alternated her gaze between the door, hallway, and watch on her wrist, all while tapping her foot impatiently. Eventually, she lifted her sight once Peter staggered in her direction. As he attempted to straighten his ruffled clothing, the young man cleared his throat nervously upon sharing a glance with Twilight as her eyes narrowed into a glare.

“What are you doing? I told you to get here early!” Twilight declared, stomping a foot against the floor.

Peter glanced to the side, clearing his throat. “Sorry. Traffic was cluttered,” He paused, easing his mask into his pocket while Twilight exhaled, “Did I miss anything?”

Inhaling deeply, Twilight straightened her glasses before shaking her head. “You can’t keep doing this. Once one makes a commitment, you are supposed to honor that request. This is the fourth time that you almost missed something important,” Crossing her arms, the girl frowned, “It just really makes me feel like you don’t care. You’re either sleeping through class, bored, or not there altogether.”

Glancing to the side, Peter scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I know, and I’m sorry. Things have just been….hectic lately.”

“Hey. Did you hear?” a female student with large silver-blue pigtails asked another mere feet away, paying no mind to the pair nearby. “There was a chase in the city, and that Spider-Guy slammed into the hood of a car, caving the whole engine in!”

Her fair-skinned friend shrugged, brushing a hand through her short blue hair. “What’s his deal? I get that he was just stopping it, but he can learn to be a lot more subtle. Things seemed peaceful before he showed up. I hope he doesn’t hang around for much longer.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed as both girls walked off, frowning as Peter continued to pack his pocket aggressively. “Spider-Man,” she growled under her breath, blinking once a realization came into mind. Returning her attention to Peter, the girl’s demeanor seemed to soften as her shoulders loosened. “You just said that traffic was congested. It sounds like Spider-Man was responsible for that. I’m sorry for lashing out about it.”

Peter shrugged, waving a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it,” he paused, raising a hand as Twilight readied to open the office door, “Hold on. I just want to ask something. How do you feel about Spider-Man?”

A low growl escaped from the girl’s mouth as she straightened her glasses. “What’s there to feel? He’s an irresponsible man who flaunts his power aimlessly, and trouble follows him wherever he goes.”

“Ouch,” Peter whispered, glancing to the side.

Cupping her chin in the palm of her hand, Twilight narrowed her gaze. “However, I am curious about him. Where and how did he get his abilities? What else can he do, and how can it be beneficial in the hands of someone more responsible?” Shaking her head, the girl turned to face the young man. “That doesn’t matter. Principal Cinch wants to meet you finally. We’re already late, so I hope she’s willing to forgive you. Just try to act decently.”

Peter chuckled under his breath. “Oh, come on. How bad can it be?”

Inhaling deeply before sighing, Peter sat at the edge of the auditorium with his arms crossed alongside his group of rejects. He furrowed his brow at the sight of a room full of students. Each clamored wildly as Flash Thompson stood at the center of the stage, motioning his hands in an encouraging manner, and everyone responded in kind, growing louder considerably. Peter winced before throwing his hands over his ears, groaning while his senses blared.

“I know pep rallies are loud, but this is ridiculous,” he grumbled, letting out a relieved sigh once the ringing in his cranium ceased. Trixie and Ditzy joined the cheering, applauding while Aria sat in place with a bemused expression. Peter scoffed before shrugging. “Well, at least they aren’t singing this time.”

Faster than anyone could react, Rainbow Dash sped next to Flash before skidding to a halt with a microphone in hand. “Crystal students are super athletic, super ready, and super motivated, but there’s something they’re not!”

Peter’s complexion paled as his brow twitched involuntarily. “Oh, please. God, no,” he whispered, arching a brow as the lights in the room dimmed. Rainbow’s foot tapped to a beat, only fueling Peter’s dismay further. He raised a finger defiantly while shaking his head. “I swear to all that is holy, please do not break into a song.”

As if on cue, Rainbow Dash clutched her microphone tightly and smiled. “We are Canterlot~! We will win~” she sang, marching across the room with the band marching behind her. Everyone joined in sync without prompting, and Peter watched in confusion, slack-jawed with his arms out. Suddenly, wings, ears, and a tail magically sprouted from Rainbow’s body before she hovered high above the ground, never ceasing her singing. “For friendship will make us powerful~! They know well that in the end, they will never be able to defeat us~!”

Aria sank into her seat with her palm lazily covering half of her face, grumbling, “Aw, ****. Here we go again.”

Peter watched as everyone remained in rhythm, many of the students joining in unison without breaking a beat, and he threw his hands up, pointing at everyone. “Seriously?! Did you all practice this?! How is everyone in sync?! Why does this keep happening?! I have so many questions!”

Everyone continued to sing in spite of Peter’s protests, some even dancing. Aria huffed. “Dude. Just give up. Once they start, there’s no stopping it.”

Exasperated, Peter threw his hands up in defeat and stood abruptly. “All right. I’m about to head out. I just can’t today,” He grumbled under his breath, “Fury tells me to keep a low profile, but these girls are flaunting their powers openly. That’s some serious bull–!”

“Have you no school spirit?” Trixie interjected, frowning as she raised a finger objectively.

Peter walked without stopping, refusing to hold eye contact with anyone. “Nope. I’m a sheep with the choice of siding with a pack of lions on one end and tigers on the other. Either way, both outcomes suck.”

Aria readied herself to stand, holding an annoyed expression of her own. “Take me with you.”

Trixie reached out and grabbed the siren’s forearm, pulling her back into her seat. “Oh, I don’t think so! I already have your outfit sized and fitted! You, Ditzy, and I shall wow everyone with our Canterlot Cheer Routine!”

Ditzy grinned, clapping in place. “Come on, Aria! It’ll be fun!”

Aria’s usually stoic expression faltered, shrinking into that of plea once she shifted her attention to Peter. “You can’t just leave me here!”

Inhaling deeply, Peter stopped in his tracks. “You’re right. I can’t just leave a friend behind–” he paused, gasping upon spotting something in the distance. He pointed dramatically behind Aria, “Hey! What’s that?!”

“What?! Where?!” Blinking, Aria turned sharply, but she found nothing, only Rainbow and the band continuing to sing their number. Once she faced back in Peter’s direction, he had already halfway reached the door on the other side of the room. Aria’s brow twitched madly. “I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that he had the audacity to try the oldest trick in the book or that I fell for it. Both are equally insulting.” Slowly but surely, Aria turned around and found Trixie smiling evilly while Ditzy grinned obliviously. She could only stare dumbly at the pair with a dark yet empty glare as a vein throbbed on her cheek and forehead. Eventually, Aria sat back in her seat. “Whatever. I’ll kill him when I get home.”

Easing past everyone, the young man snorted as Flash shot him a smirk. Eventually, he managed to escape and reach an empty hallway. Pausing, Peter rubbed at his throbbing cranium. “What’s going on? I feel like my senses are cranked up even more than usual.” Someone walked up to the young man, lightly tapping his shoulder, and Peter exhaled, turning to face the source with a scowl. “Flash, I’m not in the mood for your– Oh.”

Sunset placed her hands over her hips and managed a smile, lifting her bright gaze to meet his own. “You look like you’re having another rough go.”

“Nah, I just… I don’t…” Peter stammered, pointing a thumb behind his position as his face burned. Eventually, his brain ceased to function, evident by his sheepish expression and hapless shrug. Peter’s eyes shifted across the girl’s form before snapping to the ceiling. “Jiminy Cricket. What brings you by? I thought you would’ve been in there with your friends and today’s musical number… and magic show.”

“Rainbow Dash is just doing what she can to get everyone ready for the games. I’ll join back with them later. I owe you lunch and an explanation,” Sunset stated, never averting her gaze from the young man’s, “Had a place in mind?”

Peter shook his head, grinning mildly. “Anywhere but here is my vote.” Just as he readied to reply further, Vice-Principal Luna entered the vicinity and shared a glance with the girl. Peter pursed his lips and pointed a thumb behind his position. “Looks like you have company. Just text me where you want to go and when.”

Sunset nodded, sharing a wave with the young man. “Just wait for me by the courtyard. I’ll be there soon.” Once Peter had exited the vicinity, Sunset turned her attention to the older woman. “Yes, Vice-Principal Luna?”

Slow to respond, Luna frowned. “I won’t take up much of your time, Sunset. I’m just here to ask that you and your friends keep your magic in check during the Friendship Games. The last thing I want is for us to be accused of cheating.”

“Of course. I’ll just have to convince Rainbow not to show off,” Sunset stated, earning a warm smile from the woman.

Luna glanced to the side, analyzing her surroundings with a furrowed brow before turning back to Sunset. “I also have an assignment for you. I want you to discover exactly why you and your friends are magically transforming. Maybe then, you can learn to control it properly.” Pausing, Luna waved a hand dismissively while smiling inwardly. “That’s all. Enjoy yourself. If it’s any consolation, I think he’s cute. What’s he like?”

Shrugging, Sunset chuckled nervously. “He’s a bit of a mystery, so I’m hoping to find out more about him.” Blinking, the girl inhaled deeply before sighing. She ran in the direction Peter departed, ignoring the rising temperature in her face. “And I hope he’ll learn more about me, too.”

Twilight alternated her gaze about between the door and hallway, as if contemplating a means to avoid the matter, but she eventually yielded, sighing before entering the room. The lights were dimmed, leaving the abode considerably dark in comparison to the rest of the building. Twilight glanced to the side, sharing a glance with a young woman donning bright pink skin. Once the smaller girl took a seat at the center of the room where a desk stood, the woman brushed her hand through her yellow and violet highlights in her hair.

“Glad you could make it, Twilight,” she declared, straightening her posture.

Twilight nodded. “Sure, Cadence. Do you know what’s going on?” Just as the woman readied to respond, a male with bright white skin and royal blue hair closed the door to the office and took a stance alongside Cadence. Taken aback, Twilight blinked at the sight before returning her line of sight towards Cadence. “What’s my brother doing here?”

“As an Alumni, Principal Cinch thought it would be great if Shining Armor gave you a little… perspective,” Cadence whispered, trailing off while sharing a brief glance with the young man.

Twilight frowned. “Perspective on what?”

“For the Friendship Games, of course,” a voice declared from behind before the chair spun around and revealed an older blue-skinned woman with her violet hair neatly pulled into a bun. With her posture straightened, she glanced to the side. “Did you not compete in the Friendship Games, Shining Armor?”

Feeling the temperature in his face rise momentarily, Shining cleared his throat and chuckled. “Yes, Ma’am. I did.”

Principal Cinch leaned forward over the desk, never turning her gaze. “Do you recall who won?”

Huffing, Shining smirked while straightening his collar. “Crystal Prep! We always win!”

Nodding, Principal Cinch narrowed her gaze before folding her arms. “Indeed. We always win.”

Shrinking into her seat, Twilight’s eyes softened. “Why did you ask to see me?”

“I’ll be honest, Twilight. It doesn’t really matter who wins or loses. What is important is that we’re expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation,” Principal Cinch declared, standing from her desk before walking to the trophy case across the room. She stared intently at her reflection within the golden surface of one of the awards, glancing to the side afterward. “It is because of that reputation– my reputation– that we have everything here at Crystal Prep and for everything you’ve done here.” The corner of her lips curled into a dark smile as she stepped back towards her seat. “I’ll be frank. You’ve done quite a lot, haven’t you?”

Biting down on her lip, Twilight shifted her gaze about nervously. “I guess?”

Principal Cinch soon retook her seat, managing a small smile. “Don’t be modest. You are the second best student this school has ever seen and my prized apprentice.” She paused, placing a closed hand over her mouth before clearing her throat. “What I don’t understand is why my star pupil refuses to compete.”

“In the Friendship Games?” Twilight questioned, straightening her glasses.

Shining raised a hand objectively. “Look, Twilight. I know it’s not really your thing, but the Friendship Games are a really big deal to this school. Plus, everyone could really use your help.”

Retrieving a small array of papers from her desk, Cinch scrolled through the lettered documents. “It actually seems Canterlot is undergoing something of a renaissance. Test scores and grade point averages are up considerably. Even athletics are on the rise.” She flipped through the pages, pointing a finger at a pair of names on the sheet. “I’ve done my investigation and discovered that a broken stunt woman has had quite the effect on the athletics program there, and an old colleague of mine has garnered some influence in the academics. While I strongly disagree with his methods, I admit that he is very brilliant and can understand easily why Canterlot is amidst developing quite a reputation. All the more reason why this simply can not stand.”

Twilight shook her head. “Principal Cinch! I can’t compete in the Friendship Games! My work is too important to–!”

“Ah, yes. Your work,” Cinch whispered, nodding before settling her gaze on the pair across the room. “Cadence, could you and Shining Armor gather my contact information for Everton?”

Cadence nodded firmly, exiting the room with Shining following behind. “Of course.”

Once the pair closed the door behind them, Cinch retrieved an envelope from underneath her desk before opening it. “I’ve read your work, and it is quite impressive. The advantage of having a reputation is the influence one gains. Should you lend your intellect to our cause, I can ensure that you are accepted to Everton.” A dark expression surfaced on the woman’s face as she pulled the envelope away from Twilight’s reach, her brow furrowing. “Should you refuse, I can’t guarantee your acceptance. Do I make myself clear? You will participate in the Friendship Games and make certain our reputation remains intact. Understood?”

“Thanks for humoring me,” Sunset lightly declared, easing into her seat. Once Peter did the same from across her position, the girl watched as he eyed the plate of tacos with a widened gaze. Smirking, Sunset waved a hand dismissively. “I said it’s my treat. I’ve been around you enough to know how much you like to eat. I’m just sorry that it isn’t fancy.”

Peter lifted one of the tacos, holding it under his nose briefly, and as the warm scent filled his senses, the young man let out a content sigh. “I can’t afford fancy or moderate. Sometimes, the cheapest foods are the best. Besides, who doesn’t like an easy taco from the Bell?” Pausing, Peter devoured a pair of tacos instantaneously before casually taking a sip from his cup of cola. He glanced to the side, frowning. “To be honest, I needed this. I’m sick to death of everyone talking about the stupid games or whatever it is. I just hope this isn’t too pricey.”

Sunset shrugged, pausing while stealing a glance at her empty wallet before slipping it back into her purse. “Don’t worry about it. I do think it’s silly how serious everyone is taking it, but I’ll still support my friends in any way that I can.” After a brief silence, Sunset inhaled deeply before sighing as the corner of her lips curled into a light smile. “Anyway. That’s not what I brought you here for. I wanted to talk with you about a few things and apologize for not being more honest with you. So, if you have any questions, I’ll answer them to the best of my ability.”

Faster than Sunset could react, Peter dropped everything on his plate and slid it to the side. “Okay! First question. The magic. Your friend just grew wings, ears, and a tail in front of the entire rally, and nobody batted an eye. Is that just a thing here?”

Slow to respond, Sunset shrugged. “It hasn’t been a thing for long, but everyone just seems to accept it for what it is.” Blinking upon failing to hear a response, Sunset faced Peter and was greeted with a slack-jawed glare. Resting her chin in the palm of her hand, the girl hummed. “I take it that’s not normal for you?”

Shaking his head, Peter scoffed. “No way. I mean, yeah, but not really.” The young man trailed off, scratching the back of his head as his scattered thoughts settled. “I guess what I mean is that we know these kinds of things exist. Heck, back home in New York, there were aliens, mutants, and gods all gathered throughout the city, but even then, things weren’t casual. Like, your friends use their powers openly. Are there no secret identities?”

“I guess there’s no need to be secretive if everyone’s okay with it?” Sunset politely interjected, smiling until Peter’s expression darkened. Once a low growl escaped from his mouth, the girl narrowed her gaze. “What’s wrong?”

Pursing his lips, Peter huffed before straightening his posture. “Nothing. Sorry. It’s just a matter of opinion, but I think you’re playing a dangerous game. You have abilities, but shouldn’t you keep it under wraps? What if the wrong people found out?”

“You think someone might want to hurt us?” Sunset questioned, arching a brow.

Peter raised a finger objectively. “Maybe not you directly. It’s just something to consider.” Brushing the thought to the side, the young man waved a hand dismissively. “Okay. Changing topics, there is something I’d like to know. Why have you been pushing me away? You say it’s not me, but I’d totally understand if it was. I have a tendency for ticking everyone around me off and not knowing why… sometimes,” Peter paused, letting out an empty laugh, “Rambling aside, I’d just like to know what’s going on.”

Brushing a finger over her cheek sheepishly, Sunset hummed under her breath. “I honestly wouldn’t know where to start. I guess I can confess to… not being from around here.”

“That’s not too out there. When you blew up the school, how did you manage that? Was it magic? Are you a mutant? Did you create a bomb because you’re a mad chemist?” Peter asked, tilting his head to the side.

Sunset snorted inadvertently, placing a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. “I almost wish it was that simple. I’m actually…” she whispered, trailing off before alternating her gaze about. Once certain no one in the restaurant was prying onto her conversation, the girl leaned closer to Peter. “I’m actually from another dimension. I slipped into this reality through a portal a few years back, and I’m more or less stuck here.” Sunset’s head fell shamefully as she covered her face with a hand, a weak groan escaping from her mouth. “That’s probably the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard, right?”

Peter crossed his arms. “Not really. Back where I come from, we’ve had like three alien invasions over the course of a year. I’m more fascinated by the idea that multiverse theory actually exists!” Rubbing his chin with a hand, Peter furrowed his brow before his eyes widened at a realization. “If you’re serious, does this mean your friend is from that same world? It would explain why I’ve been getting so many mixed signals from her lately. She hates me one second, then she’s nice to me the next before hating me all over again.”

“You noticed that?” Sunset whispered, furrowing her brow. “Hold on. You know Twilight from this world?”

Nodding, Peter scoffed. “They’re two totally different people. The one I know is from Crystal Prep and a coworker. To say I’m not on her Christmas card list would be an understatement.” Trailing off, he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “When I talked to your Twilight, it was like she knew me. No. She almost knew me too well.” Shaking his head, Peter’s eyes brightened. “Anyway. What’s your dimension like? Any differences worth noting?”

“Multiverse can be backwards. Try not to overthink it for now. Things are similar yet different, and what I’m about to tell you is the hardest part to admit,” Sunset stated, biting down on her lip. She stammered about, attempting to slow her racing thoughts with no succession, and Peter patiently waited with a raised brow, huffing. Eventually, Sunset lifted her gaze to meet his and sighed. “Well, I used to be a unicorn in a land called Equestria.”

An awkward silence filled the space as Peter stared at Sunset with a bewildered expression. Suddenly, he burst into light laughter while waving a hand dismissively. “Ah, good one. It almost sounded like you said you were a magical pony from a parallel dimension.” He continued to chuckle, ceasing upon noticing Sunset’s unwavering expression. Shifting to an upright stance in his seat, Peter blinked. “No way. Seriously? So, the magical rainbow horse at the Battle of the Bands and Rainbow Dash just now?” Chuckling halfheartedly, the young man smirked. “Next thing you’ll probably tell me is that the wicked witch I know is actually a princess in your world. That’d be ridiculous, right?”

Sunset bit down on her lip, smiling sheepishly. “Well…”

Slack-jawed, Peter stared at the girl with a pale complexion. “No.”

“It’s shocking to me, too. And guess what? She’s married with three kids. To who? I don’t know. He must be quite the charmer, and Twilight was adamant that I wouldn’t believe who it was,” Sunset stated, as if convincing herself of the truth as well.

Glancing to the side, Peter shook his head and huffed. “I feel bad for that guy. Must be a total weirdo.”

“The only hint she gave me was that it’s Spider-Man,” Sunset declared, casually taking a sip from her cup. Suddenly, a thud reached her feet, and the table shook in response. The girl peeked up, unable to locate Peter, who had seemingly disappeared. Sunset shifted her gaze about, attempting to locate her friend. She blinked once Peter’s hand rose from underneath the table, and he managed to pull himself back to his seat, his face a sickly shade of blue. Sunset tilted her head to the side, furrowing her brow. “Are you okay? What happened?”

Clearing his throat, Peter grabbed the nearest napkin and wiped the sweat from his face. “I think I’m gonna be sick. It’s something in these tacos.” Once Sunset nodded, she reached into her purse before retrieving an antacid pill. Peter accepted the item once it was offered, averting his gaze to the ceiling with a groan. “I’ve never felt such a strange combination of pity and indigestion.”

Sunset nodded, shifting her attention. “Anyway. Yes. That is magic carried over from my world. I came to this dimension from a portal, and some of the magical properties from Equestria filled this land. To what extent? I don’t know. It’s something we’re still trying to figure out.” Inhaling deeply before sighing, the girl lowered her gaze while brushing a hand through her crimson and blonde hair. “I’ve actually been tasked to find out why my friends and I have been transforming as of late. At first, it was only when we sang, but it’s been happening sporadically.”

“The power of song? Lord help me,” Peter grumbled, grimacing at the thought before clearing his throat. He reached over to the plate and retrieved a pair of tacos, scarfing them down in a couple of bites. “It makes a little sense why things are a bit off around here, but thanks for helping me make some sense of… everything. So, how long have you been here?”

Sunset glanced to the side, brushing her arm shamefully. “A few years. I’m actually older than I look. My body’s actually de-aged a bit because of the magic. I’m a twenty-year old in a sixteen year old body. Are you weirded out? Now, you have to understand why I couldn’t just tell you the truth from the start.”

Peter nodded, managing a small smile. “I totally get it. I appreciate you trusting me with that.” As if a thought came into mind, the young man’s brow lowered. “How many know the truth?”

“Just my friends, Aria, and you. Please don’t tell the others,” Sunset pleaded, edging closer to Peter until their faces were inches apart.

Sobering, Peter’s expression softened. “Of course.”

The corner of Sunset’s lips curled into a smile before she eased back into her seat. “That’s everything about me. I’d love to know more about you. We’ve been around each other for a few weeks now. You’re so mysterious though.”

The blood in his body grew cold, evident by his pale complexion. “Not really my intention. I’m just still getting used to this school. I wasn’t really popular at Empire State, and it wasn’t any better at Crystal Prep. Things got so weird there that I asked to be transferred here.” A bemused glare surfaced on his face as he chomped away at the last taco, frowning. “I’m beginning to think that was a mistake, too.”

“So, you did go to Crystal Prep. What made you leave there?” Sunset questioned, resting her hands over her thighs.

Peter huffed, crossing his arms. “It’s a school for the elite. I just didn’t fit in there. Plus, the principal was obsessive,” He raised his gaze, shaking his head, “If you’re trying to get me to participate in those stupid Friendship Games, just stop. I’m not interested. The last thing I want is to be in the middle of two factions that equally hate me.”

Sunset placed a hand over Peter’s shoulder. “Give everyone some time. They just haven’t seen the best side of you, like some of us have.” She squeezed his shoulder assuringly, relinquishing her hold upon noticing she had been at it for a few seconds. Sunset cleared her throat and brushed the wrinkles from her dress shirt. “And don’t worry. I’m not forcing you to join. I honestly feel it’s silly how seriously everyone’s taking it, but I’m going to participate more for them than myself. However, I’d like it if you came to watch. You can… cheer me on.”

Scratching the back of his head, Peter exhaled before letting out a defeated sigh. “Okay. I’ll watch, but I’m not cheerleading.” As if satisfied with his response, Sunset clapped and grinned. The pair maintained eye contact, smiling before Peter glanced to the side. A bus rolled across the street and came to a halt outside of Canterlot High. Soon, an array of students began to exit the vehicle, each wearing matching burgundy uniforms. Peter groaned inwardly as he sank into his seat. “Oh, no. It’s them.”

Sunset furrowed her brow, alternating her gaze between Peter and the students gathering outside. “Who? Crystal Prep?” Once the young man weakly nodded, shamefully shielding his face with a hand, Sunset stood from her seat. “I have to find my friends and make sure they don’t do anything they’ll regret. I’ll catch you later, tiger.”

“Huh?” Peter blurted out, his eyes widening momentarily. Just as he lifted his gaze, Sunset leaned over and gently pressed her lips against his cheek. Before he could hope to respond, the girl skipped out of the building. His thoughts grew fuzzy as his face burned, and the young man could only grin to himself. “Tiger, huh? That’s a new one.” Glancing back outside, Peter stared intently at the gathered crowd for what seemed like an eternity before he narrowed his gaze upon a familiar sight. “Hang on. That’s–!”

He hopped from his seat and sped outside. With a narrowed gaze, the young man sped across the street before reaching the courtyard. Many of the Crystal Prep students caught sight of him, some recognizing his appearance almost immediately. Their expressions turned sour, some even whispering amongst themselves. Peter stayed on task, maneuvering past everyone until he reached his target. An older man turned, lowering his shades upon sharing eye contact with him.

“Mister Parker! Your timing is impeccable,” Otto stated, managing a smile.

Peter alternated his gaze before holding his hands. “My timing? I’m surprised you’re out here, Doc. Don’t tell me you’re interested in the games, too?”

Twilight emerged from behind Octavious, straightening her glasses before shooting Peter a glare. “You!”

Grimacing, Peter frowned. “You’re here, too? I think I’m going to be sick.”

A girl with gray skin and a large pair of silver-blue pigtails stopped in her tracks, fixing her glasses momentarily. “Wow. You’re pretty rude,” She continued on her way, sharing a glance with Twilight, “I still think he’s cute.”

Letting out a defeated sigh, Twilight waved. “Thanks, Sugarcoat,” Twilight’s glare only sharpened upon shifting it back to Peter, “The feeling’s mutual. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

Slow to respond, Peter blinked. “Did that chick just say that I’m cute?” The young man’s thoughts ran. ‘Whatever. I’m actually married to this demon? If I’m lucky, it’s multiverse theory, and it’s not me that Spider-Man.’ Shaking his head, Peter returned his attention back to his professor. “Still curious as to why you’re here, Doc.”

Placing a hand over Peter’s shoulder, Otto’s eyes softened behind his dark glasses. “My boy. Like you, I have old ties to Crystal Prep that I wish to resolve.”

“Old ties? Like what?” Twilight asked, placing her hands together.

“Don’t mind him, Twilight. He’s always had a flare for the dramatic,” a voice chuckled from behind. Everyone turned to the source. Principal Cinch steadily approached the trio. Twilight sank in place, biting down on her lip, and Peter stepped back, frowning as a bead of sweat trailed down his cheek. However, the woman’s gaze never left that of Octavious, who held firmly with his arms crossed. Principal Cinch’s lips curled into a coy smile. “Hello, Otto.”

Octavious straightened his shades with a finger, smirking. “Hello, Abby.”

“Otto?” Twilight squeaked as her glasses tilted awkwardly to the side.

“Abby?” Peter questioned, his brow twitching involuntarily.

Both children stared at the adults with bewilderment before they both erupted in unison with their fingers pointed. “WHAT?!

To be continued…