• Published 7th Dec 2022
  • 8,497 Views, 334 Comments

My Life as a Pony - _Sugarplum_

Reborn in another world, a former human finds their self in the body of a young pony. As a fanatic, they should feel elated, but this world is not quite as it should be. This is the story of how their new life began.

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The Beginning

I never believed in other worlds. Such things only existed in fantasies. Or so I thought, until I one day found myself thrust into one. With all the possibilities that the existence of other universes brings about, I think I got off pretty easy. Landing in a world full of talking animals is nice.

The first thing I remember that day was waking up in a daze, in a large patch of grass. I had a doozy of a headache. My head was swimming and my body ached, like I got hit by a truck. I laid there for a few minutes. The pain eventually melted away and I lifted my head, looking all around, trying to get my bearings. The only things to greet me were trees and a few scattered flowers. I was in a forest? That’s okay, forests aren’t so bad. At least I’m nowhere dangerous. I’m safe here, for now… wherever here is.

I tried to stand up and was surprised as I became aware of my body. Or… my new body, rather. I definitely wasn’t human anymore. Humans don’t stand on four legs and have hooves. I was stunned at my new anatomy, slightly scared actually. I wasn't handling the idea of not being 'myself' very well. In my panic, I couldn't think properly. I just...started running.

I took off, leaving a flurry of dirt behind me as my four little legs carried me in a random direction. It was like anxiety hit me all at once. Where was I? What happened to me? How did I get here? Why am I a horse? Questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool. I was spiraling. I didn't come to my senses until I tripped over a tree root and fell flat on my face.

The first word to leave me was a drawled out "Owwwww." My tumble seemed to quell my panicked state. I sighed and huffed. Then I tried to stand upright again, although I had a bit of trouble with it. After getting back onto all fours, I raised my head and noticed an odd hole had been left in the dirt where my face had been. "Huh?" I murmured before rubbing a hoof on my forehead. My eyes widened upon realizing that there was a horn protruding from the middle of my noggin. "I'm a...unicorn?... Cool!" I chirped out childishly, my voice sounding squeaky, more infantile than what I was used to. I wondered what the rest of me looked like. "Wish I had a mirror." I said, wanting a good look at myself. I found something decent enough though.

There was a stream nearby, which I promptly trotted over to. I could get a rough idea of my reflection. Plus I was super thirsty. Two birds with one stone. I greedily lapped up some water, and then stopped, taking in my reflection as the water settled. I knew that I was different than before, but seeing the new form gaze back at me was a bit stunning. I was indeed a horse- no, a pony. A magical, fictional pony. I didn’t look exactly like the cartoon though. I looked far more ‘natural’, but was still obviously not like any horse on earth. I had tan colored fur, large eyes and light hair. My mane contained shades of light blue, almost white, streaks. My eyes were also blue. Nothing about me looked like “myself,” except having brown ‘skin.’ I tilted my head as I looked at this foreign equine who was now my body. “Wow...so this is really…me, now?" I questioned aloud. “I’m a pony?

To give myself further confirmation, I gave myself a good once over, noting all important details about my new body. I started with counting the limbs. “Four legs? Check.” I said, while lifting each cloven hoof one by one. “Er… make that five legs?” I joked, as I noticed I somehow gained an extra bit, between my back legs. I then looked at my back, which sported faint stripes. I wiggled my rump and then flicked my tail. The movement felt oddly nature. “Tail. Check.” I giggled. My gaze moved to my thigh, or was it flank? There was no cutie mark present. I guess it made sense. I’m a blank slate, it seems. I don’t think I even have a ‘special’ talent of any sort before anyway.

Next, I shifted focus back to my face and poked the horn that jutted out from my forehead. “Horn. Check- also ow” I mumbled as I noticed that it was uncomfortable to put pressure on the magical appendage. “Yep. Definitely a pony…. and a boy one apparently" I muttered. Changing gender was really odd, but then again so is becoming a fantasy animal. I’m just glad that I’m a creature that I enjoy. I paused and giggled to myself. “I’m a little pony,” I said as I did little tippy taps with my hooves. "This is so awesome!"

Once my mirth about being in my favorite childhood show had passed, I began to focus on what the hell to do with myself. As it stands, I'm still alone in the woods. I could see the sun slowly getting lower in the sky. I needed to come up with a plan before nightfall. I didn’t know where I was in Equestria and I barely remembered the layout of the nation, if those maps from the show were even accurate. I couldn’t tell what direction I was even facing. I opted on following the length of the river, hoping to find some sort of civilization. I walked for a long time. My legs were beginning to protest with every step I took. I huffed and groaned at the pain in my limbs. I had to keep moving. I was exhausted though. Eventually I did find a dirt road. A glimmer of hope. I was too tired to keep moving though. I sighed and laid down on the side of the road. I decided to rest there. I let out a long sigh. As I lay on the ground, I looked up at the moon as it rose. I remember thinking the face upon the moon’s surface was beautiful, as sleep finally claimed me.

I dreamt that I was in space. I floated among the stars. Everything was peaceful, until I suddenly found myself gravitating towards a strange mass. It was dark blue and pulsating. The mass emitted a strange noise in a garbled tone. As I grew closer, I could hear the sounds more clearly. Whatever this thing was, it could speak. ‘Come to us, little star child,’ it said. ‘Free us,’ it demanded. I grew more scared. I didn’t want to be near it. I tried to float in the opposite direction but I couldn’t. It was like I was caught in a tractor beam. ‘Foolish soul, do not run from us!’ I wanted no parts of it! The mass was right in front of me, beginning to swallow me up in its expanse. I couldn’t think, all I could do was scream.

Author's Note:

This is my first time writing a pony fanfic. The show may be dead but that won't stop me from a little silliness.

Edit: changed MCs hair color and also did other minor edits