• Published 7th Dec 2022
  • 8,495 Views, 334 Comments

My Life as a Pony - _Sugarplum_

Reborn in another world, a former human finds their self in the body of a young pony. As a fanatic, they should feel elated, but this world is not quite as it should be. This is the story of how their new life began.

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Carousel Kerfuffle

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy another chapter from little ol’ me :-)

edits have been made

It was a lovely afternoon in Ponyville. A white unicorn was working hard inside of her boutique, as she does practically every day. Her long, elegant tail swept against the pristine tiled floor as she hummed a little time to herself. The mare was in the middle of dressing a mannequin when she heard somepony knocking at the front door.

“I’ll be right there, darling~,” she said in a melodious tone. She then walked out of the back room that she was in. Her shiny horseshoes clinked gracefully against the floor. Once she reached the door, the handle began to glow with her magic. She opened the door and smiled brightly with her eyes closed, gesturing for whoever was there to enter her humble shop. “Welcome to Carousel Couture, where we have outfits both lavish and demure~!”

“H…hello, Rarity,” said the familiar soft voice of her friend.

“Oh, Fluttershy? Well hello, dearie!” Rarity cooed. Seeing her friend was always a pleasant surprise. Fluttershy was one of the few ponies in Ponyville that would listen to her gush about fashion. Unlike most mares in their town, Rarity felt that fashion was important regardless of gender. Everypony deserves to look good, at any given time, the mare thought. It’s a shame that her ideas aren’t popular with her fellow females. Most mares in Ponyville went around au natural, except on very special occasions. This was unfortunate for the unicorn as it cut her potential clients in half.

Opinions of others, aside, Fluttershy was a goddess-send. The soft natured pegasus regularly brought a bit of joy to Miss Rarity, even with her reclusive tendencies. It was nice when they would get the chance to actually spend time together. Usually, they’d only have extended time together on their spa days. So what brought her here today?

“I wasn’t expecting you today, darling,” said Rarity. “What brings you-“



Rarity paused and looked downward, confused by the sudden sneeze she had heard. What she saw stunned her for a moment.. Her eyes widened as she noticed a small figure standing next to her friend and who apparently had been standing under one of Fluttershy’s wings. “Oh my sun and stars,” Rarity whispered in surprised. She was stunned to see a little foal step out from under her wing and look up at her with large doe eyes. Seeing any child with her herdless cohort was certainly out of the ordinary. And this was a colt, no less! Plus, there was the fact that she did not recognize this particular colt.

Rarity took a moment to scan her eyes over the miniature gentlecolt. He had lovely hair, that stood out against his coat. Too bad he has some tacky stripes on his back though. The unusual coat wasn’t too much of an issue, as it could easily be hidden with a saddle. She need’nt dwell on his appearance too long though. Any colt is always a delight to see. “Who might this little fellow be?” Rarity inquired, eyes full of wonder.

“I..I’m…” the colt mumbled, looking rather meek. He then cleared his throat and stood a bit taller, trying to appear brave. “I’m Stardust. It’s… so nice to meet you, Miss Rarity,” he said as he extended a leg.

“This pleasure is mine, darling,” replied Rarity. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at his legs. The front leg that he’d extended was perfectly fine but the other one was wrapped in bandages. Not only was it bandaged but she also noted that the lad didn’t have any horseshoes on. His little hooves were dirty and slightly chipped. How uncouth! She was mildly concerned as to why the colt was in such a state, but knew better than to pry in front of the foal. She bumped his hoof with her own, in greeting. She then cleared her throat as she stepped out of their way and gestured into the shop once more. “…Ahem, would you two please come in?”

Fluttershy and Stardust walked into the main room. The colt seemed delightfully curious about the shop, judging from how his eyes sparkled as he looked around. Rarity sighed contently. “Feel free to explore on your own, young colt,” she said, “I need to have a chat with Miss Fluttershy.” She then waited for the foal to walk off before she stepped into a side room with her friend.

Once the two mares had walked into the other room, Rarity closed the door behind them. She looked at her friend for a few moments and took a deep breath before speaking.

“Oh Fluttershy!” Rarity exclaimed, earning a jolt and a yelp from her timid cohort. “Where did you find such a unique little colt? He’s positively adorable,” she said, “a little… unkept, perhaps, but that adds to the intrigue.”

Fluttershy tried to calm down from the sudden shock of her friend’s excitement and then answered her. “I-I… met him yesterday, actually. He… just showed up near my cottage, hiding by the river. Apparently he’d wandered through the grass at the wrong time and got bit by a snake, so I-“

“A snake!? How dreadful,” Rarity gasped, “I hope he wasn’t hurt too badly.”

Fluttershy paused and then continued, “..As I was saying, I took him to the hospital as soon as I discovered that he was hurt. The doctors took care of him and I went home to, um… make my area safer,” she said with a little sigh. “The animals weren’t exactly happy but I mowed the long grasses and made all the snakes and any other potentially dangerous creatures leave. I didn’t want to risk anypony else getting hurt,” she explained.

“I’m sure that was a tad difficult for you, but it was a good thing,” replied Rarity. “That doesn’t explain how you have the colt now though.”

“Oh,” mumbled Fluttershy. “I went back to the hospital today to check on him, and…” she stated before looking somewhat glum, “I found out that he was homeless.. a-and an orphan.”

“Oh sweet Faust!” Rarity exclaimed before covering her mouth with a hoof, embarrassed by her unladylike outburst. “Excuse me- I didn’t mean to swear, but, that’s very surprising. A colt with no family… None of his herd is… with us?” She asked softly.

Fluttershy shook her head sadly. “He’s all alone, with nopony to care for him. So, I decided that I-I should foster him,” she said.

“How noble of you, darling,” Rarity said as she hugged her friend. “I’m sure you’ll be a great mother.” The hug lingered as she felt a tear fall from her friend’s face and wet her coat.

Fluttershy sniffled and wiped her face with a wing. “Thank you… a-and so ar-“

“Tsk, tsk,” Rarity quietly chided, “we are talking about you right now.” She cut the pegasus’ thought short.

Rarity sighed before clearing her throat. “At any rate, I’m sure the girls will be delightfully surprised once you tell them. Will you be telling them immediately, or… are you waiting until the party?”

“Party?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“Oh, dear,” Rarity said, “Pinkie Pie will no doubt want to throw a special surprise party for that little fellow. You know how she is, she just knows when a new pony is in town. She always throws a bash to welcome each new face. I just hope that it won’t be too much excitement for the little one,” she elaborated. She chuckled and shook her head as she imagined the sort of soirée that her energetic friend would throw. There’s no time to worry about that now though.

“Let’s not keep the poor thing waiting out there forever though,” she said as she led Fluttershy back into the main room.

“Oh, I nearly forgot to ask,” said Rarity, as she stepped into the main hall. “What was it that brought you here? Was it just to meet that cute little colt of yours? Or did you need something of me, dear?”

“O-oh, um, right,” Fluttershy replied, “I was wondering if you could make him some clothes.” The pegasus said. “Y-you’ll have to ask him what exactly he wants.”

Rarity nodded her head. “Of course, darling, I’ll go ask,” she said before walking towards the foal, who was busy staring at some clothes that were laid out on a shelf.

The unicorn mare approached the colt, who seemed had been skimming through various racks of clothing. She reached out and tapped him on his lower back when she got close to him. She did not expect the reaction that she spurred out of the young foal.

Stardust let out a squeak and tucked his tail between his legs as he flinched away. He nearly tumbled into the clothing rack. His soft tan face had grown as red as an apple. He then looked up at her as he tried to not seem bothered. “Y-you… scared me,” was all that he said.

Rarity had gotten startled herself, as she froze in place for a moment. Why did the colt react so strongly? And to cover himself with his tail was surprising. She briefly worried if she had inadvertently done something wrong but she then tried to play it off. She didn’t want to assume things. Maybe he was just spaced out and was shocked to be brought back to himself? Yes, that must be it? Everything is fine, she told herself as she calmed and cleared her throat.

“Forgive me for approaching so suddenly, but I had something to ask you,” Rarity said. She took two steps backwards and gave the colt space to relax, “Um, Fluttershy said that you wanted to get some clothes, young stallion?” she questioned with quirked head.

Stardust did manage to relax and speak after a few moments. “Y-…yeah, uh, I was wondering if you could make me some…pants?” He said with a shrug.

Rarity looked confused and again felt surprised at the response. She didn’t let her emotions show this time though. “Pants?… Are you sure, darling?”

“Was that weird to ask for? Sorry-“ the child said in a flustered tone, “I just- I mean, I thought-“

Rarity interrupted the colt’s stammering. “I had just meant that it is a… unique request, is all,” she explained said with an awkward chuckle as she covered her mouth with a hoof. Pants were uncomfortable attire for any pony, due to their restrictive inconvenient nature. The average pony didn't even like clothes in general. Too much covering was taboo in fact. It was only through high-society ponies, likes Canterlotians or Manehattanites that clothes were becoming more common. Perhaps this little colt was born out there, Rarity thought. The curiosity surrounding this colt filled the unicorn mare with much. “Only....upper class ponies like pants, typically,” she told him, “Eheh… the average child never have the taste for them, darling.”

Stardust paused and shook his head, chuckling at something. “They don’t have to be anything fancy,” he said. He then glanced at himself and his cheeks flushed once more, if only for a moment. “I just…. would rather not walk around exposed,” he explained. His tail was still firmly tucked between his legs.

Inward concern for the colt’s adamant desire for covering aside, Rarity was never one to turn down a client. She sighed and nodded her head. “I’d be more than happy to make you something, darling.” She paused and thought as she briefly eyed her subject. “However, I don’t think that pants are the right choice, per se. Let’s go into the dressing room and I’ll see what I can do for you.” The mare then opened the door to another room and motioned the others to follow her.

The workroom was what I had previously assumed to be the ‘main’ room of the boutique. The cartoon never showed an actual store interior, like what I’d just been in. It would seem that the workroom is where all the magic happens. Mirrors encircled a circular stage at one end of the room. Sewing equipment and mannequins were in another corner, not that there were any corners in the round room… but, you know what I mean. There was also a hallway that led to a passage that had black curtains acting as the door. I had no idea what was over there but it would probably be rude to snoop.

I just climbed up onto the circular stage and sat there awkwardly as I awaited instruction from the fashionista/seamstress pony.
Rarity put on a pair of red glasses before walking up to the stage on which I was seated. She looked me up and down as she circled the stage. She stopped in front of me and lifted a hoof, “Stand up, please. I have a vision for the outfit,” she said as she quickly sketched something onto a little tablet. She then looked at me again. “I just need to measure you,” she said as she levitated a roll of measuring tape into the air and stretched it, for emphasis. She took a step towards me but hesitated. “Er… I’ll have to touch you, to make sure I get everything precise, is that okay, darling?”

I stood up, glancing at the tape and then back at her. I nodded my head. “Okay, just be careful,” I shrugged. I briefly looked sheepish. “I shouldn’t be jumpy anymore, I just was caught off guard earlier.”

She then proceeded to measure me. I tried not to squirm as the magically moving measure tape wrapped around my body. As it turns out, the magical glow stuff kind of tickles. She measured around my chest and the length of my back. She also measured my crotch region, which was awkward for the both of us. She got everything that she needed though.

Once she was done with the measuring, she got to work. The next thing I recall was a flurry of fabric and thread. It took a while for her to make the garment from scratch, but it was still faster than anything a human could’ve done, I’m sure. Soon enough, she had an outfit made. “Close your eyes, dear,” Rarity said once she was done.

I did as told and shut my eyes. I then felt some fabric material against my body. My back and rear were now covered.

“Open your eyes and take a look,” She said.

When my eyes opened and looked at myself in the mirror. My back end was covered by a blue saddle. I briefly lifted a hind leg and saw that there were some kind of shorts attached to garment. It kind of felt like underwear. It was also oddly frilly, but I liked it. “Wow,” I mumbled softly. I then turned my head to take a better look at myself and giggled. I looked adorable.

“You like them?” Rarity inquired as she tilted her head, looking at me.

“Yeah,” I said, “thank you.”

“I’m glad” she replied. She covered her mouth with a hoof and chuckled. “Bloomers are rather… old fashioned, I will admit, but it seemed like the perfect choice for you,” she explained. “They’re much easier to move in than pants, much less distracting and they’re still very cute.”

I chose not the address my annoyance at my clothing somehow being a ‘distraction’ to anybody. I then replied to her, “A-at least, I look cute.”

“Indeed,” Rarity said. She patted my head and then walked over to Fluttershy. “I can make a few more and have them sent to you, if you like,” she stated.

“Oh, Rarity, that sounds lovely. How much will it be?” asked the pegasus.

“Come now,” tutted the other mare, “I wouldn’t dream of charging my friend when she’s under such circumstances. You have far too much to worry about already. I’ll even throw in some horseshoes for the little one, as well.”

“I’d hate to impose”

“I insist”

“But I-“


“Okay, fine,” the pegasus sighed in defeat. “Well… thank you, for all of the this” She then collected her foster-foal and headed for the door. “We should be getting home before dark. Goodbye,” she said, waving a hoof.

“Ta-ta, Fluttershy,” Rarity replied, “and it was great meeting you, young stallion,” she’d added as she waved at them both. She sighed softly as they escaped from view.

I wonder how Sweetie Belle will react when she gets to meet that little fellow, she wondered. It certainly is…opportune, that he’s a unicorn. She snickered and rolled her eyes at her thoughts. She was starting to sound like her own mother. The fashionable pony was no tribalist, but… having more unicorn colts around is certainly a good thing.