• Published 7th Dec 2022
  • 8,495 Views, 334 Comments

My Life as a Pony - _Sugarplum_

Reborn in another world, a former human finds their self in the body of a young pony. As a fanatic, they should feel elated, but this world is not quite as it should be. This is the story of how their new life began.

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Party Foul

Due to our breakfast being burnt beyond edibility, Fluttershy decided that we should just head into town early. I got myself dressed up in my ‘bloomers’ styled saddle before we left. I felt comfortable and kind of cute. I had a skip in my step as I walked with my caretaker down the main road.

We did a bit of shopping together while we were killing time until the party starts. She bought me some essentials like a toothbrush and a few toys. Another thing that she got me was a little saddlebag. It was white and had little star-shaped buttons to latch it closed. We also drank some smoothies to hold use over until party time, since we’d missed breakfast. After finishing the smoothies, Fluttershy found a little park area where we could sit. We watched ducks in a pond for a while. It was a nice way to make time pass.

Eventually, the afternoon rolled around. We made our way towards a distinctly sweet smell. My eyes lit up as we approached the building. Sugarcube Corner stood before me in all of its sugary glory. The iconic building looked like it was made out of giant gingerbread and cupcakes. The building itself even smelled like gingerbread! It looked good enough to eat. I wanted so badly to taste the delightful-looking walls, but knew that that would be dumb- and unsanitary, so I decided to keep my dignity.

Inside of the building was dark. The lights were off. I felt a little wary. Don’t tell me that everyone’s going to holler in a minute? My suspicion was quickly proven true as the lights suddenly turned on, full bright, and my ears were assaulted by a cacophony of voices saying “SURPRISE!”

I flinched and my tail took cover between my knees. I was startled but then took in the sight of the room. Confetti, glitter and balloons littered the room. The lights were bright and party music was blasting from some unseen speaker. Ponies were gathered around and all chatting loudly. The voices and music melded together as everyone had started to chatter amongst themselves since they weren’t hiding any longer. It was… too much, actually. I’m already not having fun.

I stayed close to my caretaker as she walked through the room. My vision went off as I looked around. My ears pinned against my head and an uncomfortable shiver went through my body. It’s too much. Too…familiar. I was getting flashbacks to my human life. I hadn’t been to any party in a long time but I hated them, for this reason. I cringed as I recalled the countless times that I hid in bathrooms, trying to drown out all of the noise. I assumed it was something I’d outgrow but apparently the sensitivity followed me into the next life.

My unease was noticed only by my foster mother, it seemed. Fluttershy stood in front of me, slightly crouched as she looked at me with a mixture of worry and sympathy. “H-hey…? Are you okay?” she asked, although her voice was muffled in my clouded brain.

I tried to talk but couldn’t get out anything more than I whimper. My eyes darted to the side. A particular pink pony was chatting with three other mares. Suddenly her eyes shifted and met mine. She turned and grinned as a Cheshire Cat as she approached, not knowing anything was amiss. Oh no. Don’t come over! I’m in no position to be talking to anyone. Why’d I even come? I knew I didn’t like parties but showed up anyway.

“Hey little guy!” Pinkie Pie said as she had bounced towards me with those, currently very noisy, mismatched horseshoes on her hooves. “You made it! How do you like the party?”

I’m currently petrified from sensory overload, you dumb horse, I swore mentally. I was too busy being frozen like a deer in headlights to be able to vocalize a response. Everything in me wanted to flee but I didn’t want to make a scene in front of the mare.

Her voice continued on, but was tuned out as I saw the three other ponies walking towards me. They talked over each other as they looked down at me with those big ol’ eyes. They started to come closer and I found myself backing up, nearly cowering, despite their cheerful voices. I couldn’t make out what they were saying as my senses were still overwhelmed.

Fluttershy stood beside me as she tried to confront the little group. “G-girls, don’t crowd him,” she said softly. Her voice was still quiet but sterner than normal.

Pinkie was oblivious to my plight and giggled as she mushed past Fluttershy and got to me. The pink pony booped me on the nose. Her hooves smelled intensely of baking products. “Hehe, you’re speechless! I did a good job, huh? Did I, did I, d…” she asked, in her loud and excitable tone. It was at this time that my composure fully crumbled. Her smile faltered as her gaze suddenly fell down to the floor. “O..oh,” she mumbled, “I didn’t mean to surprise you that badly!”

How desperately, I wished I could disappear right then. But instead, I took off blindly running through the room, my vision blurred by a fountain of tears that escaped me. I found a bathroom and locked myself in. As I was running away, I heard a familiar voice complaining about my bloomers being ‘ruined’ now. I could hardly believe I embarrassed myself in front of so many people- ponies- whatever. The point was that all eyes had been on me. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Since no holes were readily available, I opted on quietly sobbing in the sweet-shop’s bathroom.

The party continued on, awkwardly, as the guest of honor was now indisposed. The older guests chatted amongst themselves, trying to act like nothing bad had happened. Some younger partygoers were less polite and snickered, only to be reprimanded by their parents. A group of ponies stood circled around a pink pony, giving the overzealous mare an earful.

“I…I’m sorry,” mumbled Pinkie Pie, her mane drooping as she sighed. “I thought a surprise party would be the perfect way to welcome the little guy. I didn’t know he was still upset easy.”

“You really must think clearly,” Rarity fussed politely. “That poor colt has been through some serious, life-changing events recently. He was bound to be… sensitive,” she explained.

“You kinda fucked up,” said a brash pegasus as she shook her head. Rainbow Dash wasn’t about to sugarcoat things, apparently.

“Rainbow! Watch ya language!” chided their country friend.

“What?” Rainbow groaned. “You know I’m right, AJ. I don’t even know the kid but he clearly wasn’t happy with all this and Pinkie went and tipped him over the edge.”

Applejack paused and sighed, nodding her head. “Yeah but… ya gotta be nicer with y’ words. ‘Specially since there’s foals around.”

Fluttershy was very cross with her pink friend for upsetting Stardust so much. She was silently fuming, glaring daggers.

Pinkie Pie’s ears pinned backwards as she looked at her friend’s face. “I didn’t mean to get him so worked up,” she said. She glanced across the room for a moment and then back at the pegasus. “I’ll go apologi-“

“No,” Fluttershy said. “You’ve… done enough, for now. I’ll go get him to calm down. Then I’ll see if we will be leaving or not.” She then walked towards the bathroom to retrieve the poor little colt.

The bathroom was my temporary sanctuary. The sounds of the party were muffled by the door, the light was far softer and I felt like I could breathe again. I managed to calm down and had time to think. My brow furrowed as I eyed my soggy bloomers, which I’d stuffed into a wastebasket in the corner. I was still embarrassed that I’d gotten that upset, but I couldn’t beat myself up about it forever. It wouldn’t undo the awkwardness. A knocking on the door then stole my attention.

“Stardust?” Fluttershy said through the door. “Are you okay? Can I come in? I-it’s fine if you don’t want me to, though.”

My horn lit up and unlocked the door with a click, allowing the yellow pegasus to walk in.

Fluttershy entered the bathroom, looking at me as I sat on the floor. She closed the door behind her. “How… do you feel now?” she asked with a slight head tilt. She glanced at the trash can for a split second before looking back at me. “P-pinkie’s sorry for scaring you- and, um, if you want to, we could just head back home.”

I shook my head and let out a heavy sigh. “No… I-I should probably stay… I mean, she went through all the trouble of planning a party,” I said. My heart started to beat fast again as I continued. “It’s my fault- I was being dumb, getting worked up over little stuff and…everything got too much. The music hurt my ears, the lights hurt my eyes- I acted like a fucking baby and ruined those fancy bloomers Rarity made me and…and,” I rambled.

I frowned and huffed, my ‘arms’ against my head as I frustratedly hit either side of my head with my hooves. “Maybe I should just leave so nobody has to see me?…” I shook my head, countering my own commentary. “No, because then Pinkie’ll might get upset and then I’ll seem like even more of an asshole- God, I’m… such an idiot,” I muttered.

Fluttershy stepped forward. “Y-you are not an idiot,” she assured. “…Not everypony likes parties. And you’ve never been in a room with so many ponies and the music was a bit too loud.” She glanced at my forelimbs and suddenly grabbed onto them, now holding my hooves. “Also, um, please don’t… hurt yourself,” she said in almost a whisper. She looked concerned. “Maybe… I should send a letter to Ms. Honey Glow?” she thought aloud, still looking at my hooves.

“N-no!” I said a bit too loud. I cleared my throat and sighed, “don’t bother,” I said. “This… i-isn’t something she needs to worry about.”

Fluttershy seemed like she wanted to disagree but she didn’t want to push it. “If you say so…” She then slowly pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back gently. The action comforted me and I found myself tearing up again. She hummed softly as she comforted me. Her soft, fluffy wings wrapped around me as the hug lingered for a while.

My overly emotional fit ceased once again and I looked up at my caretaker’s face. It was still weird to think about her as being responsible for me, given that she’d only just gotten such a role and the fact that I could still clearly recall my ‘real’ mother. But I was starting to warm up to the idea. “Thanks for listening to me, m-” I said before correcting myself, “Fluttershy.”

She sighed softly and hugged me a little tighter, smiling kindly,“You’re welcome.” She then let go of me and tucked her wings back to their normal resting place.

Fluttershy petted my head with a hoof for a moment. “Pinkie Pie would be perfectly understanding of you leaving. She can handle an unhappy guest, every now and again,” she said. She gave a sympathetic look. “I remember being worked up at my first party too…”

I finally let myself relax. My body stopped trembling and my mind cleared. I looked towards the door and took a deep breath. My eyes then shifted to meet Fluttershy’s gaze. “I’ll stay. I’m ready to go back out there, now.”

Author's Note:

This chapter might not be everyone’s cup of tea but a case of rainy weather blues compelled me to write something less than happy :pinkiesad2:

I’ll get things back to joyful horseplay by the next chapter though :heart:

I hope that you all enjoy reading, either way