• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

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"The Multiverse.

A coarse layer of space and time, aligned in different realities with their own norms and qualities."

A bright light shone over before revealing a strange place: a background with the combination of red, black and blue colors could've be seen, as well as thousands of white curves and lines moving like a river's stream.

"Every universe works on it's own. Every reality is different within each other.

However... Realities often collide, putting the fate of every other dimension at stake."

One of the lines suddenly began to bend, until it crashed against one of the curves.

Several of other lines and curves began to crash within each other, and some of them even merged to form part of the same existential plane.

"Fortunately, this crashes happen to be a temporary thing, since the universes return to their original state after the purpose of this clash was fulfilled."

Some of the lines and curves began to divide, until they separated completely and became independent from each other.

"But, what happens when two worlds interact way too long? What happens when their realities are separated, but their inhabitants aren't?

What happens... when someone seeks for more power, and is willing to tear apart the walls between realities to fulfill their desire?


Suddenly, from one of the white lines, Sonic began to fall towards another one as he screamed in fear and panic.

However, something was different with him. Physically, he was the same, not so much can be done about that, but his clothes were different: His gloves were fingerless and black, and they had some circular artifacts on the back of the hands; while his shoes looked like black boots with some spikes in front and the same circular artifact on the back of the ankle.

"Why does traveling across the multiverse has to be such a horrible experience?!" Sonic shouted in panic as he traversed the line he was falling towards.

"This story covers that.

Is a story about how a man's desire for greatness, caused a hero living in a different world than his to travel across the entire multiverse by mistake.

A mistake, that could destroy reality as we know it..."

Universe 101010

Twilight was organizing all the books on the Castle of Friendship as usual.

There wasn't a lot happening in Equestria, lately. In fact, nothing has been that interesting for a while: Applejack was doing her chores with her family as usual; Rarity was on her boutique, probably selling or making dresses; Pinkie Pie was... well, Pinkie is always doing something crazy and wacky that defies any logical explanation, so is hard to tell what exactly could she be doing; Rainbow Dash was probably with the Wonderbolts; and Fluttershy was attending her sanctuary with Discord.

Again, nothing that interesting. Yet, she wouldn't change it for anything. Defeating villains to save Equestria already became a common thing for the past few years, so having a little period of time to relax and not worry about an enemy suddenly attacking Equestria was nice.

But if everything was so quiet and peaceful, and she actually liked that, then... why she had the feeling something was utterly wrong?

She shook her head to put those thoughts aside. It was probably nothing. Everything was working well so far, right? That wouldn't change.

"It's okay, Twilight..." She told herself, taking a few deep breaths and smiling as she levitated another book to the shelf. "Nothing is going to happen. Everything is just fine!"


...Alright, maybe she spoke too soon.

"Me and my big mouth..." Twilight deadpanned, before moving towards an open window and look around to search the origin of the noise.

She looked down on Ponyville and saw nothing out of the normal, but when she lifted her head, she saw a blue strike falling from the sky towards the Castle. Soon enough, the blue strike began to scream, and the screams became more and more louder as it approached... but thankfully, the strike kept falling and crashed in the floor, just in the front door of the castle.

Twilight raised an eyebrow confused, then she made her horn light up to teleport right to the entrance of the castle, with Spike and Starlight coming out from the door.

"Did anypony else heard that?!" Starlight asked.

"Twilight, what's going on?" Spike asked with worry.

Twilight extended her wings as a reply, and both Spike and Starlight decided to stay quiet for now. Then, the three of them heard somepony groaning in pain, and they all saw a blue creature standing up, grabbing their head and shaking it.

The blue creature seemed to have large quills on their head, green eyes, arms and legs like a human being, brown gloves with a circular artifact on the back of their hands, and brown explorer boots with the same circular artifacts in the back of their ankle.

The creature shook their head once again and looked around for a while, before stopping their sight on Twilight, who looked at him confused and shocked, as well as Spike and Starlight.

"What the––" The creature muttered, and then his eyes widened. "Twilight Sparkle?!"

Twilight gulped at hearing her name came out of the creature's voice. "I-I'm sorry... Do I know you?" She asked. "How do you know my name?"

"Oh man..." The creature said. "If Sunny was here, she could explain everything better than I–– Who am I kidding? She'll be fangirling over her hero instead of focusing."

Oh, yeah, he sounds like a male, so it's sure to say he's a man.

"You haven't answered my questions––" Twilight pointed out with a little frown, but the creature raised a hand and made her stop talking.

"You want the short version, or the incredibly long and detailed one?" the creature asked.

"I think the short version will be enough," Twilight replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog," The creature, Sonic, presented himself. "I come from a different universe where a crazy maniac I like to call Eggman has found something to brake the multiverse apart, and I accidentally ended up being the guinea pig. Now, I'm stuck traveling all across the multiverse while I try to go back home, but instead, I always end up on a different dimension... like this one..."

Twilight, Spike and Starlight were speechless after hearing all of that, specially Twilight.

"D-Different universes?" Twilight asked in shock.

"Multiverse?!" Starlight shouted in disbelief.

"You're a hedgehog?" Spike asked confused.

"Really? The entire multiverse could be collapsing right now, and you're shocked because I'm a hedgehog?" Sonic deadpanned to the dragon.

"I'm sorry, the multiverse is WHAT NOW?!" Twilight shouted desperate.

"But you might be wondering: How? How did this began in the first place? How is that this guy named Sonic ended up traveling all across the multiverse by mistake? What is going on, in the first place?

Well, to answer all of this, we must go back to the very beginning..."

Universe 220822

On his lab, Eggman was walking back and forth as he held a book.

Not so far, Sage had her eyes closed, touching one side of Eggman's computer that glitched to her touch.

"To understand how everything went downhill... We must start here, on Dr. Eggman's hidden laboratory in Equestria, were his daughter's discovery started the fall of the multiverse..."

Eggman has been searching the past few months for a power source that can literally tear apart the wall that separates this reality from any other one, a power that can afford him the ability to travel across universes.

With the Chaos Emeralds on Team Sonic's power, Eggman had no choice but look after a different power source if he wanted to gain access to other realities. Thankfully, he created a new body for Sage, and now she's twice as useful and helpful as she was when Cyberspace transformed her program into a living being.

"I'm so glad to have you here, Sage," Eggman confessed with a smile, but still looking at the book he was holding. "To tell the truth, getting a new body for you was pretty difficult, but... it was worth it. You are my greatest creation, and I couldn't stand the idea of loosing you, so... having you here, by my side... feels surreal to me."

Sage opened her eyes and looked at Eggman for a second, before smiling warmly at him. "I'm glad to hear that, father," She said. "I just wish I could have been here before, physically, to help you out better."

"No need to apologize, dear," Eggman assured. "If anything, my recent failures have opened my mind a bit: If I wanna defeat that hedgehog, first I'll have to conquer any world to prove him how superior I really am."

"Father... I know you answered this on Cyberspace, but... Why do you keep respecting Sonic the same way you hate him?" Sage asked confused, as she retired her hand from the computer, that shut down after she did that. "I get you are enemies and it's a common thing, but... why not just finish him off directly?"

Eggman put the book aside and rubbed his chin with a raised eyebrow. "Hmm... perhaps I could explain to you why this is so important. Alright, kid. Listen closely: Sonic is a formidable foe. He's a pest that loves to make stupid and unfunny jokes, true: But he's a great fighter. He doesn't use his speed to run away, no: He turns it into a weapon! He's smart, he has courage, and he's willing to stop me even if could cost his own life!"

"Just like how he handled the Cyber Corruption... even if it was killing him..." Sage remarked.

"Perfect example, Sage!" Eggman said with pride. "He's that formidable! If only he didn't messed up with my plans, perhaps we could actually hang around the same way he hangs with Shadow. But since we are enemies, I need to prove myself to be just as formidable! The Death Egg Titan was, probably, the nearest I've ever been to fulfill my dream, but he still ruined everything."

"So... you wanna be at his level?" Sage asked.

"That's one way to see it," Eggman replied. "I don't want him death, even though I've been close to murder him a few times. I want to prove him that I'm superior, that I'm better than him! Conquering everything he knows and loves and crush it before his eyes! And after all of that... I don't know. Maybe I will kill him, or just turn him into a robot, only time will tell!"

Sage placed a hand on her chin, thinking about everything she heard, and comparing the new data with all the one she just downloaded from Eggman's computer.

After processing all the data for a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes with a determinate look and a smile towards Eggman. "I think I have something that might help you with you wish, father."

Eggman raised an eyebrow again at her. "Proceed."

Sage made her hand glow, and one of the many books spread on the ground floated, opened in a page, and then it moved towards Eggman, who grabbed the book and took a closer look at the object he was looking at: Some kind of weird looking prism of four different colors, these ones being red, green, yellow and blue.

"This is the Paradox Prism," Sage began to explain. "According to all the data I gathered, it's a legendary prism with the ability to tear apart the invisible wall that separates this reality from any other one."

Eggman's eyes widened and he looked between the image of the prism and Sage. "I'm sorry, what?!" He shouted in surprise, but also in disbelief.

"The Prism has powerful abilities that go beyond imagination," Sage began to explain. "It is powerful enough to destroy every wall between this world and any other one. If you had this in your power, you could travel to any world you wanted with no problem! You could conquer many worlds were Sonic does not exist, or even join forces with your counterparts across the entire multiverse!"

Eggman saw the image in awe, and an evil grin was drawn over his face. "Dear, could you please do that thing of yours?"

Sage grinned back, and with just moving one hand, she made an hologram of the Paradox Prism be projected, which made Eggman's grin grow bigger, if that's even possible.

"With this Prism... I could not only conquer my world and Equestria... every single reality in existence could be at the palm of my hand..." Eggman said with joy, then he turned to see Sage and he caressed softly her head. "Good job, my girl. Now, prepare searching units! We must find this Prism and explode all it's capabilities!"

"Yes, father!" Sage replied.

Author's Note:

This is gonna be my favorite Season so far, hands down!

I hope you guys are excited, because with this season, we're now close to the finish line in the entire saga!