• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

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8. Welcome to Seaside Island

Universe 081114

Tails tried to investigate more about the weird energy that appeared near Eggman's destroyed lab.

He sent all of his best inventions towards Eggman's island fortress, he spent day and night trying to get anything out of the already registered signals he got back when he informed Sonic about the energy the first time. And yet, so far, he still got nothing at all.

Just a few times in his life has Tails feel like he's not doing enough, and right now? It was one of those times. He was very concerned about Sonic, and deep down, he was also concerned about Eggman. Whatever happened to them was weird, and he still got no information about them.

He didn't wanted to imagine what kind of horrors both of them could be witnessing on whatever was at the other side of the portal that dragged them away. The simple though of that sent shivers down his spine.

Suddenly, someone knocked the door of his lab, and he went and opened, just to be find Amy, Knuckles and Sticks outside.

Tails smiled a bit, and moved aside to let his friends in, before closing the door and moving back to his workshop desk. "I didn't expected you guys to arrive today, but it's a nice surprise," He said with a little smile, as he rolled up some blueprints.

"I know, Tails," Amy replied. "We just wanted to do how you're doing."

"Honestly? I could be better," Tails confessed with concern. "I've been investigating everything I can for weeks! But I still got nothing... I have no idea of where Sonic and Eggman went, and... I'm starting to run out of ideas..." He added with a heavy sigh.

"I never knew ideas could run away," Knuckles said with a confused expression.

Usually, Tails would feel annoyed or mad at Knuckles saying stuff like that, but this time, it make him chuckle a bit. He really needed to laugh a bit more, since Sonic isn't around to make his jokes, no mater how bad they could be sometimes. He never thought a day would come where he'll miss Sonic's terrible jokes, yet here he is...

"Well, they can," Tails replied, just to follow Knuckles' game despite being sure he was talking serious. "And right now? They are running away from me," He added with concern, now sitting over his desk.

"Oh, come, Tails. I'm pretty sure those two are fine!" Sticks said with a smirk. "I mean, it wouldn't be the first time those two disappear and only have each other, right?"

"That still is worrying, Sticks. We know nothing about where they are or how to bring them back"! Amy pointed out with concern. "Not to mention, Orbot and Cubot are watching over Eggman's lab in case more of that weird energy appears out of nowhere."

Suddenly, Tails' watch started to beep, and he checked it over, just for his eyes to open wide when he saw the same energy lectures they've been talking about for the past couple of minutes, or weeks if we count Tails' research as well.

"No way! I-It's back!" Tails said with concern.

"What, what is back?!" Knuckles asked, both curious and worried, also not saying something stupid for once.

"The energy that suddenly appeared on Eggman's lab! It returned!" Tails exclaimed with worry.

"What?!" Amy asked confused. "Wouldn't that mean that Sonic is back, too?!"

"No idea... but we should definitely find out!" Tails stated with a determinate look, while the others nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, over Eggman's destroyed lab, the sky opened with the shape of an X, and so, Sonic fell from the sky in a nosedive.

After that, he curled into a ball and rolled a bit in the air before landing on the floor like a superhero. He then stood normally and looked around, realizing that he seemed to be over some kind of destroyed lab. But not anyone's lab: an Eggman lab, because his trademark logo was around the place.

"Geez... whatever happened here sure was a bad thing," Sonic pointed out with a concerned expression.

However, he suddenly felt... weird, and once he looked at his clothes, he screamed and understood why: He was wearing regular gloves, but they were surrounded by sport bandages, and while his shoes seemed to be his regular ones, now clean, they also had sport bandages around.

"S-So many sport bandages..." Sonic muttered in panic. "Why do I have so many sport bandages around?! Who even needs this many sport bandages, anyway?!"

Then, he noticed that his body was 3D once more, and that actually calmed him a little bit for now.

"Freeze!" A robotic voice instructed suddenly.

And soon enough, Sonic was surrounded by thousands of badniks, as they all pointed to him and prepared to shoot.

Some of these badniks seemed quite familiar, despite some aspects being really different. However, other badniks were totally new to him. Still, he frowned, and positioned to fight back.

"Seems like the welcoming committee is already here!" Sonic said with a frown, but still smirking anyways, as he charged up his electrical powers and prepared to have a good fight.

The badniks started to shoot lasers against Sonic, while he easily dodged them, before charging up his Spin Dash and then launch himself against one of the badniks. Then, he saw a bigger one that looked more like a robot, and Sonic smirked before dodging a punch from it and then charge a Homing Shot that sent the robots backwards.

When the robot fell on his back in the floor, Sonic jumped in the air, before using a Stomp Attack that traversed the robot's chest and shut it down entirely.

That seemed to be enough to scare the rest of the badniks, because they slowly stepped back, before they tried to run away. They were totally terrified because of this new Sonic, since his abilities were something they never dealt with before.

"Aww, leaving the party so soon?" Sonic asked with a smirk. "But I'm just getting started!"

Then, he charged up his Spin Dash and destroyed a bunch of badniks in one hit, and then, he charged against more of those big robots with Wild Rush, Sonic Boom, Loop Kick, Spin Slash and even Cyclone Kick, with this last move being the one that destroyed the most robots.

After a few minutes, Sonic was now standing at the top of a pile of destroyed badniks and robots with a huge smirk.

"I have no idea on what happened to this universe's Eggman, but kicking up the robo butts of his machines was definitely fun!" Sonic stated with a huge grin.

"Uh... Sonic?" A robotic voice talked, but this one was very familiar to him.

Sonic turned around and saw Orbot and Cubot on the floor, staring at him and at the pile of destroyed machines confused, but specially at him.

"Orbot? Cubot!" Sonic said, strangely, with a smile, before moving towards the flor and wrap the two robots in a hug. "Man! Is nice to see you two again after so long! Even if you're from another universe, I'm glad to see you again!"

"Huh... This feels... strange..." Orbot said, a bit confused on why Sonic was hugging him.

"True, but I'm not complaining!" Cubot said with a cheerful tone, as he wrapped his arms around Sonic as well.

"Yeah, this feels nice..." Orbot confessed, also wrapping his arms around the hedgehog as well.

Soon, Sonic broke the hug and looked at them. "Sorry for that. Now, uh... this might be difficult to believe... but I'm not the Sonic you know," He said with a sheepish smile, also scratching his neck.

"Oh, we know that," Orbot said. "Is pretty obvious just by looking at you."

".. I'm sorry, what?" Sonic asked confused, since this is the first time since he left his universe that someone in other universe says that they already dealt with the multiverse before.

"Yeah, you're smaller, and your arms aren't blue," Cubot pointed out.

"Also, we kind of heard you complaining about the bandages, too," Orbot added as well.

"Blue arms?" Sonic questioned confused. "What kind of freak wouldn't depilate their arms every now and–– The me of this universe never depilates, does he?" He asked suddenly with a bored expression, while both Orbot and Cubot just denied their heads, which caused Sonic to roll his eyes and groan annoyed. "Of course... Speaking of other Sonics, could I talk with him? I really want to make sure that whatever he has done with the multiverse before isn't really bad."

"Well... that might be a problem," Orbot replied. "You see, this universe's Sonic and Dr. Eggman were dragged by a mysterious green portal, and we have known nothing about them ever since."

Sonic's eyes widened, and he facepalmed, before groaning annoyed and frustrated for the millionth time. "Eggman! Not only he took one other Eggman and one other Sonic, but two of both?! What the heck is he up to now?!"

"What are you talking about?" Cubot asked confused.

Sonic opened his mouth and raised a finger, ready to reply. However, the sound of a plane approaching made his ears twitch a bit, and so, both him and the robots turned to see a blue plane with only two seats, one on each side, approaching to the island.

Sonic managed to recognize only three figures: Tails, Amy and Knuckles, despite all of them looking pretty different. However, there was a fourth person with them, and he had absolutely no idea who it was.

"Uh... who's the badger girl?" Sonic asked confused.

"You mean Sticks?" Orbot questioned. "She's one of this universe's Sonic's friends."

"She's also very energetic and... she has a very weird concept of the most normal things," Cubot added.

"Eh, I'm used to weird stuff happening all the time," Sonic confessed with a bored expression.

Soon enough, the plane landed near the now destroyed base, and the four passengers got down of it, now running towards Orbot and Cubot... as well as to Sonic, who crossed his arms and tapped a foot on the floor, before raising an eyebrow at the approaching group.

"Orbot, Cubot!" Tails called out. "We detected more energy signs coming from here again!"

"Yeah, we already know about that," Orbot replied.

"Did anything happened? Has Sonic or Eggman return?" Amy asked with concern.

"You know, that's funny!" Cubot said suddenly. "You see, our Sonic didn't returned, but––"

"Holy Chilidogs!" Sonic's voice spoke suddenly, and everyone turned to see Sonic right besides Knuckles, who looked down at Sonic really confused. "What kind of steroids have you been swallowing, man?! Because, boy oh boy, you are huge! But the gloves with separate fingers is way too much, though."

"What the hell?!" Tails exclaimed confused, staring at a much shorter Sonic with no blue arms and with some weird discs over his clothes. "Sonic?"

"Uh, yes and no," Sonic replied, now smirking a bit. "Thanks to these two guys here, I know I don't have to explain myself so much. Just know that I'm from another universe."

"Huh... that makes a lot of sense, considering how short you are compared to our Sonic," Amy pointed out with her arms crossed.

"Never I thought I would have to look upwards to talk with my friends... except you, Tails. We're the same heigh right now," Sonic pointed out. "Orbot and Cubot here said that your Sonic and your Eggman disappeared a while ago. Mind if I ask what happened? And who is she?" He pointed confused at Sticks.

"Hey!" Sticks complained with a frown. "I'm one of your best friends! No, I'm one of Sonic's... but you are Sonic... UGH! ALL THIS THINKING IS GONNA MELT MY BRAIN!"

"Okay, alright, I won't ask any other thing to you..." Sonic replied with a cringed expression. "So, Tails? Mind to explain what I asked first?"

"Well... I detected a weird energy sign coming from this place," Tails started to explain. "I told Sonic if he wanted to investigate if Eggman was up to something because the rest of us were busy, so he accessed and came straight here. However, Eggman had no idea of what energy he was talking about, and then––"

"Let me guess: A portal appeared, they were dragged, and then the portal closed without leaving any sign of them," Sonic finished for him.

"Whoa! How did you knew?" Knuckles asked, both surprised and confused.

"I can read minds!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "Nah, just kidding. These two told me what happened to them," He explained, pointing at Orbot and Cubot.

"But this doesn't makes sense..." Tails said, rubbing his chin confused. "I detected that energy sign again, and then you appeared! If that energy brought you here... wouldn't that mean that Eggman and our Sonic are in your universe?"

"Funny story: They actually are there, and there's a big chance that if they don't come back, the entire multiverse will collapse!" Sonic replied with a smile.

"I missed the 'funny' part," Amy said with a frown and her arms crossed.

"Alright, alright... sit down, guys, because I'm about to tell you the craziest of the stories!" Sonic instructed with a smirk.

Universe 220822

Young Sonic and Boom Sonic were staring at a clock in the wall, feeling incredibly bored.

They've been in this universe for about a week now, but since the Eggmans seemed to be pretty busy planning absolutely nothing for the time being, they couldn't help it but feel bored.

"How long it's been since we arrived here, again?" Boom Sonic asked, as he slowly blinked and still stared at the clock.

Young Sonic pulled out his phone from his quills and stared at the screen, before yawning and put the phone back into his quills. "About a week or so..."

"Then why do I feel like it's been ages since I last saw my friends?!" Boom Sonic asked in a very dramatic way.

"Never I thought I could met a guy more annoying than Sonic... yet, this is still Sonic," Knuckles said with a frown and his arms crossed.

"We just need to give them some time, Knux," Sunny said with a little smile. "I mean, they've been around for a week now, and they still need to adapt."

"The question is: For how long?" Shadow asked with a frown. "Boom Sonic is a walking ego, and Young Sonic is being terribly influenced by him."

"I can hear you talking about my flaws again, you know?" Boom Sonic said with an annoyed tone.

"That's the point!" Knuckles said in anger.

"Knuckie!" Izzy scolded him with a frown.

"I actually have to give it to Sunny on this one," Pipp said with a little smile as well. "It may take a while, but I'm sure they will find the way to blend in just fine! I mean, it can't take them forever, and they've been doing great so far. Just because they're bored now doesn't mean they're not adapting to their environment anymore."

"Except for the fact that I usually adapt to my surroundings really fast," Young Sonic replied with a bored expression. "It's been a week, and I cannot take the crushing boredom anymore! I need to kick some butts! Destroy robots! Or just learn how to swim!" He started to list with a twitchy eye and a desperate tone. "Whatever it takes to stop feeling so bored!"

"I simply don't like it here," Boom Sonic confessed. "You guys are not the problem, don't worry, but I still feel too cool for this place, and I hate feeling out of place, alright?"

"I swear I'm gonna brake his bones if we don't find a way to shut his cockiness down!" Knuckles stated with anger, holding a mug on his hand and accidentally braking it because of the anger. "Oh, come on!"

"This is gonna sound weird, but for once, I'm with Shadow and Knuckles on this one," Amy confessed with her arms crossed and a frown. "We don't know for how long they'll stay here, and I cannot stand Boom Sonic and his stupid comments anymore, either."

"Why being me is such a crime here?!" Boom Sonic asked in concern.

"Because you are a jerk!" Everyone else shouted with frowns.

"And the guy that still was a huge jerk a few years ago is telling you!" Shadow added, still frowning in anger.

Boom Sonic looked at the rest confused, before sighing in defeat and rolling his eyes. "Fair enough."

Suddenly, the doors of the Brighthouse were opened, and everyone, the other Sonics included, turned their heads to see at Tails and Zipp, who were smiling victorious.

"We did it!" They both shouted in unison.

"...Uh... what did you did, exactly?" Knuckles asked confused.

Later on, Tails and Zipp guided everyone else outside and showed the Paradox Prism fragments working.

They were inside of their most recent model of their machine, although they already lost count and cannot say which model this one is anymore, but they don't care about that right now.

They just were so, so happy that their efforts were finally paying off. After an entire week of failures and days of barely sleeping, they finally managed to successfully open a portal. Oh, yeah, the machine opened a portal with the shape of an X with no trouble at all.

"Oh... that's what you did..." Knuckles said with an amused expression.

"As you can see, the good news is that we finally opened a portal, and now we can finally travel across any universe we want!" Zipp said with a happy smile, before squealing in excitement.

"Wait, does that mean that we can go home now after we defeat the Eggman trio?!" Young Sonic asked with a hopeful smile and sparkling eyes.

"Yeah... that's were the bad news enter in the picture," Tails said with a sheepish smile, also scratching his neck in embarrassment. "You see, we might gain access to the multiverse, but... we still need to find out how to travel through it, as well as which universe is your home so we can avoid sending you all to the wrong universe..."

"In a little bit of a slump?!" Boom Sonic asked a bit panicked, as his left eye twitched a bit.

"The portal is ready, we just need to discover which universe is your home so we can sent you back," Zipp summarized with a sheepish smile.

"Which means that you'll stay here for a bit longer than we anticipated..." Tails replied with a nervous tone and chuckle.

Young Sonic's enthusiasm faded away entirely as his ears fell flat in sadness, while Boom Sonic seemed to be about to explode in rage.

However, he sighed and took a deep breath to calm himself down, before turning around and look at the rest... with an ashamed expression.

"Well... I cannot change that, so... I guess I'll just stick around until that thing is ready," Boom Sonic said, now with a determinate look. "I know you did nothing wrong, and that my attitude isn't justified. Eggman, however, really messed up this time. Your universe or not, he's still Eggman at the end of the day, and I'm still Sonic. So, I'll do what us Sonics do best: Kick his butt and make him pay for dragging me away from my universe and mess up with innocents!"

"Finally, you talk like a coherent guy," Knuckles said with his arms crossed and a big mocking smirk.

"Big Sonic here is right," Young Sonic added suddenly. "I wanted a bit of adventure after 4 months of nothing but pure boredom... However, thinking about how serious this situation is, I realize is time to take this thing seriously!" He also stated with a determinate look, while his eyes turned blue for a second. "The entire multiverse is not only at the palm of our hands and hooves, but also at the palm of the Eggmen's dirty hands. So, as long as we stay here, we'll make sure they won't mess up any other universe in the process!"

"Then you two better embrace yourselves and stay true to your word, Sonics!" Rouge's voice spoke, and everyone turned to see her and Omega approaching by flight, as they landed in front of them.

Soon enough, Hitch also arrived with Sparky on his back.

"Let me guess: Eggman," Shadow said with a frown.

"Affirmative," Omega replied. "An entire army of badniks combining three different styles are approaching the town, as well as the original Death Egg Robot controlled by this universe's Eggman," He added, moving his hands slowly as he explained all of this.

"The original Death Egg Robot?" Tails questioned confused. "But Eggman hasn't used that ever since he captured Sonic and the Mane 5 last year! Something's not right..."

"Serious question: Do your Eggmans name everything starting with the word 'Egg'? Because mine barely tolerates that I call him Eggman," Young Sonic asked confused.

"Yeah, he didn't liked the nickname at first, but somehow, he'll eventually learn to love it. Don't think too much about it, man," Boom Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"If we are done chit-chatting here..." Sunny called out, now making her Alicorn form appear. "I think we have an invasion to stop!" She stated, before flying away.

The others, Boom Sonic included, immediately followed up, but Young Sonic stood behind for a few seconds with his jaw dropped.

"Why didn't you guys told me she could do that?! That was so cool!" Young Sonic complained, now following them as well.

Eggman was approaching with Sage and a big army of robots.

The reason why Eggman waited a whole week instead of attacking when he said he would is to make absolutely sure that he wouldn't fail like his counterparts.

This time, instead of combining them, the Eggman trio decided to sent an army of mixed robots: That is, a big amount of each Eggman design. To calculate a bit: there were 300 badniks from Eggman, 300 from Ivo and 300 from Robotnik.

"How's or rate of success in this battle, dear?" Eggman asked Sage.

"Winning the battle has a chance of 34% from winning in our favor," Sage replied. "However, if we play our cards properly, we might not need to win this fight, and just steal the fragments of the Paradox Prism that we're still missing."

"As long as those fragments are ours, I don't mind loosing... Not this time, at least," Eggman stated with a frown.

"Well, you better return victorious, then!" Ivo stated from the other side of his call with Eggman. "We already have enough looses accumulating. We don't need more!"

"Besides, you keep bragging about having things under control," Robotnik pointed out as well, before scoffing in a mocking way. "I expect you're not only bragging, doctor."

"Then you'll be very pleased, Robotnik, because I never disappoint," Eggman stated.

"I have archives that prove otherwise..." Sage muttered to herself.

"Well, well, well!" A voice spoke.

Eggman stopped moving on his Death Egg Robot, just to stare with anger at Young Sonic, Boom Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Team Dark, since the Mane 6 decided to stay in town to evacuate everyone and wait for the badniks in case they reach Maretime Bay.

"Look what the Egg just brought! A doctor about to get his butt kicked, and..." Boom Sonic tried to say as he smirked, but as soon as he saw Sage, his eyes widened in confusion.

"Uh... is that a ghost girl?" Young Sonic asked confused.

"Is every Sonic such an idiot the first time they met me?" Sage asked with a little frown.

"Oh, that's it!" Young Sonic said with anger, but as he tried to boost away, he was stopped by Boom Sonic. "Hey!"

"Try to be patient, little guy," Boom Sonic said with a serious expression, before looking back at Eggman with a frown. "Let him have some fun first."

"Ohohoho! So you wanna be a gentleman now, huh?" Eggman mocked up, before closing the capsule of his Eggmobile, that also caused the Death Egg Robot to close itself. "Well, lucky you! Because I was waiting to have a good battle myself!" He stated, before using the rockets of the machine to boost against the Sonics.

"We take Eggman, you take the badniks!" Young Sonic instructed, before both him and Boom Sonic boosted towards Eggman.

Tails and Knuckles, on the other hand, looked at each other and nodded in agreement, before jumping in the air and charge up their Spin Dashes, that somehow combined before boosting towards Ivo's badniks.

Meanwhile, Amy started to spin her Piko Piko hammer around as she destroyed some of Robotnik's badniks, as well as she left the hammer over one and spin to kick the robots with her own feet, before jumping in the air as well and charging up a Spin Dash herself, as she launched against more badniks.

Shadow, on the other hand was teleporting around as he punched and kicked badniks, as well as he used his Chaos Spear and Chaos Control to allow Rouge and Omega to shine in the battlefield as well, with the former kicking up some badniks with her feet, although she also decided to Spin Dash a bit; while Omega used all of his weapons against the robots.

After a while, Tails and Knuckles separated, with Tails using his powers to create a giant robot with his shape, as he stomped the floor and started to kick, punch and destroy robots with his laser, and he also started to run towards the Death Egg Robot. Knuckles, on the other hand, charged up his fists and let out his rage over any badnik he saw, no matter from which Eggman it was. He also used his super clap and his boxing experience to strike several punches.

Finally, we have the Sonics, that were Spin Dashing and Homing Attacking every badnik that got in their way, while they finally reached the Death Egg Robot. Then, they both jumped in the air and charged another Spin Dash against it, but they were sent backwards by Sage, who used some kind of shield to reflect the attack.

Both Sonics landed in the ground and frowned at Sage, who smirked victoriously at them... except when she was suddenly punched by Tails' machine and sent flying away.

"Sage!" Eggman shouted with worry and concern, before growling in anger as he charged one of the arms of the Death Egg Robot and punched Tails' robot, that got sent backwards as it felt to the ground.

"Whoa!" Tails exclaimed as he fell, while the Death Egg Robot approached even more.

Then, the robot charged up the spikes of the left arm and charged with all its might against Tails' robot.

Inside, Tails tried to get free from the machine, but he was stuck inside, and he was struggling to get free before Eggman could kill him.

"Tails!" Both Sonics shouted in worry, having terrible flashbacks about how Tails got in danger in their worlds: Boom Sonic was when they both fought Ivo, and Tails had an accident where he crashed with the Tornado; and Young Sonic was when they fought Robotnik and Knuckles in the Siberian mountains, before Tails fell unconscious because of missiles explosions sent by Robotnik's Eggmobile.

The two Sonics frowned, and Boom Sonic activated the electrical lasso of his watch, while Young Sonic's eyes changed to blue as he grabbed the other side of the lasso.

Then, Boom Sonic started to spin the lasso around, with Young Sonic still holding in tight, before Boom Sonic launched his counterpart against the Death Egg Robot, as Young Sonic charged up his Spin Dash in the air, combined with his electrical powers, and then hit Eggman's machine, moving it a bit away from Tails, while Young Sonic landed right besides Boom Sonic.

Tails still couldn't get free, but then he remembered that the robot was made out of his powers, so he activated them to dissolve the robot, then fly right behind Eggman and create the robot again, grabbing the Death Egg Robot from its arms and its head.

"Time to go, Sonics!" Tails instructed with a confident tone and smirk.

Suddenly, both Sonics were lifted by Knuckles, who smirked at them before throwing them in the air, with Young Sonic cheering and Boom Sonic screaming in fear. After that, Knuckles launched Amy as well, and once she reached both Sonics, they turned and saw her Piko Piko hammer, and smirked as well.

Then, they both charged up their Spin Dashes, with Young Sonic combining his electrical powers again, and then Amy used her hammer to launch both Sonics against the Death Egg Robot. With both Spin Dashes all charged up, plus Young Sonic's electrical powers, Eggman gulped and closed his eyes, awaiting for the impact.

Soon, Tails dissolved the robot again and boosted away, while the Death Egg Robot was hit by the two Sonic's Spin Dashes.

The Death Egg Robot was sent really backwards, and Eggman had to move the arms with spikes to finally make it stop, while he growled inside the robot and glared daggers at the Sonics, that landed in the ground and grinned victoriously at him.

However, Sage suddenly appeared again, and just with a snap, the already destroyed badniks raised from the ground and pointed their weapons at Team Dark, Team Sonic and the Sonics, who stood back to back to protect each other and fight against the reborn badniks.

"This has no sense... I don't remember Sage being able to do that!" Knuckles pointed out.

"You're right... if anything, that seems more like––" Tails tried to point out, but then, his eyes widened in realization, and he gasped in horror. "The Phantom Ruby's abilities... Sage can float like Infinite could... She can create things literally out of nowhere... and she restored the badniks we destroyed with just a snap..."

Except for the Sonics, the rest also gasped in realization. "Oh God..." Amy said with concern.

"H-He didn't... d-did he?!" Rouge asked with concern.

"That son of a bitch!" Knuckles exclaimed with anger.

"Doctor!" Shadow decided to call out with anger, but also a slight glimpse of panic. "You didn't created Sage's new body out of the Phantom Ruby, did you?!"

Eggman, instead of using of words, started to laugh sinisterly, loosing al control over himself as he laughed loudly, just confirming everyone's worse thoughts, while Sage, still in the air, grinned sinisterly as well.

"So it's true..." Amy muttered with worry. "E-Eggman brought her back using the Phantom Ruby..."

"No... it's even worse..." Tails said with concern.

"Tails, that kid has the power to tear reality apart with just a snap if Eggman orders her to do so," Shadow pointed out with a frown. "How can it be any worse?!"

"The Phantom Ruby was unstable and dying when Sonic, his past self and Rookie defeated Eggman," Tails explained. "But... it seems like he kept the gem and... and then..."

"And then what?!" Rouge asked in panic and desperation.

Tails looked at Sage, who glared daggers at him, and he gulped again. "S-She is the Phantom Ruby now..."

Universe 081114

The group decided to take Sonic, Orbot and Cubot back to Tails' lab in a place called Seaside Island.

Apparently, this place is filled with jungles, mountains, undersea civilizations, cloud cities and all kinds of other environments, or that's what Tails said at least.

They also seemed to live near a place called 'Hedgehog Village', but he's pretty sure that he saw many anthropomorphic animals there that aren't even hedgehogs.

That aside, he explained his entire adventure again, but now a bit annoyed and with a bored expression since he was pretty tired of explaining the exact same thing in every single universe he went. That's why he mentally promised to himself that if he lands in another world by mistake instead of his home universe, he won't explain anything further and will just run away.

After he was done with his story for what felt like the millionth time, he sighed frustrated and lay on the couch he was sitting over, while Knuckles looked at him a bit confused, Amy looked at him with sparkling eyes, Sticks fell asleep and Tails looked at him with an analytical look.

"So... you come from a world of talking ponies?" Knuckles asked confused.

"Seriously? I tell all this crazy wacky stuff about other universes, and your biggest concern is the world with ponies?" Sonic asked him with a bored expression.

"I don't know about your Knuckles, but ours is a meathead, don't think too much about it," Tails replied, while taking down some notes.

"Well, I think that sounds really nice!" Amy said with a smile and sparkling eyes. "How's that I never heard about it before?!"

"This universe feels pretty generic for my liking..." Sonic muttered to himself. "Anyways... What kind of multiversal experience do you guys have? I mean, you have some if what Orbot and Cubot told me is true, right?"

"Eh, is not a big deal," Tails said, still checking over his notes. "At least for us. Our Sonic was sent to a parallel universe where he never existed, and so, he confronted an Emo Eggman that recently tried to take over our world."

"And our last encounter with that guy was when Shadow tried to erase both realities by keeping both him and our Eggman in the same plane of existence," Amy added.

"...You say is not a big deal, yet your universe almost stopped existing..." Sonic pointed out with an anxious look.

"Compared to what is happening to you right now? It isn't a big deal," Tails pointed out with a bored expression. "Say, could you give me one of your discs?"

"Let me guess: You need it for research purposes, don't you?" Sonic asked with a bored expression as well.

"...How did you know?" Tails asked surprised.

"The previous world I was also had a Tails, and he also tried to get information from my discs," Sonic explained. "He got nothing. Also, removing only one of my discs implies that a weird energy in my body could get out of control, and I don't know how long I could take it back before it blows up something."

"Then why don't we go out and distract yourself a bit while Tails does that?" Amy suggested.

"Yeah! Maybe you won't blow anything in the process," Knuckles added with a smile.

"Emphasis on maybe," Sonic said with a bored expression, before sighing in defeat and walking over to Tails. "Fine... but you better not damage it! I still need it to go home and make sure your Sonic and Eggman come back before my Eggman decides to mess up the multiverse even more than he already has."

"Don't worry, Sonic. Is not like I'm gonna blow it up, I just wanna test a little theory I have," Tails replied with a smile.

Sonic raised an eyebrow, then rolled his eyes and removed the left disc from his glove, before giving it with hesitation to Tails, while the young fox grabbed the disc and moved away. Soon enough, Sonic's appearance returned to normal, with the sport bandages leaving, as well as the brown scarf, and his gloves and shoes returned to normal, but they were all messy yet again.

However, Knuckles suddenly grabbed Sonic in a side hug that cut his breath a bit. "Well, guess it's time to head out!" He stated with a smile, before walking out of the lab, still with Sonic on his arm.

"Sticks!" Amy called out with a smile, while Sticks woke up all of a sudden in a very defensive way as she took out a boomerang and pointed it to all her surroundings. "Calm down, girl! We're just heading out! Wanna come?"

Sticks sighed in relief and put her boomerang aside. "About time! That other Sonic really bored me a lot."

Amy chuckled after Sticks said that, and as the two girls left the lab, Tails stared confused at the disc that Sonic gave to him.

"Hmm... I can see why that other me could tell little to nothing about this disc," Tails said with a concerned expression. "Yet, it won't stop me from trying! If it means I can help to stop this new Sonic's Eggman from conquering our universe, and bring back both our Sonic and Eggman, then I'll better start working!"

Sonic was dragged towards the beach, outside of this universe's Sonic home, that weirdly had no door for some reason.

However, he decided not to question that and followed Amy, Knuckles and Sticks' flow. They settled up a volleyball court and decided to play a few rounds, with Sonic teaming up with Amy, while Knuckles and Sticks were the opposite Team. Of course, they rotated teammates from time to time, but overall, they seemed to have fun.

Sonic actually felt relieved playing this. It was like he could at least forget his worries for a second and enjoy having a little break after visiting many universes in what he felt was just a couple of days, but it could perfectly already have passed weeks or months in his universe. Yet, he decided not to think on that and only focus on the game currently going.

Also, the weird energy of his body thankfully didn't show up, so he was safe for the time being.

Meanwhile, Tails placed the disc over a scanner.

After scanning it, he moved to his computer and started to analyze what properties was it made of, and how it allowed Sonic to travel across the multiverse, as well as change his clothes whenever he entered to a new universe.

Tails rubbed his chin, trying to come up with how this was possible, before put his googles over his eyes and taking the disc again.

Later on, Sonic and Knuckles were having a strength contest because Knuckles wanted so.

Knuckles launched a very heavy rock away, and it landed 500 yards away from their original position.

He cleaned his hands and smirked, while Sonic clapped at him with a smile. Then, Sonic grabbed a rock a bit less heavier and threw it with all the strength he could.

Knuckles felt surprised, however, when the rock landed 370 yards away from their original position, since that meant Sonic was very strong, even if he loosed.

"Oh... well... strength isn't my thing, anyways..." Sonic pointed out with a smile, before turning to Knuckles and extend his hand to him. "Well played, Knux."

Knuckles raised an eyebrow and scratched his neck confused, before stretching his hand with Sonic's. "Um... thanks... You know? Our Sonic usually can't get pass the 30 yards. I'm very impressed that you managed to get even further!"

"I work out with the you of my universe from time to time," Sonic said with a smile. "Again, strength is not my thing, but if I'm able to go further than the me of this universe, then I take that as an absolute win!"

Tails placed some kind of chip over the disc, and then he placed the disc in a useless prototype of an unfinished robot.

Then, he stepped back several steps and pressed a button over a panel control, that seemed to activate the chip over the disc, and therefore, it kind of activated the disc itself.

However, the prototype ended up exploding, and Tails ducked for cover, while pieces of the robot flew away, as Tails stared at the now destroyed prototype, but the disc remained intact, and so did the chip on it.

Tails approached the disc and grabbed it, before looking at it with a confused expression. "Whoever is this 'Rotor' guy that Sonic mentioned, he must be an amazing genius if he managed to built something so impressive and resistant, even if it was by complete accident."

Sonic was now sitting at a table along Sticks, while two plates of burgers where placed right in front of them.

Yup, this was an eating food competition, and Sonic actually seemed pretty exited about this one, specially because he was hungry, and he hasn't eaten anything ever since he left the first universe he fell on after the Paradox Prism shattered.

"The rules are pretty simple: whoever leaves the plate totally empty first, wins!" Amy announced with a smile. "So, are you guys ready?"

"Oh, I'm about to destroy this guy's ego entirely!" Sticks stated with a confident smirk.

"Here's the thing, Sticks: I haven't eaten anything for 6 episodes, and I'm starving!" Sonic announced with a determinate look, also licking his lips a bit.

"On your marks..." Amy said, while both Sonic and Sticks returned their gazes at the plates of food: 100 burgers that they'll had to eat entirely if they wanted to win. "Set..." Amy said again, and now Sticks licked her lips as well.

"GO!" Knuckles announced, using a megaphone.

And so, Sonic and Sticks started to eat their burgers like a pair of maniacs.

At first, Sonic found the taste of the burgers a bit weird, but eventually, he seemed to be enjoying the taste, and so, he started to eat the burgers even faster. However, Sticks wasn't staying behind, although Sonic already was 2 or 3 burgers ahead of her.

They kept eating burgers for 3 minutes straight, but while Sticks was just 16 burgers ahead and already seemed done, Sonic finished his last burger, even licking his fingers a bit before smashing the empty plate on the table with a victorious smile.

"Done!" Sonic announced.

Everyone that was watching, besides Amy and Knuckles of course, started to cheer fro Sonic, while he only rubbed his nose and smirked.

"W-Well... played... Sonic..." Sticks said, rubbing her stomach as she felt it hurt a lot.

Sonic smiled, and he stretched hands with her. "Same thing, Sticks... by the way, there's a garbage can over there in case you need to get rid of your... mixed substances inside of you."

"Thanks!" Sticks said, before immediately moving to the garbage can and throw up everything in there.

Sonic cringed at the sound, and turned around before his stomach felt like that as well.

Tails placed the disc over the floor, and once again, he stepped back to be at a safe distance.

After that, he pressed a button over a remote control and waited a few seconds, while the disc seemed to react a little bit and almost opened a portal in the floor, which made Tails smile.

However, the portal not only closed, but it also caused a little explosion that made Tails use the remote as a cover, while the disc landed right beside him, still entirely intact and with the chip over it.

Tails grabbed the disc, and now he frowned with both concern and frustration. "Apparently, the disc only responds flawlessly when Sonic uses it, but it cannot respond to me yet... Maybe Rotor did invented something revolutionary by mistake, because there's no logical explanation for this thing not working with me so far..."

Now, Sonic was in over some kind of rock in the mountains, and about 1000 yards away, there was a giant target shooting in the ground.

At his side, Amy was holding both her hammer and a yellow, metallic bat. Of course, she gave the bat to Sonic, while he caught it in time and looked at it very confused.

Soon enough, however, Knuckles arrived with two giant rocks, and he stopped moving them to catch a brake as he sat over one of them.

"Um... Amy?" Sonic called out with a raised eyebrow. "What are we gonna do here, exactly?"

"Ever heard about 'world record home run'?" Amy asked him with a smirk.

"Nope," Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"Knuckles will launch a rock in the air, and everything we gotta do is try to launch it against the center of that target shooting!" Amy explained.

"Okay... but wouldn't it be better if I used a hammer as well?" Sonic questioned to her. "I mean, the bat is going to brake in half the moment it crashes against the rock."

"Why would Dwayne Johnson crash against your bat?" Knuckles asked.

Sonic felt so surprised when he heard that, and he started to laugh like a maniac after hearing the joke, despite being pretty sure that Knuckles was talking seriously with that one. "O-Oh gosh, Knucklehead!" He said with a huge smile, while Knuckles stared at him confused since he didn't understood what was he laughing about.

Amy, on the other hand, only shook her head on disbelief for Knuckles' 'joke', but she smiled anyways as Sonic started to calm down. "You would have a point, if it wasn't because that bat is made with the same materials than my hammer, so you should be able to hit the rock just fine!"

Sonic sighed in relief after he stopped laughing at Knuckles' joke, and then he looked at the bat with a smirk. "Well, if that's the case... launch them, Knuckles!" He stated with confidence, now positioning the bat tow swing it.'

Amy smirked as well, and she also positioned to swing the bat.

Knuckles seemed confused at first on why they were doing that, but then, his eyes widened, and he immediately launched to giant rocks at Sonic and Amy.

The moment the rocks were in front of them, their smirks grew more, and then, they swing their weapons, that hit the rocks hard enough as they traveled towards the target shooting.

However, both hedgehogs, and the echidna, were all surprised when the rocks crashed right in the center of the target, and then got completely destroyed. Their jaws dropped entirely, and they looked at each other for a few seconds before looking back at the now destroyed rocks in the ground.

"...You guys saw that... Right?!" Sonic asked to Amy and Knuckles.

"W-We have the very same strength..." Amy said in shock.

"Man, you both impress me and scare me..." Knuckles confessed with a little smile.

"I guess I left a... crushing impression, huh?" Sonic asked with a mocking smirk.

That seemed to be enough to make both Amy and Knuckles burst out laughing, and Sonic joined them soon enough.

"Oh, even your jokes are better worked!" Amy said with a big smile. "How's that you are so cocky and confident, but so selfless and kind all the same?"

"Eh, I do admit I like to have the attention now and then, but to me? Saving lives is more than enough," Sonic replied with a smirk. "While sometimes I do tent to get more cocky than usual, I still remember why I do this in the first place: Because I love to! Seeing people safe and sound, smiling as they are grateful that they live another day... that fills my heart with joy. I don't need recognition, I don't need to be praised, I just like to help because it feels good! At the end of the day, what matters to me is that people can live to see another day arrive."

However, he soon started to hear sobs, and he turned to see both Amy and Knuckles crying a lot after he finished, as well as they hugged each other.

"M-Man... I'm a knucklehead... but even I know that was beautiful!" Knuckles shouted dramatically, as he buried his face on Amy's shoulder, despite him being taller.

"Why can't our Sonic be like you?!" Amy cried out as well.

"Huh... whoever this universe's Sonic is, he sounds like a pain in the ass..." Sonic said with concern. "I really hope my friends are doing well back then, wether if they're dealing with him or not..."

Universe 220822

Yeah, Boom Sonic's cockiness is the last of their concerns, because in Maretime Bay, things were not going any better.

Eggman sent many units of his army towards the town, and while everypony was safe and sound in Canterlove Studios, the Mane 6 were really busy trashing down the badniks.

"I cannot believe this guy just keeps getting worse and worse everytime!" Sunny said with concern and a frown, while also flying around as she used her horn to launch several lasers against the badniks.

"He created a robot to destroy the town and the Brighthouse, he awakened ancient technology of a forgotten civilization, he created a virus that Opaline stoled, he tried to stole the Chaos Emeralds from Tails, and now he literally brought himself as backup!" Hitch pointed out with a frown, while using his Earth Pony magic to make grow some vines that grabbed some badniks and destroyed them, while Sparky on his back used his dragon fire to turn the badniks into food. "How's that you still cannot believe what this guy does?! You literally beat the crap out of him not so long ago!"

"Focus, you two lovebirds!" Zipp said with a frown, while she made a kick spin in the air before kicking some flying badniks that chased after her.

"Lovebirds..." Hitch said with wide eyes, suddenly kicking a badnik that approached him with his hind hoof, while Izzy used her horn to wipe out some of the robots with lasers.

Then, Hitch looked back at Sunny, who suddenly landed over a Moto Bug, while she also launched a laser against one of Robotnik's white drones. Hitch still felt conflicted about if he should just take that next step with Sunny, or stay behind and wait a bit more.

Yet, ever since Young Sonic told him, he's been feeling like waiting more for any of them to make the first step was stupid already, and considering how dangerous Eggman was right now, waiting was pretty much not an option.

So, Hitch nodded to himself with a determinate look and used his Earth Pony magic to create more vines that grabbed more badniks and made them explode, while Sparky launched his fire and transformed more robots into food.

"Sunny!" Hitch called out. "There's something important I really need to tell you!" He stated, kicking another Moto Bug with his hind leg.

"Can it wait a little?" Sunny asked with concern, trapping some flying badniks with her magic and making them crash to explode. "I don't know if you have noticed, but we have very important business going on here!"

"I wish it could, but it can't," Hitch replied with concern, while he grabbed Sunny's hoof, which startled her for some reason as she blushed entirely.

"H-Hitch? W-What are you––" Sunny tried to ask nervously.

"Sunny... I-I think we both been waiting for making our next step in our relationship for way too long, a-and––" Hitch started to say, and Sunny's blush only increased more after hearing that. "L-Look, what I'm trying to say is that––"

However, they were suddenly interrupted when Knuckles and Tails landed right in front of the street, all beaten up and hurt as they weakly lay on the floor.

Zipp and Izzy immediately left everything they were doing and moved towards them to check out if they were okay.

Sunny and Hitch looked at each other with worry and nodded, deciding to leave this conversation for later.

Soon enough, the two Sonics, Amy and Team Dark also landed with a grunt in the floor, and then, the ground rumbled when the Death Egg Robot arrived as well.

"That thing's back?!" Pipp asked in panic.

"Unfortunately..." Knuckles replied in pain, as Izzy helped him to stand up.

"I'm pretty impressed that you managed to discover the secret behind Sage's new body, Tails!" Eggman said after laughing like a maniac. "I sure hope you understand, though: Her powers are limited, so she won't tear down anything even if I wanted to. I lost her once in the Starfall Islands, I won't loose her again!"

"B-But she saved us all!" Tails pointed out, as he painfully got up with Zipp's help. "Why use her power to keep destroying everything when we already proved that it doesn't work?!"

"Oh, Young Prower..." Eggman said, while the Death Egg Robot shook its head in negation, and the Sonics started to slowly stand up to look at the Death Egg Robot with a frown. "You are brilliant, sure, but you still see the wrong side of the picture. She doesn't remember anything! And I want it to stay in that way!" He stated, before making the ground rumble again as the robot hit the floor.

"Wait... you... you erased her sacrifice from her memory?" Tails asked confused.

"Duh!" Eggman replied, feeling that it was something very obvious. "Why would I let her keep such awful memories, anyways?"

"I'm really getting tired of all of these stupid monologues!" Boom Sonic stated, before charging up his Spin Dash and trying to charge against the Death Egg Robot.

"Oh, but you'll be surprised, Sonic," Eggman stated with a smirk. "Because I called some back up!"

Suddenly, Boom Sonic was sent backwards when the Egg Emperor, once again controlled by Ivo, appeared suddenly, and used its shield to parry the Spin Dash.

Boom Sonic landed in the ground with a grunt, while Young Sonic's frown grew bigger after he saw the Egg Emperor. "What?! You again?!"

Then, he also charged up his Spin Dash, combining his electrical powers and then boosting against the Egg Emperor, but he also got sent backwards when the Egg Dragoon, controlled by Robotnik, arrived and used the drill arm to punch Young Sonic.

The hedgehog landed at Boom's Sonic side, and then he sat up while he felt completely dizzy because of the punch.

"Hahaha! That felt SO satisfying!" Robotnik said with happiness.

"Oh, definitely!" Ivo stated with joy as well. "I always wanted to crush that hedgehog down, and now I can!"

"Glad to see you joined the party, fellow Eggmans!" Eggman said with a smirk. "Now, how are we gonna kill these little pests?" He asked, pointing an arm of the Death Egg Robot at the Mane 6, Team Sonic, Team Dark and the two Sonics.

"How about we simply crush them all at once?" Ivo suggested, also pointing the sword of the Egg Emperor at them.

"I like the way you guys think!" Robotnik stated. "Also, is nice to see you again, hedgehog! Too bad this is gonna be the last time we meet each other," He added, laughing maniacally at Young Sonic, who frowned furiously at him.

"Wish I could say I missed you, Eggman," Young Sonic replied with anger. "I should've made sure you were dead when I got that power up!"

"Yes, you should've, and know you'll pay the price for your reckless actions!" Robotnik replied with a grin.

"I know this is gonna sound like a stupid question, but... what do we do now?" Misty asked with concern.

"What we always do: Keep fighting," Boom Sonic stated with a frown, taking Eggman seriously for the very first time in his entire life.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Sunny stated with a smirk.

Soon enough, the two Sonics and Sunny boosted towards the Eggman trio, while the villains laughed and decided to move towards them.

Outside the Brighthouse, Sage appeared right in front of the machine that Tails and Zipp built.

She stared in disbelief at it, and she could sense that it perfectly worked. She also saw the two fragments of the Paradox Prism that Tails and Shadow took with them after Sonic shattered the Prism, and she grinned.

"Seems like father is gonna be very pleased today," Sage stated with a confident grin. "Miles Prower, Zephyrina Storm. Thank you very much for being dumb enough to leave the fragments out in the wild."

Sunny was fighting in a one vs one against the Death Egg Robot, throwing her laser horn at it, as well as flying around the machine to confuse Eggman as much as she could.

Eggman tried to fight back, moving the arms of the Death Egg Robot around in the air, while also launching various missiles and bombs with the shape of mini Death Egg Robots, but Sunny either destroyed them with her horn, dodged them or launched them back at him. However, Eggman was stubborn, and he wasn't planning on loosing this battle.

On the other hand, we have Boom Sonic, who is confronting the Egg Emperor with Ivo inside, as Boom just kept Spin Dashing, Homing Attacking and using the electrical lasso against Ivo.

Yet, this didn't seemed to be enough, because Ivo himself was striking quite a punch, despite Boom Sonic dodging most of the attacks coming at him. Again, most of them.

Finally, we have Young Sonic, who is just Homing Attacking the Egg Dragoon, while Robotnik inside of it simply smirked and laughed against him.

"You really are such a cutie, Sonic!" Robotnik said with an evil grin. "You cannot use your stupid ball moves to get through this beautiful piece of technology!" He stated, before pushing Young Sonic away, as he screamed in fright. "You cannot defeat me alone, hedgehog!" He stated, before launching a bunch of missiles towards him.

However, Amy jumped in the air and used her Piko Piko Hammer to sent all the missiles away, while Knuckles also jumped with Young Sonic curled into a ball and charging up again.

"That's the thing, Egghead: He isn't alone!" Knuckles stated, before launching Young Sonic against Robotnik's pilot cabin, causing damage to the Egg Dragoon and startling Robotnik himself.

Then, Zipp, Pipp, Rouge and Omega all charged against the Death Egg Robot to help Sunny out, as they all managed to kick, hit and damage the big machine, while Sunny launched another massive laser that sent the Death Egg Robot backwards, until it finally fell to the floor on its back.

Finally; Tails, Shadow, Izzy, Misty and Hitch all charged up along Boom Sonic against the Egg Emperor as well, with Boom Sonic, Tails and Shadow Spin Dashing; while Izzy and Misty launched massive blasts from their horns, and Hitch used his Earth Pony magic to make some vines with spikes and cause damage to the Egg Emperor's structure.

Then, all the anthropomorphic critters started to charge up their Spin Dashes, while Sunny lightened up her horn, that fused with her friends' Cutie Mark magic, and Omega charged up his own lasers.

"...Well, shit..." Eggman said with a bored expression, preparing himself for the upcoming pain.

And then, Team Dark and Young Sonic charged up against the Egg Dragoon, while Sunny blasted the united magic against the Death Egg Robot and Team Sonic, along with Boom Sonic, boosted their Spindashes against the Egg Emperor.

The three machines tried to fight back, but eventually, the Eggman trio was sent backwards as they all landed in the ground with loud thuds.

The Mane 6, Team Sonic, Team Dark and the Sonics regrouped, standing in fighting positions just in case.

"You know what? I'll say it already: You ponies are way cooler than I imagined!" Boom Sonic finally confessed with a smirk.

"About time!" Zipp said, also smirking.

"What took you so long?" Young Sonic asked with a mocking tone and smirk, also playfully pushing his shoulder, while Boom Sonic chuckled.

Unfortunately, everyone got serious again when they saw the three machines slowly standing up, and now looking back at them.

"I can't believe I keep underestimating you, little ponies," Eggman said with anger.

"Yeah, this is a total boomer," Ivo said with a frown.

"I can't believe a group made out of stupid colorful horses and abominations with powers are defeating three variants of the most intelligent mind in the entire multiverse!" Robotnik added with rage.

"But it is about time to pull out all of our cards!" Eggman stated with a chuckle. "We are three, after all. And even if Sonic arrived, we are still a bigger match than you'll ever be!"

"Eggmans: I think it's time to show these pests why messing up with us is a big mistake!" Ivo stated, also chuckling in a sinister way.

"Oh, I couldn't agree more!" Robotnik said with a smirk. "Let's rip off these idiots already!"

Knuckles cracked his knuckles and punched his fists together, charging up his powers while his eyes turned red; Izzy and Misty lightened up their horns and frowned with genuine anger towards the Eggmans, while their Cutie Mark started to shine; Tails elevated in the air while spinning his tails, and then, he used his powers to create two plasma guns, with his eyes turning yellow in the process...

Zipp and Pipp also flew in the air and frowned at the machines, while their Cutie Marks started to shine as well; Shadow removed his inhibitor rings from his wrists and prepared to charge his Chaos Blast against the Eggmans; Rouge only flew in the air with a frown; Omega charged up his rockets and his weapons; Amy raised her Piko Piko hammer; Hitch took a deep breath before looking back at the Eggmans, also frowning while his Cutie Mark also started to shine...

Sunny frowned at the three doctors and elevated in the air with her Alicorn form and lightened up her horn, while her Cutie Mark also shined. And finally, the two Sonics fist bumped each other before Boom Sonic stretched a little, still frowning at the Eggmans, while Young Sonic charged up his electrical powers, ready to strike.

And so, the three machines charged up against the group of heroes, while they also ran towards them as they all were ready for the second round in their fight.

Universe 081114

Tails was still trying to experiment with the disc to open a single portal.

He already had several machines that didn't worked at all destroyed because of the disc not wanting to work with him. Old prototypes, machines he didn't cared for anymore, pieces of metal, even destroyed badniks... yet nothing seemed to work, and the disc still remained intact despite the amount of little explosions that it already caused.

Of course, Tails was so frustrated and wanted to understand why the disc wasn't working with him, but his patience was reaching its limit.

If it wasn't because the disc is incredibly resistant and because of the fact that Sonic needs that disc to go home, he probably would already crushed it down to pieces out of frustration, which thankfully didn't happened because he was trying to control himself.

Suddenly, the doors of his lab opened, and Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks entered, with the last three grabbing their bellies as they laughed loudly, while Sonic in the front chuckled, although he was just smirking at them.

"You wanna know the funny thing? 'Eggman' may not be the nickname he hates the most anymore... BUT, he absolutely despise another nickname I have for him... Baldy McNosehair!" Sonic narrated to the others.

Once again, they started to burst out laughing, with Sticks falling to the floor as she laughed crazily, while Amy lay on a wall and Knuckles fell into his knees, smashing the ground with one of his fists as he laughed crazily as well.

Tails, however, seemed confused, and decided to approach them. "Uh, what's going on here? I thought you were out having fun."

"Oh, and we already had it!" Knuckles said with a smile. "This Sonic is a lot smaller, but he's way cooler than ours!"

"That doesn't mean I'm staying, though, but still!" Sonic said, also smiling now. "I got to admit that this place it's pretty nice and fun! If I didn't need to go, I could stay and take a little vacation. Anyways! How's it going with your investigation over the disc, Tails?"

Tails sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "I got nothing so far..." He confessed with a sad and concerned look. "It seems like they only respond to you, and while it did tried to open up a portal for me... it still closed again, anyways..."

"So, just like the previous Tails, you found nothing useful..." Sonic guessed with a concerned look as well.

"Yeah... that's pretty much what's happening right now..." Tails replied, still with a sad look.

"Aww, don't worry, Tails," Amy said with a smile, as she placed a hand over his shoulder. "You tried your best, and I think that's what matters the most at the end of the day."

"Besides, the way these discs work is pretty strange all the time," Sonic pointed out also smiling. "In fact, they somehow use the weird energy of my body and––"

However, he soon felt his feet tickling a bit, and once he looked down, his eyes widened when he saw his shoes letting out electricity again, and he perfectly knew what that meant...

"Oh, man..." Sonic said with concern and a bored expression.

"Uh, Sonic?" Tails called out with a raised eyebrow and a confused expression. "What is happening to your––"

However, before he could even finish, Sonic's feet moved him towards the wall, which he crashed against, and then they started to move out of control around the lab, while Sonic struggled and tried to grab anything to stop himself, but nothing was working.

"Sonic?! Stop! You're gonna mess my lab!" Tails called out with concern.

"I'm not moving! My feet are out of control again!" Sonic replied with concern.

"Again?!" Amy asked confused. "Are you implying that this isn't the first time it happens?!"

Soon enough, Knuckles managed to grab Sonic from his hips and raise him in the air, while his feet kept moving fast enough despite being on the air, even smoking a bit now.

"Phew! Thanks, Knux!" Sonic said with a smile. "Answering your question, Ames: Yes. That's why I need all the discs! Together, they keep the energy under control, and for some reason, they also help me travel across the multiverse... I don't know why they always change my clothes, though..."

"Hmm... that's interesting..." Tails said, rubbing his chin as he thought deeply on what Sonic just told him.

After that, he moved to his desk and grabbed the disc, before moving back with Sonic, grab his hand, and then placed the disc back on his left hand.

That made his appearance to change again, once again wearing regular gloves surrounded by sport bandages, his regular ones with the same sport bandages, and the brown scarf on his neck. Also, his feet stopped moving, and Sonic sighed in relief, as Knuckles placed him back on the ground.

"Ah... much better!" Sonic stated with a smile.

"Say, Sonic... when did this weird energy appeared on your body for the first time?" Tails asked. "I think I know how's that you got it, but I still wanna hear how it happened."

"Uh... Okay..." Sonic said with doubt, but he still decided to elaborate. "Well, I remember feeling ticklish after I crashed against the Paradox Prism once that badnik launched me against it. Then, I started to fall around this strange place with so many white lines and curves. After that, I crashed into some weird floating purple crystals, and then, I fell into one of the white lines, with my entire body glitching and feeling more ticklish than ever before I finally stopped in another universe. However, I didn't entirely knew about the electricity until some minutes later."

"Hmm... You shattered the Prism, then you fell through the multiverse with no control on the gravity around you, then you glitched once you entered a universe..." Tails summarized. "You said that you felt ticklish after the Prism shattered when you crashed with it, right?"

"Yeah, that's what happened," Sonic replied.

"Then I think I finally understand what happened to you: Sonic, you have part of the energy of the Paradox Prism inside you!" Tails stated with a serious expression.

Suddenly, a pair of brown eyes appeared in a wall after Tails said that, and the eyes looked straight at Sonic, who gasped after Tails said what he said.

"What?" Sonic asked confused. "What do you mean?"

"This is more a theory than a confirmation, but there's a lot of solid information that can back me up," Tails replied with a little smile. "For example: The regulators on your clothes were designed to control the energy in your body, and that's exactly what they do! They control the energy, and now, you can travel through the multiverse at will! You said before that the Paradox Prism in your universe has that same power, right?"

Sonic's eyes widened and he gasped again, realizing how right Tails was about this. "Since I crashed with the Paradox Prism and shattered the wall between my universe and any other... the energy got inside of me... That's why the discs have been doing so much weird stuff... they're making sure I don't blow up and grant me access to any universe so I can go back to mine!"

"So... the discs did helped a lot after all," Amy asked, and Sonic nodded with a smile.

"That's why I always get new clothes... is to blend in with the universe I fell over!" Sonic realized as well. "And once I finally could run by free will... the discs just made sure the energy inside me was properly used to open the portals!"

"And I'm guessing that, once you return to your universe, the energy inside of you is gonna stop causing you trouble," Tails kind of assured. "After all, since the original power source will be there, there's no reason for the energy to get out of control since you'll be home."

"So I can truly go back, after all..." Sonic muttered with a little smile, before his eyes widened and he frowned confused. "Wait... you deduced all of that just by hearing what I said?"

"That's how I work!" Tails replied with a smirk. "You shouldn't be too surprised, either. I mean, I'm one of the greatest minds around here, although I don't brag about it."

"Uh-huh..." Sonic said with a bored expression, before rolling his eyes, shook his head, and then smile at Tails. "Anyways. Thanks for your help, Tails! I think I'll stay here for quite a few mores hours before keep going."

"Oh, if that's the case, I have an idea of what we might do!" Amy stated with excitement. "Tails, wanna join?!"

"Eh, why not?" Tails replied, now walking over the rest.

However, as the others headed to exit the lab, Sonic felt a weird presence around, and he looked around pretty confused, before noticing how the discs on his clothes started to vibrate out of nowhere.

"What the heck...?" Sonic muttered confused, staring with a frown at the discs on his gloves.

And suddenly, an X portal opened below Sonic's feet, and while he noticed that, he tried to say anything, but he ended up falling through it anyways as he screamed in fright.

The others turned around and saw Sonic falling through the portal, but they couldn't react in time, because the portal closed soon afterwards.

Sonic was falling once again on the point that connects all the universes, still screaming, when he suddenly stopped falling.

He felt that his back landed into something solid, and so, he turned around to touch the floor, very confused on where he landed, before the floor started to shine and now showed a grey surface.

Soon enough, it was revealed that Sonic landed over some kind of vehicle. It was a generally golden boat floating in the middle of nowhere, with a grey surface like stated before, as well as the captain's cabin, that was being piloted by no one, apparently.

"What the––" Sonic said confused, as he stared at the boat, before looking around and stare at all the universes still moving, and then he moved to the edge of the boat to stare at even more universes right below the boat. "Whoa... I don't know what the heck this is, but... is very cool! Wish I discovered it way earlier, though..."

"But then the fun would've been lost!" A voice spoke behind Sonic.

Once he turned around, he screamed in panic and stepped a bit backwards, staring at some kind of red anthropomorphic chihuahua with green wings and a green collar, brown eyes and white hair. Sonic immediately recognized that figure, and his eyes opened wide.

"...Chip?" Sonic asked in disbelief.

"Who, me?" 'Chip' replied. "Well, if you wanna call me like that, then go on!" He added with a smile, before 'relaxing' on the air as he crossed his feet. "Just so you know: I have no actual form nor name. I'm just the guardian of every single reality! However, your mind creates a form you can feel familiar with, and so, here I am!"

"...Wait... so, you just look and sound like Chip because my mind says so?" Sonic asked him confused, and also a bit disappointed.

"Pretty much!" Chip replied.

"Oh..." Sonic said, feeling pretty sad now as his ears fell flat, since this meant Chip was still sleeping under Earth back home.

However, his ears perked up again, as he felt both confused and curious at something that Chip, or whoever this thing was that looked exactly like Chip, said earlier.

"Hang on... you said you guard over every reality?" Sonic asked again. "Does that means that you've been watching me falling from one universe to another this whole time?"

"Yeah, that sums it up!" Chip replied with a smile.

"And you decided to appear just now?" Sonic asked with a bored expression. "I've been stranded in like 5 universes the past few days, you couldn't possibly had choose a worse moment to show up."

"I'm a busy man, you know?" Chip pointed out with a slight frown. "Watching over every single reality isn't an easy job, specially when unusual activity made by you and your Eggman seems to be affecting some realities."

Sonic blinked a few times before smiling sheepishly and scratch his neck embarrassed after Chip pointed that out. "...Okay... fair enough..."

"Now, if you don't mind me asking: What are you doing navigating across the multiverse? Aren't you supposed to be in Equestria for a temporary amount of time before returning to your dimension?" Chip asked him with a raised eyebrow. "You know that interacting with so many universes at once could cause a catastrophe, right?"

"Well... It's really hard to explain..." Sonic replied. "You better make yourself comfortable, Chip... Or whoever you are, because this is gonna be a very long story..."

Author's Note:

Next episode, Sonic learns a bit more about the multiverse...

And you'll be very surprised, because he's gonna travel through worlds that aren't even shows or movies! :pinkiehappy:

Guest authors, Wednesday comes the moment you've been waiting for :raritywink: