• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

5. Legends of Harmony

Universe 060199

Sonic stood with the Sonic Underground for a few more days. He had lots of fun with them, and even if their adventure wasn't a big deal, he couldn't care less.

He had fun, he enjoyed his stay here, he made new friends and he managed to still fulfill his favorite hobby: Messing up with whatever nonsense plan Eggman comes with to conquer the world.

It was the ideal plan for him, but now? It was time to go. He had to return to his universe ASAP, before whatever his Eggman has in store for the entire multiverse becomes a reality.

Right now? Sonic was preparing to leave this universe.

"Do you really have to go?" Classic Sonic asked. "You can still stay and help us blown Robotnik's power plant!"

"That does sounds like fun, but I'm afraid I gotta leave now," Sonic replied with a smile. "My universe needs me. And, if I don't go back, my Eggman could tear apart every world, this one included. I must prevent that."

"But you'll come back... right?" Manic asked, a bit sad.

"I don't know. I cannot make a promise I'm not sure I'll fulfill," Sonic confessed, before smirking. "But know this: My short time in this world was amazing. I admit I'll miss you, guys. And if we see each other again? I hope you are the ones visiting me!"

"Now that, is a promise I hope to fulfill," Sonia stated with a little smile.

Sonic nodded and turned around, ready to head off. However, he turned back at them and looked with a sheepish smile. "Um... is it too much if I ask for––" He tried to say, while opening his arms, but he couldn't finish since the triplets embraced him in a big tight hug.

At first, he felt a little awkward, even if he was the one that wanted to ask for it, but then he smiled more relaxed and embraced the hug with the triplets.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll miss you too, guys," Sonic said with a chuckle.

"I'm still jealous of your life, though," Classic Sonic confessed, but still embracing Sonic with a smile.

"You'll get to be even cooler than me one day. The three of you," Sonic told the triplets, as they brake the hug. "Just you wait and see..."

The triplets embraced him one last time, and this time, Sonic hugged them back with no hesitation.

Then, they all stepped back and waved at each other. After that, Sonic smiled one last time to the triplets before boosting away once again.

As Sonic ran through what looked like a field, he looked back at the discs on his gloves and boots. "Alright, babies! I think is time you teach me how to control you, or else we'll have big problems!"

However, unlike other times, the discs didn't reacted.

"Oh, come on! I'm running really quick right now! What else should I need just so you set me HOME?!" Sonic shouted desperate, and now, really, really mad.

That, however, seemed to work, because the discs started to glow again, created the line in the floor and opened and X portal, once again.

"Thank you!" Sonic shouted in annoyance, before boosting through the portal, that closed after he traversed it.

And so, his adventure on Universe 060199 was over...

Once again, Sonic fell from the recent universe he was just in.

Screaming in fair and panic as usual, he was now falling to a specific line, since his discs were moving him in purpose to not fall on any of the other lines.

"Why does traveling across the multiverse has to be such a horrible experience?!" Sonic shouted in panic as he traversed the line he was falling towards, glitching like when he entered to the other universes so far...

Universe 101010

Twilight was organizing all the books on the Castle of Friendship as usual.

There wasn't a lot happening in Equestria, lately. In fact, nothing has been that interesting for a while: Applejack was doing her chores with her family as usual; Rarity was on her boutique, probably selling or making dresses; Pinkie Pie was... well, Pinkie is always doing something crazy and wacky that defies any logical explanation, so is hard to tell what exactly could she be doing; Rainbow Dash was probably with the Wonderbolts; and Fluttershy was attending her sanctuary with Discord.

Again, nothing that interesting. Yet, she wouldn't change it for anything. Defeating villains to save Equestria already became a common thing for the past few years, so having a little period of time to relax and not worry about an enemy suddenly attacking Equestria was nice.

But if everything was so quiet and peaceful, and she actually liked that, then... why she had the feeling something was utterly wrong?

She shook her head to put those thoughts aside. It was probably nothing. Everything was working well so far, right? That wouldn't change.

"It's okay, Twilight..." She told herself, taking a few deep breaths and smiling as she levitated another book to the shelf. "Nothing is going to happen. Everything is just fine!"


...Alright, maybe she spoke too soon.

"Me and my big mouth..." Twilight deadpanned, before moving towards an open window and look around to search the origin of the noise.

She looked down on Ponyville and saw nothing out of the normal, but when she lifted her head, she saw a blue strike falling from the sky towards the Castle. Soon enough, the blue strike began to scream, and the screams became more and more louder as it approached... but thankfully, the strike kept falling and crashed in the floor, just in the front door of the castle.

Twilight raised an eyebrow confused, then she made her horn light up to teleport right to the entrance of the castle, with Spike and Starlight coming out from the door.

"Did anypony else heard that?!" Starlight asked.

"Twilight, what's going on?" Spike asked with worry.

Twilight extended her wings as a reply, and both Spike and Starlight decided to stay quiet for now. Then, the three of them heard somepony groaning in pain, and they all saw a blue creature standing up, grabbing their head and shaking it.

This blue creature, of course, was no other one than Sonic. Now, he had brown gloves and brown explorer boots, since his clothes were adapting to this world once again.

Sonic shook his head once again and looked around for a while, before stopping his sight on Twilight, who looked at him confused and shocked, as well as Spike and Starlight.

"What the––" Sonic muttered, and then his eyes widened. "Twilight Sparkle?!"

Twilight gulped at hearing her name came out of the creature's voice. "I-I'm sorry... Do I know you?" She asked. "How do you know my name?"

"Oh man..." Sonic said. "If Sunny was here, she could explain everything better than I–– Who am I kidding? She'll be fangirling over her hero instead of focusing."

Twilight, Starlight and Spike stared confused at Sonic, not knowing what he was talking about.

"You haven't answered my questions––" Twilight pointed out with a little frown, but Sonic raised a hand and made her stop talking.

"You wan't the short version, or the incredibly long and detailed one?" Sonic asked.

"I think the short version will be enough," Twilight replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog," Sonic presented himself. "I come from a different universe where a crazy maniac I like to call Eggman has found something to brake the multiverse apart, and I accidentally ended up being the guinea pig. Now, I'm stuck traveling all across the multiverse while I try to go back home, but instead, I always end up on a different dimension... like this one..."

Twilight, Spike and Starlight were speechless after hearing all of that, specially Twilight.

"D-Different universes?" Twilight asked in shock.

"Multiverse?!" Starlight shouted in disbelief.

"You're a hedgehog?" Spike asked confused.

"Really? The entire multiverse could be collapsing right now, and you're shocked because I'm a hedgehog?" Sonic deadpanned to the dragon.

"I'm sorry, the multiverse is WHAT NOW?!" Twilight shouted desperate.

"I'm just exaggerating. As far as I know, the multiverse isn't collapsing," Sonic replied with a bored expression, then he smirked. "Ever heard about 'sarcasm'? You should try it sometime."

"That still doesn't explains how you know who's Twilight, though..." Starlight pointed out.

Sonic was about to reply... however, he soon realized that he was in Equestria, just in a different period of time. Twilight Sparkle is alive, so that meant that he was in the very, very, very far past of the Equestria he knows.

Now, there are several things to consider here: First of all; this isn't his universe. Otherwise, he would show up in Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights or any known place for him, not in Ponyville. Second; if this universe's future also leads to the Equestria he knows, he can't say a thing about anything. That is, he cannot mention Opaline, the Unity Crystals, nor any other thing related to how Equestria gets separated for thousands of years.

He really didn't liked the idea, but in order for his friends to even exist, he must stay quiet on those aspects.

Third; he cannot mention his friends, or at least, not in a way that blows his cover. She already knows he's from another universe... so maybe, he had to use that for his advantage, and also maybe that's everything about him she should know.

"I've been in a universe where she also exists. Multiple, actually," Sonic... lied? Is hard to tell, he's lying, but not at the same time.

"Wait... so that thing about other universes is actually true?" Spike asked confused. "Is hard to believe..."

"Well, I don't know if this also applies for you guys in this universe, but you confront all kind of crazy monsters that want to conquer the world on a daily basis, right?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow. "The possibility of an infinite amount of universes out there shouldn't be so crazy for any you."

"...Fair enough..." Spike said, scratching his neck sheepishly.

"But... why are you here, then?" Twilight asked, once Sonic's answers managed to calm her down a little bit.

"Good question, wish I had the answer," Sonic replied with a frown. "These things attached to my gloves and boots are the key to take me home, but guess what?! They do whatever they want! All the time, it seems like I finally have control, but then these things just throw me out of one universe and sent me to the next one with no warning!" He shouted frustrated, before falling backwards and lay on the ground. "I... I just want to go home. But these discs aren't helping a lot. They just... they're the key, and yet, they're not taking me anywhere I want..."

Twilight felt her ears falling flat after hearing that, and now she was feeling both curious for him and the other universe he visited, just as well as bad for his current situation. She bit her lips and looked at Spike and Starlight, who simply shrugged at her.

Twilight looked back at Sonic, though for a few seconds on what to do, and then sighed, slowly walking to him.

"Alright, alright... I'll help you out," Twilight told him.

"...I'm sorry, what now?" Sonic asked, now sitting on his place and looking confused at the purple Alicorn.

"I... I feel really curious about you, y'know? And I honestly have a billion of questions for you about all the things you have seen so far, but... I also feel sympathy for you," Twilight explained. "I cannot imagine how it must feel, to be so close to your home, but so far at the same time... which is why I want to help. I have the power to do it, and... I think it's fair if I use that power."

Sonic smiled a bit after hearing that and decided to stand up. "Tell you what..." He started, also cleaning some dust off his body. "I'll tell you everything I lived so far before arriving here, and in exchange, you'll help me to find a way to communicate with my friends back home."

Twilight smirked at him and extended her hoof. "Sounds like we have a deal, Sonic the Hedgehog!"

"Oh, we sure have, Twilight Sparkle!" Sonic replied, shaking his hand with her hoof and closing their deal.

Universe 220822

Eggman was beyond furious.

The fact that not only one, but two Sonics have been dragged from Ivo and Robotnik's universes was a massive problem to all his plans, and Robotnik's Sonic already sabotaged the heist for the Paradox Prism Fragments in the Brighthouse, so going back there wasn't an option at all, specially since Young Sonic was there.

And the fact that Ivo confessed that Sonic was also dragged when the portal opened in his universe just complicated stuff even more. Not to mention, Robotnik was also incredibly furious knowing that the Sonic from his world was around, and since he already gave him several looses so far, he was afraid he was here to give another one.

However, Eggman wasn't mad with the Eggmans, nor with Sage, even if she was the one that made the machine with the Paradox Prism fragments work. Eggman was mad with himself, for not anticipating this possibility, or in other words, for ignoring it, thinking everything was going to work out flawlessly.

"Look, for the millionth time, I'm sorry, alright?! But Sonic dragged himself into this, not me!" Ivo said desperate.

"And for the millionth time, Ivo, I'm not mad with you. Nor with my daughter. This is my mistake," Eggman said with a frown.

"How is our Sonics coming to this universe your mistake if your 'daughter' brought us here?" Robotnik questioned.

"Sage might be brilliant, but I'm the man behind the assaults," Eggman started to explain. "I'm the one who calculates all the possibilities, all the pros and cons. Yet, I decided to ignore the high chance of any other Sonic arriving here as well. Sage brought you here thanks to the machine that she made work, true, but I was the one that choose to ignore this possibility..."

"Well, then what do we do now? With two Sonics on the loose, our chances of winning have reduced significantly!" Ivo pointed out with anger and concern.

"We'll solve the matter with the Paradox Prism fragments later," Eggman stated. "For now, we'll stick to the remaining part of our original plan: Robotnik, I think it's time that you pay a little visit to royalty!" He said with a sinister grin, before pressing a button and showing another machine: The Egg Dragoon.

Robotnik saw the robot and grinned sinisterly as well. "It seems like this 'Queen Haven' gal is in for quite a ride!"

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Young Sonic decided to tell his story again to the Mane 6, while he finished eating up his Chilidogs.

Team Dark went out again, this time to watch over Maretime Bay and watch over for any other sudden move by Eggman. Tails, on the other hand, was still trying to theorize how Eggman brought not only the other two Eggmans he allied with, but also Young Sonic as well, with Knuckles and Amy making him some company.

"...And then Tails detected some weird energy on Seattle," Young Sonic said, as he passed a finger over his plate, before licking a bit of chili on it. "We went there, found nothing, then a white portal opened, it dragged me... and here I am!"

The Mane 6 were also touched by his story now, not expecting it to be so touching and tragic, specially when they heard that he lived 10 years completely alone.

Izzy and Misty were the ones that connected the most with him, since Izzy also spent many years of her life completely alone before meeting Sonic, and even if Misty had Opaline and Eggman, she still felt alone while living with them. Hitch loved all animals, and the fact that this Sonic not only was a kid, but also more adorable in every single way, knowing his story broke his heart. Pipp was very heart broken as well, since this variant of her boyfriend suffered a lot on his life, but he still smiled and kept going like if nothing bad ever happened. As for Sunny and Zipp? They also felt bad for the young hedgehog.

They all saw each other before looking back at Young Sonic. "So... how you doing? Now that you're far from home, I mean," Zipp decided to ask.

"Well... I do admit that I felt scared and sad since I wasn't home at first," Young Sonic confessed, putting the plate back on the table since he was licking it. "I thought I'll never see my friends again... or even worse: That I'll had to go back to those days were I was alone, eating whatever I found on the garbage, or stealing food from the market whenever I could... Then I remembered everything Maddie taught me to keep my cool under certain situations, and now I feel a lot better!"

Pipp, Misty and Izzy covered their mouths after he mentioned how he used to get food, while Zipp and Sunny cringed and Hitch and Pipp were very close to broke in tears.

"...How's that you're still... so happy?!" Sunny asked directly.

"What's the point of crying nonstop about your darkest moments?" Young Sonic asked confused. "We all have them, true, and sometimes they're really bad and all of that, but that's no excuse to always be sad. I think you can either embrace the darkest moments in your life, or learn to live with them and keep going. I had terrible experiences alone, I know, but... if I never had them, I would never met everyone I did. I rather thank the worse moments of my life for turning me into the hedgehog I am today, than hate them for the bad experience I had."

"...Okay, he actually has a really good point," Pipp pointed out. "But still... it's really worrying that you went through all of that, Sonic..."

"Eh, trauma is just a part of life, I guess," Young Sonic replied. "But enough about me!" He said, before moving from his couch and now be over the one were Sunny, Izzy and Pipp were sitting on. "I think you guys should tell me a bit about you! What kind of crazy stuff do you live in this world full of magic?" He asked in excitement, his tail wagging a bit.

"Oh, well... ever heard about a critter rampage?" Hitch asked.

"Nope! What's that?" Young Sonic asked. "Also, you sound incredibly familiar to me for some reason..." He confessed, staring at Hitch with his head tilted. "Anyways! What is a critter rampage?"

As Hitch and the girls started to tell some of their adventures to Young Sonic, Tails seemed to struggle on theorizing how Young Sonic and the Eggmans ended up here.

"I'm loosing it..." Tails confessed. "I can't figure out how Eggman dragged two Eggmans and probably two Sonics from other universes, while I cannot even make our fragments work!" He complained, smashing his head on the dinner table.

"Aw, come on, Tails. Don't give up so easily," Amy told him, placing a hand over his shoulder.

"Just because Eggman found a way to make the Paradox Prism work doesn't mean he has won yet," Knuckles pointed out. "As long as we still frustrate his plans and we make sure he doesn't wins, we're going for quite a very good way."

"Still, it's frustrating! I'm supposed to be as intelligent as him, but I still cannot find a way to even bring back our Sonic!" Tails said with concern. "What if I can't bring him back at all?! WHAT THEN?!"

"Tails, control yourself for a second, please," Amy said with worry. "Look, Eggman has two allies that so happen to be just variants of himself, and what? We dealt with something similar before––"

"Actually, Sonic did," Knuckles pointed out with a bored expression. "We were too busy being useless because SEGA does not appreciate our help."

Amy glared daggers at him, and Tails deadpanned as well. "Whoa, thanks for helping, Knucklehead..."

"Look, what I'm trying to say is: Eggman is something we are used to deal with. Three Eggmans sound like a lot of trouble, but as far as we know, one of them seems more incompetent than ours! And we don't know how bad the other one really is, either," Amy explained with a smile. "Eggman is brilliant, true, but you are a genius as well, Tails! We know you'll find a way to fix things up, and bring Sonic back as well!"

"Besides, if there's another Sonic out there, then he could share his experience, too," Knuckles assured with a smile as well. "So cheer up, little guy! We know you'll solve this out."

Tails smiled back at them, and nodded with a determinate look. "You guys are right... I can!"

Back with the rest, they kept telling some of their stories to Young Sonic, when suddenly Pipp's phone started to ring. She took it out and saw that her mother was calling, so she immediately answered the call, also moving aside.

"Hi, mom!" Pipp greeted with joy...

Too bad said joy wouldn't last forever.

"Pipp! Thank goodness that you answered!" Haven replied from the other side with a heavy and shaky voice, also breathing heavily.

"Mom? Are you okay? You sound... nervous," Pipp pointed out with concern.

In Zephyr Heights, the throne room was a massive chaos, while many pegasi guards were trying to fight against the Egg Dragoon, being controlled by Robotnik, who had a huge grin as he used such a huge machine to sent flying away the guards with just a single punch.

If this story was rated M for Mature, I assure you that this would've been a terrifying slaughter.

Robotnik arrived to Zephyr Heights and immediately entered to the Throne Room by creating a massive hole in the wall with the robot. So, Haven hid behind a column and called Pipp immediately for help.

"That's because I am!" Haven whispered to the phone in panic. "That 'Eggman' guy is here, in the Throne Room!"

"WHAT?!" Pipp shouted in panic.

"Come on, little horsy!" Robotnik called out with a sinister laugh. "I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just gonna hurt you really, really bad!"

"Mom!" Zipp's voice shouted in panic. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Zipp, Pipp, listen carefully..." Haven said with a more calmed voice.

"This guy claims that he's looking for me, to keep me hostage," Haven whispered to her phone.

"HE WHAT?!" Everyone shouted, since Pipp put the speakers on so everyone could hear the call.

"B-But Eggman never crosses those limits unless he's desperate!" Tails pointed out, but then he gasped when an idea crossed his mind. "Haven, is this the same Eggman we deal with on a daily basis?"

"Uh... kinda..." Haven whispered uncertainly. "I mean, he's still bald and has the long mustache, but... he's also skinny, his clothes are different and he's only wearing googles, but there's no glasses."

"Oh no..." Young Sonic muttered in panic. "That sounds like the Eggman from my universe! Robotnik is the one who's trying to kidnap her! I though he died months ago... but he didn't..."

"Mom, can you tell us where are you hiding?" Pipp asked in concern.

"Behind a column in the Throne Room," Haven replied. "Why?"

"Can you sneak to your room?" Zipp asked with worry.

"I don't care if I have to burn this castle down, 'your majesty', but I will find you, and you'll come with me!" Robotnik's voice spoke in anger.

"I'll try to sneak to my room," Haven whispered. "How long would it take for you to come here?"

"Only 5 to 10 minutes if we leave right now!" Sunny replied, as she, Misty and Hitch immediately left, although Hitch stopped in the front door.

"Stay strong, Mom," Pipp said. "We'll be there soon!" She added, before hanging up the phone and run towards the exit along with Zipp, but she stopped for a moment to kiss Tails' cheek before heading out, and Izzy kissed Knuckles' lips before leaving along her friends as well.

Once they were out, Hitch stood in the entrance and looked at Team Sonic, or what remained of it, and to Young Sonic as well. "Mind if we take care of this one for ourselves?"

"Um... sure," Amy said, although feeling concerned. "Just stay in contact and call if anything goes wrong!"

"Count with that!" Hitch replied with a smirk, before heading off entirely.

"Are they going to fight with Eggman?!" Young Sonic asked suddenly, before trying to go after them, but being stopped by Knuckles, who grabbed him by his hips and raised him in the air like a cat. "Hey! What comes?!" Young Sonic asked, trying to get free from Knuckles' grip.

"Look, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but I think they can handle it alone," Knuckles replied.

"But it's Robotnik we're talking about! You have no idea how––" Young Sonic tried to point out, before being shushed by Amy as she placed a finger on his lips.

"First of all, and unlike you, we deal with Eggman on a daily basis to a point we're starting to get tired of it," Amy pointed out with a little frown, removing her finger from Young Sonic's lips and placing her hands on her hips.

"Second, if this is some kind of trap so the Eggmans can capture you, then we should not risk your life," Tails added with a bored expression.

"And third: We saw how good you dealt with that other Eggman, but you're a kid, and since this story won't kill anyone, we're not risking parents complaining about a kid fighting off deadly robots!" Knuckles finished, now putting him down.

"Oh, come on! You guys cannot do this to me!" Young Sonic complained. "I already learned the lesson to be careful and to look after others! What else do I have to learn?!"

"If you leave, I won't give you any more Chilidogs until we can sent you home," Amy added with a frown, now crossing her arms as well.

Young Sonic tried to reply something, anything that could help him to defend himself... but he came up with nothing and crossed his arms in annoyance, puffing his cheeks madly. For some reason, he loved Amy's Chilidogs more than any other kind he ever ate before, and he didn't wanted to miss them, so he decided to stay, all for the love of Chilidogs.

"...Fine..." Young Sonic said, sighing in defeat and accessing to stay. "But I'll complain whenever I can!"

"Don't do it, and I'll start up a racing game upstairs," Tails said with a smirk.

"You had me at racing!" Young Sonic replied, now smiling widely.

Universe 101010

Sonic was now looking around Twilight's library.

He whistled amazed at the amount of books she had on this library. Is not like he would read 85% of them, but still, he was very impressed.

"Does she really has time to read all this stuff?" Sonic asked to Spike at his side.

"Oh, you have no idea..." Spike replied with a smirk. "If she isn't saving Equestria from the current villain, she's here, buried among a lot books she loves like if they were her own children."

"I knew she liked to read, but... this seems to be a little too much, don't you think?" Sonic asked, a bit concerned.

"Yeah, it is... But don't even try to convince her on stopping," Starlight said with a smile, as she arrived with them. "Is like telling Rainbow Dash to stop flying for just 5 minutes."

"This 'Rainbow Dash' gal sounds like a fast contender just by her name!" Sonic said with a little smile.

"You have no idea!" Twilight said, smiling as she arrived with a purple book that she levitated with her magic. "Starlight, did you called my friends as I asked you to do so?"

"Yup!" Starlight replied with a proud smile. "They said they'll wait for you when you're done here!"

"Great! Thanks, Starlight," Twilight thanked her with a smile, before looking back at Sonic. "So, Sonic, what kind of universes have you visited?" She asked, as she started to check on the book, while she levitated a paper and a feather to Spike.

He looked confused at the paper and the feather, but after Twilight glared at him, he sighed in defeat and prepared to take notes on everything Sonic was about to tell, since that's what Twilight wants Spike to do so.

Also, it's right now when he realizes that he was in another universe where his body was completely flat, but at least he looked nice with this style. In fact, he believed he looked better than in Tell Your Tale.

"Oh, I've seen everything," Sonic confessed with a smirk. "Several worlds that look like mine, true, but the really great ones are those that are completely unknown for me!"

And so, Sonic explained every universe he has visited so far. He also talked about places like the 'Smash World', where he always attended the Smash Bros tournaments; he talked about the Mushroom kingdom and all the crazy stuff that happens there, specially about the princess that can perfectly sent her kidnapper flying with just a wave of her hand, yet decides to get kidnapped anyways just to wait for Mario and friend-zone him after all the crap he went through...

He talked about his own home, Mobius, and about all the wonderful things it has, as well as he talked about all the wacky adventures he had there and about all the amazing friends he made there as well. He also kind of lied as he retold some adventures he had on the Equestria he comes from, but as if they happened on Mobius. All in order to keep his friends' existence a secret. Well, he did mentioned he has a girlfriend, but he never said her name. Again, all in order to protect her.

And, of course, he told them his entire adventure across the multiverse, not skipping details this time since he only told them a short and lazy version of the events last time.

"...And after we hugged and said our goodbyes, I ran away and managed to make these things work again, although I do admit it took me a while, because they didn't wanted to work at first," Sonic finished narrating.

Spike had to bring over at least 5 or 6 extra papers, because everything Sonic told didn't fit in the first one, and his hand hurt a lot after writing down all of that.

"Wow... sounds like you had quite a ride!" Starlight said with a little smile.

"Oh, you have no idea..." Sonic said with a bored expression. "I still enjoyed it so far, but I seriously would like to go home. However, it could be amazing as well if you could help me to sent a little message to my friends. Pretty please?" He told directly to Twilight.

"Yeah, sure, I can do it... However, I have two little problems: The first one, this is a really complicated spell, and I need a little something from you that I'll ask for later," Twilight explained with a sheepish smile.

"What kind of thing? And why does it has to be later?" Sonic questioned, frowning a bit and crossing his arms.

"That's where the second thing comes in: I requested my friends' help for some little experiments, and I wanna know if you wouldn't mind to help?" Twilight asked, again, smiling sheepishly.

Sonic raised an eyebrow and started to stomp his foot on the floor. "Say... are you saying this so I can still get some help from you, or it is also for a greater good?"

Twilight gulped nervously and looked around before stopping his gaze over him. "Um... both?"

Sonic glared daggers at her for quite a while, before chuckling slightly and smiling regularly. "Oh, you definitely should had seen the look in your face!"

Spike and Starlight chuckled lowly as well, while Twilight seemed pretty confused at Sonic's sudden change of attitude.

"I'm always up to help anyone!" Sonic decided to add so Twilight could understand that he accepted the deal. "So, who are we helping first?"

"Well, you mentioned that you are the fastest thing alive... multiple times. Maybe we should start with a little request from Rainbow Dash?" Starlight suggested with a smile.

That seemed to be enough to make Twilight snap back to reality, as she shook her head and blushed embarrassed. "Y-Yeah! Sounds fine!"

"I'm a bit lost over here..." Sonic confessed. "What kind of request that Rainbow Dash girl you keep mentioning has that requires my speed?"

Near what seemed to be a very well installed obstacle course, Rainbow Dash was laying over a tree with her front hooves crossed and a big smirk.

Sonic, Starlight, Twilight and Spike, however, seemed to be completely amazed at the obstacle course, with their jaws wide open, although Sonic immediately closed it and smiled in excitement.

"So, you're this 'Sonic' guy I heard about, huh?" Rainbow Dash said with a mocking smirk.

"And you're the 'Rainbow Dash' gal I heard about nonstop," Sonic replied with the same tone and smirk.

"Ooh! Someone's getting cocky. I like that!" Rainbow Dash replied with a confident smirk. "So, think you can clear this up, partner?"

"Depends on what you need me to do," Sonic replied, still feeling very confident.

"Well, then. Watch and get amazed, buddy!" Rainbow Dash replied confidently, before opening her wings and boost away.

Throughout the obstacle course, there were about 12 red pennants. Rainbow Dash flew at full speed around the race while collecting 6 of the flags, Rainbow performing various flips and tricks both on the ground and in the air, while also showing off her aerial tricks a bit to make an impression on her 'opponent'. That is, Sonic.

After Rainbow Dash was done collecting the 6 red pennants, she returned to the start line with a huge grin and putted the 6 pennants on the floor.

"And that's exactly what you gotta do!" Rainbow Dash stated with a grin, before placing down the pennants.

Starlight rolled her eyes at Rainbow's attitude, Spike facepalmed and Twilight deadpanned.

Sonic, however, slowly clapped his hands on a mocking way, even smirking a little as he looked at her with a relaxed expression.

"Not bad... for a rookie," Sonic said confidently.

Twilight, Starlight and Spike's jaws dropped after he say that, and Rainbow's face got all red in anger.

"Excuse me?! Who are you calling a rookie?!" Rainbow asked in rage. "I did that in 10 seconds flawlessly! You wished you could do that!"

"How about 2 seconds?" Sonic asked, with his arms crossed and raising an eyebrow.

"Just 2 seconds? Now that sounds really hard, but if you insist..." Rainbow teased with a very confident smirk.

"Can't say you didn't asked for it!" Sonic replied with a smirk.

Before anyone could say anything, Sonic boosted away, and exactly two seconds later, he returned with the 6 remaining pennants, putting them on the floor as well.

"There. 2 seconds like I said. Anything else?" Sonic asked with his smirk growing bigger.

Rainbow Dash and everyone else stared at him in pure shock and awe after he cleared the exact same obstacle course in such a short amount of time. Rainbow herself tried to say something, anything, but the words simply never came out of her mouth.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes, then~" Sonic said with a smirk, before slowly walking away with his hand over his neck while he whistled a little melody to himself.

"...Okay... he's definitely the fastest thing alive..." Twilight finally spoke after not saying a single thing this whole time, while Rainbow Dash finally fainted on the ground in shock.

Later on, they all moved towards Fluttershy's cottage.

There, Sonic saw her cottage and had a strange wave of nostalgia. This wasn't the first time he saw the cottage, since he was there once when Discord stoled the Pegasus Crystal. Now, seeing it like how it used to look so many years ago made him smile, and he even felt bad that it wouldn't look this pretty anymore.

Once he stopped admiring her cottage, he moved along the rest towards Fluttershy's animal sanctuary, where she was feeding some of her animals, when she noticed the arrival of her friends and... well, she also noticed Sonic.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed, as she put down her nest with some food and flew over to her friends, but she actually approached Sonic first. "I've never seen a hedgehog like you before!"

Sonic's eyes went wide after he heard her saying that. "Y-You know I'm a hedgehog?!"

"The quills are pretty obvious, aren't they?" Fluttershy replied with a warm smile.

"...You have no idea how happy it makes me that someone recognizes me as a hedgehog without having to explain myself..." Sonic confessed with a smile. "Now, Twilight here says you need help with something. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, right! Follow me!" Fluttershy said, as she moved a way, while Sonic and the rest followed up.

They entered to a specific area of the sanctuary full of hedgehogs, or regular ones at least, and Sonic raised an eyebrow curiously.

"You see, these poor creatures haven't eaten in days, and I've already tried to resonate with them in all the possible ways! But they still don't wanna eat," Fluttershy explained with concern.

"Let me guess: You wan't this hedgehog to see why these hedgehogs aren't eating, right?" Sonic asked her with a smile. Fluttershy blushed embarrassed and nodded her head, while Sonic chuckled and adjusted his gloves. "Leave it to me!" He stated, before walking over to approach the little hedgehogs.

They all seemed to be comfy over some little holes made by them. Some of them were running on wheels, other seemed to be playing among themselves, and he even saw a few hedgehogs being lovely within each other. However, their plates were full of food, and he saw how they saw the plates, but then kept moving.

Sonic scratched his head, then crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the floor. He analyzed the situation with these hedgehogs for quite a while, before finally coming to a conclusion and smiling. What he did was remove one of his quills and used it to make a draw some kind of race track on the ground, around the hedgehogs habitat.

After doing that, he drew a line over the race track and removed another of his quills. Then, he grabbed a leaf and tied it to his quills, before placing this over the line on the race track, like if it was some kind of 'start line'.

The hedgehogs looked at him with their heads tilted once he was done with this racetrack, and he smiled at them before making a move with his head, indicating them to go and have so fun around it. The hedgehogs looked at each other, before smiling, and then, some of these hedgehogs, at least 6 or 7, started to run around the racetracks as fast as they could, curled into balls so they could move faster.

Sonic smirked and chuckled at the sight of the hedgehogs running around and having fun, although the rest seemed confused, even Fluttershy. "Uh.. what are they––" She tried to ask, but Sonic raised a hand, and she stopped talking.

After 10 minutes, when all the hedgehogs had their fun with the race track, they all moved towards the plates with food and started to eat normally.

"There it is!" Sonic cheered with a smile, while Fluttershy's jaw dropped, as well as Twilight, Starlight and Spike's jaws.

"...H-How?!" Fluttershy asked in disbelief.

"We hedgehogs have lots of energy," Sonic explained. "If we don't eat, is because we're still full of energy on our bodies. I knew these little guys just needed to have fun and make sure to use that energy before having a snack."

"But they're always moving around the forest freely!" Fluttershy pointed out. "How's this little and adorable racetrack the thing that made them snap?!"

"Sometimes, you just gotta live life to the max!" Sonic said with a smirk. "For this little fellas, just the ability to move as free as the wind and have fun on a racetrack is a massive bless. I always feel like that, at least, so I thought they might like to feel the same!"

Twilight looked at Sonic, who was still smiling at the sight of the hedgehogs having fun, and she smiled a bit as well, finding amazing the fact that Sonic helped these hedgehogs out of his heart.

The next stop was with Applejack.

Here, she needed help with her apple harvest, and she even explained that she made a bet with Big Mac of having this harvest done by dinner.

"So, you want me to help harvest all your apples in order for your brother to loose a bet and use a dress for an entire week... right?" Sonic asked Applejack with a bored expression.

"Ya get it, sugar hog," Applejack replied with a smirk.

Sonic's bored expression slowly turned into a mischievous grin, as he rubbed his hands with excitement. "Then you better warn him and tell him to get his best dress ready!" Sonic warned with a laugh, before boosting away.

Despite wanting to help Applejack to finish this chore as fast as he could so Big Mac could use a dress for an entire week, he also was careful and made sure that the apples did fell into the nests, before moving towards the next one.

He repeated this process for ten long minutes, and just like that, he harvest all the apples, returning now with the rest as he smiled with pride.

Applejack had her jaw completely dropped after seeing how fast Sonic could move, as well as how he took care of not messing up anything despite moving so freaking fast. The others, now used to him being so fast, still seemed impressed anyways.

"Y-Ya not only took good care of ma' harvest... Y-Ya also made sure to do it right..." Applejack said amazed, before turning to Sonic and smile at him. "Man, if ya weren't leavin' home, I'll will use your help around!" She confessed, extending her hoof to Sonic.

Sonic smiled back and stretched her hoof. "No need to thank me, AJ. I just like to help!"

Now they moved with Rarity on her boutique in Canterlot.

Sonic felt amazed by seeing this city on all of his old glory, with elegant ponies moving around and with the city being alive in general. He also noticed them staring at him confused and some even scared or disgusted, but he didn't cared.

However, Sonic could definitely say that he wasn't very happy with what he needed to do this time: He was just standing still as a mannequin while Rarity worked on some clothes for stallions.

Was he upset? Yes. Did he hated this? Absolutely. Would he have rejected helping out? No. He was still willing to stand there and be a mannequin just to help Rarity out. He could feel he wasn't absolutely required for this, but he wanted to help out anyways. As long as he could be useful around, he didn't minded.

"How can you be so still?" Spike decided to ask, while Rarity went to look for some sewing thread. "I can barely stand whenever I'm the mannequin!"

"I can't, but I also think 'the still I stand, the sooner this will be over', so I just try to relax here," Sonic explained, although he did had a very bored expression because of this task. "Besides, Rarity needs help with this, and since certain dragon decided to quit for reasons I honestly don't care about, I'm gonna just stay here."

"Aww! That's so sweet of you, darling!" Rarity said with a smile, as she returned with the sewing thread and used her magic to neat the clothes over Sonic. "I promise, I'll find the way to repay you for your services here."

"No need to do that, Rarity," Sonic assured with a genuine smile. "I just like to help."

Twilight felt a bit confused on why Sonic kept repeating that, so she also approached while Rarity kept working. "Sonic, what are you looking for with this?"

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked back.

"With helping us this much! We are just strangers to you, or kind of at least, and yet, you're so invested to help without asking for anything back. Why?" Twilight questioned confused.

"Do I need a reason? I just help because it feels nice. Seeing all the people - or ponies - I help out so happy afterwards fills me with joy," Sonic replied. "I do this because my heart says is the right thing, that's all. Sometimes I may not be a big fan... like right now... but I'm still willing to help! Is what I live for, after all."

Twilight felt surprised after hearing such an answer, but she smiled back at him anyways.

Finally they went back to Ponyville and entered Sugar Cube Corner.

Sonic felt in haven once he started to smell the air and felt the delicious smell of a cake. It was clear to him now that this was a bakery, and that whatever he had to do here, would be related to cooking or something.

"Hi!" Pinkie Pie spoke suddenly, appearing from the ceiling and startling Twilight, Starlight and Spike, who could never get used to her doing that.

Sonic, however, didn't even flinched and smiled back at her. "Hello!"

"Ooh! Are you new in town? What's your name? What's your favorite color? What are you doing here? Do you like parties?" Pinkie Pie asked quickly with a huge smile.

"Pinkie..." Twilight scolded with a bored expression, but...

"Yes; name's Sonic the Hedgehog; blue, obviously; I'm stuck in this dimension for who knows how long; and I don't like parties, I love them!" Sonic replied with the same big smile.

Twilight, once again, felt surprised that Sonic could even understand all the questions Pinkie made, and started to wonder what else could he do.

"You must be the energetic friend of the group, aren't ya?" Sonic asked, before chuckling a bit. "Twilight said that all her friends need a hand with something, so I'm here to give you two!"

"Actually, I do!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "How good of a party organizer are you?"

"Just tell me what to do, where to go, and It'll be done in a flash!" Sonic replied with a huge grin.

"Then follow me!" Pinkie said, now landing on earth and jumping towards the kitchen. "Because you are in for quite a ride!"

Sonic chuckled and followed up, while Twilight, Starlight and Spike looked at each other with smiles before following them as well.

Universe 220822

The Mane 6 arrived to Zephyr Heights after 10 minutes, just like Sunny predicted.

They entered into the Castle, but none of them were prepared for what they were about to witness: Robotnik was piloting the Egg Dragoon, and in one giant crystal capsule, he just recently captured Queen Haven, since he saw her trying to sneak away from the Throne Room and escape from him.

"Mom!" both Zipp and Pipp cried in worry.

"I'm sorry, my girls! He... he saw me..." Haven apologized in shame.

"Well, well, well..." Robotnik said with a huge grin, while he placed the capsule with Haven inside on the back of the machine, then looking back at the ponies. "Seems like we have pitiful pests running around."

"Let her go, you Baldy McNosehair!" Zipp yelled in anger.

"No, no, no, Zephyrina. You are in no right to demand me anything at all," Robotnik replied with a smirk. "In fact, you arrived late! I have what I came looking for, and I could leave right now... but first, I gotta make sure none of you, bunch of little talking ponies, get in my way!" He stated, before making the drill arm of the Egg Dragoon move fast.

Sunny frowned and activated her Alicorn form, while she and the rest of her friends prepared to fight back with Robotnik. "You'll be surprised that these 'little ponies' are actually an average high!"

Robotnik laughed maniacally, and the moved the other arm in a sign that said 'get over here'. "Well, then: Show me what you got!" He stated confidently, before flying backwards across the corridor.

The Mane 6 all ran towards the Egg Dragoon, all ready to fight and rescue Queen Haven.

Sunny, who was the one right in front, dodged several drills launched by the machine, and she then launched a laser back, that Robotnik blocked without sweating. Then, he started to launch a bunch of missiles at her, but then, both Zipp and Pipp stepped in and became the new objectives of the missiles.

Once they were away, they made a quick loop in the air and crossed their paths, which caused the missiles following them to crash against each other and explode in mid air.

Then, Izzy and Misty levitated themselves with their magic and curled into balls, charging up some kind of copy to Team Sonic's Spin Dash and then launching themselves towards the Egg Dragoon, hitting the exact spot where Robotnik was protected on his capsule.

Robotnik growled, and then, he started to launch some kind of energy ball from the bottom of the Egg Dragoon towards the Mane 6. To make sure they didn't did anything, Hitch told Sparky to climb to his head and use his fire. The Baby dragon did so, and he started to launch several fire balls towards the energy balls, turning them into all kind of stuff, like food or toys.

After that, Zipp was the one that curled into some kind of ball in the air, and then launched herself towards Robotnik's capsule, hitting the Egg Dragoon and damaging it.

Once this was done, Robotnik moved backwards and started to launch more energy balls to the ground, and of course, Sparky kept transforming them with his dragon fire. However, Robotnik pressed a button on the machine that split it up, with the arms now surrounding Hitch while the rest of the body shoot more energy balls to him and Sparky.

"Hitch!" The girls screamed in panic, specially Sunny.

However, Hitch smirked and used his Earth Pony magic to make a plant grow below him and impulse him upwards, while Sparky kept transforming the energy balls with his fire to keep them safe.

Once at the top, Hitch stopped using his magic, and smirked at Robotnik, before using his hind legs to kick the capsule he was hiding on really hard.

This caused the Egg Dragoon to return to its original form, as Robotnik growled in anger and started to fly backwards again. Hitch, on the other hand, got down the plant he made grow, and was embraced on a hug by Sunny.

"A-Are you okay?! He didn't hurt you, did he?!" Sunny asked in panic.

"No, no. I'm fine, Sunny," Hitch assured with a smile.

Sunny blushed a bit, but she also sighed in relief and smiled back at him.

While these two were having their moment, Zipp, Pipp, Izzy and Misty decided to move forward. Robotnik kept launching those energy balls, but now, the four mares were dodging all the balls like if they were nothing, specially Zipp and Pipp.

Then, Robotnik separated the machine again, but this time, he surrounded Pipp, who got startled after she realized she was trapped.

"Pipp!" Zipp shouted in panic, now quickly flying towards her.

However, Pipp also smirked, opened her wings and flew upwards, dodging the energy balls Robotnik launched at her before, and then she kicked Robotnik's capsule as well, sending the Egg Dragoon back to it's original form, as it started to fly backwards again.

Once Pipp was safe, Zipp hugged her in mid air with a smile, and Pipp hugged back.

However, they soon focused back and began to chase the Egg Dragoon once again.

Soon, Hitch and Sunny caught up, and now the Mane 6 were all together again, chasing down the Egg Dragoon, that started to show signs of collapse destroyed at any second now.

However, Robotnik wasn't going to give up so easily, so he started to shoot several drillers towards the Mane 6, but they all dodged the drillers easily. Then, Sunny charged up a laser with her horn and launched it towards the Egg Dragoon, traversing it's chest and the capsule where Haven was trapped as well. She wasn't hurt, thankfully, but she was definitely shocked when she saw the laser traversing her prison.

"NO!" Robotnik shouted in anger, as the Egg Dragoon fell piece by piece to the floor, disassembling the machine and even letting go the capsule where Haven was trapped, as she rolled a bit in the floor, still in the capsule, while the Egg Dragoon entered the already damaged Throne Room and stopped moving.

The Mane 6 stopped besides Queen Haven's capsule, with Hitch and Misty opening it entirely, while Haven came out totally dizzy, but thanks to her daughters, she managed to keep her balance for the time she felt dizzy.

However, once Haven shook her head, she looked at her daughters with a smile and embraced them in a hug. "Oh, my dears... thank you for saving me..." She said, before looking at the rest of the Mane 6 as well. "And thank you too. I don't want to know what could happened to me if you never arrived."

"We're just glad to see you are fine, your majesty," Sunny replied with a smile, also making a little reverence.

"That guy didn't hurt you, did he?" Zipp asked in concern.

"Oh, no. He didn't touched me, dear. Do not worry," Haven assured with a smile. "I'm so glad that you arrived in time, my dears! And I'm proud of you, too. I can't believe you can fight that well!"

"Well, I can!" Robotnik's voice shouted.

Soon enough, from what remained of the Egg Dragoon, a big arm came out, before pulling the entire body and reveal a new model of the Big Arms, now with more spikes than usual all around the machine's body. Robotnik moved the Big Arms right in front of the group and frowned, while his right eye started to twitch desperate.

Sunny positioned right in front of the group, lighting up her horn, also opening her golden wings, while the rest positioned as well to fight against Robotnik and the Big Arms.

"This kidnap mission has suddenly transformed into a pony eradication!" Robotnik stated as he laughed maniacally. "I have enough living with the constant reminder that a blue hedgehog with less IQ than half of Earth's brilliants minds defeated me twice. I refuse to live with the same reminder... WITH STUPID PONIES LIKE YOU!!!"

"This guy really needs to go see a doctor..." Zipp muttered, although she was still frowning at him.

"I do recognize: You ponies are more than meets the eye," Robotnik confessed, before raising the left arm of the Big Arms.

Sunny made her horn light up even more, but just when she was about to do something, an electrical blue lasso got around the arm and pulled back. Robotnik felt startled after that happened, and the machine was sent backwards. Then, a blue ball charged a Homing Attack and launched itself against the main capsule.

The ball uncurled and landed in the ground, revealing itself to be another Sonic, the one that comes from the same world than Ivo. This Sonic was a lot taller, he had blue arms, different shoes, a brown scarf, and both his shoes and gloves were all covered in sport bandages.

"I couldn't agree more... because I don't want to," Sonic said with a smirk.

Robotnik growled in anger, while the Mane 6 and Haven gasped in awe at the sudden arrival of this new Sonic...

Five minutes ago...

Sonic was running across the field, now heading towards the beach town he saw before. However, he saw at the corner of his eyes that the castle on the mountain suddenly exploded, and parts of one of the walls fell to the floor.

Sonic stopped suddenly and turned his head to see the explosion. However, he also gasped when he saw a massive red machine with wings and a driller arm entering that place.

"Eggman?!" Sonic asked confused.

He decided to boost towards that city. He ran all across, and not only noticed that it was a place full of colorful pegasi, for his eternal annoyance, but they were all very worried at something.

He saw a giant TV on one building, talking about how their Queen, named Haven, was attacked on her Throne Room by Eggman... but when he saw the image of Eggman, he saw that it wasn't his Eggman. Still, he was dangerous, and he seemed to be after this pegasus queen for some reason.

Sonic looked around, and noticed that some pegasi were approaching him and begging him to help. He was hesitant at first, specially since he wasn't used to talking ponies yet. However, he sighed in defeat and nodded his head, before boosting towards the castle, although he managed to hear some 'thank you' and the ponies cheering him up.

That seemed to make him smile, and with a confident look, he entered the castle. After running across the long hallways of the palace, he managed to hear some grunts, pretty much from the Eggman of this world, so he boosted into said direction.

Yet, he saw himself feeling amazed when he saw 6 ponies fighting against Eggman... and actually winning. Two pegasi, two unicorns, an earth pony, what seemed to be a baby dragon... and a pony with wings and horn made of golden light... an Alicorn.

When the Alicorn attacked Eggman's machine and sent it backwards, Sonic stopped and whistled, actually very impressed that these little ponies were able to strike quite a punch against Eggman. He moved on towards the Throne Room, somehow going unnoticed by the ponies... but then, he ducked when he saw that Eggman came out of the remains of his destroyed machine, now on a more smaller one with two giant arms around his Eggmobile.

"This kidnap mission has suddenly transformed into a pony eradication!" Robotnik stated as he laughed maniacally. "I have enough living with the constant reminder that a blue hedgehog with less IQ than half of Earth's brilliants minds defeated me twice. I refuse to live with the same reminder... WITH STUPID PONIES LIKE YOU!!! I do recognize: You ponies are more than meets the eye," He confessed, before raising the left arm of the Big Arms.

Sonic heard that and frowned, so he used his watch to create an electrical blue lasso and tied it around the arm, before pulling it back. Robotnik felt startled after that happened, and the machine was sent backwards. Then, Sonic charged a Homing Attack and launched against the main capsule.

Sonic uncurled and landed in between the Mane 6, Haven and the Big Arms, now looking at Robotnik with a determinate look. "I couldn't agree more... because I don't want to."

Robotnik growled in anger, while the Mane 6 and Haven gasped in awe at the sudden arrival of this new Sonic, and Pipp even blushed slightly at his sight.

"From what kind of 'Jak and Daxter' rip-off you came from?!" Robotnik asked in rage at the arrival of this new Sonic.

"Does it matter?" Sonic asked, crossing his arms. "What I wonder is why you look like that Grinch guy so much."

"The Grinch? Hah! You do have a better sense of humor. I recognize that, but it won't stop me from destroying you!" Robotnik warned, before moving one of the arms towards Sonic.

However, Sonic smirked and moved away, as the arm landed in the ground by mistake. Then, Sonic charged up another Homing Attack and started to attack the capsule were Robotnik was safe. He hit one time, then another one, then another one, the another one, and then a last time before sending the Big Arms backwards.

After that, Sonic created another lasso with his watch and launched it towards the left arm, before ripping it off after pulling strong enough. Once the arm was coming towards him, Sonic smirked, then he started to make a break dance move where he spin his head over the floor at fast paste, and once the arm approached, he stopped break dancing, just to jump in the air and kick the arm back to the machine.

It crashed against the other arm and sent Robotnik backwards, while he shouted in anger as he landed backwards. He even started to grab his mustache and groan in frustration.

"What's the thing, Egghead? Is that all that you got?" Sonic asked in a mocking tone.

Robotnik shouted in anger again, and he pressed the eject button before disassembling the Big Arms, while he got out of it on his Eggmobile.

"This isn't over, hedgehog! You'll hear of me again, you hear me?!" Robotnik assured, putting on his googles and flying away as he laughed like a maniac.

Sonic snorted after hearing that and shook his head on disbelief with a smirk. "Yeah, whatever you say, Eggman."

"Sonic?" Sunny's voice spoke.

Sonic felt startled and jumped a bit backwards, but once he saw it was just the ponies he helped out, he let out a long sigh, relieved that it wasn't anything to worry about.

Then, Sonic cleared his throat and looked back at Sunny, while crossing his arms. "Yeah?"

"Um... thanks for the help," Sunny said at first with a smile. "You are from another universe too, right?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I don't have to––" Sonic tried to reply in an annoyed tone. However, he felt confused once he analyzed her words. "I'm sorry, did you just said 'too'?"

"Yeah. You're actually the second Sonic––" Sunny started to explain.

"Technically third..." Zipp muttered to herself.

"––That arrives here in Equestria," Sunny explained with a little smile. "The other one is with this universe's Tails, Knuckles and Amy back on the Crystal Brighthouse, and––"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Sonic said, as he kneeled in front of Sunny because of how tall he is. "Hold on just a second: Did you just said that Tails, Knuckles and Amy are here too?!" He asked her, placing his hands on her shoulders and shacking her a bit.

Sunny felt a bit dizzy after Sonic did that, and Hitch approached just to hit one of Sonic's hands, which made him step backwards and rub his hand a bit. "From this universe, yes they are," Hitch replied with a frown.

"Heck... never I thought I would be scolded by a pony..." Sonic said with concern. "So... you guys are up to let me go with you so I can have a talk with them? Pretty please?"

"Depends," Pipp replied, as she flew over to him and placed her hoof around her neck. "Are you up to have one of the craziest days in your entire life, handsome?~"

"Pipp! He's not your––" Haven tried to scold her daughter, but Zipp stopped her.

"Let her do her thing, Mom. I think I know where this is going," Zipp said with a smirk.

"...My life as a whole is crazy already, what kind of crazy stuff do you offer me? Uh...." Sonic tried to name here, but of course, he still doesn't knows her name.

"Princess Pipp Petals, but you can call me Pipp!" She presented herself with a wink. "As for your question, well~ What kind of fun do you expect to have? We have some of everything: Crazy robot fights, a trio of mad scientists that want to rule the world, a super villain that wants to steal magical crystals; another and much younger version of yourself, and a comfy place you can stay over until we can sent you back home!"

"Hmm... sounds good... but I'm not so sure..." Sonic said, rubbing his chin.

"We also have Chilidogs," Zipp added suddenly with a smirk.

"Fuck it, I'm in!" Sonic replied immediately.

"Great! So, should we go?" Sunny asked.

"Actually, we still have to solve two things," Izzy pointed out. "One, how are we cleaning all of this mess..." She said, pointing at all the disaster left by Robotnik and the battle between him and the Mane 6.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Haven said with a smile. "One text to Alphabittle, a cup of tea, and he'll help along another unicorns in no time!"

"What's the other thing, Izzy?" Misty asked her.

"Two, how are we calling you?" Izzy asked to Sonic.

"What do you–– Oh, right. There's your Sonic, and that other one you guys already are helping..." Sonic realized, once again rubbing his chin as he though on a nickname for himself. "Hmm... how about... I don't know... there was that time people called me 'Boom Sonic' because of a pop song I'm not in good terms with, but if you guys can distinguish me and the other two Sonics calling me like that, then I can tolerate it."

"So... Boom Sonic it is, right?" Zipp asked, just to make sure.

"Again, just to make sure you can distinguish me. I don't actually like it, but I can tolerate it," Boom Sonic repeated with a bored expression.

"Well, if that's all settled, I think is time to move!" Sunny stated with a smile, before heading off.

Hitch followed afterwards, as well as Izzy and Misty, and Boom Sonic simply rolled his eyes before slowly following up. Zipp and Pipp, however, stood behind and hugged their mother, while Haven hugged them back.

"Take care, my darlings," Haven told them with a smile.

"You too, Mom," Zipp said, smiling as well.

"If anything else happens, just call us, okay?" Pipp said, also smiling.

They all broke the hug, and Haven nodded to Pipp, before they went on their separate ways.

Universe 101010

Sonic, Twilight, Starlight and Spike returned to the Castle of Friendship.

Sonic's task helping out Pinkie Pie went better than he expected: Organizing the party was Pinkie's thing, but decorating, making the cake and other desserts, as well as had the place clean for the party, all of that was Sonic's doing, and he did it great.

Of course, because he was a hedgehog, he had to stay hidden, but he was glad that he could help Pinkie Pie to set the party.

Once they all returned to the library in the Castle of Friendship, Sonic sighed with a big smile and looked around in excitement.

"Well... that was fun!" Sonic said with a smirk.

"Man, I never saw all those ponies happier before! Pinkie Pie definitely knows how to make a party!" Spike said with a smile.

"Well, we cannot give all the credit to her this time: Sonic also helped a lot on that!" Starlight pointed out with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Pinkie is the one that made the party work out," Sonic said with a confused expression and a raised eyebrow, while laying on a wall.

"Actually, Starlight's right," Twilight said with a smile. "The party was ready hours earlier than usual, and everypony enjoyed everything in general! You really helped out, Sonic... and you didn't even asked for anything back, not even a slice of cake," She pointed out, although her tone was full of admiration towards Sonic.

"Yeah, Twilight has a point," Spike confessed. "You really have a kind heart."

"Well, what else would I've done? Helping is my thing!" Sonic said with a smile as well.

"I judged you really bad, Sonic... and I apologize," Twilight said, now seeming a bit ashamed.

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked her, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow again.

"I thought you were... I thought you just wanted to rule over Equestria or something..." Twilight confessed. "We are so used to villains wanting to get all the power in the world to conquer this land... I wanted to test if you really were up to help so I could help you communicate with your friends back home, or if you were just doing it to pretend you were friendly before backstabbing us... I'm sorry..."

Sonic did felt kind of hurt when Twilight confessed that, but his smile remained intact as he walked towards her and kneeled, before placing a hand on her shoulder, which startled her a bit as she looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I don't blame you, Twilight," Sonic told her with a smile. "Were I come from, we're also in constant danger, and I think I would be scared too if I met someone as kind as me. But even if you didn't accessed to help me, I would still help your friends out anyways."

Twilight's eyes widened a bit, and she even gasped in surprise. "Y-You would?"

Sonic nodded, and stood up, before walking over a window. "It's my thing. I'm a free spirit. I live down my own rules, and I answer to nobody. I'm a guy who runs as free as the wind and loves to make the must fun he can of every adventure. I love to help folks around, see them smile and be grateful that they can live another day. But most importantly, I love to do what I know is the right thing to do. It fills me with joy and pleasure. The only thing I ask in exchange is to see people safe and sound. I don't mind if they do not thank me, as long as they're still alive, I don't care."

Once he turned around, however, he felt a bit surprised when he found Starlight and Spike hugging each other while they cried a river. Twilight, on the other hand, was blushing with sparkling eyes, and her wings opened suddenly after she heard Sonic's speech about his point of view in life.

"...You're such a good guy, Sonic... I-I'm speechless after hearing you saying all of that!" Twilight confessed, closing her wings and now smiling, although still blushing a bit.

"M-Man... what an inspiration you are!" Spike cried dramatically, burying his face on Starlight's neck.

"Why did you had to say such beautiful stuff?!" Starlight asked, as she also cried dramatically while hugging Spike.

Sonic sweated and smiled sheepishly, also scratching his head a bit ashamed. "Well... It's just the way I live. Is my philosophy, and I've been doing this for 22 years now. I just do what I know is the right thing and that's it."

"You help others and ask nothing in return... You really are a very interesting hedgehog, Sonic," Twilight confessed with a smile, as her blush disappeared.

"Eh, I just do what I want, as long as it's funny and doesn't affects others, that is!" Sonic confessed with a smirk.

"Yeah... that sounds really good," Twilight admitted. "Well, I guess it is time to prepare for the spell that will help you to communicate with your friends," She stated, as she levitated the purple book from before.

"Thanks, Twilight," Sonic said, smiling honestly at her. "I really appreciate it."

Universe 220822

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Young Sonic and Tails were playing Team Sonic Racing against each other in the bedroom.

Thankfully, Young Sonic didn't questioned why there was a game with this universe's Sonic's face on it, so long as he could play against Tails and win.

So far they were having a blast, being tied up on how many races they won so far, but now, Young Sonic wanted to untie as he was playing the best he could against Tails, but this one wasn't getting behind, either. It was a very fair competition, so far.

"Come on, Tails! Are you afraid of loosing against your friend from another universe?" Young Sonic mocked up.

"Oh, you wished!" Tails mocked up back.

In the screen, Tails is playing with Team Dark, while Young Sonic uses Team Sonic. Soon enough, Tails gets hit by an item that Shadow launched, while Young Sonic, controlling Omega, passes him and wins the race.

"Hahaha! Victory is mine!" Young Sonic cheered happily.

"Oh, come on!" Tails complained.

Suddenly, they both heard the Brighthouse door's opening, and so, they boosted downstairs, just to find that the Mane 6 returned... but they were not alone.

"Hey guys!" Izzy greeted with a wave of her hoof, while the remaining members of Team Sonic and Young Sonic approached them.

"Hi!" Tails greeted. "So, how did things went with Young Sonic's Eggman?"

"Thankfully, everything worked out well," Zipp replied with a smile. "However, we did had an unexpected encounter with... somebody..."

"What kind of 'somebody' are you talking about–– HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Knuckles exclaimed in panic once he saw upwards just to face Boom Sonic, who smiled sheepishly and waved his hand at him. Amy and Tails gasped in shock as well, but Young Sonic's eyes sparkled and his tail started to wag again.

"Uh... hi there?" Boom Sonic greeted nervously. "I, um... I'm just trapped here too, I guess, and I'm... Boom Sonic..." He added, saying the last thing with a bored expression.

And just as Young Sonic noticed his presence, he felt surprised and came closer, although he was still a few meters away, yet the two Sonics were looking at each other with confused, surprised and - in Young Sonic's case, anyways - excited looks.

"Whoa..." Both Sonics said, before pointing at each other. "You're like me! Kinda... But like me all the same!"

However, and despite the funny situation the two Sonics were on, Amy had to abruptly cut it off as she looked at Boom Sonic kind of disgusted.

"Sonic... what the heck are you wearing?!" Amy asked in utter shock.

"Come on, the scarf isn't so bad!" Boom Sonic complained.

"The scarf isn't the problem... THIS IS!" Knuckles shouted, as he grabbed his arm and showed him the sport bandages. "What is this thing?!" he questioned. "What are you now, some cheap copy of Jak and Daxter?!"

"Why is everyone comparing me to those two?!" Boom Sonic complained.

"Also: Blue arms? It looks good on him, but you? Shave them, man," Tails added, also pointing at Young Sonic at his side.

"Talk for you, buddy!" Young Sonic said, as he ran right to Boom Sonic's head. "I think this guy looks way past cool! Is like and older and more experimented version of myself!"

"More experimented? Pretty much. Older.... actually, I probably am," Boom Sonic confessed, now with an anxious look.

"Where did you got this guy?" Amy muttered to Pipp.

"He came out of nowhere, actually," Misty replied. "But, just like with Young Sonic, he came out of a portal, so it's safe to say that they are almost on the same situation right now."

"Still... this guy has a weird vibe. I feel like he's way too self focused to be Sonic," Tails said as he approached.

"To be fair... Sonic is self-centered. He simply does it now and then," Zipp pointed out.

"If you guys are done talking about my flaws right in my face, can you explain me what's happening right now?" Boom Sonic asked with a bored expression.

"He does have a point," Young Sonic said, before landing on the floor and clean some dust from his body. "Why are we here, and what are our Eggmans doing here as well?!"

"Wait, that Eggman was from your universe?" Boom Sonic asked confused, while Young Sonic nodded. "And my Eggman's here too?!"

"Look, let us explain, alright?" Tails said, as he prepared to explain the situation.

However, the Mane 6's Cutie Marks suddenly started to shine bright, calling everyone's attention. Soon enough, the Cutie Marks let out trials of magic that moved towards the middle of the Brighthouse.

"What is happening with your butts?" Young Sonic asked confused.

"Our magic... It seems to be combining again," Sunny explained, looking at the trial of Cutie Mark magic.

"But why?" Zipp questioned confused.

Soon enough, the trial stopped and started to circle around, before combining entirely and starting to show a glitching figure.

However, as time passed, the figure started to show a bit clearer... it was Sonic, the one from this universe.

"Sonic!" Both Pipp and Tails rushed to where the figure appeared and smiled, but stopped right in front of it.

"Hello? Can you guys hear me?" Sonic asked as he saw ahead... but to no one in particular. "Just to be clear... I cannot hear nor see you, so I hope you can hear me."

"Wow! Is this us but from this universe? I take back what I said earlier: He does look cool!" Young Sonic said with a smile.

"Okay, I do admit he's fine, but you just complained about my clothes: Look at him!" Boom Sonic pointed out, since Sonic was wearing something different from his usual clothes. "That look is a crime to fashion!"

"Ssh!" Pipp shushed the two Sonics, returning her attention to Sonic's hologram, while everyone else approached as well.

"Listen, I am currently in another universe," Sonic started to explain. "Whatever happened after I crashed against the Paradox Prism sent me to a different place. I... I wake up in a world where Eggman won," He explained, and now everyone in the room gasped in shock after hearing that.

"Man, I got shivers down my spin at the idea..." Young Sonic said, now hugging himself.

"I think I'm gonna have nightmares for a while..." Amy said with an anxious look.

"Thankfully, I ran into some members of a resistance against Eggman, and they helped me out until we defeated him!" Sonic kept explaining. "And yes, I stood there a few more days before leaving. Now, how did I left? Well, a guy named Rotor created these regulators on my shoes and gloves," He added, showing the discs on his clothes. "Thanks to these babies, I have been able to control some weird energy that got over my body after I woke up there, as well as they helped me to travel across the multiverse... out of control, but travel anyways. In fact. these discs are the reason my clothes have changed."

"Oh, thank God!" Boom Sonic said with relief. "I thought for a second his taste in fashion was worse than mine..."

"I called out so you guys can know I'm fine and safe, but most importantly, that I'm alive," Sonic said as he smiled. "I just hope Eggman isn't causing a lot of trouble while I'm out, and I promise this: I won't rest until I return home. Once I have the hang over these, I'll be back. And I also promise: No more surprises. This time, we are defeating Eggman for good, and hopefully, Opaline would be the last threat we'll have to deal with. I'll see you guys soon, but if I don't make it, which I hope doesn't happens..." He said suddenly, before looking back forwards and smirking. "You better kick Eggman's butt really hard in my honor! Or I'll feel really upset in the afterlife!" He stated, before the image started to glitch again. "See you soon!" He finished with a wave of his hand, before the hologram vanished completely.

The room stood completely quiet for a while after Sonic's message was over.

However, before anyone could say anything at all, the Crystal Brighthouse doors opened all of a sudden, and Team Dark entered the place.

"Status report: No current Eggman attacks predicted," Omega said.

"In other words, no Eggman is going to attack for quite a––" Rouge tried to add...

However, both her and Shadow's jaws dropped when they saw Boom Sonic, simply standing there without doing anything to anyone.

Boom Sonic stared back, but only at Shadow, and felt surprised that he only realized until now how tall he is compared to everyone else in the room... Knuckles included.

"You guys also have a Shadow?! AND YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME?!" Boom Sonic shouted in panic.

"Oh great... there's two of them now..." Shadow complained as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Universe 101010

Back in the Castle of Friendship, both Twilight and Starlight panted heavily.

The spell they found required some of Sonic's energy to work, which he gladly give them. However, it seems that their magic and the power of the Paradox Prism combined drained more energy from the two unicorns than they expected, which concerned Sonic.

"Uh... are you girls sure you'll be okay? I'm still concerned that the spell might have been a bit too much for you..." Sonic said.

"Don't worry, Sonic," Spike told him with a relaxed smile. "This isn't the first time they do a spell this powerful, and I can assure you it won't be the last!"

"Still, whatever they did to sent the message took a lot of their energies," Sonic pointed out with concern. "I hope it did sent, by the way..."

"It... did..." Twilight assured, still panting, but also smiling at him. "Don't... worry... Sonic... Your friends... got the message..."

"Also... Spike is right... we'll be fine... we just need to catch our breath..." Starlight assured as well, also smiling at him.

"...Alright..." Sonic said, now sighing sadly, but still smiling at them. "I trust you on whatever you did, girls. And thanks, for doing this for me."

"No problem, Sonic..." Twilight said with a smile, now breathing normally again.

Sonic smiled back, and then looked at the ground a bit concerned. "...I think I should keep going. I know I still have no full control over these things, but... I need to try and learn. My friends could need me... and I have the feeling they actually do."

"Well, then... if that's the case, then I wish you good luck, Sonic," Twilight said, extending her hoof to stretch it with Sonic's hand.

However, Sonic smiled and directly hugged Twilight, which cause her to blush again. "Thanks for everything, again. And I'm sorry I cannot stay any longer."

Twilight shook her head and scratched her neck. "N-No need to say that! You have things to do, so it's understandable that you have to go."

"Right," Sonic said, before turning to Starlight and Spike and embrace them on a hug as well. "Thanks to you two as well! It was very nice to meet you, guys."

"The pleasure was ours!" Starlight assured with a smile.

"Take care, Sonic," Spike said with a little smile.

"Roger that!" Sonic said with a wink and his thumbs up.

After that, he started to run over his place until his feet created the shape of an eight. Then, the discs on his clothes caused that another X portal appeared, and he smirked a bit.

"Seems like I finally have something under my control!" Sonic cheered, before boosting away through the portal at top speed.

Once the portal closed, Twilight sighed and placed a hoof over her cheek. "What an interesting guy..." She said with a smile and a slight blush.

And so, Sonic's adventure on Universe 101010 was over...

Sonic was once again back to the place where he could travel to other realities... but something changed.

This time, he wasn't falling as usual: He was still running. This confused him a lot, so he looked down at his feet... and felt amazed when he saw that, under his shoes, there was some kind of crystal path where he was running over. It seemed like he was gaining some control over his new powers thanks to the discs on his clothes.

"Rotor, I said it once and I'll say it again: I'll kiss you next time I see you, I don't care if I don't like men!" Sonic said with a chuckle, before boosting around this new place, taking a better look at it now that he had control.

Sonic saw thousands of white lines and curves, extending all across the vast and infinite multiverse. He saw one of the lines suddenly bending, until it crashed against one of the curves. Soon enough, several of other lines and curves began to crash within each other, and some of them even merged to form part of the same existential plane. He also saw that some of the lines and curves began to divide, until they separated completely and became independent from each other.

"Oh man... the multiverse is pretty big, isn't it?" Sonic said with concern, as he looked around with worry. "I may have control over the power of these discs, but it seems like it's gonna take a while until I reach my home."

However, he shook his head and looked on with a determinate look: He never gave up on the previous universes, and he wasn't going to start now.

"No. I can go home! I just need to be patient," Sonic stated to himself, before boosting straight to a random universe, in hopes of being either on his Mobius or on his Equestria...

Universe 060403

The sky opened to show a portal with the shape of an X, and then, Sonic fell straight from it.

However, unlike last times, he was looking on with confidence, and he curled into a ball before landing on the ground. Now he had fingerless white gloves and his Soap Shoes too.

Once he was safe, he cleaned the dust from his body and looked around. Once again, he seemed to be on a forest, and it kind of upset him a bit.

"Really? Another forest? I cannot escape these places, can I?" Sonic said annoyed.

Then, he looked over at himself and... He recognized the animation on his body this time around... it was anime.

"And now I'm an anime, too?!" Sonic shouted in shock.

"Hey! What comes?!" another voice spoke... a very, very familiar voice.

Sonic cringed, and slowly turned around to literally face himself, with the only difference being the clothes, of course.

"...This is gonna be one hell of an adventure, huh?" Sonic said with a sheepish and nervous smile.

Author's Note:

I know people wanted to see the OG Mane 6 in this story, and my job's to please!

So, we're hallway on this book. I just wanna warn that Sonic is gonna be more relevant next chapters unlike this one, so I apologize if Sonic felt a bit 'meh' in this chapter.