• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 2,614 Views, 245 Comments

Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Dissonance

Rainbow threw herself on Twilight.

She is about to do something stupid! I have to stop her!

“Twi! We have been over this! I love you, not her!” she tried to get through to the filly, glowing red eyes indicating that she would more than likely fail.

Twilight's horn lighted up, magic ready to jolt Rainbow off of her.

"Please don't levitate me away," Rainbow whispered while nuzzling her ear. "I hate it when you, or anypony for that matter, does that."

“…I am sorry. I didn’t know that.” Twilight responded, taken aback.

It left them at an impasse. Both ponies lay on the floor, Rainbow on top of a Twilight, who didn't want to use force. Now with magic also no longer an option, she would have to wait for Rainbow to get off of her.

It wasn’t going to happen.

Why are you so scared?

I thought you trusted me?

Red eyes focused their attention back on Rainbow. If they couldn’t use force, they would have to use words to accomplish their goal.

“She took you away from me! She ruined our happiness!” Twilight screamed.

“I hate her!” With every word, Twilight's cutie mark glowed brighter.

“I want her dead!

“I don’t want to lose you…." the last sentence only consisted of incoherent sobbing.

Yet, the still red eyes altered Rainbow that Twilight would jump the moment she gave her an opportunity.

“Twi. Listen to yourself. None of that happened.” Rainbow tried to take some steam out of her.

Why are you acting like this?

Why are your eyes red?

Why is your cutie mark glowing?

Rainbow glanced at her own.

It, too, glowed brightly.

This has suddenly gotten a lot scarier.

I have to stop this!

“Why are you protecting her! I thought you chose me!” Twilight accused her.

"Why are you so scared! I thought you trusted me!" Rainbow shot back.

Both ponies looked deeply hurt by the words the other had spoken.

Crying interrupted them.

Red eyes and a glowing cutie mark disappeared. In one quick motion, Twilight shoved her off of her, rushing over to the dragon.

Rainbow fell on her back. Luckily Twilight had been careful not to use too much force, sparing her from getting hurt.

Was that some form of mother mode?

“It’s ok, Spike. Mommy is here. Everything is fine,” she soothed the dragon.

“Everything is not fine, Twi.” Rainbow picked herself up, glaring at the alicorn.

You transformed into a completely different pony.

You acted like a jealous maniac.

You didn’t trust me.

You doubted my loyalty.

“I… I lost my cool there.

"I don't know why that happened. You are right none of that occurred. I shouldn't doubt you-"

“You didn’t doubt me. You outright accused me of disloyalty.” As soon as Rainbow had spoken those words, rage filled her. They had opened themselves up to each other.

She had done everything to show her love for Twilight.

In the end, it hadn't mattered.

Tears formed. “I can’t believe you!”

She would have run away with those words to who knows where if the door hadn't been kicked right off its hinges, revealing Princess Celestia.

“What in harmony’s name is going on here!” she examined the situation.

Great, now I have to face her as well!

Both fillies stayed quiet.

Princess Celestia levitated them onto the bed, grabbed a chair, sitting in front of them.

“You are causing quite the ruckus." She used her wing to wipe Rainbow's tears away.

Looks like we are going to get our session early.

"I don't want to invade your privacy, but I felt some powerful harmony magic, so I am forced to investigate." The princess offered.

Maybe this has all been wrong.

Maybe I should have just chosen Applejack.

“Those visions have clouded my mind, Dashie. I do trust you. Let me prove it to you.” Twilight simply ignored the princess.

“You could have proven it just now.” Rainbow increased the distance between them.

“Why even try and risk it? Why not just deal with her-”

"Twilight Sparke! You will drop that right now! I don't want to hear about her ever again! Understood!" Rainbow had had enough of her.

"…Yes." The purple filly had been entirely taken by surprise.

Spikes crying got louder.

“Could one of you please-“

“Why don’t you just read my memories again!” Rainbow turned her attention towards the princess.

I need to think!

I need to-

I need to calm down.

So, she did, lying down next to the still sitting, completely broken Twilight, who barely mustered a façade for Spike.

"I will leave you to it then, but only because it's already late, and Cadence has requested my presence. We will talk about this tomorrow." Celestia walked out of the room, anger seeping into her for the treatment she had received.

I guess I have been expecting too much. One cannot have everything.

"If you want to, you can go ahead. Kill her," Rainbow whispered. "Or rather go after your mother so that you can ask her to do your dirty work for you. That will probably be easier.

No longer able to maintain the façade, Twilight laid down the still crying Spike on the bed, curling herself up and starting to sob.

Just before Rainbow could form another thought, Twilight managed to speak again. “You don’t know how it is. Having the fate of the world settled on your back.

“Being a princess.

“Losing the love of your life.

“Always having to maintain appearances. Always pretending.

“Seeing everypony die around you, living alone.

“It didn’t happen to you. It didn’t happen to me.

“But I already experienced it, forced to see it all happen, only remembering parts. Yet, subconsciously it’s all there, raising its ugly head from time to time, showing me more and more, forcing me to act on thoughts that aren't my own.

"Thoughts showing me the horrible pony future me has become, trying to gain control.

“I don’t want this future to happen, Dashie,” Twilight returned to sobbing.

Was it really that bad?

Was she really forced into such a life while I had been gifted with happiness?

Would I have done nothing to help her?

"Twi. If you kill her, then what?" Rainbow asked, finally enveloping Spike in her wings.

He immediately tried to wriggle out.

He wants Twi.

The thought that she was apparently only a third wheel stung.

Twilight tried to muster a convincing voice. “Nopony will ever be able to take you away from me.”

This isn’t how it works.

Maybe she does need Cadence's help.

“What if I ever give another pony a wrong look? Are you going to kill this pony too?” Rainbow tried to reason.

“Maybe. Why not?” Pouting replaced sobbing. “I can have anypony executed for any reason I want.”

Those visions were a gift.

They brought us together.

Now they have become a curse.

Ready to separate us forever.

“Twi. Don’t let some hypothetical scenarios ruin your future. Just because something happened once doesn’t mean it will happen again. We already changed way too much for that.” Twilight had been strong for her.

Now she needed to be strong for Twilight.

Because that was how relationships worked.

A constant giving and taking with the pony of your dreams.

I won’t let one mistake tear us apart!

I won’t let one mistake ruin everything!

What has happened just now doesn’t invalidate all that has happened before! She is still the pony of my dreams!

She is still my purple devil!

It was harder than it sounded, but she was determined to forgive Twilight, no matter how much their argument had hurt her.

I have to let go!

I have to let go!

I have to-

Twilight jumped on top of her, horn lit up.

Next thing they knew, their cutie marks flashed up, darkness overtaking them.


This isn’t what was supposed to happen!

“What did you do, Twi?” Rainbow had the most annoyed look she had ever seen on her face.

“Yes, mom. Why did you do that?” Spike asked. "She would have forgiven you. Why are you destroying everything between you?"

Wait what!

Rainbow and Twilight whirled around, granted with the sight of an older-looking Spike with wings.

“Don’t look at me like that, mom, rainbow mom! I don’t know what is going on either!” he raised his hands.

The two ponies continued their staring, focusing on his wings. It irked him. “My parents both have wings! Why shouldn’t I have them as well!”

Finally noticing that Spike felt uncomfortable, they stopped examining him, returning to the situation at hoof.

What have I done?

“Twi! Explain!” Rainbow demanded, irritated that Spike already seemed to know exactly what had happened.

Why did I think that was a good idea?

“I didn’t… This wasn’t… I just…

"I wanted to erase your memories of my outburst… the spell for it suddenly appeared in my mind…." Twilight turned around, making her way away from Rainbow, disappearing into the dark void surrounding them.

She will never forgive me for that.

Why couldn’t I resist?

Why couldn’t I trust her?

“It will be ok, mom." Spike had caught up to her, flying onto her back. Disappointment that Twilight had nearly forgotten about him filled him, but for his mother's sake, he ignored it.

She already had more than enough to think about.

It won’t be ok.

All the trust I have built between us…

“Mom, you should apologize,” the dragon on her back suggested.

Wait! I could just turn around and try again-

"Ahh! Stop doing that, Spike!" Spike had bitten her ear.

“Stop thinking about such horrible things, then! You sound more like a supervillain, trying to defeat her archnemesis than her marefriend!” the young dragon justified his actions.

“I already ruined it anyway! What differences would it make! I could only improve the situation by succeeding-

“So, you would just edit her memories every time there is an argument between you?” he reasoned.

That wouldn’t be right.

“Mom, you know I love her as well, even if it's not the same kind of love you feel for her.

“If you try to hurt her, I will have to stop you…

“Please don’t let it come to that.” For a moment, his voice had wavered, sounding far younger than he appeared to be right now.

It sounded… helpless.

The final hope Twilight had held shattered.

I can’t do that to him.

And he is right. I can’t do this to Dashie. I already admitted that my action was wrong in the first place. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I will just have to live with the consequences…

Without an angel to help me along the way-



"It's dark, mom,” Spike told her. “She doesn’t have a horn.”


"I wanted to erase your memories of my outburst. The spell for it suddenly appeared in my mind."

How could you…

With those words, Twilight had left her, Rainbow not having done anything to stop her.

Now, she couldn’t see a thing. With the horn gone, there wasn't any source of light left.

There also wasn’t anything to take her feelings out on.

First, you destroy the trust between us, and now you abandon me in a void of darkness!

"Ahh!" Rainbow couldn't believe her misfortune, yelling at the top of her lungs.

I am alone now.

It left her empty.

She is gone.

It didn’t help that Twilight had also taken Spike with her, meaning Twilight wouldn’t be alone.

Really alone.

I can’t even see my own body.

…I miss you, Twi.

…And I also miss you, Spike.

“Buck! Buck! Buck!-“

Purple light came running towards her.

"I am so sorry, Dashie! I completely forgot that you don’t have any source of light-“

A punch threw her to the ground.

"You- are- the- worst- marefriend- one- could- wish- for" punch after punch was thrown at her, with Twilight not defending herself in the slightest, making her even madder.

Next to them, Spike stood watching, having only barely flown out of the way.

“You treated my trust and loyalty like dirt!” Rainbow began strangling her, hoping it would yield a reaction.

It didn’t.

“You tried to edit my memories, cowardly trying to escape the consequences of your actions.” Not having any appliances to take her emotions out on wasn’t that bad. Turns out that having Twilight worked as well.

Now with the worst of it let out, she let go of the alicorn's throat. Heavy breathing indicated the relief Twilight should have felt.

I felt so empty when you were gone.

“You came back,” Rainbow lay herself down next to Twilight.

The bloody filly avoided her gaze.

Magic lit up.

Rainbow's body began glowing.

Twilight wobbled herself up, making her way away once more.

The pegasus followed, to her dismay.

That’s the easy route, isn’t it?

I can speak from experience.

“Are you just going to cowardly avoid the consequences?” she tried to confront the broken alicorn.

Twilight acknowledged her with a barely visible nod.


“Is that how much our relationship is worth to you!” Another punch from Rainbow brought her to the ground again.

"There is nothing left to be saved," Twilight muttered, trying to get up again.

She is right.

There shouldn’t be anything left to be saved.

Rainbow fought with herself.

Twilight has her issues.

But so do I.

The visions Twilight had faced had clearly left their mark. Could she blame Twilight for that?

However, they didn’t force her to act in this way.

Actions she profoundly regrets.

Rainbow sat down, pulling Twilight's head onto her lap. By now, the alicorn had given up, trying to get up, realizing that the damage Rainbow had caused was more severe than anticipated.

It didn't bother Twilight. As an alicorn, all she needed to do was wait.

And time wasn’t anything that she would run out of anytime soon.

She had made a mistake.

I, too, have made mistakes.

Spike sat down next to them. “You knew how much Celestia’s actions have scarred her. Why did you think it was the right decision to try and edit her memories?”


“Power isn’t a free pass to take what you want. It needs to be used responsibly.”


"I only know that because deep down, you know that as well."

“…Please stop, Spike. It doesn’t make any difference now.” Twilight begged.

It does, though.

Rainbow started gently caressing Twilight's bloody face.

The alicorn closed her eyes, enjoying the experience, even if she couldn’t understand why Rainbow did that.

I need to forgive you.

I want to forgive you.

I can forgive you.

“What you did was unforgivable,” Rainbow began. “I am going to do so anyway.

“Because I can't actually stay mad at my purple devil for more than five minutes." Rainbow gave her a kiss on her head.

“See, mom. She forgives you.

“You know she would have done so even quicker without your stunt.

"You know she would have because you would have done the same.

“This is how love works. Cadence told you so many times.” With each word, Twilight had shrunk more and more, resorting to making herself as tiny as possible.

You don’t forgive yourself, do you?

“Twi, I am not forgiving you out of the goodness of my heart.

“I am forgiving you because you earned it with everything you have done for me.

“What you did just now… I don’t believe that it was you. I am forgiving you because I believe that you didn’t mean to do that. Because I believe you won’t do that again. You aren’t that kind of pony, I am sure of that.

“Please prove me right.

“Please prove to me that you do indeed love me by never betraying the trust between us again.

“I know you are a better pony than that." Rainbow gazed into Twilight's eyes, which had finally chosen to make eye contact with her.

I still love you, Twi, even if I shouldn’t.

“Dashie?” Twilight mumbled.

“Yes, Twi?” Rainbow lay down, looking into the darkness above them, still stroking Twilight, who lay on top of her now.

“Thank you for giving me the second chance I don’t deserve.” Unbelievable amounts of gratefulness were conveyed in her voice.

I have made so many mistakes…

Who am I to deny you a second chance?

Especially if you regret your actions way more than I ever did.

“I swear on my life that I won't ever use any form of magic on you ever again unless you want me to.

“I will also never again bring Applejack up or doubt your love in any other way again.

“And I will never again be possessive of you in any kind, no matter what happen-“

"Celestia, dammit, Twi! You won't need to because I only love you!" Rainbow screamed.

“Sorry, Dashie. I only wanted to-“

"Why can't you just shut your mouth so that those beautiful lips of yours can finally kiss me like they wanted to since I have taken you on my-“

Twilight didn’t need any further invitation, closing the distance between their mouths.

“Mom! Rainbow Mom! I think there is a tree in the distance! See, over there! It's glowing!" Spike shouted.

Before they could look, the world around them collapsed.


Twilight and Rainbow jolted out of bed.

It was still dark outside.

Was that a dream?

Twilight lay on top of her, a groggily Spike beside them, looking disappointed at his back.

No, this wasn’t a dream…

Twi really tried to edit my memories…

And I forgave her for that.

She looked around. Next to them sat princess Celestia with an expression that screamed instant execution was imminent.

“Could my lovely daughter and the pony she has chosen for herself please have some compassion with an old mare like me by explaining why they have been lying in bed clinically dead for about 10 hours, together with their pet dragon?” she asked in the sweetest voice she could muster that only increased the dread Twilight and Rainbow felt.

Pet? Spike isn’t a pet!

"Answer me, or I will rip those answers out of you!" Flames sprayed from the princess, trying to provide an intimidating display.

It utterly failed to accomplish its goal due to the room’s inhabitants knowing that she wouldn’t go through with hurting them.

Or, in Rainbow's case, hoping.

Regardless, Twilight answered. “Rainbow and I had an argument. I tried editing her memories, which teleported us into some kind of black void.”

Twi! By not avoiding the consequences, I didn't mean snitching on yourself to her!

“…” A wave of disappointment filled Celestia. "Why would you do that, Twilight?

“The elements won’t take kindly to such actions.

“You love her! Do you want your relationship to be built on lies-“

“I learned from the best!” Twilight stared the princess right in the eyes.

Both of them were engulfed by flames now, either by choosing or unintentionally.

It was a pretty terrifying sight.


Even that monster must have felt something, hearing those words.

Rainbow watched the standoff in awe.

In the end, Twilight won, with Celestia relenting and turning around.

"I have made many mistakes, Twilight.

“I have edited the memories of countless beings, Twilight.

“I have never edited the memories of my love.”

Probably because you never got a chance to do so. He probably ran away the first chance he got.

"It's five in the morning. I will have the servants bring you breakfast to your room. Afterwards, you will go see Cadence.” Celestia left.

Good riddance. Hopefully, Chrysalis succeeds in her plot. Just being near princess Celestia is a chore.

Rainbow glanced back at Twilight.

“You know…, you two seem to have a bunch of similarities-“

“We don’t!” Twilight insisted.

You totally do.



Both stared at each other.

This is awkward.

What are we supposed to do after everything that just happened?

Rainbow couldn’t think of a way to get them out of this one.

Luckily Twilight made the first step. “Rainbow, I-“

“I am sorry? Who is that? Are you cheating on me?” Rainbow poked Twilight with her wings, using an accusatory stare to examine her.

Reverting back to Rainbow! What an insult!

“…” Twilight didn’t manage to figure out the reason for her behaviour.

“Sparke! My name is Dashie! You better use it, or I will make you use it!" she had trouble keeping her expression straight.

“How dare you! That’s princess Sparkle to you!” Twilight countered.

Heh! I can totally top that!

"You meant soon-to-be empress, right? Once we have toppled princess Celestia's tyrant regime, there will be nothing stopping me from taking over this pathetic planet!" An evil laugh escaped Rainbow.

“Me?” Twilight inquired, taken aback by the words.

Yet, in a weird way, Rainbow's display fascinated her.

“Ops. It seems I have made a mistake.” Slowly Rainbow closed the distance between them as menacingly as she could muster. “It looks like I will have to edit your memories now, my little tool. So that you will never figure out that I have secretly planned all this!” Another evil laugh. “How I have been secretly manipulating you! Once you have taken over, I will pull the strings in the background using you as my puppet ruler! And foolishly, you will do my every bidding, even transforming me into an alicorn!" That would have been the moment she would have let her magic appear.

Had she actually been capable of performing magic, that is.

Totally got her!

“Oh, wow. I am definitely going to have you executed for that,” Twilight grinned.

“Not when I kill you first!” Rainbow threw herself on her.

For a moment, all their problems were forgotten again.

I wonder if….

“Stop! Stop! I yield, Dashie! I yield!” Rainbow had begun tickling Twilight.

“Mery, Dashie! Mercy!” Twilight pleaded, completely overwhelmed by Rainbow's ever-intensifying tickling attack.

“That’s what you get for defying me! Only I get to use mind magic, minion!” she let off of Twilight, not wanting to overdo it.

Twilight tried to collect herself. “Dammit, Dashie. You are good at this. Equestria is lucky that you aren’t actually evil.”

Well, that can still change…

I can already see it! Twi is only a filly, yet she still managed to strike the princess down! She could easily-

“You aren’t actually thinking about that, right?” The purple filly gave her a look that didn’t show any emotions.

“…Maybe?” Still no reaction. “All right, fine! We won’t take over Equestria!” Rainbow gave her a fake look of disappointment.

I wonder, though… Would she go along if I ever were to try such a thing?

She would, wouldn’t she?

Not being aware of Rainbow's thoughts, Twilight hopped out of bed.


I lost her.

I almost lost her.

And I have nopony to blame but myself.

Twilight's mind was a wreck. Rainbow had helped to make her feel better, yet she was still scared.

Scared that secretly she hadn’t forgiven her.

That she would turn around at any moment, changing her mind, leaving her.

Worst of all, she was scared that she had hurt Rainbow, despite promising she would help her improve.

It just popped up in my mind.

An entire memory editing spell, together with the information of how to use it…

This extreme desire to use it on her…

I can’t let that happen ever again!

But how was she supposed to prevent herself from doing so again? Previously she would have laughed at the idea of her ever using such a spell on Rainbow.

Then it had happened, regardless.

I could cut off my horn?

No, that’s stupid.

An idea! I need an idea!


A knock on the door indicated the arrival of their breakfast.

Twilight opened the door, immediately greeted by a barrage of servants.

“Your majesty, we didn’t know what you liked, so we have brought you everything available.”

Sweet Celestia! This is ridiculous!

“Awesome!” Rainbow, too, hopped out of bed, landing next to her.

I suppose this is quite awesome.

The servants stared at them, unsure where to put their “breakfast”.

“Just put it on the floor, thank you,” Twilight told them.

The servants quickly did so before leaving.

“Look at that, Twi! One could feed an entire city with that!” the pegasus quickly scooped up a bunch of the most delicious-looking pancakes she had ever seen.

Feeding a city would have been way more useful. So much of that will go to waste.

But it was already too late. The food had been brought, and right now, they had other troubles than coming up with a way to properly distribute it.

Twilight levitated a daisy sandwich towards her, as well as a giant bowl of gems, walking over towards Spike.

I wonder how much we pay them? Surely, they have to be infuriated that gems are used as food.

Then again, if that Is what dragons eat, what else are we supposed to do?

She sat down next to him, levitating him on her lap, beginning to feed him the gems.

“Twi, you are his mother, right?" An insecure-sounding Rainbow garnered her attention.

Why is she asking that?

“Yes, of course,” Twilight responded.

“Am I his… mother as well?” the pegasus quickly fled herself in her breakfast.

Are you?

"Yes." conviction had grabbed the young alicorn. "You are his rainbow mommy, don’t you remember?”

"He… seems to favour you." Rainbow managed to say between munching.

He did, didn’t he?

“I hatched -“ she stopped herself “- I… gave him life. It's only natural. Give him some more time. Since he has already taken a liking to you, I doubt that it will take long."

“You are right, Twi. I shouldn’t worry about that,” relief filled Rainbow. She had just put too much thought into it.

Come to think of it, Spike behaved very weirdly during… our dream?

The dragon gave her an offended look.

Can he read my thoughts?

Spike turned away as if he didn’t want to answer.

The three continued to eat their breakfast, all having a bunch of thoughts on their mind they needed to work through.


A lonely bat pony had woken up.

She felt ill. Very ill.

Ill by what she had witnessed.

Ill by knowing that the ponies she had considered friends and family were dead.

Ill, thanks to barely managing to get some sleep in the cold night she had been exposed to.

All those things, however, weren’t what bothered her right now.

We tried to kill some fillies.

It had all happened so fast.

Yet, that wasn’t a good excuse.

I have killed before.




Until now, it had all been part of the job.

Until now, she had never second-guessed it.

It had all changed when she saw her imminent death.

It was obvious that she was going to win!

Yet, the others hadn’t cared, green eyes glowing with a brightness she had never witnessed before.

I still abandoned them.

I betrayed them.

I should have died with them.

But instead, she ran away.


Now she was the only one alive who would be able to tell command what had happened.

I have to tell them! They must know about the power the element of magic already possesses!

They must know about the involvement of changelings!

They must know about her relationship with the pegasus!

Yet, for some reason, she didn't want to return.

With intensive coughing, she pulled herself up.

Surely, they think I am dead...

If I return, I will just have to face punishment.

I will have to continue with these horrible deeds.

They will continue to bully me all day because I never learned how to use dark magic correctly.

A new life awaited her.

It was time to continue her journey towards Equestria.


Cadence was tired.

I can’t believe she woke me up at five in the morning.

She had stayed up very late. For one, she had briefly briefed her aunt about what had happened. Predictably Celestia had been very angered about her accounts.

What she hadn't accounted for was that all that anger had focused entirely on Rainbow Dash, calling her a drag down as well as a danger to Twilight.

She also refused to acknowledge her own role in all this, nearly burning me alive for even insinuating it.

But it hadn’t all been a waste. Cadence had talked to some of the best experts Canterlot had to offer.

The results had been mixed.

I also can’t fully rely on them since their assessments were based on what I have told them, which admittedly isn’t that much.

Regardless, they all agreed that, in theory, Twilight would be the best pony to help Rainbow since she already had such a close connection to her, deeply caring for the pegasus and ready to support her.

The problem, however, was that Twilight herself wasn't stable, creating a huge risk that she would be dragged down along with Rainbow instead of helping her.

Or she could fall back into those dark feelings I spoke with her about, deeply hurting her.

Talking about Twilight, the ponies she had conversed with agreed that, from the sound of it, she wasn’t in any immediate danger.

They did, however, suggest giving her stability, allowing her to properly come to terms with the new developments in her life, as well as to ensure that there is somepony Twilight can confide in. A pony that would be able to support her through those turbulent times.

That pony could have been Rainbow if she hadn't been facing her own issues, just like Twilight.

What did they recommend?

Strangely enough, they thought Twilight's plan wasn't all that bad since it would always be better to work with the ponies needing help instead of forcing them.

Now the ball lies in my court.

My job will be to monitor their progress as well as support them on their road to recovery with the few tips and tricks I have been given.

It would have to suffice for now.

Before she could grab a coffee, there was already a knock at the door.

Cadence opened it.


A quick punch reminded her of the pegasus violent tendencies.

Maybe auntie has been onto something.

“That was for mentally torturing, Twi!”

Covering her eye, Cadence used her free wing to point them to the bed.

Twilight chastised Rainbow, but the pegasus victorious grin didn’t waver.

Deep breaths, Cadence. Deep breaths.

She activated her love spell.

Ok, let's see. They both hold a deep love for each other. That’s good.

Cadence continued to search for more hints that would give her any indication about their state of mind.

That's weird. Based on what I witnessed yesterday, I would have expected more positive emotions.

Instead, fear, insecurities, as well as hints of anger were the prevalent emotions, even outweighing the love they both felt for each other.

Maybe they had a bad dream?

She could only hope they did. They hadn’t even begun yet, but things were already turning sour.

Wait a second! Those dark feelings Twilight held are gone!

It was a major victory she couldn’t explain.

I guess sometimes miracles happen.

She took another look at Rainbow since she was the one she had the most concerns about right now.

Hmm, I don’t see anything that is immediately out of place.

Cadence stopped her spell. It wasn't going to help anyway. It would just provide her with some insight.

“All right. First, I will deal with Twilight's “love issues”. I have to say, we have apparently made way more progress than expected. It's good to know that you no longer have these possessive feelings for Rainbow.” She noticed the glances both fillies exchanged.

I missed something, didn't I?

For a moment, she had this urge to destroy something.

Deep breaths! There is no need to blow something up!

It didn't matter. She had already planned out today's session, and she was too tired to change it now. “Since you insisted on attending this session with her, I am going to cast a bonding spell on you. It will conjure up one or more situations, places etc., that are important to you, giving you the opportunity to open up to each other.

"Just remember. If you feel uncomfortable, you can dismiss the scenes at any time.” She left unsaid that they weren’t allowed to judge each other for that, fully expecting them to already know that.

Cadence levitated Spike towards her, petting the little dragon.

Together they watched as the spell took effect.



“Is that Cloudsdale, Dashie?” Twilight looked in awe at the cloud city that surrounded them.

Just keep calm. You wanted to go with her.

All you have to do is tell her something about Cloudsdale and move on.

“Yes. We are currently at flight camp.” Rainbow tried to play it cool.

"Is this where you learn to fly?" Twilight followed up.

"It's an instinct. Usually, we learn it by ourselves or with our parents. Flight camp is supposed to be for fun while also helping us improve," she responded.

Ok, there is no way for Twi to get suspicious.

“Supposed to be?”


“Look, Twi. I had my issues here. That’s-”

What am I doing here?

Why am I trying to deceive her?

“I was a terrible bully, Twi.” Rainbow saw Twilight opening her mouth as if she was going to tell her to stop lying before closing it again. “I wish I was lying, Twi, but it's true."

“Ponies change, Dashie. The past doesn’t define us,” Twilight offered.

I wish that was true, yet it isn’t.

At least as long as ponies know about your past, which is why I wanted to leave.

“Twi, I am not smart. My grades always were terrible.

“I… I guess I am kind. But only to you. Before you, I wasn't even kind when I tried to be."

"The same applies to my loyalty. I mean, I literally left everypony behind. I won’t do the same to you, though. I promise.

“And strong… Physically yes, but mentally not really." Looking at her old home was starting to take its toll. She quickly closed her eyes, hoping it would be gone once she opened them again.

“Dashie…" Twilight's wings enveloped her. "Did you hear what I said back when we travelled to Dodge City?”

"Those were the most beautiful words I have ever heard, Twi. We barely knew each other, yet you still believed in me with utter conviction. You didn’t demand anything of me… you just took me like I was.” Rainbow buried her head in Twilight.

Looking back, this was when things started to change.

When I started to not think about you as some kind of ticket out of Equestria but as a pony I wanted to genuinely be with.

A pony I would grow to love far quicker than I thought was possible.

“I love you, Twi.” She opened her eyes, gazing into the familiar pair of purple eyes she had grown to love, closing the distance between them, deeply kissing Twilight.

Twilight happily returned it.

This is working.

She doesn’t care about my past.

And I feel so much better talking to her about it!

Twilight pulled back, wanting to speak. “I hate bullies, Dashie.” Rainbow didn’t even raise an eyebrow, completely convinced that a “but” would follow. “I, too, had my issues, with them calling me bookworm etc. Luckily, I was heavily shielded, thanks to my connections and family.

“Dashie, those ponies may never forgive you for what you have done, but what matters is that you regret your actions.

“I know you have changed. The Dashie I know isn’t a bully.” Twilight rubbed her face against her. “Forget about the past, Dashie. Let’s forge our future.”

She really wants me to let go.

Before she did that, however, there was more to be told.

“Most of them already forgave me, Twi.” The pegasus said to Twilight's surprise. Twilight couldn't fathom what the issue could have been if Rainbow already had the forgiveness of her former victims.

“When Gilda, my best friend, left, I became disconnected from my other "friends". We had done many things together, yet I was never really close with them.” Rainbow began flying, picking a confused Twilight up and taking her up in the air. “Here, Twi. Now you can see flight camp in its entirety.

“You see those clouds on the edge of it? This is where I realized what I had really been participating in.” Rainbow flew them towards the tiny clouds. “Bullying had mostly been something I took part in because the others did it. Now, with Gilda gone, things changed.

"I spend more and more time with my other “friends”, finally noticing the full impact our actions had on our victims… Gilda and I… we always left before things got too bad.”

I should have questioned her tendency to constantly push me away when things got too wild.

“Anyway. I didn't feel comfortable. However, it wasn't enough to make me stop.”

Twilight gazed around, trying to look for any hints about what Rainbow was going to say next.

“One of the victims we often times bullied was Fluttershy. She was an easy target. Extremely shy, barely speaking. Nearly unable to fly.

“You know. The perfect victim for a bunch of losers that would never actually attack a pony able to defend itself." Twilight wanted to protest, but Rainbow signalled for her not to do so. "Let’s not pretend, Twi. What I said is true, and we all know it.

“One day, we dragged Fluttershy to the clouds we are standing on right now. Normally we would have just insulted her, but this time somepony just darted forward, pushing her off the cloud out of nowhere.

“Nopony was going to save her." Rainbow stared at the ground below, lost in the memories of that day.

“So, I jumped after her, barely managing to catch her.

"Foolishly, I thought they would regret their actions. Maybe even praise me for saving her. Instead, they immediately started barraging me with insults for what I did.”

I had known for quite some time that I was only delaying the inevitable, yet I wasn’t prepared for how much that hurt.

“You saved her life, Dashie! You are a hero!” Twilight tried to cheer her up.

“Without ponies like me, this would have never happened.” Rainbow dismissed her compliment.

And then I did the same thing for some stupid race….

“When they attacked me, I snapped. I told them how what we were doing was horrible. How she could have died…

“How I would no longer participate, encouraging them to stop as well.”

Rainbow wings formed into fists.

How could they just dismiss me like that!

How couldn’t they see what we were doing, even after what happened with Fluttershy!


"They just ditched me, leaving me as well as Fluttershy behind!” Rainbow shouted, infuriated.

Twilight nuzzled her. “You are better than them, Dashie. They didn’t deserve you.”

You are bucking right! They don't deserve me! Never did!

Calmer, Rainbow continued. “This also isn’t where this story stopped, Twi. From here on, it only gets worse.

“With them leaving, I had lost all my friends.

“But I also gained a new one. Me standing up for her led to Fluttershy sticking to me like superglue.

“It also led to me getting a reputation as "freak protector". Don't ask me how they came up with that name. They aren't known for their creativity." Rainbow rolled her eyes at the stupid nickname they had given her.

It was still better than the other names they used.

“It had two consequences. Number one, my former victims forgave me due to them seeing that I had changed but mostly hoping I would indeed stand up for them. Number two, my former "friends" picked me as the new main target, seeing me as some kind of outlaw. A threat to the power dynamic they had built or something like that." She took deep breaths. They were reaching the end of the story.

Twilight is there for me.

They can’t hurt me anymore.

I need to get this off my chest.

“At first, I didn’t let it get to me.

"But I was fighting a losing battle. At school, flight camp etc., everywhere, I had already ruined my reputation in the eyes of the adults. To them, I was and always would be a troublemaker. A worthless bully."

A pony that society would be better without.

“They weren’t going to protect me.” Twilight was there for her. It did little to prevent the pressure she was feeling from increasing more and more. "In a way, my former victims enjoyed better protection. They at least had adults looking out for them. I didn't.

“Every day, my former “friends” did everything to make my life hell. They got me in trouble with everypony. They framed me. They played pranks on me. They called me names.

"Oftentimes, it even got physical.

“Not in a fair way, though. They always outnumbered me,” Rainbow stopped.

It was then that I started to truly hate everypony around me.

My parents, who always believed my teachers when they told them I hadn't changed.

The former "friends" that had betrayed me.

The adults who did nothing to protect me.

My former victims for looking away, just being happy that they weren’t the focus anymore.

Fluttershy for starting all this.

“I had them before, but it was then when my outbursts started to really get going…

She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t continue.

“Dashie, don’t force yourself. You don’t have to tell me all of it right now,” Twilight soothed her.

I just wanted to do the right thing!

It always works in the books!

“You did the right thing today. We will work this through together, just like I promised.

“Thank you for trusting me.”

That’s right, Twi.

I trust you.

Please, never turn out like they did.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore-“

The world around them changed.

So, this is how this works.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around her neck, gifting Rainbow's head with kisses.

Next thing they knew, they were in some kind of backwater-

“Dashie! Dashie, Dashie!“ Letting go of Rainbow's head, Twilight hopped around like a crazy madmare, wholly overwhelmed by euphoria.

What has gotten into her?

"This is where I first saw you, in my vision! You crashed into me, pushing us into a mud puddle!” Twilight giggled, rushing over to said puddle.

That doesn’t sound very nice.

“It was absolutely magical! I immediately recognized that we were destined to be together, even if the me in my vision didn’t at the time!” Twilight jumped onto her, hugging her as tightly as she could. “Me and my rainbow angel! Destined to be together! It felt so amazing experiencing it at the time!”

Those visions are seriously messing with her brain.

“Twi, I pushed you into a mud puddle,” Rainbow interjected.

"Who cares! It's just some mud! You can push me into it as many times as you want!" Twilight threw herself into the puddle. "It was the best mud puddle ever since it led to us meeting each other,” she said with dreamy eyes looking at the sky.

This is going nowhere.

Regardless, her curiosity had been peaked. “What else happened?”

“You drenched me in water before messing up my mane and tail, laughing at me." Twilight didn't seem to care at all about what the pegasus had done to her.

I sound like a bully!

Like I forgot all my lessons!

The dreamy alicorn didn't recognize the distress her accounts were causing Rainbow. How could she? To her, the actions the pegasus had performed weren’t mean at all. They had been a gift. “It was hard to catch everything at the time, but we argued about you wanting to join the wonderjolts-“

“Wonderbolts,” Rainbow corrected.

They are quite cool, but joining them?

“Wonderbolts, yes! That was their name! Anyway, the result of our argument was that you cleared the entire sky of clouds at record speed!"

That sounds…


Yet, Twilight was fascinated. She jolted out of the mud puddle, racing around, trying to take in all the details of the scene.


“How old was I!” Rainbow screamed.

“I don’t know… around 20?” Twilight tried to guess.


20, and my life consisted of keeping the sky clear!

It wasn’t the sort of carrier the pegasus had imagined for herself.

That sound so… depressing…



Not that it wasn’t an important job, but she had hoped to accomplish something more…


Twilight approached her hesitantly. “Did I say something wrong?”


It doesn’t matter.

It won’t happen now, anyway.

“Can we just move on, Twi? I know you like it here, but this is seriously killing my mood,” Rainbow asked.

Twilight didn’t understand why she didn't share her excitement for a scene that was so precious to her but complied, nonetheless.

“Sure. I think we are done here, anyway.” The world collapsed again.

Just for them to appear back in the castle, finding themselves in a decorated hall.

Twilight's face fell.

“I… we can skip-“

Something happened here.

“If you really want to, we can skip this, Twi,” Rainbow nuzzled her. “Just know that I am there for you. You don't have to keep secrets from me. I won't judge you, just like you didn't judge me-"

"It's not about that, Dashie,” Twilight stopped her. “You all left me here.”

Left you?

“I… I didn’t manage to understand what actually happened, but I had some argument with Cadence…

"You all just left with her! You left me standing in the room all alone!" the alicorn screamed, deeply hurt. "Even Celestia left me!"

She told me I was happy in the future.

Yet, I sound like a horrible pony.

“Twi, you are letting your vision influence you again. You don’t care about Celestia.” Twilight halted her anger outburst. Rainbow was right. She didn’t really care about the princess’s approval anymore. “And I won’t abandon you.

“It seems to me that we weren’t that close in your vision, but luckily that isn’t how things turned out.” Rainbow leaned towards her, whispering in her ear, “Our future will be better, Twi. It will be a future where I will never abandon you.”

“Thank you, Dashie.” Rainbow's words had completely drained the anger Twilight had been feeling.

“Let’s leave this ugly place,” Twilight almost demanded.

This is-

“Is this the bathroom? Back at the changeling hive?

I thought that she looked beautiful.

I washed her.

She was so… cute.

Rainbow's absent stare concerned Twilight. “Dashie?”

“I think I had already fallen for you at that point." Rainbow's eyes stared right into hers. "You have stolen my heart so easily, Twi.”

How could I have ever fallen for another pony?

“Oh, Dashie!” Twilight heart melted.

“When you fell victim to the library shelf, you were covered in dust. I washed you.” Her words caused Twilight to turn deep red.

It also filled Twilight with deep disappointment that she couldn’t remember that.

“I wonder what it will show us next, Twi?” Rainbow spoke.

Twilight grabbed her violently.

They were at a graveyard.

"You don't have to be scared, Twi," Rainbow soothed her. "We will find a solution."

The grip tightened.



"I just remembered something…."

I won’t leave you alone.

I won’t abandon you.

“Don’t be worried, Twi. Nothing will ever separate us,” Rainbow tried.

But it wasn't the reason for Twilight's concern.

“When I saw the gravestones, I snapped, with the vision collapsing…

“But before that happened, another scene played out," the fear Twilight's eyes held infected Rainbow.

She is going to reveal something horrible, isn’t she?

It made her wonder if she had somehow betrayed Twilight again.


“I can't…" the young alicorn stuttered. "Can it show you what happened instead?”

Apparently, it was possible since an old-looking Twilight appeared before the gravestones.

Their vision, as well as their hearing, became distorted as if the memories were somehow corrupted.

Additionally, the colour scheme changed to one that made everything look rainbow-like.

A guard approached the older Twilight, causing her to stand up.

“We have located the resistance base, your majesty,” he reported before hesitating. "Your majesty, who were these ponies? That rainbow cutie mark looks just like the insignia of the royal guard?”

Older Twilight looked displeased at the soldier forgetting his manners.

She still answered, “Weaknesses.

“Weaknesses I needed to get rid of.

“Weaknesses I needed to get rid of with the exception of one pony.

“For her, I would have done everything…

"… It's a shame she defied me." Older Twilight summoned a threatening-looking set of armour and put it on. “What a disappointment that Spike has now made the same mistake. Instruct General Spear to make it quick. I don’t want him to suffer-“

“Make it stop!”


Twilight shot out of bed, instantly tackling Cadence and grabbing Spike. "I will never hurt you, Spike! You hear me! Never!" she screamed at the poor child.

That was a standard bonding spell! What happened?

Rainbow jumped after Twilight, trying to wrench Spike out of her iron grip. “Twi, it wasn’t real! You have to let go! You are hurting him!”

Whatever you saw was real, though. That’s the whole point of the spell.

Cadence was lost. She had been with Twilight for most of her life and read countless ESS reports about the filly.

I can’t think of a single event in her life that would cause such a reaction.

Finally, Twilight let go of the dragon, allowing Rainbow to take him in her wings. Immediately Spike buried himself in them.

Cadence activated her love magic.

The results were disappointing.

Rainbow had clearly improved, and she wanted to be happy for her… but Twilight hadn't.

Twilight's emotions were all over the place, some of them even appearing to belong to a different pony.

Ok, that didn't work out like I expected it to…

That was ok, though. She wasn’t finished yet.

I will skip the part where I ask them what they saw. Twilight clearly isn’t stable right now.

“Rainbow, can you tell me something about your hobbies?” Cadence tried to get their attention.

Miraculously it worked.

Even if it was only because both fillies, as well as Spike, looked at her as if she was stupid.

Deep breaths! They are only fillies!

It took some time, but Rainbow answered. “I like to fly…

“However, they kicked me out of flight camp.”

That’s good!

The flight part, that is, not that she was kicked out.

Twilight may have still been in utter shock. Still, her body reacted on its own, her wings gently caressing Rainbow, managing to put a smile on the pegasus.

"Now that Twilight has wings, have you considered flying together? The castle gardens are perfect for that," Cadence suggested.

Give them a hobby they can perform together.

Help them take their mind off things.

A positive activity they can use to let their energy out.

“That’s right, Twi!” Rainbow glowed. “We can fly together now!”

"I ordered Spike's death." The glow disappeared.

You did what?

"Screw those visions! You are your own pony! If you don't want that to happen, simply don't do it!" Rainbow continued her attempts to ease Twilight's mind.

You ordered Spiked death in your visions…

The visions that showed you your future…

This is bad! Really really bad!

Cadence had no doubt that her aunt would elevate Twilight to a high position in government. If the filly were to use that power for evil…

She can’t be allowed to get that kind of power! Not in her current state! Not-

Wouldn’t we have stopped her?

Another kind of fear filled Cadence. “Twilight… What happened to us in your vision?”

Twilight stared her in the eyes.

Then she turned around, Rainbow following her with Spike leaving the frightened princes of love alone.


Fluttershy was awoken by a guard. Slowly she opened her eyes.

“Here, I have brought you some breakfast,” he said.

Do I smell cider?

She had tried to ignore it yesterday, but the wobbling of the guard made it clear.

He was drunk.

He was drunk, and it was eight in the morning.

It's ok. At least he was kind enough to bring me breakfast.

Even if said breakfast looked pretty spartan, barely like something that was safe for consumption.

Noticing Fluttershy's disdain for the breakfast he had brought, the guard felt the urge to defend himself. "We can't afford any unnecessary expenses. Without bribes, we wouldn't even have enough-“ Quickly, he stopped himself, noticing that his loose mouth would get him in trouble again.

Embarrassed, he turned around, leaving the filly alone.

At least no one would believe her should she tell anypony about his admission.

Or so he thought.

They take bribes?

Surely, they aren't paid that poorly.

Fluttershy's eyes darted around.

Then again, this building looks like it could collapse at any moment.

It also hadn’t helped that the only “room” they were able to offer was a prison cell.

I will have to bring it up with the princess! Nopony deserves to work in these conditions!

Only because she didn't want to insult the kindness the guard had shown her by bringing her any breakfast at all did she force herself to eat it.

At least it doesn’t taste terrible. Only a bit plain.

Just as she had finished, another guard entered the cell. Not drunk but clearly very tired. "We have corroborated your account of the events. Director Sneak will face punishment for his actions. They are inexcusable,” the earth pony mare told her. “Come now, I have been instructed to escort you to Canterlot… for some reason.”

They are lying, aren’t they? They just want me to feel good.

But she had done what she could, even insisting on pressing charges.

Whether or not Sneak would be punished wasn’t in her hooves anymore.

Walking through the corridor, Fluttershy stopped when she reached Sneak's cell.

“Where are you taking her!” the ESS director demanded.

To Fluttershy's surprise, the guard didn't answer, simply ignoring him.

Why isn’t she bothered by his position?

The guard motioned for Fluttershy to move along.

This is all just some show, isn't it?

So that I don’t go around questioning their efforts.

Sneak was going to be released as soon as she was gone.

So, she would at least give him another piece of her mind. “You have to be kinder to ponies-“

"Grow up!" Sneak screamed, infuriated. "If you want to accomplish anything significant in your life, you will have to take what you want, not ask around like a coward!" The ESS director was bright red, looking like he was trying to kill Fluttershy by staring alone.

How was a pony like him able to get any high-ranking position in government?

That thought scared Fluttershy. A pony like Sneak wielding power.

Still, she wouldn’t allow him to get out of her scolding. “That is a terrible way to go about things. You may be able to get through with it for now, but there will be a day when you are in need of other ponies. When that day comes, there may not be a pony left willing to help you-"

“That’s the beauty of it!” Sneak grinned at her. “When you get the power I have, you will always have a bunch of subordinates ready at your disposal, with the law becoming a book of suggestions.” A victorious smile would have appeared on his face had it not been for the look of pity.

Not the look of pity on Fluttershys face, he couldn’t care less about princess Celestia’s little toy.

It was the look of pity from the mare accompanying Fluttershy that gave him pause.

But Fluttershy didn't know that, happy at the belief that she might have gotten through to him, following the guard out of the cell block.

He may not be a lost cause after all.

Alone with his thoughts, worry fueled Sneak.

Worry that nopony had let him out of the cell by now.


I am a danger to everypony.

I am a danger to Dashie.

I am a danger to Spike.

They had been wandering aimlessly around the castle, with Rainbow telling her how nothing she had seen mattered.

How they would create a better future.

How they were in control, not the visions that now tried to destroy everything they had.

But what if I fail?

What if I become that monster?

“There you are, Twilight.” Princess Celestia walked towards them. “I was looking for you two. How was your meeting with Cadence.”

Both ponies stared at her with hostility.

You must have had something to do with the pony I have become.

I have no doubt about that.

Why didn’t you stop me?

Only two answers came to Twilight's mind.

Either, the princess hadn’t been able to bring herself to oppose her daughter.

But if that was the case, her sister and Cadence should have interfered.

Which left only one viable option.

I must have killed them.

Resignation plastered itself on Celestia’s face. She knew that she needed to give Twilight some time to get used to her, yet it became harder by the second.

“Follow me,” the princess sighed.

I have become a tyrant.

A tyrant that was so terrible even her own son decided to oppose her.

The princess guided her to a meeting room.

They sat down.

Thoughts are going through my head that aren't my own.

They are influencing my actions.

My behaviour has undeniably changed.

On the opposite end of the table sat a puzzled Rarity, as well as an angry Applejack.

“Twi, you have to let go,” Rainbow whispered into her ear. “You are letting a false future destroy your life.”

Let go…

I have to let go…

Just let go…

Applejack looked like she was ready to explode, but she had the sense not to do so in front of the princess.

“Another pony was supposed to join us, but unfortunately, she wasn't able to arrive on time," Celestia started. "Regardless, I didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer. Rarity -“ the princess pointed at the white unicorn “- Applejack –“ this time she pointed at orange earth pony “- may I introduce you to Rainbow Dash –" one last time, she moved her wings to point at the pegasus among them “- as well as my daughter Twilight Sparkle." There was no need to point at her. After all, she was the only other alicorn among them.

Also, the princess had to bite her tongue so as to not refer to Twilight with the title she had practically already bestowed onto her, not wanting to unnecessarily frighten the two new fillies.

Rainbow is right!

Nothing forces me to become that monster! I control my future!

But even so, there is always the possibility of me slipping up… of hurting her again.

I have to account for that as well! I have to find a way to protect my angel!

The angel that has foolishly fallen in love with a devil.


Princess Celestia looked at the fillies in the room.

Rainbow only had eyes for Twilight as well as the small dragon on her lap.

Twilight was deeply lost in thought, quite possibly not having listened to anything she had said.

Rarity looked with jealously and disdain at Twilight.

Applejack was seething, ready to murder all the other ponies in the room.

Maybe eternal night won’t be so bad?

It's not like it will kill Twilight or me.

Then again, Nightmare Moon wanted her guts which would also put Twilight, maybe even Spike, in danger.

Even if I would gift her eternal night, she would probably still want me, as well as everything associated with me, dead.

Princess Celestia dismissed the thoughts. She would have to help the bearers connect.

I should start with Applejack before she does something stupid.

“Little Applejack, I have read the reports.” Celestia turned towards the young earth pony. “My agents went overboard. You won’t have to worry about your family.”

She could feel Twilight's death stare. Apparently, her daughter wasn't that happy about Applejack getting her family back while her “real” parents were still in jail.

I need to figure out a way to get rid of them without Twilight tracing it back to me.

“Applejack, I have called all of you here because you have been chosen to wield a set of powerful artefacts that will be necessary to protect Equestria against a great threat.” The anger the earth pony had felt left her.

That’s it. You are almost mine.

“Of course, the crown will compensate your family for the time you are here so that they can hire a replacement worker for you while you are with us while still having more than enough left over.”

To the surprise of the other fillies in the room, the earth pony's anger was replaced with happiness.

It was to be expected since, unlike Celestia, they couldn’t have known about the dire financial straights her family had been in ever since the disappearance of Applejack's parents.


They always want bits, even the fillies.

Well, aside from Rainbow. She was the first pony for a very long time, where that didn't work, despite me even being ready to throw a title in with that.

“Naturally, I will also compensate your family for the misunderstanding,” Celestia finished.

"Thank you so much, your majesty," Applejack responded, doing her best to follow the manners she had been taught back in Manehattan. “Your kindness really is-“

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow interrupted. "Are you really letting her bribe you like-“

Furious at the pegasus who threatened the princess's offer, Applejack let her manners slip. "Shut your mouth. My family needs-"

“She is tricking-“

“I don’t care-“

Rainbow handed Spike to Twilight, standing up to underline her point.

Applejack to stood up.

And Rarity just looked at them in shock, feeling pity for the earth pony who hadn't realized how important Rainbow was to the new princess.

I can’t believe that flying rat! I had her!

"Do you really have so little honour-"

"Honour doesn't feed my family!" Applejack jumped over the table, the anger she had previously felt returning. This time, however, having a place to unload itself.

A, in her eyes, arrogant pegasus who threatened the one thing that may be able to save her family's farm.

To Celestia's surprise, Twilight did nothing to protect Rainbow.

Her daughter just smiled at the display.

Time to stop this nonsense.

She separated the fillies, quickly healing them from any injuries and putting their manes back in order.

"Applejack, I am disappointed. This is no way to behave yourself!" Celestia scolded, causing Applejack to instantly behave submissively, starting to apologize.

I have to admit, she has manners.

"And Rainbow, you don't get to judge another pony's actions. You don't even know her.” Celestia fixated her gaze on Rainbow.

It only caused her to defiantly puff out her chest.

Fine! See how you like that element of annoyingness!

“She needs the money to save her family’s farm. Do you want her to abandon her family?” Celestia asked.

Once again, Twilight's death glare returned, this time dialled up to eleven.

Does she…

Does she hate Applejack?

That wouldn't be good. As the element of magic, it was Twilight's duty to bring the other elements together. However, that wouldn't work if she despised one of the bearers.

At least she isn’t lost in thought anymore…

And at least Rainbow is no longer focusing on her.

For now, Applejack was a lost cause when it came to her becoming friends with Twilight and Rainbow, which is why she moved on to Rarity.

“Rarity, is there something wrong?” Celestia asked, trying to determine if there was something else she needed to take into account despite the apparent jealousy.

Foolish filly. You aren’t even worthy enough to bring my daughter a cup of water.

Then again, if it were up to her, not a single creature would be worthy enough to even habituate the same planet as Twilight aside from herself, Luna and Spike.

"My princess…" Rarity hesitated, trying to choose her next words carefully. “Are you aware that your daughter… is in love with Rainbow.”

Don’t kill her! You still need her!

Rarity shrunk dramatically at the expression Celestia gave her, while Twilight simply gave her a knowing grin.

How dare you question my daughter’s decisions like that!

You are nothing compared to her!

Rainbow looked hurt at the words Rarity had spoken, causing Twilight to quickly wrap her wings around her, whispering calming words into her ear.

Words that included the fact that Rarity's life span had decreased significantly.

Ponies like you are why I couldn’t enjoy my time with her!

Applejack looked around the room uncomfortably, wishing she had the power to just teleport away.

Finally, Celestia straightened herself out. “I am. Is there a problem with that?” she simply asked.

“No! No! No problems, my princess! None at all!” Rarity wailed, throwing herself on the ground. “I am sorry for questioning your daughter’s decisions.

“Please forgive me for meddling with things that don’t concern me.”

There is another pony you need to apologize to.

Giving Rarity a hint, Celestia pointed her wing at Twilight.

The white unicorn quickly rushed to her. “My princess, please forgive me! I was foolish!”

Previously Twilight had enjoyed the display of instant karma. Now, however, being the recipient of Rarity's begging, she became uncomfortable. "It's alright. I forgive you. Just don't do that again,” Twilight dismissed Rarity.

Completely humbled, the unicorn returned to her seat. No jealousy remained now that she had been reminded of her place.

Good. At least those problems are solved.

"All right, you four. How about you get to know each other while I return to my duties?” The princess didn’t wait for an answer. “If you need anything, go ahead and ask the castle staff for help." With those words, she left the fillies alone.


Silence reigned.

So, that’s Applejack…

I don’t like her?

Rainbow was unsure of herself. Sure, she had an argument with Applejack, but she couldn't actually blame the earth pony for trying to help her family.

She does seem pretty chill.

And she looks good as well.

Stupid brain! Stop thinking like that. We already belong to Twi!

If I am not careful, I will make a self-fulfilling prophecy out of this.

She looked to Twilight. The alicorn did her best to ignore Applejack's existence.

At least she doesn’t act hostile. I guess I can’t really expect her to completely forget about her.

Especially after my thought process just now.

Rainbow groaned internally.

I know Twilight has promised me to let it go, but let's be real. If she ever figures out I just thought about Applejack in that way, she will go right back on her murder spree.

It irked Rainbow. Yes, she loved Twilight. Yes, she knew it wasn't Twilight's fault for being influenced by those visions.

That did not change the fact that it made her very uncomfortable.

"Rarity?" the soon-to-be formally recognized princess asked.

“Yes, my princess?” Rarity responded.

“Are you against Rainbows and mine relationship? I order you to answer honestly. Failure to do so will result in your execution. And don't even try to lie. I have a truth spell-"

“She is bluffing,” Applejack said.

Damn. She is good.

Rarity didn’t care, choosing to comply with Twilight's orders regardless, not wanting to take her chances. "Of course not, my princess! Those customs only apply to nobility! You are above them! Please excuse me for foolishly assuming they apply to you as well!"


“I want your personal opinion,” Twilight clarified.

“Umm,” Rarity hesitated, unsure if this might be a trick.

Then again, there was still the possibility of a truth spell, as well as the prospect of being executed for lying, so she didn’t actually have a choice in the matter.

“Personally, I don’t care, my princess,” Rarity revealed. “I just wanted to look good in the eyes of your mother, assuming she would be grateful for me telling her that."

Unbelievable! Snitch! How low can a pony be to do such a thing!

“I mean… why would she condone these customs if she didn’t approve of them?” the unicorn explained.

“Maybe to test for ponies with a bad moral compass?” Rainbow offered.

It caused Rarity to somehow turn whiter than she already was.

This is getting boring.

“Come, Twi. Let’s go outside.” Rainbow ushered the alicorn out. “I want to try out these wings.”

They left a devasted Rarity and a completely lost Applejack alone in the room.