• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 17 - Seeking Happiness

"…have you heard about Rainbow?"

“Have they found her?“

“Her parents are dead.”


"Do you think that's a coincidence? First, Rainbow disappears. Then her parents get hospitalised at the same time Fluttershy is requested for some sort of investigation about her disappearance, and now they are dead?"

“Poor Rainbow. Nopony should lose their parents at such a young age. We should try to help her once she is rescued.” He had hoped that they wouldn’t be forced to attend any funerals, yet fate always was cruel. “I know this is an awful lot at once, yet I fail to see the connection.”

“This is our daughter we are talking about! We don’t even know where she is right now!”

“She is safe, honey. They will return her as soon as they are done...” He looked out of windows where their son was playing with a few of his friends.

“As long as we play by the rules, we will be fine.”


She is planning something.

“Have you seen what those two have been doing? And then how Twilight went and talked with Fluttershy?”

“I did.”

Doesn’t that bother you at all?

She shouldn’t continue this line of conversation. Speaking about these things was quickly destroying the small bond they had built. “What do you think they talked about?”

“Rainbow and Twilight?” They glanced back at the blue pegasus that was enthusiastically carrying her fillyfriend.

How can you be this happy about carrying a pony through this wasteland?

It’s a wonder you haven’t collapsed yet.

“They are lovers. What do you think they did?” Rarity seemed a bit irritated.

This wasn’t the part I meant…

“Look. I am not deaf. I am sure the entirety of Equestria could hear our new princess declaring her love for the blue rat." Rarity was playing dumb on purpose, and Applejack didn't like it one bit. "You know exactly what I meant."

What are you afraid of?

“I have no idea.” The white unicorn insisted. “She is our princess. If she wants us to know, she will tell us.”

She obviously doesn’t want us to know.

Why else did she only talk to Fluttershy?

"Applejack… You don't like her, but right now, you are being unfair to her. She isn’t some sort of supervillain-“

“Have you already forgotten her display! She-“

“I think you are the only one that has forgotten it!” Rarity snapped back. “Just leave her be!”

“Just leave her be!”

I can’t.

Not as long as she and her mother are standing between me and my family.


She called me Flutters….

It has been so long since anypony called me that.

In fact, only one pony had ever called her that.

Back then… the short time when things between us went well.

Back before, they destroyed our happiness for nothing.

There it was again.


Only this time, she really felt it.

If I had been an alicorn, I would have been able to secure our happiness as well!

They wouldn’t even have dared to hurt us!

And if they did-

“It’s not good to feel like this.”

“I know.”

“I am Isabella.” The changeling transformed into a yellow pegasus with an orangish mane, tail, and flames as her cutie mark. But you may also call me Spitfire if you wish. It’s my pony's name.”

Why did I feel like this… I don’t want to feel like this.

Fluttershy hadn't acknowledged her transformation at all, much to Isabella's concern.

Yet she already knew what was bothering the small filly. “You like Rainbow.”

“Yes, she is my friend.” Fluttershy tried to deflect.

“I… I know this might sound harsh, but if Twilight ever figures that out… the love she feels for that pony is not one that will accept any other pony to meddle.” The changeling could only imagine what the alicorn would do to Fluttershy should she ever suspect that the filly was trying to win Rainbow over.

I won’t.

What would be the point?

“You are wrong. I don’t love Rainbow,” Fluttershy insisted.

All I wanted was a friend.

And now I have two…

“I might be,” the changeling admitted. “But you do feel strongly about her.”

I do.

“She was my only friend.” The only pony that had dared to stand up for her.

An act that came with severe consequences for her hero.

“And now Twilight took her away?” Isabella was reading her like an open book.

She came out of nowhere…

Why did she get those visions? Why didn’t I get them?

“Rainbow isn’t mine. It’s not possible to take her away from me.” Fluttershy desperately tried to hide the nasty thoughts that were swarming around in her head.

Why am I destroying it all! Twilight wants to be my friend, too!

I can have two friends, and all I need to do is stop feeling like this!

“She did, didn’t she?” Why was it that ponies always burdened themselves with these issues?

As a changeling, Isabella couldn't understand it, despite having lived with them for so long.

“Rainbow is happy with her…."

“She is. But that doesn’t change the facts.” All the ponies needed to do was stop hiding.

Once their emotions were out in the open, the other ponies could be there for them, like the hive was there for her.

“I want her to be happy,” the yellow filly mumbled.

And admirable goal, yet it was missing one important factor. “But don’t you deserve happiness as well?”

Maybe I don’t.

Maybe I did something in my previous life that justifies this.

“Twilight said they were sorry. That they will make sure to treat me better.” The conversation had given her a giant burst of hope.

Hope that soon everything will get better.

Hope that quickly got consumed by doubt.

All I have to do is stay strong!

“I should give them that chance." Suddenly all the jealousy was gone again.

How ridiculous! I already know all the answers!

They are your friends and only want the best for you!

“Twilight… has her own agenda. I can see that from a mile away. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. We have it at well. But what you must ask yourself is, are you sure that her agenda is the same one you have?”

It is.

Without a doubt, it is.

“There are enemies that will try to twist you against us.”

The changeling could sense a sudden burst of hostility being directed at her. “I am not your enemy. Please don’t be afraid of me. I only want to help you.”

You wanted to kill Rainbow.

“Look. If you don’t want me to say anything else about this, then I won’t.” She had only wanted to lend a hoof and, in doing so, alienated the filly in an instant.

That would be best.

“I am a changeling.” At least she already had an idea of how to quickly fix the mistake she had made.

Weird... This is the first time I heard that word, despite my constant research about different species and animals.

“We are a race of shapeshifting... ponies.” She motioned to the disguise she had taken on. “This was the form I had back in Equestria. I will probably keep maintaining it. It won't make me an obvious target, and honestly, I like it.”

You look quite athletic…

Reminds me of Rainbow.

“Come on… say something. I know we can read emotions but maintaining a conversation like that sucks.” Isabella urged her.

You can read emotions?

“I am sorry. It’s just… It’s all a bit much.” And if Twilight was to be believed, it wasn't about to get any better.

“It’s ok.” Isabella lay a wing on her, trying to give her some comfort. “We may be in the same boat, yet we all have our own set of problems to deal with.”

That’s true…

Suddenly, a malicious grin appeared on Isabella’s face. “Don’t I look female to you?”


“Umm… Well…, you do now, but back in your changeling form-”

“When I talked, couldn't you tell from my voice?”

Why does it feel like you are trapping me?

“I am sorry if I offended you. I just didn’t want to assume. I checked you for injuries, so-”

“Oh! We have a winner!” The changeling slapped her on the back as if to congratulate her. “And here I thought Twilight and Rainbow would get a price for being early starters, you know, since they already slept together and such.”


“Pfff, for some reason, we always get you with that! You ponies really are easy to agitate!” Isabella laughed her head off.

Thank Celestia, that was a joke.

Instantly all her problems were forgotten, thanks to her mind now being preoccupied with trying to recover from the shock Isabella had given her.

“You ponies are simply too fun to tease.” The changeling wiped a few tears, trying to get herself in order again.

You ponies…

You don’t view yourself as a pony? I thought-

But before she asked that, she needed to confirm that it really was just a joke. “So… just to be sure, they aren’t-“

“Oh yes… it was quite the surprise when I walked in on them.” Poor Fluttershy. Here she was, giving Isabella all she needed for another round.

But Rainbow always was so embarrassed, even when I was only talking about animals…

“We don’t have this phase, so I didn’t really expect them to be together in the same bed, going about their business.” It actually was quite cute seeing those two together like that.

Yet Fluttershy had a completely different scene in mind, just as intended. “Oh my Celestia! Stop! I don’t want to hear it!”

No! Stop imagining it! You don’t think like that about friends!

“All right. But be warned, I haven't even reached the best part yet.” There it was again. A big malicious grin that was barely managing to hold back a barrage of laughter.

Why are you doing this to me! I will never get these images out of my head again, you pervert!

“Jokes aside. They were just sleeping together. Like normal sleeping.” The mare got her out of her misery.

But you were the one that implied…

I hate you so much right now.

Not really, of course, but…

“I still owe you an answer, don’t I?” By now, Fluttershy had already forgotten how they got to this point. “Since I already have fulfilled my inappropriate joke quota, I will make it quick. We have them to help us with disguising ourselves. Since us screwing up can cost us our lives, they have to be perfect in every way.”

Why not just say it like that directly? Why embarrass me so much…

She looked around.

At least nopony else saw it.

“And how do you determine your gender then?” Her interest had been piqued.

“We pick. After a short amount of time, we just know who we are,” Isabella shrugged. How was she to explain something that came naturally to her?


“And that always works?” Fluttershy asked.

“Who cares? We could always change our minds. Here.” Green fire engulfed the yellow mare, and just like that, there was a male version of herself. “It’s that easy.”


“And there aren’t any downsides?”

Isabella’s face darkened. “There are. But trust me, you don't want to hear about them. It will not only be awkward but also sad.”

“I-I promise I can take it.” Fluttershy desperately wanted to know more.

“I still am not allowed to tell you, though." And with that, the topic was closed for the changeling.

Not allowed to? But why?

Another wave of green magic changed Isabella back. “Now that’s much better.”

It’s fascinating how you still develop these… gender… categories? And that is despite not really needing them.

Is that our influence or a natural phenomenon?

“I can sense it. You are quite curious. Almost like Twilight was. I think you two would make a good research duo. Maybe try to talk to her. She and Rainbow have been learning about our history.” Although she didn’t know if they actually read the book they had been given.

“Umm. About your dis-”

“Mmmmh.” It wasn’t Fluttershy’s fault. She was the one who quirked the filly’s curiosity, and now she had just shut the door in her face. “Look… pretending can only bring us so far… I really am not allowed to go into any more detail.”

“Oh. I understand.” Fluttershy was taken aback by the sudden sadness that lay in the changeling’s voice. “I didn’t want to intrude.”

I should have respected-

Out of nowhere, something snapped. "No! You wanted to intrude! You seek information about us, but what you don’t understand is that your fellow ponies would use it against us in a heartbeat! Our disguises are the only things keeping us from being exterminated! What gives you the right! Why do you deserve to live, and we don't! I promise you without Celestia, we would have already-”

Isabella’s eyes glowed green for a moment.

“I am sorry that was unbecoming. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but you must understand that this information is vital for our survival.”

You wanted to say something…

Fluttershy looked back, making sure that the other ponies were still in sight.

I am not alone.

“Umm… If you don’t mind me asking, without the princess, you would have done what?" It seemed like an important piece of information they should be aware of.

“I was just speaking without thinking, fantasising about revenge… but you don't have to worry. I didn't mean it,” Isabella assured her.

That makes sense?

"Umm, ok… but why did your eyes glow green?”

“Oh. That's simply a side effect of our magic. They tend to do that from time to time. It is one of the main risks when we disguise ourselves.” The changeling tried to get her to move on.

Hold up!

It was to no avail. The filly was shy, not stupid. “If that was true, then why reveal that to me? You-”

Eyes glowed green once more. “There is nothing suspicious about this, Fluttershy.”

Nothing suspicious…

“It simply is one of the main risks.”

It is one of the main risks. Right.

“That’s why my eyes glowed green.”

“That’s why your eyes glowed green. Because of your magic.”


Once more, they did exactly that.

Instantly horrified eyes stared at the young filly.

Never before had Mother taken over her against her will.


What the buck is Fluttershy doing over there?

For a moment, she had considered speeding up and helping her out with whatever it was that was going on, yet she had decided against it in the end since she didn't want to wake up the purple alicorn sleeping on her back.

Near a rock farm! That mare always finds new ways to mess with us!

By now, it was nearly evening, and they still hadn't reached their destination.

Heh. Maybe I should learn from her.

Suddenly the commotion seemed to have stopped.

Looks like I won't need to help you out after all.

It couldn't have been too bad if Fluttershy didn’t come to get her.

Or have you decided to stand up for yourself?

“Hmm… Dashie?”

"Morning, Princess.”

“…are you going to keep calling me that?” Twilight rubbed her eyes. “Dashie… look around you. Princess of what?”

Princess of my heart.

“You are right. Empress suits you better,” Rainbow shot her a grin.

Yet Twilight didn’t seem too happy. "Dashie, I don’t want to be called any-“

“Twi. Those are just words.” She didn’t need to hear any more bad news. “They only matter if ponies believe them.”

And I do.

Also, if we know what is good for us, we should probably make everypony else believe them too.

“You are right, Dashie.” Twilight jumped off of her back. “Thank you for carrying me.”

“Don’t mention it.” Rainbow gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Doing so made me feel like I could do something for you as well, for once.

“So… Empress of your heart?” Twilight had the same thought she had.

“Your wish is my command,” Rainbow puffed out her chest as if she was ready to attack at her order.

“I can’t give my own Empress any commands,” Twilight kissed her back.

I don’t deserve this power…

Power over you.

“Dashie?” the purple alicorn noticed Rainbow's apprehension.

Luckily for the pegasus, a quick distraction came into sight. "Look! There is a farm over there!"

Fluttershy and Isabella stopped, waiting for everypony else to catch up.

Those two have gotten accustomed to each other pretty quickly…

Why is it you only have problems with ponies, Fluttershy?

“Ok, let's try to make a good impression and not cause any unnecessary trouble." Isabella mustered them with a stern expression. "Tomorrow morning, a few of my siblings will come to help us on the next step of our journey, yet for now, we could really use their place to rest."

Two fillies came rushing towards them.

…It doesn’t matter.

Even when I do everything not to cause any trouble, things still go south.

“Oh my Celestia! You are Princess Twilight! I can't believe an actual princess came to visit us! We must throw you a welcome-”

How do you know about Twi?

A weak and frail-sounding voice somehow managed to make the pink filly stop dead in her tracks. "I am sorry for my sister, your majesty. How may we serve?” The second filly bowed before her.

Yet, Twilights ignored her, captivated by the pink earth pony. “It’s ok. I think Pinkie is exactly what we need right now.”

That’s Pinkie?

“Pinkie…?" For a moment, Pinkie hesitated, looking around confused. Then she began jumping around enthusiastically. “Pinkie! Pinkie! Pinkie Pie! That’s so much better than Pinkamena Diane Pie! How did you know my name, princess? When did you come up with that awesome nickname?”

“Princess… may I ask you-”

“You may not. Her name is Pinkie,” Twilight glared at her.

“Of course, princess. Please forgive my insolence.” Marble may still have been bowing, yet they could see the sheer looks of terror directed at Pinkie.

You can’t just name ponies…

“Pinkie…” Twilight shrunk back upon seeing the disapproving expression on Rainbow's face. “Would you be willing to talk to me alone for a bit?”

“Okey dokey lokey.” The earth pony bounced past them into the distance, with Twilight following.

“So… may I ask why you are here? Why a princess is here?” Marble visibly relaxed now that Twilight was gone.

“We are… we just need to stay here for a night. That’s all,” Isabella assured her.

"Uh-huh. If that’s the case, we are happy to accommodate you.” The grey filly suddenly spoke a lot quieter.

“We will see about that.”


“I can’t believe you made Marble talk! I haven’t managed to do that for ages!” Pinkie was even more active than usual. “Not since she secretly accompanied Daddy on his trip to sell our rocks!”

You really seem impressed by that.

“What happened to make her not talk?” Twilight was trying to figure out how to explain everything to her.

Just don’t make this another Fluttershy.

Lay out your case and hope she will understand.

Understand like Fluttershy would have.

“She secretly accompanied Daddy on his trip to sell our rocks,” Pinkie repeated, giddily awaiting her reason for being here.

Did you not want to answer, or are you simply being Pinkie?

“Pinkie… you don’t know me, but I know you. Or At least I have many memories with you.” Twilight tried to sneak up on the real subject.

“Are you a psychic!” the earth pony exclaimed.

Am I a-

“No. I have received a vision with you and the other ponies that you have seen with me in it. Together we six will become the bearer of the Elements of Harmony and protect Equestria from upcoming danger,” she explained.

“Like superheroes!” Pinkie couldn’t believe her luck. A princess came to form some sort of superhero team with her. She was already imagining all of their adventures.

Some things never change.

It was refreshing to see such a carefree and happy display after everything she had been through. “Yes. Like superheroes.”

“My pr-”

“Twilight. Please call me Twilight.” It was already amazing to her that Pinkie even called her princess in the first place. She would have imagined her not caring at all.

“Okey dokey lokey, Twilight. Sounds way better than princess anyways.” Pinkie was all too happy to finally be able to stop referring to her by that title.

“It does, doesn’t it,” Twilight laughed. “Look, Pinkie, I need you.”

“I understand,” the earth pony nodded.

I see…

“You don’t. You want to leave this farm. That’s why you are happy to come with me. A chance to see something new." Looking around, it was all too obvious that this wasn't an environment for Pinkie to be happy in.

“…” Twilight had seen right through her, yet it wasn’t like she had tried to hide it.

“It's ok. I will pretend to your family members that I am forcing you to leave if that's what you want," she sighed. It wouldn't be too hard to play the bad guy if it meant helping Pinkie out. “However, before you do, you need to know what you are getting into.”

“…” Again, Pinkie stayed silent. This was what she had wanted, yet actually getting it felt deeply wrong.

“The vision I have seen… we failed. The world has become a dystopia. We can’t allow that to happen this time. This time we need to succeed, for there might not be a second chance.” How deep into detail should she go? At this point, all she could possibly accomplish was scaring Pinkie away.

“I don’t know-”

“You won’t be alone. We will be there with you. We will do it together.” Then again. It wasn't only about getting Pinkie to accompany her but also about making sure she would have her back.

“You think I can do it?” Some things could change after all. It had taken some time, but Pinkie managed to acknowledge the severity of the situation.

“I know you can, Pinkie,” Twilight assured her. “As long as you spread joy and happiness, the world can never become a dystopia.”

And I didn’t say that just because I want you to come with me.

“Thank you, Twilight.” Pinkie relaxed. Not only was Twilight going to take her on a big adventure, but she also wanted her to do what she realised was her life's calling.

“Pinkie… there is one issue, however.” Here it was. The point she despised yet needed to bring up. “I need you to stay by my side no matter what.”

“I… of course-”

“No pinkie. Not, of course. This is paramount. If you decide to start this journey with me, then I expect you to be loyal to me. No matter what it may seem like, you must stay by my side. You have to have my back…." Pinkie was no Fluttershy. Her face already told Twilight that she had messed up. “The truth is… we turned against each other in the future I have seen. It was a big reason for everything falling apart… it can’t happen again.”

You are going to say no.

“I don’t know if I can commit to that… no matter what?” Pinkie felt like running. This was exactly what she had been warned about.

“We can still talk to each other! You can voice any and all concerns you have! I just need you to… not stab me in the back if I decide to go forward with a plan despite your concerns…." Would the earth pony even still want to accompany her?

And would I be willing to do what I know is necessary if she doesn't want to come with me?

“Twilight… I honestly don’t know about this…” Wasn’t this what Pinkie had been warned about after all? Twilight sounded like a danger, yet everything else told her that she wasn’t.

Her ears alerted her to an evil pony, while her eyes reported a scared filly.

“I… understand. It was a lot to ask for anyway…” She couldn’t.

She just couldn't.

But what are the ramifications if I don’t?

She had to.

I am sorry, Pin-

Yet before she could resort to more forceful actions, Pinkie had chosen what to believe. “Why are you so scared? If you have good intentions, then-”

“What is good or bad often depends on who you ask.” Even to Twilight, it sounded like a bad excuse.

Not to mention that she was only prolonging the inevitable.

“Then what are your goals? Protect Equestria? Are you concerned that you might have to do something I would protest against?” That was what Twilight meant, right?

Though, weren’t heroes supposed to be strong and valiant instead of scared and depressed?

Wasn’t Twilight a hero if those were her goals?

“…“ The young alicorn’s head hung low, no answer coming out of her mouth.

“If it is the only way…” Pinkie offered. After all, heroes had to make difficult decisions sometimes, didn’t they? To secure the happiness of everypony else, it would be ok, wouldn’t it?

Protecting Equestria…

What if it doesn't line up with my goals after all?

“I want to do what’s best for us.” Twilight didn’t look up. She was fully aware of the gravity of her statement.

If protecting Equestria isn't what's best for us, then they must defend their home by themselves.

“But I thought-” Pinkie was confused. An Equestrian Princess that didn’t want to protect Equestria?

“We failed. We can try again, but this time I want to make sure we will come out on top.” Pinkie wouldn’t understand. The earth pony didn’t see what she had seen.

“That’s… not what I want-” How could they selfishly put their own well-being over those of everypony else?

I feared as much…

But maybe Twilight could still turn things around. “You want to sacrifice yourself for Equestria?”

“…no.” To her horror, the earth pony had realised that saying something and committing to it wasn’t the same.

That the young princess may have a point, after all.

The truth! You can still get her without any sinister manipulation!

“See. I will do the best that can be done without doing so.” Twilight assured her. “Pinkie… we will have quite a journey. A journey in which I would like to have you with us. A pony that cheers us up… a pony that can throw parties when we meet others, showing them that we mean no harm… you will see so much of the world.

“More than you could ever imagine….”

“We… will leave…” Once again, hearing it like that caused a storm of emotions to break out within her.

I thought we already established that at the beginning?

Then again. Wanting something and actually having an opportunity to get it was something entirely different. “Yes. And we will probably not come back for about ten years.”

“… that’s a long time.” And Pinkie had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to visit.

“I know. But what are you leaving? Your family…” Twilight felt like kicking herself.

Great point to make her want to stay.

But a point Rainbow had thought her to easily invalidate. “They would want you to be happy. Your country… it never cared about you. For it, you are just a lowlife earth pony.” It was time to fully trust future Twilight's knowledge. She knew more about this than her. “A pony that can never be allowed to rise up in society, always condemned to do nothing more than keep the system running, enabling those above them to keep living the easy life.”

“… it’s that bad?" Why was it that things hit differently when they were spoken aloud?

I mean… Yes.

I know it, Rainbow knows even more about it, and future me was in charge of it.

“Haven’t you seen it? Have you been to school?” Judging by the wasteland around her, the answer was obvious.

“No," Pinkie admitted, embarrassed. “But a teacher comes by from time to time.”

How disgusting…

How disgusting that I know why they did that to you.

And not only was it disgusting, but also concerning. How much did Pinkie know? Could she even properly read and write? “When was the last doctor visit?”

“I don’t know.” It wasn’t like they could afford one anyway.

I messed up… I should have waited and collected you when all of those things had been taken care of.

Then again, doing so would have risked Celestia killing you…

She would have to find other solutions. Solutions that would at least allow for Pinkie to get a quick check-up as well as basic education.

“Where is the nearest guard station?” Twilight didn't feel like going on, yet it was apparent that this was an effective strategy to get her point across.

“I… guard station?” Pinkie tried to come up with a picture in her head.

You don’t even know what I am talking about.

“How much money do you earn by doing this?” she motioned to the rocks surrounding them.

Quite a personal question, yet not really a secret. “Not much…”

If I continue, I will make you cry.

Maybe make myself cry as well.

Still, she pressed on.

She would continue to do so until she was certain Pinkie would leave with her. “Taxes?”

“Mom cries when Dad begins to talk about them… luckily it just happens once a year…” By now, small tears were rolling down her eyes.

…The nobility barely pays any…

Because we deserve it?

“To whom do you sell those rocks? How much do you get? How much do they get?” She had done it.

Pinkie wept in front of her.

“They get far more than we do. But we don’t have the means to sell directly… Dad tried once, but he c-came b-back h-heavily… they beat him bloody for trying.” What a horrible memory it was.

…Is that why your sister doesn’t talk?

…Is that why she talked to me?

Because she was afraid, I would do the same to you for your behaviour?

“…I am sorry to hear that.” Everything was even worse than what she had expected going in, and it was making her deeply sick. “I promise when we come back, we will be in a position to make it all better.”

“Is this all a system? Are we all treated like this… just because we are earth ponies.” Pinkie looked at the to her minuscule features that made the pony in front of her so much more valuable to society.

They can’t see it.

The consequences of their actions.

“No. By now, a middle class has formed. They have it better… but still way harder than the Pegasi or unicorns… not to mention nobility.” Earth ponies could have good lives… just not better lives than those in power.

I mean, you are good at menial tasks and form the backbone of our army, so they need to give you at least some respect…

“You are a princess! You-”

“I can’t. I am only a princess on paper. Princess Celestia is the one that controls everything, and she is already after me for what she considers is a rebellion.” Twilight shot her down.

That wasn’t a lie, right?

Technical truths do not count as lies, do they?

“…” The earth pony didn’t have any other ideas.

“Pinkie… I have nothing to add. Are-”

“I will help you.” What else was there to do but support the pony that would make it all better? The pony that had specifically come to her for help offering her what she wanted in the process.


“Yes. No matter what.” The conviction in her eyes was burning like fire.

I did it…

No lies… no outright manipulation…

And yet it still felt wrong to hear these words. “Thank you, Pinkie. You have no idea how much this means to me…" That was because she herself didn’t know. “I admit I sound like a terrible pony, but I-”

“You aren't a terrible pony, Twilight. You are frightened.” It really was astonishing just how different Twilight's voice sounded compared to her looks. “I see it in your eyes. They have the same look father had before he tried to sell our rocks by himself. A plan that we needed to work, yet he must have known was likely to fail.”


“I won’t allow this plan to fail, Twilight," Pinkie added. “I don’t want ponies to go through what we had to go through… I want a better future. I trust you want it to.”

“Thank you, Pinkie…." Finally, Twilight had accomplished what she had set out to do.

Finally, it was time to allow her own tears to escape.

Everything depends on what I do…

If I fail, this will never stop…

Pinkie gave her a tight hug. “It’s ok. You can let it out. I am here for you.”

I don’t even know what I am doing…

What’s my plan here?

“It’s not ok. I need to show strength.” Twilight brushed her away. “They will pounce on any display of weakness. They-"

“They aren't here, Twilight. Only we are, and I won't hurt you.” The princess was sad, and now it was her duty as a loyal subject to cheer her up. “Twilight, it's ok to show weakness. You can only hold it in for so long… Dad could only hold it in for so long… we all have them, and we all need to show them from time to time… and if we are lucky, we are surrounded by ponies that support us when we do…." Yet a party probably wasn't what Twilight needed, no matter how much she wanted to throw one.


You are acting differently than I remember.

“I am afraid Pinkie…." Twilight mumbled.

“It’s normal-”

Nothing is normal…

Normal never existed.

“I am afraid of losing myself… of falling once again…." She was just as much of a danger as the enemies they would face.

Maybe even more dangerous.

Pinkie gave her a confident smile. “I won’t let you… Is that why-”


“I see… then we will have to catch you before you impact the ground, won’t we?”


There always had been another way…

And yet had I followed it, I wouldn’t have you nor Twilight in my life.


"Have you realised it?" The mare snuggled against her even more.

I have.

You haven’t.

It was time for another story. "Many, many moons ago, there were two young alicorns.” Candy turned around, looking into the face of a young Celestia that played with her sister in the grass.

I failed you…

How disappointed you would be if you could see what you have become.

“Age has done you no harm at all. You look just as beautiful.” Candy stared at her with dreamy eyes.


“This scene is deceptive. Do you have any idea what they would have done to you and me?” No matter what anypony said. She knew the world she and her sister had created was better than the world that had existed before.

And at the very least, I will defend the small things we gave you, never allowing them to revert back to how they were before.

“Both… Is it because we love mares?” It made so much sense. Why else did the princess try to hide it so much, but deep ingrained fear?

Though, the fear was unjustified. Celestia was the most powerful pony Candy knew. She didn't need to be afraid to do what she wanted to do. “You-“

The Empress was gone, and yet for so long, I acted like she never left.

“I know,” Celestia acknowledged. “But I am not a goddess. I am simply a normal pony that benefited from a scientific project,” she sighed. “These things left marks I will never be able to get rid of.”

They would have tried to “heal” me.

And if I didn’t let myself get healed, then they would have killed me.

Not to mention that it was only a matter of time until my parents would have been expected to wed me to another noble family.

“You can’t imagine the world I lived in.” But she would try her best, regardless. “Equestria didn’t even exist at the time, and even if it did, I lived in a land far away that got reduced to ashes."

It all was necessary…

It all led me to this point…

I can decide how things go from here…

"I don't understand," slowly, a picture formed in Candy's head.

Oh, Candy…

“I wasn’t an Empress, I wasn't a Queen, I wasn't a Princess. I wasn't even part of the royal family." Was it really that hard for her ponies to believe she wasn't always an all-powerful ruler? "But I was part of the nobility. My father… he was her Minister of Public Infrastructure."

Daddy would be so disappointed in me for letting it deteriorate that much…

"It is my duty to make sure even the poorest among us get access to the same level of basic infrastructure as our very own Empress."

Even this she couldn’t accomplish.

"For what purpose!"

Because I need those bits should another war between Nightmare Moon and me break out.

Because if that happens, the economy will immediately collapse, and I will have to maintain a vast army at the same time.

But you immediately assumed that I am a greedy bad pony…

And the worst part was that this was probably better than her daughter realising just how scared of Nightmare Moon she really was.

“My sister Luna… she recognised first that the world we lived in was a world of darkness.” And as much as she hated to admit it, her sister was the one that was also in the right when the civil war between them started. "She somehow managed to get into contact with a resistance cell."

In the end, I was a sitting duck. There was nowhere left to run.

If I hadn't let her "cure" me, I wouldn't have lived long enough to finally become who I wanted to be…

“You…” This wasn't the past she had imagined for their princess.

“Yes.” How ironic it was that now she was the one ordering the death of rebels. "Luna managed to convince me to attend one of their meetings…." Because there was no way she would betray her sister. "They were all alicorns, just like me… and this is also where I met her.”

Yet who I wanted to be no longer existed…

When all was said and done, I was dead.

“I understand, now." Candy placed her hoof on her mouth. "You still love her.”

I do.


“Candy… she was the leader of the resistance cell… and after meeting her, I just couldn't turn back." This was the pony she had given everything for.

Everything but her life.

And now you would be at the forefront of the rebellion against me.

“What if she only used you?” Candy whispered.

Surprisingly Celestia took no offence. "Even Luna has insinuated it multiple times after her death.” And since Luna had known her before herself, she was probably right. "But now she is gone, and with her, the sole pony who could answer that question."

The only thing that is left is to remember you as the pony I know you were.

“Together we tried to overthrow the leader of the planet… there was no happy ending.” Or was there? Maybe there was still the possibility of a happy ending for her?



“Candy… I can’t face another loss.” It would be hard enough to see her die without them being together.

Candy had turned pale. “B-But y-you-“

"Ascension is a lie." Celestia crushed the poor mare once more. "It's magic as well as genetics, and my knowledge about genetics is nothing more but a five-minute rundown."

The ancients really were better at science than we are.

Magic has weakened us so much in their areas of expertise.

“Gentetic?” Candy was getting frazzled. “I can become-“

“Candy! If I could make you immortal, I would, ok!" Her eyes darted back towards the dead guards on the floor.

Maybe I would make all of you immortal if I could.

“But I can’t… The technology doesn’t exist anymore…” They had made sure of it. “We will never be able to recover it.”


“Another way?” There was another way.

There was always another way.

She wanted to take this other way.

I can make it happen.

But she feared the consequences.

It would only be once…

She is the only pony close to me left…

Surely the elements won’t have anything against it.

No, that was a lie. They would absolutely have something against it.

Buck that! I am the princess! I do what I want!

“It will hurt.” Celestia stared right into her eyes. “It can never be undone.

“Your life will belong to me.

“You will become a creature of darkness.

“You will never be the s-“

“Just do it.” Candy pressed her lips onto her own.

This is what she wants!

Candy twitched, stumbling back and falling onto the ground.

In shock, she looked at the deep wound that had formed thanks to a magic beam piercing her heart.

“Necromancy, Candy.”


“We will see about that.”

It was a very ominous statement that had put her right back on full alert.

It also didn’t help that the orange filly was immediately encased in magic, with the yellow pegasus mare assuring her that she was just joking.

Yet, her sister was still alive and seemingly unharmed. That was the most important point. “Pinkamena… what did she want from you?"

“You can trust her…. She doesn’t mean any harm, Marble.” Pinkie tried to ease her concerns.

I can’t.

Not after what they did to Dad…

What they did to me…

What they did to us…

“What did she want from you, Pinkamena? How did she know about you?” Her sister was naïve, and she feared the consequences of it.

“I… she wants me to go with her-”

There it was.

The bad news she knew would accompany the princess.

“We can’t allow that to happen! We will-”

“No. Don’t get into trouble because of me. Besides… she promised she would reward me great-”

How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth!

“They always say that! But they never follow up! We-”

“No. I… I want to go with her…." Twilight would have taken the blame, but Pinkie couldn't bear the thought of Marble thinking she was in danger.

“You… want to go with her?” she couldn't believe it.

After everything that happened you want to go with them?

After all the pain I have been through… Pain I thought we both felt... After all that, you betray us like this?

“Yes. Maybe this way I will be able to make an impact… a princess has come and asked for me… how often does that happen?” Pinkie offered.


You are naïve…

Though, I see where you are coming from…

It wasn’t like Princess Twilight was the one that hurt her. “I see… Are you sure? Once you are gone, you are on your own.”

She didn’t come with any guards…

They look like they are on the run…

Could it be you are onto something?

“She will take care of me… I just know she will.” Pinkie assured her. “We will go out there… I will spread joy around the world! Just think about it!"

The risk was too much.

She didn’t come with any guards.

Marble simply shook her head.

“They hurt Daddy!” Pinkie shouted. “And I know they did something to you as well!”

I didn’t think you noticed.

How can you act like this if you did?

“When I threw that party, I not only realised how unhappy I was, already formulating the idea of leaving in my head, but also that it was my duty to do everything in my power to help ponies forget these awful things that make their lives so unbearable.

“Help them be happy despite the issues that plague them.”

You never belonged on this farm.

“But now I see that this wouldn’t have solved the underlying problems! If I wanted to go down that route, I could have just asked Twilight to make cider free. It would have brought the same result!” How foolish she felt for thinking her plan would accomplish anything.


She had overshot. This wasn't about making Marble feel bad but trying to make her understand her viewpoint. “Twilight and I… we both want the same. We both want everypony to be happy.”

Yet you would leave us sad…

Leave me sad…

"Together, we will remove what makes them unhappy. We will heal them, not give them bandaids.

“That includes you as well.” Pinkie awaited her reaction.

Nopony can fix all of this…

There wasn’t any visible reaction.

“Marble! My original plan was born out of having no better alternatives! Now with a princess by my side, I really don't have any excuse not to try and reach for the stars!”

No! No! No! I won’t let you go!

Even if I don’t mean anything to you, you still mean so much to me!

You are my sister, and I won’t let you leave with these monsters.

Marble shook her head once more.

One day you will thank me for this.


The Pie family had quickly housed them in the best rooms they had to offer.

I am not actually tired, though.


“I didn’t lie to her, and I didn’t deceive her. She agreed regardless,” Twilight quickly told Rainbow.

“Fluttershy would have as well.” But at least Rainbow was happy to hear that she learned from her mistake.

I know.

“Twi… To be honest… I am quite tired.” Rainbow emphasised her statement with a yawn.

Of course… you carried me here all the way.

Me and our son.

Spike was already sleeping between them.

I know so little about you…

Future me didn’t raise you in those early years.

“Good night, Dashie… thank you for everything.” Twilight leaned over to give her a kiss on her lips.

A kiss Rainbow happily returned. “You made me the happiest pegasus on earth… Good night, Twi.”

Wrapped around each other’s wings, they both quickly found sleep.

Although one of them used a spell to cheat.