• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 28 - What We Want Most

Rainbow opened her eyes.

Where am I?


A purple wing held her in place.

A purple pony prevented her from moving one of her own wings, cuddling with it instead.


She was back in reality.


We cuddled.

We just stared at the night sky…

And eventually, they had started to fall asleep.

Somehow, you must have brought us here.

Maybe falling asleep like that on the deck would have been romantic. Yet, the cold night air and the unpredictability of a sea that could change at will posed a clear threat. What had started out serene could have easily turned quite dangerous for them and their little dragon.

Which is probably why she found herself on a bed in an unfamiliar rustical room.


I wonder where we will end up?

What life would be waiting for them once they left the ship?

What would it look like?

I just hope I won’t mess-

I did it…

I did it!

“I did it!” The blue filly screamed in victory. “I won!

“I got the element!

“Twi! Twi! I did it! Twi!” Rainbow focused back on her fillyfriend.

The purple alicorn looked like she was having a heart attack, suddenly sitting upright in their bed, completely caught off guard.

Spike didn’t look any better.


“Oops, ummm…” Rainbow muttered sheepishly.

Probably not the best way to wake anyone up.

Twilight let Spike crawl on her lap.

Yet she herself stared at her unmoving, the alicorn's eyes looking as if they were trying to pierce through her chest.

“Ok… I know you are angry, but I have a good reason-”


"Your neck." The purple filly’s wings slowly closed the distance between them, gently making contact with the new piece of jewellery that had suddenly appeared.



“Is that-”

“The Element of Loyalty, Dashie…” Twilight confirmed before Rainbow could finish the question. Yet it still felt surreal, causing her to do so twice in an effort to process the development that shouldn’t have happened. “That really is the Element of Loyalty.” Carefully, the young alicorn removed it from Rainbow, holding it in her wings, allowing them both to take a look at it. Her wings were ever so subtly shaking. “How did it get there?”

It actually…

It actually gave it to me?

Like, for real?

Not just in that void…

But also, in this world?

They both stared at it wide-eyed.


“Why do I get mine…

“Yet you didn’t get yours?” Wasn’t Magic supposed to already have chosen Twilight?

“No… But Dashie…

“You did it!” It shouldn’t be about her not having gotten her tiara. That Twilight was convinced of.

It should only be about Rainbow getting her element. About the amazing achievement she managed. "I am so proud of you, Dashie! We weren’t supposed to get them for years!”

That’s right…


“You managed to get it out of thin air, Dashie! Because you are the Element of Loyalty!"

I am worthy…

“No one but you, Dashie!” Twilight insisted.

No one but me! I am-

The purple filly pressed her lips on Rainbows.

I should have seen this coming, shouldn’t I?

Rainbow chuckled internally, leaning into the kiss.

“Congratulations, Dashie. You deserve this.” The alicorn gently caressed her cheek. “I am proud of you.”

You are proud of me?

I did it!

You are proud of me!

And it was because of something she did. Something she accomplished on her own.

Not because you feel you have an obligation but because I genuinely achieved something amazing.

Ok. So, technically, she didn’t do it entirely on her own. She wouldn't have been able to do this had it not been for Twilight telling her the elements weren't necessarily their enemies.

And additionally, Twilight, of course, would have always told her that she is proud of her, no matter what.

Yet, still, she only felt pure bliss at the victory she called her own.

A victory that was fully appreciated by those around her.

Not overlooked, like when I tried to do the right thing back in Cloudsdale.

"T-Thank you s-so so so much, T-Twi." Rainbow sobbed out of sheer happiness. "Twi, many things happened back when I slept."


I helped the future?

Well, she didn’t actually know if her attempt to help led to anything. However, without her, her future self would have probably done nothing further at all.

“What changed, Dashie? How did you convince them?” Even though Twilight couldn’t be sure, she made sure to emphasise that it was Rainbow that changed the element's mind. After all, how else would Rainbow be able to become Loyalty’s bearer?

I did that.

I helped you against gods!

There it was again.

That super exciting feeling that she did something special.

Something special for a pony she cared about.

A pony she had thought she would never be able to repay or protect.


Maybe I can genuinely help you despite not being an alicorn!

“Dashie?” Twilight got her attention again. “What did they tell you? And, for that matter, why do they only talk to you?” The alicorn couldn’t help it. While she was glad with what her filly friend had achieved, she found it very strange that only Rainbow got an insight into the Elements.


Why do they only talk to me?

The blue filly watched as Twilight put Spike back on the bed. The young dragon seemed to have quickly recovered from her outbursts of excitement, choosing to return back to sleep.

With him now back in bed, Twilight got even closer to Rainbow.

Oh, wow…

The moment was right. Twilight was entirely focused on her and still in awe of Rainbow's achievement. This would surely become a milestone in their relationship. And maybe they could now start discussing the Elements and figure out how to align their own goals with the Elements!

However, it was also at this point that Rainbow’s nose picked up a smell she was all too familiar with. The smell of a sweaty pony after physical activity.

Most others would have tried to ignore the unpleasant odour in this situation or maybe subtly hinted that perhaps the discussion should be postponed after refreshing themselves. But Rainbow being Rainbow, she was unable to resist the sudden opportunity for a good tease that had just presented itself.

“Augh, you smell, Twi,” she managed to tell her between giggles while pinching her with one hoof. "Bet you regret not showering now.”

The purple filly had not seen this sudden change in subject coming.

Taken completely aback, she instinctively moved backwards and started to smell her wings as well as legs, unable to decipher that the words weren’t meant to offend.


That’s not how I thought this would go ...

Rainbow had expected her to have a remark ready, but the alicorn didn’t.

Instead, she behaved more like when they first met. Morning Twilight was apparently not a pony ready to combat her sense of humour. That had to be the reason, right?

Seems like I messed up here.

However, instead of apologising, Rainbow decided that what had started this small mess was also the way out.

Demonstratively, she smelled one of her wings and soon pulled her head away in a way that was almost comically over the top. "Peh-hew. Oh wow. Nope. You are fine. That’s definitely me.”

Twilight stared at her huge smile. “Oh… I-I thought you meant…

“You are mean, Dashie,” she pouted.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come now, Twi. It was-”

“You are the reason we are like this in the first place. Remember?” Rainbow did remember.

Remembered how Twilight had flown her and how that wasn't even the main reason for Twilight and, as a matter of fact, also her own smell.

Remembered how they had flown through the sky, and she had, for some reason, decided that it was a good idea to assault that sensitive horn of the young unicorn.

A decision she, for some strange reason, didn't regret, yet couldn’t understand anymore looking back despite knowing it felt right in the moment.

Oh my…

Is it getting hot in here?

The alicorn was definitely awake now, directing a malicious grin at her. “But since we already smell anyway, there is no point in not doing this, is there?”

Oh no!

“Wait just a second, Twiii! Stop! No!” Yet it was already too late. Rainbow started laughing uncontrollably, being pinned by the purple filly in a tickle attack, with her attempts to leap for her freedom failing. “Twi! Mercy! Please! I didn’t mean to offend, your highness!”

The tickling stopped, but she was still pinned onto the bed, with the alicorn lying on top of her. “Well, my silly Dashie. Seems that you did so anyway, and now your princess demands retribution." Twilight whispered into her ear.


“Ummm…" Apparently, the purple filly wasn't the only one who wasn't up to speed in the early hours of the day.

Rainbow had no idea how to make a retort to what Twilight had said.

However, as much as she enjoyed the situation, being pinned by her favourite pony after all, there was one thought that started to nag on her mind.

“What are we doing right now, Twi?”


I kind of like this?

And yet, it still felt weird for reasons she couldn’t place.

Wide, open purple eyes stared right into her own with shock and just a hint of fear. “I... I-I don’t know…” Twilight stammered. Yet that wasn’t entirely true.

And so, Twilight forced herself to calm down and try again. “I mean… I do kind of know… but I just did what I felt was right? I-I didn’t think about what I did! And I also had no bad inten-”

A memory had resurfaced in Rainbow's mind: “Tell me when you are ready, and only then we will do this.”

Suddenly, she knew just why her question caused Twilight to melt down. "Hey! It's fine!” The blue filly nuzzled her. “I didn’t mean to accuse you… I was asking because I kind of felt weird…

“But in a good way.” Her wings enveloped the young alicorn that lay on top of her.

Rainbow felt the relief washing over her fillyfriend.

I fixed it!

I can’t believe you made me admit that, though, Twi…

And to make matters worse, with the fear gone, the alicorn was ready to pry the truth out of her. “In a good way?”

You really want me to say that, don’t you?

“Did I say that? I can’t recall saying that?” Rainbow feigned ignorance.

But the wings that had previously just enveloped the filly above her, were holding said filly firmly in place now.

“Oh well… then I am sorry. I promise I won’t do-”

“Don’t you dare not do this again!” The young pegasus booped Twilight nose. “Dangit! You made me say it twice. You will pay for this, you purple devil!” Rainbow teased her.

"I am sorry. Could you repeat that? Your purple devil didn't quite get that." Twilight struck out her tongue.

I brought this upon myself, didn’t I?

You win this round, Twi.

“I said I like… whatever this is exactly, ok?” Rainbow looked away, deeply embarrassed.


It is hot in here.

“Oh, Dashie.” Twilight glowed brighter than a star. “I love you.”

Everything was forgotten again. “I love you, too, Twi.”

Once more, their lips met.

This time, they stayed like that for a while.


It seemed that the alicorn wanted to repay her for yesterday sooner rather than later.

And yet Twilight was careful to keep her promise.

Gently, she broke contact with Rainbow's lips. “You are my hero, Dashie. You know that?” The alicorn continued to whisper loving remarks while moving down to her neck.

Your hero…

“My loyal angel,” Rainbow’s heart started to get fluttery once more as she was gifted with kisses on there as well.

Loyal angel…

“The first one of us to qualify.” One would assume that it would get uncomfortable at some point to have another pony lying on top of oneself.

Or at least Rainbow would have until now.

Yet the longer she felt Twilight lying on her, the better she felt instead.

The first…


Rainbow felt the sensation of Twilight's breaths on her fur, as well as the purple alicorn's quick heartbeat. “I didn’t want them as our enemy, yet I also genuinely thought it wasn’t our destiny anymore to become bearers, but you did it. You convinced them,” the loving voice continued to whisper praises that it somehow made sound like unquestionable facts.

I did the impossible…

The kisses her neck received began taking exchanges with nibling. Something Rainbow would have found weird if it didn't feel so good. However, she wasn't sure if it was due to the act itself or the purple pony doing them to her. "I told you that you are Loyalty. So loyal that you claimed it despite all odds. I should have given you more credit.”


“Twi… you-”

Rainbow's attempt to protest was quickly shut down. "Shh… don’t.

“Just accept my facts. What I am telling you is not just some kind reassurance.”


“You are the most amazing pony alive.

"With you, I feel happy.

“And I want you to be happy as well.

“I know you are troubled.

“But just let me take those troubles.

“Give me them and be free.”


By now, Rainbow also noticed that her, as well as Twilight's, wings had gotten stiff again.

Only for a moment did she give the alicorn a questioning stare.

“Just ignore them,” Twilight whispered in response. “Don’t let anything ruin this.

“Just be free.”

“I know you want to be.”

Twilight hadn’t said it, yet at the same time, she silently did.

I feel so… good.



Rainbow's body was still working overtime, trying to process an endless barrage of feelings, thoughts and sensations.

But for the first time, Rainbow didn't feel that they were out of place, but something beautiful.

“I love you so much… I don’t know what else to say…” Rainbow mumbled.

"No matter how much you say it, it will never cease to make me unbelievably happy," Twilight assured her. "You love me, and I love you, Rainbow Sparkle.”


Twilight slowly stopped.

There was no more movement.

Only simply cuddling, with Twilight holding her as close as possible.

This is perfect…

They wouldn’t be able to stay like this forever.

Which meant they had to enjoy it all the more while it lasted.


Candy opened her eyes.

Next to her was Celestia.

That was real, right?

“Don’t worry.

“I won't ever leave you. That is for certain.”


“Morning Candy…” The princess gave her a tight hug as if she was squeezing a plush she was used to sleeping with.


"Really, Candy?”

Shut up.

“I was worried about you…

“What happened?” The princess stared intently at her.

Regret lay in her eyes. “You told me earlier that something was wrong. I am sorry for not listening.”

“Celestia…” Candy began.

“Go on.”


“It is the dark magic… it is talking to me.” Immediately, the unicorn picked up Celestia’s surprise at the news.

“It is?” The princess seemed troubled.

Why are you surprised?

You thought it wouldn't happen because of what you did.

“I will look into fixing that as soon as possible,” Celestia assured her, getting up and starting to move around the room. “It is still dark magic, but I assumed I ensured it wouldn’t try to tempt you or influence you. I must have messed up somewhere.

“What did it say?”

Well… in a way, what you did worked?

Or did it?

“It told me it was trying to help me, not take over me…” The moment she said it, Candy realised that that didn’t mean anything at all. All of it could and most likely was an elaborate act. “I am unsure what it wants.

"In a way, it wants me to help you while also trying to twist me against you?" What should have been a statement came out more as a question.

“Who said that?”


You did.


You know how! Now silence!

“I see…

"It is trying to get to me by influencing you?" Whether or not that would be by making Candy influence her or turning the unicorn against her, causing her further pain, didn't really matter. "Stay strong, Candy. Remember your training until I have fixed this. Everything it whispers is a lie. Nothing but lies. Don’t believe anything, no matter how tempting or convincing.

“Never ever fall for it. Never ever let its voice become yours.”

“You are the ones lying! Lying to yourself! Denying the truth! Denyi-

You can scream all you want.

I won’t listen.

Celestia was right. She simply couldn’t trust it.

Consider what it said?

It would be foolish not to at least think about it if it could help her, so maybe.

But trust it, definitely not.

If you have nothing to say that actually helps, then shut your mouth.

“You will regret this.”

Threats don’t scare me.

“You haven’t noticed it yet, but you have already put all the wheels in motion to give yourself the biggest crisis of your life.

“Let’s talk when you face it.”

What do you mean by that!

Candy took a deep breath.

You are just trying to get to me.

She turned back to Celestia.

The princess had moved onto her balcony, raising the sun. The sight was majestic as Celestia stood there with outstretched wings in all her glory, her horn shimmering with power as it moved the celestial body. The colours of the dawn sky just added to it, painting a picturesque backdrop to this already beautiful moment. Candy wasn't sure she had ever seen something so breathtaking.


In this moment, some dark whispers didn't matter. All worries seemed to be forgotten.

"Celestia…" Never ever had she seen the princess do it right next to her.

At best, during the Summer Sun Celebration when she was part of the inner security detail.

The sun stopped moving halfway. “Go on,” Celestia encouraged her.

Can I?

I can…

As if in trance, she made her way towards her.

A wing was placed on her back.

Celestia’s wing. When the princess's horn reignited, she could actually feel the magic coursing through it. Never had she felt so connected to the one she desired most.

A question tried to bring her out of her musings. “What is it that it tempted you with?”

But Candy was still spellbound. As slowly as possible, the sun continued moving upwards once more in an attempt to make the moment last as long as possible.

One of the most breathtaking displays made even more special.

A display meant just for her.

And Celestia was making sure the duration of the moment would indeed be maximized to the greatest extent that it could.

I am right next to you…

You are raising the sun…

What a magical display.

How the city, as well as the lands below them, got slowly illuminated.

The beautiful dawn that one could only see for a few moments before it was gone again.

She had always tried to catch it, yet it had eluded her each time.

Now, it was on display just for her.

“Nothing,” Candy mumbled, trying to focus on the display instead.

“It will at some point. Don’t confuse what’s happening. It is waiting for the right time.” Celestia intently warned her. “It plays its cards slowly and carefully. What do you think it will offer you?”

What will it offer me?

"You?" However, how would that work?

It is destroying everything, so how will it ever offer me you?

“I doubt it.

“It won’t offer me. It never is that easy.

“Offering me would not cause enough destruction and suffering.” And that was the primary goal of dark magic. "Why do you think even the spell that saves life requires to kill first?”

What else could it offer me?


What did it offer you?

Celestia sensed the question. “It has been biding its time for a very long time,” she mused. “But it never has made an offer to me either.”


“It knows I would see through it. So, it continues to wait for the right moment, trying to slowly wear me down at any turn, trying to influence my decisions.” The princess spoke as if it was something normal one had to deal with.

T-T-Trying to influence your decisions?

“Don’t worry. I won’t let it influence me and definitely not succumb to it." Celestia assured her, though, for a moment, it seemed as if she had recalled something terrible.

However, that expression only remained there for a heartbeat before it was replaced with a gentle smile again. “Funny thing, though?

“I know exactly what it will offer me.”

You do?

What could be the biggest desire of their almighty ruler?

What could it be that Celestia wasn’t able to get right now?

“You won’t like it…


“I-I-I have been thinking about it many times during the years.” It sounded like the princess felt the need to admit it, yet at the same time, she didn't want to do so at all.

Anything you could want you could get right now, though?

“I promise I won’t judge,” Candy assured her. “We all have those nasty thoughts from time to time.”

Thoughts like wanting to take judgment into one's own hooves instead of relying on too-lenient judges.

Never broke protocol…

Always followed the rules…

It just so happened that they were really lax for her.

“I love every single one of you… right?” Celestia was beating around the bush.

I see…

“It's ok. We know you care about us all, in general,” Candy misinterpreted the meaning. “It is totally normal that there are exceptions-”


“That’s the thing.

"If I am honest to myself, then deep down, I don't think I have for a very long time."


Rainbow took a deep breath.

What a beautiful morning.

As it turned out, the weather hadn’t changed. And upon entering the deck, Rainbow was greeted once more by a clear sky and gentle sea with the sun already shining bright.

It’s all so peaceful…

And there was this beautiful smell. At first, she hadn't really been able to place it. But now it was clear. "The sea smells so nice, Twi,” Rainbow mumbled as she turned around.

Indeed, the alicorn had also just arrived on deck as well, with Spike in her wings. The young dragon may have been awake by now. However, he definitely would have preferred not to be, trying to snuggle into the purple feathers as much as possible. “It does?” Being wary of another possible tease, Twilight took a small sniff. “You are right, Dashie,” she confirmed after a few moments. “It really does. I hadn’t noticed.” The young alicorn gave her fillyfriend a gentle smile.

Yeah… we were so busy…

Rainbow visibly cringed as the thoughts of why they had been busy resurfaced.


You actually killed a creature…

You actually wanted to-

“So, let’s have some fun, Twi!” Rainbow shut the thoughts down.

But Twilight had seen her cringing. "Is everything ok?"



As always, the past was the problem. “I just… it was a lot, Twi.” They had time.

They could talk about everything that had happened.

Just not now.

“I understand, Dashie.” Twilight had moved from behind her to next to her, now, too, gazing at the endless water surrounding them.

Gazing at the horizon.

Nothing in sight for as far as they could see. Only clear sky.

No one can find us here.

Wasn’t this freedom?

Just them?

No one there to hurt them or trying to control them?

It has to be, right?

“Hey, Dashie!” Twilight brought Rainbow out of her musings with an excited smile on her face. “You are right, we should have some fun!" The alicorn jumped onto Rainbow's previous suggestion. "Let’s do something about our odour! You know? The one you complained about so much,” Twilight started giggling.

What do you mean by that?

Rainbow was unsure how that could be considered fun.

Also, there weren’t any showers around or bathtubs, as far as she could tell.

The look of confusion was very evident on Rainbow’s face, so Twilight decided to cue her in. “Lets swim, featherbrain!” Twilight started excitedly flying towards the railing, holding Spike in her hooves. However, the closer she got to the water, the more she could feel him move with apprehension in her grip, causing her to squeeze the little dragon even tighter, making sure he knew she would look out for him and ensure he would be safe.


I am an idiot.

Rainbow smiled to herself, thinking about how she missed the obvious answer to her question.

Of course, you meant the sea and not a shower.

There was an issue, though. "Hey, Twi!”

The alicorn stopped in her tracks, hovering above the sea, waiting to hear what was up.

This is stupid…

“I can’t swim.” Rainbow deadpanned.

And until now, I honestly didn’t think I would ever need to.

Even though they had stolen the ship, the thought simply never crossed her mind. Just as it had back in Cloudsdale, the need to learn it had never shown itself until right now. In fact, Rainbow wasn’t even sure if one could learn how to swim in Cloudsdale.

Which led to her having to admit that she couldn't. Something that she felt should have been evident to her fillyfriend, and which made her feel just a bit weak as well as embarrassed for having to say it out loud.

Though she probably wasn’t the only pegasus with that problem. In fact, there were probably lots of other ponies who couldn’t swim. Not everyone had a suitable lake or river near them, after all. Especially in a City in the Sky. A city made out of Clouds.

And things like pools were also pretty rare outside of Canterlot. So why exactly would her fillyfriend just assume that she could swim?

Actually… yeah. You should know I can’t swim.

“What do you mean? We both slept pretty well, and we haven't eaten yet. Of course, you can." Twilight stated matter of factly. However, that soon turned into teasing. “Or is my little Dashie suddenly afraid of water?” the purple filly started to giggle.

Not only was it the complete opposite of the response Rainbow had anticipated, but it also hurt far more than it should have.

This was the same confident voice that had praised her just a few moments before.

A voice she was sure knew her.

And now it showed that it didn’t?

“No, Twi I’m not. I really can’t swim.” Rainbow sounded desperate now.

“Are you sure?” The purple filly looked at her as if she really couldn’t believe that that was the case.

Am I-

Of course, I am sure!

“Yes.” Rainbow deadpanned again.

Only this time, it was out of sheer annoyance at the question.

“Future you, could. So-”

“But I am not future me, am I?” Anger was starting to replace annoyance.

I am not her!

We established that!

Rainbow bit her tongue.

It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal that Twilight had assumed she could swim if her future self could.

“But… don’t they teach you-”


This time, the thought was directed at Twilight. "Why would they?" Rainbow interrupted the young alicorn.

"Well, because-"

“You need it in a city of clouds? A city in the sky?” By now, Twilight had realised she had made her fillyfriend angry. Even if Rainbow managed to contain her anger relatively well this time around, the constant interrupting was a dead giveaway.

Desperately, the purple filly tried to come up with a good reason why exactly she had assumed that Rainbow would be able to swim just like her future self. "Y-You might move and then-”

“Such a skill might be valuable? Do you think they would make all the effort for the off chance? And how could we learn anyhow? There is no river or lake up there. Also, Cloudsdale is not Canterlot. We don’t have pools up there, as far as I know. Cloudsdale is not Canterlot, after all. You forget that not everyone is of nobility.” That definitely had come out way harsher than intended.

It’s the truth, though…

A truth necessary to tell?

Tell in this way?

“Look, Twi-”

“Then why did you know how to swim…” Twilight was staring at the floor, defeated.

Why did I know how to swim?

Rainbow had a feeling her fillyfriend already knew what she herself knew to be the reason. “Maybe it was a skill that Celestia knew or at least suspected would come in handy for a bearer.”

How else would I have learnt it?

“Is that really the only answer?” Twilight whispered, even more dejected.

An immediate affirmation made the young princess wince. “It’s the most likely.”

Of that, Rainbow was convinced.

The young alicorn started to trot towards the door, her mood now wholly killed. "I am sorry for assuming… I-I will fetch a bucket or something…"

“Hey…” Rainbow placed a wing in front of her, preventing Twilight from getting past her. “Yes… you assumed… and that…

“It hurt, ok?” Rainbow confessed. “But I didn’t mean it like that… I-I-

“I didn’t intend to hurt you back.” It just so happened.

In fact…

I always hurt back, don’t I?

For the first time, she picked up on the pattern she had made her own.

Trying to hurt the ones that hurt her more.

As if it was a contest.

B-But I don’t want to hurt Twi!

She didn’t mean to!

And… do I even want to hurt ponies at all?

"Thanks, Dashie." The alicorn looked up at her. “I just… I had no right to assume that…

“I-I really don’t know you. Not truly." Up to this point, Twilight had still assumed she knew her fillyfriend.

But by now, it was clear that she not only didn't know her but also had no right to just assume Rainbow was the same as the pony she had seen in her vision at all.

Twilight had repeatedly reaffirmed that she loved the filly in front of her. Not the mare in her vision.

Only she had yet to fully act on those words.

Because actions speak louder than words, as the old saying goes.

I don’t really know you either.


“No, Dashie.” The purple filly stopped Rainbow in her tracks. “Yes. We kind of know each other… we went through a lot in a very short amount of time. And I love you…

“But I want to know you. All of you. Truly know you." A loving smile was back on Twilight's face.

Did anyone ever ask that?

To truly know me?

And… what even is there to know?

“Heh. Well, to be honest, there isn’t much to tell.” Rainbow slipped into her usual routine for when she needed to introduce herself. “I am Rainbow Da-Sparkle! The most awesome-”

Ok… that’s not what you wanted to hear.

She had kind of expected it. And Twilight's condescending stare only told her she was right on the money. “Well, what do you want to know, Twi?” she tried again.

“I want to know you, Dashie!” Twilight repeated herself. Yet, uncertainty had also sneaked into the purple fillies voice this time around.

Do we…

Do we not know how to tell about ourselves?

Could it be so hard to tell someone about who you really are?

Apparently yes. “Twi… there really isn’t-”

“No… I know there is, Dashie. Don’t say that.” Of that much, Twilight was certain. Though, maybe it would be best for her to start first. "Let me begin, ok?" Twilight attempted to muster the full force of the excitement she had just a short time ago when she wanted to swim.

“Sure. Go for it.” Rainbow cheered her on, even if the blue filly had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t end well.

“Ok. So, I am-” The introduction ended earlier than the blue filly could have predicted even in her wildest dreams. “Forget it,” Twilight groaned.

Why couldn’t you even get your name out?

Oh I see …

Yeah… Ruler of the sun…

Eternal night…

And Twilight to help mend the day and night...

Your name is basically your purpose, isn’t it?

Not the most optimal way to name your child.

Then again. Naming after looks is dumb as well. As if our names are product descriptions…

Maybe not as bad as the reason Rainbow suspected Twilight got her name, yet the blue filly couldn’t help but feel a bit… constrained by it.

Yes… it’s good that I didn’t dye my mane in the end.

And I suppose I like my name…

Yet it still made her wonder.

Was it a good idea to name by looks?

“I love to read and study magic.” The blue filly was snapped back into reality. Much to her surprise, Twilight wasn’t finished after all. “I suppose, though, that by the end, all the books I did read were about magic."

“How does it work?” Rainbow interjected.

I never bothered to think about it, did I?

Was it a mixture of faith and skill, like flying?

“How does what work?” Twilight asked.

“Magic, egghead. How does magic work? What else do you think I meant?" Rainbow teased her.

“Daaashie!” the young princess whined, blowing up her cheeks in mock exasperation, and Rainbow could have sworn Twilight's head seemed more round now than before.

However, the purple filly quickly realised that now she had an opportunity to not only talk magic but also teach it to her beloved fillyfriend.“

And that was an opportunity Twilight certainly wouldn’t let pass.


"Deep down, I don't think I have for a very long time."


“For so many centuries, I have been running around doing my best to ensure that everycreature has the best life possible.

"But not because it was my idea or because I had the desire to sacrifice my existence for that.

“I did it because the empress told me to do so.” The duty she felt to honour that wish had been strong.

But the more misery she felt, the more she questioned it. “Everything I have built has been built to ensure the greatest level of control possible.

“To make sure there wouldn’t be any more great wars.

“No inventions that will destroy our world.

“All I've built up is there so that I can ensure we all live in harmony with our planet.” What a mammoth task it was.

Yet, with her sister as well as an endless amount of time, she had succeeded.

That’s… good…


“I did all that when all I wanted was a peaceful life with my sister.” However, that was impossible. “Yes. At first, being able to rule was fun, yet you quickly see that it is a curse.

“You always need to watch your back. Always need to uphold the image you have crafted.

"You can make decisions, but they will constantly be scrutinised to the greatest extent possible. And if that is the case, can you truly make decisions?

“In the end, no matter what, never will everypony, not to mention all the other creatures, be happy with you.” And she was deeply tired of it all. “Yet, taking a step back is no option either. We have seen what happens if I do." A power vacuum ripe for corruption and abuse. “I could leave entirely. However, then I risk the world around me turning against me. Not to mention it getting back on the path of certain doom that it has already walked so many times. In that regard, the empress was completely right. And even if I am an all-powerful alicorn, a planned doomed would affect me as well in the end." And so, she had asked herself the question over and over again.

The question Candy was asking herself right now. A question whose horribleness became apparent as soon as it entered Candy's mind, but that still could not be denied.

What if there were no other ponies?

No other creatures?

“You can’t.” The unicorn pleaded. “T-They don’t deserve this.”

You can’t want to commit a planet-wide genocide!

“I know… but I have no doubt this is what I will be offered.

“The ability to finally have nothing to worry about. No one else to care for anymore.” Only those she really did hold dear.

I can’t believe that those are the stakes…

This is even worse than Nightmare Moon!

Eternal night. A catastrophic scenario that might just kill them all.

But this would definitely kill everypony around her.

“Fear not, Candy. I won’t succumb to it.” Or at least Celestia knew that if she did, she wouldn’t care anymore anyway.

But you will…

You will…

And… it is my duty to not only protect you but also serve you…

I don’t know what I would do if those two tasks conflict with each other!

How far I would go!

I… I…

I can’t handle this…

Last time she couldn't handle something, innocent ponies died.

Come to think of it, those ponies did have loved ones, too, didn’t they? And they weren’t even enemies.

“Celestia! This isn’t ok!” Candy snapped. “We need to protect them! This is what you taught me!”

What have I done…

"Those with power have the responsibility to use it wisely.

"To protect those around them. The many ponies who can't protect themselves."

She could see that the princess wasn’t all that happy, that she had been snapped at. “Candy-”

“No! Look at me! Stop! Stop forcing-”

"No." Magic snapped the unicorn's mouth shut. "I can handle it. You can’t.”

I-I can…

I can’t either. But this isn’t about me.

“I won’t use any more dark magic. The little bit I am exposed to, by keeping you here and your mind clear, I can handle.” Any protest would be futile.

If only I wasn’t the only one around you…

If only…

The magic hold was released from her mouth. “Luna, Twilight and me?” Candy gently inquired.

“Yes,” Celestia confirmed. “Maybe some more ponies, but you three would be the most important.” However, she doubted that even the most powerful magic would be able to gift her with a happy life involving them all.

I am tainted…

Luna gone…


We need Twilight.

To keep Celestia safe, Twilight would need to return. Something Candy was more than willing to help facilitate. Yet there would be little sense if Twilight did not return of her own will. She was supposed to support Celestia, after all. So, Candy had to know more.

“Why did Twilight even leave?” Getting the young alicorn back needed to be Equestria's number one priority.

“It's complicated…" And at least half of the reason would make Celestia look worse than she cared for at the moment. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Your current plan is to keep her away from you…

I will…

For you, I will need to get her back here! Even if you don’t want that!

To protect you!

Before Candy could go on any further, both pony's attention was drawn towards a flash of light that illuminated the nearby table.

Celestia walked over to it. The table was cluttered with scrolls, one still moving slightly, having just arrived.

Document after document was illuminated in magic, unrolled and hovered before the princess. With seemingly only a glance, Celestia was able to skim through each scroll, which afterwards was cast aside.

About 20 or so were left.

Is this how you handle them every day?

Candy noticed how the princess was reading one that had the insignia of the EBI on it.

Weird... I don't remember anything scheduled to be sent to her.

Cold eyes turned to Candy as they had seen similar reports hundreds of times before. However, they quickly turned to pitying eyes upon coming to a rest on the unicorn. “There has been an incident. We lost ponies. Some of them under your command.”

I-I-I lost ponies?

I lost ponies!

The unicorn couldn’t believe it. “How many…” she asked with a trembling voice.

They are my responsibility…

How could I let this happen…

Why! Why! Why!

Why again!

“Twelve.” The answer was almost nonchalant. After all, Celestia had seen countless ponies die, with many of them under her direct command.

But the young mare in front of her hadn’t.

“T-T-Twelve…” The world around her was beginning to spin.

Candy couldn’t remember if the EBI had ever lost that many agents at once in its history.

Only one question was on her mind.

“Who did this…” Anger began coursing through her.

Celestia seemed hesitant.

“Who did this!” Without thinking, the report was jerked away from the alicorn, catching the princess by complete surprise.

Yet the unicorn's desire to know was just too strong, resulting in Candy momentarily paying no mind to her behaviour towards Celestia. She simply needed to know what exactly had happened and who would do such a thing to the ponies she was directly responsible for. So Candy quickly began reading.


EBI Top Secret – Highly Urgent – For the Princess's Eyes Only

- Fort Baltimare Destroyed in Attack by Nightmare Moon Loyalists – Acolyte Presumed Dead – Severe Losses within the Equestrian Security Services-

-Detailed report to follow as soon as possible-

Today at 1:30 a.m., the Baltimare ESS office received an anonymous letter that at 2 a.m., Fort Baltimare was to be attacked by a group of highly trained soldiers led by the acolyte. A description of the acolyte’s current disguise was given with it.

Attempts to warn the fort failed at first, and so the ESS requested all available forces to help defend it from a possible attack as well as aid in the capture of the acolyte.

The Baltimare EBI office was informed at 1:44 a.m. and deemed the tip credible. The agents available at the time joined the first response team. In total, there were 16.

At 2:08 a.m., contact with the fort could be established, warning of the attack.

At 2:10 a.m., confirmation of an attack was received.

At 2:12 a.m., the first response team arrived at the fort. Information from here on is still being verified.

The first group to arrive consisted of pegasi flying towards the fighting while the remaining unicorns and earth ponies attempted to secure the perimeter, moving inside through the available entrances. Surviving witnesses reported that the acolyte attacked the first group, cutting down two EBI Agents, trying to render assistance to the soldiers within the fort and opening fire on other accompanying forces.

Recovered bodies seem to validate the reports.

From here on, the acolyte drew attention to herself, enabling the soldiers accompanying her to retreat. At the time, she was deemed the highest priority, causing her to succeed in her attempt.

An in-depth report is still being compiled. However, strange behaviour was noted by the survivors, contradicting previous behaviour patterns of the acolyte. Most concerningly, the outlined willingness to put herself at the centre of attention, neglecting to use lethal force when possible and passing up opportunities to flee or hide.

It is currently believed that this was done to cause as much damage as possible.

Once all of the first responders had entered the fort and her own soldiers were gone, the acolyte fled into a storage facility, holding explosives as well as weapons containing concentrated magic, setting them off.

The explosion, as well as the following fire, resulted in the complete loss of Fort Baltimare. The estimated time of it was 2:20 a.m.

However, it is also believed that the acolyte perished since the ESS agents at the scene, together with our EBI agents, had managed to get an anti-teleportation field working. Just before the explosion, a teleportation attempt from the fort armoury was being registered, the last place the acolyte had been confirmed to be in. The attempt was followed by several more increasingly frantic ones. But all were successfully blocked. Due to the facility only having one entrance/exit, it is unlikely that the acolyte survived. Currently, our agents are analysing the rubble to confirm or disprove the theory.

Of the 16 agents, 2 died due to the initial attack, while 10 were killed in the explosion.

It is noted that most of those who died were non-unicorns, unable to form a protective shield.

The ESS reports 14 dead ponies.

The Baltimare police force reports 4 dead officers.

The Equestrian military confirmed the deaths of 6 soldiers accompanying the first responders as well as 28 soldiers stationed at the fort. In total, the losses of the army are estimated to be 132.

Due to confidentiality, the military has refused to disclose any details on equipment loss.


EBI Deputy Director Cherry Cake on behalf of Director Candy.


The acolyte…

Again, it was her.

"We need to finally deal with them!" Candy screamed, enraged. “They had no right to do this!”

In her hooves, the report turned to ash.

What the-

“Careful there.” Celestia stared at the remains. “It is my magic that flows through you, and since it is linked to the sun, things like that can happen."


Just great…

One more thing to get used to.

But for now, I have more important things to deal with!

“We can’t ignore this anymore! I implore you! We must take action-”

"I will talk with my general staff about it. I won't hold back anymore. I promise,” Celestia assured her.


The unicorn had expected more of a fight.

After all, even if the rebels themselves had no idea, the princess had protected them for what seemed like an eternity. Though only a few knew of this fact, and even fewer why.

What you asked me…

You have made a choice between them, didn’t you?

You chose Twilight, didn’t you?

Which meant there was no longer a reason to do so.

I wanted to go after them... but not like this!

Your sister meant so much to you!

Everything was starting to get out of control.

“Candy… You are right. I need to deal with this…” An attack like this could not be ignored.

Ponies were surely already whispering about it.

And I need to deal with that, too…

“Before I leave, though, why did it say that the report was written on your behalf? There is no way that you could have told Cherry to write it.” In a rare turn of events, a suspicious glance was directed at Candy.

Just my luck…

How could her deputy director have known that she spent the entire night with the recipient?

Another thing to be mad at the acolyte about.

“I guess she was just being nice. She probably didn’t want to throw me under the bus.

"They probably tried to get a hold of me but couldn’t. After everything that happened, with me disappearing two times in a very short time period without explanation, she probably didn’t want to make me look even worse by admitting I was missing again.

"She doesn't know, after all, that you aren't truly mad at me and caused my second disappearance." Candy managed to quickly conjure up a convincing enough explanation.

Cherry is a good pony…

Who knows. Maybe this is even the truth?

"You are fortunate with her then, Candy. You should thank her." Celestia accepted her explanation.


I am, am I not?

“Wait!” She remembered why she had come in the first place. “I wanted to go over a few things with you.” However, now, there was no time anymore. “I realise that I won’t be able to, but there are two things I would still like to quickly talk about anyway.” Everything else could be addressed later.

“Sure.” The national crisis could wait a few more minutes for the princess of the sun.

“Where will I stay now?” Candy blurted out.

I asked you to ignore a national crisis to answer this?

That sounded stupid, did it not?

“Where do you want to live?” Celestia asked in return, seemingly not minding the question. However, she was also done playing pretend and acting all prim and proper for everypony. “I actually would like you to stay here,” she admitted.

I get to live in the castle!

“Gladly.” Candy was beaming.

With her! I get to live with her!


She didn’t even want to talk about the second thing anymore. Ending the conversation on this high note was just too tempting.

Yet Celestia already knew that she wanted to ask two things. “And the other question?”

“I need to go to Manehatten for an investigation. I just wanted to let you know.” As expected, the princess wasn’t happy.

But it wasn’t like this was the first time she went there. “Be careful, ok?” Celestia gave her blessing. “In addition to the reasons you know about, also because of what happened with the acolyte.

"This time, if someone wants to harm you, please remember to call for me.

“Please use the magic you know you have now if that happens.”

“I will,” Candy vowed.

“Good." For a moment, the white alicorn seemed to not know what to say. “Try to get back in one piece, Candy.”

The unicorn saw how the princess lowered her head towards her forehead.

A kiss was placed on it. “I will miss you, Candy. Be back soon.”

With that, Celestia left.

Dreamy eyes looked where she had just stood.

They didn’t even care that all instincts were telling them that this still was a kiss a mother would have given their daughter.

Comments ( 13 )

“Ups, ummm…” Rainbow muttered sheepishly.

"Oops" would be the correct spelling for that.

Her wings were ever so subtly shacking. “How did it get there?”


“You did it!” It shouldn’t be about her not having gotten her tiara. That Twilight was convinced off.


“Don’t you dare not do this again!” The young pegasus booped Twilight noose.


For the first time, she picked up on the pattern she had made her own.


“But I want to know you. All of you. Truly know you." A loving smile was back on Twilight's face.

Woot! He'll yeah! Talking about their desires and emotions! Yuss!!! That's healthy communication right there!:twilightsmile:

You can’t want to commit a planet-wide genocide!

Ooh! Celestia is thinking about Omnicide now? How interesting.:trollestia:

Eternal night. A catastrophic scenario that might just kill them all.

Actually according to the show, one of the alt universes Starlight made had Nightmare Moon in charge with eternal night and ponies were doing just fine. They ever offered tours of the royal castle in everfree Forrest. Just, ya know. Dash had a buzz cut which is kinda cursed but at least she was still badass.


What's up with this? I've seen it in a lot of stories. It's very intrusive when using the auto reader function. I get that its meant to signal a scene change or a change in subject matter but why not just put in a [...] to signify it? That's what me and Daelyx do at least.

"You are fortunate then with her then, Candy. You should thank her." Celestia accepted her explanation.

You should probably take out one of the "then"s

They didn’t even care that all instincts were telling them that this still was a kiss a mother would have given their daughter.

I have some things to say about this but I'll pm you about it.

Overall, I loved this chapter! There was genuine character development, Dash is getting better at controlling her actions and emotions, and TwiDash are communicating properly. Also it was nice to have the reminder of what happened with the Acolyte and the relationship between Candy and Celestia.

Great to see a new chapter, it’s been a while! I really like that the focus was mainly on Twilight and Rainbow and I hope that remains true for the future entries. Overall a very enjoyable chapter. Any chance that you know when the next chapter will be posted?


Actually according to the show, one of the alt universes Starlight made had Nightmare Moon in charge with eternal night and ponies were doing just fine. They ever offered tours of the royal castle in everfree Forrest. Just, ya know. Dash had a buzz cut which is kinda cursed but at least she was still badass.

Raises the question, what's worse? Rainbow with a buzz cut or omnicide? :rainbowlaugh: :trollestia:

Glad to hear you liked the chapter :twilightsmile:
Also... looks like some things still managed to slip through :twilightsheepish:. Thanks for pointing them out :raritystarry:
And I changed it to "[...]". I don't use the auto-reader function, so I had no idea it was an issue :facehoof:

Thank you so much! Happy to see you sticking around :twilightsmile:
This one really took a while for reasons that partially elude me :twilightsheepish:. And I do hope that I won't take as long for the next chapters :raritywink:

I managed to misspell this 3 times in the same chapter and only there :twilightsheepish:
Dunno what I was doing there :derpytongue2:
Glad you caught it :twilightsmile:

Just make sure they actually repay you one day :scootangel:

Just because you throw a bunch of words in there, that doesn't mean it's a sentence :rainbowlaugh: :trollestia:

Fixed them all. Thanks :twilightsmile:
I repeated many of those mistakes in several places :twilightsheepish:

All fixed :pinkiehappy:. Thanks for continuing to point out those mistakes :twilightsmile:

Oh I fully intend to collect with interest :trixieshiftright:

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