• Published 12th Feb 2023
  • 429 Views, 8 Comments

Fun Time Valentine's Day - AmethystMajesty25

Love is in the air in Canterlot City. How will this day unfold for Fun Time Rush?

  • ...

Chapter 1 (Part 1)

On a Friday afternoon, Beryl hid in the bushes, wore his tree hat and looked through the binoculars to see Mulberry Cascade on the bench, reading a magazine.

He contacted through his walke-talkie, “This is Tree Hat. I repeat, this is Tree Hat. Is everybody in position?”

Mind Tempo, disguised as an old lady, replied through his walkie-talkie, “Helpless old lady, ready.”

Diamond Glow, disguised as a purse snatcher, hid behind the fountain and replied, “Purse snatcher, good to go.”

Then, Virtue walked behind the bench, disguised as a gardener, placed the flower vase next to the flower bed. “Flowers are locked and loaded.”

“Copy that,” Beryl acknowledged. “Operation get Cloudburst a girlfriend is underway.” He then went to check on Cloudburst, who was feeling nervous.

Cloudburst sheepishly told him, “I'm nervous.”

Beryl calmed him down, “Look, girls love heroes. So, punch out the mugger, give granny her purse back, then grab the flowers, and give them to the pretty girl. And boom! Instant girlfriend.”

“Got it,” Cloudburst understood.

“Good luck, lover boy.” Beryl went back to his hiding spot with his sister until Rarity appeared with her tree hat on.

Rarity asked them, “Whatcha doin' darlings?”

Virtue and Beryl were surprised to see Rarity beside them, startling them. He asked, “Where'd you come from girl?”

“What are you doing here?” Virtue asked.

Rarity explained, “I was on my way to the mall until I saw you guys spying through the bushes. What are you up to this time?”

Beryl answered, “We are planning to get Cloudburst a girlfriend.”

“Aww, how romantic. I want to see how it goes.”

“Well, you're in luck,” Virtue informed her and the plan was ready to be put into motion.

“Caw, caw-caw!” Beryl shouted like a bird, and the operation was underway.

Diamond put on the ski mask and waited while Tempo pretended to walk like an old lady.

Tempo said in his granny voice, “Oh, I'm so old and frail. And look, my purse, it's just so full of money.”

Then, the purse snatcher emerged and grabbed the purse. “Gimme that purse!”

“Stop it! Help me!” Tempo shrieked

“Give me your purse!” Diamond demanded.

While Mulberry witnessed the scene unfold, Cloudburst appeared to save the day and rushed over to the scene. “I'll save you,” Cloudburst vowed and grabbed the purse while Mulberry was amazed.

“Thank you so…” Tempo said until he got punched by Cloudburst.

Virtue, Tempo, and Rarity winced while Mulberry as Cloudburst gave the mugger flowers. The three spies signaled Cloudburst to stop as he presented Mulberry the purse. The three spies facepalmed and Mulberry ran away, screaming.

As Tempo got up, Beryl informed everyone through his walkie-talkie, “Yeah, we probably should've rehearsed more.”

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh!

Diamond took off his mask and Cloudburst took the flowers back and presented it to Tempo.

“Really?” Tempo asked while Diamond rolled his eyes.


Make it count

Play it straight

Don’t hold back

Don’t hesitate

[Diamond Glow]

When you go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Whatcha want

Whatcha feel

Never quitting

Make it real


When you roll Fun Time


Oh woah!


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Listen to your heart now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

[Diamond Glow]

Don’t you feel the rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Minutes later, Cloudburst felt miserable and sat down on the couch in Tempo’s house. “I'm never gonna get a girlfriend.”

Cloudburst turned on the TV and the news anchor announced, “And do you have a girlfriend?”

“No!” Cloudburst weeped.

“Then take her to see the movie, The Sketchbook, which opens tonight. It's the story of a passionate, young male artist who falls in love with a down-and-out chef with a recipe for romance. It's a film so romantic that if you're not smooching in the aisles, you're dead… or alone.”

Cloudburst groaned as Beryl entered the room and took the remote controller to turn it off. He told him, “If you sit here feeling sorry for yourself, you're never gonna to get a girlfriend.”

“But I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm lovable.” He motioned his hand around his face, telling Beryl that he can be a lovable guy.

Beryl continued, “Which is why you have to keep looking. A girlfriend's not just gonna walk in the door and say "Hey, let's go on a date tonight." Right?”

Suddenly, Shining Star opened the door and told Beryl, “Hey! Let's go on a date tonight.”

Cloudburst dropped his jaw and pointed his finger at Star, seeing that Beryl’s example worked.

“Okay, bad example,” Beryl apologized.

While Cloudburst screamed, Star informed Beryl, “I printed out two tickets for The Sketchbook. Pop Pony gave it five smooches on their make out meter.”

Cloudburst groaned sadly again.

“Then print two more...” Beryl suggested her. “Because we are going to a double date tonight with Cloudburst.”

“I've never double-dated before,” Cloudburst gasped in excitement.

“Great, Who's his date?” Star wondered.

Beryl answered, “We have to find him one.”

Shining Star noted, “Of course we can find Cloudburst a date.”

Cloudburst put on his helmet, “I'm ready.”

“Yeah, let's leave the helmet here,” Beryl suggested.

“Can't do that,” Cloudburst rebuked.

“It's for your own good,” Star told him.

Beryl agreed, “It is.”

“No. Stop it. Stop it.” Cloudburst warned them as his two friends approach closer. “Chicks dig the helmet!”

The two tried to take the helmet off from Cloudburst until they all fell down.

Meanwhile, Mind Tempo was still dressed in his granny disguise and sat down on a chair at the community center, video chatting with Watermelody on the phone.

Watermelody chuckled while grabbing her belongings, “Well, you even look cute as a grammy.”

“Why, thank you, deary,” Tempo replied in a granny voice.

“My family and I are ready to hit home after visiting my grandparents’ house at the countryside but um, what are you doing later?”

Tempo continued his granny impression, “Oh, just, you know, makin' a prune juice smoothie, and rubbin' my bunions.”

“Lovely. Well, maybe we'll meet up at the movie theater if I get home on time.”

“All right. Maybe,” Tempo answered in his normal voice.

“Great. See you there. Bye,” Watermelody’s call ended after that.

Tempo stood up until he accidentally bumped into a pretty girl with orange hair and a bow on the back of her head. She apologized, “I am so sorry. I lost my reading glasses. Are you okay, ma'am?”

“Uh, I'm fine. What is your name, sweetums?” Tempo asked in his granny voice.

“Oh, I'm Orange Sherbette. Nice to meet you.”

“Oh, well, you should meet my grandson, Mind Tempo. I can see you two have a lot in common. He's also smart, charming, and pretty.”

Orange giggled, “Well, I'll be scouring around the city looking for my reading glasses, you know, if you see him.”

Tempo noted in his granny voice, “Well, I will let him know.”

Orange walked off, passing by the Diamond Dogs as they looked at her with smirks.

Tempo gasped and hit them with a purse before walking away.

Meanwhile, Virtue was wearing her tree hat and looked through her binoculars. Diamond walked pass Virtue until he noticed her, raising his eyebrow. He popped up from the bush next to Virtue and wore his tree hat.

“Why are we hiding?” Diamond questioned Virtue.

Virtue took off the binoculars, “No reason. Just seemed like a nice day to wear a tree hat.”

Diamond looked at her and noticed that Virtue was lying. He scooted over and saw Rumble on the table playing his video game on his game pad.

“Oh I get it now, you have a crush on a boy,” Diamond assumed.

Virtue shoved him, “I do not.” She then admitted, “Aw, who am I kidding? He's got eyes that could melt a snow cone.”

“And you're not gonna meet him by hiding here, so let's go.” Diamond insisted and pulled Virtue by the arm.

“No, I don't want to,” Virtue rebuffed.

Diamond told her, “Come on! It's for your own good.”

“He looks busy.”

“Just talk to him.”

Virtue then punched Diamond by the gut. “I'M SHY, OKAY?”

“That's so adorable.” Diamond gave her a thumbs-up before he fell down.

Meanwhile, Beryl and Shining Star brought Cloudburst at the community center

Star informed Cloudburst, “Okay. Kiss and Tell starts at 8:00.”

Beryl continued, “Which is one of the fastest way to find a date to the movies is…”

“Speed dating.” The two friends presented in unison as five pretty girls were waving at Cloudburst.

“Uh…” Cloudburst stuttered.

“Now, you have 30 seconds to talk to a girl, and get to know her before moving on to the next one,” Star continued.

Beryl continued, “And we handpicked the guys so you won't have any competition.”

Five boys with glasses and plaided shirts were waving at them as well.

Cloudburst laughed, “I can totally take them.”

“Now just go in there and be yourself,” Beryl advised him.

“Got ya!” Cloudburst confirmed.

“But not too much of yourself.” Star stated.

“What does that mean?”

Star answered, “You're honest which girls love, but sometimes you're a little too honest.”

“You had onions today, didn't you?” Cloudburst questioned her. “I'm getting an onion-y stink.”

Star proved his point, “That's what I'm talking about.”

While Star covered her mouth to check her breath, Beryl informed him, “Now, the hardest part of any date is starting a conversation. So just go in there and tell her something interesting about yourself.”

“Go get them,” Star and Beryl pushed Cloudburst to the speed dating event.

The bell rang and Cloudburst started dating with a girl named Frosty Orange.

“Here is something interesting about myself,” Cloudburst said while Frosty Orange wondered as he put on his hockey helmet.

Frosty Orange became confused and Beryl rushed in to grab Cloudburst’s helmet. “No helmets!” He told Frosty Orange, “He hates helmets.”

One minute later, Cloudburst moved on to his next date, Rose Heart.

“Then I started taking my rash medicine, and it got mostly better.”

Rose Heart was grossed out by what Cloudburst just said and Cloudburst started to feel itchy. Star and Beryl were disappointed and rang the bell for the next date to come in.

One minute later, Cloudburst was talking to Mystery Mint while eating a bag of chips. Cloudburst’s voice muffled, “So then Beryl says, "I've got to get myself a girlfriend." And here you are!”

Mystery Mint rebuffed as Cloudburst continued, “Now give me a kiss please?”

Beryl and Star cringed while Mystery Mint shook her head in fear. Star grabbed a piece of napkin to clean up the mess while Beryl rang the bell again.

Up next was Taffy Shade as the next date until Cloudburst belched loudly in front of her, blowing her hair like the wind. Taffy was disgusted while Beryl and Star froze.

“Sweet! Now I can drink more!” Cloudburst continued to drink his smoothie while Beryl rang the bell multiple times.

Throughout each minute, Beryl and Star were terrified to see Cloudburst doing a terrible job at speed dating. Minutes later, a fly buzzed around Cloudburst’s last date, Violet Blurr, and the fly landed on her nose.

“Don't…move.” Cloudburst slowly grabbed a magazine while Beryl and Star warned him not to do it, motioning their hands back and forth. Unfortunately, it was too late and Cloudburst smacked Violet on the face and Violet screamed while his two friends looked away and cringed. Beryl rang the bell as Cloudburst threw the magazine away with the dead fly, but Violet retaliated by slapping him on the face before storming off immediately.

Cloudburst smiled and waved until his friends turned to him. He asked, “So which lucky lady is going with me to see The Sketchbook?”

“All of them!” Beryl exclaimed.

“Just not with you,” Star told them as Beryl pointed his fingers to the right.

Cloudburst looked to his right and saw the girls he dated were dating the other guys Cloudburst competed with. It was a harsh reality for Cloudburst and put his head down in defeat, groaning and sobbing in sadness.

At the park, Orange Sherbette found her reading glasses on the floor and picked it up until she saw Mind Tempo.

Tempo smiled, “Hi, are you Orange?”

“Yeah, you must be Tempo. Wow, you look exactly like your grandmother.”

“Oh, I get that a lot. But hey, I got you some flowers. Thank you for being so nice to my grandma.” Tempo gave Orange some flowers but unbeknownst to him was his mother on the bench pretending to read a book while watching her son.

Orange responded, “Wow, she is really right about you.”

“Oh, grandma.” Tempo chuckled.

“Well, now that I can use my reading glasses again, I gotta go do some studying at the library. But um, we should hang out some time.” Orange told him.

“Oh, yes, that would be… great!”

“Great. I'll see you later. Bye.” Orange waved at Tempo and went to the library.

Tempo waved back until he ran off and stumbled behind the bench where her mother was sitting.

Gloria put away her book and questioned her son, “Please, tell me what is going on. I'm positive it is better than this book.”

“I think I have a crush on the girl, but the problem is that I am in a relationship with Watermelody, and, um… HELP!”

“Well, this one is not going to be easy honey. You have to tell Orange that you are in a relationship with Watermelody.”

“What is with you parents and telling the truth all the time?” Tempo scoffed as his mother raised her eyebrow on him.

Tempo took it back, “Fine, fine, I'll go talk to Orange, okay?”

Gloria nodded until Tempo answered, “Later.” He ran out of the park while Gloria rolled her eyes.

Back at the community center, Virtue and Diamond were spying on Rumble reading a comic book while eating fruit snacks.

Diamond informed her, “Virtue, when it comes to love, I'm like a doctor... of love. Now we stroll over there. I start a conversation, you jump on in, and before you know it, he'll have a crush on you.”

“And you will be there the entire time so there are no awkward pauses?” Virtue asked.

“Of course. Now let's go.”

Virtue and Diamond entered the pool area and approached Rumble’s table.

Diamond whistled and acted naturally until he greeted the kid, “Hey! Cool comics. Can we check them out?”

Rumble answered, “Yeah, sure.” While Diamond put Virtue on the chair, Rumble introduced himself, “I'm Rumble.”

“I'm Diamond. And this is Virtue. Eh…” Diamond said until he took his eyes off on Desert Sage.

“And I'm going to The Sketchbook with that girl tonight. Bye.”

“Wait, wait…” Virtue pleaded and Diamond ran off inside to find Desert.

Virtue was on her own with Rumble. They both smiled awkwardly until Rumble asked, “Would you like a fruit snack?”

“Sure. They're my favorite. You play Tirek's Revenge?”

“Yeah. Wanna link up and play?” Rumble asked.

Virtue brought out her game pad and started playing the video game together.

Back at Tempo’s house, Cloudburst lied down on the couch feeling gloomy while Shining Star and Beryl hatch another plan.

“Okay. Different approach. What kind of girl are you looking for?”

Cloudburst answered, “Yes.”

Beryl told Star, “He's not picky. That's good.”

“Okay. What do you have to offer a girl?” She asked.

“Ooh, I like origami. I love to cook, and I respect women's feelings.”

“I'm telling you... on paper, he's a total catch.”

Cloudburst called them, “Hello.”

Beryl informed Star, “You stay here and get Cloudburst for the best double date ever, and I'm going to find your dream girl.”

“Oh, sweet!”

“Whoo!” Beryl cheered and exited the door on the way out.

Cloudburst turned on the TV and saw a promo of Shining Star’s show.

“On the next episode of Lakeside High...”

“Hey, it's your show,” Cloudburst said as Star sat down on the couch with him.

“Rachel gets a shocking secret.” The announcer said.

Rachel freaked out, “I think Drake is in love with me.”

“You know he has a girlfriend? Who's a… ghost.” Rachel’s friend told her as a ghost flew past Rachel and her friend.

“I really like your co-star. Plus, she is super cute.”

Tonight at 8.

“Really? You like Jade?” Star asked.

Cloudburst answered, “Oh yeah.”

Shining Star then had an idea on her mind after hearing Cloudburst’s answer.

Back at the community center, Diamond was holding smoothies for him and his date until he was stopped by an angry Virtue, crossing her arms.

“Thanks for bailing on me.”

Diamond apologized, “Sorry. My bad. But the good news is Dr. Love got a date to the movie tonight.” He waved at her date, Mulberry Cascade, who was lying on the beach chair and she waved back at him.

“Oh, really? Thanks for bailing on me. Rumble and I hit it off. In fact, we're going to hang out tonight.” Virtue explained.

“Great! Where are you going? Comic bookstore? Arcade?”

Virtue told Diamond, “No we're going to see the new movie everyone is talking about... The Sketchbook.”

She walked away and Diamond said, “Oh sweet. They're going to see The Sketchbook. The hottest make out movie of the year,” He slurped his smoothie until he realized the movie is too old for the kids and spat out, “What?!”

Inside the main area, Tempo was sitting on the couch, holding his phone.

“Okay, just gonna call Watermelody about the girl I met.” Tempo stated until…

“Hey, Tempo.”

Tempo screamed, startled by Orange’s voice and turned around to see Orange Sherbette who was video chatting with Watermelody on the phone.

“Hey Tempo. Have you met Orange Sherbette? I helped her with her homework yesterday.” Watermelody told her.

“Oh we met. I ran into his grandma. She had the nicest things to say about him.”

Tempo frowned as Watermelody continued, “Oh, I bet she did. Speaking of grandma, where is she anyway? I would love to say hi.”

“Uh, she went back home to Horsolulu.”

Watermelody replied, “Ah, gosh, that is too bad.”

“Yeah.” Tempo nodded.

“Anyway. My family and I are heading off to a diner for lunch. I'll catch you guys later.”

Tempo waved at her, “See you later.” The call ended.

“Hey, so everyone is talking about that Sketchbook movie. Would you want to go tonight?” Orange offered him a movie date with Tempo.

“Yeah, sounds great,” Tempo answered as Beryl, Shining Star, and Cloudburst entered the main area.

Beryl greeted Tempo, “Hey bud.”

He nodded back as Cloudburst mouthed words, telling Tempo that the girl looks pretty nice for him. Tempo’s reaction, not so much happy about it and exited the community center with Orange Sherbette.

Cloudburst asked Beryl, “Oh, hey. wait, what's the surprise?”

“I got you a date tonight,” Beryl showed Cloudburst his date, Tennis Match.

“Sweet!” Cloudburst cheered.

However, Shining Star was not happy.

Beryl noticed an unhappy Star, “Why aren't you happy?”

“I wasn't sure you were gonna find a date in time, so… I did,” Star showed them another girl for Cloudburst’s date, Jade.

“Oh, awesome! I've got two dates now,” Cloudburst happily gasped, “That's why they call it a double date!”

Star and Beryl shouted, “THAT'S NOT WHY!”

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

With Cloudburst having two girls to date with, things were looking dire for them and they all facepalmed in unison.

Author's Note:
  • The movie (The Sketchbook) that the news anchor announced is a parody to the romance movie, The Notebook.
  • Pop Pony is a parody of the fictional teen magazine, Pop Tiger.
  • Horsululu is a parody of the country, Hawaii.
  • Jade is an OC created by yours truly, me.