• Published 12th Feb 2023
  • 428 Views, 8 Comments

Fun Time Valentine's Day - AmethystMajesty25

Love is in the air in Canterlot City. How will this day unfold for Fun Time Rush?

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Chapter 1 (Part 2)

With two girls chosen for Cloudburst’s movie date, Beryl and Shining Star moved Cloudburst away from the girls to discuss.

Beryl told Star, “Tennis is great, and I found her. So, Tennis wins.”

While Cloudburst looked over the two girls, Star told Beryl, “Well, I know Jade. She's doing this as a favor, and she's great. I'd say Jade is greater.”

“Really? Because Tennis is sweet, funny and loves video games.”

Cloudburst agreed, “I do love video games.”

“You haven't met Jade yet who works at the mall and loves… shoes.”

“Oh, and she's completely hot.” Cloudburst also agreed.

Star continued, “I think you want him to choose Tennis because, you think she's hot.”

“I don't wanna date a hot girl, I wanna date you!” Beryl exclaimed as Star made a face at him. “Wow, that came out wrong, but Tennis is going on a date with him.”

“Jade is.”

“No, Tennis is.”

“Jade is!”

“Tennis is!”

“Jade is!”

“Tennis is!”

“Jade is!”

“Tennis is!”

The two continued arguing and Cloudburst chimed in, “Guys, guys, guys, guys. Can I just pick now?”

“This has nothing to do with you!” Beryl and Star exclaimed in unison.

“Jade is!”


Meanwhile, Tempo was dressed up as a granny again at the park and called Watermelody to video chat.

Watermelody answered, “Grandma. I thought you went back to Horsululu.”

Tempo answered in his granny voice, “Oh, well I just came back to see if you and Tempo were doing okay, and you're still in a relationship with him.”

“Yes, we're still a couple,” Watermelody answered.

“Oh, that's so nice.”



“Is Tempo feeling okay?”

“Umm, to be honest with you sweetie, he is just worried that you and your family might not make it.”

“Well, let me just say that no matter what happens, my family and I will be okay and I will always love you, Tempo.”

“You must be the coolest girl in the world,” Tempo dropped the act and chuckled.

“I know.” Watermelody ended the call.

Tempo sighed in relief and exited the park.

Meanwhile, Rumble knocked on the door and Diamond Glow, dressed up as a butler, opened the door.

“Hey, is Virtue here?”

Diamond answered, “Come in my boy. Come on in. Have a seat.”

“Thanks, Diamond.”

“Ah, please,” He whispered in Rumble’s ear, “Call me Mr. Diamond.”

They both sat down on the couch across from each other and had a little chat.

“Rumble. Virtue is very special,” Diamond then brought out a water gun. “She's like a sister to me. So tell me, what are your intentions?” He aimed the water gum at Rumble.

“Um… to take her to a movie?”

“Not to The Sketchbook you're not!”

Rumble shook her head and raised his hands up, telling him "no".

Virtue entered from her bedroom and all dressed up, greeting her friend, “Hi, Rumble,” She then turned her attention to Diamond and suspected, “What are you doing?”

“Just having a little... man-to-man with Rumble here, huh?”

Rumble nodded and Virtue sighed until she grabbed Diamond’s ear, twisting it.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie!” Diamond yelped in pain.

“I like Rumble and you're scaring him.”

Diamond wanred her, “Virtue, let me tell you something about boys. They're terrible people and I don't think you should go out with him.

We're going to Coinky Dinky World, and then a movie. It's no big deal.” Virtue then told her friend, “Rumble, let's go.”

Diamond loaded the water gun with a click with serious intentions, making Rumble a bit scared and ran away with Virtue. One minute later, he changed back into his casual clothes and went outside to find the kids until he saw Mulberry waving at him.

He approached Mulberry and she told him, “Hey, I printed the tickets.”


“And I made us dinner reservations at this amazing Italian restaurant at the mall.”

Diamond replied, “That sounds awesome…” He then saw the kids walking together, “…except we're going to Coinky Dinky World. They serve some great food in town.”

“Well, as long as I'm alone with you.”

The kids were heading towards the town area and Diamond told Mulberry, “Sit next to Rumble and Virtue? You got it.”

Diamond took her hand and power walked together to Coinky Dinky World.

“Um, that sounds good too.”

Beryl and Shining Star dragged Cloudburst to the pool area of the community center where Tennis were located.

“Okay. So we've decided to let you pick who you want to take on your date,” Beryl informed his bud.

Cloudburst nodded, “Okay.”

Then they went to the park where Jade was sitting on the table.

Star continued, “You're going to hang with both girls, and then after getting to know them more...”

“You can pick Jade/You can pick Tennis.” Star and Beryl stated in unison until they argued again.







They continued arguing at the pool area until Cloudburst broke the argument up.

“Guys, guys, guys, guys!”

Beryl and Star understood, “Right/Right.”

Back in forth from different areas, Cloudburst began chatting with Tennis and Jade.

“Do you like hockey?”

Jade answered, “No...”

Star mouthed words and made a heart sign.

Jade corrected, “I love hockey.”

Cloudburst gasped happily.

“What's your favorite videogame?”

Before Tennis can answer, Beryl whispered the answer in her ear until he stepped back.

Tennis answered, “Doesn't matter as long as it's got weapons and violence.”

Cloudburst gasped in excitement.

Back and forth, Jade and Tennis answered Cloudburst’s questions, making him happy.

“I think guys that do stupid stunts are awesome!” Jade said.

“I think guys who wear helmets are awesome.” Tennis answered.

Jade answered, “Corn dogs.”

“Me too.” Cloudburst held up two corn dogs in each hand.

Tennis said, “Corn dogs.”

“Oh, yes!”

After that, the discussion was over.

Beryl told Star, “Sorry, but I think Jade is going to be lonely tonight.”

“Actually I think Tennis will be the one flying solo,” Star said while Beryl scoffed at her idea.

Tennis told them, “So, I guess I'll meet you guys at the movies tonight.”

Beryl smiled and celebrated while Shining Star rolled her eyes.

“I knew he'd pick Tennis!” Beryl cheered.

Then, Jade stepped in and told them, “Okay. So I'll meet you guys later at the movies?”

“Hmm?” Beryl responded.

“Bye, Cloudburst.”

After Jade left the pool, it was bad news for the gang.

The two glared at a nervous Cloudburst and told them, “I couldn't decide.”

“ARE YOU NUTS?!” Beryl and Star shouted.

“I'm not good at double-dating!” Cloudburst explained.

Evening settled in as Virtue and Rumble were chatting in their table while Desert Sage and Diamond were sitting at another table afar from them. Diamond looked at them to make sure nothing suspicious was happening.

Mulberry told him, “I ordered us a milkshake with two straws.”

“Very romantic,” Diamond complimented until he turned his attention to the kids’ table and saw the milkshake with two straws.

“Too romantic!” Diamond panicked and grabbed their milkshake before rushing to the kids’ table. He put the milkshake on the table and said, “Looks like the waiter forgot one of your milkshakes.” He placed the straws on each shake while Virtue facepalmed. “There you are. Enjoy.”

Diamond smiled and walked back to his table with Desert. Rumble was a bit freaked out and Virtue told him, “He was dropped on his head as a baby.”

Rumble nervously nodded as Diamond sat back on the table with Desert until he watched closely on the kids again.

“Don't you think you're being a little overprotective?” Desert asked.

“Yeah, but the food here is great.”

Desert turned on the little music player on the table to get Diamond’s mind off on the kids. “This song is so romantic.”

“Yeah, you're right.” Diamond commented until he realized that the kids are going to turn on the music player as well. “How do we turn it off?” Diamond ran to the kids’ table to figure out how to turn off the music player. “Where…is…the…mute button?” He did not find the off switch, but instead he pulled the music player off by force and broke it. “There. Heh, that's better.”

“No, it's not!” Virtue fired back, venting. “Come on Rumble. You can get a hot dog…” She shouted at Diamond, “AT THE MOVIE!”

The kids exited the diner while Diamond put the broken music player on their table and went back to his table with his date.

Desert said as their food arrived, “Great, the food's here.”

“You know, the food here is terrible. We can get a hot dog at the movies.”

“Uh, okay.”

Diamond took her hand again and put his money on the table before leaving the diner immediately.

The movie theater was packed with couples and they were getting their snacks before going inside theater room 8 to see the romantic movie, The Sketchbook.

“Okay, one small popcorn, one small soda, and one small licorice.” Tempo delivered the snacks to Orange Sherbette.

Orange replied. “Okay, I'm going to see if I can find some smaller containers.”

Tempo nodded, “Okay.”

Then, Beryl walked by and asked, “Hey, how is your new friend?”

“She's awesome. You know Watermelody is still your girlfriend, right?”

“Yeah, but I am not sure if she is going to make it to the movie theater though.”

“Hmm, you sound conflicted. Good luck with that.” Beryl patted his shoulder and walked away while Tempo started thinking over.

Meanwhile, Beryl approached Shining Star and Cloudburst across from Jade and Tennis, sitting on each table. He informed his pal, “The movie is starting soon. It's time to pick a girlfriend.”

“I know, but they are both so nice.” He looked over the two girls.

“Cloudburst! You have to pick now! So pick Jade.”





“Tennis/Jade. Tennis/Jade.” Beryl and Star argued back and forth.

Meanwhile, Diamond got two movie tickets and approached Desert.

“There you are. The movie is going to be so romantic.” Desert smiled.

“Not as romantic as... Daring Do’s movie!” Diamond told her which made Desert unhappy. “Which I've just got two tickets, too. Much more appropriate…” He whispered, “…for the kids.”

The teens then saw Rumble and Virtue playing an arcade game at the arcade center.

“A double date... to Daring Do?” Desert pointed out.

“In 3-D.”

“Yeah. This isn't gonna work out.” Desert immediately stormed out of the movie theater with anger.

“Wait! We can still make out!” Diamond pleaded.

Virtue and Rumble approached Diamond and she told him, “Hey. We're going to pass on The Sketchbook.”

“Did you know that movie's full of people kissing?” Rumble shuddered in disgust.

Virtue continued, “So we're just going to hang out in the arcade and go home with you guys later.”

Diamond sighed in relief, “Oh thank goodness.”

“Let's go.” Rumble walked off with movie snacks in his arms.

Before Virtue went back, she went to talk to Diamond for a bit. “You know you were really annoying today with all of that overprotective stuff.”

“Yeah, I know.” Diamond sighed.

“Thanks.” Virtue hugged him.

Diamond hugged her back and Virtue went back to the arcade. He sighed in disappointment and had no girl to watch the movie with until he grabbed a bag of popcorn from a random movie-goer to calm him down. “What?”

Back to Tempo, he was conflicted on which girl to choose while Orange came back with a tray of snacks in her hand.

He told Orange, “Listen, Orange, I don't know how to say this but...”

“Watermelody is not here with you?”

“I'm also my own grandma.” Tempo answered.

“Yeah, I knew that, too.” Orange noted. “Listen, I know that you're in a tough situation, but I think you should call your girlfriend to see if she is okay.”

“Thanks, I thought that if Watermelody and her family couldn't get back home on time, you would fill in for her. I'm sorry that I did not tell you about it earlier.”

Orange understood him, “It's cool. I hope we can still be friends. If that's alright with you?”

“Friends it is.” Tempo smiled.

“I should go and let you talk to your girlfriend now, Okay?” Orange gave the tray of snacks back to Tempo and he nodded. “Thanks, bye.” Orange exited the movie theater.

Tempo sat on the table and called Watermelody on the phone.

“Hey Tempo.” She faintly sounded.

“Hi, are you back home?”

“Yeah, but I can't go to the movie theater with you tonight because I got a tummy ache. I must've ate a lot of food for lunch back at the diner. I'm sorry.”

“Ah, no worries. I'll set up another schedule for our movie date next time. I hope you feel better.”

“Thanks, Tempo. Have a good night.”

“You too, babe.” The call ended.

Tempo felt sad and grabbed a big container of soda from a random movie-goer to calm him down.

Back to Cloudburst’s problem, Beryl and Shining Star continued to pressure Cloudburst into choosing which girl to go out with until Cloudburst had enough.

“I pick Tennis!” Cloudburst answered.

“Oh yes,” Beryl celebrated. “He chose my pick... I win.”

Cloudburst nervously smiled at Shining Star and she smacked him on the back of his head.

“Hey,” Cloudburst greeted Tennis, “I hope there's no hard feelings, Jade?”

Tennis got confused and Beryl whispered to Cloudburst, “This is Tennis Match!”

“Oh! You guys pressured me. And I got the names mixed up! I wanted the other Tennis.”

“Huh?” Beryl and Tennis wondered.

“No, I mean Jade!” Cloudburst pointed his finger at Jade.

“What?” Star vented. The boys were in hot water as Star continued, “Well, you can't date her, because you're both idiots.”

Beryl informed Tennis, “That is highly possible.”

“What is going on?” Jade asked her friend.

“I'll explain everything and apologize over shoe shopping.”

“No. What about our date?” Beryl asked Star.

“Tennis, would you like to join us?”


The boys gasped and the three girls crossed their arms in disappointment, walking away from them.

Cloudburst turned to his bud, “No kissy for Cloudburst?”

“No kissy for Beryl either.”

Soon, Diamond and Tempo joined in with sad looks in their eyes until Beryl and Cloudburst grabbed two snacks from another random movie-goer.

Fun Time Rush said in unison, “What?”

“So... do you wanna a kiss, again?” The actress asked.

The actor answered, “Oh yeah.”

The two characters kissed and made out again.

FTR ate their snacks and groaned in disgust as they watched the movie without their dates.

However, Diamond pulled up four tickets and whispered to his pals, “I still have four tickets to the Daring Do movie.”

The rest of the three FTR boys thought it over and agreed.

Beryl answered, “I'm down with that.”

Cloudburst agreed, “Yes!”

Tempo nodded, “Let's go do it.”

They stood up and tried to exit as the movie-goers were bothered by them, trying to watch the movie. Diamond stumbled and the rest tried to move out of the way as the rest of the crowd complained while the movie continued rolling.

Author's Note:
  • The Daring Do movie is referenced from the Equestria Girls special, Movie Magic.