• Published 12th Feb 2023
  • 428 Views, 8 Comments

Fun Time Valentine's Day - AmethystMajesty25

Love is in the air in Canterlot City. How will this day unfold for Fun Time Rush?

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Chapter 2 (Part 2)

Back to the moment where Diamond was going to get punched in the face. However, Diamond did not feel a thing as Tempo stopped and walked away while Watermelody watched in sadness.

Diamond noticed and tried to talk to him, “Tempo, hey, come back, man! Let's talk!”

“Boo! What a rip-off!” Quibble said.

Virtue replied, “No, this is better. See, the rejected male storms off, while the backstabbing friend fears for the future of their friendship.”

“Hmm, what about Tempo and Watermelody?”

“Oh, they are toast!” Virtue answered.

Watermelody listened to their conversation and called them, “Uh, hello? I'm standing right here.”

The two shrugged and continued eating their popcorn.

Later, Golden Rock discussed a new plan with Minty while Shelly poured fruit water into the potted plant.

“It's simple, really. Just… don't break up with him.”

Minty rebuffed, “But I can't, Golden. I can't just keep pretending to be his dream girlfriend for the rest of my life.”


Cloudburst came back and presented Minty her drink. “Another fruit water for my fruit cup.”

“Oh, could you give me another, sweetie. I'm so thirsty.”

“Okay,” Cloudburst ran back to the pantry.

Minty gave the bottle of fruit water to Shelly and poured it into the potted plant. Then, Shelly had an idea.

“Wait. What if we can get Cloudburst to break up with her instead?”

Golden liked her idea, “Yes.”

Minty had a second opinion on that plan. “Yeah, but Cloudburst is really in love with me. So far, he's given me a seven-page love poem, a bouquet of corn dogs, and a coupon book,” She presented her coupon book to Golden and Shelly. “…for Cloudburst Hugs.”

Shelly commented, “Aww…”

Golden suggested Minty, “Just be the worst girlfriend ever. Be bossy, spend all of his money on shoes, cry about EVERYTHING, and hate all of his best guy friends.”

“Okay, and if all of that falls apart?”

Shelly whispered the girl, “Be disgusting.”

Cloudburst came back again and gave her a drink. “Here you go, babe.”

Minty decided to follow Golden’s plan and pretended to be his worst girlfriend. “Ugh, I am sick of all this fruit water!” Minty threw the drink away. “Just buy me shoes. Now!”

“I like shoe shopping,” Cloudburst commented. “Anything you want…”

“Ugh! Take me shoe shopping now!”

“Okay!” Cloudburst answered while being dragged by Minty. “Ah!”

While the two adults looked on, Golden told Shelly, “Yeah, I give him two hours tops.”

Back at the main lobby, Beryl sat on a chair feeling upset until Shining Star entered the building.

“Okay, we wrapped for the day. I'm totally free. Now how about that date?”

Beryl stood up and answered, “You blew me off at the pool, then at the park, then again at the pool.”

Star apologized, “And I'm sorry. I mean, I love that my career is taking off. I just hate how it's making things so--”

As expected, Star's phone rang again and it made Beryl frustrated again.


“Uh, that was your phone,” Star corrected him and Beryl realized his phone was ringing, not Star's.

Beryl looked at the text on his phone and he told her, “I have to go to the studio. Oh, my one to your three.”

They both grumbled and Beryl exited the main lobby and headed to the studio while Quibble Pants brought his popcorn and sat down with Virtue, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle with snacks in their hands.

Quibble asked, “What did I miss?”

Virtue told him, “Now Beryl blew her off.”

“Ooh, nice twist,” Quibble commented. “Pass me a soda.”

“Popcorn me,” Virtue ordered and she traded her drink for Quibble’s popcorn.

Rarity commented while drinking her soda, “You know, that would've been a good angle for a soap opera show.”

Sweetie Belle ate her popcorn and nodded, “Agreed.”

Meanwhile, Mind Tempo was back in his house at the living room and he’s still feeling about his girlfriend kissing his best friend.

Diamond Glow entered the room and called his pal, “Tempo, we need to talk about this.”

Tempo turned his attention to him and replied, “Ooh, hey, there, pal. You're just in time to see "Asteroid Diamond"…” He grabbed a plastic rock taped with a photo of Diamond's face. “…crash into Venus, the planet of love.” Tempo crashed the rubber ball of the planet Venus with the plastic rock.

“We got caught up in the acting. I mean, there was a bomb!” Diamond told him.

Tempo motioned his arms, meaning "So what?"

Diamond continued, “Then tell me what I can do to get back to being your friend.”

“I don't know. Okay? I've never been cheated on before.”

“What if we even the score, huh?” Diamond ran to his table and stood face-to-face with him. Tempo stood up and Diamond sadly brought out his comb. “Go ahead. Break my lucky comb.”

As Tempo was making a decision, Rainbow and Scootaloo abruptly entered the room and sat down on the table.

Scootaloo told the boys, “Hi, sorry to interrupt. Quibble and Virtue sent us to find you.”

The boys were confused as Rainbow continued, “But we were thinking that the storyline might benefit from more action. Like, say, a duel?”

“I like that,” Tempo liked her idea and proclaimed, “Broadswords at dawn.”

“Isn't dawn really early?” Diamond reminded him.

Tempo proclaimed again, “Broadswords at 11:00.”

Diamond agreed to his terms until Applejack and Apple Bloom entered the room, “Sorry to interrupt again y'all, my sister and I have a better idea for you two to settle your duel.”

“Then, what do you propose?” Tempo and Diamond answered as the Apple Sisters smiled.

Back at Golden Rock Records, Minty and Cloudburst were back from shoe shopping as Cloudburst carried a lot of shoe boxes while Golden and Shelly became surprised.

Minty ordered her boyfriend, “Tell them why we came back to Golden Rock Records, Cloudburst.”

Cloudburst grunted from carrying the stack of shoe boxes and placed it down. “I just wanted a place to put down your shoes so I can buy you some more. Shoe shopping is awesome.”

Golden widened his eyes in shock as Cloudburst opened one of the shoe boxes, “Oh, sweet!”

While Cloudburst was distracted, Golden and Shelly signaled Minty to cry. Minty nodded and pretended to cry violently, making Cloudburst turn around and feel worried. Golden and Shelly gave her a thumbs-up.

“What's wrong, pumpkin?”

“I don't know,” Minty continued to fake cry, “I just cry all the time and for no reason at all.”

Cloudburst understood her, “And that's how I know you care.”

Minty stopped crying and asked, “Really?”

While the plan failed and the two adults widened their eyes, looking astounded in defeat, Beryl entered the studio.

“Okay, I'm here,” Beryl told Golden.

Golden backtracked, “And your session is canceled, Cloudburst's friend.” He pointed at Beryl to Minty, reminding her what to do when she sees Cloudburst's buddies. Golden shoved Beryl and Minty grabbed him by the collar.

“Ugh! I hate all of your friends.” Minty growled in anger and pushed Beryl aside. She hugged Cloudburst, “Only spend time with me.” She winked at Golden and Shelly, telling her that the plan is going well.

Cloudburst agreed and hugged her back, “And I will. Until you see what nice people they are.”

Minty looked worried and offered her hand for help. Golden pulled out a sign in his hand that said, "Be disgusting" while Shelly made a facial expression to look like she was disgusted. Minty nodded and made an armpit fart with Cloudburst's arm to make him look like he farted.

Cloudburst realized he farted and laughed in embarrassment. He told Golden and Shelly, “That was me. No more beans with that corn dog, please.”

Golden and Shelly looked utterly disappointed as Cloudburst continued, “Let's go get some shoes, huh?”

Minty looked worried and was dragged by Cloudburst to go shoe shopping again.

After they left, Shelly commented, “That boy is so sweet. And that girl is going to win best actress someday.”

“Ah!” Golden shrieked.

Back at the main lobby, Beryl and Shining Star met each other again.

Star became surprised, “Oh, you're back.”

“Yeah, Golden didn't need me, Cloudburst's girlfriend scares me, and now we can…” Beryl paused for a moment to look at his girlfriend, “What's with the glamour?”

“You said you had to go to Golden Rock Records. So I told my agent she could book another interview.”

Star’s limo driver entered and held up a sign that has her name on it.

She signaled him to wait for a minute and Beryl told her, “We can't keep doing this.”

“But I have to focus on my show, and you need to focus on your music.”

“And it's only going to get worse,” Beryl feared the worst as the limo driver honked the bicycle horn for Star and flipped the sign that said, "I'M WAITING!"

Star sadly exited the main lobby while Quibble, Virtue, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle watched while eating a cupcake.

“Whoa, whoa, what happens next?” Sweetie asked.

Beryl sighed, “The troubled couple realize that having no time for a relationship means that there is no relationship and, I guess, end it.”

Virtue stood up and told him, “Did you really think this is going to be easy? Shining Star is going to be a TV star. You're going to be a pop star. You're both going to be busy. But what's worse, seeing Star for one minute at a time or never seeing her at all?”

Quibble added, “That 59 seconds is longer than any of my dates.”

Beryl understood Virtue’s point and he replied, “You know what, you are right again.” He patted Virtue on the head and walked off to prepare for another date with his girlfriend.

Rarity approached her and asked, “What do you want us to bring to the show?”

Virtue answered, “Surprise me.”

“All right,” Quibble answered and the gang exited the lobby except Virtue.

Minutes later, Mind Tempo and Diamond Glow wore their cowboy outfits and stood face-to-face, glaring against one another in a Western style duel. The bird squawked as the residents at the park took cover or ran away while Quibble, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and the CMC watched with their 3-D glasses.

Diamond told him, “Didn't have to end this way, pal.”

Tempo replied, “Didn't it?”

One minute later, the duel began.

“DRAW!” Tempo called.

The two opponents grabbed their straws and started spitballing paper against one another like bullets. They kept dodging each other's shots until they grabbed a piece of paper and chewed it before reloading. Seconds later, the two opponents started firing again, but kept dodging and misfiring residents, still, they apologize to the residents.

While the duel continued, Virtue commented, “Whoa. The 3-D on this is amazing.”

Rainbow nodded, “I totally agree with you, 120%.”

“It's like the spit balls are coming right at ya,” Quibble said until he got hit on the face by a spit ball. “OW!”

Then, the rest of the Rainbooms and Turtles came by and Raph asked them, “What the shell is going on around here?”

Apple Bloom turned to the rest of their friends, “Howdy, fellas. We're watching a duel.”

Mikey and Pinkie happily gasped.

“Awesome! Popcorn me,” Mikey ordered.

“Me too!” Pinkie said and the two joined Virtue's gang to watch.

Suddenly, Raph got hit by a spit ball and yelped, “OW! That's it! I'm ending this right now!”

Applejack, Rainbow, and the Turtles contained Raph from interfering.

“Whoa! Easy, Raph. Let them settle this,” Applejack informed him.

Virtue promised them, “We'll explain everything when the duel is over.”

Raph calmed down and said, “Okay. But if that happens again, I'm ending their little squabble.”

“Alright,” Scootaloo acknowledged.

The two opponents continued spitballing with paper and straw until they started to get tired, falling down slowly.

Diamond told him, “I can't hurt you. You're my friend.”

Tempo replied dryly, “Same here. Plus, I don't... I don't have any spit left.”

They coughed and lied down on the grass in defeat as Quibble, Virtue, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Mikey, Pinkie, and the CMC took off their 3-D glasses.

“We cool?” Diamond offered.

“Yeah, we're cool,” Tempo agreed.

The two shook hands with one another and became friends again.

“I'm glad that everything worked out for them,” Spike stated.

Virtue narrated, “So in the end, friendship prevails, but Tempo still has to confront his relationship with Watermelody.”

Quibble nodded, “Could you do it after 3:00? I've got some paperwork to do.”

Diamond and Tempo were confused after that.

Back at the community center, Cloudburst was setting up the food on the table at the pool area for his lunch date with Minty until Shelly Shores entered the area while dragging Golden Rock by the collar.

“Cloudburst, Golden has something that he needs to tell you.” Shelly told him.

Golden explained the truth to Cloudburst, “You didn't meet Minty by accident. I hired her to make you fall in love with her and then break up with you so you could sing the breakup song better.” Shelly angrily nudged Golden by the arm and he apologized, “And I'm sorry.”

“Is that true?” Cloudburst asked, feeling upset.

As Golden was about to answer, they heard Minty's voice, “No. No. No. No.” Minty stepped in and answered, “I mean yes, but no. I mean, look, when I was acting so awful, you were so sweet. And, look, I know this might sound strange, but do you think we could try again, for real this time.”

Cloudburst took a minute to think about it and stood up from his table. He answered, “Well, then. Would you like to have lunch with me?”

Minty gladly answered, “I would.”

The two sat down on the table and enjoyed their lunch date together while Golden and Shelly looked on.

Golden called his assistant manager, “C'mon, Shelly, let's get back to work.”

“On what?”

“A new song.” Golden grumbled and walked away while Shelly smiled at them and followed Golden back to his studio.

Back at Mind Tempo's house, Watermelody and Tempo discussed about what to do with their relationship.

“I don't understand. You forgive me but you're breaking up with me?” Watermelody questioned.

Tempo explained, “Watermelody, 96% of all first romances end in breakups. You kissing Diamond gives us the perfect opportunity for us to get ours out of the way now.”

“And you're not sad about it?”

“Yes, but, I'm going to mask my pain by buzz-cutting my hair, joining a gym, and nicknaming myself, "The Island".”

Watermelody asked him, “But can we be friends?”

Tempo sighed and stood up from the couch. “Friends it is.”

They both shook hands until Watermelody asked again, “Uh, maybe we could hug too? I mean, friends hug, right?”

“It is the friendly thing to do.”

The two hugged it out and felt a connection between them until they kissed for a moment. One minute later, they stopped.

“Ah, yep. Friends it is.” Tempo felt flustered and cleared his throat.

Watermelody and Tempo were satisfied that they’re friends again while Quibble, Virtue, Rarity and Sweetie Belle watched.

“So, are they back together?” Quibble and Sweetie Belle asked.

Rarity answered, “Hard to say. Must be one of those on-and-off-again things.”

“Hmm,” Quibble nodded.

Virtue agreed, “Well, I'm glad everything worked out for my big brother and Watermelody.”

Quibble then looked at the time on his watch. “Ooh! Beryl and Star!”

The four exited the house and went to the park.

Beryl and Shining Star met up at the park for their date.

Star informed him, “The studio pushed up on my scene.”

Beryl told her, “Golden's making us record a new song.”

“Let's go,” The couple said in unison and set up the picnic date together quickly.

First, they started eating lunch together and the limo driver held up a sign that said, "30 more seconds!" The two stood up and started playing frisbee together. After that, Beryl started drawing a picture of his girlfriend holding a flower on a sketchbook. He showed the drawing to her after it was done and she liked it. The limo driver held up another sign that said "Dance Party!" and the couple started dancing together until the limo driver held up another sign that said "Time to kiss!" Beryl and Star kissed to end their date.

Star gladly told him, “This was fun.”

Beryl happily replied, “Best one minute date ever.”

The two teens walked back to their respective jobs while Quibble, Virtue, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle applauded them.

Quibble cried, “That was so sweet.”

“I know, right?” Rarity shed some tears as well.

Virtue handed them tissues and told them, “Oh, stop your blubbering you two.”

“Thank you,” Quibble and Rarity grabbed a tissue to wipe off their tears.

Back at the studio, FTR were back at the recording booth with new lyric sheets on hand.

Golden informed the boys from the control room, “Okay, with all the recent "love" around here that you're having so much fun with, I've decided to dump the breakup song to the boyfriend song.”

Diamond told him, “But I'm not anyone's boyfriend.”

“Don't start. Just sing.” Golden ordered while Diamond rolled his eyes in annoyance.

FTR started recording their new song together and it soon became a hit.

The next night on Valentine's Day at Equestria Land, FTR recorded a music video for their new song, Boyfriend.

Throughout the night, FTR hung out with their dates except Diamond and a palm tree plant. Plus, the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, Amethyst, Flash, Timber, Keno, Casey, April, Karai, Shini, the Turtles and all of their friends had fun at Equestria Land as well.

After their music video, Diamond went on a date with Fleur De Lis with the palm tree plant at the Ferris Wheel, Tempo won a teddy bear for Watermelody from a carnival game, Beryl and Shining Star ate cotton candy together while exploring around Equestria Land and Cloudburst went on a date with Minty who was holding a big dog plushie.

Cloudburst chuckled, “I can't believe that you were acting the whole time.”

Minty laughed, “Are you kidding me? I hate shoe shopping, I never cry, and I try not to be disgusting.”

The two laughed and arrived at the corn dog concession stand.

“Two corn dogs, please.” Cloudburst ordered. While the corn dog maker gave them two corn dogs, Cloudburst continued, “And you know the best part? Is that now I get to know the real you.”

Minty smiled, “Yeah. One more thing. I hate corn dogs.”

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh!

Cloudburst had a second opinion on that and felt upset. He told her, “Yeah. This isn't going to work out.” He sadly waked away with his corn dog while Minty got confused after that.


Step it up

Get in gear

Go for broke

Make it clear

Kendall Schmidt as Cloudburst

James Maslow as Diamond Glow

Carlos Penavega as Beryl Fury

Logan Henderson as Mind Tempo

[Mind Tempo]

Gotta go Fun Time (Diamond Glow: Oh, hey)

Stephen Kramer Glickman as Golden Rock

Tanya Chisholm as Shelly Shores

Alexa Penavega as Shining Star

Kelly Sheridan as Watermelody

[Diamond Glow]

Make it work

Get it right

Change your world

[Beryl Fury]


Challen Cates as Gloria

Ciara Bravo as Virtue

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity and Minty

Patton Oswalt as Quibble Pants


Gotta dream Fun Time

[Mind Tempo]

Oh woah!


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Give it all you got now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

[Diamond Glow]

Isn’t it a rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh.

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day everybody! :heart:

Comments ( 2 )

That was a good read. And Happy Valentines Day

Great story. Happy Valentines Day

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