• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,897 Views, 126 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

  • ...

Things get way worse

My body is still sore from when I took a nice leap off the roof of my school but I know that I need to go to the store and buy groceries to last for at least two days, I'm pretty sure I get my paycheck on Monday and I'll probably be able to hold out until I get paid and can buy groceries to last a week or two, but I'm hungry now and chocolate bars aren't going to last until I receive my pay.

I chuckle and grab my phone that's on the other couch cushion, I check the time then I open my notes app and write down a short grocery list. "Milk, eggs, cheese, bread, uhh.. What else? Oh, right. Butter and some veggies."

I think back on what princess Luna said and I decide that I'm going to take charge of today, I want to stop by Sugarcube Corner and see if Pinkie's working today because I want to try and talk to her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash will have to wait a while longer, however I do owe Applejack an apology for freaking out at her during lunch.

I make sure I'm dressed, since I'm not exactly in the mood to go streaking and get arrested for public indecency when I'm trying to simply go shopping for food. I double check that I am in fact dressed. When I have confirmed I'm dressed I check my pockets and verify that my money is in there and do a little jig, quickly moving to leave.

I get my ass out of my apartment and the chill of the cold hits me, it goes straight through my jacket and holy shit it's cold. I shrug and decide to keep going, maybe the cold will motivate me to move faster.
I smile and turn around to start walking, the journey would be worth it in the end so I'm not forced to go hungry for a few days and that's very good.

Smartway is not too far off when I hear someone call my name, I spin around to see Gilda approaching me. Oh sweet Celestia give me strength, I really don't want to fight her, I'd get my ass handed to me.

"Shimmer! Hold up."

I freeze on the spot, let out a tired sigh, and stand there waiting for the notorious bully to catch up. "What is it Gilda?

"Relax Shimmer, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I actually wanted to tell you that I knew you weren't Anon."


"I mean you knew about my previous fling with Rainbow, remember when you came up to me and said you had the pictures to prove it? And you could've outed me if you really were Anon-A-Bitch."

My mouth opens and I'm about to talk but I shut my mouth again. I am actually speechless that Gilda of all people would have my back, I genuinely have no clue what to say or think.

"Some people still say you're Anon and that you forced the bitches to confess somehow, but I kick their ass whenever they open their mouths to say that."

"I.. Huh. I didn't expect you to say that."

"You thought I was gonna harass you?"

I nod meekly, I'd seriously misjudged Gilda and it was pretty embarrassing. "Yeah.. Sorry."

She snorted and rolled her eyes. "Hey man, I might be an asshole but I don't condone bullying someone to the point they throw themselves off a roof."


"Where you goin' though Shimmy?"

"Smartway to get food for at least two days."

"Ohh, well have fun with that."

"I won't." I smirk and give her the finger guns before walking off, I hear her laughing pretty hard as I walk away.
Man, Gilda is way cooler than I thought.

I continue walking to Smartway, my body is still sore from my incident and sleeping awkwardly on my couch, but it's manageable and it doesn't bother me too much. I get to where I needed to be and go inside, and oh boy there's a lot of options.

My shopping trip went relatively smoothly, I got what I needed and only what I needed to survive for the next few days. Reminding myself that I had to carry it all home helped in keeping the item count low.
I forgot how the badly plastic bags hurt my fingers, getting home was a bitch and a half considering I had decided to put a few bags on my wrist like a bracelet to help me get the shit I bought home, so my wrists and fingers were hurting due to the handles bunching up and digging into my flesh.

I get home and gently place the bags on the floor, my fingers hurt like a bitch and I wish I'd brought a cart or something to make my trip easier. I groan in discomfort because my fingers are really sore and I don't want to have to put things away but I knew that I'd have to because I had perishables. I grab the bags two at a time and move them into the kitchen, I had maybe four or five bags total so it didn't take long.

My fingers are still very sore, but I'm determined to get things put away while I remember and have the energy. I'm in the process of putting things away when there's a knock at my door, I look up and frown, I didn't remember making plans for someone to visit. I get up and go to my door, I look through the peephole and when I see it's Rarity my sprits are improved significantly.

"Is Rarity my best friend?" I think as I unlatch the chain and open the door gently. She probably is honestly, and I'm perfectly okay with that.

"Hi Rares, what brings you to my humble abode?" I step aside and gesture for her to enter, she nods and takes a few steps into my apartment.

"I'm very sorry about my unannounced visit darling, but I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to Sugarcube Corner for brunch?"

"Oh? Are you asking me out on a date?~" I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively and laugh, when I hear her sputter I decide to make it clear that I was joking. "I'm kidding Rarity, I was planning on going anyways so you had perfect timing."

She chuckles and I can see she's blushing, did I actually hit something there? "Wonderful, but if you feel uncomfortable with the fact that you might run into Pinkie Pie you could tell me and we'll go somewhere else."

"Actually I was hoping I'd be able to talk to Pinkie."

Her face lights up, I can tell she really wants me to become friends with the girls again, seeing her so full of hope gives me the confidence boost that I needed. "Really? Oh that's wonderful!"

"Mhm, I've been speaking to somepo- someone who's been a good friend and advisor."

"Could I ask who?"

"Well.. Princess Luna."

Her jaw drops upon hearing who I've been talking to. "Princess Luna?"

"Mhm. Princess Celestia's baby sister. She's the goddess of the moon and protects people from nightmares."

I find her shocked expression amusing, Rarity almost never let her mouth hang open since she says it's unladylike. "What? Hoping to catch flies?"

"So- You have connections to royalty? Are you a member of the nobility?"

My brows furrow and I think for a moment, I really don't know the answer to her question. "Yes I do, and I might be? I was always addressed as Lady Shimmer by everypony- everyone, sorry.
I tend to slip back into my old way of speaking whenever I talk about Equestria. But I was always called a Lady, but I don't truly know because I don't have any documents to signify I hold any title."

She nods and hums. "That's.. Quite amazing. And gives context to the time when you called our vice principal a princess."

I feel my cheeks heat up, I knew some people heard that but I was unaware that Rarity was one of them. "H-Hey give me a break, I had only just gotten to this world and seeing someone who was supposed to be on the moon caught me off guard."

Rarity laughs, she puts her hand over her mouth to try and quiet it down. "I know darling, but it was amusing because her confusion was very clear to see. But.. She was supposed to be on the moon?"

"Mhm. She was on it for a thousand years."


I felt my stomach rumble and I realized how hungry I actually was. "I'll tell you later, I'm really hungry right now."

"Ah right. We should get to the café before the lines get outrageous, everyone wants to go when Pinkie's working."

"Well everybody loves Pinkie, she's sunshine in human form."

"Indeed she is darling. Would you like to walk or do you want to take my car?"

I shrug, I really don't care how we get there. "Up to you, I don't really give a s- I mean I don't really mind how we get there, all I care about is that we get there alive."

She chuckles and rolls her eyes, I could tell my dramatic statement was amusing to her. "I'm sure we'll get there perfectly safe Sunset."

"I know, I just want to make sure you know that I want to be alive and able to get a delicious snack from the café."

"Come then, we shan't keep your treats from you for long."

I clap my hands together excitedly, I really was looking forward to getting a nice shake and a pastry or two. "Great, after you Rarity."

We leave my apartment and I doublecheck that it's locked up, once I'm appeased I go and get into her car and buckle up. She was already in her car and when I'm in she starts the engine and pulls out of her parking space. "Sunset? Could I ask you a question?-"

"You just did."

"You know what I meant."

"I know, but sure, shoot."

"I just- Gah.. Nevermind, I replayed my question in my head and it sounded pretty bad."

"You sure?"


"Okay then. You got me at the perfect time because I'd just got home from the store."


"Mhm, this time with food instead of cleaning supplies and candy." I chuckle and pull my phone out, unlocking it and checking the time. Ten thirty. "We're early enough that the lines won't be too long, but we'll have to hurry if we want to get the freshly baked goodies."

She hums softly to herself and keeps her focus on the road. We were almost there and were maybe a block away when she brakes suddenly, jolting us both forward.
Unfortunately she didn't stop in time and we were t-boned from my side, I felt an indescribable pain in my arm and head, the world felt like it was spinning and I was made aware that we were upside down when I felt the blood rush to my presumably injured head.

I take several uneven breaths and try to unbuckle my seatbelt, I'm unable to for a reason I'm not yet aware of. I look at my arm and a choked scream escapes my throat when I see that the passenger door was crushed inwards and pinning my arm tightly against my body. My thoughts then shift to Rarity and I feel a surge of adrenaline. "Rarity?"

When she doesn't answer I turn to look at her, her eyes are closed and I think she may be dead. "Rarity!? Please- Please answer me-"

My head hurts so much and my eyes feel like they're about to pop out of their sockets, I'm also very dizzy and it occurs to me that this is how I'm going to die. I feel tears form in my eyes that promptly fall since I'm stuck upside down. I don't want to die.

I feel my consciousness start to fade and I've accepted that I'm going to die, I'm at peace with the fact that I've reached the end of my story and I regret not being able to become friends with all of the girls again, I want to tell princess Celestia that she was the best mother figure I've ever had and that I love her.
I have so many things that I wanted to do in life that I know I'll never be able to do now.

I hear sirens off in the distance as I make one last effort to use my relatively uninjured arm to unbuckle my seatbelt, however I'm unable to as I'm so lightheaded and so very weak. I just want to help my best friend and it kills me that I can't, even if I die I want to ensure that Rarity will at the very least be okay.
I'm so dizzy, I'm coming closer to death, my whole body hurts so much.

The sirens are much closer now but I know they're going to be too late, I close my eyes and prepare for my transition into whatever afterlife I'm being sent to.
I'll miss them all so much, Celestia, Luna, Discord, my current friends, my former friends, I hope they'll all be okay after I'm gone. I don't want them to mourn me, I lived and shared many pleasant memories with them and I want them to be glad I lived, I want them to celebrate my life..

My eyes close and I take what I assume are my last breaths. I breathe out one final message to my former mentor and mother figure. "I'm sorry."

Author's Note:

Good guy Gilda? Good guy Gilda!

Anyhow I got a little carried away here but oh well, drama hopefully is nice to read and very entertaining to write.

And no, there is no shipping in this fic, there might be a lil' bit of maybe not so platonic tension here and there but there is zero shipping in this fic. Maybe another fic though, you'll have to wait and see.

I'm working on more chapters and releasing them once I've finished the next one just to make sure I have stuff to post when I get burnt out (like literally now).