• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,956 Views, 129 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

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Lunar intervention

I woke up in a place that was surrounded by soft blue glowing stars, I had no clue where the fuck I was but I couldn't keep my eyes open for long enough to look around, each time I tried to open my eyes the light would make my already sore head ache even more. I let out a hiss of pain as I kept trying to keep my eyes open for longer and longer amounts of time. I gave up and kept my eyes closed until I heard a woman clear her throat.

"Sunset Shimmer?"

Oh. It was Vice-Principal Luna? If she was here with me then where am I? I'm dead, right? A groan escaped my lips, my eyes were still closed and I tried to focus on anything but the pain.
I moved my hand to my chest and felt for a heartbeat, but instead of skin I felt soft fur. My eyes shot open and I looked at my hand, my 'hand' was not my hand but instead a hoof and I was in fact, a pony. The realization made my head hurt even more and I looked around, I spotted the speaker the mystery voice belonged to and wow is she pretty.

"Yes, last- Ugh, ow- last time I checked I was still me." I tried to make a joke, I'm 90% sure it's going to fall flat unfortunately. I was still in a ton of pain and I'm trying to make a joke to someone who's space I probably invaded.

To my surprise the princess smiles, "Humor is a good way to cope. But I'm not here for a social call." she sighed, "Sunset you are in a place called the dream realm. I don't exactly know how you ended up here, but the last time a pony was in my realm it meant that they were at death's door."

My ears swiveled towards her as I listened, she had piqued my curiosity. "Dream realm? Oh.. OH.. Y-You're princess Luna! Twilight told me that you returned last year- I should've- I'm going to shut up now." I throw a hoof over my mouth, blushing in embarrassment at my little outburst.

Princess Luna actually laughed a little, "It's quite alright, I'm sure she's told you all about my embarrassing moments. Back to the business at hoof, you are close to death, would you care to enlighten me about it? My sister told me about you, and how she misses you greatly."

I felt my stupid heart break a little upon hearing the princess's words, "I- I did something incredibly stupid, b-but I-" I struggled to finish my sentence, it was incredibly difficult to tell a stranger my darkest thoughts, "I wanted to die, princess. I jumped off my school's roof and-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence, the lunar princess wrapped me in her wings and told me it was okay to cry if I needed to. For the second time this week the dam broke and I sobbed my heart out, I screamed that I want to die, I wanted all my suffering to stop. She held onto me and rubbed my back as I cried into her barrel for what felt like hours.

I felt so stupid for breaking down in front of first off, someone who had betrayed me and put me in this stupid rut, and secondly, a princess who's life will always have more value than mine ever had.

"I'm sorry your majesty." I sniffle and wipe my eyes using the fur of my hoof instead of a sleeve.

The starry maned beauty didn't let me go, she kept her wings wrapped around me, "Sunset. It's not your fault, but is death really your escape? Do you truly want to leave your life and loved ones behind?"

I remained quiet as I thought, is this really what I wanted? I thought about Twilight and felt like I was about to cry again, my chest began heaving like I was attempting to hold back sobs.
I wanted to go live again, I wanted Twilight, I wanted Rarity, and most of all I wanted princess Celestia to tell me it was okay. I wanted to be okay. I started to cry for the second time in ten minutes, but I choked out a 'no' before I began to break down sobbing yet again.

Luna held me and let me let it out, I really appreciated her even though I was sort of unable to communicate that to her at the moment. After some more crying it died down to an occasional sniffle.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, "I just want my friends back but I don't fucking trust them anymore."

She let go of me and shuffled back a little, sitting down in front of me so we were maybe a foot apart, "I understand how you feel. Why do you feel you cannot trust them?"

"I- They threw me out the second things went wrong and it looked like I was the cause of it. Now they're trying to talk to me and be my friend again and I just- I just- I don't know."

"Have you thought that they felt they were wary of you after your reformation? That they felt the same way you do now?" She asked, gently taking my hoof in hers, "They gave you a second chance Sunset, it may seem impossible but I suggest you give them a second chance, and if they betray your trust again then you will know for certain that they are not your friends."

I nodded and took yet another shaky breath, "I suppose you're right princess. I'm just.. I don't know, scared. Really really fuckin' scared. I don't want to have my heart broken five times over again."

"I know Sunset, but you let them know that if they ever allow something like what happened to you ever repeat itself then you are out of there faster than they can say 'I'm sorry, wait!'."

"Heh, I guess so. Thank you princess. But if I'm here then isn't it already too late?"

She shook her head no and let go of my hoof, "It's never too late. But I need to know for certain that if I send you back that you will not end up back here. Are you positive you want to go back?"

I shook my head yes with conviction, "I do, princess. Before you send me back- Uhm.. Will I ever see you again?"

"Yes, I'll occasionally visit you in your dreams to check on you, and if you're ever in Canterlot be sure to either come say hello or if I'm asleep to leave a note." Luna smiled at me, "Are you ready to return? I have to warn you, some time has likely passed by now, I'm unsure if it's been hours or days."

I nodded and her horn lit up, her horn seemed to turn a blinding white, not her aura, her horn. I closed my eyes and used my hooves to cover my face, I felt like my very being was being dragged by some unknown entity. I felt like I was going through the portal to Equestria and I honestly thought I was for the few seconds before I blacked out.