• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,895 Views, 126 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

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Movie night

I race home for two reasons, one, to prevent Applejack from following me, and two, it was freezing and I may have underdressed a little bit.
Once I get inside I set the bag with my delicious cupcakes down on the nearest surface and I kick my shoes off. Well, I tried to kick my shoes off, I had to unzip the side of my boots before I was able to kick my shoes off. Once I got my shoes off I grab my food and move over to my couch, I plop down and immediately realized I sat on my pancakes that I totally forgot were there.

"Are you ffffff-" I stop myself mid swear and sigh, my treats will have to wait until I change my pants and throw away the food I sat in. I get up pick up the plate with my squished ass pancakes on it, I step on the lever to open my garbage can and scrape the pancakes into the garbage.

"At least it was almost done anyways, I'm not wasting much."
I put the plate in the sink and go up to my loft, I change into my PJs since I didn't plan on- Oh wait, Rarity was coming after school. I groan and change into slacks, less comfy than pajamas but it would be rude if I wore my PJs.

Thankfully I had managed to get my snacks and drink back to the couch safely and without further incident, I turned my TV on and channel surfed for a while. I decided on watching some cartoons since nobody was around to judge me, even if they were around I simply wouldn't've given a single fuck and still would watch my cartoons. I watched everything they were broadcasting until my phone buzzed, I grabbed it and checked my texts.

'Sunset, am I able to come over or is it a bad time?'

I don't hesitate in telling her she could come over, just to knock extra loud so I'd hear her since I'm watching TV and might not hear her.

I didn't bother responding when I heard the phone buzz again since I knew I'd be talking face to face with her pretty soon. I went back to watching whatever the cartoon channel was airing. I was having a lazy day I'd decided.

I continued watching TV until I heard the door get knocked on pretty loudly, it wasn't obnoxious like it was when she came over at six in the morning but it was loud enough that I could tell it was Rarity.
I eagerly got up and opened the door, allowing her entry.

"Good to see you Rarity." I smiled, I needed to find out what she was trying to get from me.

"And you Sunset. How have you been? It's only been a day since we've last spoken in person but some things happened at Sugarcube Corner I've heard, what happened dar-?"

"I ran into Applejack." I said simply, "And I don't mind if you call me darling, it doesn't get on my nerves since I consider you an acquaintance. I just don't like being called sh- things like that by strangers y'know?"

She nodded in understanding, "I assume she was one of the the last people you wanted to run into?"

"Mhm, unfortunately. She tried apologizing but I'm just.. Not ready to talk to her. Or the others. At all. The only people I'll talk to are you and maybe Fluttershy." I stressed the word 'maybe' to get the point across.

"Oh." She paused, "Well we should focus on the positives for now! I brought some cola, I know you liked the cherry flavor so I got a couple of cans for you."

I looked at her and cocked a brow, and despite myself I let a smile grace my features, "How'd you remember? That's impressive."

"I remember the little things darling!~" Rarity said in a singsong voice, "I was hoping you'd be open to watching a movie, your pick of course."

"Oh. Yeah! I've got a few, but I was wondering if you'd want to watch a musical instead. There's one called 'Ride the Typhoon' that's on Broadway on Command."

"Sure, I've actually been meaning to watch that for the past few months but my parents wouldn't allow me to get the app to stream it for whatever reason."

I shrug, since I wasn't Rarity's mother and I had no idea what she was thinking or why she wouldn't allow Rarity to get the streaming service. I navigate to the app using my TV remote and I search for the musical, I press play and we both shut up to watch the show.

I had a nice time watching it, and we spent hours watching movie after movie after the musical finished. By the time Rarity said she had to go home it was around six in the evening, it was honestly really nice and I'm starting to think that Rarity just might really want to be friends again.
I say goodbye to my sort of friend and see her off, I watch her until she gets into her car just to be extra safe. Once she pulls out of the lot I go back into the depths of my apartment and begin my night routine, I finish it relatively quickly and I decide I should go to bed early to catch up on the sleep I've missed due to my random insomnia.

My thoughts are replaying my little movie marathon with Rarity, searching for any sign of her being insincere but finding none, I climb up into the loft and then onto my bed and quickly get under the covers. I sigh and give into the thought that maybe they are truly sorry.

"Dammit." I mumble after I turn the lights off from my warm and safe space under the blankets.

"Make up your mind brain, do you want to be friends with them again or no?" I close my eyes and do my best to embrace sleep as it comes. Tomorrow's going to be interesting, I just know it.