• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 6,500 Views, 450 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

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Three Heroic Groups

Beyond planet earth. Beyond the solar system. Beyond Equestria. Even beyond the ten dimensions themselves. There existed another world of magic and monsters. And it all existed on a place called the Boiling Isles. The Boiling Isles was actually the corpse of colossal creature the people of that world knew as a Titan. And on that island existed monsters of many shapes and sizes and the beings there were all witches or wizards. And humans have never set foot in that world. Well... At least one did.

In a market were several figures looking for stuff in dumpsters or alleys. The first was Luz Noceda; the resident human girl who went through a portal to the Boiling Isles and decided to stick around and learn how to be a witch. With her was Eda Clawthorne; better known as the Owl Lady who had a reputation around the land as being the only witch who used what the others referred to as 'wild magic'. With them was a little gray furred dog-like creature that had a horned skull for a head and wore a collar. Everyone knew him as King because of his self proclaimed title as King of Demons. On Eda's back was a wooden backpack with a little owl's face sticking out. It was her house demon Hooty who decided to join the group in town by using his travel pack.

Accompanying the four were Luz's three friends, Willow; the witch who specialized in plants, Gus; the wizard who specialized in illusions, and Amity Blight; Luz's self proclaimed awesome girlfriend. With them were Amity's older twin siblings Edric and Emira.

Luz looked through a dumpster and sighed, “Finding new pieces to build a new portal to the human world is harder than I thought.”

King popped his head out of the dumpster, “Well, on the plus side, at least I'm finding some good eats!” he held up a half eaten doughnut and ate it making Luz smile seeing he was enjoying himself.

Eda walked over, “Relax, you two. We'll find the right stuff we need or my name isn't Eda the Owl lady!” she declared dramatically.

“But your name is Eda.” Hooty stretched up.

“It's a figure of speech, Hooty!” Eda used her finger to push Hooty's face away from hers.

Over by the others, they weren't having much luck either, “At this rate we'll never find the right pieces.” Gus sighed.

“But we have too!” Amity said desperately before shirking back and blushing in embarrassment.

“Amity?” Willow asked in concern.

“I mean, we owe it to Luz, and we can't let her down.” Amity corrected herself sheepishly before walking over to another dumpster. Her sibs noticing her odd behavior when it concerns Luz even for her knew something was up. Emira decided to get to the bottom of it.

She walked over to Amity, and spoke, “Mittens, is there something you're not telling us?”

Amity seeing Emira and knowing she wouldn't stop until she got the answers just spoke, “I just feel bad losing the portal Key to the Golden guard. That had plenty of Titan's Blood in there. Even though I got some of it for Luz to use. We could still have more of it, if I didn't give it to that scrawny head guard!”

“So this is for you to make up for it?” Emira guessed.

“I have to do it, Em. For Luz.”

Emira smiled and ruffled her sister's purple hair, “You do whatcha gotta do, sis.”

Amity smiled, “Thanks.” and the two sisters started looking in the dumpster together.

As King dug deeper into the dumpster he found something that was metal with three dark octagon shapes combined.

“Hey, guys!” King called, as he popped out of the dumpster.

Everyone hearing the little demon rushed over, “What is it?” Luz asked.

“Look what I found!” King showed them the object.

“Ooh, what is it?” Gus asked.

“No idea.” King answered bluntly.

“Is it some kind of magical object?” Edric wondered while looking closely.

“Eda?” Luz asked showing her the object.

“Never seen that in my life.” she admitted.

“Well, if it's not an ingredient for the portal, then it's useless.” Amity said.

“Not so fast, bossy boots,” Eda stopped her, “This could still make for a good price to some lucky sucker.” she smirked.

“All this searching is making me hungry, can we go eat?” King asked hopefully.

“King, you've been eating dumpster food since we started looking.” Willow reminded him.

“What's your point?” he asked.

“He does bring a good point.” Gus admitted.

“Alright, kids. Let's take five.” Eda suggested.

“How can we literally take one of the numbers?” Gus asked in confusion making Eda roll her eyes.

So they walked through the market together, as Luz continued to toy with the object King found, “This thing doesn't look magic-like. It almost feels sci-fi-like.” she told herself.

Amity walked Luz making her blush, “So figured it out yet?”

“Oh, Amity. Nothing yet. But I have this gut feeling there's something special about this thing,” she tapped it before tapping the center octagon making all three glow purple, “Huh?”

The group looked back and saw the object Luz had levitated out of her hand and opened up projecting a purple glowing triangular gate.

“What is it?” Willow asked in awe.

Luz cautiously put her hand through it before pulling it out, “I don't believe it. But I think this is a portal!”

“A portal?!” the group asked in surprise.

“Does that mean this could be your ticket home?” Gus asked.

“It's possible.” Luz admitted.

“Let's try it and find out!” King suggested.

The group looked curious about doing it, but knew the only way to find out where it would lead had to take a chance. Before they could enter it...

“Hold it!”

The stopped in place before seeing Kikimora in her Abomaton with several cover guards at her side.

Eda groaned, “Kiki, you really know how to ruin a day!”

“If that object can make a portal than I am declaring it as property of Emperor Belos!” she declared.

“No fair, I found it first!” King argued while shaking a paw.

“Be silent you little runt!” Kiki ordered.

“You know you're not exactly on the tall side yourself.” Eda snarked making Kiki growl.

“Get them and secure that portal maker!”

The coven guards attacked the group who spread out. Amity started using some abomination goo she carried on her to create her own abomination to attack. Willow using her plant magic started conjuring vines from under the ground to swat some guards away, while Gus and the Blight Twins used illusion magic to distract more guards.

Eda and Luz were using glyph magic against Kiki and her aboma-ton, while King used his sonic howl to push it back.

As they fought the portal that remained open started sucking in anything close to it, which was all of them.

“What's happening?!” Kiki demanded.

“The portal's pulling us in!” Luz cried, as they tried running for it, but the pull was so strong they were all getting sucked in.

Watching from an alley was someone wearing a cloak before they ran ahead and jumped into the portal before it closed and the object fell to the ground.

Everyone flew through a purple vortex screaming before the portal opened up and everyone dropped out landing in an alley way.

“Oh, that hurt.” Luz rubbed her head.

“I can't feel my toes! Hoot!” Hooty panicked.

“You don't have toes.” King reminded him dryly, while getting up.

“Oh, right.”

As everyone got up, Kiki and the coven guards stared Eda and the kids down, “No matter where we are, I'll still bring you back to Emperor Belos. And he will award me gratefully.

“Not today, Kiki!” Eda tossed a beaker with a liquid at them and upon hitting the ground it shattered releasing smoke blinding them. When the smoke cleared, the good guys were gone, much to Kiki's anger.

Eda and the kids after escaping Kiki and the coven guards ran for it, before stopping at the end of an alley and looked out seeing they were in a city with tall buildings, cars driving down the streets, and ordinary people walking about.

“No way.” Gus gasped.

“Is-is this really?” Amity asked.

“I-I think we're in the human realm.” Luz gasped, as they all looked at each other.

Down in the Turtles lair, the turtles and the Rainbooms were busy training in the dojo. Accompanying the Rainbooms was their classmate Trixie who was currently in the middle of a spar with Rainbow Dash who wasn't holding back not even for her.

“Explain to us again why Trixie wanted to spar with us?” Raph asked Applejack.

“She wants to improve her physical strength.” Applejack explained.

“Especially after how Wallflower kicked her butt the last time she was in a spar.” Pinkie smiled.

“I heard that!” Trixie called to her, before getting knocked to the floor.

“You need to focus, Trixie!” Rainbow ordered her.

Trixie pouted and crossed her arms, “Why couldn't Blade be here so he could be my sparing partner?”

Sunset answered while leaning against the wall, “Because he has other things to do.”

“More important than moi?” Trixie asked.

The girls and the turtles sighed with a shake of their heads. Fugitoid spoke up to lighten the mood, “Well, at least she's doing better than she did before you started training with her.”

"And to think she only came with us because she wanted to do some street magic in New York for bigger audiences." Rarity told the turtles.

Suddenly April and Casey burst in, “Guys, girls!” April began.

“You might wanna see this!” Casey said, as the crew were concerned before following them to the TV where the news was on.

“This is Carlos Chiang O'Brien Gambe with this breaking news bulletin!” the newsman began, as the teens listened, “Disgraced supposed monster-hunter Abigail Finn has broken out of jail late last night and is on the loose. Be warned people, this lady is insane!”

“Oh, this is terrific!” Donnie said in sarcasm.

“That's the lady you dealt with during that Green Man incident?” Trixie asked.

“Yeah, the same lady who came close to exposing us.” Mikey added.

“Because you-” Raph started only for Leo to grab his arm and shake his head firmly, “Made up for your mistake and that's all that matters.” he finished.

“We should really look into this,” Twilight suggested, “If she happens across any of the Mutanimals she could mistake them for monsters and have them sent to labs to be experimented on.”

Fluttershy gasped, “Not Slash!”

“Or my Leatherhead!” Pinkie cried.

“Or Mona!” Raph gasped.

“And moreso, if she were to find the lair that would expose us too.” Leo put in.

“So let's go catch Finn and send her back to the slammer!” Rainbow said with excitement.

Leo nodded before turning to Trixie, “Trixie, are you up for a little on the job training?”

Trixie smirked, “The Great and Powerful Ninja Trixie is on it!”

“Don't call yourself that.” Raph said dryly.

“Let's move out, ninjas!” Leo ordered, as they grabbed their weapons with Trixie taking her own bisento axe, and headed up top.

Meanwhile back on the surface at New York's skatepark was another individual who had black, spiky hair with green highlights. He wore a red jacket which conceals a white t-shirt, blue cargo shorts, and gray shoes. This was Jake Long whom held a deep secret very few people knew about. He was the American Dragon; the Magical protector of New York. He was enjoying himself doing tricks with his skateboard while appreciating the company of his two best friends Trixie and Spud, and his girlfriend Rose.

“Whoo! That's the way, Jakey!” Trix cheered, as Jake did a trick.

“That's my dude!” Spud cheered.

Rose smiled watching Jake. Though previously she was raised under he eye of the magical creature hunter known as the Huntsmen; leader of the Huntsclan who trained her to be a ruthless hunter of magical creatures. Especially dragons. But after learning who the American Dragon was she could never bring herself to hurt the boy she grew to love.

Jake deciding to take a breather sat down beside Rose as they watched Spud and Trixie ride their boards, “It's pretty sweet you and your family are visiting from Hong-Kong, Rose.”

“Yeah. It's great to be back.” Rose admitted, while looking around in nostalgia.

“So, how have you been feeling? You know after regaining your memories?” Jake asked in concern.

“It's strange. I mean I still have the memories of the life I lived if the Huntsclan never took me, and yet I still have the memories of the life I had when they did. Like those two sets of memories coexist in me.” she explained.

“That's gotta feel whacked. Like you lived two separate lives. And I'm not just talking about your time as a student and as Huntsgirl.”

“Right.” Rose giggled.

“Still, I'm glad to have you back in my life.” Jake smiled.

“Me too.” Rose smiled back as the two leaned in ready to kiss.

Before they could connect a magical telegram appeared before them startling them both, “Oh, man!” Jake complained.

Spud and Trixie stopped their boarding and hurried over, “Yo, what's all this?” Trix asked.

Jake unraveled the scroll, “It's a message from gramps. Oh, no!”

“Oh, no, what?” Spud asked.

Jake spoke to them, “Looks like our old dragon council traitor Chang's broken out of jail.”

“Oh, dang!” Trix gasped.

“But how?” Spud wondered.

“Well, you remember last time we fought her after defeating the dark dragon, the council stripped her of her dragon chi and sent her to this city's prison as a means of being clsoe enough for us to keep an eye on. But it looks like someone got her chi back to her and she's escaped and has a new partner.”

“Who is it?” Rose asked.

“Someone named Abigail Finn.” Jake read.

“Hmm.” Rose pondered.

“Hey, Rose, ya know her?” Spud asked.

“Yeah, girl, what's up?” Trix asked.

“I heard of her. She's supposed to be a supposed monster hunter but was deemed insane by her colleagues.”

“If only she had any idea creatures like that really existed.” Jake chuckled, before checking the message, “Anyway the council believes she still somewhere in the city and wants me to try and find her and capture her.”

“Well, you can count on me to help.” Rose offered.

“Us too!” Trix put in.

“Oh, yeah!” Spud pumped a fist.

Jake smiled, “Thanks, guys. Look out, Chang! The AM Drag Crew is comin' to get ya!”