• Published 26th Jun 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

The Jade Dagger

Down in the sewers, Fu Dog, King, Spike, and Haley were checking around for any signs of the Terrible Trio, while the turtles and everyone else were up top and branched into groups to search other parts of the city for the three wicked ladies.

“Why did we get stuck looking in the sewers?” King grumbled.

“It was Leo's order. And trust me, you don't wanna argue with him about orders,” Spike warned him, “He gets enough of that from Raph.”

“I get it, but couldn't he have at least stuck us with some more muscle?” King continued, “I mean we got me, a very handsome demon, two dogs, and a pipsqueak dragon!”

Haley looked with a frown, “Hey, I may not be older like my brother, but I'm a lot smarter than you know.”

“It's true. The kids got her own kind of charm.” Fu admitted.

“But do you honestly think Kiki and the others would even be down here?” King continued to question.

“We can't rule out anything.” Spike answered, as he went on ahead and sniffed around a passageway before bumping into something.

He looked up and his eyes widened. In the shadows stood a large figure staring down at him with one big eye. Spike let out a scream, getting the others attention. They arrived just as the little dog was backing away.

“Spike, what's wrong?” King asked.

“That!” Spike pointed at the figure.

Haley quickly transformed into her dragon form and took a fighting stance, “Hi-yah!”

“Haley?” the figure asked in a familiar voice.

“Huh, Stan?” Haley asked, as she stood down and changed back to human.

“Stan? Stan Lipkowski? That you?” Fu asked.

“Hey, Fu Dog, long time no see!” The figure came into the light, revealing himself as a one eyed troll covered in long purple hair. He was also dressed in janitor clothes.

“Wait, Fu, Haley, you know this guy?” King asked confused.

“Yep. King and Spike, meet my old buddy, Stan the sewer troll.”

“Hi there, sorry for spooking yah, Spike.” Stan apologized.

“Uh, no problem.” the dog replied.

Haley continued, “And I met him when Jake let him into our house to protect him from the sunlight. And got busted by mom for letting a strange magical creature in the house.”

“So, how yah been, Stan? And what's with the janitor look?” Fu inquired.

“Oh, I work as a night custodian at the Natural History Museum. Which is actually why I'm looking for Jake.”

“For what?” Haley asked.

Stan began as a brief flashback occurred, “Well, yah see, I was doing my shift when I heard a strange noise. So I went to see what it was when I spotted the darnedest sight. A monkey creeping around.”

Fu did a double take, “A monkey? Did this monkey have black fur and dressed in yellow hip hop swag?”

“Hmm? You know, come to think of it, yes he was. Hey, you and Haley alright? You look like you saw a ghost.”

The dog and dragon girl had looks of shock and horror on their faces, “Oh no...” Haley dreaded.

“Stan, what was the monkey doing?” Fu inquired.

“Well, I overheard him saying to himself 'Yo, gotta find dat dagger for Chiggity Chang'! And that's when I remembered hearing about counselor Chang escaping so I figured I'd better tell Jake and then I ran into you and you know the rest.”

Fu continued, “Stan, you have no idea how right you are to tell Jake! He's up topside round Bleaker Street! Yah can catch him there and book it, man!”

“Right! On it! Nice seeing you again, Fu Dog!” And the troll ran down a tunnel.

Fu then took off in another direction, “Come on, guys, we gotta get to the museum, pronto!”

The others followed as Spike was curious, “Why?”

“What for?” King wondered.

“Cause I know exactly who that monkey is and who he's working for.”

“And so do I!” Haley added.

“You do?” Spike asked.

“Who is he?” King wondered.

Fu answered with hatred, “Bananas B!”

Soon enough the four had made it to the museum. Haley shifted into her dragon form and flew the two dogs and little demon up onto the roof, where they found an open window.

Fu sniffed around the area and growl, "Oh he's here alright! I recognize that monkey smell anywhere!"

"So, what do you think he's looking for?" Spike wondered.

"Stan mentioned Bananas B was looking for a dagger, and I have a hunch on what kind." Fu took out a scroll. On it was a picture of a dagger with green blade.

"The Jade Dagger?" King read.

"Yep, it says here that the dagger has magical properties," Fu explained, "It can cut open holes in the fabric of space and time, or in other words, open portals to other worlds."

"So it's a dimension dagger?" Spike asked.

"Sure, if you wanna put it that way." Fu shrugged.

"But why would something like that be here?" Haley asked.

"Because there's lots of daggers, knives, and swords made of jade on display here, so the Dragon Council thought it was the best place to hide it," Fu answered, "Like finding a needle in a haystack. But if Chang sent monkey boy to steal it..."

"She's gonna use the dagger to free the Dark Dragon!" Spike realized in shock.

"Well, no way are we letting that happen!" King stated.

"Yeah, let's go get that monkey!" Haley declared.

"With pleasure." Fu grinned.

Soon, they had entered through the window with Haley turning back to human, and began sneaking around the museum, keeping an eye out for Bananas B.

"So, Fu," King spoke up, "Who exactly is this Bananas B?"

"Well to put it simply, he's Chang's animal guardian," Fu stated, "But he didn't start off that way. In fact, he was once Jake's temporary guardian. It started when I accidentally let my animal guardian license expire... Again."

"Wait, animal guardians need licenses?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Pretty much," Fu went on, "So Jake was given a temporary new guardian, Bananas B. And he proved to be a better guardian to Jake than I ever was. But I could tell that monkey was out to steal my job permanently. However, when Jake's team fought Chang and a horde of sewer trolls, he abandoned Jake and joined Chang to save his own skin!"

"He did what?!" Spike gasped.

"That traitor!" King accused.

"You think that's bad?" Haley spoke up, "When me and my Dragon teacher, Sun Park, fought him and Chang in a potions shop, he poured Essence of Troll on my face! I was stuck with an ugly half troll face for a whole week!"

"Ehh!" Spike and King shuddered in disgust.

"No kidding," Fu added, "Her faced looked like her neck threw up on her." The group just pressed on following the trail.

Meanwhile, Bananas B had crept over to a room with a sign over it that read, Ancient Chinese weapons. He peeked into the room and looked around. Like Fu had mentioned to Haley, there were lots of jade-bladed weapons on display. There was also a security camera. Careful to avoid being seen, Bananas B jumped and climbed over the displays before he grabbed onto the camera's support pole attached to the wall. Holding on with his feet, he pulled out another camera and snapped a picture of the room. Then he took out the photo and slipped it over the security camera lens to make it look like nothing was going on.

"Easy as banana cream pie, yo!" Bananas B laughed before jumping down. Then pulled out a scroll that had a picture of the Jade Dagger, "Now which of these is d'em magic dagger?" He looked at each display until is found a dagger that matched the picture, "Bangers!" He ran over to the display and grabbed the dagger, "Got it! Chang will be pleased when I deliver the goods!"

"Not if we have anything to say and or do about it, banana breath!" Bananas B whipped around to see Fu, Haley, Spike, and King standing in the doorway.

"Fu Dog, long time no see," Bananas B greeted, "And Haley, ah see dat essence of Troll wore off on yah." He laughed.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna show you how much I appreciated that!" Haley glared.

Bananas B then noticed Spike and King, "I see you invited some friends."

"That's right." King confirmed.

"Now hand over that dagger, monkey boy!" Spike ordered.

"No chance, man," Bananas B rebuffed, "Chiggity Chang needs dis dagger to free the Dark Dragon, yo!"

"Then I guess we're doing this the hard way," Fu stated, "Cause in case you haven't noticed, there's four of us and one of you!"

"Guess again, dawg," Bananas B rebuked, "Ah had a hunch I might run into a bit of a jam, so I brought in some friends of me own. And one of them actually knows you, Fu Dog."

"Oh really?" Fu asked rhetorically.

"Really!" Came a female voice that made Fu double take.

"It can't be!" He said in disbelief.

"It can be, and it is!" Everyone looked up to see a shadowy figure clinging to the corner of the wall ninja style. Then the figure jumped down, revealing it was a hairless female cat, "Hello, Fu Dog."

"Yan Yan!" Fu sneered, as Spike on instinct growled at the cat.

"Miss Tinkles?!" Haley asked in surprise.

"Hello, Haley!" Haley gasped and turned around. Standing behind her was a little girl about her age with red hair in a ponytail.

"Olivia?!" Haley said in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"

"Helping out my cat," Olivia answered, "Just like you're helping out that ugly dog of yours."

"Hey, I resent that!" Fu frowned.

"Uh, friend of yours?" Spike asked Haley.

"No way!" Haley glared, "That's Olivia Mears, my arch rival."

"I think you mean, your arch superior!" Olivia smirked, "By the way, Haley, I got a surprise for you.”

"What a coinky dink," Haley replied, "I've got a surprise for you!" And she transformed into her dragon form.

Olivia stared with wide eyes, "What a surprise!" Then she gave a sinister grin, "Now here's my surprise!" And she transformed into a light blue dragon!

"You're a dragon too?!" Haley exclaimed in utter shock.

"Well duh!" Olivia remarked, "How do you think I knew Miss Tinkles could talk this whole time?!"

"Well, didn't see that coming." Fu said, shocked himself.

"But, How?! When?! Why?! Huh?!" Haley stammered, before Olivia tackled her.

“You guys get the dagger, I'll dance with this fiendish feline!” Fu ordered Spike and King.

“On it!” Spike answered.

“Kick her butt!” King cheered, and the two chased after Bananas B around the exhibit.

Yan Yan spoke to her rival, “And dance we shall, Fu Dog,” she made combat poses, “For once again, we shall dance the sweet tango of battle!”

“After you, Miss Tinkles!” he replied.

And so the cat and dog engaged in combat as if it were a dance, while Haley and Olivia flew around attacking each other.

“So all this time, you were a dragon too?!” Haley asked in disbelief.

“Surprise!” Olivia mocked, as she spat fire, only for Haley to dodge and retaliate with a fireball of her own.

Olivia maneuvered around the flames, as she grappled with Haley in the air, “Now I know how my brother was feeling when dealing with that Fred Nerk boy.”

As Spike and King were busy chasing Bananas B, the purple pup reached behind and pulled out a T-Phone and paw dials, “Twilight, it's Spike. We're at the Natural History Museum, and we need back up. All of you get here ASAP!” he hung up.

As King was gaining on the monkey, he leaped for it, “I got him!” he tackled Bananas B and the two rolled across the floor.

As they rolled the two were each trying to pin the other to the floor, until Bananas B had King pinned before snatching the dagger.

“Sorry, Fido, but you ain't getting' the best o' Bananas B!” he mocked.

“I'd get off me if I were you.” King warned him.

“And why?”

In response King used his sonic howl pushing Bananas B off, but in the process the animal guardian ended up using the dagger to cut open a portal in thin air.

The others seeing this were surprised, “It really works!” Spike gasped.

“Oh, it works alright!” Fu replied in worry, “And it's pulling us in!” the portal indeed such all of them through it.

They flew through a void before landing out of a portal and wound up on a block right outside a house.

“Where are we?” Haley asked.

“Some other dimension,” Fu answered, “That's the power of the dagger for you.”

“You imbecile!” Yan Yan hissed, “You weren't supposed to actually use it!”

“My bad, kitty cat.” Bananas B apologized sheepishly.

“So let's use it to get out of here!” King ordered.

“I'm with the skull head!” Olivia agreed, as they fought for the dagger before Bananas B used it again sending them through another portal.

Just when they did, the door to the house they were outside of opened, as a familiar basilisk looked outside.

“Huh? There's nobody here.” she said.

“Vee, was someone at the door?” a woman's voice called out to her.

“No, Camila. It's nothing.” the creature named Vee closed the door still feeling like she missed something.

The group flew through the void again before landing through a portal somewhere else. Spike looked around and realized they landed right in the middle of Gotham city at night. As the others were surprised, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting close by.

They looked and saw Batman was in the middle of fighting some thugs led by Two Face, “We shouldn't be here!” Spike yelped before snatching the dagger and used it again taking them all with him before Batman or Two Face could notice.

They then landed in another world that looked like a swamp land, and witnessing their arrival was a teenage girl who was missing a shoe and had sticks and leaves in her hair, and with her were three frog people, an older looking man frog, a young boy frog, and a girl polliwog with little legs.

“Whoa, who're you guys?!” the girl asked.

“Pay us no mind, we're just passing through!” Fu called, before Yan Yan grabbed the dagger and used it to send them off.

“Huh, weird.” the boy frog said.

Fu and the others ended up in yet another world. They looked and saw they were right outside the School of Friendship.

“The School of Friendship!” Spike barked.

“This is a school?” Haley asked.

“Looks like a castle.” Olivia noted.

“No. That's a castle!” Spike motioned to Princess Twilight's castle.

“Whoa, that's some castle.” Fu gasped.

“A little too tree-like for my taste.” Yan Yan admitted.

Suddenly the doors to the school opened, and the Mane Six, Starlight, and Dragon Spike exited before noticing the group right outside.

“Spike?” Princess Twilight asked.

“But who're they?” Starlight asked noticing the others.

“Are those the Rainbooms?” Haley asked.

“It's their pony selves in this world.” Spike answered.

“Sorry, ladies we's gots to skidoo!” Bananas B got the dagger and used it sending them off.

“What in tarnation was that all about?” Applejack asked her friends who were just as confused.

The next thing the group knew they landed somewhere that looked like a living room area with a couch in the center, tv on the wall, and on both sides were large rows of windows revealing a big view of the city.

“This place feels familiar. Like Twilight mentioned somewhere like this before.” Spike wondered until they heard a ding sound.

Suddenly elevator doors opened up, and stepping out were the Teen Titans. But these Titans looked incredibly different. Mostly being so one dimensional and badder looking quality. Beast Boy and Raven looked a lot shorter, and Robin didn't look like the Robin he remembered seeing that brief time he was in Gotham after reuniting with Twilight and the others.

“Intruders! Titans, Go!” Robin called, only for Starfire to blast him with her eye bolts making him fall to the floor unconscious.

“Robin, you will not harm these cute animals. Especially the kitty!” Starfire announced, before scooping Yan Yan up.

“What?!” the cat cried, as the weirder Starfire nuzzled her.

“Kitty-kitty-kitty!” she cooed.

“Unhand me you fool!” Yan Yan demanded, while struggling to break free.

“Ha-ha! This is gold!” Fu laughed.

“This is getting so weird.” Spike said to himself.

“Let my cat go you-” Olivia was cut off as Raven dropped on her pinning her to the floor.

“Check it out! I'm riding a dragon!” Raven cheered.

“Hey, we wants to ride the dragon too mama!” B.B complained.

“There's another one!” Cyborg cheered while motioning to Haley.

“Don't even think about it!” Haley warned them.

Cyborg and B.B then spotted Bananas B, “Wow look at this monkey!” Cyborg cheered, as the two crowded said monkey.

“He's got some sweet swag!” B.B admitted, before snatched the Jade Dagger from him, “Ooh, this is in my color!”

“Yo, give that back!” Bananas Be demanded, as he tried to grab the dagger, only for B.B to start using it to cut open portals that started dropping random objects from other worlds into the living room. Some objects included an empty mutagen canister, a round shield that looked like the American flag, a straw hat, a gold ring, four golden weapons, a seashell necklace, a can with the word Duff on it, a box titled Scooby Snax, an orange ball with a single star in the center of it, and a ball object with the top half colored red the bottom colored white and had a button in the center.

As more stuff from other dimensions poured out, Spike spoke to Fu, “These guys are idiots!”

“Major idiots.” King agreed.

“No kidding.” Fu agreed, before looking back at Yan Yan still getting smothered by Starfire, “But this is too good.” he laughed.

“Enough of this!” Yan Yan hissed, as she clawed Starfire.

“OW! Kitty! Don't you-Ah!” Starfire cried, as she was left with many scratches.

Robin groaned, as he finally woke up from being blasted by Starfire, “What'd I miss?” he was suddenly grabbed by Yan Yan who held him like a bat, “Hey, what're you?!”

“Wow, he's surprisingly light.” Yan Yan realized, before spotting Fu Dog, “Now you're mine!”

“Uh-oh!” Fu gasped, as they resumed their fight in their dance style.

As Yan Yan tried using Robin to whack Fu, the dog dodged causing Robin to constantly hit other things from the couch, a table, the TV, even a cactus.

“Ow! Please stop! AGH!” Robin cried, “Why?!”

Olivia while sitting pinned to the floor by Raven sitting on her watched as Bananas B was trying to get the Jade Dagger from Cyborg and B.B, Yan Yan using Robin to try and hit Fu Dog only to miss making Robin hit other things hurting him in the process. All this was getting annoying to her, before she finally knocks Raven off and decides to end this idiocy.

"Hey, anybody wanna hear a knock knock joke?" She asked aloud alerting the titans.

"A knock knock joke?!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"Yeah we do!" Cyborg said as he, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire crowded around the little dragon girl, while a battered and bruised Robin was dumped near her as Yan Yan was done using him for a bat.

"I love knock knock jokes." Raven said.

"I too wish to hear the jokes of knocking." Starfire smiled.

Olivia cleared her throat and spoke, "Knock knock?"

"Who's there?" Cyborg asked.


"Burning who?" Robin asked in confusion.

"Burning all of you!" In a split second, Olivia blasted them with her fire breath, setting them all on fire.

The Titans screamed and ran around like crazy. Yan Yan and Bananas B burst out laughing at the scene.

"Good one, Olivia." Yan Yan said through chuckles.

"Now that's what I call a real 'fiery experience'!" Bananas joked.

"How 'bout you experience it, monkey!" Haley blew fire and set his tail a blaze.

Bananas B screamed and started blowing on his tail in an attempt to put out the fire.

Fu then noticed that Cyborg and Beast Boy had dropped the dagger, "The dagger! Grab it!" He lunged for it only for Yan Yan to swoop in and snatch it first.

"Too slow, Fu Dog!" She sneered and cut open another portal, then she, Olivia, and Bananas B made their escape.

"Oh no you don't!" Fu said. "Come on, guys!"

"Wait, what about them?" Spike pointed to the Titans.

"Aaahhh, stop drop roll stop drop roll stop drop roll!" Robin cried, rolling around on the floor, which only set the rest of the building on fire.

"Shouldn't we try to help or something?" King asked in concern.

"Ah don't worry, they'll be fine next episode," Fu assured them.

"Huh?" The three asked in confusion.

"Now let's go!" Fu quickly jumped into the portal.

Reluctantly, Spike, King, and Haley followed right as it closed. All while the Titans Tower went up in flames.

As the four heroes flew through the void they caught up to Olivia, Yan Yan, and Bananas B and fought them, “I've had enough dimension hopping!” King called, as he wrestled Bananas B.

“Yeah it's starting to make me nauseous!” Spike barked, as he aided King.

Fu got closer to Yan Yan and snatched the dagger, “Got it!” he opened another portal and they arrived back at the museum in their home world.

Upon arriving they saw all their friends had made it to, “Haley!” Jake called, as he and Rose stood ready to fight.

“Spike!” Twilight called.

“King!” Luz and Eda called.

“Hey how come nobody yelled my name?” Fu crossed his arms.

“Let go!” came King's voice, as they saw Yan Yan upon arriving back in their world managed to grab King and held him in a head lock.

“King!” Willow and Gus cried.

“Let him go!” Luz warned the cat who stood with her owner and Bananas B.

“Don't come any closer, or he gets roasted!” Olivia threatened, “Unless you hand over the dagger of course.”

“What do we do, Leo?” Donnie asked.

Leo sighed, “We can't risk King's safety.” as they were all ready to to surrender, King spoke up.

“Wait a minute! I don't need you guys surrendering for my sake, because I can handle things fine!” King turned to Olivia and Yan Yan, “You two have no idea who you're dealing with!”

“Oh, we don't do we?” Yan Yan asked amused.

“Yeah. Because I am the mighty King of Demons!” he declared, “And as King of all Demons I order you to release me!”

Unfortunately Olivia and Yan Yan just laughed, as Raph spoke to the others in sarcasm, “Oh yeah. King of Demons.

“And what if we don't wanna release you?” Olivia asked between laughs, only for King to snicker.

Bananas B hearing that realized what King was planning, “No way, fools! I'm outie!” he quickly climbed up a tapestry and swung out an open window.

Before Olivia and Yan Yan could call out to the coward King unleashed his sonic howl on the two blasting them back. Olivia growled, but before she could get up, Jake dropped a sphinx hair net onto her making her revert to her human form.

“Olivia!” Yan Yan tried to help her, only to come face to face with Fluttershy who glared at her with her infamous stare.

“Bad kitty! SIT!” Fluttershy ordered.

“MEOW!” Yan Yan yelped in fear as she sat in fright, only to be placed in a cage courtesy of Mikey.

“Gotcha!” he chuckled making Yan Yan hiss, “Ah! You take it!” he tossed the cage to Fluttershy who held it while Yan Yan crossed her arms.

Soon Lao Shi arrived and was given the Jade Dagger by Fu, “So what's going to happen with the dagger since it actually works?” Sunset asked the old man.

“I will give it to the Dragon Council for safe keeping.” he explained.

“And them?” Amity motioned to the captured Olivia and Yan Yan.

“They will be brought to the Dragon Council as well as Olivia's family. I'm sure they'll have plenty to say to their daughter.” Lao Shi explained as Olivia grumbled.

Lao Shi shifted into Dragon form before grabbing the captive Olivia and Yan Yan. The cat hissed at Fu, “You may have won today, Fu Dog. But we'll face each other again one day. And when that day comes you won't have your little dance partners!”

Fu Dog smirked, “I can't wait for that day.” and with that Lao Shi flew the two away.

Luz hugged King, “Oh, we were so worried about you, buddy.”

“Hey, I had things under control!” King argued.

“Sure ya did,” Eda humored him, before rubbing his head, “Still ya did good.”

“Same to you, Haley.” Jake told his sister.

“Yeah, you sure showed that little dragon.” Trix added.

“But still Bananas B got away.” Spike sighed, only to be picked up by Twilight.

“Hey, what matters is the dagger is secured, and you're all ok.” she assured her dog while rubbing their foreheads together.

“You guys sure had a lot to deal with.” Applejack noted.

“We sure did.” Fu confirmed.

“And yet we survived.” King noted.

Spike hopped down to King, Fu, and Haley, “Come on you guys. Let's say it!”

The others nodded as they announced together, “Booyakasha!”

The others smiled, as Mikey spoke, “They learn so well.”

Author's Note:

The plot was inspired by Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu, where Lloyd fought the ghost Morro while dimension hopping.

Making Haley's rival Olivia into a dragon as well was a personal touch so she could be used more and not just Yan Yan's human owner who doesn't know she's not an average cat.

See how many of the items that fell into Titans Tower you can identify.