• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 6,566 Views, 451 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

Groups Collide

As the Hex Squad looked around in wonder, Gus spoke up, “You mean we're actually in the human realm, Luz?”

“Yes. No question about it.” Luz confirmed.

“So where are we exactly?” Willow wondered.

Before Luz could give an answer, stepping into the light were Fong, Sid, Tsoi, and a few more Purple Dragons.

“Well, looky what we got here,” Fong began, “A couple of kids, a mutt, and a grandma.”

Eda's eyed widened, and she frowned, “Grandma?! Watch it, pal!”

“Who're you guys?” Willow asked nervously.

“We're the Purple Dragons.” one of the female members answered.

“Purple Dragons?” Amity asked in confusion.

“But you guys aren't purple, and you're definitely not dragons.” Gus noted, as his friends looked at him oddly, along with the gang who were just as confused.

“This kid doesn't seem to be all there.” Tsoi motioned to head, as his fellow gang members laughed.

“Look, we're not looking for trouble.” Luz tried to reason with them.

“Well, neither are we.” Another male member answered.

“If you'll just hand over all your money, we'll be on our way.” Fong ordered.

“Take a hike!” Eda ordered back.

“Ooh, a tough old bird, this one.” Sid told the gang who laughed.

“Nobody disses the Dragons.” another female member warned her.

“First time for everything.” Eda smirked.

“I don't think you know who you're truly messing with.” came a new voice, as the Hex Squad looked and saw stepping out from the shadows was Hun who roared shocking them.

“What is that?!” Edric gasped.

“I don't know, but I don't wanna find out!” Emira replied.

“And we won't!” Eda threw down a beaker of elixir that released a smoke blinding them.

The Purple Dragons coughed before the smoke cleared, and they saw their targets got away, “They're gone!” Fong grumbled.

Hun growled, “Come on, let's go!” And so they took off unaware they were being watched from the roof top by the Hex Squad.

“That was crazy.” Gus told the others.

“You have creatures like that in the human realm?” Amity asked Luz.

“Not mine.” Luz answered.

“So we're not in the human realm?” King wondered.

“No. This is definitely a human realm city,” Luz assured, as she looked, “In fact. This is New York City!”

“New York?” Willow asked.

“What happened to Old York?” Gus asked, only for Luz to give him a dry look.

“New York?” Eda asked before smiling, “I remember this city when I would travel to the human realm. Oh, this really takes me back,” she looked into the distance, “Hey, aren't there supposed to be two identical buildings right there?”

“You haven't been here in a long time, have you?” Luz asked rhetorically.

“Meh.” Eda shrugged.

“So is it, or isn't it the human realm?” Emira asked Luz.

“Only way to find out.” Luz made a light glyph on a sticky note, before waving her hand over it and a ball of light emerged from it, “It works. The glyph works!”

“It didn't the last time you returned,” King reminded her, “I should know.”

“I do know. But this doesn't make sense,” Luz began in worry, “This looks like New York, but giant turtle monsters, I can use glyph magic. I-I'm freaking out!” she gripped her hair threatening to rip it out.

Amity ran to her and hugged her, “Easy, Luz. Don't stress out.”

“You're right. I-I'm sorry. I'm just a little concerned.”

“You're not the only one.” Willow assured her.

“So what do we do?” Gus asked everyone who had no idea themselves.

Elsewhere, the ninjas, Rainbooms, and Trixie were roof top hopping with Trixie running as fast as she could to try and keep up.

“Come on, Trixie, pick up the pace!” Rainbow ordered, as she ran beside her.

“Give me a break!” Trixie panted, “Not all of us have your stamina.”

“Ya just need to put in the extra work. You'll get it eventually.” Applejack said, while running at her side.

The group stopped, as Karai and Shini arrived, “Hey, guys,” Karai greeted, “We heard on the news about Abigail Finn breaking out.”

“And we figured you guys would be out looking.” Shini smiled.

“You're welcomed to join us.” Mikey offered.

“Wouldn't have it any other way.” Sunset smiled, as they were about to take off until they heard a cry for help.


“What was that?” Fluttershy asked worried.

“Trouble.” Casey answered, as they followed the scream.

They ducked into an alley and saw a bunch of figures wearing cloaks and weird looking masks standing behind a very short non-human looking lady riding atop some robot with purple gooey arms and legs who was interrogating a civilian couple.

“I will ask again. Where is the Owl Lady and her human pet?!” the little lady demanded, only for the couple to shake in fear.

The ninjas watched in shock, “Dudes, what are they?” Casey asked.

“Some bizarre cult from the looks of those guys.” Raph suspected the scouts.

“And that person riding that robot. She's definitely not human.” Twilight noted.

“Human or not, they're scaring civilians.” Leo squinted.

“We'll secure the people.” April said, as she led the Rainbooms and her friends forward.

“Please, we don't know of any owl lady!” the man pleaded to Kiki.

“Perhaps they're telling the truth, Kikimora.” one of the scouts suggested.

“Don't be fooled! They're obviously conspiring with the owl lady and refusing to give us the truth,” Kiki scoffed, “So I'll have to be a bit more persuasive.” She was prepared to make her Abomaton attack the couple only to have it get pushed back by some unknown force surprising everyone.

With Kiki and her Abomaton down, the couple took off running for safety, “Who did that?” Kiki demanded, until April stepped out.

“I did.” she answered.

“Another human.” one of the scouts gasped.

“Then this is the human realm.” another added.

“So you're not from around here?” April crossed her arms.

Before the scouts could answer, Kiki's Abomaton got back up, as she answered, “You interrupted an interrogation, child.”

“It's plain to see that couple had no idea who you were talking about.” the redhead replied.

Kiki squinted her eyeball, “For interfering I'm going to have to teach you a lesson.”

“Then I guess you'll have to teach all of us!”

The group looked confused as Leo stepped into the light, followed by his bros, the Rainbooms, and the others. They were surprised by the sight of the Turtles, as one of the scouts spoke.

“Kikimora, what are they?”

“I don't know, but they will make fine trophies to hang in the Emperor's hall.” she answered.

“We ain't gonna be anybody's trophies!” Raph frowned.

“Get 'em!” Leo ordered, as they took off.

They started attacking the scouts while the turtles went after Kiki and her Abomaton. The scouts fought the Rainbooms, but were proving to be too slow.

“What kind of fighting style is this?” one of the scouts asked, before getting kicked into a dumpster by Rainbow.

Pinkie popped at his side, “It's called ninjitsu. We're very well trained in it.” she went back to join the fight.

Kiki made her Abomaton try to smash the turtles, as they tried striking back at it, “Jeez, whatever this thing is, it's almost like fighting the Kraang Biotroids.” Donnie said

“Minus the butt cannons” Mikey put in.

As the Abomaton grabbed Raph he could feel the contents of its hands, “Ugh, is this goo? Gross!”

“Hang on, Raph!” Leo channeled his magic into his blades as cut the goo hand holding Raph off freeing him.


The Abomaton grew a new goo hand, as one of the scouts spoke to Kiki, “Ma'am, might I suggest we fall back and regroup?”

Kiki frowned at the ninjas before answered, “Very well. Retreat!”

They all took off, as Applejack spoke to the group, “Come on, we can't let them escape!”

“I thought we were looking for Abigail Finn?” Trixie asked.

“We'll get to her. Right now, we need to learn all we can about those guys.” Leo said, as they took off to follow Kiki and the coven scouts.

Elsewhere, the AM Drag Crew met up with Jake's animal pal Fu Dog who was waiting for them, “Yo, Fu, whatcha got?”

“Gramps and I got word Chang's been spotted close by.”

“Then lead the way.” Spud said.

“I would but I can't exactly move fast. I'll cramp.” Fu motioned to his size

“Alright, leave it to me.” Jake said, as he was prepared to transform.


And Jake had transformed into his dragon form, and stood ready, “Come on!” he picked Fu, Spud, and Trix up, as Rose followed behind on foot.

Chang meanwhile was on a rooftop meeting with Abigail, “You're certain the boy will be here?” Abigail inquired from the former member of the dragon council.

“He will. It's his duty as the American Dragon After all.” Chang assured her.

“Just remember, Chang. I will hold up my side of our alliance and help you with your cause as long as you help me with mine.” Abigail warned her.

“And so I shall.” Chang promised.

“An alliance?” came Jake's voice, as the Am Dragon dropped in with his friends ready, “Long time no see, Chang. Not that I minded it.”

“You ruined everything when you had the Dark Dragon banished!” Chang accused him.

“I was just doing what is my destiny. I would've thought you'd know that.” Jake replied smugly.

Chang frowned, before shifting into her own dragon form, “I will put you in your place, child.”

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” Jake replied, as he flew at Chang and the two dragons went at it in the air.

Abigail looked to the three teens and Fu, “You all look hardly worth my time.”

Rose frowned, before summoning her Huntsgirl staff, “Then I suggest you make the time.”

“If you insist.” Abigail said before pulling out a sword as it was coated in electrical energy, “Had to snag this from my secret weapons stash the cops couldn't confiscate.”

“Hya!” Rose jumped in and fought Abigail in a duel with their weapons.

Trix, Spud, and Fu watched as their friends fought their opponents with neither one holding back. The two dragons flew around trying to spit fire at each other, with the other dodging.

“My grandpa trusted you. We all trusted you!” Jake frowned at Chang.

“That was your mistake.” Chang replied guiltless. Jake resumed fighting Chang with all his might, as Rose and Abigail engaged in combat.

“Not bad, kid.” Abigail admitted.

“I was trained by magical creature hunters.” Rose admitted.

“Yes, I was informed of your alliance with the famed Huntsclan Chang told me about. My kind of people.”

“They're the worst people.” Rose replied, as they clashed their weapons, before Abigail's sword unleashed a shockwave pushing Rose back.

“Rose!” Trix, Spud, and Fu called.

Jake looked down seeing Rose on the ground, “Rose!” that moment of diversion allowed Chang to tail whip him back.

Jake regained altitude and frowned, ready to have another go only to see something stick in him, “Ow!” he saw a tranquilizer dart was shot into his leg. He noticed it came from Abigail who held a blow dart gun in her hand.

Jake started feeling the effects from the tranquilizer kick in and fell to the ground, as Chang flew down, scooped Abigail up and flew off.

“Jake!” Rose cried, as she got up and raced over to him with the others.

“Oh, I can't believe she got me.” Jake groaned.

“Hang tight, kid. I got just the thing.” Fu pulled out a vial containing a liquid, “Drink this.”

Jake drank the stuff before gagging, “Ugh! That is nasty!” he suddenly started getting feeling in his body again, “Hey, I can move!”

“You're welcome!” Fu replied.

“Yo, we gotta jet before Chang and Finn get too far!” Trix reminded them.

“Right, let's go!” they followed Chang's trail.

From three separate directions, the Ninjas and the Rainbooms, the Hex Squad, and the AM Drag Crew were trailing whom they were after to a warehouse. The ninja team entered from one entrance, the AM Drag Crew entered from the other side, while the Hex Squad entered from the roof.

“This is where that Kikimora came in from.” Leo told his team quietly.

Jake whispered to his friends, “No doubt this is where Chang and Finn ducked into.”

From above Luz whispered to her group, “We'll hid out in here for the time being.

Suddenly Spike, Fu, and King caught a whiff, “What is it, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Something's definitely here.” he answered.

Fu who had been asked the same question by Jake spoke, “I can smell it.”

King answered Luz, “Whoever it is smells weird.”

In a three way split screen, the three sniffers spoke, “Don't worry, I'll sniff 'em out!”

So Spike, King, and Fu started sniffing around following a trail as their groups followed behind making sure not to make a sound. The three kept sniffing and sniffing until the bumped heads.

“Ow!” the three looked up seeing each other and yelped, as the three sides met and yelped as well.

“What the shell?!” Raph gasped.

“A dragon?!” Luz gasped, “And turtle men?!”

“This night just keeps getting weirder.” Spud told Jake and the others.

“Think they're in league with that short person?” Pinkie asked her friends.

“Let's not wait around and find out!” Rainbow zipped over.

“Rainbow, wait!” Sunset ordered, only for Rainbow to tackle Edric and Emira.

“Come on!” Raph called, as he charged in to attack Jake who flew up.

“Raph, no!”

“I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it!” Jake frowned, as he started flying down attacking Raph and soon enough all three sides were fighting each other.

Karai was facing against Rose as their weapons clashed, “Pretty good moves.” Karai confessed.

“Not bad yourself.” Rose admitted.

The two pushed each other back gaining distance, but before Rose could attack, a crate was pushed on top of her courtesy of Eda. Karai looked up at her before shifting into snake form and hissed.

“Oh, snap!” Trix gasped.

Eda unfazed spoke, “Nice trick. Let me show you one of my own.” Eda transformed into Harpy mode surprising the others before attacking Serpent Karai.

“That old lady's turned into a bird woman!” Mikey cried.

“The correct term is harpy, Mikey.” Donnie corrected him, while dodging a fireball from Jake.

Luz had been trying her best to dodge the turtles, until Mikey slid on his shell and swept her legs. Luz got up as she rubbed her back, "Ugh, that hurt." she groaned.

Leo announced, "You're no match for our ninja skills. Stand down. We don't wanna hurt you."

"I've got tricks up my sleeve tortugas," Luz smirked as she pulled out her cards, "Pick a card. Any card."

Mikey grinned, "Ooh, ooh, I love card games!"

"What are you supposed to be, a wizard?" Raph joked.

"Close, I am a witch." she answered.

Raph scoffed, "Yeah right."

“We already got one with in our crew.” Mikey winked at Shini who smiled.

When the turtles tried to restrain her, Luz summoned an invisibility glyph and held her breath. She turned invisible and jumped to a ledge before the turtles crashed into each other. They groaned before they got up.

"Man, she wasn't kidding." Mikey groaned.

Leo complained, "Way to say it out loud, Raph."

Raph argued, "Don't blame me, genius."

Donnie suspected, "She held her breath while holding that card to herself and disappeared. She can’t hold it much longer."

Mikey questioned, "So, where did she go?"

The turtles looked at their surroundings. They didn't know where she was. Luz quietly jumped down and tiptoed away. Leo closed his eyes trying to calm his mind. When he heard her footsteps, he opened his eyes, ran at her direction, and grabbed something out of thin air holding it up which made Luz exhale and reappear.

“Nice trick, but you got to do better than that.” Leo told her.

“I would let me down if I were you.” Luz warned him.

“Oh, yeah. And why?” Raph asked.

"Because my girlfriend wouldn't like it."

"Oh yeah? And what's she gonna do-argh!" Before Raph could finish, he was punched back by an abomination fist. The other three turtles saw the fist extended from Amity who was frowning at them.

“Let go of my Luz!” she used her abomination fist to knock the other turtles into Raph causing Leo to release Luz who landed safely in a giant abomination fist.

The human girl smiled at her witch girlfriend, until, “Hey you!" Pinkie shouted at Amity, getting the witchling's attention, "Have some sprinkles!" And she threw her sprinkles at her, only for Amity to catch them in her abomination goo.

Amity scoffed, "Really? That was an attack?" Suddenly, she noticed her goo was glowing. "What that?" The sprinkles exploded, blasting the goo away, and sending Amity flying back.

Fu was running around, dodging the fighting when Amity landed on him, "Ow! Hey hey hey, what's the big idea..." He trailed off when he saw how pretty Amity looked, "Well, helloooo, beautiful! Name's Fu Dog," As he spoke, Amity stood and crossed her arms with an annoyed frown, "Heaven must be missing an angel, cause you're-"

"I have a girlfriend!" Amity interrupted.

"Oh! Excuse me, ma'am." Fu shrugged.

Shini was currently facing the Blight twins, who were trying to distract her with illusions, “Not bad, but I'm full of surprises too!” she jumped up and sent a swarm of bats at the two.

“Whoa!” they gasped and shielded themselves before smirking.

“You think we're scared of bats?” Emira asked rhetorically.

“I adopted one one as a pet.” Edric added, as the two unleashed a spell that sent them scattering. But then they saw Shinigami had disappeared, “Hey, where'd she-”

He was cut off as Shinigami appeared behind and kicked them off their feet. But just as she was about to land another, the Twins suddenly snared her with spell ropes before they spun her around and threw her off. Shini bounced across the floor before landing on her feet and smirked at the pair.

“So. You two want to play...” she got out her hypno ball.

“What?” Emira asked, as Shini giggled and swung it side to side putting the twins under her hypnosis.

When the two were under, Shini wrapped them in her chain before yanking them forward and striking them with a sharp kick.

Luz was still trying to find a way out, until Sunset came up, “Hold it!” As she grabbed Luz's arm, she gasped as a flood of memories flashed before her. She saw Luz entering the Boiling Isles through a door portal, meeting Eda and King, meeting Amity, Willow, and Gus separately, and so many other things. But what stuck out the most was seeing Kikimora and the coven scouts in her memories

Sunset let go of Luz who ran from her, “They're not our enemies. And that group from before is their enemies. I wonder.” she looked over at Jake, before making her way through the fighting and came up behind Jake before grabbing his arm.

“Hey, what the yo!” Jake called, as Sunset started seeing several of Jake's memories as well.

Seeing enough Sunset disengaged from Jake and went to April who had just dodged Harpy Eda swooping down, “April, we got the wrong idea just like we did about the Bat Team.”

“You mean?”

“They're not our enemies.”

“Then we got to stop this fight,” April said, as she rushed out in the center, “Everyone, stop!” but everyone as too busy fighting each other to even listen. So April knew she had to kick it up, and began concentrating, “I said STOP!” she unleashed a psychic wave knocking everyone off their feet and onto the ground.

They all looked up seeing April power down and pant, before looking at each other confused, until Spud spoke, “So are we done here?”

Watching them from afar outside the warehouse on another roof was Chang back in human form and Abigail, “That was a close call.” Abigail said.

“Indeed, if not for the help of our new... friend. They might've found us.” Chang said while motioning behind to Kikimora and the scouts.

“My pleasure, ladies. Now why don't we go talk elsewhere?” she smirked.

Author's Note:

Plenty of quotes supplied way ahead of time by some of my partners