• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 613 Views, 57 Comments

Twilight & Friends - The Complete Season 1 - ThomasZoey3000

Twilight Sparkle returns home to the Island of Sodor to reunited with friends, and to be drawn into crazy adventures.

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More Trouble for Thomas

Twilight & Friends

A Thomas & Friends/My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Crossover

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Episode 10: More Trouble for Thomas

Based on "Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure" by Andrew Brenner

Thomas puffed without a word over to the goods yard to collect some empty ballast trucks for the Little Western. He was feeling rather cross about the whole ordeal , "bother that Gordon, if he didn't open his mouth, then I wouldn't have tried to take the coaches away," but he thought it only to himself.

The trucks snickered when they saw Thomas backing towards them, "oh look, it's Sodor's No 1 tank engine," said one of them.

"You mean former No 1," said another. "I heard the Fat Controller took away his branch line and gave it to that new tank engine; Ryan."

The first truck gave out a sarcastic gasp, "shocking, and here we thought the Number 1 would never have that happen to him. I guess he's not so special after all. He's just a silly little tank engine." And the trucks burst into laughter.

Thomas growled at them, "Shut up!" he snapped and charged backwards at them.

He bumped the buffers hard and made them roll down the line a short distance before stopping, just before the buffers.

"Easy Thomas, we need to collect ballast, not take trucks to the smelter's yard," said his Driver.

Thomas didn't bother to reply back. He buffered up slowly to the trucks, got coupled up and puffed away towards the Little Western. As he passed the station, he saw Ryan backing onto his coaches.

Ryan whistled cheerfully, but Thomas didn't reply back to him.

Back at the site, there was another kind of problem. Starlight was pushing a wheel-barrow full of supplies to the end of the tracks when she saw cracks in the ground under the rails. As Douglas rolled over the area, there came a loud cracking sound and a low rumble, which meant only one thing...

"The ground must be crumbling," she thought to herself.

No sooner was Douglas out of sight than Donald appeared with loaded trucks. Starlight couldn't let Donald cross over this line, so she ran towards the line, waving her arms and shouting; "the line isn't safe! Stop! Stop!"

Donald's Driver heard the warning and applied the brakes.

"We dinna 'ave time tae listen tae anymure oof yer ideas Ms Gimmer, sae stand aside."

"You don't understand, the ground underneath the rails is crumbling. It could open up to a large sink hole, and then you'd really be stuck."

Donald didn't believe her. Mostly everyone didn't believe Starlight for her behavior or tell tales, but when the foreman came to check on the work, he discovered that she was right.

"If you had gone over this line Donald, you'd be in real trouble," he said. "It's a good thing you stopped."

"After I told him it was dangerous," pointed out Starlight.

"Ms Glimmer, I don't want to hear it from you. You're in enough trouble for what you did to that dog, and for your rude behavior to our railway, now sip it!" He turned back to Donald, "as for you, go back to the yards and tell the others to stay there. I'll need to phone the Fat Controller and let him know of what's going on."

Donald puffed back, and the construction machines moved away. Starlight walked away too, but only till she reached a lonely part of the cutting and sat down on a rock.

"I can't help it that I have ideas, and I did not hurt that dog. Oh sure I kicked it once, but not too hard."

She looked back to the site and watched as workmen placed barriers over the tracks, and painted notices which read 'Danger Keep Away!' Soon the area was quiet and still, but they didn't count on Thomas.

It was sometime later when Thomas arrived with the loaded ballast trucks. He had had trouble with them at first, but once they got moving, the journey became easy and he started to cheer up. As he stopped next to the yards, he could see no workers, and he found the other engines resting in the sidings.

"They must be on break," Thomas said to his crew. Then he noticed six flatbeds up ahead of him, all filled with rails and sleepers, "they must've been brought over a short while ago. Maybe we should take them to the end of the line, then it'll save everyone some time."

The crew weren't too sure. So they decided to ask someone if they should take them. With no sign of the foreman or any workers, they asked some of the empty ballast wagons.

"Oh sure, take them to the end of the line, they could really use those rails and sleepers."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," but of course, the trucks were fibbing. They knew about the danger zone, but wanted to have some fun since they were bored.

The Driver and fireman returned to Thomas' cab, "well I guess we're taking these trucks," said the Driver. "Let's get moving Thomas."

With the ballast trucks still coupled behind, Thomas puffed up to the flatbeds and pushed them to the end of the line. It was only then that the foreman returned after having a meeting with the workers, and saw Thomas pushing the flatbeds.

"Hey wait!" cried the foreman. "Stop! Stop!"

But Thomas and his crew were too far off to hear them properly.

Meanwhile, Starlight was still sitting on the rock and feeling miserable, "they just assume I always cause trouble. I may have been mean at one time yes, but I'm changing, yet they won't believe me." Just then, she heard puffing sounds from a steam engine. She looked down the tracks and saw a long line of flatbeds heading toward the danger zone.

Reacting quickly, Starlight jumped off the rock, grabbed a nearby red flag and waved it frantically.

Thomas was unaware of the danger, and by the time he and his crew saw Starlight waving the red flag, it was too late. As the third and fourth flatbed rolled over the danger zone, there came a rumbling sound and the earth started to give way. Thomas' brakes came on with a groan, and at first, Thomas was able to get away from his flatbeds, but the ballast trucks pushed him along and into the buffers of the flatbeds. Somehow, the coupling on the flatbed went up and attached to Thomas' coupling.

"Oh no!" Thomas groaned.

Worst was to come, the rails snapped and the flatbeds started falling into the hole. One by one, they fell into the hole until all that was left was the flatbed Thomas was coupled to. His Driver threw him into reverse, sparks showered from the rails, but the flatbed kept pulling Thomas forward.

"Back Thomas! Back!" cried his Driver.

"Come on little tank engine, pull!" cried Starlight. She and Thomas had never met, so that's why she called him 'Little tank engine'.

Thomas pulled with all his might, and in spite of the ballast trucks behind him, he wasn't slowing down.

"The coupling should snap soon," Thomas groaned. "I just hope it happens quickly."

The ballast trucks behind him could see he was in trouble, but instead of helping, they pushed against him. The crew had no choice but to jump out and watch in horror as Thomas fell into the hole.

Inside the cavern, Thomas rolled along on several flatbeds while the ballast wagons fell to the ground below. Finally Thomas stopped, for a moment as the rails he was standing on moved to the left and made him roll onto another flatbed. Screaming in horror, Thomas and the flatbed rolled along on the ground until they hit a wall. The wall stopped the flatbed, but Thomas rolled off it and jump into the air before crashing down hard onto the ground below.

"Bust my buffers!" groaned Thomas, spinning his eyes a bit.

"Thomas!" cried his Driver, "Are you alright?"

"I think so!" he called back up, "but I'm stuck!"

"Don't worry we'll..." the Driver looked back and noticed Starlight running to get help, "uh right, help will soon be here. Don't go anywhere."

Thomas snorted, "pah, like I'm going to go..." but Thomas stopped himself as he saw something just ahead of him. It was hard to see at first, but once his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cavern, he gasped as he saw a pirate ship, and in good condition. The pirate's flag was even still on the mast and flapping in the breeze coming in through cracks in the rock wall.

"Fizzling fireboxes, I wonder how long that thing has been down here."

It was a few hours before help arrived. Emily the Stirling Single engine brought Rocky the steam crane to lift Thomas out. Sadly, to Thomas' dismay, they also brought the Fat Controller.

"First you derail the coaches, then you fall into the cavern, losing all the ballast, rails and sleepers for this project. I don't know what's gotten into you Thomas."

"But Sir, we were told that..."

"I don't want to hear excuses Thomas. We'll need to get more supplies for the relocation of the line, and you'll need to go to the Steamworks for repairs."

"But sir, we were told that we could go to the end of the line," said the Driver.

"By who exactly Night Light?"

"The ballast trucks, they said it was okay to come down here."

But the ballast trucks pretended to be asleep. The Fat Controller looked firmly to the two men, "I think you're fibbing to get your tank engine out of trouble. I will hear none of the excuses. Now Emily, get him out of here."

"Yes Sir," said Emily.

"Sir, there's something else you..."

"Not another word Thomas!" snapped the Fat Controller. "Think of what you did, and once you start proving how useful you are, then we'll talk." The Fat Controller turned on his heel and walked firmly away.

Starlight shook her head as she watched Rocky put Thomas onto the flatbed. She walked over towards him, "don't feel bad, nobody listens to me anyways. You'll get used to it." She turned and went back to work.

Once the little blue tank engine was tied down, Emily blew her whistle and she puffed away. Thomas called out to Starlight, "Thanks for getting help."

"No problem," she called back. "At least someone thanked me for my efforts." She huffed again and stormed away.

Meanwhile, one workman looked down into the cavern and called the Fat Controller over, "Sir, I think there's something else down there." The Fat Controller came running over and looked down. "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that was a pirate ship."

"A pirate ship, down there?" The Fat Controller was surprised.

Nearby on the water, the same man that Starlight spotted before was looking through his telescope at the site.

"Well now, that accident is a blessing in disguise, for me that is," he chuckled quietly to himself. Suddenly, he felt himself wobble a bit and nearly fell into the water, "Skiff, stop bobbing about like that."

"Sorry Sailor John, it was the waves," apologized his boat.

The man looked to the shoreline, and after spotting a pair of wheels, he came up with an idea.

At the Sodor Steamworks in the town of Crovan's Gate, the workmen worked hard to mend Thomas. Despite the repair job, Thomas wasn't too happy, and Victor the Works engine could see this.

"What's gotten you so down in the dumps Thomas?" he asked.

"My branch line's been taken over by another engine, the Fat Controller refuses to listen to me, and I just fell into a cavern, and all this is the fault of Gordon and Ryan."

"Why Gordon? And who's Ryan?"

"Ryan is a GNR N2 tank engine who just arrived, and Gordon...oh never mind, it doesn't matter. He gets away with his insults, and I'm the one punished. I wish it were him that fell into that cavern."

"Thomas! I can't believe you would say that about another engine," Victor gasped.

"I'm sorry Victor, but that's how I feel." He sighed as he looked down to the ground, "and to add to my problems, the trucks who told my crew we could go to the end of the line won't admit they said anything. I'm in a world of trouble."

"Well you know how trucks are. But don't worry Thomas, once you're back at work, you'll prove how useful you are and everyone will forget your mishaps."

"Just like me!" cried the voice of Kevin the Steamworks crane. He was moving some objects from one end of the works to the other, "I make mistakes all the time, and yet after some time, no one really remembers, and I still get to work here."

"Not everyone forgets Kevin," Victor said firmly.

"Right, er uh, I'll just go back to work," and he rushed away, dropping some supplies in the process.

The little talk didn't help Thomas at all. Worst still, news came into the works that a workman found an old pirate ship in the caverns. Thomas was about ready to lose his temper, "I was the one that found that ship," he thought angrily to himself.

After being lifted out of the hole, the pirate ship was lifted onto several flatbeds. Everyone gasped in wonderment of the sheer size of it, "how in the world does a ship like that end up in a cavern?" asked Jack the Front Loader.

"Maybe it's like one of those folding ships you put in a bottle," chuckled Alfie.

Miss Jenny was also at the site and looked down into the hole, "no Alfie, I suspect that long ago, there was an opening in that cavern, but most likely got filled in over the years."

"Well however it got down there, we have this young man to thank for finding it." And the Fat Controller patted the workman on the back.

Everyone cheered, except for Starlight. She knew Thomas had found it, but said nothing, "they wouldn't believe me anyways."

Marion the Steam Shovel suddenly had a thought, "pirate ships used to have treasure, and maybe this one did."

"Well if there was any treasure, it's not here now," said another workman, who climbed onto the ship after it had been loaded onto the flatbeds. "Most likely, the pirates put it somewhere else in case the ship was ever found."

"Maybe one of us will dig it up, oh I do hope it's me," Marion said cheerfully. "Oh I love to dig things up." Another thought came to her, "see you later everyone, I must see some magical little engines first."

And she puffed away. Jack and Alfie looked to each confused. Starlight shook her head, "silly steam shovel."

At the chute, Mike, Rex and Bert were finishing up their work for the day. Mike was just shunting some trucks onto the chute when he and the others heard; "Magical Little engines! Magical Little Engines!"

"Oh no, not that silly steam shovel again," groaned Mike. "And why is she calling us magical engines? We're just ordinary engines."

"The rest of us are, but I don't know about you Mike," chuckled Rex. "After all, I do believe she is calling out for you." And with that, he puffed away. Bert didn't want to stick around, so he too puffed away.

"I'm not magical," Mike snorted. "Come on Driver, let's go."

Mike's Driver agreed and opened the reverser, but Mike didn't go too far before he was stopped by a big shovel. Mike and his Driver were surprised, "what do you think you're doing?" Mike demanded.

"I just want to make a wish," said Marion, "please Little engine, just listen to my wish." She closed her eyes and made her wish, "I wish I can find the lost pirate treasure."

Mike snorted and with one mighty push, and a hiss of steam, he managed to push Marion's bucket away and puff back to the sheds.

Marion opened her eyes and looked around, "he vanished, just like a real magician," she gasped. "Oh I do hope he'll make my wish come true." And she puffed away, feeling very happy.

Mike puffed back into the sheds with a cross look on his face, "Silly machine, she's like a young child."

The Driver looked at the back of the tender, "no more work for you until we get your buffers fixed, and cover up those scratches."

"Oh joy," Mike groaned.

A short while later, Donald and Douglas were taking the big pirate ship along the rails towards the fishing village where it would be displayed until it could go to the Sodor Museum. It looked wonderful, and drew quite the crowds as it rolled along. One of the people who saw it was the man on the small sailboat.

"Perfect," he smirked to himself.

After the long day's work was done, Starlight Glimmer went home and before going to bed, went onto the internet to do some research. She wanted to know who could've been in charge of a large pirate ship. Luckily, she saw that the name of the ship was 'The Black Shadow' and after looking on the internet for some time, she found what she was looking for.

"Captain Calles was once captain of the Black Shadow, a fearsome pirate that stole from merchant ships around 1755 till around 1766. It is said he and his crew stole billions in coins and treasure, but one day, the navy had had enough and tried to hunt down the pirates. After a fierce battle, they captured the crew, but Captain Calles was able to escape with his ship and he was never seen or heard from again."

After reading the name, Starlight couldn't help but feel that she knew the name from somewhere, but she wasn't quite sure where she heard that name.

"Starlight, get off the internet!" called her father, "you're still grounded young lady."

Starlight was confused as to how her father found out she was online, but then noticed the door was slightly open, so she guessed he saw her. He walked into the room and took the laptop away from her, "I said no computer and Television for three months, or do you need three more months added on?"

"No father, I don't need that."

"Good, now go to bed, you have work tomorrow."

"Yes father."

She could've told him she was merely doing research, but alas, she felt it best not to. She turned off her lights and went unhappily to sleep.

The sun had barely risen the next morning as Thomas puffed back to the site with a long line of ballast wagons. He was running perfectly, but he didn't look grand as he was still covered in dirt. Even his number 1 was covered up on both sides.

"Don't worry Thomas, we'll clean you up when we get the chance," his Driver said kindly.

Thomas said nothing. He was looking to a nearby slipway, for just above it was the pirate ship that he found in the cavern. He wasn't too pleased to see it now, "I was the one that found it, not that workman."

At last, Thomas reached the site. The workmen had already lay down new points and were just starting to lay down new lines. That wasn't all he saw though. Ryan was in the yards with empty trucks behind him, and he was talking with the Fat Controller.

"Well done Ryan, thanks to your efforts, this project is now back on track."

"Just glad I could help Sir," smiled Ryan.

The Fat Controller turned to go back to his car when he saw Thomas coming over, "Sir, if Ryan is here, does this mean I can go back to my branch line?"

"No Thomas it doesn't, you still haven't learned how to be really useful. Stanley will look after your trains while you and Ryan work here with the other engines. Now back to work, and remember, no more excuses."

Thomas sighed as he took his trucks to the siding, "so much for being Number 1."

After he was done shunting, Thomas puffed over to an old coal hopper where he was given extra coal. He then collected some ballast wagons and puffed back to the chute.

By the time he reached the chute, he was blowing nasty black smoke and sparks were coming out from his funnel.

"Whoa Thomas, what's wrong with you?" Mike asked in surprise.

"It's that Ryan, he just gets to me and make me feel awful."

Bert was above Thomas on the chute, and after coughing for a bit, he came up with a different response, "I don't think that the new engine is the cause of you feeling awful, I think you took on a bad load of coal."

Thomas' fireman was quick to agree, "this coal is a lot dustier than usual. Never mind Thomas, we'll clean you out tonight. Promise."

"Thank you," coughed Thomas.

True to their word, when night-time came, the crew cleaned out Thomas' firebox of all the bad coal, then they loaded up fresh coal into the bunker before taking him back to the shed.

"A good night's rest will do you some good Thomas," said his Driver. "You've earned it with all the work you did today."

"I guess," sighed Thomas.

As he came to the shed though, he spotted Ryan, Donald and Douglas resting in there. They were sitting on the three sidings inside the shed, "surry litta Thomas," apologized Douglas, "we'd bae at the Litta Western sheds, but we're a litta tae tired, so oor crews said we coold stay 'ere tonight."

"There's still plenty of room though," Ryan said kindly, "just push me in a bit and you'll fit in here."

"No thank you," Thomas huffed, "I'll sleep on the siding, I think that's what the Fat Controller would want anyways."

Without arguing, the crew took Thomas to a siding and away from the sheds. Ryan looked down to the rails unhappily. He knew all about Thomas the Tank Engine and wanted to become friends with him, but it didn't look like they would become friends tonight.

Thomas was parked on a siding and his fire was dropped.

"Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you Thomas," his Driver said kindly. "Get some rest, and we'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah, see you in the morning," Thomas muttered unhappily under his breath.

He watched as the men walked away. They were hardly out of sight though when another person came up. It was a girl with purple hair, almost like Twilight Sparkle, but the streaks were different as they were turquoise and dark purple.

"Hello there," Thomas called, "what are you doing here at this time of night?"

"I've been asked to keep watch over the site for the night," answered the girl. "The foreman often picks one of us to keep watch, and tonight it's my job. I swear though I'm going to be tired tomorrow...hey hold on a second, shouldn't you be in a shed?"

"There's no room, so I'm spending the night out here."

The girl looked to the sheds and saw Thomas was right.

"Looks like then that you and I are both out of luck aren't we?"

"I guess so," agreed Thomas. "I'm Thomas by the way, what's your name?"

The girl looked surprised, "you actually want to know my name? Most people and engines don't want to know who I am." But the girl could see that Thomas really wanted to know who she was, so she introduced herself; "very well, my name is Samantha Glimmer, but I often go by the nickname of Starlight Glimmer."

"Starlight Glimmer huh? Hmm, it almost sounds like Sunset Shimmer."

Starlight smirked, "yeah you're not the first to notice that."

The two went quiet and the area was silent, but not for long. They could hear the sound of moving wheels, and in the distance, they could see a strange shadow moving along the rails.

"What in the world is that?" Starlight asked in surprise.

"It kind of looks like a sailing boat to me," said Thomas.

"A sailing boat on wheels, now this I got to see." She was about to walk away, but then stopped and noticed Thomas' curious look, "how about we both look for it together?"

"I don't know, can you drive a steam engine?"

"I sure can. My grandfather was once a steam engine Driver and he taught me how to drive an engine when I was younger."

Starlight climbed into the cab, got the fire going again and once he had a good head of steam, Thomas and Starlight went off to find out if the shadows was really of a sailing boat on wheels.