• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 613 Views, 57 Comments

Twilight & Friends - The Complete Season 1 - ThomasZoey3000

Twilight Sparkle returns home to the Island of Sodor to reunited with friends, and to be drawn into crazy adventures.

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The Real Prototype E2

Twilight & Friends

A Thomas & Friends/Equestria Girls Crossover

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Episode 20: The Real Prototype E2

Tara's incident had not taken away the cheerful spirits of the visitors coming to the grand 70th Anniversary celebration. Many of the engines were allowed to stay and enjoy the festivities. Thomas enjoyed himself too, but there were comments and questions asked that made him a little cross.

As night fell and many of the people left, Tara backed into a siding next to Thomas as he was being checked over. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom also came over to see him, and right away, they could tell something was bothering him.

"What's brought on that frown Thomas?" Rainbow asked, "you're not having a good time?"

"Oh I am Dash, but I'm really cross over what some people said to me."

"What did they say?" Tara asked curiously.

"Well apart from asking about my past adventures, and including the more recent ordeal with Sailor John, they kept asking me about an engine called Timothy."

The girls looked to each other confused, while Tara raised an eyebrow.

"Timothy? You mean that nice little switcher I met at Wellsworth recently?"

"No not that one, and for the record he works with Bill and Ben at the China Clay Pits," Thomas said to Tara. "No, they were asking about the history of a ghost engine out for revenge."

"A ghost engine?" Apple Bloom asked, shaking a little bit. "Out for revenge?"

"Don't be silly Apple Bloom, there are no such things as ghost engines," said Applejack. "And if there were, we would've seen it by now."

It was Rainbow Dash who asked the obvious question, "where did these visitors get the idea of a ghost engine named Timothy?"

"My Driver looked it up, and turns out he's part of a CreepyPasta Story. According to the story, there was a deleted scene from the episode 'Ghost Train', or as it's called in America; Percy's Ghostly Trick, that showed an engine that looks like me and turns out, was the ghost of an engine who plunged off that very viaduct on purpose."

Silence fell over the yard. Apple Bloom broke the silence, "that didn't really happen, did it?"

"Of course not, no engine would ever do that. But it made me so mad as I knew the original prototype, and he was no monster on wheels."

"So that's why you're upset," said Tara. "I'd be upset too if there were stories flying around about my fallen classmates, or my only surviving sibling."

"Thank you Tara, I'm glad to see someone understands my frustration."

Applejack, out of curiosity looked at her mobile phone and using the wifi from the station nearby, found the story Thomas had mentioned. She nodded afterwords, "yep, I can understand it perfectly now."

Thomas grumbled under his breath.

Apple Bloom piped up, "can you tell us about the real prototype engine Thomas?"

Thomas' look changed to a kind expression, "gladly Apple Bloom. I'm glad to see someone taking interest in the real engine." And this is the story Thomas told.

"We begin on my original railway; the London Brighton South Coast Railway. I am known as an E2, and was the 8th engine of the fleet. We weren't the most successful tank engines on the railway as we began with small water tanks and we weren't able to pull passenger trains properly, but we did our best regardless, and that was all thanks to the Prototype himself. He didn't have a name, just a number; 100. He was a father figure to all of us, and was the only one out of all of us that never complained or made a fuss. He was also a nice engine, and would take time with an engine, especially if they were nervous like I was."

"I'm sorry to say that our class was always teased by other engines, the worst bunch were the H1 atlantics. They always looked down on us, made us feel like we weren't meant anything. One of the worst was it's prototype, who felt he was the superior engine of the world."

"We'll be around for a long time," he would say to us, "while you sorry excuses will be replaced by the next batch of engines. Personally, I don't know why the works are still making you miserable lot."

"Because they need shunters to help in the yards," 100 snapped at the Atlantic, "after all, as I recall, you Atlantics refuse to shunt."

"Shunting is not a job for an important engine like myself."

"Then that's why we're here. Now if you don't mind, and even if you do, why don't you push off and leave my siblings alone?!"

"Very crossly, the prototype H1 puffed away to take on his next train."

Rainbow Dash smirked, "a tank engine that stands up to tender engines, and win? I kind of wish that engine was here, he could've taught a certain red engines a few things."

Thomas chuckled and continued with the story, "109 was the last of us to be built, and being the youngest, 100 took it upon himself to teach her all she needed to know. She was much like Fluttershy in a way, and much like Fluttershy, she often became the target of bullies, like the prototype H1 Atlantic. I must say though that he wouldn't use words on her, he would bump her whenever he got a chance."

"One morning, he had bumped her again and derailed her. He smirked at her, "maybe they'll put you out of your misery, and clear the yards of one less odd ball."

"Why do you have to be so mean to us?" 109 sobbed.

"The H1 Atlantic was about to speak, but that's when 100 came out of nowhere and bashed him back, "because he's a bully, that's all he is, a bully who cares only of himself."

"Get out of here scrap pile, this has nothing to do with you!"

"When you go attacking my siblings like that, then it does become something to do with me. Now be off with you, or I'll give you another bumping you won't forget."

"Controller will be cross with you."

"100 smirked at that remark, "sure, go ahead and tell him everything, including how we got into this state. If that's what you want, then go ahead. Otherwise, get out of here and get on with your work."

"The prototype H1 gritted his teeth and backed away. 109 thanked 100 for helping, "tis nothing little sister, we E2s stick together no matter what. Just don't pay any attention to that old git, he'll land himself in trouble, again."

"I must point out that the H1 atlantics, although snooty at times, were reliable locomotives. The prototype however was known for causing problems like going through signals and nearly smashing into other trains, taking a turn too fast, and would ignore yard managers requests to take goods trains. This got him into more trouble than I've ever seen for an engine. And for sure enough that night, the H1 Atlantic got scolded for his actions on 109."

"If there is one thing I will not stand for, it's engines attacking other engines. You've been on thin ice with me for years, and if this continues, I'll have you taken apart and used as spare parts."

"You can't do that to me, I'm the original. Without me, the others would be nothing."

"The other four H1s looked at him with firm glares. The Controller looked firmly to him, "one more mess up, and I'll go through with my words." He turned to leave, but stopped to look over to 109, "109, be sure to follow your brother's instructions, and you'll be fine."

"Sir, yes sir. Sir."

"The Controller left, leaving the H1 to glare at us E2s. We felt uneasy with him looking, but 100 would stand no nonsense from him, "thin ice my friend, thin ice. You do well to remember that."

"Just you wait, I'll show you that you're not meant for the yards."

"Of course, that was easier said than done. All workers and engines kept a firm eye on him. So much so that one time when he tried to attack 109 again, Brighton the Terrier blocked him, "oi, you're not meant to be here, now be off!" The H1 just stormed away angerly."

"After a year, 109's confidence began to grow and she became a confident and hard working engine. She even stood up to the other Atlantics when they got too full of themselves. This of course was happening around the time when the Fat Director came to our railway looking for engines for the soon to be open North Western Railway. Controller had brought over some of the stronger engines to the main station for him to look at."

"These are nice engines, but..."

"But you'll want me," boasted the prototype H1, "I don't blame you Sir, I'm one of the grandest engines in the world, and a true powerhouse. You'll never need another engine with me on your railway."

"The Fat Director stared at the H1, but with a firm stare, "certainly not you. I do want an Atlantic, but not one with an attitude like yours." It was then he saw 100 pushing some vans along to a siding. His eyes seemed to light up, "I must say, I am in need of a shunter. Would 100 be available?"

"Maybe, you'd have to ask him Sir. He may not want to leave our yards."

"So with the Controller walking along with him, they went over to 100. As Controller expected, 100 refused the offer, but he did give the Fat Director an alternative, "if I may Sir, why don't you take 107? He's a little cheeky at times, but he's a dedicated hard worker."

"The Fat Director looked to 107, er myself that is."

"Wait? Your number was 107? I thought it was 70," said Apple Bloom.

"No, that was number I was given in that special from Hit Entertainment this year. I was brown and with the number 107. Anyways, getting back to the story, the Fat Director came to me and asked me if I wanted to go to Sodor. I was scared to leave at first as the only engines I knew were those on the LBSC, but 100 assured me that I would make plenty of friends and have many great adventures. Heh, guess he was right. And so, I took the offer, much to the H1's dismay."

"A tank engine? A Tank Engine?! Why on Earth would he want a useless good for nothing tank engine like him? I could do wonders on his railway, but the E2, he'll never be able to do any good." He glared at me, "tell the Fat Director that you changed your mind, and no E2 is available."

"I will not," I retorted, "100 believes I'll do good there, so I'm going."

"The H1 backed up and ordered his crew to change the points. He was going to bash me, and he would've, had 100 not seen what was about to happen and whistled at him, "you've been warned about doing that! Don't make that mistake, or you'll be sorry, cause trust me, no one smacks my siblings and gets away with it."

"You'll be sorry, this whole railway will be sorry for not letting me go to the North Western."

"As he puffed away, I thanked 100 for helping me, "think nothing of it, it's just how you deal with bullies. Though I will give you a bit of advice 107."

"And what would that be?"

"Don't go bashing other engines. Trust me, it'll get you nowhere fast in life. Sometimes, it's better to let an idiot be an idiot, and sooner or later, they will land themselves in trouble."

"Bust my buffers, I didn't imagine how true his words were going to be."

Thomas paused and looked behind the three girls. They looked too and gasped to see a huge crowd in the yards. Everyone there wanted to know the true story of No 100, even the Fat Controller.

"Go on Thomas," whispered Tara, "continue with the story."

"Very well. It was three days before I was due to leave for Sodor, I was shunting some coaches into the station for another engine when suddenly, I heard a loud whistle in the distance. I thought to myself it was the prototype H1 Atlantic trying to show off. I was about to tell him off, much like 100 would, but as he came into view, I realized, he wasn't showing off. Instead, he was running along like a reckless fool. I could see his crew shouting at him, but it was like the engine wasn't listening. Then I saw the coaches, "if he doesn't slow down, he could hurt those passengers."

"I got 'em!" I heard a shout. It was 100. He had been shunting some tankers when he saw the engine race past. He had now been uncoupled from the tankers, and after the points had been changed, he raced after the engine.

"Easy now boy," cautioned his Driver, "don't push yourself too hard, we don't want you to break yourself to pieces."

"Today Driver, we'll have to take the risk, for the passengers," The Driver wasn't so sure about this, but he opened the regulator more and 100 picked up speed down the line."

"At first, 100 couldn't catch up with the speeding train. The prototype H1 knew this and taunted my brother, but through his determination, he charged on and at last, was nearly touching the buffers of the rear coach."

"Slow down you manic, you'll hurt your passengers or worse!"

"Back off bucket of bolts! I know what I'm doing, and this will teach the railway what I can do!"

"And he picked up more speed. 100 knew that if he didn't stop this train, lives would lost. So he came up to the coach and buffered up, then he called to the guard, "couple me up, then get ready to uncouple the front coach from that idiot!"

"The Guard nodded and went to work. At first though, it was difficult to couple 100 to the train as the H1, well aware of the situation, bumped the coaches in the hopes of making the guard lose balance and lose his shunter's pole. The guard almost did lose his balance, but he kept himself upright and was able to reach down for the coupling."

"Come on, you can do it! We have to try and stop this train!"

"Finally the guard did it. He had coupled 100 to the train. Now came the difficult part, uncoupling the front coach from the H1. He ran though coach after coach, almost losing his balance along the way a couple of times. At last, he reached the front coach, but there was a problem. The chains were taught, making it difficult to uncouple. 100 was prepared though and with a great push, bumped the coaches forward. This was the guard's chance as he undid the coupling."

"Alright 100, it's all up to you now!" called his Driver and opened the brakes. 100's brakes screeched as he slid along the rails, all while the prototype H1 carried on at it's dangerous speeds. Slower and slower the train went until at last, they were going at no more than a snail's pace. Finally they stopped. Passengers at first were shocked, but soon cheered on for my brother."

"The cheering though stopped when they heard a crashing sound in the distance. 100 could only guess of what happened."

"In the yards, 109 was called to take the cranes. She passed 100 and the passenger train and soon came upon the disaster site. The prototype H1 had derailed and sat on his side beside the tracks. His Driver and fireman had jumped off some ways back, but the fireman had twisted his left leg badly and the Driver sadly lost his right eye in the crash. 109 looked down at the Atlantic, "I knew you were stupid, but I didn't think you were this stupid. Just you wait till Controller speaks with you, he won't be happy."

"It was two hours later when 100 brought the passengers in, after being checked to make sure he could move. He brought them in safely and smoothly, but it was Midnight before 109 brought the H1 into the yards on flatbeds. The Controller was waiting, and so was the Fat Director.

"I did say I didn't want that engine, and this is a good example of why I don't want him."

"Indeed Sir." The Controller stared firmly at the engine, "you weren't chosen, so you decide to take it out on the passengers and your crew. I just can't believe one of my engines would ever do such a thing."

"Well if you just gave me the job, I wouldn't have wanted to destroy this railway's reputation."

"The Controller's eyes widened in shock. What he said next, I cannot say as the words were not polite, but what I can tell you is that he would make sure his words from before would be put into action. When he was done there, and he had calmed down, the Controller and the Fat Director came to see 100, "thank you for what you did today 100, if not for you, these people wouldn't be able to go home to their families."

"Indeed, are you sure you don't want to come to Sodor? I wouldn't mind having two shunters like you and 107."

"I thank you for the offer again Sir, but 107 here is meant for the North Western. I'm fine with being here."

"The Fat Director nodded, "I can understand. After all, what would the LBSC do without it's most reliable engine? And 107, I look forward to when you arrive on Sodor."

"Me too Sir."

"Sir, if I may," 100 piped up, "since 107's going to a new railway and a new life, may I suggest giving him a new number, and a name?"

"The Fat Director looked to my brother and smiled, "of course I will. I'll give him the NWR blue, a number 1 on his tanks, and as for the name...er, I don't know what to call him."

"I do Sir." We all waited for what 100 was going to say. With the biggest smile on his face, he spoke the name, "how about; Thomas? Thomas the Tank Engine?"

"Why Thomas?"

"I think it suits an engine like him, plus he looks like a Thomas to me."

"We all had a good laugh over that, and the Fat Director agreed to the idea. It even gave him the idea to name the other engines, unless they had names already."

"I finished my work on the LBSC two days later and left for Sodor. Before that though, I said my goodbyes to my siblings and even the other engines, who now looked at us E2s in a different light."

"But what about the prototype H1?" Tara asked. "Surely he didn't stay in the shed to be used as spare parts, did he?"

"Oh he did. He protested every time, but crews payed no attention to him. At last report, his dome was repaired and given to another Atlantic, this time an H2 that worked for the Southern Railway. Oh and his crew recovered after some time and worked for the railway, and later the Southern till their retirement."

As the story came to a close, everyone clapped and Tara whistled, "well thank you for telling us the story Thomas," said Applejack, "it sure is different from that CreepyPasta floating around on the internet."

"Indeed it does," said one of the visitors. "We're sorry we upset you Thomas, we just thought the stories online were real."

"Well they aren't, and while I'm sure the person who wrote the story meant no harm, it did upset me as I respect my fallen brothers and sisters."

"Well we do too, and we'll be sure to help spread the word of 100's true story, we promise you that."

Thomas certainly hoped so as he watched the visitors leave the yards. The Fat Controller stayed for a moment, "and now I know why there weren't any Atlantics on this railway."

"Don't judge them all because of that one Sir. I met many of them whenever I was at Barrow, and many had changed their ways."

The Fat Controller nodded and turned to leave. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom headed off back to the station to catch their trains home. Tara was about ready to leave, but there still was something that was bothering her, "why were you the only one spared from the scrap yard?"

"I don't know. The reports from British Railways didn't help steam engines, and remember, my class wasn't the best. It took me a long time to master passenger and goods work, though I wish many of them had survived, including 109 and 100. I do miss them."

"We all miss our siblings, no matter who we are," she said as she puffed off for the sheds.

Happily, much to Thomas' relief, the story of his brother spread like wildfire on the internet. There were people that questioned the story, saying it was fake and that the Untold Story of Timothy was the real story, but soon even they started to admit that 100's story was true, especially when they learned that the source of the story was Thomas himself. It didn't stop the CreepyPasta story, but Thomas didn't mind, as long as the real story was told, that was all that mattered to him.

Far off from the Island of Sodor, a woman in her late thirties was walking out to a lonely shed. She had different shades of dark blue in her hair, and wore a purplish shirt along with dark blue pants. She pushed the door open and looked inside.

"Why are you here this evening? It's really late my dear," said a voice from inside.

"I'm sorry to bother you old boy, but there's something you might be interested in." And she began telling him the story spreading on the World Wide Web.

A smile came to the figure in the shed, "well now, looks like he still remembers."

The young woman nodded, "indeed he does, and I think it's high time for a reunion. So let's get you repaired, steamed up and get you over to Sodor. I'm sure Thomas will be pleased to see you again."

"Hmm, you could be right there, Luna."

The London Brighton South Railway had only ten E2 tank engines, and while it's never been clear of what Thomas' original number was, most people believe he was 107. The H1 atlantics had only five members of their class, and while they along with the H2s never made it to preservation, a new H2 is almost ready to run on the Bluebell Railway.

Author's Note:

And that my friends, brings us up to speed with the series. As we're in 2024 now, I'm going to work hard on the remaining six episodes. Stay tuned for those. :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

Here we go, TIME FOR NEW!

Well, that might happen in the last few chapters, and it looks like the mystery woman who nearly sabotaged the Wonderbolts plane show a few chapters ago which was stopped by them, and James is going to make an appearance at the friendship games.

I'm honestly surprised Night Light has not tried to speak with Twilight about her attitude to Thomas. As his driver he knows when he is cheeky and when he is reliable.

"Finally the guard did it. He had coupled 100 to the train. Now came the difficult part, uncoupling the front coach from the H1. He ran though coach after coach, almost losing his balance along the way a couple of times. At last, he reached the front coach, but there was a problem. The chains were taught, making it difficult to uncouple. 100 was prepared though and with a great push, bumped the coaches forward. This was the guard's chance as he undid the coupling."

He ran through coach after coach,*

"It was two hours later when 100 brought the passengers in, after being checked to make sure he could move. He brought them in safely and smoothly, but it was Midnight before 109 brought the H1 into the yards on flatbeds. The Controller was waiting, and so was the Fat Director.


The young woman nodded, "indeed he does, and I think it's high time for a reunion. So let's get you repaired, steamed up and get you over to Sodor. I'm sure Thomas will be pleased to see you again."

Wait, 100 survived!! :pinkiegasp:

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