• Published 28th Jul 2023
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Twilight & Friends - The Complete Season 1 - ThomasZoey3000

Twilight Sparkle returns home to the Island of Sodor to reunited with friends, and to be drawn into crazy adventures.

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Thomas, Starlight and the Treasure Hunt

Twilight & Friends

A Thomas & Friends/My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Crossover Series

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Episode 11: Thomas, Starlight and the Treasure Hunt

Based on "Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure"

Puffing ever so silently, Thomas the Tank Engine and his Driver of the night; Starlight Glimmer followed the figure they had just seen. As they got closer, it did indeed prove to be a sailboat on wheels, and by the looks of it, only one man was riding on the boat.

"Well now, this is a first," Starlight said quietly to Thomas. "But where are they going?"

"To the big hole I fell in," Thomas answered.

He was right. The sail boat was heading for the big hole, but as they got closer, the man on board tossed an anchor over and they slowed to a stop. Starlight pulled on the brake handle and slowed Thomas down even more. After a moment, the man jumped out of his boat and using a torch, looked at the area.

"What is he doing?" Starlight asked.

Suddenly, there was a loud clang. Thomas had bumped into some nearby tools left on some crates. This caught the man's attention. He swung round, shining his light on Thomas.

"What are you doing here?" the man asked firmly. "Were you spying on me?"

"No, we're not spying on you," Thomas answered. "We just came out to see if we were really seeing a sailboat on wheels."

"We?" the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, my name is Thomas, and my Driver for tonight is Starlight Glimmer."

The man's eyes popped wide open in surprise. Starlight jumped down from Thomas' cab and walked up to his front, where she got a huge surprise, "Uncle John?"

"Samantha!" he exclaimed with a smile. He walked up to her and gave her a big hug, "my niece, it's been a long time since I last saw you."

"Not for thirteen years Uncle John," said Starlight. "And I go by Starlight these days."

"Ahh I see. So does this mean you're an engine Driver?"

Starlight rolled her eyes, "I wish, but I'm in enough trouble as it is, and so is Thomas to be honest. It was an accident that he fell into that hole and found the Pirate ship, but some believe he did it on purpose."

"Sad to say, it's true," sighed Thomas.

"Oh so it was you that found it, well I guess that makes us friends." Thomas was confused by that remark, but said nothing, "my name is John, Sailor John, or so they called me back in the navy."

Now Thomas was impressed. The sailboat moved backwards with a little help from the wind.

"And I'm called Skiff, I work with Sailor John. We're trying to find the lost pirate treasure of Sodor." Sailor John kicked him on the side to silence him.

"Pirate treasure, what's all that about?"

"I actually discovered info last night about Captain Calles stealing from merchant ships, but they say the treasure was never found," said Starlight.

"Well that's one of the reasons we're here, we want to find the treasure," Sailor John said to his niece. "We want to find it, and make sure it goes into the right hands. Now, I've gone on board the Black Shadow, but found no map, and if Captain Calles had it with him, then maybe it's still in the cavern. What do you say Starlight, would you and Thomas like to help us?"

The two thought it over, for only a moment before agreeing to help.

Using a strong rope, and with Starlight at the controls, Sailor John rode on one end of the rope while Thomas lowered him gently into the cavern. "Just a little bit more Thomas!" he called up to the tank engine. A few moments later, "Stop!" Thomas stopped. "I'll be right back!"

While they waited, Thomas and Starlight took the time to speak with Skiff.

"So, how long have you two been working together?" Thomas asked curiously.

"Ten years I believe, I'm not sure. Sailor John doesn't really keep a calendar in the boat-house I stay in, so it could be longer." Skiff paused as the wind blew and pushed him down the tracks. Like before though, he stopped thanks to the anchor. "Being on the water is fun from time to time, but I don't always like having my face get dunked."

"But still, you get to go places, we engines are restricted to our rails."

"I would like to go places myself," added Starlight, "but with me getting into trouble all the time, it's highly unlikely that will be happening till I'm old enough to move away."

Skiff sighed as he looked down to the tracks, "you might be right, but personally, I wouldn't mind riding on the rails from time to time."

"You would prefer that over sailing?" Starlight asked in surprise.

"You bet I would. I sometimes wish I could be a proper engine, just like Thomas." The wind blew once more and pushed Skiff back to where he originally was.

As he stopped, there came a cry from down below, "I found it! I found it!"

"The treasure?" Thomas, Skiff and Starlight asked in unison.

"Nope, not the treasure, but I found the treasure map!" He chuckled, though they couldn't really hear the hint of pirate in his laughter. "Anyways, I'm ready to be brought back up!"

Starlight opened the reserver slowly, and Thomas pulled Sailor John out of the giant cavern. After a few minutes, he was out of the hole and with the treasure map in his jacket pocket.

"Where was it exactly Uncle John?" Starlight asked as she jumped down from Thomas' cab.

"It was actually hidden in an old wooden crate in between some rocks. That Captain Calles sure was a clever pirate, I will give him that." He pulled the map out and looked it over, "from the looks of it though, it's not too far off from here. It could very well be along this cutting, or the next one."

"Oh it would be wonderful to find the treasure, it would certainly make this experience better than it already is."

Thomas was taken aback by Starlight's remark.

"Well that and meeting you of course Thomas. At least you want to talk to me." That made Thomas feel better. Starlight turned back to Sailor John, "you must come over for a while, I'm sure the rest of the family would love to see you again."

"Oh...well I would but...your parents uh...I don't want to spoil the surprise of my arrival," he said at last. "I want to find the treasure, and before taking it to it's new home, I will drop by and show it off with the family."

"I think that would be great Uncle John."

"Uh Sailor John," Skiff called out. "I hate to be rude and all, but we need to get going. Judging from the fact the night sky is turning to daylight, the night is almost up."

Sailor John looked up and saw that it was indeed getting lighter.

"Hmm, must've been down in that hole longer than I thought. Oh well, time flies when you're looking for something."

"But shouldn't we continue?" Thomas asked curiously. "I mean, with daylight, you could find the treasure a little better than in the dark."

"Well we would Thomas, but..." Sailor John paused as he walked over towards Skiff, "we uh...forgot the shovel. Can't dig without a shovel you know."

"Besides, I'm too small to be out when the bigger engines are out and about," added Skiff.

"Yeah there's that too," said Sailor John. He pulled up the anchor and adjusted the sails, "all set Skiff, let's go home!"

But they didn't move.

"I would like to move Sailor John, but there's no wind. Looks like we're stuck." Sailor John smacked his forehead, "I guess we'll have to wait for the wind to pick up."

"Not unless you got a helping buffer," suggested Thomas.

A big grin came to Starlight's face and nodded, as she knew what Thomas was thinking.

She got Thomas turned around on the wye, then starting slowly, they pushed Skiff down the tracks. Skiff was startled at first, but soon began to enjoy himself, and so did Sailor John.

"Goodness me, this is just like the old days back in the navy," he cheered. "I haven't felt so alive in years!"

"Uh Uncle John, everyone else is asleep, so can you not shout too loudly?"

"Oh sorry Samantha...uh, Starlight, forgive me."

They puffed past the yards and engine sheds, trying to be as quiet as they could be. Only one saw them, and that was Ryan. He had opened his eyes briefly and saw Thomas pushing a strange sight.

"Is that a sailboat on wheels?" he asked himself. But he wasn't entirely sure if he was only seeing things, "I'll ask Thomas later," and he went back to sleep.

Thomas meanwhile was getting closer to the slipway.

"Okay, ease it down now, we'll take it from here," Sailor John called.

Starlight slowed Thomas down, and both of them watched as Sailor John and Skiff rolled off towards the water. They splashed in and soon afterwards, floated away from the fishing village.

"Good night you two, and thank you!" Sailor John called.

Thomas and Starlight smiled as they watched Skiff sail away. After a minute, Starlight took Thomas back to the yards and parked him back on the siding, "get as much sleep as you can Thomas," she said, "those of us in disgrace will need it if we're going to prove how useful we are."

"Indeed," yawned Thomas. "Good night Starlight."

"Good night Thomas."

She dumped his fire, then set off for home as some of the workers arrived. They didn't say hello to Starlight, not even glance over to her. She sighed unhappily, "why should I expect things to change over night?" She climbed into her small pick-up truck, which she owns, and drove off for home.

Several hours later, Thomas' crew arrived and got him fired up. Thomas yawned quite a bit as the fire was lit, "Thomas, did you not get any rest?" the Driver asked. Thomas didn't answer, he just yawned, "by the way, Twilight asked me to tell you she..."

"I know, I know." Thomas thought his Driver was going to say Twilight was still disappointed in him, and didn't want to hear those words again.

Once his steam had been built up, Thomas puffed over to the coaling tower, which was confusing to his fireman.

"I was sure I filled up his bunker just last night," he said to the Driver.

"Maybe the workers were working late and needed the coal," suggested the Driver, although he wasn't convinced if that was true or not.

Thomas had just reached the points when he heard; "hey Thomas!" he looked and saw Ryan coming over. "Were you running about this morning, while pushing a sailing boat on the rails?"

"No, of course not. I was stuck in my siding all night," he fibbed. He wasn't interested in talking with the new tank engine.

"Oh, then I must've been dreaming, although you do look tired."

Ryan stopped next to a coal bunker. Thomas looked up, and saw that the coal bunker was the very one with the bad coal. He could've told Ryan about the bad coal, but instead chose to say nothing. The Driver was going to say something, but Thomas lurched backwards and bumped his trucks.

"Oh dear, eager to get going Thomas?"

"Well yeah, I want to be really useful and get back to my branch line."

"Very well then, let's get going."

The fireman coupled him up, and Thomas puffed off. The Driver tried calling to Ryan's crew, but Thomas blew off steam and drowned his voice out. Ryan and his crew heard nothing.

Sometime later in the day, Twilight and her friends were at Tidmouth Station. Many of them had just arrived, and were now waiting for a bus to take them to Harwick. They wanted to see how Thomas was doing.

"I just feel that we've been harsh on him," Twilight said. "I mean yes, he did cause the derailment, and was racing at dangerous speeds again, but I just don't feel right giving him the cold shoulder."

"Hey come on, we had to be firm with him," said Rainbow Dash. "He's been a little too boastful lately."

"Even so, would you feel good if your friends ignored you for your mistakes?"

"I didn't," said Sunset. "The days of being alone, it was no fun and they were miserable."

Rainbow Dash quickly changed her attitude, "yeah I guess you got a point. Alright then, let's go see Thomas and cheer him up."

At last, Bertie the Bus arrived. They climbed on board, and Bertie set off for Harwick.

At this time, Starlight Glimmer was heading back to the site. The foreman called for her since another workman called in sick. She yawned a few times, "Dang it, only five hours sleep, that's not enough for a growing girl." Her radio started kicking out, and she had to slam her fist on the dashboard. "One of these days, I'm going to get that radio replaced."

She soon reached the site, informed the foreman she was there, then set to work. At that point, Ryan returned after picking up a loaded goods train. However, unlike the morning, he was looking terrible as thick black smoke poured out from his funnel, and on occasion, a few sparks came out.

"Yikes, looks like he did indeed take the wrong coal," commented Thomas' Driver.

"Oh dear Ryan, you look terrible," said Thomas, although he didn't sound like he was upset.

"I feel like it too," panted the purple tank engine. "You're lucky you didn't take coal from that hopper Thomas, I think the one I was at had bad coal." Ryan coughed, and at that moment, blew off thick clouds of smoke and ashes from his funnel.

Further down the line, Marion was trying to move some rocks, but it wasn't doing any good as they wouldn't move.

"You'll need dynamite to get those out of the way Marion," chuckled Jack the Front loader. He turned round and saw Ryan nearby, "which has just arrived. Though Ryan doesn't look too good, there sure is alot of smoke coming from him."

Ryan had noticed it too, then noticed some of the smoke wasn't coming from him.

"Uh Thomas, where is that smoke coming from?"

"Well your funnel and your trucks," answered Thomas.

"What?! My trucks?! But they are full of dynamite!" Ryan's Driver opened the reserver and Ryan shoved the wagons away, all the while whistling to warn everyone.

Marion was backing away from the cutting, and didn't notice the trucks. They bumped into her, and headed back towards Ryan.

"Oh no, what have I done?" cried Thomas. "Look out Ryan!"

A quick thinking shunter changed the points, sending the trucks towards Thomas. He bumped them and started pushing them away. Sadly, Ryan and his crew were reversing to get out of the way, and were now in front of him.

Up above, Bertie was coming along the road and behind him was the Fat Controller's car. Ryan screamed, they all looked down and saw what looked like Thomas trying to push Ryan off the rails.

"What in blazes has gotten into him?" asked Applejack in shock.

"I don't know, but he's going to be in a world of trouble," commented Sunset Shimmer.

Thomas looked down and saw that the sparks had started one of the fuses. He needed to get rid of the dynamite and fast. Starlight Glimmer was just reaching the points leading to the cutting and the cavern when she saw what was happening.

"Thomas, push him out of the way!" she cried, "I'll send you down the other line!"

Thomas agreed to the plan, and bumped Ryan out of the way. Starlight quickly changed the points, sending Thomas and his trucks down the other track. Thomas braked hard once more, and this time stopped some distance away. The trucks bumped into the stopping posts, sending the lit dynamite into the cavern, which exploded with a BANG!

"Oh man, I'm going to be hearing that for a while," groaned Starlight.

"But we did it, we saved everyone," panted Thomas. "Good work Starlight."

Starlight smiled, but she and Thomas wouldn't be smiling for long as they heard; "THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE! STARLIGHT GLIMMER!" Both looked up and saw the Fat Controller, Twilight and her friends looking down at them. "What are you doing?"

"Sir, the dynamite..."

"I said no more excuses Thomas!"

Starlight tried to defend him, "Sir, the dynamite was lit, and could've hurt everyone, but Thomas..."

"I said no excuses! Thomas, I thought you could learn to behave yourself while you were here, but clearly you still have alot to learn. You can go to your shed and stay there for the rest of the day."

"I don't have a shed, I have a siding!" Thomas retorted angrily. "And for your information Sir, I was trying to save everyone!"

The Fat Controller looked like he was going to lose his mind. Twilight placed her hand on his shoulder and shook her head. Rainbow Dash looked down angrily, "he probably got the idea from her Sir, she's nothing but trouble."

"What?! Are you kidding me?" cried Starlight, "I changed the points, I helped send the dynamite towards the cavern."

"Ms Glimmer," the Fat Controller said firmly, "you can go back to work, and keep quiet for the rest of the day!" He went back to his car and drove off to the foreman's office.

Twilight and her friends shook their heads at Thomas and Starlight.

Thomas shouted in anger; "Why won't anyone ever listen to me?!"

Starlight sighed, "that's something I've been asking myself for a long time." She then walked away to continue her work.

Thomas said nothing as he was taken to his siding, his fire was dropped and his crew went back to their houses. As he watched the other engines and workers pass by, and not even speak to him, Thomas began to cry.

Work continued on throughout the day, and soon everyone had to call it quits. There was no more dynamite, and they had moved enough rocks. Jack and the machines went back to their sheds, as did Donald, Douglas and Ryan. Marion though stayed at the cutting. She decided to dig one more time, and picked up quite a bit in her shovel.

"That's it Marion, you'll have to sleep with this lot in your bucket," said her Driver. "There are no more trucks, and everyone else is gone."

"If you say so," she yawned.

Her fire was dropped, her Driver went home and she went to sleep.

Thomas couldn't sleep though, he truly felt alone in his siding. He could overhear the Scots talking with Ryan in the shed, and the sea breeze in the distance. Then he heard some footsteps coming his way.

"Who's there?" he asked.

"It's me Thomas." It was Starlight Glimmer, this time all covered in dust and dirt, "I wish I had joined you in the siding, they worked me like a slave-driver today."

"You wouldn't have enjoyed being here, it's so lonely."

"Yeah I saw, and believe me Thomas, I've been where you are. I won't fib, I was cruel once, and to this day, I wish we were all equal instead of having different trades, but I still want friends and to talk with others. Heck, I even wanted a pet, but someone stole the dog, and next thing I know, I get yelled at for it turns up at the Blue Mountain Quarry with bruises, and is now in the care of Sunset Shimmer, while I'm being punished." She took a few deep breaths and sighed, "life is never good to us, is it?"

"I guess not."

"Well, tomorrow can only get better. But then again, I tell myself that all the time, and look at me."

The two went silent for a while, until Thomas broke the silence, "do you get the disappointed looks from everyone all the time?" Starlight nodded, but said nothing, "I don't like it, and to get it from Twilight Sparkle, the daughter of my Driver...it stings."

"It does, but you'll get used to it."

Just then, they heard a unique whistle in the distance, followed by the sounds of rolling wheels. Right away, the duo knew who it was.

"Fire me up Starlight."

Starlight didn't need to be told twice, she climbed into Thomas' cab, lit a new fire and drove him over towards the cavern.

Sailor John was looking at the map as Thomas and Starlight came forward, "ahh, Thomas and Sam...uh Starlight, it's good to see you two again. You arrived at a good time as we're going to look for the treasure."

"Well anything's better than being left on a siding all night," said Thomas. "Did you bring your shovel?"

"Shovel? Oh yeah, the shovel, we got it here along with the rest of the equipment," and he pointed down towards the equipment on board Skiff. "Now I can't quite figure it out, but I do believe the treasure is along this area."

"It's odd though, being that close to the pirate ship," commented Starlight.

"Well you never know with pirates. Anyways, enough chatter, let's find that treasure!"

Once again, Starlight didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed a shovel and helped her uncle dig holes, but with each hole they dug, they found no treasure. So they moved from one spot to another, with Thomas either pulling or pushing Skiff along. They were all having a wonderful time going on a treasure hunt, and even joked around while the digging went on.

"Oof! Hey, watch where you're tossing the dirt Starlight!" Thomas cried.

"Sorry," she said and stuck her tongue out.

Sailor John chuckled and tossed some dirt over towards Skiff, then Starlight. The four of them laughed and the two humans carried on.

The rising sun though brought nothing but groans from Sailor John, "we searched all around here, and we've found no treasure. We followed the map in every direction, and still nothing."

"Maybe Captain Calles moved the treasure sometime after he made the map," suggested Thomas. "You know, to keep anyone from finding it."

"Or maybe, someone else found it instead," groaned the Sailor. He then glared over towards Thomas and Starlight.

"Hold on a second, you're not suggesting that Thomas and I took the treasure, do you Uncle John?" Starlight asked in disbelief.

"Well that's the only way to explain why we never found it. You see, I've been with my boat the whole time, and you've been with your tank engine the entire time."

Starlight rolled her eyes, "oh for crying out loud, I'm getting tired of being accused. We don't have the treasure, look in Thomas' cab."

Sailor John looked, and indeed saw no treasure chest.

"I get accused all the time back home, I don't need to get it from you Uncle John. And neither does Thomas, he's been suffering enough since he got here."

Sailor John changed his expression, "you're right, you don't need that and I'm sorry. It's just angers me that we've searched this long, and found nothing."

"Alright, apology accepted."

"Maybe it's in the other cutting," suggested Thomas. "I'll be moving rocks out of there anyways, if we spot the treasure, we'll let you know tomorrow night."

"That's fine," nodded Sailor John. "And if you don't find it, that's okay, we'll search there tomorrow night."

"Uh Sailor John, we need to get going," Skiff called, "daylight's coming."

"I'm aware of that Skiff, and I'm coming."

He climbed onto his boat, grabbed an ore and pushed Skiff down the tracks.

"Well that was unique," commented Thomas.

"Uncle John's always had a bit of a temper when things don't go his way," said Starlight. "It's nothing personal Thomas. Anyways, I better get you back to your siding before everyone else gets here, and we land in even more trouble."

"We certainly wouldn't want that."

Thomas puffed quietly past Marion, who was still asleep on the siding. Once parked, and the fire was dropped, Starlight said good night to Thomas and left for a good day's rest.

The first workers arrived ten minutes later, and one of them shouted; "Marion's found treasure! She's found treasure!"

"Oh yes!" cried Marion, "my wish came true!"

Thomas huffed and looked down to the ground, "so much for being the ones to find the treasure."

Little did he know that Sailor John had heard Marion and the workers, and wasn't too happy. He growled crossly and rolled Skiff angrily down the tracks.

"Fine, you have the treasure for now, but not for long."