• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,168 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

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2: The Earthquake And Portal

Spike had quickly made his way back to the tree his mind asking multiple questions.
"What kind of spider was that?! How much more surprises are there for me?!" Spike said as he ran through the village multiple ponies looking at him worried.

"They all saw what happened, they all know, so why does this feel like I'm going through something different then a growth spurt?! Why are all my thoughts so loud?!" Spike asked as he feels his head starting to hurt again, he could hear the whispers of multiple ponies at once.
"Spike!" a voice called out to him, he regained his focus and saw he almost bumped into rainbow dash.
"is everything alright?, you look really stressed out, and really tired" Rainbow dash asks as she notices he looks really stressed.
"I don't know, i just feel like i need some time to rest." Spike answered, rainbow dash then noticed he was slightly taller then her.

"You hit a growth spurt or something?" Rainbow dash asks as she looked as his new height.
"I don't know, I think i just need a break, it might just be all the work I've been having to do with twilight " Spike suggests.
"It could be true, you both look like you need one, if you need any help just ask me alright? I'll be there for you." Rainbow dash says with a smile.
"Thanks rainbow, i need to get back to twilight's see you later." Spike says as he runs off again.
"he might need more then a break..." Rainbow dash thinks with worry before she walks off.

Spike then gets back to the tree and sees twilight was reading some more books again.
"Spike! are you feeling any better?" Twilight asks concerned for her friend.
"I don't know, i think I'm just stressed about all this, this can be a big change for a lot of others you know?" Spike suggested.
"Yeah that could be true, do you need a break for a while? you look like you could use one." Twilight asks as she walks over to him.
"No i think i can pull through this, anything you did while i was gone?" Spike asks.
"I sent Celestia the letter about your sudden growth, she said she would like to see what's different about you some time later." Twilight explains.

"That sounds like something we all should see, anything else?"
No not right now, but i'm really worried about you, if you do need a break just ask" Twilight explains.
"Thanks Twilight really." Spike says with a smile. She then looks at him more concerned.

" Spike are you sure there's nothing else going on with you? You can tell me anything you know, your a son to me, and i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, I know we told you to go to sleep when nightmare moon attacked, but that was because i didn't want anything bad to happen to you. You've been there for me and i just want to be there for you" Twilight says sadly as she puts her hoof on his shoulder
Spike then looks at himself again for a minute and thinks.
"I think i should just tell her what's happening, i would make her worry more if i don't" Spike thinks before he looks at twilight.
"Twilight i..." Spike was about to explain, but before he continue, the ground started to shake. It started softly then it began to get more violent, it then became even more so as everything started to fall off freaking them both out.
"Earthquake!" Spike shouts
"Under the table!" Twilight shouts before they both went under to hide.

The entire village started to shake violently, every resident was freaking out and panicking, the rest of the main 6 were near a restaurant be the time the ground started to shake.
"What's going on?!" Fluttershy shouts holding rarity close to her.
"Earthquake!" applejack explains with fear.
The quake was so violent, it even reached Celestia's castle where celestia and luna were on the ground as they could feel the ground shaking even more violently.
"Sister! have earthquakes become more frequent like this?!" Luna asks scarred
"No! I've never felt an earthquake like this!" Celestia shouts scarred as well.

Back at the village everypony was still ducking for cover as it was still happening.
"When will this end?, Pinkie pie is this a sort of party device you made?!" rainbow dash asks annoyed
"I could never make something like this!!" pinkie says annoyed, to their sudden shock the table they were hiding under began to glitch and it freaked them all out and they quickly backed away in fear as more tables started glitching out.
"What is going on?!" Rarity asked horrified in what she was seeing.
"I don't know!" Applejack said as she saw the tables still glitching, the restaurant itself began to glitch scarring them even more, then multiple buildings freaking everypony out, making them all scream in terror.

Back at the castle things were starting to glitch in the throne room , and Celestia and Luna and luna watched in horror as the entire room started to glitch out.
"What kind of dark magic is this?!" Celestia asks horrified
"It's not mine OR Nightmare moons that's for sure!!" Luna says as they get out off the balcony, they watch in horror as the entire castle and multiple houses and trees of Canterlot were glitching horrifying them even more.

Back at the tree, Twilight and Spike had gotten out of the place as the entire tree was glitching out.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Twilight asks horrified.
"I DON'T KNOW!" Spike shouts horrified.
It felt like the earthquake went on for hours but it finally started to calm down and most of the houses and places that glitched out returned to normal much to their relief.

"What was that?!" Spike asks horrified
" I don't know but we need to see what happened to the rest of the village!!" Twilight says with worry, Spike and Twilight both rush away to check on the village as more still had still glitched out and not returned to normal.
Back at Canterlot Celestia and Luna had calmed down a little as the earthquake was over, but were still horrified as some of the houses and trees were still glitched out.
"Sister, we need to tell the main 6 about this" Luna told her.
"Agreed, I'm writing her a letter now, i'm gonna need them to be here for the rest of the month while we figure out what happened" Celestia said as she was writing a letter.

The village was chaos right now, every resident had been freaking out and panicking over what just happened, some were crying over the fact that their homes were ruined, Spike and Twilight had just made it to where the rest of the main 6 were, and they all were freaking out over what happened.

"What just happened?!" Rarity asked horrified
"What was that?!" Rainbow dash said scarred too.
" I don't know but we all need to calm down" Twilight said trying to stay calm herself.
"Calm down?! how can we calm down after seeing that?! Pinkie asks scarred as she points to the houses and other places that had still glitched out and a few ponies were looking at it

"Yeah i think its a Banksy" One of them said while looking at it.

" I don't know! But freaking out and screaming isn't going to help anyone!" Spike shouted frustrated scarring everypony there he soon realized his volume and calmed down.
"Sorry, it's even more stressful for me right now" Spike apologizes
"No, Spike's right we can't solve anything if we keep freaking out like this" Twilight admits, everypony then calms down and they try to think about what to do, just then a letter appears in front of Twilight, she quickly grabs it and reads it, her eyes widen in what she just read.
"Princess celestia and luna wants the 6 of us at Canterlot right away, for the rest of the month she needs us to help figure out on what do do" Twilight tells them.

"Does that include me?" Spike asks hoping he could help.
"I'm sorry but as much as i want to you can't you have to stay here as Celestia wants the 6 of us" Twilight says pointing at her and the rest of the ponies, Spike then looks down sadly
"So I'm just not gonna be able to help?" Spike asks with tears. Twilight then looks at him sadly before placing a hoof on his shoulder.
"You can, look around this village, you see the ponies that are in trouble?" Twilight asks as they all look around the place
"I need you to help them, be the hero to them and help them while were gone, remember this spike. With great power comes great responsibility" Twilight looks at him with a smile, Spike then sees how important it is to stay and help.
"I won't let you down Twilight." Spike says with a smile.

"I know you won't. Come on girls lets hit the next train! "Twilight tells them, they all head for the station and Twilight looks at spike on more time.
"Take care of yourself till we get back spike, I love you" twilight tells him.
"I love you too, mom" Spike says with a smile, Twilight catches up with the others leaving Spike alone and he just sighs in sadness.
"Sidelined again..." Spike says sadly as he goes back to the tree

"So that's how it all began, I thought things would calm down after what happened, Twilight left me in charge while she's away from the village" Spike narrates over the scene
"I felt like i was just being pushed aside once again, i know it was to keep me safe, but after the growth spurt she still treats me like a child, i should be more capable of helping now, but she still has me do other stuff while their on another adventure" Spike narrates sadly.
Spike is seen entering the tree, the entire place is a mess and spike groans in frustration, he spends the rest of the day cleaning up the entire tree making sure everything was properly fixed, Spike then is making a list of the strange things he's able to do.

"I thought it would be smart to both test out and list the ability's i've gotten" Spike says as we see him practicing both climbing on the wall and web shooting and having a list of anything new he has.
"I had gotten the hang of the basics but i found a few extras like electric webs and infrared and night vision" Spike says as we see his eyes turn orange as he looks around the room looking in awe, we then see spike put his index finger and pinkie up while the rest are down and we see him shoot another web with an electrified effect.
"I hadn't mastered everything as i still didn't know how to properly use them, but let me tell you, it felt like i was becoming a power pony!" Spike narrates with a laugh, we then see spike reading a few of his comics as he tries to decide on what kind of costume to make, he figured out with these powers he could be a hero like them.
"It was fun for the rest of the day i got to admit, but before i went to bed that night something weird happened. And i know that may seem stupid to say because EVERYTHINGS weird here in Equestria, but this was REALLY weird. " Spike finishes.

Spike is seen reading his comics deciding on what kind of costume he should make.
"If i'm gonna be a hero, gonna need a suit." spike says with a smile as he tried to decide what would look best on him.
"I should get some sleep, I'll decide tomorrow" Spike says before putting the books down and walking to the bed.

But as he was about to lay down his senses went off again, this time it was really crazy, Spike holds his head as he feels them go of, just then a portal begins to open up on the ceiling, Spike looks on in horror before trying to leave the place, but everything in the room including him start to float around like crazy, Spike sees what looks like multiple people wearing masks, a black and white one, a pig one? A cartoon girl? and a white and pink as well as a red and blue. Spike starts to get sucked into the portal.
" OH CRAAAP!" Spike yells, he grabs a large coat that he could cover his body with after he bought it earlier that day because of his new height, Spike then gets sucked in entirely and everything he had just fixed and organized becomes a mess... again...

Spike is seen flying through what looks like a string of webs through a dimensional space
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?" Spike yells as he continues falling, his body then glitches out like what happened before as he falls into another portal, we then see what looks like a large building explode with 6 other lights being seen, spike is seen flying through the sky before he hits a strange pole and he sees what looks like the sun and moon going backwards around 7 times.
"I was blown an entire week into the past based on the amount of times the sun and moon went around" Spike says, we then see spike land high on top of a rooftop and he looks around in horror.
"What is this place?" Spike asks as he looks around while putting the coat on to cover himself up from being seen.
"I was not in Equestria anymore that's for sure, you wanna know what comes next, yeah me too!" Spike finishes his narration as Spike is seen looking around some more.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you liked the next chapter, I wanted to give Spike some Unique powers and ability's compared to other spider man that are known to have, I hope you all look forward to more and stay tuned!